September 25, 2014 - New Mexico Environment Department

Public Notice 2
To be published on or before September 25, 2014
New Mexico Environment Department
Ground Water Quality Bureau
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Notice is hereby given pursuant to NMAC, the following Ground Water Discharge Permit applications have been proposed
for approval. To request additional information or to obtain a copy of a draft permit, contact the Ground Water Quality Bureau in Santa Fe
at (505) 827-2900. Draft permits may also be viewed on-line at
NOTE – If viewing by WEB - Click on facility name to review a copy of the draft permit.
DP #
Dos Lagos Golf Course
NMED Permit Contact
Doña Ana
Dos Lagos Golf Course, Gillett and Associates, Inc.,
Ronald E. Gillett President, proposes to receive and use up
to 400,000 gallons per day of reclaimed wastewater from
the Anthony Wastewater Treatment Facility to irrigate
approximately 100 acres of landscape.
contaminants associated with this type of discharge include
nitrogen compounds. The facility is located at 1150 Duffer
Lane, approximately one mile north northeast of the center
of Anthony, in Sections 25 and 26, Township 26S, Range
3C, Doña Ana County. Ground water most likely to be
affected is at a depth of approximately 55 feet and has a
total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 1,500
milligrams per liter.
Russell Isaac
City of Jal Wastewater Treatment Facility, Bob Gallagher,
City Manager, proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for
the discharge of up to 350,000 gallons per day of treated
municipal wastewater using a wastewater treatment facility.
Treated wastewater (reclaimed wastewater) is stored in two
synthetically lined impoundments with concrete side slopes
and then discharged to a 64 acre golf course. Potential
contaminants associated with this type of discharge include
nitrogen compounds. The facility is located at the terminus
of S. Water Treatment Road, in Jal, in Section 29, T25S,
R37E, Lea County. The holding impoundments are in Jal
in Section 17, T25S, R37E, Lea County. The golf course is
in Jal in Section 18, T25S, R37E, Lea County. Ground
water most likely to be affected is at a depth of
approximately 37 to 79 feet and has a total dissolved solids
concentration of approximately 1,700 milligrams per liter.
Gerald Knutson
Ron Gillett, President
Gillett & Associates, Inc.
Dos Lagos Golf Course
P.O. Box 2694
Anthony, NM 88021
City of Jal Wastewater
Treatment Facility
Bob Gallagher, City
City of Jal
P.O. Box 340
Jal, NM 88252
[email protected]
[email protected]
Public Notice 2
To be published on or before September 25, 2014
New Mexico Environment Department
Ground Water Quality Bureau
Bonita Park Nazarene
Stan Yocum, Executive
Bonita Park Nazarene
HC71, Box 1159
Capitan, NM 88316
Otero County Prison
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Pamela Heltner, County
Otero County
1101 New York Ave.
Alamogordo, NM 88310
Rio Rancho Direct
Injection Aquifer
Recharge Demonstration
Larry Webb
Utilities Division Manager
City of Rio Rancho
3200 Civic Center Circle
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Rio Rancho
Bonita Park Nazarene Camp, Stan Yocum, Executive
Director, proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for the
discharge of up to 36,000 gallons per day (gpd) of domestic
wastewater from a package treatment plant to a leachfield.
Potential contaminants associated with this type of
discharge include nitrogen compounds. The facility is
located at the southeast corner of the junction of Hwy 48
and Hwy 37, approximately 11 miles southwest of Capitan,
in Section 15, Township 10S, Range 13E, Lincoln County.
Ground water most likely to be affected is at a depth of
approximately 26 feet and has a total dissolved solids
concentration of approximately 1,833 milligrams per liter.
Matt Slafkosky
Otero County Prison Facility, Pamela Heltner, County
Manager, proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for the
discharge of up to 330,000 gallons per day of domestic
wastewater to be received and treated using an activated
sludge treatment system. Disinfection is provided by a
chlorine contact chamber. Waste sludge is treated in an
aerobic digester then dried on synthetically lined sludge
drying beds. Treated wastewater (reclaimed wastewater)
is discharged to a 52-acre surface disposal using center
pivot sprinklers. Four synthetically lined impoundments are
used for storage prior to discharging to the surface disposal
area. Potential contaminants associated with this type of
discharge include nitrogen compounds. The facility is
located at mile post 6 on U.S. Hwy 54, approximately 9
miles northeast of Chaparral, in Section 1, Township 26S,
Range 6E, Otero County. Ground water beneath the site is
at a depth of approximately 300 feet and has a total
dissolved solids concentration of approximately 267
milligrams per liter.
Matt Slafkosky
Demonstration, City of Rio Rancho, Larry Webb, Utilities
Division Manager, proposes to discharge up to 1 million
gallons per day (GPD) of advanced treated and disinfected
reclaimed wastewater by injecting into groundwater to
supplement regional aquifer recharge. Class 1A reclaimed
wastewater is obtained from the Rio Rancho re-use
distribution system and further treated at the demonstration
facility prior to injection. The on-site advanced water
Steve Huddleson
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Public Notice 2
To be published on or before September 25, 2014
New Mexico Environment Department
Ground Water Quality Bureau
Page 3 of 3
treatment system includes an ozone-based advanced
oxidation process, multiple granular and biologically
activated carbon units, followed by final disinfection using
ultraviolet (UV) radiation and/or chlorine prior to direct
injection. Potential contaminants associated with this type
of discharge include nitrogen compounds, metals, and
organic compounds. The facility is located at 3354 8
Avenue NE, approximately 0.5 miles southeast of the
intersection of Broadmoor Drive and Northern Boulevard in
Rio Rancho, Section 18, Township 12 North, Range 03
East, Sandoval County. Groundwater beneath the site is at
a depth of approximately 560 feet below ground surface,
and has a total dissolved solids concentration of
approximately 360 milligrams per liter.
Swan Park
David Pike
Public Utilities Dept.
73 Paseo Real
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Santa Fe
Santa Fe
Swan Park, City of Santa Fe, David Pike, Public Utilities
Department, proposes to receive up to 210,000 gallons per
day of reclaimed wastewater from the Santa Fe wastewater
treatment facility, store it in a tank, and then apply it to the
Swan Park re-use area via spray irrigation. Potential
contaminants associated with this type of discharge include
nitrogen compounds. Swan Park, the re-use area, is
located in the Tierra Contenta Subdivision off Piazza
Central, approximately 8.2 miles southwest of the center of
Santa Fe, in Section 14, Township 16N, Range 8E, Santa
Fe County. Ground water beneath the site is at a depth of
approximately 120 feet and has a total dissolved solids
concentration of approximately 350 milligrams per liter.
Russell Isaac
[email protected]
Prior to ruling on any proposed Discharge Permit or its modification, the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) will allow thirty
days after the date of publication of this notice to receive written comments and during which time a public hearing may be requested by
any interested person, including the applicant. Requests for public hearing shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons why a hearing
should be held. A hearing will be held if NMED determines that there is substantial public interest. Comments or requests for hearing
should be submitted to the Ground Water Quality Bureau at PO Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469.
To view this and other public notices issued by the Ground Water Quality Bureau on-line, go to: