EUROPEAN JOINT SUPPORT UNIT JFC HQ BRUNSSUM Arrival Booklet A Newcomers’ Guide June 2014 Edition Providing support to British personnel and their families serving with NATO at JFC HQ Brunssum, NPC Glons and in the Netherlands Foreword WELCOME TO THE NETHERLANDS The aim of this booklet is provide an overview of information required to ease transition from your current assignment to arrival in the Netherlands. The contents herein have been compiled by the European Joint Support Unit (EJSU) and Joint Force Command Headquarters Brunssum (JFC HQ Brunssum). JFC HQ Brunssum is located in the province of South Limburg, Netherlands and administers largely to personnel serving at Brunssum and Glons, Belgium. We also provide care to exchange officers in various posts throughout the Netherlands. The booklet is neither exhaustive nor all-inclusive, but is seeks to provide a starting point and answer basic questions: of course my staff and I would be delighted to assist or signpost further as required. I would ask that, once you have settled in post, to take time to review the booklet and make suggestions for any improvement or inclusion you feel would benefit others. I look forward to meeting you. C R Ferguson WO Head of EJSU Brunssum CONTENTS Contents Welcome Note from Head of Location General Contact Information Aim Role of EJSU EJSU History JFC HQ Brunssum Your Sponsor Accommodation in the Netherlands Procedure Married Accompanied Personnel Single & Married Unaccompanied Officers Single & Married Unaccompanied WOs Single & Married Unaccompanied SNCOs & ORs Moving Household Effects/GFA Moving Pets Recycling Discipline Travel Arrangements Arranging Your Journey By Air Arranging Your Journey By Private Car Personal Documentation NATO Travel Order & Passports EHIC UK Driving Licence Sat Nav Vehicles Vehicle Registration Schooling Primary School Education Secondary School Education Transfer of Children’s School Records Arrival Procedures In-Processing Paperwork Relocation Leave Passes & Permits Page Number 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 1 EJSU Coffee Shop and Snack Bar Banking Facilities Medical Facilities Medical Insurance Dental Facilities HR Administration – JPA Allowances & Charges 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 Annexes Contact Details A-1 2 GENERAL Contact Information Contact details and telephone numbers for sections/organisations mentioned in this booklet are listed at Annex A. Aim The aim of this booklet is to provide information to assist in your pre-arrival preparation. Its contents do not make it an authoritative document and the information contained herein is subject to amendment. Role of EJSU The EJSU provides administrative, logistic and welfare support to British Service personnel and their families at JFC HQ Brunssum and NPC Glons. JOINT FORCE COMMAND HEADQUARTERS BRUNSSUM Since 3 March 2000 JFC HQ Brunssum has assumed command and control of a vast geographical area including: the land areas of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the UK and the sea areas of the Irish Sea, the English Channel, the North Sea, the Norwegian maritime flank and the Baltic Sea and Approaches, less national waters. The JFC HQ Brunssum structure reflects a balanced service mix thus ensuring a joint capability. The Peacetime Establishment (PE) reflects: Royal Navy/Royal Marines 21%, British Army 36% and the Royal Air Force 30%; the remaining 13% may be filled by any Service. The overall Headquarters manning, including logistic and communications support elements, totals more than 2400 personnel to which 19 Nations contribute. SPONSORSHIP. EJSU in consultation with your Line Manager will provide details of your allocated sponsor. Invariably this will either be your predecessor in post or a work colleague whom will be briefed by EJSU staff in regard to their responsibilities. Sponsors will be able to address any pre-arrival concerns and assist with your in-processing upon arrival. ACCOMMODATION IN THE NETHERLANDS Procedure Personnel administered by the EJSU are housed by the Defence Infrastructure Organization (DIO). Applications for Service Families Accommodation should be submitted to the DIO, EJSU, on MOD Form 1132, which is available from your Unit Administrative Office or from Defence Estates (UK). If you have access to a Military network, you can access the e-1132 at the following address: ceFamilyAccomodation.aspx EJSU have experienced some difficulty with those applications submitted using the on-line system. Ideally completed paper application forms should be sent as a scanned copy to: [email protected] or by fax to civ 0032 6544 4745 or mil 9205 423 4745. 3 DIO have 15 working days to allocate your accommodation. If you are already in SFA and, in the unlikely event overseas accommodation is unavailable, you must seek permission from your local DIO to retain accommodation pending allocation overseas. Brunssum boasts transit accommodation and, subject to availability, may be booked via DIO Brunssum for 1 night prior to move in – Netherlands hotel accommodation is not to be booked without written permission of Brunssum DIO or Head of Location UK EJSU. Married Accompanied Personnel All SFA are Dutch hirings. Accordingly you should be aware that most are open-plan and, due to steep staircases, may restrict access to the 1st floor and/or attic areas. Accordingly, please ensure you make allowance for this whilst planning removals and advise your removal company to bring a hoist. Single & Married Unaccompanied (MU)Officers Single & MU officers are accommodated approximately 2 miles from base in 2 or 3 bedroom fully furnished flats. Charges are dependent on marital category. Given there are no messing facilities on camp personnel will receive a Living Out Supplement to Local Overseas Allowance (LOSLOA) payment to assist with food purchase. LOA is in addition and rates for both are at Annex B. Application is via DIO EJSU. Single & Married unaccompanied WOs Single & MU WOs are accommodated in flats in Brunssum. Application is via DIO EJSU. Single & MU SNCOs & Other Ranks (OR) Single and MU SNCOs and OR are accommodated on base and are required to pay Accommodation Charges. However, a lack of messing facilities attracts Special Messing Allowance (SMA) – rates available on request – in addition to Netherlands LOA. You are to inform DIO of your arrival date and accommodation requirements. In exceptional circumstances, SNCOs and Other Ranks may request to be accommodated in the flats. Applications to do so are to be forwarded to the Head of EJSU on [email protected] Married Unaccompanied Accommodation Charges RN and RAF married unaccompanied personnel will not be charged for single living accommodation. Different rules apply to Army personnel and guidance should be sought from the EJSU J1 regarding accommodation charges. Moving Your Household Effects Agility Logistics If you have an entitlement to move your household effects under the Furniture Movement Service (FMS) or the Unaccompanied Baggage Scheme, you should logon to: and follow the on screen instructions. It is imperative that you complete the necessary documentation on receipt of an assignment order: this allows Agility Logistics a reasonable period of notice to facilitate your intended move. Unaccompanied Baggage Scheme(UBS). If you chose not to use the FMS you can the UBS (a smaller, limited, entitlement) and store the bulk of your effects at public expense. Again, your Admin Office will advise, but be aware that single/married unaccompanied, regardless of rank, 4 who are accommodated in flats, are NOT entitled to FMS, as the accommodation will be furnished and is classed as a Mess Annexe. Moving Pets Whilst The Netherlands has no quarantine regulations for pets being imported, any person wishing to do so must contact The UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for full guidance. Personnel should also contact DIO given that not all Dutch Landlords allow pets in hirings. Recycling The Netherlands has strict guidelines concerning refuse and its collection. A refuse collection timetable for each postcode is available from the Hive. For the recycling of larger items you must have a Rd4 pass. If the Rd4 pass has not been left by the previous occupant then the DIO will obtain one on your behalf. Discipline Under the AFA 2006, families of Service personnel living with them abroad are subject to Service discipline. Additionally, any civilian visitors staying in Service Accommodation, be it SLA or SFA (or their substitute equivalent) are also subject to Service discipline. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Arranging Your Journey By Air The air trooping route is currently Birmingham to Hannover and Paderborn flying Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday. Individuals intending to utilise this method are strongly advised to contact EJSU MT on 0031 45 526 2561 to confirm transport arrangements from the airhead to their accommodation. Arranging Your Journey by Private Car The regulations for duty travel to and from the Netherlands are contained in JSP 752, Chapter 4, Paragraph 04.0112. This states that personnel are entitled to travel with their family by Private Motor Vehicle and claim full MMA at the Converted Leave Rate. Furthermore, personnel are entitled to claim additional travel costs should they bring a second vehicle. A PAP is no longer required. If in doubt about the entitlement personnel are advised to contact their Unit HR. PERSONAL DOCUMENTATION NATO Travel Order & Passports You are to be in possession of a valid passport and a NATO Travel Order when travelling to Brunssum. All family members and civilian personnel should possess a valid passport. Passports should be current for at least 6 months after date of arrival. Your Unit HR can advise of the renewal process if your passport is due to expire. Whilst in the Netherlands service personnel must carry a NATO travel order and a passport whilst crossing borders and travelling in surrounding countries, spouses need to carry their 5 passport. Please note: your JFC HQ Brunssum ID card is insufficient and you could face a fine of up to €2000 if stopped by the local authorities. EHIC It is essential that you are in possession of an EHIC card (Medical Passport for the EU). Your spouse will require a separate EHIC card and any children should be included on both forms. If you have children at boarding school you are advised to complete a separate EHIC per child. Contact your local Post Office for more information or go on-line to and click on the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) application form. Please note that the EHIC card is only valid whilst travelling in other countries around Europe and not while actually resident in the Netherlands. UK Driving Licences Although you will be issued with an JFC HQ Brunssum Driving Licence, you should advise the DVLA of your new BFPO address. Satellite Navigation It is highly recommended that you purchase a Satellite Navigation system with European maps prior to your arrival in The Netherlands. Upon arrival, the HIVE can provide local maps and postcodes to many local businesses and facilities. VEHICLES Vehicle Registration Personnel are to note Dutch regulations regarding tax free vehicles differ markedly to those for Germany and other countries. Guidance is available at or the Vehicle Registration Department at Brunssum on 003145 526 2580 Personnel posted to NPC Glons will be required to register their vehicles through the Vehicle Registration Department at NPC Glons (which come under different guidelines) and those posted to Germany come under BFG rules. NOTE VEHICLES MUST BE REGISTERED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ARRIVAL SCHOOLING Childcare There is currently a lack of childcare facilities for children under the Foundation stage 1. Personnel falling into this category are advised to contact their sponsor as early as possible to ascertain whether their needs can be met. Foundation Stage 1 Provision (FS1) FS1 education for children aged 3-4 years old is conducted within the Brunssum International School. Note it is a parental responsibility to transport FS1 children to and from school. Primary School Age Children Children entitled to Primary school education are catered for in AFNORTH International School in Brunssum. Transport is available for children in the outlying towns and can be booked on 6 registration at the school. Prior to your arrival you must make an appointment with the British Section of the school to arrange a suitable time for an interview with the Head Teacher. Secondary Age Children Children from the age of 11 can remain at AFNORTH International School in Brunssum until they are 14. For further information on education options from the age of 11 individuals should contact the HIVE. In all cases parents must contact Service Children’s Education (SCE) ( Transfer Of Children’s School Records It is the responsibility of parents to arrange a suitable time to collect these records from the children’s current school and transport port that information to the new school. 7 ARRIVAL PROCEDURES In-Processing Paperwork On arrival, you are to report to the Admin Office in Building 603, where you should arrange to meet your sponsor. Your sponsor will then assist you to in-process. Relocation Leave You will be entitled to 10 working days Relocation Leave if posted in from the UK or theatre other than NW Europe; this leave may be taken either in the UK or at your new overseas location depending on accommodation arrangements. Note LOA will only commence from the official posting date and will not be paid if that leave is taken abroad. Passes and Permits Immediately as practicable following arrival at the EJSU, Service personnel, civilian personnel and their dependants are required to report to the Passes and Permits Office, in Building 102 to complete registration. Please note that until you have a JFC HQ Brunssum entry pass you will be unable to open a Dutch Bank Account. Further details about Registration can be found on EJSU COFFEE SHOP AND SNACK BAR The EJSU coffee shop is situated on the ground floor of Building 603, adjacent to the Registry. In addition to serving a wide selection of coffees and tea, there are a variety of freshly made sandwiches, baguettes and salads prepared on the premises on a daily basis. Opening Hours: Monday - Thus Fri 0930 – 1330 hrs 0830 – 1330 hrs BANKING FACILITIES Whilst you are free to chose any bank, the most frequently selected is ABN AMRO Brunssum, this being the only bank JFC HQ Brunssum can pay claims into. Whilst waiting for your bank account to be activated you can obtain Euros from your UK Bank and thereafter claim currency exchange costs on JPA (this entitlement ceases once your pay is credited to your Dutch bank account). Please note that you cannot reclaim any bank charges related to withdrawing Euros from local banks on your UK bank ATM card. You may only reclaim any loss in currency exchange ie where the exchange rate applied by your UK bank is less than the official Fixed Forces Rate (FFR) applicable at the time of any cash withdrawal. There is no longer a cheque encashment facility at JFC Brunssum. MEDICAL FACILITIES The British Medical Centre, (BMC), is located in building 501; access is via JFC Main Gates It is a small single doctor practice, which offers normal Primary Health Care Services similar to a military UK Medical Centre. In addition to the doctor, a A SSAFA Midwife and Health Visitor visit the BMC weekly and offer UK equivalent care. 8 All Service personnel, their dependants, schoolteachers and United Kingdom Based Civilians working at JFC HQ BRUNSSUM are entitled to free treatment at the BMC. Please register immediately at the BMC to ensure that your medical documents are requested from your previous medical practice. During arrival will be issued with a Practice Leaflet listing available medical services. If you or your family have special medical needs, you are advised to contact the BMC before your arrival. Hospital and specialist care is normally provided via local Dutch Civilian Services or through British Forces Germany Health Services (BFGHS). Outwith normal working hours and at weekends emergency cover is provided by Dutch Out of Hours (OOH) service providers. The service works on par with the OOH service provided by the Primary Care Trust (PCT) in the UK. The Dutch hospitals have excellent facilities and the Dutch doctors speak reasonable English. MEDICAL INSURANCE You are aware of the earlier stated requirement to be in possession of an EHIC. Throughout your assignment it is invariable you will travel outwith the Netherlands. If you require medical attention on such travel any bills you incur will not be paid for by the BMC. Accordingly you are advised to take out travel insurance for you (and your family). Some ISODETs require registration with Dutch General Practitioner (GP); this requires specific health insurance available only via Dutch insurance companies. Desk Officers/Career Managers should provide a E106 application to be completed and forwarded to the address on that form. Completed E106 are then presented to the appropriate Dutch Insurer. Your sponsor should be able to advise which are appropriate. You will be provided with a basic medical insurance package (at no cost to you). Any charges that you incur which are not covered by your insurance will be paid by British Forces Germany Health Services (BFGHS). EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE If your spouse/partner undertakes employment within the Dutch system they will be required to take out employment insurance; note that EHIC, any additional travel insurance and your E106 insurance is insufficient. Please note average cost of employment insurance is in the regoion of 115 Euros per month. Employers should be contacted regarding payment of this prior to commencing employment. Any such insurance cannot be claimed back. DENTAL FACILITIES The British Dental Centre (BDC) is located on the top floor of the BMC. The BDC has a Dentist, a Practice Manager, a Hygienist and a Dental Surgery Assistant. All Service personnel and their dependants, schoolteachers and United Kingdom Based Civilians working at JFC HQ BRUNSSUM are entitled to treatment at the BDC. A comprehensive range of treatment is available with the emphasis on prevention. Treatment is free to all Service personnel and those exempt NHS charges. Others will be charged for treatment provided at current NHS rates. 9 HR ADMINISTRATION – JOINT PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION There are 4 DII terminals for use within the UK EJSU Admin Office. PAY, ALLOWANCES AND CHARGES Advance of Pay on Posting In addition to any allowances, you may wish to consider taking an advance of pay on posting overseas; applications to your current HR Admin. Annexes: A. Contact Details. 10 ANNEX A TO ARRIVAL BOOKLET APRIL 2014 CONTACT DETAILS When dialling from the UK, a 4 digit extension number should be prefixed with 0031 45 526 **** Contact Tel No EJSU-BRUNSSUM Head of Location Chf Clk British Medical Centre British Dental Centre HIVE* DIO J1 Clk Community Support Worker Contact Tel No Subordinate Units 2506 2485 2497 2293 2891 3011 3780 NPC Glons 0032 4289 9326 Miscellaneous Vehicle Registration 2580 Passes & Permits International School Windsor School (Rheindahlen) Sunbeams Pre School Meeus Insurance ABN AMRO 2580 0031 45 527 8240 0049 2161 4722412 2615 DEFRA (Pets) *website – e-mail: - [email protected] 11 0031 45 568 0748 0031 45 526 2492 0031 45 564 4224 UK – 0845 9335577
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