Brampton School Traffic Safety Council Item K1

Flower City
Brampton School Traffic Safety Council
Site Inspection Report
Date: September 9, 2014 Ward: 10
brampton safety council
School/Location: Walnut Grove Public School - 10 Pinestaff Road - Ward 10
Pamela Lone
8:45 a.m. &3:30 p.m.
Requested By:
Nature of Problem:
New School Site Inspection
Observers Present: Michael Freeman, Citizen Member, (a.m.); Trustee Beryl Ford, Peel District
School Board, (a.m.); Mike Moffat, Citizen Member, (a.m.); Violet Skirten, Crossing Guard
Supervisor, Planning and Infrastructure Services, (a.m.); Michael Freeman, Citizen Member, (p.m.);
Ron Chatha, Citizen Member, (p.m.); Kim Bernard, Assistant Crossing Guard Supervisor, Planning
and Infrastructure Services (p.m.).
1. The school is located on Tappet Drive, just east of McVean Drive. Buses enter/exit off Tappet,
and the Kiss and Ride is off Pinestaff Road. There are school are
jns and 40 km/h signs in
the vicinity of the school.
2. The school is serviced by 11 large buses and one small bus. There are approximately 1000
students. The bus drop off area is at the front of the school. There are no signs at the entrance
of the bus area designating it as such.
3. The Kiss and Ride area and parking lot are located off Pinestaff Road and there is no sign at
the entrance notifying drivers that it is a Kiss and Ride area. Traffic flowed through the Kiss
and Ride with a limited number of parents parking on the surrounding roads. The entrance/exit
had clear pavement markings and a stop sign. Staff were at the Kiss and Ride area and at the
bus area directing drivers. All staff wore vests.
4. It was noted that some grade 7 and 8 students who do not qualify for a bus are using a short
cut to get to school through the unfinished pathway east of the school. The committee walked
on the pathway which leads to a derelict bridge. The area is signed "No Trespassing" and has
a security fence.
1. That this site inspection report be received, and
2. That the Manager of Traffic Engineering Services be requested to arrange for the installation
of corner restrictions around the bus entrance/exit on Tappet Drive; and,
3. That the unfinished pathway and bridge situation be directed to Shawn Chevalier, Supervisor,
Development Control Parks Planning and Development, Planning and Infrastructure Services
to ensure the area is secured and for details on when this work will be completed; and,
4. That the Principal be requested to consider the following:
a) Remind staff to ask parents to the move to front of the Kiss and Ride and not to double
b) Install signs at the entrance to the bus area and Kiss and Ride designating them as such
c) Notify parents of the dangers of students using the unfinished pathway and bridge as a
route to school.
Walnut Grove Public School - Site Inspection
September 2014
Intersection of Tappett Drive and Pinestaff Rd
Entrance and exit of Kiss and Ride