Your Voice in Health & Social Care Healthwatch Hounslow Meeting Minutes – 3rd April 2014 Healthwatch Hounslow Meetings are held every month in the boardroom on the 1st floor at Craneshaw House, 8 Douglas Road, Hounslow TW3 1DA Present: Mr Robert Hardy-King Mr Stephen Otter Mrs Celia Golden Mrs Christine Derecourt Ms Lorelei Watson Mr John Marshall Ms Cherna Crome (RHK) Committee Member & Chair (SO) Committee Member (CG) Committee Member (CD) Committee Member (LW) Committee Member & Treasurer (JM) Committee Member (CC) Committee Member In Attendance: Ms Atifa Ali-Khan Ms Mystica Thiruchelvam Julia Woodman (AAK) Chief Officer (MT) Support Officer (JW) Monitoring Officer Apologies: Phil Ambler (PA) Committee Member Healthwatch Hounslow 16:30 – 18.30 1. Minutes of the last meeting Minutes from the last meeting 20th March 2014, were checked and agreed by all. 2. Matters arising All actions were updated from the previous meeting. 3. Julia Woodman – LB Hounslow Julia Woodman (JW) Healthwatch Hounslow’s Monitoring Officer introduced herself and presented Healthwatch Hounslow Outcomes Monitoring Framework document for 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. JW briefly discussed Healthwatch Hounslow Outcomes Monitoring Framework for 2013/2014 document. The following comments were made: In ‘Governance’ part of the document HWH received a RAG rating of green, indicating good progress has been made in setting up policies/procedures. Registered as a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee in England & Wales No 8397315, Charity No 1154672, Registered Office 53 Lela Avenue, Hounslow Middlesex TW4 7RU Your Voice in Health & Social Care In the ‘Safeguarding’ part of the document a few tweaks are needed in the Adult Safeguarding section. Action: Session to be led by CG (who is a trained Safeguarding Specialist). A workshop to be held before a HWH meeting. Date to be agreed by all Committee members. Action: AAK to meet with Business Managers at Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). JW suggested that the following policies should be displayed on the website: Volunteer Policy Data Protection Policy Enter/View Policy Equal Opportunities Policy In the ‘Outcome based planning’ part of the document JW stated that Healthwatch Hounslow (HWH) had received a RAG rating of green indicating good progress has been made in that area. All documents relating to finances had been received by LBH. JW stated that the Priorities for 2014/2015 should be seen by the public even though it is in draft form. JW felt that this would show the public how HWH’s priorities are shaping. However, Committee members felt that as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) priorities had only been agreed last week HWH would not be in a position to display HWH’s priorities completed document for 2014/2015 as there is more to be changed on the JSNA document. In the ‘Role of Volunteers’ part of the document, JW suggested that engagement was an issue. HWH staff and Committee members noted that progress was being made in that area and HWH staff have been focusing on recruiting volunteers. JW suggested that there should be a mixture of engagement strategies. CG suggested that working with other communities was showing a form of engagement. CG also suggested that attending health-related events such TB Awareness Day would help HWH show a presence. JW believed that HWH should be holding much larger events and surgeries. AAK reported that HWH is in the process of organising surgeries within West Mid-Hospital, Children’s Centre’s and other locations in the borough. Action: JW to suggest suitable networks within the Council (Public Health department). Action: 2014/2015 Board Priorities document (Draft Version) to be displayed on the HWH website. JW suggested that HWH should be recruiting 50 volunteers within this year in order for HWH to build its network for the future. JW suggested the underspend from year 1 should be focusing on investing in volunteers (recruitment, training and support). Committee members on the other hand felt that was an unrealistic number to achieve, especially in this year. A revised target was agreed of 25 volunteers for the year. Registered as a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee in England & Wales No 8397315, Charity No 1154672, Registered Office 53 Lela Avenue, Hounslow Middlesex TW4 7RU Your Voice in Health & Social Care In the ‘Responsible Financial Management’ part of the document JW suggested that the budget for 2014/2015 should be displayed on the HWH website. Action: Budget 2014/2015 to be displayed on the website. In the ‘Ease of access’ part of the document, HWH was given a RAG rating of green indicating good progress in that area. JW mentioned that HWH was making good progress in raising awareness of HWH by introducing the bus adverts on public transport. In ‘Collecting views’ part of the document, JW suggested that HWH needed to show a Trend analysis of all the engagement work HWH had carried out. Also, qualitative context of patient experiences needed to be captured (a full analysis of the patient experience). AAK reported that HWH is already capturing the full nature of the patient experience by filling out forms with the exact events of the experience, but that details were summarized in our Patient Experience Log. It was agreed that a summation of this should be included in the monthly engagement reports to LBH. In ‘Information and signposting service’ part of the document, JW suggested that HWH needs to record where patients were referred to and the number of patients referred to that service. HWH currently captures the data in the Patient Experience Log, Action: Engagement reports to be updated with a summary analysis of Patient Experiences. Board to review format of Engagement reports & Patient Experience Logs prior to submission to LBH. JW briefly discussed Healthwatch Hounslow Outcomes Monitoring Framework for 2014/2015 document. The following comments were made: In the ‘Outcome based planning’ part of the document, JW explained that there needed to be the following deadlines for: - Online survey - Questionnaires - Reviewing written policies/procedures - Council review (agreed on final quarter for deadline) JW and HWH came to an agreement that early summer should be the deadline for the annual report. SO suggested that the Annual report should be available in a pdf format on the website for the public to view. A short 2-sided A4 document with a summary of the Annual report should be available to Hounslow residents. JW suggested that a copy of the Business plan to be assessed by the London Borough of Hounslow (LBH) by autumn. This should be available by October in draft form. Action: Business planning session to be organized. Draft Plan to be prepared by October. JW suggested that a record of all the training sessions carried out by staff, volunteers and Committee members should be recorded. JW suggested that reviews should be conducted of Registered as a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee in England & Wales No 8397315, Charity No 1154672, Registered Office 53 Lela Avenue, Hounslow Middlesex TW4 7RU Your Voice in Health & Social Care volunteers, perhaps annual reviews or reviews conducted on a 6 monthly basis. If, volunteers leave an exit interview should be carried out linking it to HWH feedback of the organisation. In the ‘Responsible financial management’ part of the document, reporting of the financial performance should be held at the Board meetings. It was noted that this is a standing item on both YVHSC & HWH meeting Agendas. In the ‘Ease of access’ part of the document, JW suggested the HW England database to be used. AAK explained that the HW England database will be released in the near future. However, effectiveness of the database will have to be considered. AAK has already discussed other options with the IT supplier, which may be more effective and affordable. Action: Dates of surgeries to be displayed on the website. Action: AAK to approach Sarah Ruane for YVHSC to run a partnership structure. JW suggested that there was issues with no translation services on the HWEngland website. AAK has already raised the issue with HW England. AAK will be meeting with Georgina (Engagement Officer) and will raise the issue again. In the ‘A Consumer Champion’ part of the document, JW suggested that HWH needed to conduct a satisfaction survey to see if the online survey and questionnaires were effective for recording baseline data. In the ‘Research, intelligence gathering and information feedback’ part of the document, JW said that this was newly introduced and believed that an Intelligence/Research Officer could be in charge of gathering intelligence. In the ‘Influencing the Health and Well-Being Board and Clinical Commissioning Group’ part of the document, JW suggested that we carry out an annual presentation during autumn time. Members discussed and agreed with JW that it would be beneficial to have Healthwatch as a standing item on the agenda at the Health & Wellbeing Board as it currently is at the CCG Board. Action: AAK to look into making better connections with the voluntary sector. Action: Proposal the HW be a standing item to be raised at next HWB Board meeting by RHK & JW. Action: AAK to discuss website & database with HW England. 4. HWH Finance AAK updated the Committee members that a new Finance person had been recruited to monitor HWH accounts. AAK and LW updated the Committee members on the tender process for new auditors, had a limited response. LW & AAK had met with Wilkinson Kennedy as a potential Auditor/Independent Examiner for HWH & YVHSV. During the meeting Wilkinson Kennedy agreed Registered as a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee in England & Wales No 8397315, Charity No 1154672, Registered Office 53 Lela Avenue, Hounslow Middlesex TW4 7RU Your Voice in Health & Social Care that they would come back with a revised fee structure. Members discussed and agreed to request a management letter to mop up any issues post Examination. Action: AAK to contact WK re: management letter. 5. CO’s Report AAK informed the Committee members that the priorities document had been updated. Also, an engagement officer will be shortly recruited. AAK informed all that she had formally sent over the discrepancies in relation to payments to the finance team at MWB. AAK had reconnected with Andy Roper from Hounslow Community Network and they had discussed work into engagement, assisting and working better with the VCS in Hounslow. AAK informed all that HWH is still waiting on the outcome of the bid submitted to the Department of Health to assist with Personal Health Budgets. The final decision will be made in mid-April. 6. Events & Reports Back AAK reported back on the Local Government Association’s HW Conference, they had highlighted how all the different Healthwatch’s are carrying out different research projects. These may be replicable as new research projects locally. AAK attended the BME – Mental Health Event and reported she met with different stakeholders. AAK explained that access and translation services seem to be a big issue within Mental Health services and the way services are delivered need to be changed. AAK also mentioned there were issues of low take up by BME communities with talking therapies. Research on this was being conducted by Kiran Sharma @ Ealing CCG who had agreed to share findings with us when available. Other report back’s included: - Health & Wellbeing Board reported that the ‘Better Care Fund’ has its final submission to NHS England - Regular Hounslow Community Network meetings will be establishing carer workshops. - Rehab beds was one of the concerns raised at the Hounslow CCG - RHK: The JSNA document had been discussed and there was not a lot on Mental Health services - CC reported that the Dentist no longer provide oral lacquer to children’s teeth under the NHS - CG reported the bus garage event went very well, there was a high attendance rate Registered as a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee in England & Wales No 8397315, Charity No 1154672, Registered Office 53 Lela Avenue, Hounslow Middlesex TW4 7RU Your Voice in Health & Social Care Action: AAK to speak to Safeguarding Trainer & training session to be help prior to Healthwatch meeting in May. Action: AAK to prepare presentation for Disability Community Forum meeting to be held on 8 th July 2014 7. AOB CC raised the issue of PIP (Personal Independent Payment) – Patients are going for a medical exam, however patients living in Hounslow have to travel to Kingston in order to be examined. CC explained that patients in Hounslow should be able to have it organised at the Heart of Hounslow. Action: CC to record the patient experience. Next Meeting: 16.30 – 18.30 (17th of April 2014) Craneshaw House, Hounslow, TW3 1DA Registered as a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee in England & Wales No 8397315, Charity No 1154672, Registered Office 53 Lela Avenue, Hounslow Middlesex TW4 7RU
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