INF 555

INF 555
Geometric Modeling: Digital Representation
and Analysis of Shapes
•  Practical Information
•  Introduction to the course
•  Actual content:
•  Transformations, Homogeneous Coordinates, Projective Geometry
•  Curve design – Lagrange interpolation, Cubic Splines
Practical Information
•  Instructors:
Maks Ovsjanikov
Luca Castelli-Aleardi
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bureau 2031 (2nd floor)
Bâtiment Turing
Bureau 2032 (2nd floor)
Bâtiment Turing
Practical Information
•  9 Lectures and Practical Sessions (TD)
Lectures: Tuesdays 13:30 – 15:30
TD’s: Tuesdays 15:45 – 17:45
•  Final Exam: Project Presentations
December 2nd – 5th
Research Project: Implementation + Presentation +
Short report (~4 – 6 pages)
Practical Information
Course Structure:
•  9 Lectures and Practical Sessions (TD)
Lectures: Tuesdays 13:30 – 15:00
TD’s: Tuesdays 15:15 – 17:15
•  Final Exam: Project Presentations
December 2nd – 5th
TD’s: 20% - Project: 50% - Quizzes: 30%
Practical Information
Late Policy:
•  Each TD assignment is due 2 weeks after class.
•  You can skip any 1 assignment.
•  For every extra late day you lose 20 points (out of 100).
•  You can collaborate but write your own code
(changing variable names doesn’t count).
•  No late days on quizzes and final project.
Introduction to the course
What is geometric modeling?
•  Broad Goals:
To create mathematical models and practical tools for digital
representation and manipulation of 2D/3D shapes.
Why Geometric Modeling?
•  Modern manufacturing pipeline: e.g. Dassault Falcon 7X
Computer model
Why Geometric Modeling?
•  Modern manufacturing pipeline: e.g. Dassault Falcon 7X
Computer model
80% of
the time
What is Digitally Modeled?
•  Everything!
What is Digitally Modeled?
•  And more!
3d Cinema and Animation
What is Digitally Modeled?
•  And more!
Biological and
Medical Data
Geological Data
Why Geometric Modeling?
•  A digital model allows easy manipulation.
•  Digital simulation is much cheaper.
•  Model optimization and repair is possible.
•  Comparison across models.
•  Creation of new models from other ones is easy.
Why Geometric Modeling Now?
3d printers are becoming
widely available
If you can model an object,
you can create it at home.
Why Geometric Modeling Now?
3d printers are becoming
widely available
If you can model an object,
you can create it at home.
Why Geometric Modeling Now?
Our ability to digitally model
directly affects the world we live in.
What are we going to learn?
We proceed by increasing dimension:
•  0D: Points and their Transformations
•  Projective Geometry and Homogeneous Coordinates – Today
•  1D: Modeling Curves
•  Parametric curves, polynomials, spline interpolation
•  Implicit curves, subdivision methods
What are we going to learn?
We proceed by increasing dimension:
•  2D / 3D: Surfaces
•  Triangle Meshes and NURBS surfaces
•  Subdivision surfaces
What are we going to learn?
We proceed by increasing dimension:
•  2D / 3D: Point Clouds
•  Analysis and cleanup – e.g. normal estimation
•  Reconstruction
What are we going to learn?
We proceed by increasing dimension:
•  2D / 3D: Shape Processing and Analysis
•  Segmentation, Simplification
•  Smoothing
What are we going to learn?
We proceed by increasing dimension:
•  2D / 3D: Shape Matching
•  Rigid vs. Non-Rigid
What are we going to learn?
We proceed by increasing dimension:
•  2D / 3D: Shape Processing
•  Deformation, Interpolation , Parametrization , Search