Board Minutes June 2014 - Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise

Attendees: James Newman, Simon Carr, Julie Kenny, David Grey, Mayor Ros Jones, Cllr Graham
Baxter, Cllr Griff Wynne, Chris Scholey, Deborah Egan, Nigel Brewster, Paul Houghton. Cllr John
Burrows, Cllr Roger Stone, Cllr Lewis Rose, Simon Carr, Deborah Egan, Cllr Julie Dore (items 1.1
to 2.0 only), Professor Philip Jones,
Apologies: Cllr Stephen Houghton, Julie Kenny, Cllr Eion Watts, Cllr Simon Greaves
In attendance: Huw Bowen, John Mothersole, Ben Still, Fiona Boden, Philip Cooper, Lesley
Jackson, Ben Morley, M Gladstone (for item 1.1).
Preliminary items
University of Sheffield Vice Chancellor Richard Jones updated LEP board on
the work of the on the role of the university in economic development in the
SCR, including work with SMEs, knowledge transfer partnerships and AMRC.
Sheffield Hallam University Vice Chancellor Philip Jones presented to the LEP
board with information on the work of the university in the SCR, including case
studies of the university’s developing relationships with the private sector. Both
shared the view of the Universities to work more closely with the LEP on
economic growth.
Welcome and Apologies
James Newman welcomed all to the meeting.
Notes of last meeting
Agreed as a true and fair record to be published online.
Matters arising
 Yorkshire International Business Conference was a successful and well
attended event. There are proposals to hold this again in Rotherham in
2015 and LEP will be asked to support this.
 Recruitment for new board members has reached shortlisting stage and 25
applications in total were received.
 LEP Chairman to attend Core Cities Leaders LEP Chairs event in Liverpool
later this month.
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BPFS sector group presentation
Giles Searby, Chair of the Business, Professional and Financial Services
sector group, updated LEP Board members on the groups’ membership and
role in the Strategic Economic Plan work.
Giles asked the LEP for greater support with back office administration,
assistance to articulate the ‘BPFS sell’ for the SCR, and engagement with work
on the Growth Hub.
The LEP board noted the wide range of membership for the group and the JN/LJ
SCR Executive and Chairman will consider the requests of the group.
Decision priorities
SEP next steps
Key points from the discussion:
 Advisory boards will have terms of reference which will ensure structured
focus and these to have common elements across Boards The proposed
Board structure below the LEP/SCRA Partnership was presented to the
 Board members noted that although the structure shows wide range of
boards, many will be temporary
 Board members discussed need for pragmatic and rapid but effective
approach to recruitment to boards
 Board noted importance of rural input
 Board requested input of existing sector groups is made clear on diagram
Recommendations agreed / noted:
 Agree that a partnership of LEP and CA is used to govern the delivery of
the plan, with the LEP setting strategic direction and priorities, and the CA
undertaking contracting and local authority partnership initiatives
(paragraphs 3.1-3.3).
 Discuss and agree the governance structures and specifically the advisory
boards and the approach to their membership for the implementation of the
Plan over the next year (paragraphs 3.8-3.13).
 Note the update on negotiations around our SEP.
ESIF update
Key points from the discussion:
 This paper outlined the proposed membership for the LEP Area Partnership
– the local governance body for the SCR ESIF
 LEP Board noted importance of rural input
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Roger Stone indicated that further advice would be sought regarding the
ESIF process.
Recommendations noted / agreed:
Notes the paper
Mandates the LEP Team to seek appointments to the LEPAP subject to
agreement of the composition and Terms of Reference with DCLG.
That the LEPAP is chaired by a nominated representative of the LEP Board
and the Deputy Chair is nominated by the Combined Authority.
Sustainable Urban Development
Key points from the discussion:
 The paper outlines details of the option to deliver a plan for Sustainable
Urban Development (SUD) as part of the SCR ESIF and identifies the
benefits to developing and implementing such a plan.
 Application by 4 July to CLG
 Would account for 10% of ERDF programme
 Combined Authority would become sub-managing authority
 Board raised concerns over how rural allocations would be impacted
 Board agreed that further work to be progressed ahead of deadline and
paper to be presented by email for members to consider.
Recommendations noted / agreed:
Note the paper and the requirement to submit an application for a SUD by
4th July 2014.
Infrastructure Advisory Board: Governance Proposal
Key points from the discussion:
Paper proposed the next steps to develop the SCR Infrastructure Advisory
Board (previously called the SCRIF Steering Group)
The Board will provide a blend of the public and private sector including a
political and private sector lead from the LEP Board.
Recommendations noted:
The recommended approach to governance for the Infrastructure Advisory
Board is set out in section 3 of the report with some related commentary.
LEP Board are asked to give guidance around this proposal.
To consider and agree the option for political representation on the
Infrastructure Advisory Board as defined in sections 3.5-2.12.
Integrated Infrastructure Investment Plan
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Key points from the discussion:
 This paper set out the next steps, time and resource principles to
developing The Integrated Infrastructure Investment Plan for SCR
Recommendations noted:
 Board members noted the timetable and project Plan summary included in
section 4 and appendix A and B.
 Board members noted options being brought forward for resourcing the
plan, as outlined in section 5.
LEP Objectives 2014
Key points from the discussion:
 LEP Board members requested an update against objectives every quarter
 Board members discussed the need to better market the SCR and raise
awareness of what the LEP does and doesn’t do
Recommendations agreed:
 LEP members support the proposed objectives of the LEP Members
support the principle that this involves the LEP and CA developing a clear
complementary relationship.
Updates / for information
HS2 Programme Board
Key points from the discussion:
 Paper to inform LEP Board of actions undertaken at the HS2 Programme
Board inception meeting held on 1 April 2014
 LEP Board discussed importance that Eastern leg of HS2 is built at the
same time as West
Recommendations agreed / noted:
 Approve the formation and operation of HS2 Task & finish groups to
determine work needed to be in a state of preparedness for the station
locations currently being considered by the Secretary of State.
 Approve the concept of an SCR, HS2 ‘engagement strategy’.
 Note that a detailed work programme, resource implications and options for
meeting the “state of preparedness” be submitted to a future meeting
Recommendation from the CIAT for scheme business cases
Key points from the discussion:
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Paper set out the current status of all schemes that are within the agreed
programme and presents recommendations for those schemes that have
submitted Stage 1A outline business cases, which are considered by the
CIAT, as ready to progress to Stage 1B full business case.
Recommendations noted:
 LEP Board members noted the status of each scheme in the SCRIF
 LEP members noted the recommendation of the CIAT on the four schemes
that have submitted Stage 1A business cases for assessment
SCR Sector Groups: next steps
Key points from the discussion:
 To reflect on the LEP’s engagement to date with the sector groups, and to
consider options for their future role.
Recommendations agreed / noted:
 Note the emerging issues and challenges facing the SCR sector groups, as
well as their past successes.
 Discuss and endorse a thorough review of the future role of sector groups,
as it pertains to the LEP.
Standing items and other business
Communications update
 Communications work with DMBC to promote HS2 College bid
 Regional Growth Fund feature in Yorkshire Post
 Strategic Economic Plan leaflet for businesses
 Smith Institute report Making Local Economies Matter
Skills Made Easy update
 Paper to provide an update on the Skills Made Easy (City Deal programme)
after its first year of operation
 Board members requested that Chairman review the LEP Board meeting
rules to allow leaders to send deputies to ensure consistent representation
Date and time of next meeting: 23rd July 2014, 4pm, AMP Technology Centre, Rotherham.
Officers with actions:
BS – Ben Still, SCR Executive
PC – Philip Cooper, SCR Executive
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RA – Ruth Adams, SCR Executive
BM – Ben Morley, Sheffield City Council
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