2013 Annual Compliance Report Operation & Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System March 2014 13-028 Prepared for: Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 1925 Bruce Road 10 Box 70 Chesley, ON N0G 1L0 Prepared by: GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. Unit 104D 1010 9th Ave. W Owen Sound, ON N4K 5R 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Sewage Works, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES ...................................................................................... 2 2.1 Wastewater Treatment Plant ........................................................................................ 2 2.2 Sewage Pumping Station ............................................................................................. 2 3.0 SUMMARY OF WASTEWATER FLOW ........................................................................... 3 4.0 SUMMARY OF RAW SEWAGE AND EFFLUENT MONITORING ................................... 4 5.0 SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE PROGRAM .................................................................. 5 6.0 SUMMARY OF COMPLAINTS RECEIVED ..................................................................... 6 7.0 ASSESSMENT OF SEPTAGE ACCEPTANCE ............................................................... 7 8.0 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT INSPECTION........................................................ 8 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................... 9 List of Tables Table 1 Summary of Wastewater Flow Table 2 Summary of Raw Sewage Monitoring Table 3 Summary of Lagoon Contents Monitoring Table 4 Summary of Effluent Discharge Monitoring: Spring 2013 Table 5 Summary of Effluent Discharge Monitoring: Fall 2013 Appendices Appendix A Certificate of Approval (Sewage) Appendix B Calibration Report GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 2 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 1.0 13-028 INTRODUCTION The Tara Sewage Works, in the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, is comprised of a wastewater treatment plant and a sewage pumping station. The wastewater generated within Tara is collected in the sewer system and is pumped to the wastewater treatment plant by way of a 200 mm diameter forcemain. The wastewater treatment plant comprises of two (2) waste stabilization ponds equipped with season discharge provisions. The plant has influent and effluent structures and a 400 mm diameter outfall sewer to the Sauble River. The Municipality of Arran-Elderslie has retained the services of GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. to prepare the Annual Compliance Report for the Tara Sewage Works. The Ministry of Environment issued an Amended Certificate of Approval # 9456-659N92 dated January 18, 2005, for this facility which revoked and replaced the Certificate of Approval # 1-704-80-006 dated July 2, 1980. Refer to Appendix A for Certificate of Approval. The Certificate of Approval stipulated preparation of an annual report addressing the following items: Summary of all monitoring data and a comparison to the effluent limits. Summary of operational problems encountered and corrective actions taken. Summary of maintenance carried out. Summary of complaints received and steps taken to address the complaints. Summary of all by-pass, spill or abnormal discharge events. . During the reporting period of this Annual Report (January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013), the Tara Sewage Works was operated by the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie. Scott McLeod of ArranElderslie was the Overall Responsible Operator (ORO), whereas Rakesh Sharma, was the backup ORO. This report has been prepared based on the information provided by the Municipality of ArranElderslie. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 1 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES 2.1 Wastewater Treatment Plant 13-028 The wastewater treatment plant comprises of two (2) waste stabilization ponds, each with an area of 3.95 Ha. The depth of the cells is approximately 1.5 m and are provided with influent and effluent structures and piping. A 200 mm diameter inlet forcemain carries sewage to the waste stabilization ponds. A 400 mm diameter outfall sewer discharges the treated effluent from the waste stabilization ponds to the Sauble River during the spring and fall discharge periods. 2.2 Sewage Pumping Station The sewage pumping station is located north of Mill Street and is equipped with two (2) vertical, centrifugal, dry pit, non-clog pumps (one duty and one standby) each capable of pumping 27.4 L/s against a total dynamic head of 21.5 m. The discharge forcemain at the sewage pumping station has a 150 mm magnetic flow meter and an emergency bypass connection. Two (2) positive displacement diaphragm-type chemical metering pumps (one duty and one standby), each capable of pumping 40 L/h of Alum for phosphorous removal, provide alum dosing into the forcemain. An emergency overflow, which permits overflow to the Sauble River, is provided from a manhole located in the inlet sewer. A 50kW diesel generator to provide standby power is also installed at this facility. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 2 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 3.0 13-028 SUMMARY OF WASTEWATER FLOW A summary of the wastewater flows received at the wastewater treatment plant is provided in Table 1. As can be noted from Table 1, the average daily flow was 354.8 m³/day and the maximum daily flow was 1,298 m³/day which occurred in January. The total annual flow was 129,401 m³. The design capacity of the treatment plant is 650 m³/day. The capacity utilization of the plant was 54.6% of the design capacity. In April 2013, the flow meter was calibrated by Flowmetrix Inc. and the percentage error was found to be acceptable. Refer to Appendix B. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 3 March, 2014 TABLE 1 13-028 Summary of Wastewater Flows: 2013 Tara Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Total Flow Average Daily Flow Maximum Daily Flow (m³) (m³/day) (m³/day) January 13,257.0 424.4 1,297.7 February 11,206.9 400.2 500.7 March 13,851.6 446.8 1,161.3 April 16,434.7 547.8 1,209.5 May 10,657.0 343.8 450.4 June 8,087.5 269.6 366.1 July 7,933.8 255.9 346.5 August 7,277.7 234.8 337.9 September 7,559.9 252.0 339.2 October 11,547.7 372.5 941.8 November 12,366.2 412.2 822.6 December 9,220.6 297.4 531.6 Total 129,401 Month Average Maximum 10,783.38 354.8 1,298 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 4.0 13-028 SUMMARY OF RAW SEWAGE AND EFFLUENT MONITORING The Certificate of Approval (CofA) requires that the raw sewage be tested for CBOD₅, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Phosphorous (TP) on a quarterly (once every three (3) months) basis. In 2013, raw sewage grab samples were collected in January, April, July and October and tested for the above referenced parameters. An additional sample was collected in April 25, 2013 because April 9th sample indicated much lower concentration for CBOD₅, Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorous. Table 2 shows the summary of raw sewage monitoring data. The CofA also requires the testing of lagoon contents for CBOD₅, Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorous once, within one (1) week prior to each seasonal discharge. Spring discharge occurred from April 19, 2013 to May 14, 2013. Fall discharge occurred from November 1, 2013 to December 2, 2013. The lagoon contents were sampled and tested for CBOD₅, Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorous before and during the discharge period. Table 3 shows the summary of the monitoring data for Cell#1 and Cell#2 contents during and prior to discharge. The effluent limits were met during both the spring and fall discharge periods. The volume discharged from the Lagoons was 86,940 m³ in the spring of 2013 and 60,858 m³ in the fall. In 2013, a total of 147,798 m³ of treated effluent was discharged as compared to 129,401 m³ of raw sewage received at the plant. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 4 TABLE 2 March 2014 13-028 Summary of Raw Sewage Monitoring Data: 2013 Tara Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Month January 24, 2013 April 9, 2013 April 25,2013 July 23, 2013 October 8,2015 CBOD₅ (mg/L) 153 12 147 65 237 Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 168 60 168 132 500 Total Phosphorous (mg/L) 6.94 0.75 7.24 4.24 6.17 March 2014 Date April 13, 2013 April 19, 2013 April 22,2013 April 24,2013 April 29, 2013 May 1, 2013 May 6,2013 May 8, 2013 May 13,2013 May 14,2013 Average CofA Objectives Cof A Limits Compliance with Effluent Limits TABLE 3 Summary of Effluent Discharge Monitoring - Sping 2013 Tara Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Cell #1 Cell # 2 Total CBOD₅ TSS CBOD₅ TSS Phosphorous (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 20 36 0.38 <3 5 6 15 0.22 8.00 17 7 11 0.21 6 19 7 9 0.23 11 16 5 6 0.20 8 14 6 9 0.19 7 17 4 4 0.2 4 10 10 7 0.34 <1 4 12 12 0.61 <3 3 9 9 0.59 <3 3 8.6 11.8 0.317 7.33 10.8 25 30 30 40 Y Y 13-028 Total Phosphorous (mg/L) 0.04 0.19 0.19 0.2 0.21 0.19 0.22 0.16 0.05 0.09 0.154 0.8 1 Y March 2014 Date October 1,2013 October 25,2013 November 1, 2013 November 4,2013 November 6,2013 November 11, 2013 November 13, 2013 November 18, 2013 November 21, 2013 November 25, 2013 November 28, 2013 December 2, 2013 Average CofA Objectives Cof A Limits Compliance with Effluent Limits TABLE 4 Summary of Effluent Discharge Monitoring - Fall 2013 Tara Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Cell #1 Total CBOD₅ TSS CBOD₅ Phosphorous (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 27 20 1.37 <3 11 12 1.04 <3 10 20 1.02 <3 10 16 0.81 <3 8 20 0.69 4 11 20 0.6 4 11 20 0.52 4 11 28 0.94 <3 9 16 0.72 4 17 32 1.05 5 21 16 0.66 7 15 8 0.91 10 13.42 19.00 0.86 5.43 25 30 Y 13-028 Cell # 2 (mg/L) <3 8 7 7 6 5 9 11 5 9 8 11 7.82 30 40 Total Phosphorous (mg/L) 0.66 0.41 0.35 0.31 0.31 0.27 0.3 0.27 0.27 0.3 0.34 0.64 0.37 0.8 1 Y Y TSS 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 5.0 13-028 SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 1. There were no sewage bypasses in the year 2013. 2. The annual service on the diesel generator was completed on January 22, 2013 which included an oil and coolant change, oil and fuel filter change and belt changes. The linkages were also lubricated. The service was performed at 1,098 hours runtime. The pump shafts were greased at 3 different times through the year. The fuel tank was filled in December, 2013. 3. Spring discharge was completed from April 19th to May 14, 2013. Approximately 86,940 m³ of effluent was discharged. Fall discharge was completed over 31 days from November 1st to December 2nd, 2013. Approximately 60,858 m³ of effluent was discharged. The effluent limits were met during spring and fall discharge periods. 4. In May, the valve between Cell #1 and Cell #2 was operated during spring discharge. Marker stakes were placed in the field marking location of manholes for the force main and effluent sewer pipe. 5. Flowmetrix calibrated the raw (mag) flow meter at the pumping station on April 17, 2013. 6. A new battery was installed for the standby diesel generator set in July, 2013. The runtime hour reading was 1,105 hours. The charging indicator light socket for the generator was replaced in August, 2013. 7. The alum pumps feed rate was increased during September and October months. The feed rate was decreased in November, 2013. A delivery of 20,000 litres of alum was received in November, 2013. The annual average alum dosage was 83.5 mg/L. 8. The Pumping Station Wet Well was cleaned by removing grease and soap build-up on the walls by Foster’s in September, 2013. The sewer collection mains were flushed in-house from October 10 to October 15, 2013. 9. At the pumping station, welded wire mesh was installed around the pump motor shaft stands. The two 8-inch valves located in the driveway, were also operated. The building door sweeps were replaced. 10. One (1) new residential sewer connection was installed for Doug Trelford, at 94 Maria Street. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 5 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 6.0 13-028 SUMMARY OF COMPLAINTS RECEIVED No Complaints were received in 2013 concerning the Tara Wastewater System. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 6 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 7.0 13-028 ASSESSMENT OF SEPTAGE ACCEPTANCE In January 2005, Henderson Paddon & Associates Ltd., produced a report entitled “Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie to Treat Septage”. This study concluded and recommended the following: 1. The Tara lagoons could accept 1.5 loads of septage at 13.6 m³ (3,000 1GAL) per load per week, from May 1 to October 31. 2. During the winter time, this rate should be reduced to one (1) load every two (2) weeks. 3. Improvements to the lagoon to facilitate receiving this septage should be important. 4. It must be recognized that the receipt of septage at the lagoons will increase the sludge accumulation rate in the lagoons. No septage was accepted at the Tara Wastewater Treatment Plant in 2013. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 7 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie 8.0 13-028 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT INSPECTION The Ministry of the Environment did not conduct an inspection of the Tara Sewage Lagoon System in 2013. GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 8 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Appendix A Certificate of Approval (Sewage) GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 13-028 2013 Annual Report – Operations and Maintenance of Tara Wastewater System, Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Appendix B Calibration Report GSS Engineering Consultants Ltd. 13-028 13-028
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