VESPER 38 Miles to Grandpa's House — by Bicycle A couple of weary young travelers rolled into Tuii> last utvk after a seven-hour, thirty-eight mile bicycle trip Monday. Jul\ 15, Michael and Royce Allen, a*;os 11 ami 14, decided '.hat they wanted to visa then grandparents. Mr and Mr-s II B Alien at 16 Warren street Their parents Mr and Mrs Royce Y.'-'n, Sr o! i 'a-..istuta were a little dubious when the Ixn-s told them :hes wanted to nuke the trip on bicycles but when the youngster* sani they had a 1 read} packed 'he> relented H >y< e an I Mu hat began then sojourn fr :m their home ahoui six miles '• i - >ui at 7 15 The-\ : th« miles meters is the\ rolle : alum: at an average s* ' ahtnii !•'. • .r: • a h:?'1 n •.<•> an • h i ••.••• Wi " " had !>" ''"• h*'!'( father u a v ' •ca LSO '•'•' S< ' • ' MiChile! u ith our We t » k >i me small back roads, and some bigger ones" his brother added The da\ <M the journey dawned to • and overcast, with temperatures n ling to the high eighties. But the brave travelers were undaunted b> the heat, even when they had to climb oil their bikes aixl push them he many hills along the wa> \ major adventure >»f the trip A.O when the brothers sighted what the} decided was a baby shrew en the road it was small and black and it looked like mouse but li had a long n >se " they told their (parents afterw; Vfier what probably seemed like j " i endless amount of pedrtling a:1 J a five minute break for sandwiches Michael and Royce arrive.! at their grandparents' hvrme about I wasn't tired " said Royce. ho' Warm baths and slices wati • on soon remedied tha situation ark) the boys were if! again : • plav with some of the • tsters in their grandparents neighborhood. The boys live in an isolated section outside of Canastoia, explained their grandfather "They don't have many children their own age to play with." Michael and Royce do have four younger brothers and sisters, ranging in age from 13 lo one anil a half •The rest of the children wanted to come with us." Royce said. "But our parents didn't think that was a good i d e a " Royce and Michael departed Tuesday after a week's stay at their grandparents' home Of course they made the return trip by bicycle "We never cease to be amazed at the energy and stamina of those y o u n g s t e r s " iheir grandfather laughed Douglas Wheeler Awarded Rating PRODUCES HIGH RECORD LS designed to provide the .Army EnPETERBOROUGH N H Wandergineer with the knowledge and skills needed to install maintain, and re •ig Bnv>k M M Dolly, a Senior pair the various types of electrical •hree year old Registered GuernA owned by Stanley Murphy generators used by the world-wide Ve»per bus completed an offiCorps of Engineers cii PII1H actual production record A 1967 graduate of Fabius Cen• 170 pounds of milk and 78 tral High school. Pfc. Wheeler was . • > •< of butterfat m «»5 days. 2 formerly employed by the Morgan imes .• 'lay milking, according to Bradley company of Manlius. ican Guernsey Cattle Club nor society Rho Chi seeks to promote scholarship and the advancement of the pharmaceuticaJ sen rices Membership is restricted urth-year pharmacy students who have at least 5 2 cumulative grade in lex out ol a possible 6 0. •11 tifth year students with a 50 • u alive average Pfc Douglas .\ Wheeler, son of Mrs Lottie W Murdent. 5 West road. Fabius. was recently awarded the military rating of power generation specialist Pfc Wheeler receive.) his diploma ; ir successfully completing the powIS HONOR STUDENT er generation course in the Department at Mechanical and Technical Susan Glasgow Rowies. V'espei Equipment at the I'nited Slates Vr- road was one of fifteen Purdue I'm m\ Engineer School The highly versity students recently initiated intechnical and concentrated course to Rho Chi, national pharmaceuti SERVES IN VIETNAM \KMY VIETNAM — Army Eirsl Class Kenneth W Ken- y >on ol Mr and Mrs Willard s News & Views «tS$vsSs$N*vSSN>vN>>4sSS^^ J Kenyon, Gate House Road. Tully. BY JOAN GROME was assigned June 27 as a rifleman to the 9th Infantry Division in VietThere was a big get-together down nam Pvt Kenyan's wife. Linda, at Tully Green Lake Tuesday for lives on Truxton Hill road, Tully. a picnic lunch. The occasion was so that everyone could visit with Jane RETURN FROM NEW ENGLAND Cook and children who used to reMr and Mrs Jerry Apple have side in Vesper Those attending the returned from a very enjoyble tour picnic were her sister. Barbara Biof Massachusetts. New Hampshire. shop and children, Elise McGlynn and Vermont Highlight of the trip and children, Lorrie Spaulding and was a stop in Andover. Mass. to children. Ginny Hill and children. visit their former Tully neighbors, Dot Herold and children and Joe Mr and Mrs Philip I,ee and fam- Scarf one and children Jane really ily Th-y vv ish to report the Lee enjoyed seeing all her old neighfamily well and happy l)ors and friends and so did the children ON DEANS LIST Tuesday afternoon callers of Mrs David Winchell 21. son of Mr \ugust Christopherson and boys Erand Mrs Morris Winchell. State ic and Hans were Mrs Edward Wortstreet. Tully. was recently named lev and children Patty and Edward to the Dean's List at SUNY Cortland, for the spring semester A senior at Cortland. David is an English major He graduated from Tullv Central school in 1965. - BAIT Jr. and Mrs. Lyi Saturday evenii and Mrs. Glenn R ily were Mr and old. Also there w; and children and ing. Thursday afterr held at Green L gether for Deanre and son of Grar Those who attend< go Christophersoi Mrs Janet Fitzpa and Mrs Karen dren. Weekend guests Waker Morse we Robert Pepperdini Pa. Sunday along dines, they enter Hart of Cattaraug Robert Switzer a Mrs. Richard Hill Rochester, Mr : Morse and familyMr and Mrs. Ger per. SPECIAL Small Buckeye Lake Views - S T A R T S IIIKi:! V ^ ,_> c a. Rods, Reels, Lures, Trout Flies, Line, Sinkers *J2B : - — On Water Skiing And Safety Hanks Gun Shop Phone: 749-3550 Another summer of water activity is in full swing Water skiing is a k>[ of fun for the skier and a pleasure to watch. It does, however, impose real responsibilities on the driver, the legally required observer riding in the boat, and on the skier himself Adult participants realize most o; these responsibilities but younge: people by nature go after the fun with more abandon and less thought for their own safety or the rights oi others SAFETY IS IMPORTANT TO THK SKIER The lake should be care- Have your Evinrude or Johnson Motor pleasure checked for a carefree summer This could save you a lost weekend. 0TISC0 LAKE MARINA SALES & SERVICE At the Causeway NE 6-8807 INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS FOR ROATS CAMPS l\l \\l» >l \ l t l \ l " O n e Stop Service" D A N A F. H0UCK 696-5411 9 State St., Tully I p c o i i i i i i g I \< iiis The Ixrmon Sisters, former Lawrence Welk television show stars will bring music to the ears of New York State Fairgoers this year The girls will perform three times a day on August 30. 31 and September 1. in the Fair's free Entertainment Center You road 18 tons and what do you get? Another record breaking attendance at the New York State Fair According to the bit; Fair's information department 18 and one-half ions of material are produced to ' tell people about the extravaganza every ..ear The tonnage includes billboards, posters, brochure inserts, Tews stories, envelope enck>sures. newsletters cartoons. radio anTTruncemenCs television films, photo-raphs. tickets center display items, ickets. programs, and advertisements (Perch Bait) 5 dor. for $1.00 N O LIMIT . from tully lake park BY WALLACE WARD, President Tully Lake Park Association 1 mi. south of Preble News of Lake Life in this Area THE TULLY <;oo» 1 1 M I I \ « . Minnows INDEPENDENT Tully, New York Thursday, Joly 25, 1968 to be alert to new developments He must be sure no boat is near wh.n he is starting to tow someone out of the water, or off a dock. nr when planning a turn. The operator rmiot krrrrw and observe the navigation laws pertaining to rights-of-way Safe and lawful operation is the responsibility of the operator, even if a skier must get a iittle wet as a consequence. No fast boat, particularly one pulling a skier, should proceed at high speech through narrow channels Vision is obscured and danger is much increased for all. REGARD FOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS IS IMPORTANT TO THE SKIER who wants to keep his privilege of skking on State waters ("orrmen courtesy demands that the pleasure of others fishing, canoeing, sailing, or simply lying on a raft or dock is net imposed upon Pass far Skiing should be d'^c at a safe enough away that others are not istance from shore and from other annoy e.I. craft. The skier should not buzz Why net stop skiing early enough rafts, docks or people in other so ethers with quieter interests can tx a:s. It is better to dunk out a litenjoy themselves a little more tle farther and swim to shore than 1 peacefully'' It seems that 7.30 p.m to glide to or into a dock or is plenty late enough to stop skishore - at least until experienced ing for the day Never ski too late in the day At Courteous and safe behavior by dusk, a fallen skier may be out of everyone using our lakes wil! insight to those in the tow boat, or in sure a safe, happier summer for other boats There is no light left all to hunt for a hurt or inconsci.ius puppet show. fhum!~<> will be the shown at 11 a m and 2 -. • : live play. The Fox Princess and the Dragon." wi •.bown at 2 and 3 30 p m person Sit down and r state Fair exhibit entitle I • _ .md Chairs.'' sponsored b> th' V York State Cooperative Extensa: Service. Here is your opr* -• .)rn how to select chairs tha: jr< -ight for you and your home In addition to disti —nation, the exhibit will feature nairs for testing as we iants to answer questions Teenagp square ughout New York Stati n p -.hing their slipper^ in ord<^ ' ;» foot | loose and fane- fre» • • • • Square Dance Festival at th< '.»- State Fair '"oritirK»»<j on Ice Cubes, Fresh Produce, Waterme Page 8 : .. -. examined before starting to ski .. •• summer for new subsurface ir_•!•;•> such as fallen trees with . .:-: branches, stumps, old rs, las: fall's abandoned is. etc Like bottom de- must be rememred to avoid \ areas, whether the bottom k or muck Either condition ause a broken bone or worse skier must lie a competent mer. wear an approved floatadevice and ski in a safe way >k.> must be in good condition. \ - . Idenly broken ski can cause a fall skier must never put a tow behind his neck or loop it I a leg He should also ask oat operator to tow him at a : which he is competent to han- No diving or o*her proper resctir searching can be done SAFETY IS IMPORTANT TO THE BOAT OPERATOR On a small heavily used lake. - he operator must .seemingly have his head on a swivel Camping Supplies, Ice Cold Beer, Cro HERB & MARY'S ST So. End of Otisco Lake Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE LIV EVINRUDE Sales & Serv STARCRAFT BOATS STERLING BOAT TRAILE Complete Line of MARINE ACCESSORIES FOREST AilMi FOR CAMP OR COTT, Complete Selections of: TABLES •fit iZ3p4 Ml ' X*2rt CHAIRS ^^^T^ wfifQn • LAMPS * I Scheftic Television for SALES & SERVICE Located 1455 Pompey Center Rd. Fabius, N . Y. FISHERI Homer. N. Y.—Rte. 281—Opposite Homer V\ Arland Berlew, Prop. Phone ' <^ Atconr NE 1 4 2 COUCHES And other assorted item /unMi Call 696-5533 for informatk appointment. (Store en So. Saline ClotH) Call: 683-5824 LATHAM TRAILER SA P»g« 7 Members of New York's dairy inHistry will entpr muk cheese and related dairy products in ihe $2,400 vmnetition at the New York State r a i r this year The deadline for en Ties is August H Only products marie m New York Ha'.e are eligible to compete The department headed by Wil'jam R Shva. functions to advance he dairy industry the leading agnJ "ultural industry in New York state LAKE ROAD £ 281 TULLY 696-5533 OPEN Ul NEW T I L T - B I BOAT TRAILE DRAMATIC ARTS NOTICE COIN OPERATED Do/farSaving CLEAHtRS Dramatic arts will share the •%**• light with agricultural arte at the 1968 New York State Fair Auguat 27 September 2. in Syracuse The \uburn Children's The.itre ACT-Wa900 makes its seventh appearancr M p-»rt of the Art and Home (enter program The program will feature two pup pet shows and two plays dailv The Amber Laundromat W DONALD KINSIOW (In Amber - O n Otisco Lake) Optometrist WILL BE OPEN DAILY FROM 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. Seven Days Pw Week Paul E. Page, Owner VISIT FANTASTIC ANIMAL LAND "Natures Playground For Kids" where you feed the animals and take pictures Take Rt. 81 to Tully, 4 m i . west on Rt. 80 to Strong Rd. Follow Signs ADULTS • $1 00 EXAMINED and GLASSES FITTED HOOKS SY ARPOtWTMfKT 15' BOATS 1100 lbs. $ CHILDREN (un<hr 12) 50c FREE JULY OFFER Thit coupon entitle* b«*r*r to fre* package of animal food. Valid thru July 31. 1968 only. Limited to children 12 year* and undar. One coupon p%r child. FAB'US HOME OFFICE PhofM NT S-M62 17' BOATS 1100 lbs. $ OPEN 10 - 6 DAILY TRUSWELL Complete with winch, polyi tiedowns and twin tailligl 0BERLE SALES & SE 2 Blocks off Rt. 81 at Brighton St. Ei 2 5 2 7 SO. SALINA ST. SYR
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