D R I V I N G T H E A D D I T I V E M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E V O L U T I O N 2014-2015 THE W.M. KECK CENTER FOR 3D INNOVATION OUR VISION OUR MISSION is a unique multidisciplinary research facility focused on the use and development of Additive Manufacturing technologies with primary focus areas in AM Technology Development, Engineered and Structured Materials, and Advanced AM Applications is for additive manufacturing (AM) technology to revive the US economy through a transformation in the way products are designed and manufactured, taking advantage of distributed manufacturing and 3D multi-function designs enabled by AM. is to lead the AM transformation through multi-disciplinary activites that include education, research, outreach, technology development and commercialization, and industrial partnerships. OUR GOALS 13,000 square foot, state-of-the art facility with over 40 AM machines. Combined facilities for AM/3D Printing; CAD & Design; CNC Machining & Soft Tooling; Reverse Engineering & Metrology; Materials Characterization; Mechanical Testing; Electronics (3D Printed, PCB, and Silicon); Printed Electromagnetics; Polymer Materials Development;Synthetic & Analytical Chemistry; Biofabrication and Cell Culture. 1. Develop strong multi-disciplinary national and international collaborations with other universities, government agencies, and industrial partners as well as strengthen and expand collaborations within UTEP. ver 50 currently involved faculty, staff, students, and researchers with multiple O successful national and international collaborations. 2. he Keck Center is involved in: Education, Research, Outreach, T Technology Development & Commercialization, and Industrial Partnership. Develop broad expertise and expand horizons by engaging new faculty in Center activities. 3. ducate and train undergraduate and graduate E students in AM.Mentor and engage K-12 students, teachers and the public in AM. Everything we do involves Additive Manufacturing. 4. Mentor and engage K-12 students, teachers, and the public in AM. 5. isseminate research results in technical D journals and conference presentations and proceedings. 6. evelop patents and other intellectual property D with licensing opportunities. 7. Increase exposure of UTEP and the Center through invited national and international presentations. 8. erve the needs of inventors, entrepreneurs, S and industry through education and access to expertise and world-class AM facilities. 9. ecome recognized as the premier university B research center in the world focused on AM. 10. E xpand expertise in 3D design, fabrication, and testing; AM materials (ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites); novel processing of materials (AM processes); AM process control; 3D structural electronics; 3D printed electromagnetics; and biomedical applications of AM. 3D STRUCTURAL ELECTRONICS Our research team has been leading the convergence of AM and Direct Printing (DP) technologies over the past decade for the development of 3D Structural Electronics – multi-material, heterogeneous, electronic structures exhibiting non-conventional 3D component placement and conductor routing. These efforts have resulted in numerous publications, patents, and more recently, a spin-off company that is focusing on applications of importance to the aerospace industrty, intelligence community, and national defense. ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Additive Manufacturing (AM) allows us to take a computer-aided design of an object and quickly create a three-dimensional model or mold by precisely building up layers of material. It’s an exciting technology that explores new worlds of research, limited only by the imagination. POLYMER-BASED AM The use of polymers and AM technologies enables the production of parts intended for applications ranging from automobile components to biomedical implants. A wide variety of material systems are available such as ULTEM (a high performance thermoplastic with excellent strength-to-weight ratio) and polyethylene glycol (a biocompatible and potentially biodegradable polymer). Common AM technologies that process polymers include fused deposition modeling (FDM), stereolithography (SL), and laser sintering (LS) – all technologies contained in the Keck Center’s broad collection of AM machines. METAL-BASED AM Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM) of metals refers to a class of AM processes where end-use parts are directly fabricated, usually layer-by layer, from digital data. The DDM technologies that fabricate from powder metal systems hold promise to revolutionize the way we currently fabricate complex metallic components by enabling the design and production of more efficient (faster, stronger, and lighter) and less expensive components. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS CERAMIC-BASED AM The use of ceramics in AM is gaining popularity for their ability to withstand high temperatures and chemical erosion. Ceramics can be used in printed circuit boards, sensors, heaters, transducers, as well as in biomedical applications, such as in the construction of dental and bone implants. Binder jetting technology, one of the Keck Center’s many capabilities, has been studied as a means for building ceramic parts using materials like Barium Titanate IV and Aluminum Oxide. BIOMEDICAL PRINTING APPLICATIONS We are capable of creating three-dimensional anatomical models to aid surgeons and medical researchers. We also study flow characteristics in individualized cardiovascular system models, and we are breaking new ground by creating bioactive “scaffolds” that give engineered tissue a place to live and grow. TISSUE ENGINEERING Bioprinting focuses on manufacturing complex shaped hydrogel constructs (engineered implantable scaffolds) with complex molecular distributions for implantation and tissue engineering of greatly needed organs and tissues. New methods for multi-layer and multi-material manufacturing are also being developed for applications in guided angiogenesis and nerve regeneration. BIOMODELING Biomedical imaging, modeling, and manufacturing develops processes by which accurate and individualized anatomical computer and physical models are created from medical imaging data. Advanced materials and manufacturing techniques are used to accurately simulate the anatomy of, for example, an abdominal aneurysm, a human jaw bone, or even a human brain. ENGINEERED AND STRUCTURED MATERIALS We are investigating ways to improve the materials that are used to create models and prototypes. One of our recent investigations involved adding carbon nanotubes to photocurable resins to see if we can improve the physical properties of the material. Improving resins and other materials will help open the door for new and unique rapidly manufactured functional devices. ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING / 3D PRINTING Arcam Electron Beam Melting Systems A2 System S12 System - High Temperature Stratasys Fused Deposition Modeling Machines Fortus 900mc Fortus 400mc FDM Titan FDM 2000/3000 3D Systems Stereolithography Machines Viper si2 High Resolution Systems SLA 500/5000 SLA 250 Custom Micro-Stereolithography System Objet Polyjet System DTM Selective Laser Sintering System ExOne M-LAB Binder Jetting Printer ZCorp 3D Color Printers Z510 Z810 EnvisionTec DLP System An armada of low-cost desktop 3D printers POLYMER EXTRUSION LAB Dr. Collin ZK 25-T twin screw extruder / compounder with monofilament spooling system Tinius Olsen IT 504 Polymer Impact Tester Brabender GranuGrinder Dri-Air CAFM Micro Dryer Custom strand pelletizer Filastruder desktop extruder FACILITIES CNC MACHINING AND SOFT TOOLING 5-axis Haas Super Mini Mill 2 Mori-Seiki NL2000 lathe with live tooling MCP Vacuum Casting System MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION Hitachi S-4800 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Hitachi TM-1000 Tabletop SEM Hitachi H-9500 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) SEM and TEM specimen preparation equipment and facilities REVERSE ENGINEERING AND METROLOGY SCANCO Micro-CT LDI Laser Scanning System OGP Optical Metrology System MECHANICAL TESTING Instron electromechanical testing machine Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) MTS Landmark Servohydraulic Test System MTS Bionix Servohydraulic Test System SYNTHETIC AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Chemical laboratory furnished with synthesis, measurement, and preparation equipment Sentro Tech 1600°C High Temperature Box Furnace CELL CULTURE [TISSUE ENGINEERING] Labconco Biosafety Cabinet Leica DMIRB Inverted Microscope Leica MZ16 Stereomicroscope Sartorius Water Purification and RO Systems Waterjacket CO2 Incubators A lab like no other in the world with a unique blend of additive manufacturing (AM) equipment and facilities to perform fundamental research allowing for trailblazing discoveries to be made in limitless arenas of science including electronics fabrication, materials science, biology, chemistry, and many more. 3D STRUCTURAL AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS Integrated FDM/DP & SL/DP Systems Dimatix Materials Printer nScrypt Tabletop Microdispense System nScrypt 3Dn-600-HPx Microdispense System KECK CENTER FACULTY ALEJANDRO CUARON DIANA IBARRA JORGE RAMIREZ ALEJANDRO HINOJOS DIEGO MEJORADO FERNANDO CEDILLOS ALFONSO FERNANDEZ ANGEL TORRADO PEREZ EFRAIN AGUILERA LUIS CARLOS BAÑUELOS JOSE GONZALEZ HEIMDALL MENDOZA CARMEN ROCHA JESSICA MONTES CESAR TERRAZAS JONATHAN MINJARES MONICA CADENA UBALDO ROBLES ABRAHAM MEDINA ARMANDO RIVERA CESAR SOTO JOSE CORONEL LLUVIA HERRERA RYAN WICKER, PH.D. P.E. Professor Center Director and Founder ERIC MACDONALD, PH.D. P.E. Associate Professor Center Associate Director DAVID A. ROBERSON, PH.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERING CHIYEN KIM, PH.D. Research Assistant Professor SARA GAYTAN, PH.D. Research Assistant Professor COREY SHEMELYA, PH.D. Research Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING MOHAMMAD HOSSAIN AFFILIATED FACULTY PHILLIP MORTON SHAKERUR RIDWAN STEPHEN PENDELTON STEVEN AMBRIZ KIRALISE SILVA JUAN CARLOS VARGAS JOEL ENGLISH MAX WINTER S TUDENT RESE A R C H ER S DAVID ESPALIN, M.S.M.E. CENTER MANAGER ALEXANDRA COOPER, B.B.A. BUSINESS MANAGER MIREYA PEREZ, M.S.B.M.E. RESEARCH ADMINISTRATOR STAFF KENNETH CHURCH, PH.D. Research Professor DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING KARLA LEYVA NATHANIEL JOHNSTON LAURO PESSOA BARBIERI RODRIGO ENRIQUEZ DANNY W. MUSE, M.S.E.E. COMMERCIALIZATION & ELECTRONICS MANAGER LUIS OCHOA, B.S.M.E. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Recharge Center JORGE MIRELES, M.S.M.M.E. RESEARCH MANAGER MAHESH TONDE, M.S.M.E. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Recharge Center TIPPER RUMPF, PH.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING LAWRENCE MURR, PH.D. P.E. Chair and Professor NAMSOO [PETER] KIM, PH.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERING TZU-LIANG B TSENG, PH.D. Chair and Professor YIRONG LIN, PH.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AMIT LOPES, PH.D. Research Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE CENTER The Keck Center is proud to announce the inaugural issue of its new journal, Additive Manufacturing, which will appear in 2014 in cooperation with Elsevier. This peer-reviewed journal, affiliated with America Makes, will provide academia and industry with high quality research articles and reviews in additive manufacturing. It will cover a wide scope of topics including new technologies, processes, methods, materials, systems, and applications. New submissions are welcome! Developed automated process interruption in SL and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) allowing the in situ integration of other technologies to fabricate custom multi-material, multi-component, and multi-function devices. Will lead a 2.2 million dollar research effort as the result of a grant awarded by America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, through an initiative from President Obama. Researchers will focus on creating an additive manufacturing printing system, or 3D printer, that can fabricate multi-material aerospace components with multi-functional purposes. Partners in this effort include the University of New Mexico, Youngstown State University, Lockheed Martin Corp., Northrop Grumman Corp., rp+m, Inc., and Stratasys, Inc. Developing new materials for FDM with applications in high temperature, high speed electronics, medical-grade implants, composite materials, and materials for electromagnetics. Developed a micro-Stereolithography (micro-SL) machine based on a Texas Instruments Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) that can fabricate unique multiple material structures with an image resolution of ~2 microns. Developed processes for fabricating 3D structural electronics (US Patents 7,419,630 and 7,658,603) in which direct-print micro-dispensing technology has been integrated with SL and FDM. Developed optimized build parameters for Electron Beam Melting (EBM) of different metals and metal alloys including Ti-6Al-4V, cobalt-chrome, Inconel 625, Inconel 718, copper, niobium and TiAl. Extensive microstructural studies have been performed to develop these optimized build parameters. Collaborated with numerous companies, universities, and government agencies on applied research projects ranging from medical devices and custom implants to 3D structural electronic devices such as satellites, UAVs, and wearable sensor systems. HOW WAS THE CENTER ESTABLISHED? The Keck Center was established in 2001 as part of a $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation and was recently expanded to its current 13,000 square feet as a result of funding from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund, the University of Texas System, and Lockheed Martin. ENGINEERING/SCIENCE COMPLEX ENGINEERING BUILDING EXPANSION UTEP LIBRARY PAID PARKING D R I V I N G T H E A D D I T I V E M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E V O L U T I O N 2014-2015
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