11.7.14 Newsletter - East Hunsbury Primary School

What’s still happening before the
end of the Summer term?
Reports go out to Parents
Year 2 visit to Everdon Outdoor Centre
Year 6 Shakespeare—7pm
Year 6 Shakespeare—7pm
Year R Trip to Mead Open Farm
New Date: Year 2 & Key Stage Two
Dance Display 9.15am—10.45am
Year 6 and Red Class
Leavers’ Prom Night—7pm
Leavers’ Assembly—10am
Close for Summer Holidays—3.30pm
Considerate Parking
Can I remind parents to park safely and
with consideration for local residents and
access for emergency services at all times.
We hate annoying our neighbours.
Please be aware of the limitations that we
have for parking in this area.
On behalf of all the staff of EHPS thank you
for your tireless support this year and have a
wonderful Summer !
Final Day—Toy Day
The children should wear school
uniform on the final day of term but
they are allowed to bring toys and
games into school – not too many and
nothing too expensive or precious.
All the children will have a free ice lolly as an
end of term thank you. They have been an
absolute pleasure!
Have a good one!!!
Useful Information
To Report an Absence: Tel: 01604 677970 and choose Option 1
Please leave your child’s name, class and reason for absence.
Doors Open to Pupils: 8.45am Registration at 8.55am
The school is not responsible for pupils on the school grounds prior to 8.45am.
Lunchtimes: Foundation Stage: 11.30am—12.30pm
Key Stage One: 11.45am to 12.45pm
Key Stage Two: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Term Dates 2013/2014
23rd July 2014
Due to a change in legislation, schools cannot authorise any holidays
in term time
East Hunsbury Primary School, Penvale Road, East Hunsbury, Northampton, NN4 0QW
Tel: (01604) 677970 Fax: (01604) 677971 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.east-hunsburyprimary.co.uk
Headteacher: Mrs R Arundel
East Hunsbury Primary
Summer Term
11th July 2014
IQM Award/ Flagship Invitation
As a school, we currently hold amongst other awards, an Inclusion
Quality Mark (IQM), which was up for its 3 year renewal this term.
After a full two day assessment, we have recently been successful
in renewing this award.
The Inclusion Quality Mark recognises Inclusive practice and
values across the whole school community. This means Inclusion
amongst the pupils, parents, staff, governors, and the wider school
team and locality . It does not just recognise schools which have a
Specialist Unit and pupils with Special Needs.
It is awarded to schools that demonstrate that Inclusion is at the
heart of everything they do, and is totally embedded across the
whole schools ethos and values. Inclusion is where all the schools
values and rules stem from. The award is renewed every 3 years.
The IQM award involved lesson visits, looking at policy and practice , school data , interviews with staff, parents, governors, members of the wider school community and of course our pupils.
Please find the Summary Report attached with an invitation to become a Flagship School .We are all very proud of this great
Dance Display
If you would like to see some of the dances the children in Year
2 and Key Stage Two ( Year 3– 6) have been practising in P.E.
why not come along to an informal Dance Display on
Tuesday 22nd July 2014
9.15am— 10.45am
Special points of interest:
IQM Award and Flagship
Fun Night Fundraiser
Festival of Sport– Thank you
Dance Display—New Date
Dates for your Diary
Parking Reminder
FEHPS Fun Night
We are pleased to announce that
with the help of Barclaycard Matched
Giving donation the FEHPS Fun
Night raised a total of £1561.72.
Many thanks to all involved.
Festival of Sport
Thank you to the many, many
Parents who supported our Sports
Festival during the last fortnight. The
children have had a wonderful time
but sadly it ’s back to school uniform
next week!