2640 STONEY RIDGE ROAD AVON, OHIO 44011 Rectory: 440-934-4212 • Fax: 440-934-0507 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.stmaryavon.org School: 440-934-6246 • Convent: 440-934-5173 FR. C. THOMAS CLEATO", PASTOR Rev. Arthur B. Egan, Pastor Emeritus MASSES: COFESSIOS: Saturday Evening………………4:00 pm Sunday...8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 oon Monday & Thursday…………...7:30 pm Tues., Wed, Fri………………….8:30 am Saturday Morning …………….. 8:30 am Holy Days: Vigil………………...7:30 pm Holy Days……………..8:30 am, 7:30 pm Holidays...……………………….9:00 am Saturday………………2:30-3:30 pm Monday………………..7:00-7:25 pm MIRACULOUS MEDAL OVEA: Monday……………………...7:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATIO: Thursday……………....1:00-7:00 pm DECEMBER 14, 2014 . THIRD SU3DAY OF ADVE3T Coming home can be a bittersweet experience. For many, there is the joy of seeing family and friends, the comfort of familiar foods, and a return to places that hold treasured memories. For some, a return home increases anxiety and brings about conflict. During the holiday season we often hear stories about how families cope with coming together for celebrations. Family conflict during the holidays has been an endless source of material for films. Movies such as All I Want for Christmas, Four Christmases, and A Christmas Tale all play off of the theme of family gatherings and coming home. Today's selection from the prophet Isaiah was written at the time when the inhabitants of Jerusalem were returning home from the fifty-year Exile in Babylon. Their city was in ruins, their vineyards and fields desolate, their Temple destroyed. Having endured the ravages of war, the people are now free to rebuild their lives. It is in this context of desolation that Isaiah proclaims words of hope. Throughout the years there have been many stories in the news about the trauma that soldiers experience as they come back from active duty. Some find the lower-keyed life away from the war zone difficult to cope with. Stateside life cannot compare to the adrenaline-pumped experience of combat. And some try to assuage their anxiety with high risk behavior in an attempt to once again feel the high. For these men and women coming home is difficult. Isaiah's prophecy is more than fanciful words uttered ages ago. It is the promise of the Savior's work among us, and a challenge to those of us who believe in Christ and strive to continue to do his work. Healing the brokenhearted is one of the tasks for those who have been gifted by the Holy Spirit. Our works of charity in this holiday season extend beyond food and gifts for the needy. It is also bringing light to those in darkness. . Please Pray For the Sick: Patricia Carnac, John Matthew Gibson, Joan Rodger, Thomas Richards, Mary Anne Berthold, Kristy O’Brien, Gwendolyn Gurney, Joan Votes, Elizabeth Conners, Chuck Docs, Anita Grant, J. Koerner, Owen Winters, Genevieve Smith, Robert Gates, Virginia Sump, Thomas Ackerman, June Naelitz, Kate Liauw, Arthur Rossi, Diane Urig, Martha Adkins, Natalie Butchko, Wendy Hallier, Carol Gates, Bob DeChant, John Khoma, Vicky Motes, Kathleen Mahoney, Jeffrey Hostottle, Brenda Hazelwood, Bill Grabert, Alexa Jennings, Barbara Milota, Ryan Case, Irene Chrulski, George Drda, Stanley Perusek, Kerry Coleman, Sandra Pitts, Rosemary Wysocki, Marie Mayton, Henry McCowan, Kennedy Noar, Betty Drda, Joe Zivosecz, Patrick Fahey, Gene Coghlan, William Mayton, Kelly Hunt, Evelyn Schneider. Judy Richardson, Alice Conrad, May Ella Lester, Deborah Deremiah, Lou Trotta., Mildred Ondrus, Toni Burch, Gerda Vabthoor, Anita Stockard, Gloria Simon, Pat Beckman, Louis Holley, Pauline Wysocki, George Drda, Barbara Riegelsberger, Ruth Drda , &ancy Danese. If anyone needs communion to be administered to a HOME BOUD individual, please contact the Rectory to make the appointment. 20l4 Christmas/ew Year/Mass and Confession Schedule Christmas Confessions Saturday, December 20 Monday, December 24 2:30 pm-3:30 pm 11:00 am-12:00 pm ew Years Confessions: Saturday, December 27 Monday, December 29 2:30 pm-3:30 pm 7:00 pm-7:25 pm Christmas Masses Christmas Eve-Children’s Liturgy 4 :00 pm Midnight Mass 12:00 am Choir begins singing at 11:15 pm Christmas Day 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm ew Years Masses New Years Eve Vigil New Year’s Day 4:00 pm 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Weekly Offering $ 565,000 Total Offertory Budget (July 2014 - June 2015) $ (11,384) Last Weeks Offering $ 356,779 36.9% How can your family Make A Difference? Circle the Remaining Goal Percent (%) of Goal Achieved Achieved Goal $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $565,000 $200,000 $100,000 $208,221 $- 36.9% NOTE: Offertory goal does NOT cover all expenses. Your continued support of fundraisers is greatly appreciated. Second Collection: Today for Retirement Fund for Religious. Sponsor of the Week: Cobos Insurance Center Rosary: We need more people to come and say the Rosary on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Please come and join us. Divine Mercy Service: Please come and join us for Divine Mercy Services on Thursdays at 3:00 pm to pray for world peace. Any questions call Jan Spisak 934-4403. CPO Gift Certificates – St. Mary School Fundraiser: Please do your best to help support St. Mary School by purchasing CPO Gift Certificates, the proceeds will go directly back to the school! We all need to purchase food for groceries; weekly-monthly, so why not help out our school at the same time by purchasing Giant Eagle or Heinens gift cards first! You may place your order by calling the convent at 9345173 or you may find CPO order forms at the back of the church, please complete and return it to the school office, convent or rectory along with your check made out to St. Mary CPO by Tuesdays and on Friday your order will be ready to pick-up at the school office or convent. In addition, after purchasing $2,000 worth of CPO cards per family, the family will qualify for a $40 discount off. Date and Join us at Youth Mass on Dec. 14th at 6:00pm. Following mass we will be gathering in the school hall to make Christmas cards and decorations for the residents of Avon Oaks. For many residents this will be their biggest gift of the season. Please bring any stickers, foamies or card making items to share. Many thanks to the families that helped us fill and pack 30 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. These will be distributed to kids around the world. We will keep you posted on where ours get opened. March for Life bus trip to Washington D.C. sponsored by Knights of Columbus Father Ragan Council 3269, Avon. The bus leaves the K of C Hall, 1783 Moore Rd., Avon at 8 PM, Wednesday, January 21, and returns to the Hall on Thursday, 11 PM, January 22. Cost is $65 for adults, $25.00 for HS students and $45 for College students. Students under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Reservations requested with half payment down by December 21 and balance due on January 21. Checks should be made payable to the Knights of Columbus Council 3269. Take a stand for life with the Knights of Columbus! Contact Bob (330) 225-7155 or John (440) 725-7369 for tickets or more information. Help eeded -- Church Decorating for Christmas – Sunday, December 21st at 1:30 P.M. We need your help decorating the Church for Christmas on Sunday, December 23rd at 1:30 p.m. We will be setting up the Christmas trees, the Manger, hanging garland and bows. This is a great way to get your service hours for Confirmation. It normally takes between 1 – 1 ½ hours, the help of many hands, makes for light work. If you have any questions, please call 934-5933. DECEMBER 14, 2014 THIRD SU"DAY OF ADVE"T SERVERS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 15: Monday, 7:30 pm Tuesday, 8:30 am Wednesday, 8:30 am Thursday, 7:30 pm Friday, 8:30 am Saturday, 8:30 am 4:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Lucy. Mary & Greg Greaney Hayden Slone, Jacob Walther, Jack Budinger Lauren & Rachel Staunton, Kennedy Noar Mandy Haas, Emma O’Boyle, Paige Kay Ryan Marshall, Zach Maxey, Alex Mrosko Sophia & Alex Mrosko, Jack Budinger Cameron & Alex Carandang. Colin Garrity Kaitlyn Porter, Paige Kay, Kennedy Noar Sarah, Nicholas & Michael Perusek Lauren & Meadow Smith, Taylor Stockard EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF DECEMBER 20/21: Avon Oaks: (Tue 12/16 Rosary) Maureen Jacoby, Linda Havlik (Wed 12/17 Communion) Sharon Provenzale, Maurine Mescan (Fri 12/12 Communion) Kathy Freeh, Maureen Jacoby Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Julie Novasel, Tom & Mary Czarney, Bob & Joyce Vielhaber Judy Neal Sherry Rouse, Terese Olsavsky, Annie Gomos, Dorrie Bommer, Need Sub Kathy Petersen, Carol & Mario Romano LECTORS FOR THE WEEKEND OF DECEMBER 20/21: Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Gregg Szabo Tess Wearsch Nolan Meehan Pat McGreal MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 15: Monday, 7:30 pm Tuesday, 8:30 am Wednesday, 8:30 am Thursday, 7:30 pm Friday, 8:30 am Saturday, 8:30 am 4:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm December 15, Advent Weekday Olga Wanchick (Connie Hricovec) December 16, Advent Weekday Bonnie Mayton Horvath (Robert Mayton & Family() December 17 Late Advent Weekday Linda Chal (Robert) December 18, Late Advent Weekday Evelyn DiLuciano (DiLuciano Family) December 19, Late Advent Weekday Thomas Ketchesin, Sr. (Family) December 20, Late Advent Weekday Dominic DiLuciano (Family) Helen, John & Donald (Murawski Family December 21, Fourth Sunday of Advent Tim (Mom & Dad) Laura Wojciecowski (Ronald & Arlene Paull) People of the Parish Parish Council: Is looking for new members starting in It's not too late to participate in the St. Mary's Music Ministries as we prepare for Christmas celebrations! For more 2015. details, pick up a flyer at the main Church entrance, contact Deb (440-258-1362), or just come join us for Wednesday evening rehearsals (7:30 p.m.) on December 10th in Church and December .ůLJƌŝĂĂƚŚŽůŝĐ,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽůtĞůĐŽŵĞƐ&ƌĞƐŚͲ 17th (Choir Loft). Final rehearsals Saturday, 12/20, 12:30 p.m. in ŵĂŶ͘&ƌĞƐŚŵĂŶWůĂĐĞŵĞŶƚdžĂŵĚĂƚĞƐĂƌĞ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͕ :ĂŶƵĂƌLJϭϬ͕ϮϬϭϱĨƌŽŵϴ͗ϯϬĂ͘ŵ͘ͲϭϮ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘WůĞĂƐĞƌĞŐͲ the Choir Loft...hope to see you there! CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS with MUSIC!!! There's still time to join St. Mary's Music Ministries and participate in the Christmas Choirs & Ensembles! Final two rehearsals are WEDNESDAY Dec. 17th at 7:30 p.m. and SATURDAY Dec. 20th at 12:30 p.m., both rehearsals IN THE CHURCH CHOIR LOFT. For more details, pick up a flyer at the main Church entrance, contact Deb (440-258-1362), or just come for rehearsals! A SPECIAL IVITATIO for FAMILIES... If you traditionally attend the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass as a family, and have family members who enjoy singing, consider participating in the PRELUDE CHOIR this year! Music begins at 11:15 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and following the Prelude program, choir singers may either continue singing with the choir in the Loft, or rejoin their families in the main Church for the celebration of Mass at Midnight. Contact Deb (440 258 1362) for details, or just come for the last two rehearsals (in the Church choir loft) this WEDNESDAY Dec. 17th at 7:30 p.m. and SATURDAY Dec. 20th at 12:30 p.m.! Congratulations to the Browns Squares Winners: Week 14 (12/07/14): 1st Qtr ($50) - Sister Mary Ann Snyder 2nd Qtr $50) - Tom & Melanie Hricovec 3rd Qtr ($50) - The Samsons ŝƐƚĞƌŽŶůŝŶĞĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĞůLJƌŝĂĐĂƚŚŽůŝĐ͘ĐŽŵ͘^ĞĞLJŽƵĂƚƚŚĞ KƉĞŶ,ŽƵƐĞ͊! Please gather your EW & GETLY WOR (clean and in good repair) HATS, GLOVES, SCARVES, SOCKS, SWEATERS, for distribution throughout Lorain County to Catholic Charities, St. Joseph’s Homeless Shelter, Blessing House, and the Haven Center. Items are to be placed in the “Basket of Blessings” at the altar along with non-perishable food items. Thank you for your continued generosity. Matt & Jackie Ziegman !"#$%&'()%*$+$#,$-%./012/0134͗ December 17—Before he was Pope—The interview: EWTN Interview with (then) Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires. 6:30 pm. December 18—For children—My Catholic family: Children learn about St. Joseph’s faith and obedience to God and heavenly protection of the family. 4:00 pm. December 21—The Promise: Dramatization of the Annunciation and the Nativity. 5:30 pm December 24—Live Solemn Mass of Christmas Eve in Rome. 3:30 pm December 25—Live Solemn Mass of Christmas Day from the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. 12:00 pm This is just a sample of what EWTN has to offer this December. Check your local tv/cable listings for a complete list of all the programs Final ($(100) - DeBolt Welcome Back to St. Mary Alumni .Wildcat Alumni Thank you for supporting St. Mary TEC! Past and Present will join forces for the 2015 Alumni CoEd Basketball Game on Sunday, January 25 at 1:00 pm. The Even Years will battle the Odd Years in another epic return of proud St. Mary Players. Please contact Melanie Hricovec, [email protected], to confirm your spot on the team, T-shirts will be provided by St. Mary Booster Club. Don’t miss what is fast becoming the Greatest Game of the Year!. Have a blessed Advent. !"#$%&'͗zŽƵĐĂŶƉŝĐŬƵƉŽƉůĂƚĞĐĂƚƚŚĞZĞĐƚŽƌLJ͘ Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception School SCHOOL NEWS: Congratulations to the following December Star Students of the month: Kdg: Lauren-Ashley Jones, icholas Papesch 1st grade: Gino Packard, Bethany Sherwood 2nd grade: Elizabeth Samson, Jeremiah Walther 3rd grade: Conlan Texter, Lily Thompson, 4th grade: Sara Iacano, Ty Wiggenhorn. 5th grade: Jack Budinger, Taylor Stockard 6th grade: Katie Vovak, Jacob Walther 7th grade: Ian Smith, Carter Strnad 8th grade: Cameron Carandang, Mikey Gallipoli Our annual Christmas Concert is Wednesday, December 17th at 6:30 pm in our school gymnasium. Students should arrive by 6:10 pm and meet in their classrooms, except Kindergarten & 1st grade students, please report to the meeting room. Students are to dress up in Christmas colors (red, green or gold), no jeans or tennis shoes. Last Call for Avonopoly! Have you been putting off grabbing a copy of Avonopoly; Bicentennial Edition for yourself or a gift? Order today to pick up in time for Christmas! This game, made completely by St. Mary parishioners, is similar to the “other” opoly, but features familiar and favorite places and organizations specific to Avon even better 100% of all proceeds go to St. Mary Church and School! To get your copy while they are still available, order online using credit card through stmaravon.com, or call Erich to arrange pick-up at 440-371-8532 today. Thank you so much and have a wonderful Christmas season! Williamsburg Cleaners Pre-Need Planning Family Owned & Operated Re-Assign Your Existing Plans To Us Today Parishioner 36363 Detroit Road • 934-8000 OH Lic. 26232 (216) 676-9045 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS INC. “THE BENCHMARK OF • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING • COOLING SERVICES” DESIGN BUILD HVAC SERVICE CONTRACTOR ONE ENERGY PLAZA • 15800 IND. PKY • CLEVELAND 2535 Hale Street • Avon 440-934-8810 Jennifer Carandang, MD Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Laura Davis, DO Internal Medicine Andrew Filiatraut, DO Internal Medicine Cynthia Henry, DO Dermatology Matthew Kacir, MD Pediatrics W. Stanton Richardson, MD Internal Medicine Michelle Riley, DO Internal Medicine 468 Cleveland St. • Elyria, OH 44035 440-365-7321 • 800-589-6532 www.stewartappliance.com Avon, Bay Village, Rocky River, Westlake $5.00 OFF Any Incoming $20 Order $5.00 OFF 1st Comm/ Baptism/Bridal Cleaning 1 Coupon per order 1 Coupon per order 36839 Detroit Rd. Sharon Vorisek, Avon Manager www.williamsburgcleaners.net Active Parishioner (440) 934-0314 ONE COUPON PER ORDER :Xifcpe9%:ifn\cc#;%D%;% Practice Limited to Pediatric Dentistry :_Xi`jjXBXkqXeDZ:le\#;%;%J%#D%J%;% Home of the Free Roof Give Away! Dr. William M. Schwartz Your CATHOLIC CREDIT UNION Family Dentistry Ins., Visa, MC Visit us at 36610 Detroit Rd. • Avon, OH 5330 Meadow Lane Court Emergency Care Available 933-2524 $79 CPA-Prepared Tax Returns Mon.,Tues.,Thurs. 4pm-8pm Friday 3:30pm-6:30pm Sunday 9am-1pm Welcome fellow parishioners! www.cucatholic.com www.jlsmithgroup.com Kevin Urig • (440) 934-1008 Family Owned Since 1966 37800 French Creek Rd., Avon • 440-934-5204 Home Remodeling Made Simple. 4141 Center Rd., Avon, Ohio 4401 Bill & Donna Fitch AVON 440-934-6217 You’ll be glad you went... to Joe Firment! Firment Family - Parishioners Thomas R Hughes, D.D.S. Nathan W. Prueter, D.D.S. 937-1822 General Dentists Rose Baker 937-2273 36625 Center Ridge Rd • (440) 327-2955 www.bognerfamilyfuneralhome.com Helping you plan a personal remembrance “Your favorite Realtor” New Patients Welcome Emergencies Accepted [email protected] 1480 Center Road • Suite D Parishioner (216) 956-8109 Lee Belardo BOB ALLEN AT T O R N E Y Avon Pointe Professional Campus 36855 American Way, Ste 2C • Avon (440) 934-2199 • www.belardolaw.com INSURANCE AGENCY LB Avon Lake • 440.570.1000 www.RemodelCleveland.com Along I-90 Avon A Caring Community Porter Pavilion Memory Support Unit & Assisted Living The Gardens of French Creek Assisted Living Skilled Nursing Care and Rehabilitation Center K.M.U TRUCKING & EXCAVATING INC. Basement Walls • Yard Drains • Storm & Sanitary Sewers • Septic • Topsoil • Stone & Plowing 934-4600 Golf Course 440.934.9181 DETROIT-DOVER ANIMAL HOSPITAL, INC. (440) 871-5220 Eve., Sat. 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FARNER PEDIATRICIAN 36595 Detroit Rd. • Avon 1-800-589-8850 934.4070 !!!"#$%&'()*+$,-."/+0 3-E-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4lpi.com ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1071
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