Advert for talks Japanese Garden Society RBGE

Japanese garden society
National Meeting to be held on Saturday, September 6th 2014
at the Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh
An Open invitation to members of Royal Caledonian Horticultural
Society members.
Theme of the day – The cultural, garden and botanical links
between Scotland and Japan
There will be four speakers on the day. Firstly Lord Charles Bruce, Honorary Patron
of the Japan Society Scotland will outline The development of cultural links
between Scotland and Japan. This will be followed by a short talk on The
Japanese style gardens in Scotland by Julia Rayer Rolfe of the Scottish branch
of JGS. After lunch, Anthony Austin, chairman of JGS will deliver a short talk on The
relationship between the Japanese people and nature, which will be followed by
the keynote talk on The development of botanical gardens in Japan and their
relationship with the UK botanical garden movement by Gregory Kenicer Head
of Education RBGE . There will be a short open panel discussion at the end followed
by an opportunity to visit the Japanese plants in the RBGE collection.
Programme for the day:
Guests arrival - coffee / teas
Guests join the JGS meeting in Conference room
The development of Cultural links between Scotland and Japan - Lord
Charles Bruce
The Japanese style gardens of Scotland - Julia Rayer Rolfe
Buffet lunch
The relationship between the Japanese people and nature - Anthony Austin
The development of the botanic garden movement in Japan and its
relationship to the UK botanic gardens - Greg Kenicer
Panel discussion based on questions from the audience with all speakers.
Optional opportunity to view key Japanese RBGE plant collection.
For further details on the talks and booking forms please contact Ann
Dobson, Japanese Garden Society Secretary at:
[email protected]
Or write to Ann Dobson at; Ann Dobson, JGS Secretary, Longdene Road,
Haslemere,Surrey, GU27 2PQ
NB: Please put, JGS 2014 Annual meeting booking request, in the
subject line of your email.
The cost for the day which includes teas/coffee on arrival, the four talks
and a buffet lunch will be £25 per person.
Please note that all bookings should be received by the 22nd August at
the very latest
Anthony Austin
Chairman Japanese Garden Society
Charity Registration number: 1141251