Vol. 9 Issue 1 Reaching the US Hispanic Population by Chris Phillips Jaime—Saved Alcohol free for 2 years It has been a privilege for us to be able to be a small part of those that are carrying the light to the Hispanic world. We served in Cuba and the Dominican Republic for seven years. God established the Grace and Truth Baptist Church in 2003 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and it is still growing and winning souls under the leadership of BIMI missionaries Mike and Anna Doering. In 2006 God led us to continue our church planting efforts, and by faith we founded Iglesia Bautista Victoria (IBV) in Charleston, South Carolina. While we have seen tremendous victories in the lives of many, there are some definite challenges for the Hispanic community here in the United States. Cultural — In addition to the obvious Apolinar & Irma He is a converted Jehovah’s Witness. differences in language and lifestyle, Latino families are often divided in the sense that the children speak primarily English while the parents speak mainly Spanish. Reseeding America is a ministry of Baptist International Missions, Inc., assisting local churches and their missionary church planters in the starting of new churches and the restarting of churches in decline across the United States. www.reseedingamerica.com National Reseeding USA Director America Representative Bob Larson Dr. John Bailes 423-605-6098 423-605-4020 [email protected] [email protected] 2 Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 Legal — We seek to evangelize and disciple every Latino who comes across our path. Immigration Reform is an ongoing issue but we must not ignore the spiritual condition of 17% of the United States population.* Since IBV began, over 30 undocumented Hispanics have come through our ministry and then returned to their home countries equipped with Bibles, discipleship resources, and tracts. Flea Market Outreach Balloon sculptures, face painting, Christian tracts and literature given out Spiritual — American materialism, coupled with the fact that 70% of the Latinos in the United States are Catholics** by heritage, greatly increases the difficulty of showing them their need of a Savior. Through sound Biblical teaching, preaching, counseling, and the Reformers Unanimous program, we have personally witnessed what the light of the Gospel can do for those that will receive it. We praise the Lord that in 2013— Parade of Nations during our Missions Conference 2013 • Our church is now actively supporting six missionary families. • Four new families along with several single adults were added to our congregation. • IBV is actively seeking the Lord for a co-pastor who will eventually take over the ministry. These are just a few of the many victories that are the result of US Missions and church planting efforts. It is making a difference for eternity! * US Census Bureau 2012 ** Hispanic Churches in American Public Life National Survey Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 3 The Importance of Hispanic Church Planting in America “Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8). The Hispanic population in the United States is rapidly approaching 60 million. We come in second only to Mexico with the second largest Spanish-speaking population in the world. America has more Spanish-speaking people than all of the Central American countries put together. One out of every four children born in the United States today is Hispanic. We have a nation within a nation, a culture within a culture. Although the majority of Hispanic people have come to America looking for the “American Dream,” their most desperate need is to come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. The need is great, the laborers are few, and Hispanic church planting in America is the answer. If we do not reach them, who will? All across America we have seen the false cults going all out to reach the Hispanic community and start churches that teach false doctrine. Many religious groups are investing large amounts of resources and people into their Hispanic ministries and some are even recruiting Hispanic pastors from other countries and sponsoring them to be here and do the work. I have 4 Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 personally seen this and remain with a perplexing question. What are we as fundamental, independent Baptists doing to reach the Hispanic peoples of America? We need missionaries who can speak the Spanish language to reach these Latin people. We need churches that will stand with and support Spanish-speaking missionaries to go and start Hispanic churches across America. Allow me to share our story with you. Several years ago, after spending almost 27 years as missionaries in Mexico, the Lord began to burden our hearts for the Hispanic people in America. As we traveled across America and saw the great need, we would wonder who will reach them. Where is a church we could recommend them to attend? As we visited churches, pastors would ask if we would one day consider coming back to the United States to start a Hispanic church. Most of them knew of the health problems that Barbara and I had been through for several years and saw this as an answer to a problem. Even one of our doctors in Mexico recommended we consider returning to the United States for health reasons. Yes, we would consider it but there were two things that held us back from making the decision. The first thing that held us back was our love for our people and our desire to be there in Mexico. Second, and if I may be honest, that second thing was fear. It was the fear of losing our support and no longer being considered missionaries. God dealt with my heart on both issues. The Lord reminded me of a promise I had made to Him years ago. “I’ll go anywhere you want me to go, Lord,” and I had to say, “Yes” again. As far as the fear was concerned, “Who do you trust?” and the answer had to be “You, Lord.” The decision was made but it was a decision to continue on as missionaries planting Hispanic churches. We returned to the United States in the summer of 2009 and we are thankful for the churches and pastors who trusted that God was at work in our lives and that it was His will to use us to start a Hispanic church here. We moved to Fort Smith, Arkansas, to begin our first work because we knew of a few Spanish families living there that we had led to Christ years before. We started in the lobby of a car wash with 13 in attendance for our first service. We quickly outgrew the car wash and moved into a storefront building. That didn’t last long either as we continued to grow. We then moved to the property of Heritage Baptist Church where Pastor Joe Taylor allowed us to use one of their buildings. Within six months we had outgrown that facility and the Lord opened the door for us to purchase an old church property in the downtown area of Fort Smith. We obtained the 5,000 sq. ft. building, which needed many updates and repairs. It was reasonably priced and we 1st meeting place - Car Wash Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 5 2nd meeting place - Storefront were able with outside help and the faithful giving of our people to pay off the debt in three years. I believe the Lord honored the fact that we started out supporting two missionaries as we taught our people the importance of Faith Promise Missions. Many have been saved and baptized and our people continue to grow. Although our numbers may fluctuate for various reasons, we still see an average service with around 65 in attendance. We are training our people to do the work of the ministry and we are excited to see their enthusiasm as they get involved in the Lord’s ministry. 3nd meeting place - House 4th meeting place - church Editor’s note: Since this article was first written, God has provided a pastor for the Iglesia Bautista Biblica Fundamental (Fundamental Bible Baptist Church) in Fort Smith, Arkansas. José Chargoy has just assumed the duties of pastor in May 2014. God has also provided a new location for Ed and Barbara O’Brien to begin a church in North Carolina. They already have a church building given to them in which to start. The O’Briens will be required to regain support that they have lost over the past four years in order to effectively plant another church. Please consider these church planting missionaries to Hispanics in America for your next conference and investment in missions. Ed and Barbara O’Brien have been church planting missionaries with BIMI since June 1982. Please pray for more laborers to start Hispanic churches across America. Pray for churches that will see the need, have the burden, and faithfully support the laborers God calls to fill this need. 6 Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 Planting Hispanic Churches in Las Vegas, Nevada The Jorge Noriega family are church planters with Reseeding America who are reaching the Hispanic Community in Las Vegas, Nevada. This family has now planted two Hispanic churches in the city and mentored two more men to plant churches in Las Vegas. Bob and Jennifer Larson were recently in Nevada and assisted Pastor Noriega in the search for a more permanent meeting place for their newest church plant. God blessed the effort and they were able to find a suitable building. It is a warehouse/executive office building with the layout and budget exactly as needed. There is room for an auditorium, Sunday school and nursery as well as fellowship and foyer areas. No remodeling will be necessary and it is also located in the very heart of North Las Vegas, surrounded by Spanish-speaking communities. How exciting it is to see what God is doing through this ministry and this church planter in such a needy place! There are some needs that you can help supply for this Hispanic church plant— 50 chairs at a cost of $20 each, 1 sign at the cost of $1,200, 1 refurbished refrigerator for $200. We would appreciate any help given financially toward acquiring the above items for the new church building. Please send funds for the above items to Reseeding America Fund # 553 (Noriega Church Plant), Baptist International Missions, Inc., P.O. Box 9215, Chattanooga, TN 37412. Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 7 by Richard Hurst Anyone who knows his Bible can tell you that according to Ephesians 2:8, 9 and other references, salvation is by grace and not by works, which includes the work of baptism. The following account is about as close as you can get to being saved by “baptism.” Our family has been living at D&D Missionary Homes in St. Petersburg, Florida, while raising support to go to the Miami, Florida, area to start Hispanic churches. After becoming burdened by the need around us and rather than wait until all the support came in to go to Miami, we decided to start a Hispanic church right where we were. Even before we had started the church here in “St. Pete” (as the locals call it), we had already been ministering to some Hispanics in the area. When people found out we were going to raise support while starting a church, they were a little skeptical at first but then started giving us possible contacts of Hispanic people. One gentleman gave me an address of a Cuban lady as a possible contact, but when I went to the home, it ended up being the wrong address. I knew you couldn’t take the Gospel to the wrong address and I started witnessing to Ofelia 8 Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 the gentleman who opened the door. Though he didn’t trust Christ as his Savior, he was receptive and invited me to come back at another time and then told me of another family on his street that he thought was Hispanic. When I got to that home, it turned out that they were from India and not Hispanic at all. The Indian family then pointed to another house on the street and told me that the family that lived there was from Ecuador. That got my attention since we labored for fifteen years in that country planting churches. When we got to the house, there was a man outside washing his car and we asked him, “Your neighbor told us you are from Ecuador. Is that true?” “No,” he replied, “I am a transplanted New Yorker originally from Puerto Rico! You’re not Jehovah’s Witnesses are you? Because I hate JWs!” We assured him that we were not JWs but that we were Christians there to help him. That day Joe and I became good friends. We met his wife, Ofelia, the next time we visited and started talking about the church we started. They eventually came and Ofelia was saved. I asked Joe if he wanted to get saved but he told me that he wasn’t ready yet. Ofi (as we affectionately call her) approached me Joe shortly after getting saved and asked if she could now get baptized. It didn’t take long for me to answer the question and the next week she was baptized. After the baptism I noticed that Joe, Ofi’s husband, was crying. I asked him what was the matter and he said to me, “Pastor, I think I got it now!” “What do you mean by that?” I replied. “I got it,” he said. “What Ofi did was just a symbol of what happened on the inside and while she was getting baptized I knew that was something I should be doing too. Right then I repented of my sins and asked Christ to save me!” I figured he was telling the truth after having heard it from me several times in church. “So,” I asked, “when are you going to get baptized?” “Soon!” was his reply and a few weeks later I had the privilege of baptizing him. Joe more than likely was under conviction way before Ofi’s baptism but trusted Christ as his Savior when she was baptized; therefore, he was saved “by” baptism. Joe and Ofi are now our most faithful members at church, often inviting their Hispanic friends and family, and Ofi has become a self-appointed “encourager” as she tells me and others every single week that God sent the Hurst family from Ecuador to her front door in Florida just so she could get saved. Although we weren’t necessarily looking for her in the beginning, she was truly “searching for us” and we brought her the good news of the Gospel. All the sacrifices we have made by staying in the States, losing prayer and financial support, struggling with the different cultures, and at times “inter-Hispanic culture clashes” were worth it. Oh, and by the way, the Cuban lady that we were originally looking for ended up coming to church and getting saved too. I baptized her the very same day that I baptized Joe. Exactly three months later she went home to be with the Lord. Maggie, the Cuban lady being baptized Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 9 Churches Needed in Southwest Texas I worked as a missionary with BIMI as the pastor of military churches in North Dakota and Europe and then planted a church for military in Del Rio, Texas. In 2012, after God provided a pastor for that church, I was invited to become the pastor of a small church in Pumpville, Texas, about sixty-five miles from Del Rio. Having seen a mission field there, I transferred from military to the Reseeding America field. Pumpville is a deserted railroad town of the past that provided a water pumping station for steam driven engines. In the early 1950s when Diesel engines came into use, there was no need for trains to stop there anymore. So the few people who were there moved away, but the Pumpville Baptist Church remained active, ministering to the ranch owners and others living within a fifty mile radius. I invited Dr. John Bailes to come and present Faith Promise to our church in March of this year and though we only have an average of 20 to 30 people, we had a good commitment and will be taking on missionaries as God provides. In visiting the extensive area that stretches along the border with Mexico, I began to realize the vast need for churches in the small communities that dot the landscape for hundreds of miles. In 2013 we started meeting with a group of people in Dryden, Texas, and have since organized them as Dryden Baptist Church. Dryden is about 25 miles from Pumpville and at present I am conducting services in both churches. There are many other needs in other towns with no Gospel being preached. I am burdened for the thousands of Mexican people who have migrated to Texas and live along the border with no Gospelpreaching churches available to them. Please pray with me that God will speak to the hearts of men He has called to preach to come to the southwestern border towns and help us plant churches for the glory of God. Rick and Jackie Bonds West Texas Border Towns Photo by Vanherdehaage First BIMI USA Church Planter Honored Bob Larson, Evertie Moore, Dr. Lonnie Moore Church Planter Evertie Moore was the very first USA missionary with BIMI. Having been inspired by the words of Dr. Harold Sightler, who had just returned from a revival meeting in Kentucky, Evertie answered the call to go. Stepping out by faith, he had a vision and great burden to reach the Appalachian Mountain people of Kentucky with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was there he set in to plant and establish churches. On Sunday, February 9, 2014, we took time to honor and thank him for his faithfulness. It was a great privilege to present him with his BIMI “50 Years of Service” pin at his son’s church, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Nicholasville, Kentucky, where Evertie still teaches a new converts class. Praise God for faithful men! Kenneth Richard “Dick” Miller November 10, 1945 — April 24, 2014 On April 24, 2014, Kenneth Richard “Dick” Miller, a faithful servant of the Lord, went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Richard graduated from Indiana Baptist College in 1974. He pastored in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Richard and his wife, Candy, moved to Rapid City, South Dakota, to work with the Pioneer Bible Institute in 1985. They were accepted as missionaries with Baptist International Missions in June 1986. He recently celebrated 25 years as pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Billings, Montana. In addition to his work as a pastor, he was also actively involved in the homeschool community, in nursing home ministry, and in jail and prison ministries. Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 11 New BIMI Candidates With Reseeding America The June Candidate School at BIMI was conducted the first week of June. There were 78 candidates in the school going to all parts of the world. Three couples joining with BIMI will be working with Reseeding America. Scott and Tricia Crabtree and their family will be going out to plant a deaf church in Rochester, New York. John and April McDaniel are headed for New Mexico to work with Native Americans. They will be working on the Navajo reservation in the northwestern section of the state to plant churches. Nathan and Karie Owens and their family are presently restarting a church near Tyler, Texas, and then will continue on restarting and planting churches in other needy areas. These couples are on deputation at this time. If your church would consider them for support or have them come for a meeting or missions conference, you may contact them at their respective phone numbers and e-mail addresses listed with their pictures. Scott & Tricia Crabtree—Planting deaf churches in metropolitan cities in America Next deaf church plant scheduled for Rochester, New York Phone 865-314-0815 or 865-314-6926 Video Phone 614-515-5928 e-mail: [email protected] John & April McDaniel—Planting churches to reach Native Americans (Navajo) in New Mexico Phone 562-900-7352 e-mail: [email protected] Nathan & Karie Owens—Restarting and planting churches in the USA Presently restarting a church in Whitehouse, Texas 12 Phone 412-973-2363 e-mail: [email protected] Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 New Church Plant in Whitehouse, Texas Longview Baptist Temple in Longview, Texas, was recently given a fully furnished church building in the town of Whitehouse, Texas. This church had been closed for some time. The Nathan Owens family, BIMI Reseeding America Church Planters, are leading in this church plant process. On Sunday, May 18, they opened the doors of Victory Baptist Church and welcomed 39 people for their first service. The first baptism was held on Thursday, May 22. The Owens family will assist this church in becoming organized and then assist them in calling a permanent pastor. Nathan will then move on to restart and plant other churches. Please pray for this church planter and his family. If you would like to have the Owens present their ministry in your church, you may contact them at 412-973-2363 or e-mail them at [email protected]. Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 13 Recent Updates from several of our Reseeding America Church Planters Surprise, Arizona — We are thankful for what the Lord is doing at Mountain Side Baptist Church in Surprise, Arizona. In the past few weeks we have seen people receive Christ as Savior, others who recently moved to our area have joined the church, and some have committed to believer’s baptism. The Lord has also answered prayer and brought along a young man who is going to be heading up our bus ministry and youth outreach to one of the poorest and neediest areas of the entire Phoenix West Valley. We have been praying for the Lord to call laborers to help with this ministry and are excited about the future prospects of it! Having held our annual Faith Promise Missions Conference at the end of March, we are continuing to reach the uttermost for the glory of God through worldwide evangelization and missions. Tony Bulawa, Pastor Mountain Side Baptist Church Dayton, Ohio — The LORD is truly gracious and merciful, renewing His compassions every morning! The ministries to ladies, children, and families continue through the weekly Ladies Bible Study, the monthly ladies craft class with an applicable Bible lesson, monthly Joy Club children’s meetings in two locations, and the every-two-months Friendship Potluck dinners at our house. One child was baptized in January 2014; he was saved in September 2013. We have not yet planted a Japanese-speaking church. Your prayers are needed and appreciated. Tom & Renee Border Missionaries to the Japanese in Ohio, Jackson, Mississippi — As soon as the invitation began, a gentleman in the service yelled out loud, “I want to be saved.” He had listened intently to the message on “God’s Precious Gift” and could not contain himself any longer. Henry Lee Love happily received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at age 75. He had never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. During that same service another older man was saved and also a 35-year-old man who was in town visiting his family. I am reminded of the Scripture in 2 Peter 3:9, The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Bill Fluker, Pastor Grace & Mercy Baptist Church 14 Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 Albertville, Alabama — The first week in January 2014, we began a new deaf ministry in Albertville Baptist Church in Albertville, Alabama. Dr. Ken Love is a missionary with BIMI in the Reseeding America Ministry and pastor of the church. He has a great burden for the deaf in his area. When he met a deaf man in November on visitation, he called us to share the news and said that he wished we could come and help him start a deaf ministry. We had been working in Huntsville, Alabama, for approximately one and a half years establishing a deaf ministry in the Huntsville Bible Baptist Church with Ed Deel as pastor. We were ready for the Lord to lead us where He needed us to go next. It is amazing how the Lord brings things together. Through our relationship with a deaf club in Huntsville, God began putting people in our path that lived in the Albertville area and were looking for a church with a ministry to the deaf. This was all happening in December and we were first trying to find someone to help Pastor Love to begin this ministry. However, through circumstances that God brought about, we began to realize that He wanted us to go and begin this ministry to the deaf. Dr. Love’s burden for that first deaf man was so deep and strong that he continually encouraged us of the importance of meeting this man. We visited his house many times with little success until the weekend of February 15. As a result of our meeting, he was in both services on the next Sunday. Since that date, we have visited many deaf (the old fashioned way—sometimes going back and then going back again). We now have five deaf attending faithfully with other prospects being visited. We are excited with Pastor Love and his wife, June, hoping to see others reached with the Gospel. We have begun sign language classes with hope of training those who will continue this ministry when God leads us to another field. Pray for God to help us perform this ministry under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and Pastor Ken Love. 1 Corinthians 3:8–9: Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. Willie & Shirley Rowan Missionaries to USA Deaf Frederick, Maryland — We held our Charter Signing Service for our church on the first Sunday in April. We had three families and a college age young lady to sign the charter. One of the families that signed the charter came to us from our outreach to the local Community College’s ASL Student Group. We meet with the ASL group twice a week. Bill & Linnea MacCallum BIMI Missionaries to the Deaf Reseeding America – Summer, 2014 15 Change Service Requested Baptist International Missions, Inc. P.O. Box 9215 Chattanooga, TN 37412 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 88 Chattanooga, TN 37412 Consider Reseeding America as a Monthly Missions Project. • When your church supports Reseeding America on a regular monthly basis, you are providing “start-up” funds for new churches to be planted and churches to be restarted. • Every dollar that is sent will be used to assist new church-starts here in America and churches that need to be reopened or restarted. • A supporting church will be able to see how this special fund is being used when they visit our website at reseedingamerica.com. • Please direct all funds to Reseeding America Fund #553, Baptist International Missions, Inc., P.O. Box 9215, Chattanooga, TN 37412.
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