NETDAS™ NVC-2 2916 16 6-Channe el, High-D Density Voltage Co onditione er Module e FEATUR RES Use of U.S. DoD imagery does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. • 16 cha annels of differrential analog g signal condittioning for device es such as volttage source es or potentiom meters • Each channel c suppo orts inputs up to 10 1 Vp-p • Includes constant vo oltage excita ation source th at provid des 2 to 10 Vp-pp at 30 mA A per channel • Module su upports Z-CAL L, N-CAL, tra ansducer offse et, amplifier o offset and manual offfset • Supports s simultaneous sample and hold functio on on nnel basis a per chan • Each channel c has in ndependent and a user-selec ctable gain and offfset settings Te elemetry-Eas st • Programm mable settings allow for to otal gain from 1 up to 102 24 • Fully progrrammable by L L-3’s Vista TEC™ AIRB BORNE TEL LEMETRY P PRODUCTS NETDAS™ NVC-2 2916 16 6-Channe el, High-D Density Voltage Co onditione er Module e OV VERVIEW Thiis signal condiitioning module monitors up p to 16 differen ntial analog inp puts from devic ces, such as v voltage sou urces and pote entiometers, generating g converted digital output in 16 u nique words. The module d design utillizes specialize ed Digital Sign nal Processing (DSP) filtering g concepts tha at provide perfformance similar to trad ditional analog g-based implementations, while w requiring significantly fe ewer electroni c components s. The end d result is grea ater channel density, at a low wer cost per channel, withou ut sacrificing f unctionality. Eac ch channel has s an input mulltiplexer used to t select betw ween one of thrree sources: e external sensorr, ground for Zero Calibratiion (Z-CAL), orr a programma able Digital-to--Analog Conve erter (DAC) forr Numerical Ca alibration (N--CAL). The mu ultiplexer’s outtput is fed to a programmable gain stage ssupporting a to otal gain betw ween 1 and d 1024. The amplified signa al is then passe ed through an anti-aliasing ffilter, followed by an Analog--toDig gital Converterr (ADC) operating at a rate off 390.625 ksps s and feeding tthe DSP filter. To minimize dis stortion (≤ 72 dB) d induced by y the frame sam mpling, the da ata is up-samp pled from 390.6 625 kHz to 50 MHz. The e NVC-2916 fe eatures a progrrammable con nstant voltage excitation sou urce that provides 2 to 10 Vpp-p at 30 mA per chann nel. Each chan nnel provides a number of ca alibration and balance featu ures to facilitate pro ogramming and d checkout: Z--CAL, N-CAL, transducer offfset, amplifier offset and ma anual offset. The e NVC-2916 allows the user to enable an operating o mod de called simulltaneous samp ple and hold, w which pro ovides phase correlation c bettween all simila arly configured d analog chan nels within the e entire Data Acq quisition Unit (DAU), ( or withiin a complete synchronized NetDAS™ systtem. All features of the e NVC-2916 arre supported by b L-3 TE’s Vis sta TEC™ softw ware, which inc cludes an ope erational che eckout feature e that provides s automated te esting of all channels to com mpare data received and aga ainst user spe ecified targets s. Te elemetry-Eas st AIRB BORNE TEL LEMETRY P RODUCTS NETDAS™ NVC-2 2916 16 6-Channe el, High-D Density Voltage Co onditione er Module e SP PECIFICATIIONS INPUT ull Scale (FS) Range Fu 10 Vp-p / gain Inp put Impedance 10 MΩ nominal Ov ver-Voltage Prottection ± 40 V with w latch-up prrotection AIN GA Se electable Gain Program mmable gain fro om 1 to 1024, ga ain of 1 is 10 Vp--p Ac ccuracy ± 0.5 % Stability ± 0.75 % of selected va alue, including e effects of excitattion drift Lin nearity ± 0.1 % Best Straight Line L (BSL) FFSET OF Ch hannel Offset Stability ± 0.5 % FS over tempe erature Re eference to Outp put (RTO) Offfset Capability ± 50 % of FS range (offset performed p in fie eld-programmab ble gate array (FP PGA) before filte ering) Ou utput / Channel Offset Stability ± 0.5 % FS over tempe erature DIGITAL FILTER Prrogrammable 3 dB d Cu utoff Frequency (Fc) FC = 10 0 Hz to 8.014 kH Hz Spacing g of selectable cutoffs: c 12 % FC Fu ull Passband (FP PB) Defined FPB = 0.6144 0 x FC (i.e., FPB is program mmable as 6.144 4 Hz to 5 kHz) Intter-Channel Corrrelation ± 2 deg grees, DC to Pas ssband (between n channels conffigured for the same FC) Stopband > 2.5 x FC @ 40 dB minimum Am mplitude Respon nse Flat witthin ± 0.5 % from m DC to FPB forr FC < 5 kHz +0.5 % / -1 % for FC > 5 kHz -3 ± ½ dB d at FC Fillter Type 6-pole, low-pass Butte erworth Infinite Im mpulse Responsse (IIR) filter Ou utput Rate 50 Msp ps AD DC Sample Rate e 50 MHz z / 128 = 390.625 5 ksps EX XCITATION Nu umber of Dual Excitation Supplies 16 Ra ange (limit in Vis sta TEC) Dual tra acking, positive and negative su upplies Individu ually programma able from 1 V to o5V ~229 μV V per step in 16--bit system Ac ccuracy ± 0.5 % Lo oad Regulation ± 0.5 % from 1 kΩ load d to full load of 3 30 mA, 2 to 10 Vp-p Cu urrent Limit Betwee en 40 to 75 mA OU UTPUT 16 6-bit Conversion n The cha annel output is converted c to a 1 16-bit word, either straight s binary or 2s complemen nt Note: Full-scale F signal is converted intto 15 bits, with rremaining bit use ed to accomm modate offset Will sup pport either com mmon word size or extended rea ad mode Te elemetry-Eas st AIRB BORNE TEL LEMETRY P PRODUCTS NETDAS™ NVC-2 2916 16 6-Channe el, High-D Density Voltage Co onditione er Module e NettDAS NVC-2916 6 BLOCK DIAGR RAM L-3 Telemetry y-East 1515 Grundy’s La ane Bristol, PA 19007 7 Tel: 267.545.7000 0 Fax: 267.545.010 00 Email: sales.te@L m/te This s technical data an nd software is con nsidered as Techno ology Software Pu ublicly Available (T TSPA) No License R Required (NLR) as s defined in Exportt Administration Reg gulations (EAR) Pa art 734.7-11. Data, including specifications, contained within this docum ment are summary in nature and subjject to change at a any time without notiice at L-3 Communications’ discretio on. Call for latest revision. r All brand names and produ uct names referenc ced are trademark ks, registered trade emarks, or trade nam mes of their respec ctive holders. Rev v 4/14 Te elemetry-Eas st AIRB BORNE TEL LEMETRY P PRODUCTS
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