Ge。metric ech。 。f a pureーy ge。metric spin qubit in diam。nd

Geometric echo of a purゃ ly geometric spin qubitin diamond
Yuhei Sekittuchi,Yusuke Komura,Shota Mishima,Touta Tanaka,Naeko Nllkura
and Hideo Kosaka
乃 筋 んαttα 」
οれ冴 助 ルタ浴 ブ
づ 抑 筋wα 筋 ち rrO冴 θgヮ α,乃 ゎ 乃αttα 2イ θ-8jθ F,乃 ″ 乃
An electron spin can be a purcly gcometric qubit that has exclusively a geometric phase、 vhen
the systenl is degenerate.In contrast that the conventional dynattlic qubit requires an energy
gap to be controlled,geomctric qubit does not in principlco Wc hcrc show the geometric phase
control of a purely geometric qubit in a degenerate sllbspace of a V― type spin l clectronic
system of a nitrogen vacancy center in diamond under zero lnagnctic fleld[1].The zero口
split state serves as an ancillary state to interact with a contro■ ing microwave(Fig。 (の ).The
degenerate qubit operation is achieved by changing the geometric phasc of the Hlicrowave一
deaned bright state whlle leaving tlle dark state unchanged[2].We demOnstrate geometric
spin echo to rё covcr thc geomctric spin coherence attcr 100 til■ es ofthe free induction dccay
(Fig.(b)).Dependence ofthc ccho signal on the axial magnctic flcld indicates that correlation
betwecn spin bath is the mttor decOherence source and minimized under zero magnctic neld.
1lved lncmory.The
The demonstration reveals the importance ofthe spin degeneracy for long‐
degenerate geometric qubit is not only resilient to environmental noise but also robust against
control error and free from dynalmic phase locking.
一ュこ と一
りEけど 5 庄
Dark state
C コL
Bright state
Totalfree evolutlon ttme(Ps)
The energy level diagral■ of a groLllld State 91ectron spin system in an■ lV center in diamond.
Inset illustrates the geometric spin bit― nip operation in degenerate space as a result of27E rOtation from
Fig。 (の
tlle brigllt state lB〉 thrOugh the ancllla state O〉
。(b)Geometric spin free induction decay(Ralnsey
interference)and geOmetric spin echo.Inset shows refocused echo sigllal ater 70μ s offree evolLltlon.
[1]H.Kosaka and N.Nlikura,Entangled absorption of a single photon with a single spin in diamond.
PめS,沢 タツ.Zθ ″.114,053603(2015).
[2]H.Kosaka ctt
state tomograptt of optically上
Jected electrons in a semiconductor.ハ吻
SpinTech VIII
Posters B