the high school, but if this trend changes we should see enrollment stabilize.” Dr. Wenzel moved to approve the Achievement Integration Minnesota (AIM) budget, which outlines spending for the district’s integration revenue for the coming school year. Associate Superintendent Dr. Jinger Gustafson noted that the final budget included minor adjustments from the budget presented at the previous meeting. The percentage of the total budget allocated for student support went from 77 to 78 percent, while the allocation for staff development dropped from 10 percent to 9 percent. These changes fall within state spending guidelines for AIM. The AIM budget for 2014-15 calls for revenues of $5.1 million, down just over $400,000 from the current year. The bulk of the revenue will be spent on a variety of student support programs including specialty schools, student achievement advisors, the AVID college prep program and more. The budget will now be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education. William Fields seconded the motion. Motion carried. Bill Harvey moved to approve a three-year contract with newly selected superintendent David Law, who will succeed retiring superintendent Dennis Carlson July 1. Board Chair Tom Heidemann said the contract is very similar to the current superintendent’s contract. The salary will remain at the current level, $180,000 per year, for all three years of the contract; however, the performance bonus for meeting all board goals will increase from 11 to 15 percent. The contract includes 30 rather than 35 vacation days and no opportunity to accrue vacation. Marci Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried. The School Board approved termination of four continuing contract teachers who have been on leave of absence 12 months or more with a mental or physical disability; none have been able to provide proof of ability to return to work. Identity of those terminated is private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. RESOLUTION PROPOSING IMMEDIATE DISCHARGE OF CONTINUING CONTRACT TEACHERS Pursuant to due call and notice, a regular meeting of the School Board of Anoka-Hennepin Independent School No. 11 was held on the 24th day of March, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. Board Member Heidemann introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the following persons are continuing contract teachers in Anoka-Hennepin School District No. 11, And WHEREAS, for the reasons set forth in Exhibits A, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 11 as follows: 1. That the following continuing contract teachers in Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 11 are immediately terminated pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 122A.40, Subdivision 13. 2. Written notice be sent to the following continuing contract teachers regarding the proposed immediate termination in a form identified and attached as Exhibit A. 3. That each and all the grounds set forth in the notice are within the grounds for the immediate discharge of a continuing contract teacher. 4. Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13 and, therefore, the Superintendent is specifically directed to maintain the private data classification of Exhibit A in accordance with applicable State Law, including the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13. 5. That the written notice attached as Exhibit A shall be signed by the Clerk of the School Board and be served upon the following continuing contract teachers as determined by the Administration of Independent School District No. 11. Name Location Commencement of Leave C.A. LOA 08/29/2011 M.B. LOA 10/24/2011 A.T. LOA 08/03/2012 D.C. LOA 06/11/2012 That the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Board Member Anderson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Anderson, Fields, Harvey, Heidemann and Wenzel and the following voted against: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. The School Board approved two resolutions related to staffing for next year. The first resolution eliminated 108.26 full-time equivalent (FTE) teacher positions. These reductions are due to staffing efficiencies, fluctuations in course registrations at the secondary level, and uncertain federal funding. The reduction list includes a wide variety of positions including elementary classroom teachers, secondary subject area teachers, special education teachers and teachers on special assignment. Those losses will be offset, however, by the addition of 32.46 FTE teacher positions. RESOLUTION DISCONTINUING AND REDUCING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND POSITIONS Member: Heidemann introduced the resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the School Board of Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 11 has directed the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and/or positions, and WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 11 as follows: That the following positions be discontinued effective at the close of the current 2013-14 school year: Certified FTE K-12 FTE Certified FTE K-12 FTE Gr 1-6 6.68 WE/H 0.20 K-12 Art 0.39 SA-Academic Support 15.15 K-12 Music 2.33 SA-Analytics 3.70 Business 1.12 SA-Career-Tech 1.42 Driver’s Ed 0.09 SA-Coach 3.46 English 0.78 SA-Curriculum Integrator 0.25 ESL 10.75 SA-PLC 13.33 Health Careers 1.16 SA-Student Support 7.50 Industrial Tech 1.82 SA-TALS 7.40 Math 9.40 SA-Tech Coordinator 1.00 Reading 1.88 ASD 2.00 Science 2.15 EC/SE 1.81 Social Studies 1.49 MMH/MSH 11.00 Total FTE 108.26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written notice be sent to said teachers regarding termination and nonrenewal of their contracts, as provided by law. That the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Board Member Fields and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor Anderson, Fields, Harvey, Heidemann, and Wenzel and the following voted against: none whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. The second resolution terminated positions of 205.5 FTE probationary teachers because it is not certain at this time if positions will be available for them next year. When staffing needs for the next year have been firmed up, it is likely that some of these teachers will be rehired. RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE TERMINATION AND NON-RENEWAL OF TEACHING CONTRACTS OF PROBATIONARY TEACHERS Member Heidemann introduced the resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, the following persons are probationary teachers in AnokaHennepin Independent School District No. 11, WHEREAS, the financial condition of the school district dictates that the school board must reduce expenditures immediately, and WHEREAS, there has been a reduction in student enrollment and, WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 11 that pursuant to Minnesota Statute §122A.40, Subdivision 5, the teaching contracts of the following probationary teachers in Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 11 are hereby terminated at the close of the current 2013-14 school year. Altena, Chelsey L Johnsville Amundson, Luke M Franklin Anderson, Theresa M BHS Anderson, Rachelle L CBPA Anderson, Stephanie L Jefferson Anderson, Carl E Oxbow Creek Andrews, Arthur P Monroe Anton, Sean H Oxbow Creek Armstrong, Paige M CRHS Arnt, Kristin B K OVMS Arrowsmith, Gabrielle CRMS Bahn, Carrie A AMS-FM Baker, Jeanne M Evergreen Park Bartels, Christopher J S.T.E.P. Basara, Nora L Johnsville Beardsley, Sandra L AMS-WA Beckman, Benjamin D Crossroads Altn High Beekman, Christine K CRHS Bertram, Eric T AMS-FM Bexell, Rebecca M Hamilton Bittner, Sarah C ESC/Lincoln/Wilson Blansette, Shannon J AHS Bondhus, Robin E S.T.E.P. Breyen, Nancy A Morris Bye Brynteson, April M Buchheit, Jennifer Budhabhoy, Shehnaz H Burchill, Alaina M Byron, Allison M Cacek, Theresa A Cain, Cynthia Ann Cain, Carreen A Carlson, Jody C Carlson, Jeremy R Chastanet, Jennifer J Churack, Amy J Cich, Mindy L Cichoski, Timothy J Cofrin, Therese M Colago, Melanie S Dahlin-Jones, Kimberly Darling, Jennifer B Davis, Michelle K DeBoer, Sarah B Deetjen, Taylor N DeLisi Jr, Joseph A DeLong, Tiffany J Diehl, Layna J Dierling, Brandi M Dietz, Kristina R Drahosh, Kathleen M Dusbabek, Sara J Dwyer, Teresa M Edson, Katherine F Ellis, Robert C Enderle, Michael B Erickson, Angela A Fautsch, Kelsey G Fingar, Cathy J Finstad, Jayme L Fogarty, Andrea J Fox, Thomas W Franks, Lisa M French, John K Godfrey, Joan C Godwin, April L Googins, Jamie L Graf, Colleen A Grant, Jamie C Gravink, Ashley S Greer, Lynn B Grone, Lauren R Gruendemann, Rachel P Guzy, Melissa S Haas, Katie L Haider, Angela H Hale, Katlyn C Hallstrom, Allison E Hammer, Lorna D Hanson, Allison M Harper, Jason E Hedman, Nicole A Hedstrom, Alicia N Heidemann, Andrew N Hemmelgarn, Jennifer L Henning-Hobot, Nicole Herold, Kayla M Higueros, Carmen I Hill, Nicole D Hilyar, Tammy R Hoekstra, Nathan D Horowicki, MaryJo F Houle, Cindy K Howe, Melissa M B Hughes, Suzanne E Husfeldt, Amanda J Huso, Curtis C Hyk, Deborah A Iverson, Kyle D Jacobs, Kimberly K Jaworski, Victoria L Jensen, Kathryn E Jensen, Rachel Jeanine Johnson, Sarah N Johnson, Meghan E Johnson, Valerie J Johnson, Rebecca L Johnson-Pencook, Roberta Jopp, Laura K Juncosa, Melissia B Kalsow, Kari L Karlson, Steven R Keleny, Jan E Kittridge, Heather S Klein, Trevor A Kleinbaum, Rose M Klich, Melissa M Klinger, Sarah M Kohlmeyer, Michelle M Koldste, Felicia J Kraemer, Joseph M Kramar, Jessica A Krenz, Laura Margarite Krueger, Rachel M Kurth, Heather K Lagasse, Megan E Larson, Justin T Leab, Marcus R Lecheler, Paige M Lee, Sarah R Lehman, Jennifer M Lempke, Raven R Link, Melissa R Lueck, Nadine Marie Lupo, Natalie A Lyon, Jennifer J Lysne, Karen E Marquardt, Allison P Marrah, Lynne I Mars, Shawn H Martineau, Marie L Masloski, Daniel W Mattis, Anne T McEachern, Kalla R Melland, Tammy C Michealson, Hallie B Miels, Tamara K Mooney, Kelli M Morgan, Charles C Muenchow, Nicole L Myren, Ashley A Nagel, Leah M Nelson, Ryan J Nelson, Kelley A Nelson, Taylor J Nesvold, Ryan M Nicols, Blake A Nissen, Alyssa C Noel, Kristina M Nord, Sheila B Olsen, Angela D Olson, Bailey D Olson, Elizabeth L Oppenheim, Jeffrey B O’Rourke, Stephanie L Orrick, Robert W Packingham, Kathleen Pahl, Amanda S Palmert, Vanessa L Paquin, Mary B Parpart, Brittni M Paulson, Joel R Perovich, Jennifer A Phillips, Michael A Potts, Jill M Premsukh, Yashkumarie Radtke, Wilbert F Raeker, Carol J Rarden, Lori D Reidenbach, Lucas J Compass - Bell Building Madison Eisenhower BHS Sandburg Education Ctr CRHS CPHS Hamilton Evergreen Park NMS Rum River Crossroads Altn High Sorteberg ECC Crossroads Altn High Madison Andover/Hamilton Riverview ECC CRHS University Avenue CRHS Andover/University BHS/NMS Madison Monroe Hamilton Eisenhower AHS NMS Rum River CBPA Andover High Andover High/CPHS Oxbow Creek CRHS RMS AMS-FM Franklin Jefferson Hamilton S.T.E.P. Jefferson CBPA Evergreen Park Jefferson Rum River Hamilton Franklin Andover Rum River Johnsville BHS CRMS AHS Johnsville Johnsville Adams CRHS NMS Hamilton AHS Crooked Lake S.T.E.P. Eisenhower/Mississippi Evergreen Park AMS-FM Jefferson CRHS Oxbow Creek Monroe/Wilson JMS JMS CPHS RMS AHS/BHS JMS/RMS Lincoln RMS Morris Bye NMS Eisenhower JMS Monroe University Avenue Hoover Adams BHS CBPA/Dayton Ramsey CRMS/JMS Sorteberg ECC AMS-FM Eisenhower CRMS RiverTrail Learning Ctr University Avenue ESC-Special Ed Ramsey JMS Eisenhower Hamilton University Avenue NMS Evergreen Park Andover High CRMS/OVMS ESC-Special Ed AHS Epiphany CRMS CRHS University Avenue CRHS Madison CPHS BHS Compass - Bell Building Hamilton Hamilton Andover/Monroe Mc Kinley JMS University Avenue University Avenue Hoover CRHS CPHS Monroe Andover Mississippi Oxbow Creek University Avenue CRHS Franklin/Monroe/Oxbow/Rum River Dayton Eisenhower Andover Evergreen Park Crooked Lake OVMS University Avenue Jefferson S.T.E.P. Ramsey CRHS Andover Sand Creek Evergreen Park RMS NMS CPHS Eisenhower CPHS University Avenue Eisenhower Madison Sandburg Education Ctr Rice, Bethany J Hoover Ridley, Amanda L Adams Rischer, Erin J Pathways-CRFCM Robertson, Elizabeth J CRHS Robinson, Kristi J Johnsville Roen, Rachel M Jefferson Rogge, Kelly M Dayton Rollings, Jaime C Mc Kinley Rubbelke, Mary M Ramsey Rudrud, David B Sand Creek Rustad, Amanda J Sand Creek Sagehorn, Luci T Crossroads Altn High Salmon, Nancy A Oxbow Creek Sandberg, Shannon L ESC-Special Ed Sanders, Lora E ESC Santiago, Johanna C Adams Saylor, Michele A CRMS Schaefle, Colleen C Franklin/Madison Sebald, Steven R CRHS Seevers, Karen J Crooked Lake Sevenz, Emily J Hoover Sik, Sarah M Ramsey Sinkler, Emma K JMS Skog, Barbara R Jefferson Slobodzian, Jessica L Jefferson Sloth, Tammy L Crooked Lake Smith, Andrew J CPHS Smith, Anitrina M Evergreen Park Smith, Jeremy M Mc Kinley Sperl, Michaela J AHS Spry, Leslie A Morris Bye Stauffenecker, Anne E CBPA Stephen, Stephanie G Oxbow Creek Stewart, Amanda J Eisenhower Stickan, Alyssa M Andover Stiyer, April R Rum River Stolee, Rebecca A Evergreen Park Stoltz, Clara R Franklin Strecker, Sarah A Ramsey Tedford, Katie A Evergreen Park Thielsen, Kyle G Lincoln Tilleskjor, Lisa A BHS Topp, Ashley A BHS Torkildson, Kendel E Eisenhower Truesdell, Susan L Jefferson Tvedt, Katie E Monroe Ulstad, Abigail E Adams Vande Kamp, Susan R Johnsville Vegel, Christine C Andover Vinar, Jessica R Sorteberg ECC Vincent, Amanda J CRHS Voigt, Ashlee M Ramsey Vold, Stacey M Johnsville Voss, Jamie S CPHS Wagenfeld, Hilary D CRMS Walker, Linda G Madison Warwick, Laura M OVMS Weber, Robin S University Avenue Weigman, David A S.T.E.P. Weisser, Jenna L University Avenue Welsh, Katherine G AHS/CPHS Westrom, Kristy N Eisenhower Wills, Naomi J Andover Wisner, Mollie E University Avenue Woeltge, Amber L AMS-FM Wolpinsky, Robin A Sandburg Education Ctr Wulf, Richard P AHS Wulf, Ronda J University Avenue Wymore, Kirstin M BHS Yatckoske, Jacob L Eisenhower/Sandburg Zahler, Bradley D AHS/BHS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written notice be sent to said teachers regarding termination and nonrenewal of their contracts, as provided by law. That the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Board Member Harvey and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor Anderson, Fields, Harvey, Heidemann and Wenzel and the following voted against: none whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Kriewall also presented a list of long-term substitute teachers and reemployed, retired teachers and others whose positions are self-terminating at the end of the year. BOARD CORRESPONDENCE & COMMUNICATIONS Bill Harvey appreciated Superintendent Carlson asking David Law to attend the Schools for Equity in Education (SEE) meeting. Chair Heidemann proposed under Minnesota State Law 13D.03 sub 1 that they move into a closed session to deal with matters of labor negotiations and that will take place after a closed session on matters of data privacy. The closed session will be held in the Michael Sullivan room 317. Tom Heidemann moved, William Fields seconded the motion to go into closed sessions. Motion carried. Chair Tom Heidemann recessed the meeting at 7:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened in closed session at 7:48 p.m. to discuss matters requiring data privacy. Marci Anderson moved and Bill Harvey seconded the motion to expel student number one for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on September 2, 2014, pending successful completion of a chemical dependency program. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. Tom Heidemann moved Marci Anderson seconded the motion to expel student number two for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on September 2, 2014, pending successful completion of a chemical dependency program. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. Bill Harvey moved and William Fields seconded the motion to expel student number three for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on September 2, 2014, pending successful completion of a chemical dependency program. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. Marci Anderson moved and William Fields seconded the motion to expel student number four for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on December 2, 2014. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. Bill Harvey moved and Marci Anderson seconded the motion to expel student number five for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on December 2, 2014. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. William Fields moved and Marci Anderson seconded the motion to expel student number six for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on December 2, 2014. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. Marci Anderson moved and Bill Harvey seconded the motion to expel student number seven for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on September 2, 2014, pending completion of a chemical dependency evaluation. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. William Fields moved and Tom Heidemann seconded the motion to expel student number eight for one year, the student being allowed to return on probation on September 2, 2014, pending successful completion of a chemical dependency program. Dr. Scott Wenzel called the roll. The following voted in favor of the motion: Tom Heidemann, Marci Anderson, Bill Harvey, William Fields, and Dr. Scott Wenzel. There being five votes for and no votes against the motion, the motion passed. Chair Heidemann recessed the meeting at 8:42 p.m. The meeting reconvened in closed session at 8:55 p.m. to discuss matters requiring negotiations. Chair Heidemann recessed the meeting at 10:45 p.m. Bill Harvey moved and William Fields seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Published in the Anoka County UnionHerald April 18, 2014 - 206537, 206677
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