経費支弁書/Budget Estimation Sheet (Form 4) DiRECT 2016. 7 6 1 7 2 3 4 5 1 本人署名(日本語または英語)/ Write your name (either English or Japanese) 2 費用負担をする人や組織の名前を記入: 留学生本人氏名、仕送り送金者氏名、奨学金名、指導教員名(TA/RAの場合) This part should be written in such as: your name, name of sponsor, name of scholarship, or name of supervisor (if the income comes from TA/RA work) 3 留学生本人と②で書いた人との関係を記入。②で奨学金名を書いた場合は空欄でよい。 This part should be described a relationship between you and a person/institution mentioned in ②. If your income is based on a scholarship, leave this part blank. 4 授業料の月額金額は44,650円を記入。授業料免除申請中の場合、金額記入して 「免除申請中」と記入 Write “44,650 yen” for monthly tuition amount . If you applied for tuition fee waiver and has not received the result yet, write the amount and “tuition fee waiver” in a space. 5 住居費は共益費込みの金額を記入(水道光熱費は含まない) Housing expenses should include common service fee. (Not including utility expenses) 6 同意書以外に銀行預金通帳の写しも提出 Submit a photo copy of bankbook showing bank balance along with the agreement of the allowance. 7 国費留学生の場合、収入を証明する添付書類は不要 Attachment of the document to prove income is not required for MEXT scholarship students.
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