WDL - Covenant Evangelical Free Church

(Please refer to our website for more updates.)
Open House and
Prayer Walk
Let’s give thanks to God
for His faithfulness and pray for the
ACKCentre vision to come to pass! Date: 6 Oct (tomorrow)
(Public Holiday - Hari Raya Haji)
Time: 9am - 4pm
Venue: 2 Kallang Avenue, CT HUB, S 339407
Full tour will last for about one and a half hours.
Gathering of the
Multitudes (GOM)
Calling all ZM, CGL, ACGL, Ministry Leaders!
Join the SPO team as they share the
2015 plan for Covenant EFC.
Dates: 19 Oct (Sun)
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: BPJ Sanctuary
Please inform your ZM or DM if you cannot attend.
Christian Parenting &
Discovery Weekend
Enquire and sign up at the Info Counter.
Lost and Found
Please claim your lost items from the Info
Counter. Unclaimed items will be donated.
IDMCi 2015
WOODLANDS 5 October 2014
Vision Tea Today
Know more about becoming a
disciple-mentor of a certain kind.
Join the IDMCi Vision Tea today
1.30pm - 3.30pm at BPJ Centre.
Closing Date
IDMCi application ends on 30 Oct.
Alpha: Why did
Jesus die?
Venue: YMCA Orchard
Dates: 8 Oct (Wed)
Time: 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Dinner is included.
Registration is free! Register at the venue
on the date itself or pre-register online
at http://mhub.cc/s/2959 .
For enquiries email [email protected] .
Membership and
Baptism Classes
Register at the Info Counter today!
SERVICE LEADER Jeremy Koh • worship leader Allison Lim
Memory Verse
No one has
ever seen God;
if we love
one another,
God abides in us
and his love is
perfected in us.
1 John 4:12 (ESV)
Declutter to Bless
Rev Tan Kay Kiong, Senior Pastor
Last Saturday evening, our church premises
3. It was a privilege to speak with an auntie
at Bukit Panjang was almost like a Pasar
while she was eating her dinner. She was
Malam (night market). But we were not
very keen to find out about our Mandarin
selling things, we were giving things away.
service. I pray that she will encounter God
We had an opportunity to bless 33 needy
in a very special way. Another person shared
families with household items that are
she had a meaningful conversation with
unused but still of good quality. It started
one of the attendees and testified that God
with a buffet dinner, followed by the
is real.
“shopping” and the giving of some NTUC
vouchers. It was a night of meaningful
conversations and practical
love. Thanks to the CGs who
came together to make
this happen. Here are
some of their testimonies:
Our Community Blessings projects,
particularly Declutter to Bless, have
a double-edge purpose. Both
Indeed, the church
is more than a building.
It is consists of real
people who are willing
to share their blessings
with others.
the giver and receiver are
richly encouraged and
blessed. Indeed, the church
is more than a building.
It is consists of real people
Membership Class
Date: 25 Oct (Sat)
Time: 9am – 4pm
Venue: WDL Centre
1. The word declutter seem
“crumbs” to needy people. But no, we saw
much to learn and do in this journey of
Baptism Class
Date: 26 Oct (Sun)
Time: 1pm – 3.30pm
Venue: WDL Centre
many nice things.
loving the poor and needy in our community. 2. When we heard of this project, we spoke
Truly, Jesus said in Matthew 19:19b, “You
to our kids and tasked them to do personal
shall love your neighbour as yourself.” The
decluttering. We were amazed that they gave
next time Declutter to Bless come around,
the things that were valuable to them. They
why don’t you give it a try?
to indicate that we were
giving our unwanted stuff or
taught me the meaning of giving. I am so
ACKCentre: 2 Kallang Avenue, #10-26, CT HUB, Singapore 339407
proud of them.
who are willing to share their
blessings with others. We have
This Week’s Sermon Outline
Last Week’s Sermon Summary
Scripture: 1 JOHN 5:21 • Sermon: REV TONY YEO
Singapore Idols
Scripture: JUDGES
LUKE 1:57-66
Raising a Child to Shine Righteously
(Discipleship in the Family)
Today’s context: The ‘family’ is being re-defined. Family life is under threat.
Our Challenge: To recover the family as a God-given setting for discipleship
Main Points
1. __________ the Idols
“Little children, … idols.”
A. The Example of Godly Parents
1. The contrast between Samson’s parents (Jdg 13:1 – 14:3) and Samuel’s parents, especially his mother (1Sa 1 – 2).
- No record of Samson’s parents’ thanksgiving and holy expectation at the miracle birth of their son.
2. Godly parents are not afraid to discipline their children and to set the standards for their life choices (Jdg 14:1-3).
3. Parents are models or counter-models to the life of faith (see the faith, joy and surrender of Zechariah and
Elizabeth at the birth of John the Baptist – Lk 1:57-66).
4. The example Christian parents can set today:
- Building a Family Altar
- Recovering Family “Meal Times”
- Treating One Another
- Prioritising God and His Kingdom
2. ___________ the Idols
“… keep yourselves from idols.”
B. The Support of the Wider Circle
1. The nuclear family needs the support of the church and the wider kin - church and family working hand-in-hand.
2. The role of grandparents (cf, Timothy’s grandmother Lois in 2Ti 1:5; 3:14-16) in imparting Scripture.
3. Building family traditions across generations that “put the Lord at the centre”.
C. The Blessing of the Lord
1. We need skill and perseverance to build the family as a discipling unit. And we need the ‘indispensable’
blessing of the Lord (Ps 127).
2. The battle is raging between all that makes for life and all that leads to destruction. The foundations are
being shaken. What can the righteous do (Ps 11:3)?
3. Do not fear. Go to the ‘battle front’ in the strength of the Lord. Mobilise the support of the community of
faith in Jesus. There, recover and re-build the foundations – especially, the foundation of Christian families
as discipling units. The Lord is on our side. By His Spirit, we shall overcome the forces which ‘steal, kill
and destroy’ and we shall hold forth the ‘life of His Kingdom’ to a dark and lost world.
In the midst of the engulfing darkness, the light of Christ shines. It is to shine through God’s people - the
Church. Let us ‘prepare the way’ for a stunning revival by building our families as arenas for discipleship.
Next Week’s Sermon Speakers
12 October - Ps Ann Chan (BPJ) and Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai (WDL)
For more details, please go to www.cefc.org.sg.
WDL Centre