Jim Wiesen - G2 Capital Advisors

 Jim Wiesen
Managing Director - Operations
Jim Wiesen is a G2 Managing Director focused on corporate and credit restructuring advisory.
Jim has over twenty-five years of financial advisory and interim management experience. His
experience spans from middle market to Fortune 500 companies across several sectors. Over
the years, his work has resulted in significant value creation for both institutional investors and
Currently serving as CFO for $250M seafood distributor
Represented senior creditors during a Chapter 7 filing to maximize recovery and
minimize Letter of Credit exposure.
Served as interim management for a $300M bedding company that was entering
Chapter 11. Part of team that operated company for approximately 12 months before
handing over to new CEO/CFO.
Helped prepare an $85M heavy trucking company for sale. Created strategic plan and
improvement and path to profitability model. Served as shadow CFO during sale
Jim started his career at Coopers & Lybrand (now IBM), consulting to both Fortune 500
companies and the middle market, including manufacturers and service companies in both the
consumer and industrial sectors. In this position, he focused on finance, operations and process
improvement for both business and manufacturing functions.
Jim has worked on dozens of transactions directly with investors and management teams to
lead turnaround and or pre/post-bankruptcy activities, specifically to restructure operations,
improve profitability and cash flow, and in some cases, determine the ultimate viability of the
company. In several situations, creditors have had Jim evaluate options and represent their
interests. Increasingly, he is serving in interim or shadow management roles.
He has a generalist management background serving in a variety of Sr. Management Roles
depending upon the individual business needs and requirements at the time.
Specialties: General Management; Strategic Planning, Interim or Distress Management;
Turnaround Management; M&A; Operational Restructuring; Operational Improvement.
Jim received his MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. He
passed the Illinois CPA exam in 1985.
Jim is married and resides in the Chicago area. He enjoys cycling, tennis and many outdoor
535 Boylston Street, Suite 701 | Boston, MA 02116
Phone: 617.531.9911 | Web: www.g2capitaladvisors.com
New York | Boston | Chicago | Atlanta