CV - Université de Rennes 1 - Pages personnelles professionnelles

Camille HORBEZ
Institut de Recherche Mathématique de
Rennes (IRMAR)
263 Avenue du Général Leclerc, Bât. 22
Born on 09/06/1990
35042 Rennes Cedex
French citizenship
Tel. : +33223236632
camille.horbez "at"
PhD thesis at the University of Rennes 1, defended on 12/09/2014, advisor:
Vincent Guirardel
Random walks on Out(FN ) and automorphism groups of free products
École Normale Supérieure, Paris - Third year
Second year of master in mathematics, Université Paris XI - Summa cum laude
Master thesis:
Sphere paths in outer space,
advisor: Karen Vogtmann
Aug. - Dec. 2011
Master thesis at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, advisor: Karen Vogtmann
École Normale Supérieure, Paris - Second year
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris - First year
Licence and Master 1 in mathematics, Université Paris VII - Summa cum laude
First year master thesis:
On the group of outer automorphisms of a free group,
advisor: Frédéric Paulin
The Tits alternative for the automorphism group of a free product,
Hyperbolic graphs for free products, and the Gromov boundary of the graph of cyclic splittings,
arXiv:1408.0546 (2014)
arXiv:1408.0544 (2014)
The boundary of the outer space of a free product,
arXiv:1408.0543 (2014)
The horoboundary of outer space, and growth under random products of automorphisms, arXiv:1407.3608
Automorphisms of graphs of cyclic splittings of FN
The Poisson boundary of Out(FN ),
Spectral rigidity for primitive elements of FN ,
(with R.D. Wade), arXiv:1406.6711 (2014)
arXiv:1405.7398 (2014)
arXiv:1405.4624 (2014)
A short proof of Handel and Mosher's alternative for subgroups of Out(FN ),
to appear in Groups
Geom. Dyn.
The hyperbolicity of the sphere complex via surgery paths
angew. Math.
(with A. Hilion), to appear in J. reine
Published paper
Sphere paths in outer space,
Alg. Geom. Topol.
12(4)(2012), 2493-2517.
Talks at international conferences
July 2015: Luminy, CIRM, "Impacts of geometric group theory"
June 2015: Dubrovnik VIII - Geometric Topology, Geometric Group Theory and Dynamical Systems
Past talks
27/10/2014 - 31/10/2014 : Carcassonne, Final meeting of the ANR LAM,
walks on Out(FN ) and subgroups of automorphism groups of free products"
University of Rennes 1, Conference on "Geometric, dynamical and combinatorial
aspects of innite groups",
Horoboundary of outer space, and growth under random automorphisms
University of Aix-Marseille, Research programme "The geometry of outer space :
investigated through its analogy with Teichmueller space",
via surgery paths
Mini-course: "Random
The hyperbolicity of the sphere complex
06/05/2013: Oberwolfach, Workshop "Geometric structures in group theory",
the sphere complex via surgery paths
11/20/2012-11/22/2012: Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona,
of the sphere complex via surgery paths"
The hyperbolicity of
Mini-course "The hyperbolicity
Seminar talks
03/24/2015: University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Geometry and Topology Seminar
03/05/2015: University of Nantes, Topology, Geometry and Algebra Seminar
02/19/2015: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Geometry, Groups and Dynamics / GEAR
02/11/2015: McGill University, Montréal, "Geometric Group Theory" Seminar
02/03/2015: Freie Universität Berlin, Research seminar "Geometrie und Topologie"
01/27/2015: Universität Wien, Research seminar "Geometry and Analysis on Groups"
01/23/2015: University of Aix-Marseille, "Le Teich" Seminar
01/19/2015: University of Paris VI, "Algebraic Analysis" Seminar
01/08/2015: University of Paris XI, Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar
Past seminar talks
10/02/2014 :
Grenoble, Fourier Institute, "Geometry and Spectral theory" Seminar,
alternative for the automorphism group of a free product
University of Geneva, Groups and Geometry Seminar,
space and growth under random automorphisms
09/22/2014: University of Strasbourg, GT3 Seminar,
group of a free product
09/19/2014: University of Montpellier 2, Darboux Seminar,
The Tits alternative for the automor-
05/27/2014: University of Caen, Algebra and Geometry Seminar,
02/12/2014: University of Rennes 1, Geometry Seminar,
11/18/2013: University of Rennes 1, Ergodic Theory Seminar,
06/10/2013: Universität Münster, Oberseminar Topologie,
via surgery paths
03/22/2013: University of Aix-Marseille, "Le Teich" Seminar,
The horoboundary of Outer space
The hyperbolicity of the sphere complex
Horoboundary and random
The hyperbolicity of the sphere complex
The horoboundary of Outer space
05/23/2014: University of Paris XI, Geometric Group Theory Workshop,
walks on Out(FN )
The horoboundary of outer
The Tits alternative for the automorphism
phism group of a free product
The Tits
The hyperbolicity of the sphere com-
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Oberseminar Dierentialgeometrie,
Surgery paths in some Out(Fn )-complexes
03/23/2012: University of Aix-Marseille, "Le Teich" Seminar,
of outer space
Quasi-geodesics in the sphere model
12/06/2011: Cornell University, Topology and Geometric Group Theory Seminar,
outer space
Sphere paths in
Other talks
10/10/2013: University of Rennes 1, Journées Louis Antoine,
nential map
o-minimal structures and the expo-
Conferences attended
July 2015: "Impacts of geometric group theory", CIRM, Luminy
June 2015 : Dubrovnik VIII - Geometric Topology, Geometric Group Theory and Dynamical Systems
May - June 2015 : Thematic Program on Boundaries and Dynamics, Mini-course and Conference,
Notre Dame (USA)
January 2015 : Young Geometric Group Theory IV, Spa (Belgium)
Past conferences
June 2014: Conference on "Geometric, dynamical and combinatorial aspects of innite groups",
University of Rennes 1
March 2014: Asymptotic properties of groups, IHP, Paris
January 2014: Random walks on groups, IHP, Paris
January 2014:
January 2014: Introductory school for the IHP trimester on random walks and asymptotic geometry
Young Geometric Group Theory Meeting, CIRM, Luminy
of groups, CIRM, Luminy
June-July 2013: Summer school and research program "The geometry of outer space: investigated
through its analogy with Teichmueller space", University of Aix-Marseille
June 2013: Workshop "Geometric structures in group theory", Oberwolfach
February 2013: Young Geometric Group Theory II, Technion, Haifa
November 2012: Conference on Automorphisms of free groups : Algorithms, Geometry and Dynamics, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona
July 2012: Summer school Geometric group theory, Park City Mathematics Institute, Utah
June 2012: Summer school and conference Topology and groups, Berlin
January-March 2012: Program on Geometry and analysis of surface group representations, IHP,
January 2012: Winter school Introductory Workshop to Geometry and Analysis of Surface Group
Representations, Autrans
September 2011: 1072nd meeting of the AMS, Cornell University, Ithaca, Special session on Geometry of Arithmetic Groups
June-July 2011: Program on "Geometric and measured group theory", IHP, Paris
April 2011: An invitation to von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory of group actions, CIRM,
Exercise sessions at the University of Rennes 1 for the courses:
"Linear algebra 2" (2
"Geometry in small dimension" (1
"Mathematics: analysis" (1
-year math students)
-year math students)
-year biology students)
June 2013
Participation in training sessions for high school students in Rennes
Participation in training sessions for high school students in Paris
French (native), English (TOEFL 116), German