Spring Summer Newsletter No 10 2014

Tuesday 24 June
A Day visit (own transport) to Stavordale
Priory, Charlton Musgrove (near Wincanton)
and Forest Lodge, Penselwood
Cost £20 members and £22 non-members
(to include tea/coffee and cakes at all three
Bring own picnic lunch to eat at Pen Mill Farm,
Organiser Susie Long
Stavordale Priory, Charlton Musgrove
By kind permission of Sir Cameron Mackintosh
and Michael Le Poer Trench.
Augustinian Priors founded Stavordale Priory in
1243, with most of the medieval buildings dating
from the 15th & 16th Centuries. The garden was
laid out in the late 19th Century but was transformed by Georgia Langton in the late 1970s.
The superb garden layout is based on Georgia’s
work over 15 years including the cloister
walls are
covered with old roses and climbing plants, the
lakes, the orchards, the kitchen garden and the
woodland walks. Since the present owners took
over in 1993 they have added a rill and a grotto
and extended the lakes, and have added
buildings such as the Housekeeper’s Lodge and
Swimming Pool. This is a magical and very
private garden at its height in June.
Pen Mill Farm, Penselwood
By kind permission of Peter & Sarah Fitzgerald
Forest Lodge, Penselwood
By kind permission of The Hon Mr. James &
Mrs. Lucy Nelson
Forest Lodge is a comparatively new but mature
three-acre garden, part formal with pleached
allée and rill, part water garden with lake. The
terraces are planted with roses and lead down
to a small orchard with bulbs and wildflowers.
There are many camellias and rhododendrons
in May, wonderful roses in June, and unusual
spring flowering trees such as Davidia Involucrata, and many beautiful cornus. This lovely
country garden has wonderful views towards the
Hampshire Gardens Trust
Jermyns House, Jermyns Lane,
Ampfield, Hampshire
SO51 0QA
Arrive Stavordale Priory for coffee
and introductory talk
Arrive Pen Mill Farm for picnic lunch
Arrive Forest Lodge for introductory
talk and garden tour
Monday-Wednesday 14-16 July
Three day visit by coach to the Gardens
of East Sussex
Cost: Members: £285
Non-members: £315
Organiser: Leslie Shaw
A chance to enjoy a relaxing break visiting
some of the finest gardens in the south of
England – both famous and lesser known.
We shall also be staying in very comfortable
accommodation set in beautiful countryside.
The itinerary and a booking form are
Events Listings
Saturday 12 April
Hampshire Gardens Trust AGM
Townhill Park Gardens
Thursday 15 May
Coach Visit to Queen Elizabeth Olympic
Park, London
Friday 30 May
Down Place, South Harting and
Sandhill Farm House, Rogate
Tuesday 17 June
Centenary Border Viewing,
Hillier Gardens
Tuesday 24 June
Stavordale Priory and Forest Lodge,
Near Wincanton
Monday—Wednesday 14-16 July
Three day coach visit to East Sussex
tel: 01794 367752
email: [email protected] www.hgt.org.uk
Twitter: @hantsgardens
Spring / Summer Newsletter 2014
Thank you to everyone who supported our
events programme last year. As you know,
most visits were heavily oversubscribed and
we have therefore been looking at ways to
make the application process more inclusive.
However, it will still remain wise to apply for
events as soon as you can.
We are also initiating another small change.
In future, we will ask you to send a separate
cheque for each event.
Cheques will be
returned where an application is
unsuccessful. We hope that you will accept
that by doing this, we should be able to
streamline and reduce our admin work.
We have had to say goodbye to Margaret
Prout, who has been a long-serving and very
active member of the events team and also to
Judi Haycock. We welcome Jill Walmsley as
a new member.
The programme for Spring and Summer
includes venues at Hampshire gardens and
an evening at Hilliers with the Director,
Wolfgang Bopp. Further afield, we visit the
former Olympic site in East London and a
beautiful Augustinian Priory garden near
Wincanton. Finally, for a relaxing ‘mini break’
we travel to some very fine gardens on the
East Sussex/Kent border. We look forward to
welcoming you at many of these events.
From Magazine to Newsletter
Six years ago HGT moved from publishing a
modest annual Journal to a rather more
professional annual Magazine. However, the
Management Team has now decided that the
considerable expenditure of time and money can
no longer be justified. It therefore proposes to
publish an extended Newsletter in the late
Summer. Whilst still in planning form, the new
Newsletter will be designed to keep the
Membership more up to date with what the Trust
is doing. It is likely to be around 12 pages and will
contain a mix of articles and news. One of the
expenses of the Magazine was the £500+ postage
to members and special recipients, and in the long
term, it is hoped that as many members as
possible will accept the Newsletter by email.
Note: Separate Events Newsheets will continue to
be circulated and in future will be known as
Events Listings.
From the Conservation
Development Team
HGT used to have a Community Projects Group
which flourished until its movers and shakers
moved on, when it just disappeared. The current
Conservation Team recently decided to
re-structure itself as the Conservation and
Development Team, taking on some of the work of
the old Community Projects Group. Whilst
conservation is still a major part of its remit, it is
expanding its work to assist Friends Groups and
Leslie Shaw
volunteers running urban public gardens either
with small grants, expertise or just
encouragement. The current Team can only do so
HGT 30th Anniversary - Free
much, so if you think this aspect of its work might
Membership Celebratory Offer
interest you or a friend (or would like to know
As Hampshire Gardens Trust is celebrating
more) please contact Caroline at HGT either by
it’s 30th Anniversary this year, we would like
email ([email protected]) or telephone
to offer a 30 year old member of your family
(01794 367752)
or a friend a year’s free membership of HGT.
Please contact Caroline at HGT either by
email ([email protected]) or telephone
(01794 367752) for further details.
Spring-Summer Programme 2014
To apply for the events below, please complete the Application Form which comes with this
Newsletter and send it along with a Stamped Addressed Envelope to Valerie Jolley at
3 South Close, Romsey, SO51 7UP.
Directions to all events will be issued with the
tickets. All event enquiries should be directed to Valerie Jolley:
tel: 01794 519919 email: [email protected]
minutes to the park itself. We will have three
30th Annual General Meeting at Townhill Park hours for a leisurely walk round and lunch at
the numerous cafes and places to picnic.
House, Southampton
Townhill Park House is the former home of Lord Programme
Depart Fareham West Street
and Lady Swaythling. Both house and garden
the British Heart
are Grade II listed and the house in its present
Foundation shop
form dates from 1910. The gardens, which were
Depart St Catherine’s Park &
designed by Leonard Rome Guthrie and Gertrude
Jekyll in 1912, have been restored by the Friends
Winchester, J10 M3
of Townhill Park House Gardens. The official
Depart Hook Railway Station,J5
AGM Business Meeting will begin at 10.30 am,
followed by a talk from our Guest Speaker
12.00-15.00 Olympic Park
Rosaleen Wilkinson on the history of the house
Depart Olympic Park
and gardens. There will be an optional buffet
Arrive Hook Railway Station
lunch and afterwards the opportunity to tour the
Arrive St Catherine’s P&R
beautiful sunken garden, pergola, herb garden
and arboretum.
Arrive Fareham West Street
All papers and forms will be sent out to members
shortly but for further information please contact
the HGT office.
Friday 30 May
Self drive visit to two contrasting gardens
near Petersfield.
Down Place, South
Thursday 15 May
Coach Visit to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Harting and Sandhill Farm House, Rogate.
By kind permission of Mr and Mrs David
Thistleton-Smith and Rosemary Alexander
Cost: Members: £25 Non-members £27
Organiser: Leslie Shaw
Following on from Jean Hillier’s article in the Cost : Members £17 Non-members £19
Autumn HGT Magazine on the Olympic Legacy, Organiser: Joanna Lang
Saturday 12 April
this is an early opportunity for us to explore the
former Olympic site.
The North Park was
completed last year and with the opening of the
South Park in April 2014 its transformation will
be complete. Those of you who remember the
dazzling display at the 2012 Games will wonder
how it has been developed and expanded. In her
article, Mrs Hillier describes the planting of an
additional 100,000 shrubs, 4,300 trees and 1
million new herbaceous plants and a similar
number of bulbs.
Happily, the wildflower
meadows have been retained and expanded.
This highly prestigious site is bound to attract
much interest.
Our coach will drop us off at the nearest
entrance, from which there is a walk of about 15
Down Place, South Harting
This delightful 7 acre chalk garden sits on the
side of a horseshoe shaped valley in the South
Downs with fine views of the surrounding
Over the last 50 years the
enthusiastic owners have created extensive
herbaceous, shrub and rose borders along
terraces of different levels. There are also
shaded areas, bog plants, massed perennials,
a potager and many impressive trees, as well
as a fully stocked vegetable garden and green
houses. But the undoubted jewel in the crown
is the wild flower meadow that sits at the base
of the valley and is renowned for its collection
of native orchids.
Sandhill Farm House
In contrast a smaller but no less inspirational
garden, often featured in magazines such as
The Garden, and owned by the Principal of
the English Gardening School, Rosemary
The front and rear gardens are broken up
into garden rooms with wonderful detailed
planting of Spring flowering shrubs and
bulbs including a dry terraced area and a
white garden. The rear garden is again very
well designed and features mirror borders
and a small decorative vegetable garden
and a red border, together with a grit and
gravel area. Everything is organically grown
and environmentally friendly as may be
suggested by the many compost areas with
which one is greeted on arrival.
Sandhill Farm House, Rogate
Tuesday 17 June
A private viewing of the Centenary Border
with the Director of the Sir Harold Hillier
Gardens, Wolfgang Bopp
Cost: Members £14
Non-members £16
(to include a glass of wine or soft drink)
Organiser: Leslie Shaw
The Centenary Border was first planted in 1964
by Sir Harold Hillier to celebrate his
family’s 100 years as a nursery business. In
recent times this magnificent border has been
redesigned and replanted.
In 2014 the
Gardens celebrate the Centenary Border’s 50th
It is now longer and more
diverse in its plant content, with some 30,000
The evening will be a celebration of this
wonderful border. We also hope to mark HGT’s
30th Anniversary in suitable style.
18.15-18.30 Arrival at Jermyns House,
Jermyns Lane, Ampfield, Romsey
Refreshments followed by a walk
round the border with
Wolfgang Bopp, Director
20.00-20.15 Depart
Arrival for coffee at Down Place
Introductory Talk by Mr and Mrs
Thistleton-Smith followed by
guided tour of the Garden
Lunch arrangement. There is a
good pub nearby, The Three
Horseshoes at Elsted.
are offering us a ploughman's
platter for £6. Please indicate
on the application form if you
would like this
Arrive Sandhill Farm House
Introductory talk and tour of
Tea and cake and departure
Down Place, South Harting
Centenary Border, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens