APPENDIX - I E F F O R T S AND RESULTS OF ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMMES IN SELECTED VILLAGES OF DINDIGUL DISTRICT: A STUDY I. INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR LEARNERS N A M E OF THE PANCHAYAT UNION: NAME OP THE VILLAGE; 1. Name 2 . Sex Male/Female 3 . Age 9 - 15 16-25 2 6 - 35 3 6 - 45 Above 45 4 . Community :FC/BC/MBC/SC/ST/others a) Unmarried 5 . Marital Status b) Married c) Widowed d) Separated e) Divorced 6. Educational Status of the respondent (When h e / s h e joined the Centre) : a) Illiterate b) Semi-literate c) Drop-out 7 . Occupation Employed/ Unemployed If employed, a) Farmers b) Agricultural Labourers c) Rural Artisans d) Business People e) Govt. Employee f) Any o t h e r 8. Annual Income : a) Rs. 5,001 - 7,000 b) Rs. 7,001 - 9,000 c) Rs. 9,001 - 11,000 d) Rs. 11,001 - 13,000 e) Rs. 13,001 - 15,000 f) Above Rs. 15,000 9. Do you have own house? : Yes/No If Yes, the nature of house is a) Kutcha b) Pucca c) Thatched d) Asbestos e) Any other 10. Do you have own land ? : If Yes, Yes/No No: of Acres: : a) < 2.5 Acres (Marginal farmers) b) 2.5 - 5 Acres(Small farmers) c) Above 5 Acres(Big farmers) 11. Is there any school at your village (Native place)? Yes/No If yes, (i) Have you studied there or not? (ii) Upto what class you have studied in that school? (iii) Whether it was an Elementary/Middle/High/Higher Secondary School ? 12. What were/are the reasons for not attending or dropping out from the school ? 13 a) No school facilities b) Long distance c) Not able to get admission d) Lack of competence e) Any other Educational status of the members of family: a) Did your parents attend school ? Yes / No If 'Yes' Father: Illiterate/ Drop-out/Semi-literate/High School/Hr.Sec/Graduate/Any other Mother: Illiterate/Drop-out/Semi literate/High School/Hr.Sec/Graduate/Any other 14. Which Agency organised the Adult Education centre when you underwent learning ? a) State Government : b) Voluntary Organisation : c) NYK : d) University / Colleges : SAEP/RFLP/TLC NAEP/SAEP NAEP/Centre-Based/ Area-Based/MPFL 1 5 . Motivational aspects: (i) Who or what motivated you to join the Adult Education programme? a) Family members b) Friends c) Village leaders/Adult Education Committee members d). Animators /Volunteers/Instructors e). Supervisors/Project Officers f). Institutions which conducted/conducts Adult education programme g). Mass-media-TV /Radio /News Papers h). J atria*/Conference/ procession i). Self-motivation j). Any other 16. Present Literacy and Numeracy s t a t u s of t h e R e s p o n d e n t s (Evaluation) (i). Write your name? (ii). Do you know how to read and write Tamil alphabets ? Yes / No If yes, read the following sentences a) dlpr^ioit p-fanCTi Qffetoeoi euQjaglprnt (Prime Minister is coming to Chennai tomorrow) b) (BrruJ ©©nirffiaSlrDgii ( D o g b a r k s ) c) g![b$iu[T [Bin§i pr© (India is our country) (iii) Fill up the blanks with the suitable Tamil letters." faij^iimsf'-'^sw'^r c. High yielding varieties of seeds d. Income generating activities e. Use of occupational instruments f. Agricultural mechanisation g. Any other W>z*.f*k&zXJ$£L. 18. Present Awareness S t a t u s (i) Do you think that you have got awareness by attending the Adult Education centre? Yes/No If yes, what is the solution for the following problems? a. Poverty b. Unemployment c. Over-population d. Illiteracy e. Dowry f. Alcoholism g. Caste-conflicts 1 9 . Learning Timings (i). Did/do you have the classes every night? Yes / No (ii). Did/do you attend the centre regularly? Yes / No If no, what were/are the reasons? a. b. c. d. e. (iii). What were/are the timings for the classes ? From (iv). to Were/are these timings convenient to you? Yes /No If no, a. What timings would/will have suited you ? From .... to b. Give reasons 2 0 . Learning Facilities (i). Did you receive the following learning materials? a. Slate d. Others b. Slate pencil c. Book 2 1 . Lighting Facilities (i). Was /Is the your village electrified? Yes / No If yes, (ii). Was/Is your centre electrified? 2 2 . Opinion about your A n i m a t o r s / I n s t r a m e n t s / V o h m t e e r s (i). Was/ Is the Animator/Instructor/Volunteer teaching sincerely? Yes / No (ii). If no, what are the reasons ? a. b. c. d. (iii). Did/Does the Instructor handle the classes regularly? Y e s / No (vi) Did/Does the animator claiify your doubts satisfactorily? Yes / No. (v). What qualities did/do you find in your Animator/Instructor/ Volunteer? 2 3 . Opinion about t h e Supervisor/Project Officer/Assistant Project co-ordinator/Prerak (i). What qualities did/do your find in you Supervisor/Project Officer / APC / Prearak? a. b. c. d. (ii). Did/Do you know the name of the Supervisor / Project Officer /APC/Prerak? Yes / No. If yes, please tell the name and designation (iii). How many times he / she used to come to your centre in a week? 24. Benefits of Adult Education: (i) Have you realised the benefits of Adult Education now ? Yes/ No. (ii). If yes, in what way? (Please Mention) a. b. c. d. (iii). Will you tell your friends to attend the Adult Education centre? Yes / No. (iv). If no, can you give the reasons. (v). If you have children, will you send them to the school regularly? Yes/No Please give reasons 2 5 . Follow-up Programme (i). How many months did you learn in your Adult Education centre? 8 Months / 10 Months/ (ii). 12 Months Please mention the methods of retaining the literacy followed by you a. b. c. (iii). Was/Is your village having J a n a Shikshan Nilayam / Valarkalvi Maiyam? (iv). Yes / No If yes, What were/are the activities of the J a n a Shikshan Nilayam/Valarkalvi Maiyam? a. Arrangements for reading the News papers and Periodicals. b. Supplying the Sports materials. c. Organising meetings to improve knowledge and skills of the neo-literates (v). d. Organising Women's clubs/youth clubs. e. Organising Churcha Mandals (Debate centres) f. Imparting training programmes. What was/is the name of Prerak of your J a n a Shikshan Nilayam /Valarkalvi Maiyam? (vi). Did/Does he give any relevant and adequate information for your development? (vii). Were /are you given any vocational training ? Yes / No. If yes, in what field you were given training ? a. Poultry b. Agriculture c. Incense-stick making d. Pappad making e. Tailoring / Embroidery f. Live stock management g. Fisheries h. Any other Please give your suggestions to conduct t h e Adult E d u c a t i o n and Follow-up programmes successfully? 12. Identification and motivation of t h e l e a r n e r s (i) What method had/have you adopted to identify the learners ? a) By conducting a survey. b) By going through the census data c) Any other (ii). (iii). 13. What methods you adopted to motivate the learners? What problems you faced during the identification and motivation of learners? Objectives and c o m p o n e n t s of Adult E d u c a t i o n : (i) What are the objectives of Adult Education programme? (ii) What component of the Adult Education programme should be given more importance according to your? (iii) What topics have you covered under a. b. 14. Functional Literacy Social Awareness Drop-outs (i). (ii) (iii) How many learners were enrolled by you? How many learners discontinued the course of study at your centre? What were the reasons for discontinuing the study? a. Economic b. Lack of Interest c. Engaged in work due to harvest season d. Any other (iv). What do you suggest for the problem of drop-outs? 15. Opinion on Teaehing/Learning Materials: (i) Have you received the teaching / learning material in time? Yes/No (ii) Did you get sufficient number of them? Yes/No. (iii) Have you prepared any teaching aid? Yes/No If Yes, please mention them Charts/Posters/ Others 16. Have you got t h e support and cooperation from 17. Opinion about t h e supervisor: (i) Did the supervisor visit your centre during the course of programme ? Yes / No (ii) If Yes, how many times did he /she visit ? (iii) What type of guidance was provided by the supervisor? IS J o b Satisfaction: (i) Were/Are you satisfied with your job? Yes/No. If No, why? (ii) Have you received your honoraium regularly? Yes/ No If No, what were/are the reasons? (iii) Were /are you satisfied with the honorarium? Yes/No (iv) Have you ever thought of quitting the job during the course of programme? Yes/ No If Yes, why did you want to quit the job? Please give the reasons a) Lack of Interest b) No encouraging atmosphere c) No attractive salary d) Voluntary service e) Lack of co-operation from the learners f) Any other. 19. Expectations from the meo-literates: i) What type of change did/will you expect from the Neoliterates after completing the course by them? ii) Was the result upto your expectation? 20. Follow-up programmes: i) What were/are the Follow-up (Post-Literacy) programmes taken up by your agency? ii) Was/is there JSN in your village? Yes/No iii) How far the JSN helped/helps to strengthen the Post Literacy programme? iv) How far the Mass Media (Radio/TV/Newspapers) helped/helps in retaining the knowledge acquired by the adults? 21. Suggestions: Would you like to offer any suggestions for the effective functioning of Adult Education and Follow-up programmes? Educational status a. Middle schooling (i) At the time of joining b. High schooling c. Higher secondary d. College studies (ii) As on today e. Vocational/ Technical Education f. Any other 7. Occupational Status : i) When did you join this organisation? ii) Do you have any special interest in the Adult Education? Yes/No If yes, why? Please specify the reasons 8. II. Monthly Income : Questions only for those who worked as t h e S u p e r v i s o r s in t h e NAEP/ SAEP/ RFLP/20-Point (Centre-based) a n d Area-based Programmes 1. When was the National Adult Education Programme started? 2. In which Programme did you serve? 3. How did you come to know about the Adult Education programme? (a) Deputed by the Government to supervise the Adult Education Programme 4. (b) Approached by the Officials of the NAEP (c) Working in the Voluntary Agency since a long time (d) Through mass media (e) Any other What are the components of the NAEP? (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. What are the other Institutions involved in implementing the NAEP? (a) (b) (c) (d) III. Questions for only those who worked in t h e MPFL 1. When was the Mass Programme of Functional Literacy started? 2. How did you come to know about MPFL? (a) Deputed by the Government to supervise this programme (b) Through the University/Colleges (c) Through the mass media (d) Any other 3. What are the objectives of MPFL? (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. What are the Institutions involved in implementing the MPFL? (a) (b) (c) TV. Questions only for those who worked / is w o r k i n g in t h e Total Literacy Campaign in t h e Dindigul district: 1. When was the TLC started in your district? 2. How did you come to know about this programme? (a) Deputed by the Government to supervise this Programme (b) Through the Government Officials (c) Working in the Voluntary Agency since a long time (d) Through tire mass media (e) Any other 3. What are the objectives of TLC? 4. When was the NLM started ? 5. What are the objectives of NLM? 6. What are the other Institutions involved in implementing t h e TLC Programme? a. b. c. V. Common to all respondents; 1. Did you yourself apply for the post ? Yes/No If no. who asked you to apply for the post ? 2. What was the method of selection ? (a) Written Test (b) Interview (c) Written test and Interview (d) By personal contact (e) Any other 3. Did you undergo training for this Post? Yes/No 4. If yes, what was the duration of training? 5. What was the nature of the Training programme? (a) Pre-service training (b) In-service training 6. What was the name of the Institution, which gave training to you? 7. Do you feel that the training was/is worthful to you to monitor a n d evaluate the programme of yours ? 8. What are your suggestions to improve the training programme? a. b. c. 9. How did you select the villages to conduct the Adult Education Centre ? 10. Have you constituted the Adult Education committees in the villages ? Yes/No If yes, (i) Who are the members of the committee ? (ii) In what way it helps to conduct the Adult Education centres ? 11. How did you identify the illiterates ? (a) By conducting the survey (b) With the help of Animators/ Instructors/ Volunteers (c) With the help of Adult Education committees (d) Any other 12. How did you motivate the learners ? a. By personal meeting b. By conducting Cultural Programmes c. By organising processions 13. How many centres were under your control ? 14. How many learners were enrolled in each centre ? 15. How many learners were enrolled at all centres ? 16. How many times have you instructed them in a week / month? 17. How many surprise inspections/ visits have been undertaken by you to the centres ? 18. What are the reasons for the successful running of Adult Education centres according to you? 19. Please give reasons for why some of the Adult Education centres were/are not functioning successfully ? 20. How many learners have become the literates after imparting the programme at the centres ? 2 1 . Did your Institution organised any Follow-up programmes ? Yes / No. If yes, what are they ? a. Conducting Continuing Education Courses __.. b. Organisation of Library Movement c. 4 Months follow-up Programme d. Organising JSN e. Organising "Valarkalvi Maiyam" 22. How many JSNs / Valarkalvi Maiyams were/are functioning in your area? 2 3 . What are the activities undertaken by those JSNs ? a. Organising Women's Clubs and Youth Clubs b. Imparting Vocational training c. Offering Continuing Education Courses d. Arranging Churcha Mandals e. Making arrangements for Reading rooms(with the books, journals and news papers) f. Supplying the Recreational materials g. Promoting the Sports activities 24. Have the reading materials been supplied regularly ? 2 5 . Did/Does the JSN receive the sports materials regularly ? / 26. How many Women's Clubs/ Youth Clubs have been organised by ~'"~":'"";•• ,\°"' your JSN ? 27. How many Continuing Education Courses were organised in a year? 28. What are your general impressions about the progress of Adult Education programme ? 29. Based on your experience do you think that this programme would become effective in course of time ? 30. Have you ever thought of quitting the job during the course of programme ? Yes/No If yes, what was the reason ? a) Lack of interest. b) No encouraging working conditions c) Lack of satisfaction /dissatisfaction with the job d) Inadequate salary e) Not satisfied with the attitude of higher officials 31.What do you suggest for the effective implementation of Adult Education and Follow-Up programmes in general? APPENDIX - IV NATIONAL LITERACY MISSION MORMS Level -1 Level - II Level - III : Ability to • read and write words/sentences using most frequent letters a n d vowel signs. • read and write n u m b e r s upto 50. • write one's own name. : Ability to • read and write words and sentences having almost all the letters, all vowel signs and conjunct letters. • read and write n u m b e r s upto 100 and do simple addition and subtraction upto 100. • write name of the family members and one's address. % Ablity to • read and comprehend a small passage (un-known text/news paper headings, road signs). © compute simple problems involving multiplication a n d division. • apply skills of writing, a n d numeracy in day-to-day activities (e.g) writing letters, filling forms etc.
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