KTA-TTA 20t h Fall Meeting October 14-17, 2014

 Holiday Inn University Plaza KTA-TTA 20th Fall Meeting
Bowling Green Lexington, KY October 14-17, 2014 270/745‐0088 CT
11:00 AM Golf Luncheon @ Crosswinds GC Noon Golf Tournament 4:00 PM Hotel check‐in 6:00‐7:30 Welcome Reception KENTUCKY TELECOM ASSOCIATION
851 Corporate Drive Suite 105 Lexington KY 40503 Phone: 859/223‐9001 Fax: 859/223‐2601 [email protected] www.ktaoffice.org 7:30‐11:00 KTA‐TTA Hospitality Suite WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15
8:00 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast KTA Associate Members Chair – Lynn Groen, MACC 402/319‐6986 or [email protected] TENNESSEE TELECOMMUNICATIONS
8:30 General Session Noon Group Luncheon 1:15 PM Breakout Sessions 1‐3 3:00 Breakout Sessions 4‐6 4:15 Booth Set‐Up (open till 11:00 PM) PO Box 7531 McMinnville, TN 37111 5:00‐7:30 KTA‐TTA Hospitality Suite Phone ‐ 615/256‐8005 Fax – 931/668‐4400 [email protected] www.tenntel.org 7:30 Vendors Hospitality Party (open to all attendees) TTA Associate Members Chair – Brian Abston, RepCom 615/364‐5147 or [email protected] HOLIDAY INN UNIVERSITY PLAZA
1021 Wilkinson Trace Bowling Green, KY 42103 www.hibowlinggreen.com 7:00 AM Booth Set‐Up 8:30 AM‐ 12:30 PM Suppliers Showcase 1:00 PM KTEA Association Annual Meeting 6:00 KTEA Hospitality Suite 8:30 AM KTEA Association Annual Meeting (concludes by noon) Reservations: Group Code KT2 @ $127 – by Sept 13 Phone: 270/745‐0088 or 800/HOLIDAY On‐Line: KTA‐TTA Fall Meeting and Expo FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17
Exhibit Set‐Up Info: Angela Price 270/393‐8668 or [email protected] Key Meeting Dates ♦ Sept 13 – room reservation cut‐off date. The room rate is $127 (+tax) under group code KT2. Reserve your rooms at the Holiday Inn University Plaza at KTA‐TTA Fall Meeting and Expo or by phone (270/745‐0088 or 800/465‐4329). ♦ Sept 26 – registration forms due. All forms should be sent to the KTA office. ♦ Oct 13 – exhibitors should plan to ship booth materials to arrive on or after this date. Hotel storage fees will apply. ♦ Oct 14 – Golf tourney at Crosswinds GC and welcome reception. ♦ Oct 15 – Conference, booth set‐up and the vendors’ hospitality party. ♦ Oct 16 – Suppliers Showcase and the KTEA Association annual meeting. ♦ Oct 17 – KTEA Association meeting concludes 2014 C ONFERENCE
October 14‐17, 2014 Holiday Inn University Plaza, Bowling Green, KY N ot e: This for m i s on ly f or attendee s. Exh i bi to rs complete t he s ep ara t e bo ot h re g is tr at io n f or m. Company: Address: Contact Person: Phone: Email: Fax: Please list the name (to be shown on badge) and 3 events each person plans to attend. The meeting registration includes admittance to the Supplier Showcase. Golfers must also complete a separate golf registration form. The expo only registration is for non‐members attending only the Supplier Showcase. Copy form for additional registration as needed. M tg $10 0 Golf Expo O nly $12 5 $50 T ot al s $$ S p o n s o r s F e e s : Call for sponsor opportunities not listed. $300/general meeting $500/mtg luncheon or breaks $175/golf hole $300/golf beverage cart P a y m e n t : Check: enclosed in process bill me (members only) Credit card: Visa MasterCard American Express Exp Date: ___________ Name on card ______________________________________________________________ Card # # # # $ Action Steps to Confirm Registration: H o t e l R e s e r v a t i o n s . Holiday Inn University Plaza in Bowling Green: call 270/745‐0088 or 800/465‐4329 or on‐line at KTA‐TTA Fall Meeting and Expo by Sept 13. Mention the KTA‐TTA meeting (code KT2) to obtain the $127 (+ tax) group room rate. S p o n s o r s h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s . Sponsorships are available for golf, general meeting and other events. Contact the KTA office for sponsorship details and availability. C o n f e r e n c e R e g i s t r a t i o n . Complete and return this registration form by Sept 26. Mail, fax or email the registration to the KTA office. No refunds will be made after Oct 7 due to contractual arrangements. Substitutions are allowed. Late cancellations and no shows will be billed. Kentucky Telecom Association 851 Corporate Drive Suite 105 Lexington, KY 40503 859/223‐9001 fax 859/223‐2601 email ‐ [email protected] www.ktaoffice.org O t h e r R e g i s t r a t i o n F o r m s . Golfers must also complete and return the separate golf registration form. Exhibitors must use only the Showcase booth registration form. Q u e s t i o n s ? Call the KTA office at 859/223‐9001 or the TTA office at 615/256‐8005. 2014 S HOWCASE
October 14‐17, 2014 Holiday Inn University Plaza, Bowling Green, KY Company: Address: Contact Person: Phone: Email: Fax: B o o t h & S e t ‐ U p I n f o : The standard booth is 8’x10’ with pipe & drape, (1) 6' # of covered table, (2) chairs, wastebasket and standard power & internet access. Please mark the booth arrangements needed. Booth set‐up: Oct 15 4:00‐11:00pm; Booths Oct 16 7:00‐8:30am. The showcase opens at 8:30am (CT) on Oct 16. K T A & T T A M e m b e r s : KTA TTA Both $675 for standard booth. $250 for an additional 8x8 booth (double booth). $50 for each additional table. N o n ‐ M e m b e r s : $975 for a standard booth. $250 for an additional 8x8 booth (double booth). $50 for each additional table. # of Tables AC Power Total $ Yes No Yes No # Persons in booth __________. The booth fee covers 2 persons for entire meeting. The fee for each additional person is $100. G o l f T o u r n e y : __________ # of golfers @ $125. The separate golf registration form is required. S p o n s o r s F e e s : Contact the KTA office for other sponsorship opportunities not listed. $175/golf hole $300/golf beverage cart $300/general meeting sponsor $500/mtg luncheons or breaks $60 Sponsorship for the Oct 15 Vendors Hospitality Party. P a y m e n t : Check: enclosed in process or bill me (members only) Credit card: Visa MasterCard American Express Exp Date: ________________________ Name on card ____________________________________________________________________________________ Card # $ List names of persons at exhibit booth. Two (2) persons are included in the booth fee; all others are @ $100. Provide a brief description of the products or services to be featured in the supplier showcase. Action Steps to Confirm Registration: H o t e l R e s e r v a t i o n s . Call the Holiday Inn University Plaza in Bowling Green at 270/745‐0088 or 800/465‐4329 or on‐line at KTA‐TTA Fall Meeting and Expo by Sept 13. Mention the KTA‐TTA meeting (code KT2) to obtain the $127 (+ tax) group room rate. S h o w c a s e R e g i s t r a t i o n a n d S h i p p i n g I n f o . Complete and return this registration form by Sept 26. Mail, fax or email the registration to the KTA Office. Contact the KTA office for special arrangements – additional fees may apply. If shipping booth materials to the hotel, plan for arrival no earlier than Oct 13 and include a contact name and "KTA‐TTA Showcase” on the package. The hotel will charge a $10 handling/storage fee. No refunds will be made after Oct 3 due to contractual arrangements SEND REGISTRATION FORMS TO: BOOTH SET UP: SHIP BOOTH MATERIALS TO: Kentucky Telecom Association 851 Corporate Drive Suite 105 Lexington, KY 40503 859/223‐9001 Fax 859/223‐2601 www.ktaoffice.org [email protected] Oct 15 – 4:30‐11:00 PM CT Oct 16 – 7:00‐8:30 AM CT Holiday Inn University Plaza 1021 Wilkinson Plaza Bowling Green, KY 42103 Questions: Angela Price, Catering Manager 270/393‐8668 or [email protected] SUPPLIER SHOWCASE: Oct 16 – 8:30 AM‐12:30 PM CT 2014 G OLF T OURNAMENT
October 14‐17, 2014 Holiday Inn University Plaza, Bowling Green, KY T ou r n am e nt I nf o. The golf tournament will be held at the Crosswinds Golf Course beginning at noon (CT) on Tuesday, Oct 14. A buffet luncheon will begin at 11:00 am (CT) in the golf pavilion at the pro shop. Soft spikes are required. Dress appropriately for the season. The tournament will be a scramble format and all skills levels are welcomed. All players must be registered for the conference or the supplier showcase. The golf fees are $125/person and cover green fees and cart, luncheon, and prizes. For rental club information or other course questions, contact the pro shop at 270/393‐3559. The course is next to the hotel with a common parking lot. Golf Sponsor ships. Provide company exposure through sponsorship. Please 3 where appropriate and include on the sponsorship line on the conference or booth registration form. Sponsorships will be on signage and listed in the program. Contact the KTA office for details and other sponsorship opportunities not listed. Golf Hole @ $175 Beverage Cart @ $300 Golf Luncheon @ $500 Cart gift (90 players) _______________________________________________________________________________ Golf Prize (for drawing) ____________________________________________________________________________ We will ship the cart gifts and/or golf prizes to the KTA office to arrive by Oct 3, or We will bring them to the meeting. Golf Re gi stra t io n. Complete and return this form with the conference or booth registration form by Sept 26. Mail, fax or email the registration to the KTA office. Note: players not providing handicaps or average scores will be considered A‐players for the pairings. Kentucky Telecom Association 851 Corporate Drive Suite 105 Lexington, KY 40503 859/223‐9001 fax 859/223‐2601 email ‐ [email protected] www.ktaoffice.org 201 4 KT A‐TT A F a ll Me et i ng Golf Tourname nt Company: Email: Contact Person: Phone: N am e
H c p /A v g S co re
Special Requests: