Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 International Journal of Biological Sciences (IJBS) ISSN: 2313-3740 3740 (Online) Vol. 01, No. 03,, p. 18-35, 2014 Dynamic Network for Research Works RESEARCH PAPER OPEN ACCESS Optimizing Biogas Production From Cow Manure Using Genetic Algorithm & Power Generation By CHP In Agricultural Farms In IRAN.. Mostafa Kamalinasaba, Professor. Alireza Vakilib Departmant of Animal Scie Science nce Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of MashhadInternational Campus, Campus Iran, P.O. Box 9177948974 bDepartmant of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture, Ferd Ferdowsi owsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad Iran, P.O. Box 9177948974, [email protected] a Keywords: Genetic enetic algorithm, optimization, Biogas, CHP system system, Economic model Abstract The optimization of biogas production with respect to external influences and various process disturbances is essential for efficient plant operation. However, the the optimization of such plants is a challenging issue due the underlying nonlinear and complex digestion processes. One approach to solving this problem is to use the flexibility and power of computational intelligence methods such as Genetic Algorithms (G (GAs). The present study utilizes GA as tools for simulating and optimizing of biogas production process. Considering the effect of digester operational parameters, such as temperature (T), total solids (TS), volatile fatty acid (VFA), pH and A/TIC A/TIC-ratio (amount ount of Acids (A) compared to Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC)), the he optimal amount of biogas was converged to be 53910 cubic meters per month month. In order to reach the main goals on the energy problems, it is important to study and analyze the distributed CHP plant pl for agricultural companies and farms. This paper also describes a feasibility study of a biogas CHP plant in a cow farm in Iran. With the developed model, it is specified that using 53,910 cubic meters of biogas, an internal combustion engine with elec electrical trical power of 375 kW can be operated continuously. Obtained results illustrated how the utilization of gaseous product from cow farm effluent (biogas) as fuel for heat and power generation can reduce primary energy consumption and its associated costs. Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected] Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 18 Int. J. Biol. Sci. Nomenclature CHP Thermal rated capacity of biogas CHP Hr system(kW) Qmax Maximum heat demand of the farm in a sample year(kW) CHP Electrical rated capacity of biogas CHP Cr system (kW) Nomenclature CCON Annual energy cost of the conventional system ($) CBGCHp Energy cost of biogas CHP system($) η CHP th Thermal efficiencies of the CHP system C CON η CHP e Electrical efficiencies of the CHP system C CON BG Amount of biogas needed to supply the farm's loads(m3) Thermal energy demand of the farm per month (kWh) C CON Input energy needed to supply thermal loads per month(kWh) Heating value of biogas(kWh/m3) C BGCHP Energy produced by biogas per month (kWh/month) Amount of biogas produced from livestock wastes (m3/month). Thermal energy that should be supplied by gas oil(kWh) Gas oil’s heating value (kWh/liter) C BGCHP HA Enin HRB G EnBG BGAD Eno HRG S Fuel Inv C CON Maint Ele Gasl Inv C BGCHP Maint Ele C BGCHP Gasl Elesell C BGCHP TC TB Amount of gas oil required (Liter/month) EAi Pele Gasoili Esell EA Ebuy CSR Operation hours The total amount of electricity generated during one month by the CHP system (kWh) Electricity sold to the grid (kWh) The electricity demand of the Farm (kWh) Electricity purchased from the grid (kWh) Cost Saving Ratio VD The volume of digester h CHP E total 1 2014 PGasl Pelesell CSave Paybac k CHD Investment cost for conventional system(including the costs related to purchasing power meter and heating equipment) ($) Annual maintenance cost of conventional system($) Annual costs of the electricity purchased for conventional system($) Annual costs of gas oil consumption for the conventional system($) Investment costs of biogas CHP with a storage tank (including the costs of purchasing equipment and accessories required for installation) ($) Annual maintenance cost of biogas CHP system($) Grid electricity cost for the biogas CHP system($) Gas oil cost for the biogas CHP system($) Benefit of selling electricity to the grid for biogas CHP system($) Life time of conventional system (year) Life time of biogas CHP system (year) Animal farm’s electricity demand in ith month(kWh) Utility electricity price ($/kWh) Demand of gas oil of the farm in ith month(Liter) Gas oil price ($/Liter) Electricity buyback price Energy cost saving($) Payback period (year) Investment cost of digester ($/m3) Introduction Genetic Algorithms (GAs) were mainly developed in the 1970sas an optimization toolbox, although some work had already beendone in the field of evolutionary computation. In 1967, Bagley (Bagley J.D. 1967)introduced the words ‘‘genetic algorithm” and published the firstapplication of GAs. However, the first main works related to Gasare attributed to Holland Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 19 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 (Holland J.H. 1975.) and De Jong (De Jong K.A. 1975), in 1975. In the1980s, Grefenstette(Grefenstette J.J. 1986), Baker (Baker J.E. 1987) and Goldberg (Goldberg D.E.1989) contributed tosignificant advancements in GAs. Ref. (Goldberg D.E. 1989) presents a good pictureof the state of art in 1989. A more complete history of GAs andother evaluative computation methods is given in (Back T. et al. 1997).However, the interest in and the utilization of GAs in the field biogas production is more recent. H. Abu Qdais et al.developed a diagnostic model based on genetic algorithm (GA) to simulate the production of biogas from the digester of biogas plant in Jordan. The study demonstrated that GA is useful tools for simulating and optimizing the biogas production from biogas digester under various operational conditions(Abu H. et al. 2009) Reducing fossil fuels and sustainable development issues have prompted researchers to achieve renewable and less polluting shapes of energy. Nowadays, increase of organic waste is an important problem. If this organic waste isn’t properly accumulated, it can become a serious environmental issue. Quality care and bringing the waste in anaerobic digestion process is an effective solution for this problem. Anaerobic digestion is the fermentation of organic material without the presence of oxygen to produce biogas. The resulting biogas is used for production of heat, electricity or both of them (Combined Heat and Power - CHP). Also, utilizing biogas in engines, compared to fossil fuels, avoids any additional greenhouse gas emission. Due to organic nature of the components of biogas, burning it in a gas engine for power generation emits the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as the originally absorbed during the process of photosynthesis in the natural CO2 cycle (Roberto CH. 2007).Growth and concentration of the livestock industry create opportunities for the proper disposal of the large quantities of manures generated at dairy, swine, and poultry farms. Pollutants from unmanaged livestock wastes can degrade the environment, and methane emitted from decomposing manure may contribute to global climate change. Such a management system can not only provide pollution prevention, but also convert a manure problem into a new profit center. Economic evaluations and case studies of these management systems indicate that the anaerobic digestion (AD) of livestock manures is a commercially available bioconversion technology with considerable potential for providing profitable byproducts including a cost-effective renewable fuel for livestock production operations. More than two decades of research has provided much information about how manure can be converted into an energy source (Lusk P. 1998). The most common biomass technologies for animal manures are combustion, anaerobic digestion, and composting. Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 20 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 Dry manure is produced by feedlots and livestock corrals, where the manure is collected and removed only once or twice a year. Manure that is scraped or flushed on a more frequent schedule can also be separated, stacked, and allowed to dry. Dry manure is typically defined as having moisture content of less than 30%. Dry manure can be composted or used as fuel for biomass energy generation systems. Wet manure is typically associated with larger and more recent dairy operations that house their milking cows in free stall barns and use a flush system for manure collection. The combination of free stall barns and manure flushing collects all of the milking cows’ manures with every milking cycle, e.g., two or three times a day. The manure is significantly diluted by addition of the flush water, but after separation of some of the flush water, the slurry is an excellent fuel for biomass energy conversion through anaerobic digestion technology (Beck R.W. 2003).Various literatures havebeen reported on experimental and operational research on CHP systems, particularly the biogas CHP system. In the European Union the leading countries in biogas energy field are Germany, Denmark, Austria and Sweden. For instance, Germany has increased its number of biogas-based power plants from 1,050 installations in 2,000 to 6,000 installations in 2010, i.e. by almost 20% increase per year (Wojciech M. et al. 2011). England produces more than 108 tons of organic materials including food waste, sewage sludge and energy crops per year, which can be used for producing biogas. This country plans to produce 0.8 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity per year from biogas through an anaerobic digestion process in combined heat and power (CHP) plants (Defra. 2009). Arias (Dos Pinos. 2009) studied the technical and economic feasibility of electricity generation with biogas in Costa Rica,they indicated that the technical feasibility to install a low cost, integrated biogas system for manure management is a reality, including generating electricity with biogas. In Austria as well as in Germany, the rules and procedures of the renewable segment are currently subject to fundamental changes (ENERGY.GOV. 2010,Razbani O. et al. 2011,CENERGY. 2012) to fully exploit the market-driven potential of biogasCHP technologies.The use of biogas in internal combustion engines dated back to Second World War when thousands of vehicles ran by sewage gas in Europe. In 1942, garbage collection trucks with diesel engines were operated using purified and compressed sewer gas in Zurich, Switzerland (EBA. 2011). In 1981 an effort has been made to use biogas in a converted diesel engine to SI engine by D.J. Hickson. He experienced 35% less power compared to diesel and 40% less compared to gasoline fuel (Thring R.H. 1985). In that year another research was done by S. Neyeloff and W.W. Cunkel. They used a CFR engine and ran it with simulated biogas in different compression ratios. They reach to Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 21 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 compression ratio of 15:1 for optimal solution (NeyeloffS, Cunkel W. 1981). V. Deri and G. Mancini converted a diesel engine to dual fuel and experienced more stable combustion in lean mixture because of using diesel pilot to ignite the mixture. However, the control strategy for separate control of the air-gas mixture and pilot fuel became too complex (Deri V, Mancini G. 1990). 2 Anaerobic Digestion Process An anaerobic digestion system typically comprises of the following components: A solids removal process to remove suspended solids and other indigestible or dangerous materials in the waste which is usually achieved using one or more of the following technologies: a screw press, belt press, centrifuge, lamella separator or dissolved air flotation system. The pretreatment tank corrects the PH of the waste and acts as a buffer tank to continuous process reactor tanks (Brent A. 2008). A post treatment stage to remove sludge produced in the anaerobic tank or to further polish the organic strength of the waste. The biogas produced is then stored is a suitable vessel and consumed in a CHP system. There are a wide range of anaerobic technologies available to digest waste, from simple lagoons to up flow anaerobic sludge blanket and expanded bed reactor systems. Simple technologies tend to require higher hydraulic retention times, which require more space for larger reactor tanks. However the advantages include that they are more robust and less expensive. The most suitable technology is dependent on the composition and volume of the waste to be treated and space restriction on site. The volume and methane content of the gas produced is dependent on the digestibility of the waste and the reactor used to digest the waste. The digestibility and levels of methane produced can be determined through laboratory testing with various suitable technologies (Brent A. 2008). Manure is a valuable source of energy. Farm animals are responsible for almost a fifth of the pollution causing global warming according to the UN report “LLS”, and methane released from manure is 21 times more harmful to the ozone layer than CO2. However, processed correctly, manure also represents a huge potential for sustainable energy and fertilizer production, while at the same time, reducing greenhouse gas emissions up to 85%. Advanced biogas production technology results in a fuel that is efficient and environmentally friendly. A mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) provides sufficient calorific value to operate biogas cogeneration plants (Giraldi D. et al. 2011). The gas produced by anaerobic digestion is usually more than 60% methane, and some plants with state of the art facilities have the potential to produce biogas Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 22 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 with concentration of methane up to 95% (Dos Pinos. 2009). Biogas combustion temperature is about 700 °C (gas oil combustion temperature is 350 °C and petroleum is 500 °C) and the flame temperature of it is about 870 ° C. Biogas Plant Description 3 The farm evaluated in this study is located in Iran, which has 3055 dairy cows. The total surface area of this farm is about 35,000 square meters. The building was built in the 1990s, was wellinstalled and previously equipped with a conventional boiler. The principal heat demand of the farm was for space heating and for supply of hot water. Parameters measured that are considered essential in developing an economic model for the biogas CHP system include fuel consumed, electrical and thermal power output. Methodology 4 The main objective of this paper is to use the Genetic algorithm as a tool for optimization of methane biogas from a digester of biogas plant. The biogas production model (] Subramani T, Nallathambi M. 2012) is employed in optimizing the production of methane from the reactor by using the Genetic algorithm tool (GA). After that, a mathematical model is developed within the commercial software package of MATLAB (Hongbo RN. et al. 2008).The model is developed by fitting polynomial equations to heat and electrical power, in order to assess the technical and economic feasibility ofbiogas CHP plant (biogas coming from the cow manure). Biogas fuelled CHP plant is the core of the developed waste-to-energy plan. 4.1 Energy Audit Analyzing the electricity consumption indicates that the farm electricity demand is about 55.082 MWh/month.As shown in Table 1 the electrical and thermal power consumptions of biogas production unit are 14.6 kW and 24.9 kW, respectively. The maximum demands of electrical and thermal energy for each month are illustrated in figure 1. Table 1: The amount of power consumed by biogas plant's equipment Consumers Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 Power (kW) P a g e | 23 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 Mixers 13.5 Pump 0.6 Air compressor 0.5 Total electric power consumption 14.6 Heat for heating food 16 Heat loss through the bioreactor's wall 8.9 Total power consumption for heating 24.9 Maximum electrical power 850 110 750 100 650 90 550 450 80 350 70 250 Electrical power (kW) Thermal power (kW) Maximum thermal power 60 150 50 50 Month Figure 1: Monthly Maximum electrical and thermal power requirements of the farm 5 Description of Model Using Genetic Algorithm In this paper the aim is to obtain the optimal combination of the digester operational parameters for maximum methane production; the biogas production model (Brent A. 2008) was integrated with a Genetic algorithm (GA) model. GA is a biologically inspired computational model that imitates the natural processes of evolution and adaptation to exhibit a complex computational behavior (Holland JH. 1975,Goldberg DE. 1989). This computational model does not require prior knowledge of the solution space. This feature limits the designer and makes problems more complex and insufficiently understood. In engineering design, the computational model using the genetic algorithm differs fundamentally from using the traditional method. In the traditional approach the design problem is modeled as mathematical problem and use mathematical solution technique, but in the genetic algorithm no need to separate the modeling and solution parts (Abu H. et al. 2009,Gen MC. 1997).To achieve the optimum amounts of biogas produced, the model was utilized in calculating the values of the fitness function for the GA Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 24 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 routine available in MATLAB Genetic Algorithm toolbox. The GA model was run with constraints with a population size of 100 and crossover fraction equals to 0.85. This has resulted in the production of biogas up to 53,910 cubic meters per month. After that, sensitivity analysis on the model is performed to understand the influence of the key parameters on the enhancement of the optimization. For biogas calculations model, temperature (T), total solids (TS), volatile fatty acid (VFA), pH on the biogas and A/TIC-ratio amount of Acids (A) compared to Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) are important factors. It was indicate that changing the constraints of the GA problem has an important effect on the enhancement of the optimization. Lower and upper boundaries were changed iteratively and the values of fitness function were studied according to the corresponding changes. Values of the best combination of biogas parameters are also summarized in Table 2. These values were selected according to the maximum amount of biogas production as obtained by GA optimization process. Figure2shows themaximum and average amounts of biogas produced in each iteration. Table 2: Optimal values of digester operational parameters for maximum biogas production as determined by GA optimization process. Parameter Optimal value Temperature (◦C) 36 Total solids(mg/l) 7.94 Volatile fatty acid (VFA) (mg/l) 1349.71 pH 7.06 A/TIC 0.5 Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 25 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 Figure 2:: Maximum and average amounts of biogas produced in each iteration 6 Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis improves understanding the influence of key parameters on the biogas production model. Temperature (T), pH, total so solid lid (TS) and volatile fatty acid (VFA) are significant factors that show optimum production of biogas. In this study, sensitivity analysis has been performed on pH and volatile fatty acid (VFA).The biogas production changes with pH and VFA changes have been n appraised for a sample cow farm. It should be mentioned that, in this analysis temperature (T), total solids (TS) and A/TIC A/TIC-ratio and other parameters affecting the biogas production rate are considered constant. Among many factors that effect on the biogas biogas production pH and VFA are selected in this sensitivity analysis. In order to determine the effect of these two parameters, it is essential to perform a sensitive analysis based on simultaneous changes in pH and VFA. So in this part, pH changes from 6 to 7.5 and VFA changes from 800 to 1350, and biogas production changes are calculated. ATC, temperature and TS is considered constant.Figure 3 have shown the intuitive results that biogas production is quite sensitive to pH and VFA. Figure 3:: biogas chan changes with pH and VFA changes From figure 3 it can be observed that, given a fixed TS, biogas production rate would begin to rise when pH and VFAare increased. The maximum value of biogas occurs at the point of 7.4 and 1345 (mg/l) for pH and VFA,, respectivel respectively. It is not surprising that increases in pH and VFA result in corresponding increase in biogas rate. Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 26 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 7 2014 Economic Assessment And Description The Developed Model However, cogeneration systems for commercial or institutional applications benefit from the thermal/electrical load variety in the multiple loads served, decreasing theneed for storage. Based on the magnitude of the electrical and thermal loads, whether they match or not, and the operating strategy adopted, the cogenerationsystem may have to be run at part-load conditions, the surplusenergy (electricity or heat) may have to be stored or sold, andshortages may have to be made up by purchasing electricity (orheat) from other sources such as the electrical grid (or a boilerplant). The extra heat produced can be stored in a thermal storagedevice such as a water tank, while extra electricity can be stored inelectrical storage devices such as batteries or capacitors. In addition,the performance of a cogeneration system may be dependenton fluctuating electricity prices, making cogeneration systemsfinancially attractive in periods of high electricity prices (Bios. 2013).Figure 4 illustrates the power generation and heat recovery unit with a biogas CHP plant.Data required for modeling biogas CHP plant is summarized in Table 3. Figure 4: Producing electricity and heat in a CHP plant using biogas from livestock waste (Bios. 2013) Table 3: Data assumptions for the analysis (Gen MC. 1997, Bios. 2013, TeymouriHamzehkolaei F, Sattari S. 2011) Item Biogas CHP and equipment Kamalinasab et al. Assumed data Investment costs ( $/kW) Annual maintenance costs ($/kWh) Electrical Efficiency (%) Thermal Efficiency (%) Lifetime (year) DNetRW © 2014 Quantity (200-500) (0.003-0.007) (20-25) (60-65) 20 P a g e | 27 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 Electricity meter's cost $) 12000-15000 average Initial cost of boiler (boiler, burner, accessories equipment ($/ thermal 8-10 Cost of buying electricity meters, kilowatt)) 20 heating equipment and annual Boiler lifetime (year) 70 maintenance cost 2000-3000 Boiler Efficiency (%) Annual maintenance costs of conventional systems ($) Biogas digester number of dairy cows Digester volume (cubic meters) Biogas produced (cubic meters per hour) Investment cost in a cubic meter of digester volume ($/m3) Annual maintenance costs ($) 3055 443 75 (100-200) 5000-6000 Energy prices and specifications Electricity purchasing price ($/kWh) Electricity Buy-back price ($/kWh) Gas oil purchasing price ($/liter) Heating value of gas oil (kWh/liter) Real interest rate (%) Heating value of biogas (kWh/m3) Others 0.025 0.05 0.15 11 10 6 Economy is one of the most important considerations for the development of biogas CHP systems. The economic assessment gives information on how the economic resources (investments, fuels, etc.) are used to meet the customer requirements. It is known that biogas CHP system has usually higher initial investment and lower running cost compared with the conventional energy systems, which serves the electricity load by utility grid and thermal load by gas boiler.The proposed model can investigate the validity of the system from both economic and technical aspects(TeymouriHamzehkolaei F, Sattari S. 2011). In the developed model, electrical and thermal rated capacity of the system are determined using (1) and (2): CHP Hr CHP Cr = = Q max η CHP th (1) H CHP CHP r e CHP th ×η η (2) Since the biogas CHP system operates based on heat led, it should provide thermal load at first and electricity is the secondary product. The total amount of energy that is required for all Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 28 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 thermal loads and the amount of biogas needed to supply this energy can be calculated using (3) and (4): Enin = HA η CHP th BG = (3) Enin HRBG (4) If the amount of biogas produced by anaerobic digestion of the cow manure cannot provide all the needs of the animal farm, other fuels should be used to provide thermal loads. Since gas oil is used as input fuel in most Iran's farms, it is considered as alternative fuel for biogas in this paper. Energy produced by biogas per month, denoted by EnBG (kWh/month), is obtained by (5): En BG = BG AD × HR BG (5) Thermal energy that should be supplied by gas oil, denoted by Eno (kWh), is calculated from (6), and the amount of gas oil required is obtained from (7): Eno = Enin − EnBG Fuel = (6) Eno HR GS (7) With respect to thermal loads of the farm and thermal rated capacity of the biogas CHP system, the operation hours of the CHP system in one month, denoted by h, is determined as follows: HA h= H CHP r (8) The total amount of electricity generated during one month by the CHP system, denoted by CHP E total (kWh), is calculated according to the rated electrical capacity and hours of operation of the system: CHP CHP E total = C r × h (9) If the amount of generated electricity by the CHP system exceeds the demand of users, the extra electric power can be delivered to the grid as shown in (10). Otherwise, when the generated electric power is less than the demand, the grid can support the lack of electricity as illustrated in (11): CHP E sell = E total − EA if CHP if Ebuy = EA − E total CHP E total > EA EA > E CHP total (10) (11) In economic evaluation, an important index, i.e. cost saving ratio or profitability index, is employed. It expresses the profitability of the system and is defined as the ratio of total energy cost difference between the biogas CHP system and the conventional system to the annual Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 29 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 energy cost of the conventional system, as illustrated in (12) (Giraldi D. et al. 2011,TeymouriHamzehkolaei F, Sattari S. 2011): CCON − CBGCHP ) ×100 CSR = ( CCON (12) I Inv × CCON = (C CON 1− ( Maint Ele ) + C CON + C CON + C Gasl CON 1 (1+ I )TC (13) I Inv C BGCHP = (C BGCHP × ) 1− ( 1 (1+ I )TB Ele Gasl Elesell ) + C Maint BGCHP + C BGCHP + C BGCHP − C BGCHP ) (14) System investment cost of conventional system and biogas CHP plant is included in terms of annualized capital cost in (13) and (14). This is the process of spreading the initial cost of a system (based on accounting the time value of money) across the lifetime of that system. The process of annualizing capital cost is similar to pay off the capital cost of a system by a loan at a special interest of discount rate (I) over the life time of that system. The result of this process is a future value cost or constant annual cost of the capital (Giraldi D. et al. 2011). Since, selling electricity to the grid has economic benefit, it is considered as a negative cost in the objective function of the model. Annual operation cost of the conventional system for purchasing electricity and gas oil are described in (15) and (16), respectively. The total cost of electricity purchased for the conventional system is calculated by the annual amount of electricity purchased multiplied by the utility electricity price. The fuel cost is calculated by the cumulative fuel consumption for the gas boiler multiplied by the fuel rate. 12 Ele C CON = (∑i =1 EAi ) × P ele (15) 12 Gasl C CON = (∑ i =1Gasoili ) × P Gasl (16) The CHP system's fuel cost is calculated considering the amount of gas oil consumed by the CHP system, in addition to biogas, multiplied by the gas oil price as illustrated in (17): 12 C BGCHP = (∑i =1 Fueli ) × P Gasl Gasl (17) As mentioned before, when the amount of generated electricity by biogas CHP system exceeds the demand of users ( E CHP total > EA ), the surplus electricity can be delivered back to the grid.The income from selling electricity back to grid is described by (18). It is calculated with total amount of electricity sold to the grid multiplied by the electricity buyback price. Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 30 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 12 C BGCHP = (∑i =1 E selli ) × P elesell Elesell (18) However when the electricity demand exceeds the amount of electricity generated by biogas CHP plant ( E CHP total < EA ), the electric utility can provide electricity shortage as illustrated in (19): 12 C BGCHP = (∑i =1 E buy i ) × P ele Ele (19) Another important economical index is energy cost saving, denoted by C Save , which is defined as the difference between annual energy costs of conventional system and biogas CHP system as follows: Ele Ele Gasl Elesell CSave = (C CON + C Gasl CON - (C BGCHP + C BGCHP - C BGCHP )) (20) Eventually, Payback period (year) is obtained from the ratio of biogas CHP’s installation cost toenergy cost saving. Inv C Payback = ( BGCHP ) C Save 8 (21) Simulation Results With the developed model and data obtained from the animal farm, it is specified that using 53,910 cubic meters of biogas per month (produced by the waste to energy conversion system), an internal combustion engine with electrical power of 375 kW can be operated continuously. Also, using the proposed economic model, annual cost saving C Save , system profitability index or cost saving ratio (CSR), and payback period are calculated as 96764 $, 73.96% and 22 months, respectively, without considering greenhouse gas reduction. Ele Ele Gasl Elesell CSave = (C CON + C Gasl CON - (C BGCHP + C BGCHP - C BGCHP )) = (16525+67419-(0+37276- 50096))=96764 CCON − CBGCHP 88858 − 23141 CSR = ( ) ×100 = ( ) ×100 = 73.958% CCON 88858 Inv 179455 C Payback = ( BGCHP ) = ( ) = 1.85 year = 1.85 × 12 = 22Month 96763 C Save Inv Inv CHP C BGCHP = (C CHP × C r ) + (V D ×CHD ) = (260 × 375) + (443 ×185) = 179455($) Monthly electrical energy produced, electricity sold to the grid, gas oil purchased and cost saving are shown in table 4. The amount of electricity sold to the grid in different months is shown in figure 5. Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 31 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 Table 4:: Electricity produced, electricity sold to grid, gas oil purchased and cost savings Month Electricity produced (kWh) January February March 195120 192290 130260 April 123060 May 116120 June 108180 July August September Electricity sold to grid (kWh) Demands of Biogas(m3) 153360 155402 75204 Gasoil purchased (Liter) Cost savings ($) 130080 128190 86837 41547 40517 17960 9843.7 9864.6 7074.5 65028 82043 15345 6728.4 54368 77413 12820 6372.2 43452 72123 9934.2 5998.3 106700 108680 125760 38252 41720 69600 71131 72453 83840 9393.1 10115 16325 5846 5958.8 6877.8 October 156240 102240 104160 27409 8072.8 November December 171600 183120 120480 137040 114400 122080 32995 37184 8721.6 9282.9 Electricity Sold to Grid (kWh) 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Month Figure 5:: Monthly electrical energy sold to the grid The biogas CHP system provid provides es total electrical demands of the animal farm and biogas production unit. Additionally, in each month, excess electricity is delivered to the grid, as shown in table 4,, which increases the system's profitability. In this modeling, monthly production of biogas ogas is considered to be constant. As 53,910 cubic meters of biogas per month cannot provide all thermal and electrical energy requirements, some surplus input energy is needed, which should be provided by gasoil as indicated in Table 4. 9 Conclusion In this is study a mathematical model based on genetic algorithm wasdeveloped to simulate the production of biogas from the digesterof biogas plant in Iran.Integrationthe Iran. the biogas production Kamalinasab et al. DNetRW © 2014 P a g e | 32 Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2014 model with a GA modelresulted in identification ofthe optimal operational digester parameters that lead to increasethe production of biogas up to 53,910 cubic meters per month.The operational conditions that resulted in the optimal methane production were determined as temperature at 36 ◦C, TS 7.94%, VFA 1349.71, pH 7.06 and A/TIC 0.5.Using sensitivity analysis on the model the influence of the key parameters on the enhancement of the optimization is determined. It is demonstrated that for biogas calculations model, temperature (T), total solids (TS), volatile fatty acid (VFA), pH on the biogas and A/TIC-ratio are important factors. It was indicate that changing the constraints of the GA problem has a direct effect on the enhancement of the optimization. Lower and upper boundaries were changed iteratively and the values of fitness function were studied according to the corresponding changes and shows with analytical figures. Finally, economic assessment shows that, cogeneration systems for commercial or institutional applications benefit from the thermal/electrical load variety in the multiple loads served, decreasing theneed for storage. With the developed model and data obtained from the animal farm, it is specified that using 53,910 cubic meters of biogas per month (produced by the waste to energy conversion system), an internal combustion engine with electrical power of 375 kW can be operated continuously. Also, using the proposed economic model, annual cost saving, system profitability index or cost saving ratio (CSR), and payback period are calculated as 96764 $, 73.96% and 22 months, respectively, without considering greenhouse gas reduction. 10 References Abu H, Qdaisa K, BaniHanib, N Shatnawia. 2009. Modeling and optimization of biogas production from a waste digester using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm, Resources, Conservation and Recycling2182; No. of Pages5. 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