Information Sharing Board - Minute Time/ Date: 10:30 – 14:30, 2 May 2014 Location: Scottish Health Service Centre, Edinburgh Murdoch Carberry (Chair) John Barrett Paul Leak Moray Easdale Ian Hanna Simon Haston Johan Nolan Kay Brown Blythe Robertson Moira Mackenzie Alan Small John Sturgeon Eddie Turnbull Karen Young Andy Robertson Jane Ankori Jon Harris Paul Dowie Gary Johnston Grant Cunningham Jackie Stephen Alasdair Paterson Douglas Griffin Tabitha Stringer Torfinn Thorbjornsen Renfrewshire Council NHS Ayrshire & Arran SG Integration & Reshaping Care NHS Tayside NHS Tayside Improvement Service SG eHealth South Lanarkshire Council SG eHealth NHS24 SG Children & Families NHS Lothian SG eHealth NHS NSS NHS NSS Alliance NHS Western Isles Improvement Service SG eHealth ISB Co-ordinator NHS Borders Scottish Borders Council NHS GGC SG, DPS NHS Fife Apologies - Martin Low, Alison Taylor, John Butcher, Jenny Bodie, Peter Tolland, Boyd McAdam 1. Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes were agreed. ACTION - Simon Haston will share the Renfrewshire Case Study 2. Myaccount presentation My Account – Paul Dowie gave a presentation, attached. Scottish Government policy on sign-in and verification has now been published. My account is now undergoing a soft re-launch. Legislation is in the pipeline to extend its use to central government by April next year. 1 Information Sharing Board - Minute Paul explained that only the minimum data necessary to identify the user is shared aim is to positively identify an individual without the use of persistent identifiers. Tabitha added that work is being done to assess and agree how local authorities and NHS levels of assurance map UK wide. myaccount_slides_fo r_info_sharing_board_presentation_v2.ppt 3. Routine Collection to Support Health and Social and Social Care Strategic Planning and Commissioning Paul Leak gave a presentation, attached. He explained that integration documents are co-produced by local authority / NHS partnerships. Of the 2 options offered, option 2 – integrated joint Boards is proving most popular. Eddie Turnbull is keen to know who will pay for the integration systems / linked data sets. Paul explained that the platform is initially government funded but ultimately costs will transfer to partnerships. Most partnerships are choosing to include children’s services as well as the statutory adult services and Alan Small suggested a conversation with Better Life Chances Unit team would be prudent. ACTION - SG Integration & Reshaping Care and Better Life Chances Unit to discuss implications John Sturgeon noted that there are many streams of work underway that all include indexing and matching services and the possibility of re-use should be explored. Andy Robertson explained that NSS have some involvement in many of these and the playing field is not as disjointed as it may look. Douglas Griffin said that although there are many potential uses we need to be clear what the initial uses will be. Paul explained that as this partnership led, it is for them to decide on uses. Information Sharing Board.ppt 4) Context Issues Public Services (Joint Working) Scotland Bill The regulations proposed will be very light weight - no more than that there should be agreement and procedures set out. Consultation is on-going. GIRFEC Update The Act gained assent on 27 March. Alan Small explained that Part 3, children’s service planning includes an implied information sharing requirement and prescribes 2 Information Sharing Board - Minute a minimum shared data set. Currently encouraging services to be prepared for this requirement being made Statutory in 2016, including arranging a basic DPA principles workshop office with the ICO’s office. John Sturgeon asked for details on when the timeline and dataset will be published, Alan will circulate but noted that changes are likely as a consequence of the consultation ACTION – Alan Small to circulate timeline Digital Services Strategy Tabitha Stringer informed the Board that The strategy is now published – she’ll send links to the consultation; A policy on use of the cloud is being drafted; DPS roadshows are being held in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Inverness; An ICT skills gap survey is going to all the public service; ACTION – Tabitha Stringer to circulate link to consultations 5) Governance Groups Data Management Board Tabitha Stringer informed the Board that – Action plan is out for consultation; Commitment to open data; Privacy Principles are being updated to include use for research; Encouraging collaboration with innovation centres; Blythe Robertson and Tabitha collaborating on tracking benefits Local Government ICT Board Recent focus has been on ensuring local government makes best use of SWAN. Work is underway on reference architecture and so far 11 local authorities are signed up. eHealth Strategy Board Eddie Turnbull informed the Board that – the Health Informatics Research Advisory Group vision has now been published - Strategic Board have been consulted on the development of the eHealth information sharing strategic framework document ; Daniel Beaumont presented proposals for simplifying the information governance landscape; The CHI service update paper was endorsed – business case is now being prepared 3 Information Sharing Board - Minute 6. Strategic Framework Blythe Robertson explained that – The Strategic Framework was aired at the eHealth Strategic Board; 30 responses received to the consultation, now carrying out detailed follow up; good response from the third sector; roundtables being set up with both the third and independent sectors; Bettina Sizeland met with Stephen Moore and Charlie Anderson, looking for some quick wins to help make things more tangible; Now content that the document is on the right track and starting the process of making things real for people. 7) Future Technologies and Infrastructure Information Sharing Framework Commission Iain Hanna and Moray Easdale explained the purpose of the Framework and explained their proposals – detailed in the attached presentation. Iain Hannah explained that there are four deliverables in the commission Information Sharing Principles; Information Sharing Standards Process; Information Sharing Exchange; Information Sharing Architecture Vision. Information Sharing Principles The principles were circulated to the Board in preparation for the meeting. These were previously presented to the Board in February 2014. Comments were received and incorporated into the latest version. The Board agreed to accept these principles. Information Sharing Standards Process This deliverable suggested a process of adopting, agreeing and managing the information sharing standards. Jackie Stephen suggested that the Board needed to understand more about the level of assurance the customers wanted and the Board agreed that this should be captured within the information sharing requirements survey. Information Sharing Exchange This deliverable offered an outline of the structure of an information sharing repository and included details of what services may be required to deliver and maintain the repository. Johan Nolan advised the Board that this deliverable would be used as the basis of an engagement with service providers to understand the costs associated with the delivery and maintenance of this service. In addition, the 4 Information Sharing Board - Minute proposed information sharing requirements survey would capture more details of who would use the repository, what information should be available in the exchange and how regularly they would access this information. Information Sharing Architecture Vision Moray Easdale presented on this deliverable and copies were circulated in advance of the meeting. This deliverable outline the concept of an Information Sharing Architecture Vision. Kay Brown supported the concept of the Vision and advised that the hub approach was the right way to go. John Barratt advised that the Ayrshire partnership were comfortable with the concept and that it supported their partnership’s information sharing needs. He suggested that the architecture vision could explore information sharing beyond personal information sharing, and it was agreed that this should be considered within the roadmap development. Alan Small suggested that matching activity would need to be real-time and in order to realise the vision, the matching solution within the architecture would need to cater for this. Andy Robertson suggested that the Vision is viable as it doesn’t rely on data stores. Jackie Stephen suggested that the consultation process would be key to establishing the extent of support for the Vision, and that communications would need to be clear to avoid any association with the National eCare Framework. It was agreed that there should be wider consultation on the proposals.. Douglas Griffin suggested that the Information Sharing Board should offer a statement in support of the Information Sharing Architecture framework deliverables. He also suggested that it would be useful to illustrate how this could work using a fictitious partnership case study. Johan Nolan advised that this activity was planned for the Summer and further information in support of the Vision would be presented to the ISB in August. IAF_Deliverables_fin al_ISB_April.ppt Interoperability Working Group Written updates were provided. The Board approved the allocation of £15,534 to NSS for the delivery of the IWGs Data Standards Catalogue. SEEMiS ISB have agreed to work with SEEMiS to develop its information sharing requirements (mainly in support of GiRFEC). A project board will be established to 5 Information Sharing Board - Minute drive the development of the application and its information sharing capabilities. The project is broken down into three phases a) Co-ordination of business requirements, overall project management and communication with stakeholders/ SEEMiS and business users; b) Development of the SEEMiS application to meet business requirements for GiRFEC; c) Extension of the SEEMiS SLIDE to incorporate additional information sharing requirements. The project scope is wider than the Information Sharing Requirements, therefore the ISB will work with key stakeholders to identify opportunities for joint funding. Alan Small is confident that GIRFEC will provide funding in 14 / 15. The Board approved a payment of £38,000 to Glasgow City Council to fund a project manager who will support the development phase and conduct roadshows with all 32 local authorities and their information sharing partners. They have identified Lesley Mortimer as the best fit for this role – she is experienced and well respected. NISG Activities Andy Robertson gave the presentation attached below. He confirmed that the final eCare servers were decommissioned in March and PSNA have been formally notified that eCare are no longer utilising secure GSi line. Assets previously part of eCare are available to be re-used but no re-use has been made as yet. is going through the process of PSN accreditation. Several vulnerabilities have been highlighted and resolutions are being considered. Potential options are detailed in the presentation – considerable costs attached to both. In the meantime discussions with Cabinet Office continue – relationship is currently very good and there is no imminent risk of disconnection. Eddie Turnbull reminded the Board that it’s responsibility for maintain Edison connectivity is short term and purely as a result of the Edison application sharing eCare connectivity. The longer term solution is the responsibility of the business area. John Sturgeon said that may be merit in looking at other types of solutions – maybe in the same way the N3 access was obtained for optometrists. ISB - May 2014 - NSS IT EDISON Presentation inc financialsv2.ppt 8) Budget Update 6 Information Sharing Board - Minute A 2013/14 end year statement and 14 /15 budget proposal were circulated. Grant Cunningham has been meeting with partnerships for an update on progress regarding their ISB funded projects. 14/15 funding will be released when these reports have been assessed. To minimise any potential delay, Partnerships are encouraged to submit a progress update if they have not already done so. 9) Relationship Manager Update This was circulated. 7
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