CABLE TRAY SYSTEM GFK TK Support System 14 Ceiling bracket and wall bracket Profiles Brackets Mounting plates Compatible with our different ranges of cable trays, our supporting systems are available in several finishes and different support structures. A range of support structures ranging from hot-dip galvanized steel and epoxy, through the stainless steel, loaded polyester reinforced fiberglass. Dimensions and perforations supports are suitable for EBO Systems cables trays. The load capacities are variable according to the type of installation (ceiling, wall ...). 15 SUPPORT SYSTEM Overview brackets and hangers SYSTEM ACCESSORIES ! Hangers and wall supports - average load KTAM 17 Hangers and wall supports, standard KTA 17 GRP brackets, pultruded FPAP 18 GRP brackets, pressed FPAM 18 GRP brackets, pultruded, Z Profil FPCO 19 GRP support, pultruded FPPS 19 Hangers, U profile HU 5050 20/21 Hangers-profiles HDS 21/22 Profil U 5050 22/23 Anchor fixing plate KU 5050 23 GRP hangers, U profil FPES 24 GRP hangers, pultruded, Profil C FPDS 24 STAINLESS STEEL Fixing system SS anchor bolt FPBGV 24 Track C-Profil, opening of 15 mm, perforated FPAR 25 Protective cover KA 18 Protective cover K 5050 21 The classification of brackets and hangers into categories like light, medium and heavy is only an indication for their typical usage. For engineering purposes exact calculations of overall loads considering the weight of the cable, the weight of the tray and the support span are mandatory. In the event that the support structures and loads of cables are uniformly distributed, the supporting capacity of the bracket must be calculated as follows: load F = (cables weight + weight of the various components of the support installation) x support distance Load ratings shown in this catalog are valid only for proper anchorage to the building structure. Please refer to the general information section and consult site management or structural engineering for details about the building structure and local regulations. 16 Hanger and wall bracket middle range Height Length adj. L at L/2 Item ref. E5 KTAM 100 E5 E5 KTAM 200 E5 E5 KTAM 300 E5 E5 KTAM 400 E5 mm mm kN 60 80 85 115 110 210 310 410 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 Accessories/ bolts included EAN code Weight 100 units pc. Min. pack. 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 728305 728404 728503 728602 16,51 30,61 44,33 73,59 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. for a wall mounting or a ceiling mounting Warning: different properties for various lengths The load capacities are only valid if the main supporting part is sufficiently and correctly fixed, particularly the ceiling supports. Ceiling support and wall bracket standard range Item ref. F F F F F F F F F F F E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 Height Width Length adj. B L at L/2 Accessories/ bolts included EAN code Weight 100 units pc. / Min. pack. mm mm mm kN KTA 100 KTA 150 KTA 200 KTA 250 KTA 300 KTA 350 KTA 400 KTA 450 KTA 500 KTA 550 KTA 600 45 45 55 55 65 65 75 75 90 90 90 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 510 560 610 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 2 FLM 6x12 186907 13,60 187003 16,90 187102 25,20 187201 29,80 187300 55,80 187409 62,70 187508 75,20 187607 83,80 187706 106,70 187805 129,20 187904 122,80 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10 p. KTA 100 E5 KTA 200 E5 KTA 300 E5 KTA 400 E5 KTA 500 E5 KTA 600 E5 45 55 65 90 110 110 40 40 50 50 50 50 110 210 310 410 510 610 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 842605 14,80 842629 25,92 842643 55,69 842667 80,00 917402 120,00 917426 135,00 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. 20 p. for a wall mounting and for a ceiliing mounting Oblong holes dimensions LL 7x40 mm in the KTA 100-600 series Oblong holes dimensions LL 7x15 mm in the KTA 150-550 series (intermediate sizes) and in the aluminum finish KTA 100-600 The load capacities are only valid if the main supporting part is sufficiently and correctly fixed, particularly the ceiling supports. Mounting accessories required for cable ladder UL : ULKG, M10x30 V4A (to be ordered separatly ) Ceiling support and wall bracket epoxy, standard Item ref. C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 KTA 100 C1KG KTA 150 C1KG KTA 200 C1KG KTA 250 C1KG KTA 300 C1KG KTA 350 C1KG KTA 400 C1KG KTA 450 C1KG KTA 500 C1KG KTA 550 C1KG KTA 600 C1KG RAL Height Width Length adj. colour B L at L/2 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 mm mm mm kN 45 45 55 55 65 65 75 75 90 90 90 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 510 560 610 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 Accessories/ bolts included EAN code 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 2 FLM 6x12 E5 967209 967216 967223 967230 967247 967254 967261 967278 967285 967292 967308 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 13,1 16,4 24,4 28,8 53,9 60,7 72,8 81,1 103,3 125,0 118,8 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. for a wall mounting on supporting rail FPAR and on ceiling support FPES / FPDS Oblong holes dimensions LL 7x40 mm in the KTA 100-600 series Oblong holes dimensions LL 7x15 mm in the KTA 150-550 series (intermediate sizes) and in the aluminum finish KTA 100-600 The load capacities are only valid if the main supporting part is sufficiently and correctly fixed, particularly the ceiling supports. Mounting accessories required for cable ladder UL: ULKG, M6x30 V4A (to be ordered separatly ) Mounting accessories required for cable ladder UL: ULKG, M10x30 V4A (to be ordered separatly ) 17 SUPPORT SYSTEM Protective end cap Item ref. Colour K10 KA 100-600 EAN code yellow 347056 Weight 100 units Min. pack. 1,4 10 p. to protect the profile ends The end caps must prescripted in areas where the risk of hazard is important! GRP bracket pultruded RAL Length adj. colour L at L/2 Item ref. K23 K23 K23 K23 K23 FPAP 100/AC FPAP 150/AC FPAP 200/AC FPAP 250/AC FPAP 300/AC 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 mm kN 110 160 210 260 310 1,25 1,25 1,25 1,25 1,25 EAN code 955725 955732 955749 955756 955763 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc. / pc 47,0 54,5 58,5 65,0 72,2 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. for a wall mounting and for a ceiliing mounting Used for: Hanger FPES… and FPDS… The load capacities are only valid if the main supporting part is sufficiently and correctly fixed, particularly the ceiling supports. Fixing accessories for cables trays ( to be ordered separately ) : for cables trays K² and KP : M6x20 V4A GRP bracket pultruded RAL Length adj. colour L at L/2 Item ref. mm K23 FPAP 400/AC K23 FPAP 500/AC K23 FPAP 600/AC 7032 7032 7032 410 510 610 EAN code kN 1,25 955770 1,25 955787 1,25 955794 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 161,5 174,5 186,0 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. for a wall mounting and for a ceiliing mounting Used for: Hanger FPES… and FPDS… The load capacities are only valid if the main supporting part is sufficiently and correctly fixed, particularly the ceiling supports. GRP bracket pressed Item ref. K23 K23 K23 K23 FPAM 100 FPAM 150 FPAM 200 FPAM 300 RAL Height Width Length adj. colour B L at L/2 7032 7032 7032 7032 mm mm mm kN 50 60 70 90 55 55 55 55 120 170 220 320 1,25 1,25 1,25 1,25 EAN code 955848 955855 955862 955879 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc. 17 18 36 50 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. for a wall mounting and for a ceiliing mounting Used for: Hanger FPES… and FPDS… The load capacities are only valid if the main supporting part is sufficiently and correctly fixed, particularly the ceiling supports. 18 GRP bracket pultruded, Z-profile Item ref. RAL Width colour B EAN code mm K23 K23 K23 K23 FPCO 100/AC FPCO 150/AC FPCO 200/AC FPCO 300/AC 7032 7032 7032 7032 100 150 200 300 963102 963119 963126 963133 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 55 68 77 100 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. for the horizontal mounting of cable trays Used for: Only for the cable trays KK… and KP… Mounting accessories required for cable tray K2 and KP : M6x20 V4A ( to be ordered separatly ) GRP support pultruded, Z-profile Item ref. K23 FPPS RAL colour EAN code 7032 963140 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 0 1 p. for the horizontal mounting of cable trays The support is universal Used for: Only for the cable trays KK… and KP… and UL… Mounting accessories required for cable tray K2 and KP : M6x20 V4A ( to be ordered separatly ) 19 SUPPORT SYSTEM Ceiling support Profile U Item ref. Total length L EAN code mm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc. / pc HU 5050/200 HU 5050/250 HU 5050/300 HU 5050/400 HU 5050/500 HU 5050/600 HU 5050/700 HU 5050/800 HU 5050/900 HU 5050/1000 HU 5050/1100 HU 5050/1200 HU 5050/1500 HU 5050/2000 205 255 305 405 505 605 705 805 905 1005 1105 1205 1505 2005 858705 858729 858743 858767 858781 858804 858828 858842 858866 858880 858903 858927 858941 858965 93,08 105,23 117,38 141,68 165,97 190,27 214,57 238,87 263,17 287,46 311,76 336,06 408,95 530,44 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. HU 5050/200 E5 HU 5050/300 E5 HU 5050/400 E5 HU 5050/500 E5 HU 5050/600 E5 HU 5050/800 E5 HU 5050/1000 E5 205 305 405 505 605 805 1005 945757 945702 945764 945771 945788 965953 965960 86,02 108,48 130,92 153,38 175,83 220,74 265,65 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. Total length = U profile length, included fixing plate. HU 5050/200, has limited space for equipment in cable trays (bracket length & height) Used for: Rail FPAR and wall mounted bracket FPAP Rail and wall mounted bracket KTA... In order to avoid the deformation of ceiling support during the mounting of brackets, it is necessary for mechanical reason, to take into account of the thickness of the ceiling support when screwing the hexagonal bolts. for static reasons and to facilitate the mounting of end caps, the bracket must be mounted at x=50 mm above the ceiling support end. To prevent the deformation of the ceiling support profile when installing the brackets, it is recommended to use hexagonal head bolts for mechanical reasons. Serie of oblong holes (13x40 mm) on 3 profile sides. The load data are only valid in case of a sufficiently strong fixing of the supporting part. The share of loads in the building must be defined with the contractor. You must follow the guidelines and definitions in force. Deflection f in mm Load diagram : deflection of the hanger in case of one-sided charges Load F in kN In case of symetrical loads, the deflection is not significant. 20 Pendard epoxy, Profil U Hanger Réf. Art. epoxy, U-profile Item ref. Code Cou- Longueur Poids Colileur totale L 100 sage EAN RAL uni. mini. RAL Total EAN Weight Min. pc colour length L 100 units pack. code kg mm pc 7032 mm 205 967100 88,0 1 p. C1 HU 5050/200 C1KG 5050/250 C1KG 7032 205 255 967100 967124 88,0 99,5 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/200 5050/250 C1KG 99,5 11p. 7032 255 305 967124 967131 111,0 p. C1 HU 5050/300 5050/300 C1KG 7032 305 405 967131 967148 111,0 133,9 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/400 5050/400 C1KG 7032 405 505 967148 967155 133,9 156,9 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/500 5050/500 C1KG 7032 505 605 967155 967162 156,9 179,9 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/600 5050/600 C1KG 7032 605 705 967162 967179 179,9 202,9 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/700 5050/700 C1KG 7032 705 805 967179 967186 202,9 225,8 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/800 5050/800 C1KG 7032 805 905 967186 967193 225,8 248,8 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/900 5050/900 C1KG C1KG 7032 905 1005 967193 967063 248,8 271,8 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/1000 5050/1000 C1KG 7032 1005 1105 967063 967070 271,8 294,8 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/1100 5050/1100 C1KG 7032 1105 1205 967070 967087 294,8 317,7 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/1200 5050/1200 C1KG 7032 1205 1505 967087 967094 317,7 386,6 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/1500 5050/1500 C1KG 7032 1505 2005 967094 967117 386,6 501,5 11p. p. C1 HU 5050/2000 C1 HU 5050/2000 C1KG 7032 2005 967117 501,5 1 p. Longueur totale = la longueur du profil U, plaque de fixation comprise HU 5050/200, espace restreint pour l'equipement en chemins de câbles (la Total length =dispose U profiled'un length, included fixing plate. longueur des has pendards hauteur des consoles) HU 5050/200, limited- la space for equipment in cable trays (bracket length & height) Utilisable pour : Pendard et bracket console FPAP murale FPAP Used for: Hangers FPES FPES / FPDS/ FPDS and wall Rail FPAR et console Rail FPAR and wall mountedmurale bracketFPAP FPAP Deflection in mm Déflexion ffen Diagramme des charges : of flexion du pendard dans le cas d'une charge unilatérale. Load diagram : deflection the hanger in case of one-sided charges Charge enkN KN Load FFin Dans le of cas de charges à peu symétriques, la déflexion est à peine mesurable. In case symetrical loads, theprès deflection is not significant. Embout de protection Réf. Art. Couleur Code Poids Protective end cap 100 EAN Item ref. Colour EAN code Colisage uni. mini. Weight Min. pc. units pack. 100 kgpc. 10 p. K10 K 5050 jaune 347025 3 K 5050 yellow 347025 3 10 p. K10 la pour protection des extrémités de profils to protect the profile ends Les embouts de protection sont à prescrire dans les zones où le risque d'accident est important ! must prescripted in areas where the risk of hazard is important! The end caps Utilisable pour : Profil U 5050/... et pendard HU 5050/... Used for: Profile U 5050/… and hanger HU 5050/… Pour faciliterthe le montage embouts protection, un écart 50 mm est à respecter entre To facilitate assemblydes of end caps, de a minimum space of 50d'au mmmoins is required between the bracket la partieand inférieure de lasupport consoleend. et le bout du pendard. bottom the ceiling Profil dusupport pendard Ceiling profile Réf. Item Art. ref. Accessoires/ Accessories/ Boulonnerie bolts incluse included Code EAN EAN code Poids Weight ColiMin. 100unitssage 100 pack. uni. pc. / pc mini. pc. / pc kg 1 SKM 10x80 F, 2 UGM 10 931705 7,5 50 p. F HDS 50.50 F 1 SKM 10x80 F, 2 UGM 10 931705 7,5 50 p. F HDS 50.50 F 6,8 50 p. E5 HDS 50.50 E5 1 SKM 10x90 E4, 2 UGM 10 962266 E5 HDS 50.50 E5 1 SKM 10x90 E4, 2 UGM 10 962266 6,8 50 p. Used for: Profile U 5050/… and hanger HU 5050/… Utilisable pour : Profil U 5050/... et pendard HU 5050/... In order to avoid the deformation of ceiling support during the mounting of brackets, it is necessary Dans le but d'éviter la déformation pendards momentofduthe montage des consoles, il est for mechanical reason, to take into des account of theau thickness ceiling support when screwing the nécessaire pour des raisons statiques, de tenir compte de l'épaisseur du profil du pendard au moment hexagonal bolts. du serrage avec les boulons à têtes hexagonales. To prevent the deformation of the ceiling support profile when installing the brackets, it is Pour empêchertolause déformation duhead profilbolts du pendard lors du montage recommended hexagonal for mechanical reasons. des consoles, il faut utiliser des boulons à tête hexagonale pour des raisons mécaniques. 21 21 SUPPORT SYSTEM Ceiling support profile epoxy Item ref. C1 HDS 50.50 C1KG RAL colour 7032 Accessories/ bolts included EAN code 1 SKM 10x90 E4, 2 UGM 10 967056 Weight 100 units pc Min. pack. 7,5 10 p. Used for: Profile U 5050/... C1KG and hanger HU 5050/… C1KG To prevent the deformation of the ceiling support profile when installing the brackets, it is recommended to use hexagonal head bolts for mechanical reasons. Profile U 5050 Item ref. Length L EAN code mm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc. / pc / m U 5050/300 F U 5050/400 F U 5050/500 F U 5050/600 F U 5050/700 F U 5050/800 F U 5050/900 F U 5050/1000 F U 5050/1100 F U 5050/1200 F U 5050/1500 F U 5050/2000 F U 5050/3000 F U 5050/6000 F 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1500 2000 3000 6000 918560 918584 918607 918621 918645 918669 918683 918706 918720 918744 918768 918782 859306 859320 72,90 97,20 121,50 145,79 170,09 194,38 218,68 242,98 267,28 291,58 364,47 242,98 242,98 242,98 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 2m 3m 6m U 5050/300 E5L U 5050/400 E5L U 5050/500 E5L U 5050/600 E5L U 5050/800 E5L U 5050/1000 E5L U 5050/6000 E5L 300 400 500 600 800 1000 6000 965977 965984 965991 966004 966011 966028 966035 67,37 89,82 112,28 134,73 179,64 224,55 224,55 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 6m for the manufacturing of ceiling supports and supporting systems made of different elements Serie of oblong holes (13x40 mm) on 3 profile sides 22 Profile U 5050 epoxy Item ref. RAL colour Length L U 5050/300 C1KG U 5050/400 C1KG U 5050/500 C1KG U 5050/600 C1KG U 5050/700 C1KG U 5050/800 C1KG U 5050/900 C1KG U 5050/1000 C1KG U 5050/1100 C1KG U 5050/1200 C1KG U 5050/1500 C1KG U 5050/2000 C1KG 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 7032 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1500 2000 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc EAN code mm C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 967384 967391 967407 967414 967421 967438 967445 967339 967346 967353 967360 967377 72,00 96,00 120,00 144,00 168,00 192,00 216,00 128,33 141,17 154,00 359,00 229,73 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1m for the manufacturing of ceiling supports and supporting systems made of different elements Serie of oblong holes (13x40 mm) on 3 profile sides Anchor fixing plate included bolts Item ref. F KU 5050 E5 KU 5050 E5 Total thickness length L of top plates (th) Accessories/ bolts included EAN code Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc. / mm mm 105 5 2 FLM 10x25 F 191956 76,85 1 p. 105 5 2 FLM 10x25 E5 967322 78,75 1 p. for the mounting on straight ceilings Used for: Profile U 5050/… Serie of oblong holes (13x40 mm) on 3 profile sides Anchor fixing plate included bolts epoxy Item ref. C1 KU 5050 C1KG RAL Total thickness colour length L of top plates (th) 7032 mm mm 105 5 Accessories/ bolts included EAN code 2 SKM 10x25 E5 967315 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 72,7 1 p. for the mounting on straight ceilings Used for: Profile U 5050/... C1KG Serie of oblong holes (13x40 mm) on 3 profile sides 23 SUPPORT SYSTEM Ceiling support pultruded, C-profile Item ref. K23 K23 K23 K23 FPES 200/AC FPES 300/AC FPES 400/AC FPES 500/AC RAL Length Admissible colour L load F in traction 7032 7032 7032 7032 mm kN 200 300 400 500 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 EAN code 955923 955930 955947 955954 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 75 92 110 127 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. for a mounting on 1 side of the support Total length = L + 53 millimeters The ceiling support fixing to the ceiling with screws require the use of a large washer, to be ordered separetly Used for: Bracket FPAP…/AC and FPAM…/AC Other lengths are available on request Mounting accessories required : FPBGV10 V4A ( to be ordered separately ) Ceiling support pultruded, double C-profile Item ref. K23 K23 K23 K23 FPDS 200/AC FPDS 300/AC FPDS 400/AC FPDS 500/AC RAL Length Admissible colour L load F in traction 7032 7032 7032 7032 mm kN 200 300 400 500 2 x 1,5 2 x 1,5 2 x 1,5 2 x 1,5 EAN code 955886 955893 955909 955916 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 76 96 175 205 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. to mount on the both support sides Total length = L + 53 millimeters The ceiling support fixing to the ceiling with screws require the use of a large washer, to be ordered separetly Used for: Bracket FPAP…/AC and FPAM…/AC Other lengths are available on request Mounting accessories required : FPBGV10 V4A ( to be ordered separately ) Anchor bolt Item ref. Length L EAN code Weight 100 units pc Min. pack. 962662 6,6 25 p. mm E4 FPBGV 10 E4 30 for fixing the cables on the C profile Used for: Bracket FPAP/AC, FPAM/AC and FPAR/AC 24 GRP fixing rail pultruded, C-profile, slot width 15 mm, perforated K23 K23 K23 K23 Item ref. RAL colour Length Admissible L load F in traction mm kN FPAR 500/AC FPAR 750/AC FPAR 1000/AC FPAR 2000/AC 7032 7032 7032 7032 500 750 1000 2000 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 EAN code 955961 955978 955985 955992 Weight Min. 100 units pack. pc 52 76 168 244 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 25
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