A Newspaper Devoted To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Loeal Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures Vol. XLIII - 14 Publlihrt Wnkl; On Thurxla; Cartnret, New Jersey, Thursday, August 12,1965 rrd i> 2nd CUM Mill f. 0. Orttrtt, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS Grand Jury Will Probe Dobert Charges; Sills Asks Prosecutor to Continue Investigation Constructing Dost Collection System Refinin ivr sc iarf « < Witnesses; Council * -* V3tt ar«vas - •"*-° **Attention T—This borough toi, still talking about the ( | ]4 '» V m " i T - ( p l n n 1 m a » W , has informs borcsh ,rfficmls that the be i m i into operation August 23. ^ ^ ™ •"« y«r. Mr. Cordiam> submitted a letter to Michael Marko- skirmish R.mirk i fh.uifs U. Boncelet at 5 P.M. Mmiday in the mayor"* OfflfP. ilir trouble arose when the „ w: refused to give Roncolet p,N mission to keen voucher i l f seven individual sections. feet of bag cloth. Each section will contnin 4lfi bncs or If the bag cloth was sewn together, it would cover ovei 2.5 acres. The Baghouse, a dust collecting operation., will filter belter thnn 97 per cent rom smelting operations. sections will be in operation August i t These sections will our present production. The additional this* section* mr being installed to provide for emergency needs. ,|,irks oiil of the '• I'SiiiTr's (.,.;,' alter 5 P. M. I i old Boncelet he could have •ii,. iirnrds in the morning ac, ,nii.iv I" normal procedure," Mi.,n Hainck said last night, "HP ,II,IM : like that and uot very Did Not Invite Probe CARTERET — Attorney General Arthur Sills yesterday asked Prosecutor Edward J. Dolr.n to continue a further investigation into the charges and allegations made by Borough Engineer Kenneth W. Dobert affecting borough officials. The Attorney General advised Prosecutor Dolan that he had reviewed all evidence before him, referred the matter back to him for "further Investigation and interrogation of witnesses." Prosecutor Dolan confirmed that he had received a letter to that effect/torn the attorney general. Asked what he proposed to do, Prosecutor Dolan said: To Get Facts "We will continue to get all the facts on the allegations involved, question all parties concerned and present the data to the Grand Jury." Asked if the September Grand Jury would rear the Carteret case, Prosecutor replied that it was "difficult to say." He pointed out that four municipal investigations a$f now being sifted by the Grand Jury and these were instituted a year ago* The prosecutor said a Gmtd Jury hears some 1000 cases during a term md-with the current rauittCipal probes under way, he could not tell which i.. -•d Jury term would hariBle the Dobert charges. Probe More Facts On Wednesday night, August 4, t l r Borough Council majority refused to i lixtk my glasses off and riuln'iiged him," the mnyor >nid. l -\W locked arms, but no blows Ufiv exchanged." Hurnugh Engineer Kenneth W. HilieH was in the mayor's office dunlin the verbal exchange. He; i.-.tMl the two began a fist fight.! .r ahuli point he left the room: n. *rk a witnes*—tax collector if.-.i-urvr Alexander Comba. Tliric is no doubt they had a i:v f^iii." Comba said last night. \\i, i he entered, both had t'.ii'ir >-,i, off and were "ruffled .. In- asserted. I'Diniia said the mayor even iinl ,\ policeman. Banick adn'tnt .ailing for a policeman '.i ni.ikc sure the records wont - Tk IMiert asserted Uiat Boncelet , i l ihe mayor "stupid" and; his :,ii iic was overcrowding claimed there was no '-jjsl » difference vt wouldn't think of hitting the iioncelvi said. He called [ U;i-,' a liar and said Comba iii.ini the room after the quar!v, *,iS over. The mayor backed up Dobert's PICTURE # 1 : Fabrication of circular-flue section. Left to right; Stanley Martk, welder; Joseph Resko, ironworker; Joseph l';iw.ck, ueldrr. I'icture iti Left: John J r.:«n! lliat Comba had separated Bablnec, machinist, checking fan alignment at outlet flue. Right; Joseph Mittoan, rigger, signaling movement flue factions. 1'iciurc r;t The bolting together of filter ; in tw.i. 1 told Boncelet he had! bag framei. Left to right: John Raczynski, ironworker; Anthony Russo, boner. j i ui of nerve calling the mayor — I ,i i.mie.* Comba said. "inhii and Dobert said Bon' apologized for some of hi* Mayor Banick Vetoes Sewer Bond Ordinances When he told Boncelet lo return CARTERET - Mayor Andrew,thorized "yet no data has beeni .'• Mittchers to the vault, Comba Banick this week vetoed two sew- presented or engineer consulted s i<: ihe councilman told himjer bond, ordinances for a total of on the program." !!<• m.nor was "nothing aroundl, 1050 on He stated that documentary evi-i l that he-Boncelet-wa« ordinance provides tui a dence or reports have not been uwng the mayor of exceed- »78,5S7 appropriajion and the other1 presented to Council for study J iu^ authorityi Boncelet said!' or &&W- Th° ordinances willille also fell that the method of! HiKhl that there were n o P r o v i d e f n r s t o r m water*anitary financing needs clarification, | i i.'moni that vouchurs could' s e w * lw M borough roads. Tlie text of Mayor Banick's veto; iiK'nieiH u i a i roucnvrs iieked up at 5 P M • " 'tlSDl COUIUI ! . . , . ? • * - e •• Mayor Banl(-''( m his veto point follows: , |cd out tiiat Borough Engineer "I hereby veto Ordinance | ! Kenneth W. Dobert has been work- No. 178 and No. 1W. Reason: j i n g o n sewa 8£ system since au- On May i, 19M Council by reso- At Convention ''UtrKRET-Tbe Carteret Bible '•i'l> flroup of Jehovah's Wit'•^M- has Iwen informs of ar-, ; 'tHiifnts for a mass baptism* I !':n'.: 'lieir 'Word of Truth" di* i 1 > invention in New York's >IMI' Stadium August 24-*), V< litwge Hrab Jr.. local Bible CARTERET - Comments on •'"'^ <Mxjup leader, said conven- the HOS.OM sewer band ordin; iltrials have set Hie hup-i ances: ••'! 'IN Friday August. 27. at HERMAN BICHKRT: "You I I .ill Beach, on I-OMJ; Island don't need a television lo tell "•'••• The Bi-ael-, was the, jitei nie what's wronj(. All that's luUon ordered Borough Engineer Kenneth Dobert lo prepare all data aid reports on Sewage Correction*. "Borough Engineer has been working on Sewage System since authoriied yet. no data has been presented or Engineer consulted on the program, "More studies should be made to include other areas that have been, effected by inadequate nr deficient sewage system. Facts and eatimuted rot.1 have not been pretented lo support amount requested. Documentary evidenee or reports have not been presented to Council fw study. Method of financing need clarification. "I fully realize th;it many sewage problems exist in the Borough of Carteret, and relief at. soon as possible is desired. However, in the best interest of the citizens of Carteret, 1 suggest (hat Council should study BPW to Raise Funds for( Scholarship Awards Gets Sew Call and investigate all repiirb availublr on spwage complaints. I further suggest a conference of the Borough Engineer, Superintendent of Sewage Disposal Plant and outside foreman. [ "I would also welcome all information from homeowners who may be affected by Improp, n sewage or sewage Back-up." I The ordinances were adopted at tin' hectic Council session August 4. Councilman John Hutnlck voted 'against the ordinances. (More Swim Pools G CAKTERET-The Rev. H. Ad di»on Woestermeyer, former pastor of the First Presbyterian CARTERET - /Householders 1 Church, has received a call as CARTERET - Mrs. Irene Ro- — here are busy building swimming pastw of the UtUe Britain gowski, chairman of the Program pools. j Committee of The Carteret Busi- K. of C. Schedules Chuwh, Rock Tavern, N. Y,, Building Inspector Michael MarKm ness and Professional Women's Two Coming Events *±_ kowitz reported that during the Club, met with the members of QARTBRET - Carey Council, month of June he had issued her committee at her home. Survey permits for the following: Among the affairs planned to 280, Knights of Columbus, has iugust o » f Swimming pool underground, raise money toward scholarship slated two events, according t«i ' " **• B h l JacksOj] awards and other educational John Petrosino, publicity chair' CARTERET - Families in this nue; swimming pool underground, man. ! ''''• wnrkl ^ largest mass bap-l being done is taking money and projects sponsored bi the Club, Automobiles will be blessed by area will be asked about owner- M. Palma, 19 Bernarth [Street; v to be held I are a rummage ni'lil h> ihe yitnt'sses dur-j dumping it down the sewei;. f ot ! n ._. CI !™ ko ;.i? l l nci ! S| BP of televiiioji sets durihg the swimming pool, underground, W. Saturday,! September' 11, at the '"'•ir inU'rnati^nal •isst'inbly' Kopp, ll Healy Avenue;! swimChaplain, August 15. starting at Slovak (Bub in Chrome, with FORMER MAYOR STEPHEN Auguit Current Population Survey ming pool, underground. Harold 'i uikiv Stinliumj in 1(I5U. when! 1 P. VMrs. Rogowski in charge. On 1r Hi.iu "i mm iH'rsotis were bn» SKIBA: "Estimates for the j A fimiiy picnic will be held by the Bureau of the Census, Magui 56 Piiihoe Avenue. "'•'' "I !'. hours i sewer coil should come directly Wednesday evening, October 20, at the Council grounds, 'High according to Director John C. Chinese Auction will be held at NO FREE LESSONS ' I::II: nl ihe ciiiniug al- Trom the borough engineer." the Legion Hall in West Caiteret Street, August 29, starting at l Cullinane of the Bureau's Regional CARTEHET - Robert Wa P. Mt. with Anthony Sarzillo as Office in New York. COUNCILMAN"JOHN HUTait director, who gives lessons fn s iirranjiwl fur thq bene- NICK "The engineer should with Mrs. Elsie Bartok act|ng as chairman. , chairman, assisted by Mrs. Wanda The Advertising Research Foun- sketching and drawing, charges li'iiaU's who have "adhave made a recommendation Anderson. TO SPONSOR VOUTH dation and the Federal Communi- a minimum fee of $2 per hour. V •" i Iheii study of the Bible on the sewers. 1 respect Mr. It was erroneously stated last The Club is also holding a Thenit tit dedicating the reCARTERET The Carteret cations Commission have request- week that his lessons are free. Dobert." ater Party on Saturday, Novem- B. P. 0. Elks #2235 will sponsor I" 'H'IM II( their lives to the sered the TV information in addition KDWARD T. ZANAT: "Many ber 8. Reservations can be made any youngster between ages 9 to the regular Inquiries on by calling Mrs. Millicent Mate 15 years to participate in the people are on the borderline of Seaman Bobenchih ployment and unemployi their budgets and tannot take fy, Mrs. Anderson or any memJaycee Soap Box ClassicV to be ber. Commends heYd'October ioT" Ptease' co'ntadi:asM by the Bureau each mjfnth Serving oifi Ship liny more financial strain," The member* attending the Youth Activities Chairman Ray to furnish information for • the L'SS ARCTURUS -r Seaman '.iVnf, tialvunek JOSEPH LAZAR: "Why hood- National Convention of the Fed.Wiina, 106 Edgar Street or call U. S. Department of Labor's Bu- J(isq)h J. Hobenchik, USN, son H ' - The Board of reau of Labor Statistics. wink us Into a television pro- eration held at Washington, D. C.541-7928 as soon as possible, of M|. and Mrs. Myron Bo''I'" has commended Lt. gram. Why the big rush all of » recently, were Mrs. Bartok, presi1 bt-nchik ofj 7«S Roosevelt Ave(>alvun«k. dent, acting as Club delegate, sudden?" nue, Carteret, Is currently d«l«!>t|)hine O'Brirn, secMiss Ginger Sherry, past presipluved aboard the stores ship "I Ihe board wrote to the dent, acting as State Alternate IISS Arctiirus In the Mediterl mid Cuunclh ' List (ruest Preacher Delegate, and the Misses Mary ranean. """"• I'urteret Board of WMudrak und Mary Feryo. d stores provisions "'•"'"" *tom U> bring to your j At Borough Church The opening dinner meeting will ship, l«ft Norfolk, Va., •""•"tiwn the speed and a«- ' for hrr seventh deployment CARTERET—The Rev. John»fi. be held at Clare-Koby's on Thurs',U|;»> with which lieutenant CARTERET—Mi™ Pfaytia A. Woe«tojn«y«, daqiihter ol Rev. with the Sixth HKI««I in the day evening, September S). Mrs Faterson, assistant pastor of the '"IIHM fiaivunek Hived the M«dileriaiicau. During this and Mrs. H. Addiauu Wn«»teq,eyer, t» C«rte«l Avenue, has Elizabeth Hochfelder and Mrs. •'""iilhiii perpetrated at the First P r e s b y t e r i a n Church, twu month deployment, the ship Ami Uaiicli are in charge of arbeau M n n U > acbuiarship to •"•'' "•' "i«h School. replenished 31 ships using bo(h Princeton, will be the guest rangements. A J I N * gndassfl 4 Carimit tUfb .."' >'"1 «n excellent Job and dlongside and helicopter transpreacher at the First Presbyte^ Club, Future fer methods. w « • HMnber «l * 0 NXlAul "' ""'mbers ol Ihe Board wmCONCERT SUNDAY 11(1 rian Church here at 9:30 A.M u«wsp«per and T«*t*an <of ASWS4DI. <n Km '""' lougratulate him en The shop luts visited threo CARTERBT - The Gartewt Sunday. in physical Spanish ports — Pare«lou, Vaon vuioas wmmlston, '! ^ w of of his Us constant consUntand and Department, a > His topic will be "The terri- Recreation Federation of lencia, and Alicante. In addiat rwuul;'5s. She I Ull|8wi» efforts in their behalf." tory of His Lordship" according nounced the With m the sariei Wonw's Clui which k awarded tion, the visited Naples, Italy hip of concertsinthe-park will bt to the Rev. Orion C. Hopper, D. C. Uke Fuanle*? mid VUldrancbe, France. t* tamer r n (XL held ou Sunday August & l interim " • | ; i r -H; n 1 7 r*l t Hetter Behavior tlsel ,i. k us the vault." ui' it Miss Woestemeyer Given Douglass Scholarship Throughout the United SUCfc, particularly }n smaller communities; ne^Bptt^Irs are harrase'd, cajofcd and threatened by attain politicians witli dictatorship aims who hav| » "gotcLrfWng guing-" with plenty- oi'liBfpay^ti^oaiiteilin hand. "tfl'e4 editors are toldtto"bptter,,behaTC or'else," when something unfavorable is printed about their favorite political teams. Most often fear is instilled. In an effort to upset adverse publicity which attracts the attention of the voter or the taxpayer., they start on a generally common and generally favorite method. They charge the newspapers with printing inaccuracies, they charge them with being unfair, they charge them with distortion of news or witn favoring the other fellow. While they are seeking sympathy from the people, they proceed to apply what is commonly known as economic pressure. At first, they take away their job printing business and if that does not work, they go a bit further. They take away the legal notices which by law must be published in the local, hometown newspaper. They adopt the "I'm The Law" attitude. A great deal of political propaganda reaches the djjsk of every editor. Most of Jt is worthless tripe which lands in the wastepappr basket. The Carteret Press gets a good share of it. We try to save space for the better things in the Hie of our Borough. The Carteret Press would rather use a column detailing the wonderful work the Sisters of St. Joseph's Parish are doing. We would rather devote a lot of space to the women of St. Elias Parish who toil endlessly in the kitchen, cooking pierogis to gain a few pennies so that their parish could exist. We would rather devote a lot of | space to the indefatigable women of the Hungarian Reformed church who prepare meats and sausages so that the good work of the parish can continue. While sweating in tfie kitchens, they try to forget the heavy tax burden imposed on them. Instead of wasting a lot of space on political hokum, we prefer to write about a Bar Mitzvah at the Synagogue of Brotherhood of Israel or a confirmation at the Holy Family Chufch. We prefer to tell about the doings at the free public library and the new books they have purchased. The Legion and VFWl boys and the Columbiettes also are getting preference. We want to use as much space as we can to publicize a grape festival at St. Elizabeth's Parish or a pot luck supper at the Calvary Baptist Church, The good work at the Lutheran Parish gets our top attention. We try to be helpful to the other parishes struggling for existence. We prefer to use reams of material about what the children are doing In the public and parochial schools, the prizes they win, the,colleges they will attend and the names of those on honor rolls. And how about those wonderful pictures of our youngsters in action? We would rather tell about the activities of the clubwomen, a"bout the civic organizations, lodges * and varleus societies than waste space en a lot of political hogwash that had been cooked and boiled over time and again for the taxpayers, our loyal subscribers and readers to swallow. And we would rather help the people who are trying to build up their community Instead of -"•.givinp publicity to those who try to wreck the good work that the real community leaders are trying to accomplish. ntertain a motion by Councilman John Hutnick "that the Grand letter to the Mayor and Council. He cited alleged irregularities in the form of 62 questions. Copies the letter were sent to tlie tcpey genmal and t^he prosecutor's office, In the letter, t n t ^ engineer indicated Lhut be h a d ' been threatened and pressured lor refusal to approve vouchers lor certain construction work. Earlier this week, Council President Charles G. Boncelet said lie had sent a wire to the attorney general requesting "immediate re. jection by your office of the Dobert case or immediate action upon same in order to clear tlie good name of Carteret officials being slandered by Dobert's statements." It was the second telegram of Mr. Boncelet to the attorney general. See No Evidence In a statement yesterday, Councilmen Boncelet, Nicholas Del Vacchio and Charles Bohanei said: "Mr. Dobert could not produce one shred of evidence to support his wild and irresponsible earlier statement." On July 3rd of this year, Dobert wrote a letter to the Mayor and Council in which he said that larlier that day he received an anonymous phone call, He was told: "Kenneth, you have caused a kit of trouble on the roads ia Carteret and we are going to bury you under the roads." He also wrote: "1 request that this communication be made part of the official minutes,of the meeting and to inform the decent) sincere, law abiding, respectable citizens of Carteret that there are those, among you, who will stop at nothing to attain their greedy aims for taxpayer's money, from the rood construction and building program." He followed his charges in aiv other letter to the Mayor and Council July X. i Thomas Deverin and John Hutnick, Democrats,J this week denounced the Republican controlled Borough Council's refusal to turn over charges by Borough Engineer Kenneth W. Dobert and Edward Peck to the Middlesex County Grand Jury "Shocking and unbelievable," said the minority Demou-al.- in statement that folio*wl Lot Wednesdays refusal by Uic liupublicans to second HutniiV--. ••»• tion for the grand jury probe. Deverin was not present at me meeting uecauhi: ol business n>mrnitmeiits, and Hutnick's motion died twice for lack of a second, "I want to publicly congratulate Mr. Hutakk (ur bin constructive actions i|i inuUunui-• tu turn over the Dobt'il cliarges i« the grand jury." Deverin HUid. "If I were present, l would have been happy to second tjie motion," he continued, "and 1 find It strange to understand haw (to Republican!, could refill to toltow Mr. Hutnk-k'i> suggestion." , Bust Way •\ Hutoiek w d , "ll iiW'ms to q w ; \ that the grand jury is ttw raqj^ honest way fjji the public to l « | n >' the truth. Why thw did the bm ! (Continued on Page It '••<.. Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Carteret Press Thursday, August 12, 1965 List Winners Annual Church Golden Wedding Marked At Playground Picnic Sunday ffy Mr. and Mrs. Witnesses Plan Mass Baptism rwo A Medal For Carteret Soldier Features CDC Awards Ceremony CARTERET - Mr and PORT READING - The anJohn Varga, «6 Edgar Street CARTERET. - The recreation nual family picnic o SL Anreceiving congratulations m' department, has announced the thony's Roman Catholic Church occasion of their soth •" Sunday Sunday nt the rewinners of (he various contests jwill De held. innlversary. held during the week or the play- ,,reRtion center ground*, west They were honored nr-rn grounds. Avenue, beginning at noon j FORT BELVOIR, V A . - U . Col. .1 party In Kolitm' Hull by The Bernard Street playground, ' P a r j g n families and friends are Albert J. Brown of the U. ~ held a clown costume contest and |llVlieU day m _ The Wood- five children. ) v l t e d »fIUI or aan n enjoyable v..j.., Army Combat Developments fv'ft.in <if Te- T h e c h l l d r e n are Mrs the winners were Kevin Drake, the atmosphere of 'the good old' 1 ible Stuy . ( ' r ; U L ° ' '*. (Helen) Ciuffredo, P e l Im Command (CDC , was awarded ; "nan Dunn, Danny Kldd and days'," Henry J. Klemp, secre-ioridse has D-*n in i , . _ . U L , . . , « , , ' , .. Witnesses has secre- hovah'n thr Soldier's Modal at CDC HeadMrs. Arthur (Elliabcth. ne lAikns7*wski. Inine It. formed of arrangements for a iSewaren; John Varga, j tnry, advised. quarters recently for heroic conr blueberry pie eating contest There will be game* for chil- mnss baptism during the "Wopd teret; Stephen Varga, Ford Carduct durln<! an ammunition truck, at the firnnt Avenue , and »> held »*'» •" • • » ••••; — idren and of Truth" District Convention, dren of of various various age age groups groups and accident Charles Vargn, Clark. TM f are Bridesmaids were Miss accident in in Germany. G y Colonel I ayground and the winners were , fnr m c n a n d women. August 2-1 -2fi .it Yankee Stadium, to grandchildren. Brown, Mi ihn Senyszyn nnHOlffiKaluczvn-l and Ol?a Kaluczyn 1"', Brown, who who is is assigned assigned to to the; the; AVENEL AVENEL — — The The marriage marriage of'the of'the bride. bride. Bridesmaids w ,i,~c«m,c™, ^ bbe aawarded, Music Prizes MUS.C ;££"". fc c i t y . M ' will w a ,ded. M hIMll Mrs. Varia. the fontwr •lull, CDC Special Warfare and CivlljMlssof Linda Marie Petrin, daugh-IMaryellen Franko, Avcnd; Miss ty. Arts and Crafts winners were will be furnished for danc.ng and New ^ o « ^ RattalWter Mr. and Mri. Michael Pet-jPat \ffairs Grmio, was Rattalioniter Mr. ,nrt ana Mrt Mrs. Michael wiit-naei Pet-lPat r«i-|i m Wild, ,,..„, .,,„,...., " - - - « - . ! . . . . of „( Mr Avenel; Miss Nancy k b i k and d Olg Kalucty refreshments ^will •in Skarbnlck Olga Kaluczy ^ the baptism as Olah, and Mr. Varja wen burn H l d e ^ ny include many Commander of the 2nd Battalion, rln, 3 Manor Place, and Ronald Stromick, Avenel Miss Ann Marie in Hungary In 18M and 19 Jaeger, Colonia, iky. kinds of cooked and barbecued John son «* of Mr Mr. nnH and Mrs. '- u - nBoduck, -J""1- -"» Mrs Liaeacr. Colonia. cousin of the spectlvely. Mrs. Varga came tn lth Infantry lnian'ry at ai the uie time mut „>,.,.. , bride, was flower girl. A watermelon eating contest foods. VISITOR AT FAIR: Kathryn Stepawskl of 92 Coolidge Avenue, this country in M2 and Mr \ W n informed that urgent as- John Boduck, 88 Hunt Street, Serving his brother as best man -as held at the John Street playthe site of the was needed at the scene! Iselin. was performed Saturday S ™ admires . statw at the New York World', Fair "arga in 1911. ground and the winners were :iss baptism baptism hel i»»t.^«« .i s* Church largest m:iss held y the They were married AuRmt ; St r«r»Hfl'« Cecelia! Church, C , was Eugene Boduck, Iselin. Ushto the Spanish PavUion by the Imitate ol Spanish of an strident in which an Army afternoon at St were Robert Bobak, Iselin; Isa Smith and John Pluta. at nn international assemIselin, withh the h Rev. David G. ,er» tup at 1915 in the Hungarian HefnrmJ ! truck carrying sixteen tons of 155Cnltare. A watermelon eathlng contest in 19M when moreJhan 7.0OT Deliell officiating at the double Joseph Maloney, Helta; Michael My mm ammunition had turned over, /as also held at the Parkview R, Petrin, Woodstown, brother of were haptiwd. he aa ring ceremony. persons started to burn and pinned bum ana pimrcu the me >»*•& ~~.~ ,. playground with the winners bethe bride. Ringbearer was Mark retired from U. S. Mftak driver in the wreckage, Colonel| Given In marriage by her Wanca, Keyport, cousin of the Meyer* Completen ing Donald Teibir and Paula Kin"A liichlicht of ihe coming asBrown unhesitatingly volunteered father, the bride was attired in n bride. ley. sembly," Mr. (Inciting said, "the At Army Center to participate in the rescue effort. I silk organra gown featuring a Mrs. Boduck, a graduate of St. Joseph's playground held hiptism is arranged for the be-i ne eating contest and the winners As he and the rescue party ar- boutique neckline, natural waist nefit nf delegates who have ad- e « . , r t Woodbridge Senior High School, ij FORT SAM HOUSTON, T E X . banded with Alencon lace, long (K rived in a vehicle 'Tracked Re- Isleeves, — J ~ 1 » Ifitted AI*™™ . lonea employed by Prudential Insur- Pvt. Ronald F. Meyers, 23, .son New arrivals recorded at Perth rare George Misdom and Dianna winced in their study of the Bible o w r l bodice,Ur eand For "Talent Time* to the point of dedicating the recovery) at the accident site In pleated carriage train. Her silk ance Company of America. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mey- Amboy General Hospital durinj Medveti - ers, 100 Hagaman St., Carteret, ,. wooded area, the exploding! pleatcfl carnage iram. nci ="» •»•«• ~-...,™.., Another watermelon eating ron mainder of their lives to the ser- CARTERET - Rehearsals h •» the past week include: 155mm shells had started a num-1 cloud veil of Ulusion fell from i|Newark. Her husband graduated vice of God". from the same high school, is em completed a 12-week operation A son was born to Mr. and test was held at the Cornel! Esilready begun for the n«i Tiher of brush fires and one serious pearl and crystal tiara. procedures orientation tate playground and the winnersj Baptism will be by total im- lent Time" music! to he ^n ployed by Taylor-Forge and Pipe room yl iMrs. Edward Cawthon, 1501 Roo Matron of honor was Mrs. Ron1 fire threatened 40,000 acres of course at the Brooke Armv Melwere Billie Jane Erceg and mersion. All candidates will lis- In the Carteret Park PavilHw ill Spmerville. sevelt Avenue, on August 6. prime coniferous for**. With laid Sickles, Union, twiA.iUter of ical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Michael Smith. ; ten to a specialM 30-minute dis- late this month. A.1I iWou,h complete disregard tor his own Tex., July 30. The Recreation Department will! .„ Be BaftUed Be Youngsters are still imiM tn cnurSB entitled, safety and lanorlng the exploding sponsor two more trips one being . „ „ You inu K ^ " » Word o. fMrtlcHxrte in the slnding mj M*yers, a medical corpsman, |P«j» Warner Tmm \Raymond McCann Keep RVIIS and fire, he (itwctal the to the 'World's Fair on August in received Instruction in anatomy,, -ruth", before being admitted (or dancing partj avallabl". course of the rescue vehicle, suc Attends Seminar physiology, pharmacology, sterilThe other trip will be on SeptemSet For Practice Busy In Summer The group meets Mo ml a v ceeded In reaching the burning CARTERET — Raymond Me ization techniques and operating CARTERET - The Carteret ber 1 to Shea stadium to see the On August 29, 3 P. M.. Nathan through Fridnv from id to i; ;n to lift the ttruck, r u , and attempted p to the CARTERET - President,. Viola Cam of Maine Avenue is one of [room procedures and controls. Sportmen [. Knorr, President of the Watch- the Carteret Youth Center under Pop Warner Football Mets' baseball game. For further th b l l d r :Milak presided at the Carteret wreckage with the bull-dozer the SO college graduates back in He entered the Army last Feb- team will hold Its first practice Information on these trips, please lower Society, will speak on, the direction of Miss Karri \Ublade of the tracked recovery iJayceette meeting held at the the classroom this summer on ruary and completed basic train- for the 1908 season on Sundaj contact Mrs. Leone or Mr. SemWorld Government on the Should wit7. It is sponsored tv. tfa vehicle to determine the condition | City Line Tavern. Committee re- the campus of Seton Hall Univers- ing at Fort Dlx, N. J. August IS at Track Field # 1 t ienza, playground director!. of the Prince of Peace." Carteret Recreation Department, rif the truck driver and evacuate porU given: Sunshine, Pick-nick, ity in South Orange, participating Meyers is a 1961 graduate of 1 p.m. All boys who have already headed by John Brechta him. When the exploding shells Membership, Speak-Up Jaycee- in a unique eight-week training Carteret High School. ENCAGED TO WED: Mr. and registered for this program must prevented his departure from the ette Little Miss, Sewing contest seminar presented under the ausMn. Ralph Cuti*nx. 114 attend. PI,AN DINNER-DANCE tracked recovery vehicle, he and Fashion Show for Teen-agers pices of the U. S. Department of Dorothy S t m t announced * e The Pop Warner Committee wf moved it a safe distance away, and Art Exhibit to be held on Sep- Labor to prepare them to counsel TO BLESS CAM CARTERET - Knights <i Co4engagement e* their daughter, THOUGHTS OF THE dismounted and, with the medics, tember U; there was also a re- the nation's disadvantage^ youth CARTERET — On Sunday, Aug hold its final registration for 1965 umbus, Carey Council 1280 in con. Diane, to Airman Second Claw OPEN ROAD tomorrow evening from 6 to ust 15th the Knights of Columbus view on the Constitution. proceeded on foot to the truck. junction with the Masonic Order who are out of school and out of will hold the blessing of automo- p.m. at the Grant Avenue play It seems conservatively safe to Jerry A. Maloveta, a * o( Mrs. Two minutes after the medics Cathy Richmond has been apjn Carteret will sponsor a dinnerEmU MaloveU, » Skltka street work. ground. Applicants must bring say that we give more attention biles from 10 A.M. to noon at the dance on November 6 at the si. determined that the driver was pointed to the vacated First Viceand th« late EmU MaloveU. Knights of Columbus grounds on their report cards when register and study to figures during the AnnounceAVENEL-The Catholic Young Demetrius Community Onto. no longer alive and the rescue; P r e 6 i d e n t position. Mlfi Casttaux Is a 19M frading. Registrations wDl also ' summer months than at any other! High Street. The public is welAdult Club of Northern Middlesex Donation will bo *7.M <m .,T^r party had moved away from the ment was made that Summer come. In the afternoon on that held at the opening practice _. I season of the year, Some figures uatt of Carteret High School has announced some All proceeds will benefit the Carwrecked truck to a safe area, a Forum on August 14, will be held and Is a sophomore at the County ston. Parentt are invited to attend are undoubtedly more attractive i ~ day beginning at 1:30 there will tremendous explosion occurred at Forsgate Farms. All Jayceethis practice to ask . . u ^ ~ — u » s others, but none should com- Muhlenberg Hospital School of changes In and additions to Its teret First Aid Squad. MitAfl be a movie shown at the Columhurling blazing fragments into the ettes have been Invited to the Almaa calendar of events for the coming Bednara and Howard Wfrdf! a« bian Club for the children. Re- questions they may have pertain- mand our attention more than Nnning, Plalaftetd. Jaycee Dinner Membership meetair and. starting new fires. I ing to the Pop Warner program. MaloveU li a lMt graduate of month. Included a n : A mystery co-chairman. those that demonstrate that the freshments will be served. Colonel Brown then organized ing on August 17, at the City Line Carteret Hilt School and It car ride tomorrow and a beach vacation months are the most ON CRUISE his men to assist the local Tavern in honor of last year's with the Utth Fighter Inteiecp- party Saturday. The next general dangerous of all. TO ATTENH BALL GAME GEORGETOWN - Cicv USS f i r e m e n , and the crew of "Little Miss Carteret." meeting will be Sunday at St. CARTERET — On August 23 For Instance, there are more ter Squad, stationed at McCain munkations Technician ird the tracked recovery vehicle vol- Jaycee-ettes of the month were: WOODBRIDGE - This year's John Vlanney Church, Colonia. members of Carey Council 1280 people killed and injured in Au- Air Force Base, New Jeney. Class James Price. I'SN. son of uflteered to cut fire breaks with Betty Fillmore for the month of i Junior Miss Pageant sponsored •Ot meeting will be held after KnighU of Columbus will attend gust than in any other month. Mr. and Mrs. John Price of 5M benediction and recitation of the the bull-dozer blade of the vV- June and Joan Sofka for the by the Woodbridge Jaycees and a baseball game at Shea Sta- .The annual total number of peoRoosevelt Avenue, Cartrot n month of July. The next monthly Rotary at 7:30 P. M. hiele which aided in the control of Jaycee-ettes will be held Novemdium. Buses will leave at 5:30 jple injured in street and highway serving aboard the technir.' r^ MRS. MARKUS FUNERAL meeting will be held on SeptemAugust V members will attend search ship USS Georgetown. c;r. the fire. "Colonel Brown's fortiber 6 at the Wodbridge Senior CARTERET — Funeral services P. M. from the Council grounds on accidents In the United States ber 7. . "Square Dance A Go-Go," spon- nntly on a South America High School, it was announced were held for Mrs. Markus of 13 High Street. tude, heroic conduct, and deep li well over two million. Of these, sored by the New Brunswick cruise. today. Under chairmanship of Salem Avenue yesterday at 9 concern for the life of a fellow lalmost 50,000 die. Yet «8 per cent CYAC, and August U there will Donald G. Roder and Mrs. Phyllis am, at the Synowiedd Funeral soldier were in the highest tradi- WITH SOLDIER of the motor vehicle* invoned are CARTERET — The soldier Is | Hannagan, this year's committee be • crabbing parry. Thot* par- DIETING CHAMPION AVENEL Thil week's card tions of the United States Army," in apparently good condition, and Home, N Carteret " the Citation states," and reflect the son of Albert Brown, ( is aiming to bring home to Wood- at 9:30 a.m. at tl almost (7 per cent of the driven party, one of the weekly sum- ticipating in the latter will cook Augusta, Ga, • Rapp Humprgreat credit upon himself and the Harris Street. His brothers, bridge the national winner. have been operating c a n for one mer card parties, sponsored by their catches at • party at the rey, former wrestler whose real Reformed Church with Rev. Dr. Owr«e Robert and Matthew ; Working with Mr. Roder and pame is William J. Cobb. has lost year or more. Moreover, better the Avenel Woman's Club, was borne of James Kukunt. Andrew Harsanji officiating In-j military service." live at home, as are two sis- {Mrs. Hannagan will be Robert terment was In ©overleaf Park than 78 per cent of the accidents held Monday night at the home The dub is making plant for nearly 600 pounds in a supervised ters, Mrt. Michael Novak and Campbell, ad book chairman with Cemetery, Woodbridge. occur in dear weather, 4nd over of Mn. Gtorfe Ryan, Lord Street tbe annual Diocesan CYAC con- three year diet Cobb weighed 18 Read McTavlch Miss Lilian Brown. Another sis- Edna M. Roder as co-chairman, The bearers were Steve Papp; Mrs. Andrew Oaluttn w i i co vention which it will beat at the | pounds at birth, 300 h V - The repeal of 7tf per cent of the drivers' " " WOODBRIDGE T p ter, Mrs. William Carlton lives i Staff co-ordinators contestants, Frank Markus; John Kuchma; ihosteis »#h Mn.. Ryan. Ive and 8C8 when he be^an ihn for Best Comlci Chapter 51 by the State Legisla- are twerity-fjve ^ears o 1 Winners w e n a n t m M d M . [park Octobe * Q in Noe Street. ioiet " • George Oil-Bride and Joan Mir Frank B. Markus; M U r k ; John Kelernen tureVas fir executive oMer'. Speed fithe Mrs, Robert BrfMey, door p t i n garding the convention n a y be Young cause of accident*, accounting for lano; publicity and ppromotion, and Idii Kamlenski. Board'f^ [Mrs, Dominic Lo Bianco, Mrt {directed to Ml* Barbara Hcroheld at approximately 40 per cent of Russ Barton and Joanne GruaDemocr p _ Nelson Avery and Vn, Joseph cfaik, 480 Cram Mffl Road, Fords. Card of Thaaks Jatepb Campanale them. zig; tickets, Henry and Wallis the . . . f o r best selections Stark, non-player priiee and M n Requirements for mambanhlp in record as The months of August, SeptemJOSEPH W. BRECHKA Kane; awards, Charles Ratham John Bgan, Jr., Mri. P'rank ~ in the Catholic Youngg Adult ddu b and Helen Mosolgo; production We wish to express our sincere offering cooperation to Mayor ber, and October are yours to Agflstino, Mrs. Robert Salandi Edward Gretel Zirpolo and all organizations seekld thanks to all our relatives, friends are 18 y e a n off age, or older, enjoy on the highways and by- and Mrs. George Yates. and scenery, and neighbors for their kind ex- ing the repeal pf the law which ways of America. Our one plea single. Interested Catholic and Moeckel. Co-hostesses at next Monda pressions of sympathy, their has adversely aflecttd the small is, that you live In good health contact Miss Paaffair will be Mrs. Harry Di . . p e r s o n s may CHINESE AUCTION many acts of kindness, the spin- business man J ... 3* M&son Street,, rtltricia Weber, to enjoy the recollections of your and Mrs. Orlando aim mn. uiuuiuu lAiyinjui » i CARTERET - The Junior Wo- tual bouquets and the beautiful P l a M w e r e J ^ f e for the third travels. Mrs Di Leo's home, 62 George Menlo Park Terrace, Metuchen, men's Guild of the Hungarian floral tributes they extended dur- annual picnic to be held at Mer U 8-3597. 83597 Michael S. Newjohn, M.D. Street. U Reformed Church will hold a ing our bereavement in the death rill Park, August 22 starting at * FLEISHER'S The party will begin at 8 P.M.] CaD tor flowers, Chinese auction on September' 13 of our devoted brother and uncle, 1 P. M., in Grove 3. For the SUNDAY SERVICES and guests are welcome, andais at the Bethlen Hall, Cooke \ve- Joseph W, Brechka first time the picnic wID be open v ~ " " " " * — *"• ",•"*"•"•• I nouncea out. Cub Scout Pack weiUtags. . nue, beginning at 7:30 P. M Mrs. We especially wish to thank to the public. Governor Richard sennces will be conducted Sun-! ^ ^ e r • BERNET toy to tbt treat Betty MattD and Mrs. Marge " - — Rev. Andrew A. Okal, Pastor; the Hughes is scheduled to make an | day morning in the Hungarian o{ t h e Plant For Setsion 7J0_ Jensen are co-chairmen. Altar Boys and the Organist and appearance. Tickets may be ob- Reformed Church: the first in! other tipjei to CARTERET - Cub Scout Pack Soloist, Miss Eleanor Abaray of tained from George Ryan, Lord Hungarian, at 8:3D. the secona, ^rjm TOUT lympauij - The organiia 83 Zkw Lutheran Church will the Sacred Heart Roman Catho- Street, Avenel. a n d thougbtfulness lic Church, Carteret; the Clergy Jack Ford, president, commend' Be assured of tht finest of the St, Cecelia Roman Catho- ed Mrs. Norman Robblns for her -call us. occasions on tbe topic "What (Continued from Page 1) [church hall. Both parents, plus llch Church, Iselin; Members of efforts is visiting members who second picnic of the season on FaiUi Without Good Works?" all cul) scouts, are requested to the First Catholic Slovak Jednota the church ground* on Sunday, Republicans refuse to second my have been 111 and in sending cards • FLEISHEB'S August 22 commencing at 1 p.m. attend.' Plans for the coming year motion? Why didn't (Mayor An- Society, Carteret; Members of and flowers. Taiwied Miss the Knights of Columbus Council There will be several games for are to be discussed. A^y one drew W.) Banick speak up?" Sailor — I suppose you dance? FLOWERS interested in Joining, as 'well u Itne the cnuaren children, MUSIC Music W tor me tbe wxaocca unenuwu Hutnlck and Deverin said they 438 South Amboy; Dr John Fe- Then would be no gnat ones If Babe - Oh, yes, I love to. m juuuuf, w w«u »• * FLEISBEB'fl COMPLETE ' M aahn An- ~ " "* Sailor - Great, that's better'n lion will be furnished by the popu-j leaders, should contact Barman I bad "nothing to bile and would nick; Colonia First Aid Squad; | there were no little ones Ricbert. chairman. liar "Ladds" orchestra. • George Herbert.1 dancing! I welcome a grand jury investiga- Wade Brothers, Inc., Roselle; tion." They said the Republicans Employees at Wade Brothers, Inc., Roselle; Hess Brothers, "should tell the people why they Parlin; Employees of Hess Brorefused." thers, Parlin on Keasbey Job; Dobert has. said he was intimi- Mayor Andrew Banick and Car', YETI HUDSON FURNITURE CONTINUES IT'S ORE^T AUGUST dated and "pressured" to sign teret Council; Washington School final payment vouchers for bor- Faculty, Carteret; Nathan Hale ough road and building work, and S c h o o l Personnel, Carteret; had had his life threatened by Friends from Cub Frog-Hollo, Elizabeth; Neighbors on Montrose anonymous telephone callers. Peck, a former assistant bor- Avenue, Colonia; those who do59 E. CHERRY ST., RAHWAY ough engineer, said he had been nated their c a n ; the pallbearOp*n Daily 9:30 to 5:3O-frid«y 'til 9 P.M.—388-167* dismissed because he refused to ers; the Carteret and Woodbridge Nt Police Escorts and the B i z u b Jl sign vouchers for the work at thr IFuneral ww^HUDSON Home for satisfactory Old First Aid Building. services rendered. -Boduck-Petrin Marriage Performed on Saturday STORK CLUB Health Hints t " 'rogram Planned By Young Adults -' JuniorMiss Pageant Set November 6 Obituaries Card Party Held By Avenel oung Dems Seek Chapter 51 End ALPACA MIST ft 5.98 PEHLESPUN VEST KIT FOURSOME SWEATER KIT £__4.98 i Grand Jury WALSHECK'S YOURS TRULY SWEATER KIT £ 3.99 RIPPLESTONE AFGHAN KIT ^ 9.98 SALE PRICES! ON FABRICS THE SEWING KIT Get The Best Deal On another fabulous valuefor tophistkated bomemkm with a fmKV for exciting furniture Family el the late JOSEPH W. BRECHKA "YEAR END" CRISP... 3-PKCI U VINO ROOM HIS GROUPING • • • CANO L Env^J * GODENY & * * CHEVROLET Phone KI1-5123 fabric*, wvenlbie foajn rubbar cushlom. • *• Wutlratad 7rt H. « k mjUMnq (twtr i !••• •! ! • • —* * ^ ^ ^ MIIM^ *LJ^ STUDENTS MAHE IOOKCASE- I 1b. $1.60 t II* $U& RAYMOND JACKSON Mild SOU DRU88ISTS SALES arran^mtnt*- AJOOKTIW CUOCOLATKS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SO ROOSEVELT AVE. different Rich colors, eyecatching <- : JOES;' • "<l^. Each piece of the oMl«e«ion . can b« used In many <Wfwent u t i i n g i . . . In many CARTERET SERVICE OPEN KVKS. N MAIN tnucsti W«HH)BfUDOI OF LAMPS AND PICTURES, ACCESSORIIS A l l 8USHED BElOW COST 8VERY PIECE OF FURNITURE, .... H U D S O N - - FURNIT11»? E L I Z A B E T H , N. J. * CO. 1144 BJ2ABEIH AVSNUE . . . El J-4120 Open MONDAY and THURSDAY rtl 9 P.M.-Fre. Pofklnw A c c e n t to Stor. Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Carteret Press Thursday, August 12, 1965 PAO1 THBO Steel Pier Sets Week's Program y Are Guettt At Governor*» Horn* WfKiDBRlDGE - Richard M cn, president of the Wood O Township Jaycees, and hi nnd Roy S. Doctofsky, J.C.I nr ami representative k I'MCFF, were jfuwts at a ->c«p linn ,it Ihr Governor's residena In1-! work. Tho m-ppiinn was given b] (iovernor and Mrs. Richard J .Hushrst in honor of James A Skidmnre ,!r . newly elected Nl tiorml Provident of the U. S ATLANTIC CITY - Enjoying ie of its biggest seasons of star tractions, the Steel Pier proves at it is truly the greatest "Showace of the Nation," during the Tpsonf week the amusement IICP provides three of the most huloiiR acts in show business toly. , Slated for the Pier during this ffi^ ^ 'riod is tJie inimitable PONCIE | j * ONCE, the fabulous top-rated | , TERMAN'S HERMITS and Hie1 ,-* ilifihtful comedy of "lonesome"j-; ROUGE GOBEL. All this and1*. CI.ENN MILLER ORCHES-i Acrnrding to the news from TRA under the baton of trumpet-! ris, skirts will continue to ra "inn extraordinaire, BOBBY main short An effort by design ACKETT, for dancing in the f\'- this past year, to lengths! nrine Ballroom. skirts failed to make the grad< With a personality as warm as sn no .ittompt to do so was in thi ie Irnde winds, Hawaii-born Ponrards for the coming season. ic Ponce will appear in the Some of the designers are wean usic Hall's spectacular stage on the little girl look and are go ihow for the entire week. The ing in for more sophisticated an tar gained national recognition in mature creations. is ukulele strumming key role in , Black or colors for the wintei U V ( KK OK THK MONTH MjCWXENT. H,nry K. nienk,, r i K h t , i s s l m w n r ( y ( , i v | he television show, "Hawaiian rests with different houses. On* l h f Mnnth" award tram Woodhrldge Twp,, Jaycce Presi.lont Richard Mi>»olKn iye" and has been capturing the designer thinks livery black if learts of audiences ever since he answer for smart women, ao teallzlng is but one facet of his be put on in the Rendezvous ither feels that colors do toon or the visitors. The Bakrfs Dozen 'emarkable musical talents, for or those who are not so yomf. C h i l d r e n 8 t a K c d a S U ( r e s s u l r a r n i v a l a t 51 v ^ « ! 1 u i : " ' <>»ey R°ad, ™onia, on Monday and Tuesday with the proceeds vere among those patrols select le is also accomplished at play- ol. LJZW.5Z for the benefit of muscular dystrophy. The youngstert are pictured above at the stands. and table reservations may bi ing the sax, trumpet, Bongo d for the Rendezvous. made by calling Mrs. Rober Potlatch, a roundup ceremony, Drums and "barefoot" harBrandli telephone LI 9-0481. rhich is the custom of giving £. monica. -Meeting* of the Iselb Fft „,. LORETTA ROMOND Our Country, God, Careers and ift as a token of frendship, was With all the English groups and and Drum Corps will be hcM and um GhTsco rrowoada G. S. Coondl i«uu otuuung a ramise in| also popular among the Scouts. sounds around today, the one that Monday and Wednesday, at ' B * * girl who came to roundup•tanas oat from the crowd li Herp.m., at JS Willow Avenue wifl rought with them some small man's Hermits who will have the attended one of these forums. Robert Painter, director, Thi Bmiwlup News: land made items to be given to Marine Ballroom vibrating AuAnother activity in which the drummer section will meet Men gust 9-11, "Hermania" began one COLONIA - A neighborhood A Chinese auction was featured to the Girt Scout Sen- delegates participated was patrol :heir new Roundup friends. AUc« Cnthbertoon terian Church, 1295 Tree day and the entire corps on Wed light when a group named the carnival for the benefit of musOn July 25 the closing Arena one night and bingo, children's Itmindup in Idaho arrived demonstrations. Each group ol nesday. 1606 Oak Tree Road Road. [ home on .July 30. The 16 girls can eight girls was asked to put on event was held. Each of the 9,000 Heartbeats was playing at a youth cular dystrophy victims held re- style, delighted many parents an—A meeting of the Christ's Am —The Menkwttes, all-girl bugli IseUa, New Jeney club Herman frequented. They cently at 51 Valley Road proved other night. A hack on ten days of camping a demonstration, which represent Roundup girls was given a canbassadors youth group of the Ise and drum corps., will meet Tue§ Tele.: U M M ,;<':]rnce and lasting memories. ed their state. One of the Cross dle, which they were to light when were short one singer and Her- most successful with $204.52 col—Glen Tennpenny, an Explorer lin Assembly of God Church, will day, 7 to 9 p.m., in the V.F.W man, whose real name is Peter lected for the worthy cause, the region from which they came While the girls were at the roads patrols, The Bakers Dozen, Dangerous Fruit Scout of Post 47 and a former be held tomorrow 7:30 p.m., in Post Headquarters, Route 17. Blair Denis Bernard Noone, step- Bruce and Dennis Egan, sons Roundup, they participated in var- demonstrated Electroplating. The was mentioned, during the cerethe church. - A meeting of the St Vhxert ped in, sang, and was immediate. of Mr. and Mrs. William Egan Two hillibillies who had never Boy Scout of Troop 47, was one mony. At the end of the ceremony ious activities. One of the roost other patrol did a skit on "New —A spaghetti dinner-dance is de Paul Society has been set fat of 40 Boy Scouts of Raritan Counbeen on a train before had been ly accepted into the group. Since popular activtties at the campsite Jersey The Garden State." Each the entire arena was filled with then Herman's Hermits have been served as ringmasters assisted by drafted and were on their way to cil who left Saturday for Philmont being sponsored by Edison Town- Tuesday, 8 p. m. in St. Cecelia'! ship Council of Civic associations School, Room 2W. ihe forums. The forums, patrol put on a demonstration in lights, representing 9,000 girls heard on every radio and juke James and Nicholas Knox, Janet camp. A food merchant came Scout Range near Cimmaron City, Saturday, 8 p.m., in St Cecelia': •The Jersey Aire Chorus wfl were held daily, included their camp area. The most pop- 'rom all over the United States box in the country with such hits Banner, and other neighbors. New Mexico, The carnival, in operation each through the tram selling bananas, meet Tuesday 9.15 p. m. in ttw „,, h interesting discussioM aslular demonstrations were selected and foreign countries. 4 meeting of the VFW Post Lourdes Hall. The Crossroads Council Scout) as, "Mrs. Brown You've Got a day from 10 A. M. until 6 P. M., The two mountaineers bad never —An advisor is needed for thelVFW Post Hall, Route 27. g at Pre U.S.Y. (United Synagogw —Bingo games will be held departed for home on July 37 Lovely Daughter," "Silhouettes," featured such games as golf roll, seen bananas and each bough1 2636 has been set for tonight 8 o'clock ' l k att Post P t Headquarters, Hd rom Sandpoint, Idaho. After a and "Wonderful World," and now crow snoot, wheel spin, sponge Youth) of Congregation Beth Tuesday in St Cecelia's airthre day trip by train, the girls the # 1 hit on the nation's charts toss, penny pitch, and a fortune one. As one of them bit into his, Route 27. Sholom, man or woman: Any one conditioned Lourdes and Fatten the train entered a tunnel. His •Henry vm." —No troop meeting will be held interested in volunteering for the Halls. Early bird games begb arrived at Newark at 6:00 a.m., teller. happy and anxious to tell of their Loveable "Lonesome" George The boys managed to gamer voice came to his companion in by Boy Scout Troop 47 tonight, as position is requested to call Al at 7 p. m. and regular games M many experiences at tke Round- Gobel will be starred August 13- prizes with the generosity of the darkness: most of the troop is camping at Herbst at 283-0441. 8 p.m. up. 14 with his brand of humor that their neighbors and several neigh- "Jed, have you eaten your ba Camp Cowaw, Raritan Council's —St. Cecelia's Altar Rosary -The Cancer Dressing Unit « camp near Columbia, on the Del- Society is sponsoring a dessert the Federated Woman's Ch*s d is singularly "Gobelesque." Ap- borhood businesses including Tex- nana yet?" pearing in virtually all major aco hats, Hess grills, sweets from "Not yet," answered Jed aware River. The next meeting bridge party on Thursday, August Iselin will meet Wednesday, 1 will take place Thursday, August 19, m the air-conditioned Lourdes p. ra., at the bora* of unjtjittir television shows and several of The Sweet Shoppe, drinks from "Why?" Oriental Restaurant and his own TV specials, Gobel is the the Village Dell, and pens from "Well, don't touch it. I've taken 19, 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the basement and Fatima Halls. Tickets may belinan, Mrs. Herbert B. WfBann, Cocktail Lounge one bite and gone plumb blind." meeting hall of the First Presby- obtained from area band leaden 100 Chain O'Hffls Road, epitome of the "little man" buf- Teri Lyan Dress Shop. feted by the world. 06 CHERRY ST., ELIZABETH As always, Steel Pier features] Tony Grant and hat "Stan of Tomorrow," tin Water Circus and'Thrill Show with the famous Diving Hone, Ed Hurst's Record Hop, 2 first run motion pictures, beautiful Dancing Waters, fun • SUNDAY & TUESDAY NIGHTS houses and exhibits -- all for the one low admission. IN FASHION Girl Scout News Neighborhood Carnival Raises $204 for M. S. ISELIN PERSONALS CHRISTINE LEE'S GASLIGHT New Entertainment Policy! NOW! ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS FREDMELLER Pianist . VocaHtt, Mred from New Yorf« East Side] • MON., WED., rarm, rtu. 4 SAT. The Incomparable EMERSON honor, clierish and buj OUsjlt MMM u d Vocal Styling ReKrnttaM 8»&mleA w Weekends: »M*H Uuicbeoui . M u m • Cocktails, AOUMBUO CaoteUM faWne, Private Dining R M U ui Bar ATtOable lor Pirtkt: For Information or Resemtlon, CaU: 1S1.I8Z2. STATE JEWELERS *t Main Stroot, (Mot to itoto WiuttM) Papa Robin sat on the Hue eggi h fl» nest Later, Mama Robin returned to sit on the nest to keep the eggs warm. When it became Papa Robin's turn again, he found among the blue eggs one that was brown and mottled. He asked Mama Robin about it. "Said she. "I did that for t lark.1 Why are 45,000 gas heat users it--. Don't complain about toe hot . this is what you longed for back m February. Not An Unlucky Day For You As CHRISTENSEN'S A- 8 i - - '•• A I CONTINUES THIS WEEKEND! ENTIRE STOCK SUMMER FAMOUS BRAND LUGGAGE SALE 20% to 25% OFF! NO TAX Thursday , Friday & Looel plumbing , Right now there are 45,000 families Gas, or your local, contractors are piping up for-gM In the Blzabethtown area who use 1 natural gas for heating. Allare warmly heat, too. For them Installations are heating contractor for a FREE HOME HEATING SURVEY. Yoiril get a simple, and rarely need servicing. enthusiastic about the dependability, written wtlmate of the yearly oottoT ' For you, gas heat Is quiet, healthful, the cleanliness, the economy of heat, am) also learn how nason^to trxmbtetfree. j gas heqt Sowhat's more natural It is to Install a gas^ired conversion And- nqw home ew)tracttr$ are than their talking up the virtues of burner ora modern gas heating unit ' natural gastofriends and neighbors? building up gas he^forlthe best of It costs muohtett than you thlnkl • aft reasons: their buyers demand ft. Comfort loves, company. SPECIAL BARGAIN TABLES IN STORE ••w Saturday Only AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT QOCR8: DAILY 9:30 A.M.-6 P.M. „ FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. - 9 P.M. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Uiabethtown CHARGE IT >.iimtnr STOHI. I.. wooumum:, .v j. FREE PARKING at Rear En trance i* ILIIMITH HO North Broad Stntt EL MUM IKTUCHEN 452 Main Street KEfi-1700 PERTH AMB0V I I«HW*Y 220 MW«t Strwt m ttntnl Mm ME 64700 I MEfrlXO \ M M> *NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET letters toEditor fflartertt f rpHfl PubliiM W«*ry Oi Itandar By NORTB JERSEY PUBUSHINO. INC W ^ X V i . Tel: UE 4-1111 10c PER COPY Lawreoct t. Campion, Publisher Harr, P. m n k , AtadaU PubUtbar Auirust! Editor, Independent-Leader: Governor Hughes ha» press conference thit, he Is wait IE to hear a report from thf Rutgers University, on whether or not, Prof. Genovese a teacheri of this same University, has violated a ban ait-dst expressing political views in a classroom of his school. I N>lieve the Governor do** not understand that, the question is not whether or not this Professor has violated any b.in of this school, but the important question to be ANSWF.HRD . . . to the people is why an admitted Marxist and Socialist is ppmiittwl to teach In our school. While we are sending our men overseas to fight Communi<im and. spending billions of dollars of tax mnney for this same thing all over the world, how long are the American people going to condone this KID GLOVK treatment of our enemies !n our own back yard. If we ar^ to keep this policy of giving the Ml Rooeevelt An. Tel: HI-MOO OX MONTHS OJI MAD. SUBSCRIPTIONS - ONE YEAR, * « Home b Bat - After All Recently, a few Woodbrldge wddente had the opportunity of visiting countries behind the iron curtain. Although, In all cases, the travellers were loud In their praise of the beauty and cleanliness of the countries they visited and, commented on the loveliness of ancient castles and quaint villages, they all expressed gratefulness that they lived in the United States where there Is freedom of thought and freedom to decide on one's own career. In interviews with this newspaper, the visitors to the lands across the NEWS REPORT FROM WASHINGTON * sea all noted the obedience of the people to the state, accepting meekly the dictates of the government The lack of consumer goods and extraordinarily high prices for what Is available did not escape the attention of the travellers abroad. Mrs. Mary Molnar, New Street, Woodbridge, who returned home last week after a visit with the remaining members of her family In Hungary, perhaps expressed it best: "I thank God that I live in the United States and was able to raise my children here." privileges i •«.-- Retaliation ToH—A WiWams Bolt? Price oi Staying—Delegation our Democracy to — our Enemy ki this country, we may wake up someday U> find that thhese privilege are available, only to them. Mn. P., Hugh*. Legitlative MM The 1985 New Jersey Legislature passed about one in five of the measures introduced. Although the law-makers were delayed by reapportlonment discussions, a summary of the Legislature's bill load and action prior to recessing for the summer on May 25 showed that during its 18 days In session, a total of 1,285 bills, Joint or concurrent resolutions had been Introduced, 900 in the General Assembly and S85 in the Senate. Of these 287 measures were enacted by both houses. Through July 6, the Governor had signed 138 bills and nine joint resolutions. He vetoed three bills conditionally, one of which was amended and repassed. The summary of legislative action, compiled by the New Jersey Taxpayers Association follows: As. Sen- aembly ate 18 No. of days In session 18 Volume of legislation Introduced: 804 S52 Bills 7 31 Joint Resolutions Concurrent resolutions 53 22 Resolutions 12 4 Total 900 385 Volume of Legislation Passed In Both House:V. 139 111 Bills Joint resolutions 6 4 Book Review] "BMfea a nflwtagaalMthat • |TMt geaim learn to . , wU vi Un tru feuraflM to 75 16 1,285 Under the Capitol Dome am. 1RM7V. Ust WASHINGTON, D 111 quit „ ttw> House he end of the current January'* anuary action of i caucus which stripped! take that Judicial m\ democratic ;wo Southernm of tlieir .wn- If William icirity as punishment for siipport- Democratic U ng then-Senator Rnrry (ioldwnter in the I9M election has already would obviously elect to tU •S-J^bot barring j :nst the party one member. South Carolina's Representative! Albert Watson, one of the political! content to remain much • retaliation targets, turned Repub-! a situation were he is f n out I 1 of any position of lioan as a direct result of the punitive action, resirend from influence. Congress nnd then won re-elec- One of the reasons th™ , tion over whelming under the he may have waited this |» GOP banner hi a special June make a move stems \ m challenge to the i*f> ballot. It now appears that he may get sippi delegation put Up bv some Dixie company on the min- state's XKalled Freedom cratic Party which ority side of the aisle, The word is that Mississippi's slate was the Representative John Bell Wil- group. liams is seriously considering a The "regulari" gurvived „ « itlal showdown on thtir bolt from Democratic ranks. For the record, Williams at the! right* early in the moment is declining comment on the question still has not"'totally »tU«d. the report. But friends say he will shortly A bid to unseat them w u* demand that Democratic leaders grounds that they were elect*! a restore his seniority status n a situation where Negrow «o, tHt he wooM » e h lh» to become deprived the rlgM to wit tj $$ chairman ef the House Interstate pending before the Clerk of the I and Foreign Commerce Commit- House and. once he has made a I tee, and that he will turn Repub- preliminary ruling, the matter wiD I to the House lican if the demand is turned down — as seems almost mevit Committee. able me c m While Williami wat tht otlyl Dcffon boiflf dropped to the Democrat hi the delegation wt»l bottom of the Democratic list, supported Gotdwater m '«. t«| William was the ranking party has so far been reluctant In jeop.| umber behind Chairman Oren ardite the chances of hij Harris of Arkansas on Commerce. leagues by a move which' p Now President Johnson h u further anger party nominated Harris to be a federal But no » showdown time lm| Judge in his home state, and the corns. By J. Jtupk Bribbln What's Past Is Past ACBOtt FIVE APRM By i m e Bart I n n Hunt's grandfather lived TRENTON - Both major par- acted by both houses, or about one see. Virginia, West Virginia and through tht CMl War and told ties in New Jersey — Republicans in every fire introduced. Governor Wisconsin. 250 and Democrats — are on the Hughes has signed approximately Other states which have fiscal his grandchildren about it. From Twenty-Five Yean Ago-ResWents of the IseUn section of tht personal reminiscences, she township appeared before members of the Township c<m~i:t« 10 march for funds this month to fi- 138 bills and nine joint resolutions. note procedures under considera- these nance the Governorship election He vetoed three bills, one condi- tion include Kansas, Kentucky, wrote ACROSS FIVE APRILS. It and urged the abolition of Fin District No. 9. k petition sic^l bt Concurrent resotionally. The latter was subse- Louisiana, Minnesota, North Da- is the story of Jeth and bis family property owners in the vicinity WH thn submitted in November. 14 13 27 The Democratic State Commit- quently amended and repassed. kota, Oregon, Pennsylvania and who lived in Illinois during the The movement was evidently brought about when the lire <m lutions Civil War. Jeth watched as his missioners of the district sought approval of a Hi,mo hrohout Total 159 128 287 tee it sending out flyers asking Passage of bills was delayed Washington. voters "to Join us hi re-electing during the tessk» because of Thus far this year, fiscal notes older brothers went off to ^ war - After the defeat of the referendum, the commissioners then preSigned by Governor Governor Richard J. Hughes with court ordered reapportionment, have been attached to M Assembly one brother went to fight with the pared for a second election but petitions were later withdraw a $1 a month or $10 paid up mem- which, shook up the lawmakers. bub and 17 Senate bills in the rebels, the other brothers went John Link, one of the spokesmen, suggested that the distm t» (as of July 6) bership. they finally decided New Jersey Legislature. These to fight with the Yankees. Be did combined with the Woodbridge fire district Mn. Mary Communilt Bills 74 64 138 As an inducement to send in the However, upon » Senators instead of the cany cost estimate* totaling many the farm chore* with his lister's pointed out that road repairs were needed la Iselin. rather than 1 help, went to town on errandi, new flrehousk. 4 5 Joint resolutions $10, they are promised an invita- present 31 to represent New Jer- millions of dollars. tion to the inauguration of Gover- sey residents equally on a popula- Thus, the New Jersey lawmak- and felt the violence of his neigh- Fifteen Yean Ago-Any effort to keep Woodbridge Towuhip s iff Vetoed by Governor nor Hughes; a 14K gold dipped tion basil. The number of Assem- ers, know how much a proposal bors because of his one brother gasoline stations cloud tor any appreciable time appmni todi? Conditionally 1 2 tie dip or brooch with a gold-im- blymen wil remain at fit They will cost the State before they who was on the side of the rebels to be doomed. The prospect U that gasoline will be available it printed portrait of Dick Hughes; wfll be elected next November 1 make up their minds to vote for This Is the story of Jeth's family some stations. Repassed with amendas their lives were affected by a full year's subscription to the to serve during 1986 and 1967. a bilL Moat of yesterday, nearly all tht stations were ewsed 1 ments, became law theOvflWar. New Jersey Democrat, the party'sl A constitutiBMl convention authsponte to »o appealuby the New Jersey Retail Gasoline Oalm BEES: — T h e widespread publication, and iavitationi to so-' orised for-Qjft March will decide haU the price war in progress •TO APHIS B bringie da] and political functions snon-j QO toft DwRlNaftflBBulsMEfr^ilw Q «DO drought prevafttM again this sumi r f r m something th»t Jbrad by the Democratic Party of Legislature in tbe\ftars ahead. mer which restricts -nectar plant Democratic Chairman Joseph P, Happened in a textbook to growth, is expected to have a Net Jersey. was real with Somen was named acting township derk to take the place of BJ, serious effect on bee colonies. GIRLS: The New Jersey Another bug has been friction be- "Hie cost of had government Is Dunigan who was a sorgkal patient at the Perth Amt»> General State Home Mr Girls, a lW-acre Garden State beekeepers had a real people involved. tween philosophies of federal and beyond measure," the Democratic institution located in Trenton, re- total of 35,000 cofamies on hand on Hospital Pamphlet states. "It costs so little THE (Mr. Somen if presently the county Democratic chairoiar. local government. In Macon, Georgia, to sponsor good government." cently witnessed a changing of July 1, a decline of 4 per cent HusChriitiM Andrnoi Edward Kath, committeeman flan the First Ward was named 1 from tot 36,010 on hand last July, the guard. Translated by Eva U CMtteiM, for example, the proposed program The Republican plea for camfrom the| Miss Helen Sheley, who has been according to the New Jersey S u t r a M by Naney Ekhsfan the Board of Health to> fll tht oaaxpired term of the \Ae id funds has been delayed because the'City paign Bergen. Crop Reporting Service. This year Republican National Committee connected with the institution Bwkert. Five Yean Age-Economy measures to Insure the Council contends the Office of Eco- in Washington. In letters to thou- since IMS as Superintendent, re- marks the first decline in colony Hans Christian Andersen's fairy for the parking numbers in 3 years. meters and the k h debt to the First i Bani M Tn, tired after yeaai of faithful and sands of potentital Republicans, nomic Opportunity seeks to use the tales have been read and enjoyed Company were foreseen today by Ralph Kunhlnsky, chairman < they are told they can back their efficient service, to make way for Colonies lost during the winter federal investment as a wedge into convictions with a modest sum. Regina Mary Frynn, her assistant and spring totaled 24 per cent of by several generations. On»of his the Parking Authority, after a meeting of the bosy and the w« those entering the winter, which most widely read fairy tales Is bridge Township Businessmen's Association. areas that are the business of local A $10 check win result in receiv for many years. ing a membership card which is The changeover was accom- is S per cent higher man last THE NIGHTINGALE. In a new "The abolition of the full time meter collector and oil*. < government. registered at National Headquart panied in great part by calmness year. Loss was high due to the translation by Eva La Gallienne, measures should put the Authority out of the red and in the clean extremely hibb summer of 1964, Nancy Ekholra Burkert has taken Some of the anti-poverty programs ers stamping them as a con- and efficiency, which reflects and bees entered the winter in a THE NIGHTINGALE and h u he declared. cerned and active, member of the great credit on a difficult instituhave been relatively successful — Pro- G.O.P. The membership also en- tion to operate. Personnel at the weakened condition. Cases of lost given new meaning to the story museum are also discussed. ject Head Start for pre-school children, titles the doner to regular issues State Home, as well at the girl queens were also a factor, but by her illustrations. The illustra- DINOSAUR HUNT makes the "The Republican," the National inmates, took the changeover in starvation was reported to be the tions, which look like ancient reader aware of the excitement in The minority think that for example. But it appears that the of Chinese scroll paintings, are in finding ancient fossils and in the who wW constantly Jecrive Headquarters' monthly periodical stride without any confusion or major cause of the loss. program as a whole, though a com- that leports on GOP activities in change of pace. Both Mist Sheley The service reports widespread full color with rich detail. They work and the careful methods of wife it contemptible - n»« ' prevailing again this sum- show the Oriental splendor of the the scientists who aeaVch the us think ne-i 1 wonder mendable Idea, needs major overhaul Washington and around the coun- •and Miss F l p are well liked by drought their workers. Miss F l y n n mer has caused nectar plant con- Emperor's palace, scenes yf earth. try, - U 5 S . Saratoga P i o « r wui&cia. m u g « . > . . . . , if it is to be widely effective in eliminaditions to be 65 per cent of nor- drama and radiant moonlight, But most of the Republican pub a former UJ S. Navy "wave" ana mal compared with 79 per cent the real nightingale, the artificial ting poverty. licity is tuned to the Congressional official of the Juvenile Aid Bureau last year. Condition of colonies at elections of 1966, rather than New of the New York City Policf De- 74 per cent of normal is consider- Jeweled bird/and the Emperor on Jersey's Governorship contest. partment, has held the position a t e below the » per cent re- hit death bed. This book will be JVf I With each] This is beacuse the coming No- as Assistant Superintendent since. ported for the same date last read many'times. reading, the Illustrations will invember election in the . Garden 1955. State officials are certain she year. 1 State is considered an off-year will be a great success in her new JERSEY JIGSAW: - Some crease the understanding and the y al appropriations act totaling $639,597, election i cities iti win in b position. beauty of the story. Big motorists are illegally 483. The Governor, exercising his item a big target for "the G. a P. in FISCAL NOTES: - frice tags|schoolhuses in the belief they only DINOSAUB HUNT the next two years. veto power, subsequently cut $238,761 "Go where the votes are" is the on legislative bills to pemiit' operate during the regular school By George O. Whitaker A lawmakers to know the cost of months, State Motor Vehicle DiJ » u Myen ' from the appropriations act total by new motto of the Republican things, have spread to nineteen rector June Strelicki wans Party. Even though dinosaurs have states, the New Jersey Taxpayers Minimum milk prices for store eliminating or reducing several items milk in South Jersey will remain [been d«ad for millions of yean, Association points out. LAW: — New Jersey's lawfoj* the Legislature and a gubernatoriscientists are still able to gather making mill grinds slowly but ex- New Jersey, at the insistance at July levels, but in North Jerabout them. George a l pay increase. Additional snpple- ceedingly fine. of the association, adopted the sey the cost will be raised one , who lives in Avenal and fiscal notes to cent a quart during August mental appropriations bills also were The New Jersey Taxpayers As- practice of. preparator and bead of has figured that during money bills, several years ago. Congressman James J Howard, enacted Vy the Legislature for fiscal sociation the laboratory of the Department the eighteen active days of the Now the practice has extended to D., Third District, comprising 1065-66 in the amount of $1,797,500. 189th Legislature] this year, 1,285 Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Monmouth and Ocean counties, of Vertebrate Paleontology at the! will be toastmaster at the Elec-| American Museum of Natural HisIt is how estimated that the State bills and resolutions were intro- [owa, Maine, Maryland, Massa- tion Year Gala at Sea Girt on tory in New York City, In his duced - 900 in the Assembly and chusetts, Missouri, Montana, Newill end the new fiscal year on June 385 in the Senate. braska, Nevada, New Hampshire, August 26 under the sponsorship, book DINOKAUft HUNT gives an the Democratic State Commit- account of an exploration that led 30,1966 with a surplus of $8.3 million Of these,~287 measures were en-'oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennes- of Begin with your r tee . . . More thaa 50 per cent of to the discovery of the skeletons Current estimates eus that the last driver fatalities tested last year of a srnall dinosaur Coelophysls, ask what are your most tanportani in New Jersey showed drinking that preceded the giant ones of fiscal year will produce a surplus of aims. Income? Prospects for capiw had occurred before the accident. North America. A site in New Relative safety? Perhaps we can help you Anti-Poverty Bump The old American political saw that "you can't legislate morality" seems to be getting a new wrinkle. Toughsledding for the Administration's antipoverty program suggests neither can you legislate, instant relief for the needy. The most publicized snag In the anti-poverty venture developed at the women's Job Corps Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, where city officials nixed the program after just three months. It was claimed that the center, headquartered in a luxury hotel, turned out to be one big social whirl for the 270 girls and was disturbing the peace of the community. Highlights of flew Jersey's $641 MiUion State Budget As a result of combined actions by the 1965 Legislature and the GovernorJ New Jersey's Sta|e Government is auj thorized to spend $641,156,222 in the current (1965-66) fiscal year which began July 1. This is nearly $50 million more than was authorized last year, points out a research report of the New Jersey Taxpayers Association. The new authorized spending total compares with $649,02^749 originally' proposed in the budget message sent to the Legislature by tlje Governor In February. This included $2.2 million for two contingency programs, Following hearings by the Joint Legislative Appropriations Committee, the Legislature adopted the regular annu1 GLAMO $32.5 mlllion-a high since 1967. Final official figures for the 1964-65 fiscal year which ended June 30, last, will not be available until October. The Cancer Warning To smoke or not to qnioke? It's a question millions of Americans have asked themselves sinoe publication of the now-famous U. S. Surgeon General's report of 1964. £hat document stirred a controversy the like of whieh the tobacco industry hasn't experienced since Sir Walter Raleigh puffed his first pipe with the Indians. It prompted claims and counterclaims on the matter of relationship of the golrkn wead to human health. For the first tim», however, an authoritative scientific study showed beyond reasonable doubt that smoking was connected with lung-cancer—an often fat&l disease. At opposite extremes there were demands for all-out action to outlaw smoking and for no action at all. Now Congress has taken what amounts to a middle-of-the-road approach which calls for placing a caution label on cigarette containers, while at least for the next four years barring the more extreme requirement that manufacturers also Include such a warning In their advertising. ( This is fine, as far as it goes. The lawmakers might have gone one step further, to provide for specific and valid scientific research designed to eliminate the cancer-causing agent if that is possible. For obviously, many are certain to continue smoking. j — „.„.„ ...* M..HUW,I,|I,IIII.II nuiem-H. A sue in New Attorney General Arthur J. Sills I Mexico was selected because of ai -••••-IL -•-- DDairy 7 Show announces .• .• ^The Showjj previous searching in which some of the Future Farmers of Amer- fossils " were found. After the ica will again be a feature of fragile bones were found, a fasthe New Jersey State Fair which cinating description of how they opens Saturday, Sept. 18 . . . . Charles Pratschler, of Montague, were prepared for removal from is the new president of the State the earth, and the complicated reBoard of Agriculture . . . Prime moval of them is given. The restoration and display of the fossils t t totaling bones reached the S54,&50,545 were awarded to 312 Ne* Jersey firms during June tics" is now available for distri. . . . Blind corners are being bution, (lie State Detriment of created on New Jersey roadB by Agriculture announces . . . A bill growth of trees and other vegeta- to study the possibility of public' tion, the Keystoiw Automobile defenders in New Jersey will he Club warns . . . Governor Hichard given a public hearing at the State J Hughes has approved federal I Mouse on September 8 . . . grants totaling $745.77(1 for four Neighborhood Youth Corps CAPITAL CAPERS: - Tunnels ^ a n i s under the Economic may be getting cheaper to build f _ | Opportunity Act of \m . . State and operate than open highways, Senator Wayne Dumoiit, Jr., of United States Senator Clifford P. Phillipsburg, Republican candi- Case claims Specific dates date for Governor, is on active for the hunting of snipe, woodmilitary duty as a Major with ;i'ock, rails . •gallinule*. band tailed 11 if 50th Armored Division of the 'rigeuus ;uul mourning and whiteNew Jersey National Cluurd . . winged doves have been fixed in One hundred twenty-eight phy si-Washington but must be officially I dans, seven chiropodists ami one mnounced in Trenton . Only 1 bin analytical lahortaory h u v e 4.^)4 00(1 chick' us will be raised jboen approved Uw lireiisui* by> in New Jerscv this year compared "Stop asking Daddy silly, simple, stupid questions Hie Stute Biisrd of M iliral Exam-! to i)«'lHK« I is! ve ir. .n-curdirm to iners . . The I9W edition ofth" Nuw Jersey Crop Importing that he can't answer." "New Jersey Agricultural Statis-|lbervii-e. your selection of investments based on y RJ jective. Drop in for an exploratory cnai. now: send the coupon for a u s e f u ' ' lords i "INVESTMENT FACTS," giving «"• r f t u hundreds of listed stocks. OWD your «fc*re d American IOTABUSHED MONROE A. WE1ANT, Resident Mrnibera New York Stock Perth Amboy National Bank •I the t Corner* HI J 2 1 your In * Stop in, plum or mail this.ceupoa copy of "^VESTMENT FACTb. » ' i common stocks which have paid dividend" for 20 or more years NAME ADDKKSS I . (K.R) - Carteret Prws Thursday, August 12, 1905 PLAYGROUND NEWS THORPE AVENUE Director Pamela and John Vales- PlaTKraand Director,Sue Jacoto, P.trleta K«th»lt jik, {Catherine Wojcik, Carol W Nancy Boyle, Boyle, J Janet LaH2tefanski, £ L I C SDenise 3 ! r «St. «Pierre, L C l EAn! 1 ? y^, : Nancy t * Laid lxw, Margaret L a l d l a w , and rie C t l Di DW B l I h bbb Sharon Sabuie, Linda CaUbro, Mowing contest, Tommy KolaMary McGlynn, Kathy McGlynn, rick blew the biggest bubble and {Catherine Stull, Janet Lopaxan- Marianne Boyle the second bigski, Marie Arnold, Barbara Ar- gest nold, Margie Hero, Nancy Slavic, ')ebra Bartha. This week Eddy Cogging1 copGROVE STREET jper tooling napkin holder was Playground Director: . , «nn the coir EAST GREEN STREET chosen for the final competition tiorsedHMII Playground Director: As a team, Beverly Bobshaw anc Thk week Grove Street play * . . the final* JMIth C U U M ground became Hobo Haven. The cat thaw wa« held in Teresa Fisher won the smveneci ' miherly Moorehead won first hunt for the second time. Aftw Winners of our foam puppet children dressed as hoboe* and games with both Merrill Park enjoyed a scavenger hunt. Best and Avenel park, the Thorpe Ave- contest were: Roae Marie Thomp- dressed hobo went to Greg son, Judy Hattfleld, and Joseph volleyball team including jjewern. Winners of the hobo paJ k , block party i i M i * held nue Husxar. Winners in the stuffed r „ i^nagen of the park on Tommy Watters. Gene Fisher animal contest held on Wednes- rade were: .Susan Patten, Ann Russell Jaques. John Esposito p,rnie field near thewater- Jimmy Mdton, Harry Jaques day were Linda Barcellona, Pat- Marie Valentine, Wayne Gerha , Hope everyone wtll come John Trella, and Eddy Coggins ti Massa, Theresa Miller, Susan and Jody Travostino. Capt Jim ] Patten's team came in first in pnjov thetnselvei. remains undefeated. The boy< Schlrger, Rose Marie Thompson, the scavenger hunt. His helpers Judy Hattfleld, and Mary Straub. have begun a new baseball series Included Nancy Travostino, Kathy MENU> PARK against Colooia after winning the I Valerie Savino's copper holder CoMk.1. Susan Patten, Jody Trn was chosen as the best one. UnI Director flrrt series of 4 out of 7 games vostino, David Travostino, nmi Beverly Bobshaw and Ricky Ja fortunately, our talent show had Anne Marie Valentine, John to be postponed until next week que« won the sandbox contest foi Kmnrri 4 the bike race were 1heir sand castle entry. KENNEDY PARK L , Ncedham. Steven Bucco PUygrwiid Director DOUGLAS STREET ' ni Kcan. Pet show winner! A n Marino PUygroand Director: WOODLAND AVENUE prettiest eat, Heidi SpieWinner of arts and crafts this Diane Stankovltx K)lest cat, Karen McGowan; P l v p o u n d Director week were Judy Donnelly and ,=l fur, Joe Pulstaelle; best Diane Fireman On Tuesday the boys and girlt Maria Mangione. On Wednesday ,J,MI, John Torres; best turwent on a safari. They made out of thii week a picnic lunch was ln-Vnn Camarata; most color The boys and girls have started of potatoes the jungle animals held. A scavenger hunt was con hirrt, Steven Bucco: purest to practice for the junior olym which they encountered on the ducted and several types of races pk< which are to be held on Au bird, JoAnn Kaufman, | trail. Marianne Boyle, Michael were held. Winners of' " the 3 gust 19. AH seem to be trying Kessell, and Ann Dunn were the legged race were: first place, Keto do their best to outrun and winners in w s n the P e a n u t Hunt. vin Iieavitt. George Maxwell, jump their friend*. Arts and Thoie who receivel certificates Jorry Sasso, and Scott Reynolds: craft was held this week with t h , in the ituffed animal show were second place, John Ahern, Denmaking of recipe holders and Sandra Chuba, Marianne Boyle, nis Rogers Diane Sokolcrw, and foam characters. t BROILING, FRYING, BARBECUE . . £, A WONDERFUL CHOICE OF GIFTS TO TAKE HOrW FOR CHICKENS PLAID STAMPS! Frtsli Chicktn Parfil — — — AI fgf ,. $2.90 hundred Ibt. $1.15 fifty It*. ISERVISOR of IWOODBRIDGE ME 4-1IU 1 St. George Avenue jmt leBtk *t a I-L^ T . —* u—.' Sharon Bahlman, Joan Adams,'John Jones' tin Winners of the boy's Dawn Najepa^ Donaa Kolnrifk, relay fact were Ron Strittmatttr, i II.._ Faczak, r. .. Patricia «_._,._ . _ , . C S p t n | n j o j sager, Alan Leffler, I Jerrllyn HOPELAWN law, Grace Nalepa, Angela Srucs, Donald Daiio, and Edd Ijewka. Playground Director Deirdra Factak, Gary Cronk, Winners of the girl's relay race Janet Sabe Debbie Kolarick, Donna Smoyak, were IJnda Donnelly, captain, Sand modeling contest winners Janet Laidlaw, Robin Boyle, Bar- Margaret Jones, Dorothy Jones, n participants prticipants were: Irene Iren bara Chuba, Peter Cronk, Nancy Diane Donnelly, Irene Stoppiello and Waycik. Lori Pinelli, Andy Hen- Boyle, Margaret Laidlaw, Dennis and Linda Agnew. First place ning, Michael Rybak, Joey SI Cronk, Mary Ellen Cronk, and wirmers in the Jack tournament cinski, Debra Bartha, Nancy SI; Michael Kertesi. Winners in thewere: Anne Marie Stoppiello vie. Doll contest winners: Dian Huck Finn Contest were Patricia Diane O'Cormell and Judy Don Stefanski, Cheryl Stefanski, Irene'Laidlaw, Eugene Siucs, Marianne nelly. " 39C > 33 e ' Leg Quarters Chicken Wings Fur Breast Quarttri Backs I Necks Sold At These Advertised Prices Only... NONE PRICED HIGHER! " Quality—No Wittr Addid-fully Cookri U.S. GOVERNMENT WHOLE i r E1TIER M L F SHANK PORTION SMOKED HAMS B 45 * 59 "Supir-Rijhf-THICK OF THIN 'SuptrRigM" lONFLEii-NONI PRICED HlfeHERI Fresh Brisket Beef ( r ^ v ,., ib 99< Smoked Ham Steaki Suptr-Right J»p.f-RI«M Boneless Hams HALVK-.t.«ib. ».],|9 Sliced Cooked Ham Turkey Roasts Smoked Picnics COUNTRY Spare Ribs Beef Kidneys ** • ^ ^ *• Fresh Swordf lih Steaks WHITE Turkey Breasts Fresh Picnics ^sho^i Lamb Shoulders Bologna or Mverwunt Armour's Franks CHEESE. IACON ROCK SALT WMOU TMI) SWIFT'S FRANKS PREMIUM It69° JANE PARKER BAKED FOODS % 49c BIG FRUIT A N D VEGETABLE VALUES PEACH PIE SWEET CORN Mnltr I" I Ikln. PlieipplaOheetiCske " DANISH FriH & Nut Ring **•••• <**•& Spailth Bar Cake - " • . r W Lettuce rrunvi 2^39 Watermelon WlwU M . I M NONI PRICK) Cantaloupe 2 ^ 4 9 ' Fresh Carrots HI6HER1 NONI PRICID Fresh Tomatoes r;;;;b; 2 ^ 4 9 e Pascal Celery HlftHfRI PRICED * ,. New Cabbage rV*m9REIN String Boons NONE HISHERI ^ Nttrby F«nw l HilUn-WHb lull SondwIchMonfhluyi.'- PROGRESSO TOMATOES 2^89' mm mmu Jewish Rya Bread White Bread JAKEfAKKER • FHANWFURTHof SANDWICH ° Saidwieh Spread Burden Margariie Peanut Batter P i n Brat* Jelly Cream Cheese N«w Dtniih 29* 28° 43' LuNQfleoiiMeat JrRUliEI I I with 9n<ai iNf v Mil Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS NOTTS FRUIT TREATS DASH DETERGENT Mlilt Mill Imd Grab Meat THB» 5 r99' CD A riiETTI U 1M.4 iilw II Fliwrt 67' With 10* Off Likil Air Brand Piitturiitd hip ICHIHfr rrofn Ntuby Firrm WKH-ITALIAN Cra«irYM<li 10-39* NONE PRICED HI8UEN! Froi Niarby F i r u axm<l Hash wkit^F.™, S " 3 ::89 UP—Oir fa* C AR|il $o«—AH Color*—100 t ply Sweet Peas UimttMN C Facial Tissues 2 ** 29 Prune Juice THIRST QUENCHERS! CLUB—All F l m n - R i g u l i f or Low Catena Conned Soda U ' - W YUKON CLUB—All Riven GREAT ABOUT THAT? N0DEPOSIT Beverages 5,^,99. ' 01. boh. OUR. OWN-Ltmon H.vor.J lee Tea Mix R*<uUr~No Sugar Gheeri-Aid S'" 5 19* Pineapple Juiee Punchinello7 fRuiT J lqt ' fl 1,00 Del Monte 13 Hivon Doli'i Vienna Fingers Sumhin* Graham Crackers •)„„„>Durry * (tllo l-lb. bo« bot. A P .; MK Ci%\Unm Inn I 0 M A T 0 J u l c t 3 ' *•l0(l- SANDWICH CREMES l-lb. Maxwell House Coffee Savarin Instant Coffee Bachman Thin Pretxels Wise Potato Chips Sunsweot Prune Juice V.T 39c tomato Juice BFIFKI P :l 52< Clorox Bleach FROZEN FOOD BUYS! vouoge inn •«.!«*. m Ivory Flakes I0OL Sweet Peas 3 lirdi Eyt Brand 3 r 49C Chopped Spinach COCKTAIL Jell-0 Gelatin ^ - 4 ^ i w m C H ^ r Topping , Big Shot c ^ r Syrup ' 1 Hudson Family Napkins ^ 45* Kltoiioi^rTowols7^2«* 49* llk Strongheart Dog Food 5 KiltySalmonCatFood 2 \T %V i o : : 89« Bird* ty» band Vim Detergent Tablets DtlMonH Irind Tomato Rice Soup 4"* m 37« Del Monte ^ Cora l ' * i - FUDGE TOWN Fruit Drinks MIXED 4 I 4 I H . J H I SZ I ES 4 «» T * pVq>. Lux Flakes Bird* Ey» Brand Hb.4/1t Lifebuoy Coral Soap French Beans 0rangoJuice^ P G ' d « A 6 !.°: 97 C 7 oi. I Onion Rings DZ:^ Wisk Liquid Detergent A&P'S DAIRY BUYS! OODLES of convenient services... that's what's so greatl You can enjoy the bill paying safety of a checking account, build up your savings account, borrow at low bank rates, give your valuables safe deposit protection, and OODLES more* at First Bank. " P«.:u..:.- Lifebuoy Coral Soap and TRUST COMPANY *A. AVENEL HIGHLAND PARK AVENILCOLONIA (SELIN EDISON PERTH AMBOY FORDS WOODBRIDQE i-lb. cup 25' lmpo(t»d Lux Liquid Detergent IHDW»« ¥.TtH'l—PllfaUFiud Prnt.111 Camay Soap 2 ± 25' Final Touch Fabric Softener Dishwasher All Thrill For Dishes F« W.iinn, Di.K». MEM BUI FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A&P Cottage Cheese A&P Danish Blue Cheese ' 8 9 ' 247-4600-Ex. 50 . (Highland Park-Edison Km) irst Bank • • . i . rj ipt.tfi. pliltic Yelveeta Cheese Spread . 8 9 ' Cheddar Bar Col,(|(Wwwt, P C39 e FrigoMoiia.ella - ' - J39' Active All Detergent CoKtrolUd Wda * * ' 7 7 * a«,|^." —— Low Priced Psrsanai Ne«di.' — n Waldorf Hair Spray Vitalis Hair Tonic JftJ Baby OH S-Day Deodorant Pads l:.W 7 j88* 35 Prlt«i «ff«crlv» through Saturday, Augui? 14th in Super Markali and $«lf-S«rvU* »tomt only In North*™ N«w J«.».y Orun|j* * Rotkland Ctyt. AJ1 T u b a r r u I ' l u i l m l s t i c s l i Milk ami Alri>liollb 'Wid Lestoil Pine Scent '£39' Downy Fabric Softener M Soap Powder Independent-Lckder (E.B.) . Oartoret Thursday, August 12. 1965 planning to renter ih,,, P for the week aro,m,| 1 0 > and rt, need fnr ,,„„„>» c| cml support Assigned to Viet J\«m The Women's KmW already has paid „„ „ U. S. FORCES, VIET NAM1 served by the new hospital, are of $30,000 for the hos, Second U. Ronald Hendricksen, WOODBRIDGE - Climaxing expected to witness the ceremon- started on its second i whose wife, Ruth, lives at 74 Ham- FORDS - Our Lady of Peace three long years of planning, or- ies at the 38-acre site on James f "Buy a Rrirk"- ,., FORMS — Reservations lor the ilton Avenue, Fords, has been asganizing and fund raising, the offi- Street off Route 27. The site is throughout the H , Are Host W r bus trip to Canada planned by;signed to the U. S. Army, Viet i-ial start of construction for thelocated in Edison just 100 feet .will be stationed for the ,,t the,Altar Rosary Society of Our Nam, as a platoon leader. John F. Kennedy Community from the Metuchen line and one-Park Shopping Cent- tW I,ady of Peace Church may be Lieutenant Hendricksen entered Hospital will be signaled with half mile from Woodbridge. will ask shoppers made with Mrs Elizabeth Di Mat tnr Army in June 1%4 uml was Terrac, and ground breaking ceremonies on the hospital by hip son < > m and Governor To Be Goeii teo al VA Mfiffl or Mrs. Cathe- | a s t stationed at Fort Uwis, Daniel C. Sunday, September 12, at 4 P. M. . The principal guest at the tributlng bricks at i., rinf l.atario at HI 2-17W. Wash. Thousands of residents of Edi-ground breaking will be Governor; Ground breakiiiR ,\' CL The trip scheduled (or August The 24-year-old lieutenant is a •• v . , ^ , , K „,,,, :. son, Metuchen and Woodbridge, eround Dreajuug win uc W H O . ™ IT through 21 will include tours 1959 graduate of Central Kefcional ficiated at the double Richard J. Hughes who will be been singled out hy ,hp , three communities to be the Joined by Mayors Anthony M ' laycees for the kick-ofi ,,f;, »f thr shrine o( St. Anne de High School. Bayville, and re- remoriy. ertsvifle. Marlboro Township. The' to-house , „ ,,„„ Yelencsics of Edison, Robert Reaupip, the city of Quebec, ceived a B. S. and B. A degree Flanagan of Metuchen and Wal-will conduct throne h< C;inr rii> Madelnine. St. Joseph's in 1964 from Rutgers University rta^byter f X r ^ ^ 1 ™ * 1 - »* •""* *"Ken- ^ honoring the couple at ter Zirpolo of Woodbridge in tak-ship. Jerry Radilm ,,„<! ]yl Orirtory and Montreal. in New Brunswick. TiHotson, Fords, was I Acres. Schaefer, eo-chnimvn of n ing turns at the shovel. honor for her sister. Other nUIKM IU1 . « . . ... Guests attended the affair from Guests atten Others participating in the cere- cees drive, plnn In ,!„(.,,, ! tendants were Miss Aime Nuc- Elizabeth, Linden, Union, Matamony will be members of the raising drive with Sl.u.r. ciarone and Mrs. James Krako- wan, and Woodbridge. Board of Trustees, and officials dred volunteers ihmnrh,( wlcki, both of Elizabeth, cousins The Schroeders were married AVENEL The Avenel Pire of the Women's Auxiliary and of Edison's 33 dwt i(1ii ,| of the bride; Misa Constance 01- August 7,1915, in Germany. They Company No. 1 answered 46 calls leaders of the fund raising drive Leonard Bern. H,TI,T:I1 mirai, North Brunswick, sister of also celebrated their 39th anniverpaign chairman, nnii..| th during July, announced George since its inception in 1962. the bridegroom, and Miss Step- sary as residents of the United Shaffer, fire chief. These in- Actually, construction will al- completion of the h<i^ui.-»i hanie Terranova, Fords. l'blU)S-Boy Scout Troop 52 canoeing, marksmanship, reptile States this month. They left their cluded 27 field fires, five false ready be underway by the time assured, the projectS!i!i won the Camp Cowaw Honor Vil- study and the special mile swim Serving as best man was Char-native country on August 7, 1926. alarms, five house fires, five mis- the ground breaking reremony is some $900,000 in its |mh! les Mlcale. New Brunswick "•»•- Mr. Schroeder, of Menlo Park lage Award for the week. Fifteen award. cellaneous, two car fires and twoheld. Hospital officials expect to raising goal. ers were Mr. Nucciarone, scouts and three leaders spent a Other members of the troop I drills. Terrace, is their only son. award and sign contracts on Au "Our objective has h(*ii io, mond Bunn, Monmouth Junction, week camping at Camp Cowaw, attending camp were Orlando FiChief Shaffer expressed his ap-gust 19 for the 203-bed hospital $3,200,000 from famines ^ Raritan Council's scout camp at gueroa, Robert Boland, Gary brother-in-law of the bridegroom; preciation to the public who at-The project is expected to cost idustry," said Berg "We arc i Columbia, N. J., near Delaware Stnink, Francis Knauti, Wayne .William Barr, Derry, Pa., bride- Local Girl Finishes tended the local fire company's about $5,200,000. ful that the actual st.m of, groom's cousin and Roger Safash, Yuhasz and Adult leaders, RayWater Gap The unit occupied carnival, helping to make the af- Leo Weiss, chairman of the hos- struction and the m\m[m I College with Honors North Brunswick. Algonquin Village. The scouts mond Hansen, Herbert Carter and fatr a success. pital board of trustees and a we are going to have , hou, took part in the varied program James Clement. Junior Assistant Mrs. Olmizzi, a 1963 graduate KEASBEY — Casimere MajlowLocal firemen and their families member of the building commit will spur the public m . |,, offered by the camp including Scoutmaster Scott Hansen is serv- of St. Mary's High School, Perth ski, 10 Highland Avenue, graduattended a recent annual family [tee, said that all bidders were not! campaign the rest of :-„; ilK a muddy buddy hike, a canoe ing on the Cowaw staff as Scout- Amboy, is employed at Perth ated from the Cambridge School day held at Butler Park. The fied that the immediate start of Get Federal \i, of Business, Boston, Mass., with Amboy General Hospital. hike, a five-mile hike along Cowaw craft Director. quarterly meeting of the New construction would be required of J, Arthur ApplfRatf, t high honors according to an anrfas Mr. Olmlzri graduated from Jersey State Volunteers was contrails and the water carnival by Edward L. Kerr FORDS — The wedding of Miss of the Corporation, noted t the general contractor. I New Brunswick High School in nouncement ducted that day with a visit from in which the unit was awarded SERVICES TOMORROW EDISON - Sabbath services 1959, served three and one half Dean. Carolyn Ruth Hayes, daughter of Governor Richard Hughes as the "We expect construction equip hospital project first place in the water relay will be held tomorrow night at Miss Mailowski maintained i Mr, and Mr* Howard W. Hayes, m«nt to H T M the site and' tht *Mtt,444 bi "federal"fiU' highlight of the day. race. 8:30 at Temple Emanu-El, 76 years inlne UhlteiJ States Nary, very hi high average iin alll hher cours- 30 Swan Road, Livingston, and job off to a start within • f e wthe " - "Hill-Burton » ' - - • - Art ... The _ •; Residents of the fifth fire dis- days after the contracts are is the largest sinfclf mtmn Paid Flesnarski, John Carter, Pleasant Avenue, Fords. The ser-and is an electrician for James ies during her two-year legal sec- Francis Christian Van Dalen, 38 trict have received com cards Eugene Antol and Lee Hansen mon and liturgy will be conduct H. DeLapaine, electrical contrac retarial program and was also Overlook Terrace, was solemnized in the mail and these will be awarded," Weiss said. "There grant ever awarded i v w Ronald Sorensen, William Moyle, employed by the Back Bay Ser-Saturday at a nuptial Mass at tow, Highland Park. . ,ed by Rabbi Paul Levlnson. picked up in September, accord should be some real signs of prog- sey hospital. received special awards earned; vice Bureau in Boston as part of St. John's Church, Orange, with ress for everyone to view on He added that a homl is,? Alice CnOibertMB ing to Gene Arny. president. her work-study cooperative educa by completing requirements set' _. r # -m r k , Ground breaking day." up to $1.75 million i* pi,,r,n 1606 O*k Tree Road the Rev. Arthur Bittman as celeThe men have accepted an intional program he advised. form by the ftttritan Council in l / f / » / / ) f I lf/IJflf)f?f/ Iseltn, New Jeney irant The hospital is scheduled for make up the different be vitation to march in the 75th She was president of the Epsilon honor of their 25th anniversary I " I C M I r MJiUmUnU Tele.: U 8-S4M anniversary parade in South Am- [completion and ready to receive private contributions m! -he Tau Tau Sigma Sorority and dor- Given in marriage by her of Camp Cowaw. Ronald Sorensen its first patients by summer of cosU. father, the bride wore a floor- -Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mas- boy on September 4. mitory parliamentarian while al was advanced to the second class Applegate noted. Imcvtr 1967. length gown of silk organza with kiewicz and sons, Richard and school. The Cambridge School of rank and Eugene Antol to the More than just a ceremony, hos- [heavy bonding would n« t* „ Business in accredited as a Junior a bell-shaped skirt with Alencon Robert, former residents of Oak FIRE CHIEF REPORTS star scout rank at a board of , . .. College of Business by the Ac- lace appliques and a chapel Tree Road, now of Folsom, Calif, FORDS - Chief Raymond Mar pital offlcals are treating the sirable way for the bM'.M'jl to 1 review held in camp. Antol was' FORDS - Victor Diamond, eight crediting Commission for Busines length train. She carried white visited their former neighbors tensen of the Fords Fire Com around breaking as a very spe- into operation sun" <> n Mr also feted at a surprise evening! year <*• » <" _, - a™ Mrs. orchids surrounded with roses and here Monday and Tuesday. Schools. pany reported a total of 30 calls cial event. Governor Hughes and would have to W ivm carapfire birthday party by t h e ™ r d Diamond, 1I Merker Stephanotis. the mayors of the three towns of hospital receipts —Dinner guests Saturday of for the month of June and July. have been asked to proclaim the Confidence that trw \m, members of the troop. | first Dnve,phase has been forprothe of a accepted scholarship Maid of honor was Miss Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Kronert, Included were 14 brush fires, Merit badge awards were gam sponsored by the Ford Methodist Church Bannigan, Livingston. Other at- Wood Avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. 1 chemical stand-by, 2 regular week of September 12 at "John continue its support u ,i> PS| earned by Eugene Antol, cooking; Foundation at the Newark Ballet F. Kennedy Community Hospital by Leonard Berg. He said. tendants were Mrs. Kenneth ReSteven Baux, leatbercraft; John Academy. He is attending summer HMNGTON — Thousands are Plans Musical Show mine, Roselle Park; »U-, Carol Joseph Grodeck, Trenton and Mr.drills, 2 meetings, 2 car fires, 1 Week," and a number of other are sure that the public »VJ i false alarm, 2 house calls, 1 inCarter, nature, pioneering, cook- classes as a warmup for the flocking daily to a 4-million gal- FORDS—The variety show com Muench, East Orange, and Miss and Mrs. Walter Brady and chilus to close the finam.nl dren, John Walter ond Dawn dustrial fire, 1 special drill and activities are being planned to think every family in th_ ing; Dennis Clement, leatherwork, school season in the fall. lon swimming poo! which, after mittee of the New Dover Meth Arlene Van Dalen, Fords, sister Marie. Menlo Park. On Sunday, 14 miscellaneous. highlight the occasion. realizes the great handicap cooking; Michael Fazan, athletics, Victor was chose with 16 others!] nearly 40 years, still is one of odist Church has announced ( of the bridegroom. Minhten To A n M Kronert attended the wedpioneering: William Moyle, cook-1 For the strictly professional Ford the' biggest in the world. The musical show entitled, "Those Serving as best man wae Wil-Mrs. Ministers of all churchesfatthe threat under which they have t ding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Next, Pleas* living without adcqu.itt 't\n. ing, camping, leathercraft; Paul training program by Fred Danieli, pool at Olympic Park, in Irving- Good Old College Days," to be liam Struncis, Perth Amboy. iRenato Riva at Thorn's Newark. Girl to psychiatrist: I'll just area are being requested to make [facilities. We arv o Plesnarski, nature, soil and water director of the Academy and theton and Maplewood, was con- presented Friday and Saturday, Ushers were James Samu, Wood- IThe bride is the former Miss pass jthe hospital the subject of their up the couch-that's part of conservation, cooking; Keith So- Garden State Ballet, after inter- structed in the 20's and is re- October 8 and 9 at 8 P.M. at thebridge; Steven Mirota, Dunellen, Barbara Toth, Perth Amboy. The my trouble. sermons on that Sunday, and a everyone to do his --hare fa rensen, reptile study, basketry viewing and auditioning of more nowned for having water purer John Adams Junior High School and Anthony Jewkes, Iselin. I bridegroom i* from Lima, Peru. - The Supply Chest, Norfolk, Va. number of local service clubs are dally. than that from North Jersey New Dover Road. leathercraft; Ronald Sorensen than ISO applicants. [The couple were married at St. Ted Stoepel. director, has been After a trip bo Nantucket Island, Mary's Church, Perth Amboy. leattereraft; Lee Hansen, rowing Next spring Victor will be evalu- drinking faucets. the couple will make their borne ated by the staff of the School of The mammoth facility rarely rehearsing the . group eyarj —Dennis Brown, son of Mr. and American Ballet, which adminis- reaches capacity attendance, even Wednesday and Friday evening, ters the Ford program, to deter- with this summers restrictions assisted at the piano by Mrs. W r . n b Dalen graduated from I Mrs. William Btown, Oak Tree week mine whether he qualifies for an on home pools. Its water, inci- Nancy Young, church organist. UvinCStOB High School and Road, returned home last w Trwtgn State College. She is a from a three week vacation in the additional yyear of training under dentally, cones from artesian teacher i s C&ldweJMvcet CaldweU Blue Ridge Mountains, Va. wells on the park's own proscholarship. - M r . and Mrs. Alexander CuthS h l t ISchqol jperty. In addition to ballet Victor will also enjoy instruction Red Cross swimming instrucMr. Van Dalen graduated UCI UK/11 o u u , . in gymnastics, to build the body tion is given at the pool each Maureen, Oak Tree Road, spent Senior High School I for the virtuosity several days in Atlantic City last «r . ~.^~ Aand „ strengthmorning for an enrollment of i^bi&OoOege, and.is week. The Cuthbertsons were required of a male dancer. than . Alice Cnthbertioa teacher in Wont guests Saturday of Mr. #nd Mrj. 1W6 Oak Tree Road Fords. Louis Schrnitt, Rahway, at a famcfaJr Olympic will have a new cirIseHn, New Jersey ily gathering celebrating 'the sevTele.: U M W cus bill on Monday, featuring FEELING BETTER enteenth birthday of Miss Mary ists. Simpson's wild animal act Parochial School WOODBRIDGE - Robert Jo- the Three Talows, perch aeria Jane Schmitt. On Sunday the —Mr. and Mrs. George Bev-j seph Swallick, son of Mr. and also is on the bill. / Pershing at Uniforms On Sea Cuthbertsons were guests of Mr. The current free show has theeridge and children, George and! Mrs. Joseph Swallick, 296 and Mrs. Joseph Mauceri, MadiRbaeanne, Worth Street, week-! James Avenue, who was a surgi- Hidalys, an aerial act; Tiebor's ended at their summer home Randolph FORDS - Our Lady of Peace son Township. cal patient for four weeks at Mt.| trained seals, and the Tenners, Manesquan. School P. T. A. announces navy Sinai Hospital. New York City, Australian rope and whip perON PEANUT BUTTER CARTERET blue seeks may be picked up in The Food and Drug AdministraIU. convalescing at home. A TWrt Party . formers We have three parties in Waifa- the school office dafly from 9 tioi has ruled that peanut butter ington — Republican, Democrat to 12 noon. must contain at least 90 per cent and the cocftail. The latter School uniforms are also on peanuts. The ruling, under adseems to have more followers. - Commonwealth, sale in the school office and visement since 1961, is expected Greenwood, Miss. must be purchased by August 15. to take effect in about 60 days. CanadianBus Trip Readied Ground Breaking Rites For Hospital Sept 12th Olmizzi-Tillotson Rites At Our Lady of Peace Firemen To Pick Up Coin Cards Boy Scout Troop 52 Wins Cowaw Honor Award Miss Carolyn Ruth Hayes WedsF. C. Van Dalen, Jr. Woodbridge Oaks Newark Ballet Academy Pool Is Olympic Park Attraction LIQUORS FREE Customer Parking r~..j .-.(._...— ^ — _ Westbury Park News £«?££& J™? r ^ ™ •„ COtDW* fflephone Excise Tax lo lie reduced January 1,1966 ROUTEMAN SERVICE COSTS NO MORI! Morey LaRue will pick up and deliver your laundering and dry cleaning—all at no extra cost to you! Just think how much time and lugging this Morey LaRue "plus service" will save you! And, please keep this important fact in mind: MOREY LaRUE ROUTfMAN SERVICE COSTS NO MOKE! • Dependable UoreyMue • Convenient • Bonded CALL HlLLCREST 2-6161 savings The'tdephone bills you receive beginning January 1; flec^a cut£omthe present 10fc to 3S& in the Federal'Excise Tax on your service, both local and long distance. Your savings in a year's time will amount to' almost the cost of one month's phone • kervlcefln 1967, the tax will be lowered to 2& theji to }% in 1968, and completely eliminated in 1969. 'This tax has always been paid by you, the •Iteiephone customer. Now that it is being reduced, •full savings will be yours, You will be getting service for your dollar. New Jersey Bed • EL 2-5000 • HI) 6-5000 • AD 2-6422 • PR 5-8676 ROUTEMAN SERVICE COSTS N O MORE! PERFECT check your telephone director; 'or Uio uldtMi of til* MUKUV LA HUB Bl'ORB nuuti! you* SHIR! that dream vacation, future for the kkk, or any special reaton ym may h a v e . . . make this yom year to * m "getung places." Its osier than you tfamk with a tteadily Earning and Growing mna& aooount at yom Mated Ssviogi Book Current Dividend Rate PAID ON ALL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS FREE PARKING for Our Patron* At Our Maple Street Lot LAUNDERING ..PERTH AMBOY 110 SALES OUTLETS Savings Institution IAUNDERERS CLEANERS* RUGCLEANSING •STORAGE ^Serving Since tHH*)' "*HMNG HOURS, SERVICE MonA, . TO S A V E R S . 3 T*. SINCE .«f* 1869 (B.B.) - Carteret Press Thursday. August 11,1965 PAGE SEVEN ALBERT K. ROWLEY r and Mrs. Margaret Stal FOURTH MftEET Ken Blase and others are ticking SEWAREN - The funeral of Al- tar. an of Pittsburgh; Mn. Anna quite a few homers In our kickbert E. Rowley, 54, of 400 East Bate* and Mrs. Sally Capristo, hall games. A pretty baby conMargaret Kaefcfersk Avenue, who died August 4 at Charlotte, N. C. test was held on Wednesday. A The attendance on (he Rahway Memorial Hospital, was peanut hunt was held Friday Street playground has Increased held Saturday morning at the MM. HENDRlCKflON morning: fin* place, Billy Smith; considerably since we ha»e r»AVENBL Funeral service* for BY JOHN B. REMBERT, M.I). Leon J. Gerity Funeral Home, 411 Roman Catholic Church, KEASBEY PLAYGROUND die group; and Karen Kunle In the second. Tom Smith; third. linda eetved many new rides. TheeWlMrs, Louise M. Hendrickson, 180 yonne. Burial was in Holy' Cross Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge, with 11-14 age group. A stuffed ani- Lastewski; fourth, Nancy Reed. A dren have * great time on tha Playground Directori a requiem Mast at St. James' Minna Avenue, formerly of Men- What would you do before the Cemetery, North Arlington. mal contest was held on Friday keen eye was newiH and the win- new horsM and the new slides. Cwmcla Plgaatara doctor come* if confronted sudlo Park, who died Monday at ners certainly did a good Job The deceased was the wife of Church. Burial was in St. James' p0 The rides are gayly colored and oiiills Road, who died Rahway Memorial Hospital, will denly with helping an injured per- Th« week the children brought and Doreen Kress won first priw Cemetery, Woodbridge. the late Charles Castelluzzo, n Sharon Sipon, second; and Putty ha* changed tho atmosphere a son?'There an> severarimportant in their own games to teach to h I " ' Railway Memorial be conducted this morning at Born in New Crofton, England, HAGAMAN HURITn) 1 great deal thing* everyone should know about [the others. Touring and monopoly Kunip won third. Saturday Surviving are three daughters 8:30 at the Leon J. Gerity were h eld Ptargrerad Dim-tar Mrs. Theresa Baron, with whom Mr. Rowley spent most of his life Funeral Home, 411 Amboy Ave- •mergency treatment to an injur- games were the highlight of the On Monday. August 2, the thc r,rciner Funeral I.VMAN * CHURCH Prbctna Rs«arc1 she resided for 10 years; Mrs. in Sewaren. He was a member of nue, Woodbridge, with a high fourth Street playground held a week. person, particularly whMi a ,. n Street, WoodeP 44 (irepn St. James' Church and a veteran PluyKroBiHl Director: JOSH Boau. I/Mttor* Gnippaiw» stuffed doll contest There were A potato sack race was held Ma*« of requiem at 9:00 at St. 'racture is suspected burial in Cloverleaf Rose Suarez, Bayonne, nnd Mrs. Barbara Dratarh Making a foam hand puppet was many dolls and animals that had Mary DeFranco, Seoaucus- three of World War II. He was employ- Andrew's Church. Burial will be Proper handling of first aid i on Monday, August 2. Michael Woodbridge. ed as a senior tester for Shell Oil This wnek the children of Ly. one of our arts and crafts projects to be judged Among the winsons, Vincent and Charles, BaHurt won first place in the had resided in in St. Gertrude Cemetery, Co- measures has a distinct bearing on Corp. for over 30 years, man k Church were very bus) for the The most popular ners were Mrs. Joseph Frstterolo, He was employ- yonne, and Philip, Union City; 18 Ionia. the ultimate result of treatment, age group; Joey Hurt hi the 8-12 in Surviving are his widow, Marmaking dragon puppets. Walt* hand puppet w u a dragon, hut Mark Good, Michael Btdewka, grandchildren, nnd four greatThe deceased was the widow of the amount of disability and the l i i n by the Pennsyl garet (Ryan); a son, Albert, and Koprtw won first prize for h some children were creative and Frances Coppolaf Kelly Ann Small, grandchildren. the late Robert Hendrickson and ability to return to normal or ON CAREER ENVOYS a daughter, Mary M., at home; rtistic decorations; Theresa De- added a few personal touches ] Donna Mesar, JoAnn Arcodia, jowas a parishioner of St. Andrew's usual activities as early a» powl-! k state p report Muro anH Carol Radjcrk won sec his mother, Mrs. Anna Rowley iArai Albswe. and Lori Bidewtsa. Church and a former member of ble. i shows that seventy-six per cent ond prirr The children also mad< WILUAM 8CHRTMPF Perth Amboy; B brother, John, COOPER AVXNUI Its Rosary Society. The first thing to do always of U.S. ambassadorships are held Playground Directors: copprr plaques which thoy franw j GLEN COVE CARTERET-William Schrimpf, South Amboy; and two sisters, Surviving are a son, Robert J. when approaching an injured per- by career diplomats. The Presi nd Ann Zimmerman's flmvcr Ac Mrs. Martin Miller, Perth Amboy John Bona, Leenon Grnppaio Playground Director: the First 83, a former resident of Carteret and Mrs. Edward Jankowski, Roselle Park; a daughter, Mrs son is to establish and maintain dent names all ambassadors This week's program at Cooper sign camp in first. Margaret Even died August 6 at the Odd Fellows John G. Wranlti, Avenel; five hiirch of Avenel. an adequate airway. This may re- hrough selection from Foreign Wednesday those who did not g venue playground was hUWlKht- The week began with a stuffed Home in Trenton. He had been Morgan. grandchildren; a brother, Joseph quire removing false teeth, debris, Service ranks or political appoint- on tho baseball trip wont to Pear! by a model contest. All wor animal show on Monday. Winemployed at the Foster-Wheeler Hartmaiin, Dumont; three slsand heavy mucous from the ment. . G. TEFFENHART 'ireH wading pond. All enjoyed jy participants were awarded ners were Karen Rich, P i t Daley, Corp. here. (KilVBANKK terts, Mrs. Michael A. Malone, the cool refreshing water; espe ertlflcates. On Tuesday, Nancy and Hetene Evan. The whittling AVENEL - Funeral aervices Cold Springs on-the-Hudson, N. mouth and throat. The tongue may , . vv\ - The nin«ral of He was a parishioner of St. need depressing and can be pulled daily those who had played tennis arisl and Lynn Grasskopf placed contest brought several winners: wriinek. 44 Luther Ave- Mark's Episcopal Church of Car- for John G. Teffenhart, a f-rmer Y.; Mrs. WilUam Caldwell, RoINCOME UP forward if necessary by pushing on the adjoining tennis courts. Frl «cond and third In tho checker loudest, Lernmu Spond; softest, ' ,,„>,! Friday at honw, teret and had been active In Car- resident of Avenel, who died wayton, Com., and Mrs. Charles a safety pin through the tip of The Commerce Department re- day I hero was a joint clean-up nurnament. On Wednesday arts Michael Arway, Joe Joroitia. IDAugust 4 at home, Dey Road, J. McGinley, Roselle Park. Monday at the Frynn teret Lodge, Odd Fellows. ports that personal Income hi the the tongue and applying traction contest and candy hunt. Rarry ind crnfts was held. Raymond chael Joroskle; the best, H.I)., Cranbury, were held Saturst, K Hem Home, 414 East In Carteret, Mr. Schrimpf had day morning at the A.S. Cole 8IGMUND CHOM1CKI Obvious hemmorrhage can be United States increased by $100 Gliclcman's team rame In first :ipfe.I made the most original Shaw and Tom Gavor. Clean up Amboy. with a per person last year. This boost ivrth controlled by applying a large lived with Ms sister, the late Mrs. Funeral Home, Cranbury, Burial land puppet and the nicest rnp- on our playground was beaded by at St, Nicholas CARTERET - Sigmund Cho RUCKNNX OTRF.ET pressure dressing over the bleed- was approximately five per cent Mary Donovan on Lincoln Avenue. was in Rosedale Memorial Park mlcki of 10 Somerset Street, jer holder was done by Di.ina Tracy Farrel. Laura Schied and l!uri.il was in the church over 1963 figures. Playifromd Director: Poolei Barbara Schied. Surviving are three nephews, Linden. parishioner of St. Joseph's Roma ing area. If a tourniquet is used F.lsle Carstensen on an extremity, the time of apDespite what some people say Hvc of Czechoslovakia, the Richard and William Donovan of The deceased was on operator Catholic Church, died August The checker tournament was plication should be recorded for had formerly reiided in Carteret and Thomas of Rahway. at the Humble Oil Refinery at st Perth Amboy General Hospital. instance, by writing with lipstick most of us want to do the righl held Tuesday and Tommy Duffy Bayway and was a member of He was a member of the Lone thing, even though we don't do 1 < and had lived here Funeral services were held at won fourth prize for our playon the victim's forehead. n ^ ' j j years. He wal • 1 P. M. Monday from the Lehrer Teamsters Union, Local 8M. He Star Athletic and Social Club, ground. Bill Meade organized Any patient suspected of having served on the local's bargaining Mr. Chomicki was a boiler- of St. Nicholas Byian- Funeral Home. 275 Milton Avea back Injury should not be moved iei are best supported for trans- Softball team called the BuckneH maker and member of the Boileri niholic Church. A re- nue, Rahway. Interment was fer by wrapping with pillows and Wildcats. The boys are looking Mr. Teffenhart had resided In in makers Union, liocal 28, Bayonne until a preliminary examination applying outer board splints which forward to a game at Woodbridge he was a foreman RotehiU Cemetery, Linden. ;,.r has been made. Avenel until moving to Cranbury Born in Poland, he had resided at the Perth Amboy then can be bound securely wit) High School Friday afternoon. Joe Mrj 10 years ago. He was born In in Carteret 50 years. When a neck vertebrae is sus- bandadges. , cxnpany. H« w u a Kukoly, Jeff Orsoe, Billy Smith, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. STEPHEN S. HOLLOSY Linden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marpected of being fractured the head t o( l/tcal 144 of the PalntMargaret Petro Chnmicki; a tin Teffenhart of Hopewell. Durand trunk should be moved as one and of the Mecabees. CARTERET-Stephen S. Holing World War II he had served daughter, Mrs, Joan Mayers of piece. Padding is placed on each B are his widow, Anna osy, of 5 Healy Place, died August Burbank, California; a son of side of the head and neck and two daughter*, Mrs. 8 at borne. He was 53. Born in In the U.S. Third Army and reFishkill, New York; four grand- strapped firmly by a bnnd of Wkoski, Sayre Wood* Austria-Hungary, Mr. Hollosy had ceived the Bronw Star and Purple children; a sister. Mrs. Stella cloth around the head ami board Mrs Joan McCarthy, been employed by American Bak- Heart. Bertha of Carteret; and two upon which the patient is placed and five grandddld- eries for 27 years. He was a Surviving are his widow, Annie brothers, Henry of Woodbridge member of St. Joseph's Roman (Sorensen); two sons. Jack, U.S and Jan of Saranac Lake, New All cases of back and neck injur les are transported face up. Coast Guard, and Kenneth, at Catholic Church. York. home; two sisters, Mrs. Rose When a lower back injury is Funeral services were held Satrey of West Orange and the Miss- Yrshus, Hopewell. and Mrs. Mary jCE J. DOLAN suspected, flexion of the body or urday at 8:30 A. M. at the Sy Joyce and Judl Hollosy, both Mabe, Detroit, Mich.; and four BR1IX.E - The funeral of bending forward should be prenowiecki Funeral Home, M Car__ J Dolan, 71, of 148 at home and three grandchildren. brothers, Louis, Edison; Joseph, vented. A folded blanket should teret Avenue and at 9:00 A. M. |venw, who died Friday Funeral services were held Rahway; Martin, Linden, and at St, Joseph's Roman Catholic be placed beneath the lumbar re | Amboy General Hospital, Monday at t A. M. from the Glea- William and his parents of HopeChurch where Rev. Victor Gra- gion. These measures prevent posj Monday morning at the •00 Funeral Home, 44 Throop well. Funeral Hornet brian, 0. S. M. was celebrant sible further damage to the spinal | Funenl Home, 44 Green Avenue, New Brunswick, and al of the requiem Mass. Interment cord. a solemn high Mass 9:30 A. M. from Sacred Heart M M . SU8IEFUTO was in St, James' Cemetery, Fractures to the arm can simI Green St. & Cooper Are. State it Center SU. at St James' Church. Church, New Brunswick, where a HOPELAWN - The funeral of Woodbridge. ply be supported by a triangular, in St. James" Cera*- high requiem Mass was offered. Mrs. Susie Futo, 62 May Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. laelln, N. J. The bearers were Michael Sta- "slingtype" bandage and the upInterment was in St. Peter's Cem- who died Thursday at Perth Am- wickl; Stanley Stawickl; Joseph per arm should be bound close to HI 2-0075 Tel. LI 8-4641 a**l wai employed at etery, New Brunswick. boy General Hospital, was held Zagleski, Albert Bertha, Stanley the body. Forearm or hand fracJersey Bell Telephone Mr. HoUosy is survived by his Monday morning at Mltruska Gluhoskl and Louis Menjok. tures can best be supported by a y Funeral Home, 531 New Brunsfor 47 years including wife, board splint. Helen Kizk Hollosy; xi chief operator in three daughters. Mrs. Joseph Do- wick Avenue, Fords, with ser- MRS. PEARL S. MARKV8 Fractures of the lower extremevices at the Magyar Church. CARTERET - Mrs. Pearl Siainc. She retired Hn Burial was in the church cemein 1*8, A resident of bo Markus, 47, of 13 Salem AveMRS. EDNA M. ROGERS tery. The Rev. D e n o Abraham, nue died Sunday at Rahway Mefor 41 y e a n and torPerth Amboy, Mis* OOLONIA - The funeral of Mrs. pastor, conducted services. morial Hospital. She was a mema parijhtaer it S t Edna Mat Rogers, 73, a former Mrs. Futo was born In Hungary ber of the Hungarian Reformed h. She was alio • resident of Colonia, who and had lived in the Hopelawn Church of Carteret and tha Jun1 d Oairt Mercedet 769, August 4 at home, 1 Park Lane, Keasbey area for 60 years. She ior Woman's Guild of the parish. Born in New Brunswick, Mrs. Daughters of America; South Plalnfield, was held Satur- was a retired employee of Genr Citizens of Woodbridge, day morning at the Greiner eral Ceramics Corp., Keasbey, Markus had resided in Carteret W H A T I S A B U I L T - O - M A T ? It's a complele, 1-stop Horn* Improvement Center with all Telephone Pioneer* of Funeral Home, 44 Green Street She was a member of the Magyar 28 years, y the top quality, brand-name building materials at the LOWEST PRICESI It has a compUto "HOW-TO-DOS i i Woodbridge, with a high Mass of Reformed Church, Perth Amboy, husband, Surviving are IT" LIBRARY and trained building axparrs. GRANT'* BUILD-O-MAT w i l l also do the ENTIRE REMODEUNO daughters, '•equiem at Sacred Heart Roman its Senior Women's Club, and the Steve Markus; the daugtMT « JOB for you. Whether you need a pound of nails . . . or a complete house, BUILD-O-MAT will serve-U-tiest Woodbridge dbid l Kuchma of W and Mn. Lawrence Catholic Church, South Plainfield. Budapest Americad • Hungarian Mrs. Olga Mve-U-mo*tl Burial was in Holy Redeemer Ladles' Democratic Club of Perth and Mrs. Alice Taylor of Perth mboy; two sons, Stephen and Amboy. Cemetery. v« a lifter, Mrs Surviving are a son, Stephen, William,of Carteret; two grandQuackenbujh, New Born in New York City, Mrs. children; and her parents, Mr. COLONIAL CROSSBUCK t*o brothers, Edward ogers had formerly resided in Fords; a daughter, Mrs. Helen and Mrs. Ignatz (Aana Foriis) |K<w>ile. and Lawreace, Colonia U years and in South Szabo, with whom she lived; four WOOD Siabo in Hungary; a sifter, Mrs. Plainfield for the last five years, grandchildren; and nine greatEthel Balint of New Brunswick, SCAUOP Surviving is her husband, grandchildren. and two brothers, Frank Szabo COMB. D O M Thomas W. Rogers. of Lindenhurst, L. I., and MenyMRS. ANNA TfUVaTT K McCORMACK A « * i <h«ra hart Siabo in Hungary. <wd bbwit pw1SEL1N - Funeral services for HA — Funeral se MRS. W. JANNEY HUNT C fw% 1» with Mrj, Anna Trivett, 57, of 417 Funeral services were held [Rebecca E. McCormack, yesterday at 9 A. M. in the Sy Kutgers Avenue, who W0ODBRIDOE - Funeral ser Charles Street, who died Friday nowiecki Funeral Home, 56 CarC at Rahway Me- vices for Mrs. Wilhelmina Jan- at Perth Amboy General Hospital, :eret Avenue, and at 9:30 A. M m N'ital, were held Tues- ney Hunt, 81, of Cemetery Road, were held Monday morning at the it the Hungarian R e f o r m e d r\ * vr formerly of Woodbridge, Greiner Funeral Borne, 44 Green iu ;it the Pettit Funeral D.C., Church with Rev. Andrew West MUton Avenue, who died August 4 at Warren Street, Woodbridge, with burial i pastor, officiating Harsanyl, w'Ji cremation at Rose. Hospital, PhiUipsburg, were held in Cloverleaf Memorial Park, terment was in Cloverleaf Park H e Saturday afternoon at the Greiner Woodbridge. "<tury, Linden. Cemetery, Woodbridge. Funeral Home, 44 Green Street. Mrs. Trivett was the widow of Branch, ahe was a [of Monk for 37 y e a n . Burial was in Cloverleaf Park Herbert Trivett. Born in Newark, OSEPH W. BRKCHKA Cemetery. FOLDING she had resided in Iaelin 35 yean. CARTERET — Funeral s ' - • • " ' ' Paul's Episcopal Obituaries Doctor Talk PLAYGROUND NEWS THOMAS JOSEPH COSTELLO FUNERAL HOME HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER MOLDINGS >95 WINDOW « DOORSTOPS 2 »2'/4"Wa»$WI Casing , ^ 5 F » VU" CLAMSHELL k * , ? * 7 ^ \ QUARTER ROUND ^ 2 « 2 LOVVHE DOORS I Hx.ii i deceased had resided in Surviving are a son, David vices for Joseph W. Brechka, of '. she was the i e James McCor- Woodbridge 40 yean prior to mov< Murphy, with whom she had re- 21 Elm Street, Colonia, formerly to Washington eight yean sided; a daughter, M n . Thomas of Carteret were held from the e three daughters, ago. Mn. Hunt was a past matron Bracken, Keansburg, and nine Bixub Funeral Home, 54 Wheeler Avenue on August 6 at 8:30 A. M. U Marboffer. with of Amerieus Chapter 137, Wood- grandchildren. and at 9:00 A. M. a high requiem sided; Mrs. Efelyn bridge, Order of Eastern Star, Mass waa offered at the Sacred &"! DJego, Calif.,. a n d and member of the Ladles Aux- JOHN GRDE8ER w PORT READING - The fune- Heart Roman Catholic Church 'i Robinson, Bronx, iliary of Woodbridge Fire Comwith Rev. Andrew A. Okal as ^sier, Mrs. Barbara pany 1. She held membership in ral of John B. Grieser, 75, US celebrant. Interment was in St. Fifth Street, who died Monday the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia; 13 grandJames' Cemetery, Woodbridge. at Perth Amboy General Hospione great-grand- Woodbridge. She was the widow tal, will be conducted thii morn- The bearers were William Bedof Arthur G. Hunt. ing at 11:00 at the Greiner Fun- nar, Michael Mandlchalf, George Surviving are three daughter!, eral Borne, 44 Green Street, Wo6d- Petiksa, Michael Medvejz, Joseph KcASTKUjao Mrs. Rose Martin, Rahway; Mrs. bridge, with burial in the Atlantic Nepp and Edward Penksa. MUton Bloom, South Amboy, and View Cemetery, Manaiquan. Cununo) CatteUuoir Mn. Ethel R. Hargreaves, Wash- The deceased was superinten- CATHERINE SOKOLOWSKI f Clyde Avenue, who died' ington, with whom the had lived; dent of public buildings for Wood- CARTERET — Funeral services f ' «U> Amboy General three grandchildren; two great- bridge Township for the last sev- were held (or Catherine Sokolow^ W d T ^ ^ grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. eral years and was also assistant ski of 115 Pufeski Avenue, Augllacdo Funeral Harry Morey. Motuchen, and building inspector for the Town- gust 5 at 8:30 A. M. at the SyKennedy Blvds., Mn. Elmer J. Roberts, Brussells, ship. He was a resident here for nowiecki Funeral Home, 56 Carbrother, A.W. Jaa tht last 70 years and was former teret Avenue and at 9 A.M. at >Wlth « requiem Man Wis,; Holy Family Church where Rev. ly a carpenter. the AMwptton ney, Loa Angeles, Calif. Surviving are his widow, Lillian Andrew Okal was deacon and Rev. John Skwara was sub,,(Sl»immofl); a daughter, Mm. deacon. Interment was in St. Sarah Joos Pittsburgh, Fa,; twe Gertrude Cemetery, Colonia. grandchildren; 11 grea|t-gr*nd Tht! pallbearers were John So.children; three brothers, Robert William, and Edward, all of bieski, Stanley Sobieskl, Casimlr IBM J Pittsburgh; and five sisters, Mrs. Sobleskl, Joseph Kish, John PanViola Sherman, Mrs. L y d i llokas and Anthony Sankner. tAKE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS IU. TERM Begins SEPT. 13 Day or Evening ^counting — Secretarial — Typing {inning - Advanced - Refresher FREE Placement Service Schools - SIX Diploma Courses WARK, ELIZABETH, ORAINGK, PASSAIC, NO. PLAINFIELD, NEW BRUNSWICK • O U I O K or m BRWA st, N. j. mm MMan lad WB 1 1 . 9 5 PAHt Omfcta Hi V REMODELING NO MONEY DOWN - EASY BUDGET PAYMENTS PRE-FINISHED TAKARA WALNUT QUALITY LUMBER AOD-AROOM 2x»-r A. addhto* to your horn* ( » * « l famWr nom b a w o t <M*r to * » 39c IU. OR 1 0 * AS $11M P- mm. 1x4-*' SPANISH FRUITWOOD 5 9 c E«. MODERN KITCHEN S" I ELY ON YOUR FRIENDLY PHARMACIST... A Hoy In Bound to <7et Cut, Fttt Quality! ENCLOSED PORCH ALL FOR 3-PC BATHROOM SET, IN COLOR $139.95 (Lowest Price* on ail Fitting)) AS IOW AS |1O*» WE DO EVERY TYPE OP R E M O D E U N G I CHAM LINK FENCE BUILD-O-GIASS PANELS IliMulnuiit pto.lk. Ktrfni Iv, , u u - *»!<*«., Whit. ...until. ICHKOMt, Children art- actlvft— and not always careful. Safeguard them by being prepared. Come in and see our complete line of first aid and health aid needs. 12.46 SANO MIX OK ( M A V & MIX 12.96 NAUTILUS RANOI HOODS Whit* a< j4», 4r- ia f f 54 METAL KTICHIJN CABINET UNIT WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, USfi OUR SPECIAL SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICEI I'fceae far appvlaU 382-4838 1ST. T. OR A N T • T«LIU 15324 587 ROOSEVELT AVE., CAKTEKBT (Cornet PenMtg CO G R A N T CITY, 45 CENTRAL AVE., CLARK, N. J. FREE USE O f CAR TOP CARRIERS • Wl HANDLE THE ENTIRE JOB AND PROVIDE YOU 19.95 HILL PHARMACY «itdot«J Wdwi wh«. io» vm Iwv* a A l HOW AS t l * l * per m . 3-PG. WHITE BATHROOM SET ludorfw J-«. CMI IKON both n * , Open Ev«. Till 10 ZIP OODI FA. 8-INCH KITCHtN EXHAUST FAN at 4x MAD. t o n FREE 1M BROCHUKK 10.95 OVtR M,0Q0 BRANIMiAME BUUDM6 ITEMSi DEUVERY AVAILABLE • PAIKWAY EXIT U S AH oArWttwd il«nw oa»h & cany Independent-Leader (E.B.) Thursday, August 12. 1965 PAGK RIGHT ! A Rrcrt mfln will not trimplf Next to Ingratitude, the most 'upon a wntnnn. nor speak to .in p.iinful thing to ho:ir is gratitude. (I W. Beecher. Irmperor. at FIRST SAVINGS SAVINGS MADE BY THE 15th Rack At The Desk; EARN DIVIDENDS from I I M It's tough to get hack to Ihr daily grind after tun wonderful weeks. . bul all good thinps tm* tome to an end. If you missed this column it was because your navigator went gallivanting — one week to Washington, D. (*., to attend a convention and the other to l«jkc Dunmore, near Brandon. Vermont . In Washington, your navigator had the good fortune of watching the final debate and the vote on the medicare bill, visiting with Congressman and Mrs. Edward J. Patten, and was their guest at lunch in the House of Representatives dining room. Also on the trip were Mrs. William Brerman. Woodbridge: Mrs. Raymond Swartz, Colonia and Miss Claire Sutefi. Had a rhancr- to m y hello to Congressman Peter FreHngbuysen of the Fifth Congressional District who used to represent this area before MidCounty became a district own. Said HeTK » Steve Callas, Edison, who is Ed Patten's right hand man . . Although Washington has a charm of its own. I have decided that Vermont is that little bit of heaven thnt folks are always talking about. The Green Mountains arc fascinating and they seem to change color even as you gaze. at them. The lakes can be as smooth as a mirror or as angry u an ocean when a storm comes up. The people are kind and helpful and most hospitable. While there, had the opportunity to drive up to Stowe. where the Stewe Musk Festival was in progress. Heard the T m n " Singers give a concert on the grounds of their fascinating Austrian type lodge, with the mountains as a background. It was the first time in ten years that the family sang in a group nnd (hey came from near and far to accept the tribute of their Vermont neighbors to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of tfie lodge when the Trapp family came to this country as refugees . . . It was a pleasant surpfise to bump into Mr. and Mrs Harry Burke, High Street. Wnodbiidge, at the concert. . . Also visited the Robert Frost Memorial Park, erected by thej noe f 's neighbors and friends, as •i memorial to that great and1 'nv-hle man. . . Went to Middleh"i-v College for the concerts ••""•>n free of charge to the public h'- n»e foreign language schools. w »"Vnts attending these summer l ' T i " a w schools cannot speak nm English. They must always converse in the language they are studying or be expelled. Lake Dunmore Seems to attract artistic people. Most are musician?. But there are several artists and writers. The musicians — all top people — get together weekly and play Schumann, Mozart, Bach — or whatever suits their fancy that particular week. . It's hard going swimming in the lake, because the water seems so cold when you first dive in — but afterwards it feels great and you really feel exhilerated when you gel out. By this time you can guess from all my rambing that I had a wonderful time and the Good Lord willing I hope 1 can go back to Vermont next summer. . . I For a financially secure future . . . OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT FIRST SAVINGS TODAY I and t i m «t O*f I N.w Drriiltnd Ktt< of EckerHey, and Rosemarle Black. younRer ,„,„ ii 'scssfil the prettiest doll, whom I was very surprised to see allOn Tuesday, August 3, the chilWinners wore the monster models and everyshe calls Patty. Darlene Morse's dren constructed a spider web Karen DcslrrunK i' . .1-ie Ann was the biggest baby one around enjoyed looking at out of string and Ihrond. On FriMichelle Appicc V Thursday the older boys doll. Susan, owned by Kalhy them day, August 6, a model car, '••ear, L y n n \\M^ •mil i Grima, was named the cutest plnyed volleyball against some airplane, boat and monster show peanut hunt to- boy's from Thorpe Avenue Park. was held. The High School Hur- Gardner. Frank (;, and Put lacovonc, Kiln M i l l e r . j ^ y doll. In a p SCHOOL NO. 17 h Both sides played well even ricanes, which is the boys soft- playground Chi^,,, Joyce Kaperstas, Diane Jctte; <toy. Susan Mathiason found the Playground Director though we lost 2I-1» Friday, •toe Cyhilski p nmo ' Two comedians by the names o f | l n r K e s t a m n u , n t n f Peanut. I"" (hose who wished had a chance ball team played the Bucknell the township check. .Incqnallnr CaMwell John Sivak and Tim Komunirky. rie Tallon placed second in the "Pirate Day" event. Copper fold-a-holders were Itio Jimmy I'rhan and Scott January The children made hand pupcame dressed j'n also made today, and Robert Neil- Also on Friday the boys had HI were bnxers, and Robert Woodthe [lay. pets and Dennis Bostic won a BI-ANDFORD AVENUE basketball game with Thorpe] son won the contest thnt. followed. certificate for the best puppet, ward, Jimmy Freeman and John Playground Director: Avenue. It was our turn to win treasure hum Barbara Thomas and Joseph Mlsko had tricks up their sleeves! Kathleen Brown this time with a score of 25-15. Hay Corby, Katlr IIOWKI.I. AVENUE Jackson won a prize for best galore. We had a Sadie Hnwluns: This week's winners for arts Cybulskl and Ruth copper fnld-a-holder. There was Race in which Eugene Kofn\s! and crafts were R'I'I C;\tnlfinn: Playground Director HIGH SCHOOL a bubble chewing contest and married Joyce Fenick 'code | f j and Kathy Sedilo. The children ncrs. Prizes were \j>\n Orox Playground Directors: Dennis Bostic blew the biggest the hillsi and Pat lacovone caught; Winners of the clean-up cona drawing and coloringi to John Gardner, <• bubblr. The following won theJeffrey Cause. Everyone ate a , e s t w e r e P e t e r yereb, David! Judith Frey, Bruce Christeimoii with Boh McQuccney and Hob McQueeney' ||lni, jacks tournament- Dehra Cham- picnic lunch at the Pnrk and it| B oelhower, and Mark Panzera.j Winner in the lacks Tournii- Ray Corhy as winners. A habyi Beyer, best pin „,, bers Beverly Rnssi. nnd Lori I was enjoyed by all. The boys and girls have bcen merit held on Thurday, August contest was held which enabled]Ifatnlfano, host („ tairnc. There was also a bicycle; ~~ (competinR against each other in 5, were: Dftria Churack, Jane the children lo show off their 'candy hunt ended \ African tic-tac-toe.. A model car contest where Mertyce Lawe wonj HOFFMAN BOULEVARD competition was held on August for the most unusual bike: BeverPlayground Director ly Guenett. most patriotic bike; Anrirta Kochek nnd Martha Broun fnr best decorated bike. We began our week making SCHOOL NO. J1 School Nn 17 is plnnning a dragon hand puppets. Robin ZeKatherlne Kane Mother and Daughter Nile on Au-gis was the most creative OurJ gust 20. There will be a talent Met fans had an enjoyable day A softball tournament with the and fashion show. at Shea Stadium, although their Inman Avenue playground was favorite team lost. A bubble gum held. Two triple-headers, a douSEWAREN SCHOOL contest was held in which Diane ble header, the boys played four Playground Director Bartlett won for the smallest games in one afternoon. We won Sandra Deltel bubble and Barbara McCalle won five and they won seven. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREAT MEAT MARKETS' Mark and Scott January raked for the biggest. The copper foldShelly Tartaglia, age 11. won up a storm and won our park a-holders were a big success. Janfirst place in the checker tournar clean-up contest. We had a jack Brzozowski and Joe Valenti had ment. i!)5 Now Rrunswirk Avc.l 240 E. St. GeorRes Avp.l lu^ite lx tournament and the winners were the most unusual. Checker tour| LINDEN I K. RR|i\S\VI< K PERTH AMBOY Francis Ryan. Chris Terranoya, nament semi-finals are being held. AVENEL PARK Debbie Corrente, Danny KomunicPlayground Director: OPEN 7 DAYS - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 to 9 - SUNDAY 9 to 6 ky, and Mark January. Wo had PEARL STREET Rmemarie Sorhlllo two arts and crafts contests, The1 Playground Director winners were Dennis Coyle and. Practically everyday in the late Jane Farr Joyce Kaperstas for the best afternoon, the children enjoy dopuppets. For the copper fold-! August 2 through 6 was contest ing exercises. Tuesday, August a-holder, the winners were Rita IMflSS Dflrfeeh CofiiWIleix'iii fh*St w $ $ at Pearl Street Park. Hand 13, everyone madf foam puppets puppets were made and the most Andrew MazMt-ella 'won fifst prize in decorating doll carriages original puppet won Toothless prize for his pussy cat. WednesI t pHCH I we had a talent show. Among HOLD THE LIKE: created by Kenny Mathjason. day, August 4, Kathy Stewart the celebrities there were The George Askms won the clay con- won first prize For her copper Five Henris made up of Mary PLAYGROUND NtiWS WOW! STILL SETTING RECORDS! sctMPME-win PHI mini 1 FIRST SAVINGS AMD UJAI ASSOCUUttOI OT n t X H AHBO' PERTH AMBOY WOODBRIDGE EDISON 33» Silt. Strwt 535 Amboy Avtnu. 980 Amboy Avtnut All OHICH: Dally- » !o *> Siturtiyi, » to 13 noon. "Where First in the name means You" SIRLOIN SALE PORTERHOUSE 7 9 SEMSJH VEAL CHOPS CUBED STEAK ami PIGS FEET GENUINE, BABY LEAN, MEATY CALVES LIVER BARBEQUE SPARE COMPARE! WHY PAY MORE? SWIFT'S ROTISSi-KIK LEAN PORK CHOPS PONT 46 CHUCK Q Q c LAMB STEAK 0 J lb CHOPS PLUMP OVEN-READY SWIFT S LEAN Roasting 3 j BONELESS FRESH CHOUF. HO LONDON BROIL CHICKEN GIZZARDS SIRLOIN ROAST WE'RE PARTICULAR ABOUT OUR WONDERFUL GROUND BEffl AND WE'Ri STILL HOLDING THESE LOW PRlCIf I NYLON WALL WALL LTJkkJ PU«E LEAN c ROUND iTILl! EX; RA LEAN MOUND ( GROUND ROUND ,CHUCK ,STEAK FK1SH IV.\\ ltO! i HUM II CHICKEN LEGS BEEF CUBES PUKE GKOUNU C HICK BEEF Third Class Anti-Submarine i" irfare Technician, William S. I'-rlieler, 85 Hoanoke Street V'-'-dhridge, a meinber of the Nav••' Air Ruserve Squadron VS «"'!• has completed two weeks :'n|iual active duty Lit the U. s. Nirvn| Base (Suantunujno Ray, Cuhai While on cruise he assist «d, squadron pilots and members in routine, training missions and atUjnded^ cliuw-rwm lex-turns Michael Grossman, ii Westnnn alar Road, Colonia, aixl UoWt Vetmp, 76 Elmont Place, l'ol<mi;i, both Woodbridge Seniwi Hu;li School student! are among Iliu.se taktatf K tuition-free miminer as tiqnomy irad ipace »dence course i t Iht Newark MUMiim. Chosen ; SPHIV. SHUT PREMIUM last Rut Not least: Wtfrrfy <m toe b u u of high •ehobutk vewrdi, the success fully wilk4iit« « * attending l tAtoeMtMwm for three rk« tM« nwntb. will I* nwxtod 1o IMO Mtinptate * • oourw MKV1V JEKKIY CHOICE T E N D E R TMbitt: Mr. and Mrs. Dave La Be, 204 Patricia Avenue, Colonia. are the parents of a son born August 1 at St. Peter's General Hospital, New Brunswick. . Aviation Electronics Technician Third Class Paul'D. Lisowski, USN, son of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Lisowski, 101 Elmont Place, Colonia, will be among the Navy men taking part in Project Stormfury during the next few weeks. He is a member of the Airborne Early Warning Squadron Four, the Navy's famed "Hurricane Hunters", based at the U S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla. Project Stormfury is an operation conducted by the U. S. Weather Bureau in cooperation with the Navy and Air Force. The ultimate goal of the project i s to attejppt to divert or diminish hur rlcanes and tropical storms by seeding storm cloifds with silver iodide. lisowski's detachment will operate from the U. S. Naval Station, Roosevelt Roads,, Puerto Rico , . SWIFT'S PREMIUM or CHOICE test, which was also conducted pin in the arts and crafts conthat day. On August 4, an arttest. Thursday, August 5, the Elizabeth's contest was held and the winners children had fun making fold-awere: first place, Raymond De-holders even though many did HOROSCOPE AND ter: and second place, Laura not know how to use them. TuesCHARACTER READINGS Kozkmski. Laurie Tallon won day, August 3, the girls particiAdvice on Ml problems of lUe, such tu lor*, marrlime and the jump rope contest and Jo-Ann pated in a doll contest, Lisa Maybusiness Fishinger placed second in theer won first prize for her beautiHwy. 1 * Redwood Avc. event. Little girls proudly dis- ful bride doll. So as not to leave EDISON H.J. the boys out of a contest, Wednesplayed their entries in the AuCALL 545-9164 gust 5 doll contest. Linda Petro day, they had a model contest. CHICKEN A H ( BREASTS anib FAMOUS CIB. 079 Sheep Casing IC FRANKS JBOXL Irrrgalar MUeii — LEAN » ! I< BOILED HAM SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE CALL TODAY or ANY TIME! 24-HOUR SERVICE L tiin* wild l u m p l i l t dtCQfOtOf Nu ubliyuiiun for thii ttrvk*. IVrtli mbo HI 2-2462 i ADVANCE STRUCTURAL CARPETING 432 Ctntral Av«., Newark, N. J. ADVANCE STRUCTURAL QARPETMf Ul LkNIHAi. AVI. HWAMC, H. k WITH IIIIN l •OlfUN ».»*• ! 0US 3 CHOPS " WITH CA( H s I B WAHL H t l TIM! Jl© CAU " " " WITH Til"* >t'l< IAI. HO COi'FON WB 8/12 I'd UU to t a b od»on«09« <A your ipnial Nylon Hit tei|»t bo r . Cl.au bow yaw r?|)f«MflMv« »niatJ m*. I am wndtr no obligation to buy. ADOMH. HOMEMADE j » POTATO SALAD * 1 COLE SLAW 5" MACARONI S A L A D " " ITALIAN SAUSAGE YOU CAN'T PHONE, MAIL COUPON ,MA1N OtiKJt (NEWAHU) MA 2-8400 M*>l (III NWKK1 I OOM | « 4 UUI Sal, A W . > cffooUvt Uiru t u iioar t*m U. W«*iHin"tta* C Carteret Press Independent - Leader NEWS From All the Community Exclusive and Kxclusively Eiisti-Fons ineti Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Carteret Press A Newspaper Dedicatedtothe Beat InteNata of the ReaMttii iMhe We Saw* PAOE HUH Thursday, August 12, 1985 WINDOW Swingin' Isn't Always Swingin' On Green Street By The Staff — widow with two teenager son* writes: unxlbridge is rapidly becoming one ot the finest communities ,'.' <t.,|e It can be proud ot its many nice new roads, its (inn ',.',',„ school and many playgrounds. '"il,, w wr it does lflclt o n e important item-facilities (or the Lvt .ind a program that would give them something to do cs'! !|K during the summer months." .'., t-s [nee it, The playgrounds are for the little tots. It's the t(, iioy and girl who finds little (01 him or her. IV privately owned swim clubs do a marvelous job in offering1 ,i.,.iuif<cr something, but this is limited to the membership and " b \n example is the teenage night held at n Wooribridge pool.; ". plicc really jumps, and the young men and women pack the ''"•"tt,, u e building a biggei and better library system, a public ,111, renter and the mayor deserves our thanks for the summer I,,I, mips program in the township. But I ask you Mayor Zirpolo. „, ,, program be instituted to build youth centers and public mm ing pools to help make good citizens ol these young people? li is particularly frtgMful to see gangs of young boys night after ,,j hi ^mding at strwt corners and m front of rttners and sweet ,!,„,,. Hut, mortjrf Uwm have noUiing else to do. 'I'ii'.ist-, Mayor zirpolo and Mr. Frank Murphy, we what you ..,, ,|,, in help these youngsters." Mould vou Ilkr to fcuy an old railroad mall car. Well U* New 1,-TM'* Ontrnl In Offering 25 of UMN old cars starting al $800 i,1(l,,'iilonK with 100 h*nd truck* i t $11 or » » each. \ i;iilroii(1 spoketman Hid thai the t i n , some dating back to mi, ciuld bf used for reitanranta. night elubt, «r even living quarters. fi The rnmpany made the move to Mil the can after the federal ;lltlrnmrnt recently cancelled a portal contract with the rallrn.iil fnrring the c a n into disuM. MMral monthj ago, the Central Mid one of IU Hudson Rlvtr r,m hnals to a man who converted Mtoa Dixieland cocktail Nmiiiir and restaurant ' • "-Iflle. IT ALL DEPENDS: S«me persons may think there isn't much variety in relaxing on .. ayground swing, hut there are swinging techniques of many types. Photos taken by our stall pnographer, Windsor Lakis, shows the natural expression of the energy of youth and the uncomplicated way in which a youngster can while away a summer morning or afternoon. Not So High Henpeck: "Everythmf King and Queen is Mrs.goingup." Mr. Henpeck: "Oh, I wouldn't say that. For instance, there'i opinion of me, my opinion bf Contest Held your you, and the neighbor's opinion at W00DBR1DGE - At the annual us both." garden festival and picnic held Sunday by the St, Joseph's charit. i able organization of the little [Servant Sisters of the ImmacuSpring — Summer— Fall llate Conception at St. Joseph's Home on Strawberry Hill, Freeholder George Otlowskl crowned; the winners of the popularity con26,000 torn • fully ilrcomJItlonm test. Reigning as queen of the year is Miss Gloria Anne Zalewski San Jum • St. Thomai daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Curicao Klnfiton • N i u m Zalewski, 196 Washington Avenue, Carteret, and as king is Sailing fiom New York Master Edward Sul, son of Mr. llttmitt Slturdiyi and Mrs. Edward Sul, 34 Leick commencini Avenue, Carteret. APRIL 14 Miss Lisa Gay Orlowski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orlowski, S9 Cherry Street, Edison, was {named princtw «nd ahQ received 1 a trophy. Proceeds from the popularity [contest were donated to the buildling fund for the St. Joseph's Con valescent Home to be built as POPULARITY WINNERS: At the annual garden festival and picnic held Sunday by the St. Joseph's charitable organization of the soon as funds are available Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Conception at St. Joseph's Home, Woodbridge, Freeholder George Oilowski crowned the 303 Maple Street winners of the popularity contest, In the back row left to right are Mrs. Robert Orlowski, Mr. Otlowskl, and Mrs. Btnry Zalewski. In Gratitude, in most men, is only PERTH AMBOY, N. J. (rot on the left is Ml* Ltaa Gay Orlowski who wag named prince* s; on the right, Miss Gloria Anne ZalwesU, who is reigning a* queen a strong and secret Hope of WORLD WH» TRAVJL greater favors. BPKIAU8TB 8DfCH 1MT of the year. Missing from the picture is Master Edward Sul who was named king. - La Rochefoucauld. K,,HiMiitatives of Mauro Mown in Woodbridge will get their fj:.' .--Ik at the 1946 Imperial, Chrysler and Plymouth c a n in a ineii.il preview in New York tomorrow. lamre A. Dobnnroliki. IN Strawberry HUl. Waodbridg*. and I'M His A. Woeitemeyer, N Carteret Avenue, Carteret are iimine the five Middlesex County rettdfnta who have b e n aminted M-holarshlpi U Doaglau Ceflege. MM Dobrtivolski, a June graduate M Woodbridge 8eaior High Sriimii. was a member of the National Honor Society, Student < niinrii. Dance Club, and a cheerleader. The daughter of Mr. mill Mrs. Edward J. Debmoiikl, the received a general fond vholarshlp. \liv WoMteroeyer, the daughter of Mr. and ftta. Herman WmMimryrr, w u alto a member of the Matlaul Honor Society, M.iih Hub, Puttre Tcaehm «( America, wrred on the staff of h,-r M-hnol paper and varioug eommitteea. Mil' plans to major m physical edualioa f t DtpglMs. The i;i.iirii miss received a Now Jeney Fefcritk* «f Women'i rhibv ...ris cHeMtMUp hitftrte ScWianhip, whleVb awarded In hi participant! In GCl. VACATION CRUISES Hi, Folks: All I know is what I read in the papers or what Huckleberry Hash tells me. It says in the! azette that there was a fight in the Big House, but 1 haven't !got my specs, so can't read up nnit. Anyhow, I walk up Roosevelt s.s.HOMERIC 13 DAYS SPORTS ^ 3 2 5 BUREAU i blame parents if they go «U on> to outicort their teen-agers i)re-Ubor Day repeat of CBS-TVi "Tin HattMul Driven I Tv. Monday evening, August 30. • • parents took the back seat to their sons and daughters when uticipated in the original telecast May 30, which was timed It •is attention on safe driving prior to the Memorial Day weekI 01. hi: example, j at two OoonecUcut high schools, where students r.«.c |);irt of their driver training on the Aetna Drivo-trainer .« m. ilie unlicensed students beat their parents "wheels down." All only four-fifths of their driver education courses under !:• -.ifety belts, the Connecticut teen-agers scored an average 59, (i••••'••:li in attain a "good" rating on the TV test. Their parents rrxhtnwi a "fair" 54. i V'i!"Willy, score* of the 1,779 selected drivers who appeared on tli' |H»|iular program followed the same pattern. Drivers under age » r.rwded a 52 average, while those 26 to 45 scored 51, and those "'•'' i"i registered 48. " I '»• hour-long program euntains ma jor road test scenes filmed by i..imi,i crews ot Aetna Life k Casualty, developer of the Drivo"*T system, classroom simulator used at sortie 375 high schools, I f L'l find military installations to train over 100,000 students an- VA 6-3661 It will be rather difficult for It's funny how everything can' Never pay any attention to poanybody to cheat you if. you re-bob up about the time you try litical gossip that must be peddled for o get away for » few days' va-,|n whispers and on the basis of fuse to trytoget nation., I strictest confidence. nothing. Avenue and sure enough Charley Scroggins comes along. And. he is all covered with tomato catsup, M . Kaymond A. RuuaU, a«n of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rusu- and he looks fightin' mad. 1 I ask Scroggins what's \ « Oak Ave., Fords, completed u 11-week radio teletype TUUM course at the Army Soqthcastern Signal School, Fort pened and he tells me he ha< a big battle with a fellow by thi rdon, Ga., recently. I'^'ala WM UT^ned in the Me of radio operation, transmitUng name of Andy. Scroggins telli me he is THE BIG BOSS anc i weivlng seU and la communkaUou proewjurrs. anyone who says he ain't, he'd ^f 3-year-old soMter entered the Army In December, 19M better start putting up his mitts. J reived basic training at Fort Dta. H Scroggins tells me all he wanted ' » « 19K gradul* of Middlesex County Vocational and was to get some papers from the High School to Perth Amboy. Befon entertag the ice box and Andy said nix to that "*1 ***** * ** fKM fK****** Company in and anyone that says nix to him must be ready for a fight. Scroggins then walks away and says "REMEMBER IWTHE BOSS.' n Hfcnr J b-I' ";' D y - Culver, USN, son ol Mrs. Mark Culver of 12 Then I see Huckleberry Hash I,"wlh ^ d , Iselin. it serving aboardW destroyer USS Cfc comin gout of Doggie's Barber "" nt"-i"-~ with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. and he says he has UK with sixth Fleei Mt rt Trouble develops... information relayed.. .trouble isolated—with pplrt-wcond accuracy. Within one-twelfth of a second, Reddy Kilowatt can spot a breakdown in our electric system, disconnect it to prevent further damage and reroute electricity along an undamaged path. Aided by large investments in modern protective equipment known as relays and circuit breakers, Reddy's constantly on the alert to maintain your vital electric power... to help you Live Better... Electrically. "High Fashion Styling . . . And Gorgeous .Coloring" 1 nu.i.u •sV rtr "* '^ ^^ p° _jh Andy around and then m Iwhole place was shaking. EveryPrivate John M. Neracfck, son of Mr. and Mrs. John body ran out to s « what was go1 ! M Yale Ave., Avenel, graduated ywterday from ing on, Andy put the hooks on Scroggins al|UW C m Rwn t Dep and this made' him so mad, that was hollpring: "I'M THE 11 1 tra nin u n d '•BmmhllJlJL ^^*"DriU of' **™" * « « veteran non- he BOSS." n w r E S * f**' totiuctort, he learned small arm* Pretty soon, the gendarmes got mp ' HS«Mt fighting, and method* of self-protection, as we n 'raditi ** ^eeiviin InslnictivD in military drill, history and wind of it, and when they saw Scroggins, they picked him up lit vriH u i " " '*ar'ne Corps, and other academi from under the rug and quieted Cwil 11 N c *«"ks It d ******* *° P ^J" *- ' " ' « him down by telling him that he aavanced iafantrj combat (raining before was the boss. 1 • school or to a Mariqe combat or support unit. A crowd got together and everyone wanted to know what happened. The gendarmes told the Attic Fan Causes crowd that there is a man inside who thinks he is the boss and thtt Fire In helin Home maybe the heat got him. n 1SE1JN - The home of Otto Then it Was time for supper Uernoll, 146 McGuire Street, so everybody! went away peacefully to eat NPfter and singing: Park Terrace, was dam-Ye', Ye,' Ye\ . See You Next Thursday - 1112 Chandler ed by fire Sunday night. •Vflllic .. . Koselle was injured Mon- According to Patrolman James Reginald McTavich J 7 " nc ag when .he loot con- Egan, when he aijtwd at the n 1 ( l'™, r on Rahway Avenue, WINS HONORS " ! l ; ' ^ t * . The vehicle scene, Mr. Dernoll, his son and CABTEKET - l i f e insurance several neighbors were fighting a CABTEK "f the point of impact. very smoky fire in the attic with man Edwardd Schein, who represents'Mutual Of, New York in "" Wag thrown out of '•'/•ana landad culvert, the aid of a garden hose. The Carteret, has won ion>pany honfrom her officer notified Iselia fire Com ors for "outstanding sales and Ik- i. injured woman was taken pany andtoa few minutes the service." ranked first in number of A mboy General Hospi' blaze was extinguished., Fire He h company's ' sold in the policies *l In Colonia First Aid Chief Herbert Gunther said the Greater New York region, ackiuaii t !«»l for cerebral fire may have started in a win-cording to the latest year-to-date ><nd lacerations, She tabulation. dow tan in the attic. fur treatment. p.S; h S ? a ? T ' " ^ ° omanLands ' Culvert Reddy to the rescue in one-twelfth of a second HILLSIDif BEAUTY SAION inc. 1130 NMTH BROAD ST., HILUIM NUnday.. Tintdoy.. Wed. & Thin. MISS CLAIROL CREME COLOR i As Seen On Television " °' * Including Soft Water Shampoo, High Fashion Set HMHHfNNMHMMniNHIMM AIMOST Vil FAMOUS , NATlbNAUY KNOWN" PERMANENTS Soft waltr ihampot . fgihion u f and cut including Hit lottst SHORT SUMMER STYLES" •vtry day including Saturday OUMI 6 doyi B walk, Ihuri., Fri. *VM, t fREfc CONSUUAIIONS • COFFEE/COOKIES • PARKING AREA AtONGSIDE • FRESH LAUNDERED SMOCKS PUBLIC MPIViaft I1.IBTRK3 AND SAB C O M P A N Y / 1UMY1NI) lUVMO WHOfUM HNK Independent-Leader (E.B.) . Carteret p resi Thursday, August 12, 1965 PAGE TEN MemberTea Is Schedule By ORT Missionary to Address Crusade Service Sunday ISELIN - Miss Loretta Castaldi, a missionary formerly irmerly station- _ o „ . „ jed in Italy will be the special 5 Scouts "ake Part guest speaker at the Evangelistic Mexi(O Range iCrusade Service scheduled for _ F | M mmhtrti of 1 7:30 p.m. Sunday, August 15, at Boy Scout Trnop « , sponsored the Iselin Assembly of God by the Uelin VFW Post ZB36, Church, 48 Berkeley Blvd. Miss were among the 40 Boy Smuts ;Castaldi will show colored slides of Radian Council who left for [during the service. A pre-service prayer meeting will begin nt 7 Philmont Scout Rang*, war jp.m. j Cbnmaron, N>w Mexico, on Saturday. The group will sptnd Rev. Harry W. Schaumburg,: three week* ft"*, returning on pastor, announced other activities and services for Sunday as fol- Troop 41 Scout* participating lows: 9:15 a.m., pre-service a n Gerald Luna, Willis Mayer, prayer meeting: 9:45, Sunday and Kenneth BrintW, all Ufe School, with ten classes for each Sconti; and Warren/and Walter age level from Nursery through! Loder, Jr., Eatfe S}c<roU. adult. A special award will be| given to the boy or girl who brings; the most five weeks bring at least five visitors to qualify. Morning Worship Service will be at 11 a.m. Children's Church has ISELIN—Regulsr meetings of, also been scheduled for 11 a.m.,the Clover Leaf Chapter of Sweet for boys and girls two through Adelines, Inc., hnve been suseight years of age. The church pended for the remainder of the nursery will be available, under month of August. The decision supervision, during tbe worship for the recess was made because service for infants to two years many members are vacationing. old. The annual picnic of the chapOthsr services and activities tor has becfi set for Sunday, Aufor the week include: Tuesday, gust 22, at Merrill Park. A vnri- Adelines To Hold Picnic BELL FIRST TICKET: Niebolu McCoy, Wt, tkkrt chairman <rf Uw buflri and daw* to b« itponNr•d by 8t Joha VUnney Holy Nam« Society, Colonla, Saturday, Augpst II, Is shown selling tin- first ticket U George Emery, flrit president of the local society and prnently chairman of the State'* (rap's committee for public decency. Robert Solt, right, president, looks on. The affair will bo held b the church cafetortnm and proceeds will be ns«d for the final payment of the society'! Pledge to the building rand of the church. Dinec mask will be prortded by the Rhythmalre*. St Cecelia's Prizes to be Awarded at Lists Masses VFWPostDanceSaturday ISELIN - Mrs president of the ter of the Women's O.R.T., will presided Ami-r,,.,,, a meeting, Tuesday, 8-aoD the home of Mrs. A arm Wilk Road, Edison. A membership ton h r scheduled for Tuesday 24, at the home of Mrs' [ Zindel, 52 Harmon itari<| A speaker from thp North' rorilj. Jersey Region of O.RT 'Vntral present. Featured also winwill ^ £ film "Mellah." Mrs • Weintraub is membership president. Tea dwinm,, .„ Mrs. Stanley GrWnS,>;,n M'™ Saul Gitaner, and Mr, M* Siegel. Any one interested in « tending may contact Mr< ft>k trnub at CH B-8860 ^ OH.T is a program f,r „, building human lives through Z cational education. It L, Z recognized vocational agency for the ALI, SET FOR BIG DAY they will wear nt the nnnual hnrbcciip and dunce to September 18 nt Ashhrook Swim Club. Indian Summer to be Theme of Annual Deborah League Barbecue and Dance best aided by being become independent, * « . „ : porting, and self-respecting Metwood Chapter will hold fa tenth anniversary ball r » at the Jumping BrooH i Club, Neptune. Dancing to the music of Justin and his orchestra, are Mr*. Richard Weinherj'" Mrs. Seymour Derechin. COLONIA - Indian Summer prayer service; Wednesday,1 for the children and prizes will might well be the seasonal theme be awarded. the annual barbecue and dance August 17, 7:4$ p.m., Mid-Week Several members of the chap- of ISELIN - Masses it St, Ce- ISELTN . The dance committee of Deborah League of Colonia, celia's Church have been sched- of the VFW Post 3638 made final Bible Study, with pre-service ter will attend an inter-chapter September 18, 8 P. M. at Ashuled for the remainder of the plain for the short-shorts dance prayer meeting at 7:IS p.m.; and party hosted with the Hudson brook Swim Club. week at follows: Friday, 6:30 and to be held at the Iselin VTW Friday, August 10, monthly Sec- County Chapter of Sweet Adelines Area residents sre being of8:00 a.m.; and Saturday, 7 and Post Hall, Saturday, August 14. as hosts, on Wednesday, August fered a last opportunity to entional C.A. (Christ's Ambassa- 25. 8 a.m. The Novena to Our Lady | The festivities will start at» p.m. man, tbe lite Senator Herbert joy dining and dancing under tbe COLONIA - Tbe Colonia and of Fatima will take place after dors) youth Rally, 7:30 p.m., at! Tentative plans are oelng made stars before the brisk Fall wea- Woodbridge Chapters of Hadas- a Lehman, and Dr. Selman A. Several prizes will be awarded the eight o'clock Mass on Satursah will send an eight-member Waksman, co discoverer of strepfor various categories including: g ISELIN ~ St. Cecelia's C.Y.O. the Iselin church, with Rev. I for a card party to be held in ther. In case of rain, festivities delegation to Hadassah's 51st tomycin. day. wiH continue under the pavilion, prettiest, funniest, ugliest, and annual trip to Seaside Hei£hts| Phillip Bernard as guest speaker, late September or October. COLONIA - A rummage «]» has been set for Sunday. BeserraMrs, Patsy Arcidto, chairman National convention at the Wai- The award will be made by wiH be sponsored by Cotafo shorts. Mrs. Herman Shulman, chairman New York dorf-Astoria Hotel, tkro have been closed. reported. Chapter of Hadassah. August D afternoon and from 7 to 9 In Attending will be members and City, Sunday through Wednesday, of the Henrietta S»W Award through 77 at 1488 Main street. Proceeds will benefit Deborah committee. evening. their guests, as well as eighth August 18th. guest, Hospital, Browns Mills, a nonSharing tbe platform with the Rahway, Members are urged to Masses for Sunday August 15, Members and friends of the grade graduates and their guests, sectarian, non-profit organiia- Mrs. Martin Rogoff, president vice president will be New York's volunteer services to sell mttthe Feast of the Assumption of post may make reservations by Buses wiH leave St. Cecelia's H for treatment of operable of Colonia Chapter, and M r s Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller. •handise at the store. the Blessed Virgin Mary, have contacting any one of the mem- Church parking lot promptly at Hours will be from 9 A M inheart, cancer, and tuberculosis, Abraham Cooper, president of been scheduled at follows. 6:30 ber* of the committee, including: 8:30 a.m. tfl 4 P. M. Monday Mrs. George Esposito and Mrs.Woodhridge Chapter, will head 7:15, 8:00, 8:45, 9:45,10:30, 11:11, Hugh Gilroy, chairman, Walter COLONIA - Saturday after-! Thursday: 9 A. M, until \i Frederick Fisher, co-chairnuD, the local delegation. and 12 noon in tbe Upper or noon at tbe First Presbyterian [«>on on Friday announced. Others in the Colonia delegation Main Church; and 9:15, 10:00, Rechko, Walter Kline, Cbet Denv Church, Woodbridge, Miss Donna Tickets Available will be Mrs. Herman Haberman, Further Information may t» Advance reservations may be 10:45, 11:30, and 12 noon in the bowski, or Zigmund Smolen. Mr. M, Larson, daughter of Mr, and education vice president; Mrs. ibtained from Mrs. Sol tin-slur,. Gilroy may be contacted by telemade by contacting Mrs. Rocco For Synagogue Fete Lower Church, Lourdes sod FaMrs. John G. Larson, 130 Midfield Seymore Hecht, vice president jky, FU1-8080. phone at LI 84500. tima Halls, Road, became the bride of Warren ISELIN - Reservations a n Caggiano, 381-647S. Tickets may fund raising, Mrs. Terry Gltan, Members are urged to deliver Music will be by the "PtnetraD. Jenssen, son of Mr. and Mrs.still available for Congregation be purchased from any member; vice president of program. Two novenas have been sched- tors." saleable Items to drop-off sisJoseph Jenssen, 38 Sooth Hill Beth Sbolom's tenth anniversary price Includes refreshments and In the Woodbridge group will be uled at St. Cecelia's Church for tions as follows: Mrs. Martin Wednesday evening, at 7:30 p.m., SOUP, SALAD AND DESSERT Road, The1 Rev. Alex Netneth of- dance to be held on October 9, dancing to the music of Buddy Mrs. Allan Rockoff, vice presi' Rogoff, 8 Nelson Court, or Mrs. ISew Iselin Rabbi ficiated a tbe double ring ce- at Beth Sbolom Auditorium, M Friedman's band. Including the Continuous Novena Leonard Schlosser, W Ira .Vranw. dent, membership; Mrs, Arthur A main dish salad that isn't all remony. to St. Jude, Patron of Hopeless Coop* Avenue. Mazur. vice president, fund raisThe proceeds will t*w(t HiAnnounces Services greens can provide filling, satis-, There u only one way to make Cases, and the Novena to Our Miss Diane E, Larson, Houston, Each couple desiring reservaing; Mrs. Irving Hurt, past predassah Medical Lady of the Miraculous MedaL ISEUN-Sabbath service will be tying food with moderate calories. 'exas, was maid rf honor for tions must send a deposit check an honest dollar. sident. conducted by Rabbi Mkhael|Tomatoes, summer's "golden ap- her sister, Bridesmaids were in as soon as possible. For those All members of either chapter Scholar, new spiritual leader of pies", are firm, juicy and just Miss Lillian Omeianuk, Wood- planning to attend in a group, a Former Pastor to Be are invited and urged to attend. Congregation Beth. Stolon, Fri- right now for staffing with shrimp bridge, and Miss JoAnn Pietro- deposit must be sent fat for each The four-day convention will be Guest Preacher Here day evening, August 10,1 P. M.,mixture. vich, Unden. couple, m the party. attended by 1,500 delegates and ISELIN - Rev. Roger D. Sid in the Temple, 90 Cooper Avenue. The "greenery" is provided by! Gerhardt Jenssen, Woodbridge, Information may be obtained guests, representing Hadassah's er, former pastor of the Tint Rabbi Scholar will be assisted by a platter of Help-Younelf Salad served his brother as best man. from the following members of more than 318,000 members in Presbyterian Church o< Istlia, Dr. Norbert Kastaer, Cantor. Makings to be dipped in dressing] ujhwi were Frank Nagy, Nixon, the committee: Stuart Klein, LI %• 1,330 chapters and groups throughISEUN - At a masting of bewill be the special speaker So1 and eatea with the nnge» CarrotU^j ftonald-Worobel,-Woodbridge. Jua}ar Congregation Services, Mrs. M. Kravitz, 398-1836 out the 'United States and Puerto ta Votantesr F i n Company # 1 , ; day mecning, at the two morn green pepper rings, ^ ' - - 'thinly " - 1 - l ^ b * bride, given in marriage Mrs. Natalie Rosenbaum, 283Rico. 'AU sessions will be at the District », Chief Herbert Garth- usually held on Saturday morn- •trip*, worship services. hotel. ner reported that 46 fire calls ings, have been discontinued for silvered cucumber rings, small by her lamer, was previously em- 1291; or Mrs, Laurence Stenberg, Services have been set lor 1:8 scalUou, and celery, cut in two-ployed as a secretary by Ster- 14 mi were answered during July, in- tbe summer. Vice President H u b e r t H and 10:15 am. The church ing ExUuder Corp., Unden, She inch sticks, along with crispy, Classes a n being formed for cluding 36 field, three taw, six Humphrey wiH receive the highg High g vehicle, three drills, four miscel- Sunday and Hebrew School. In- Chinese cabbage and broccoli are a graduate of Woodbridge est tribute within tbe gift of M18S BERNADETTE M. URASZ nursery will be milable, unto dted Mr. Jenssen was ggraduated laneous, and four false alarms. formation may be obtained from attractive and filling. / Hadassah on Tuesday — the 1965 BETROTHED: The betrothal supervMoo, for Infant! up • four years old. Theses calls bring the total of Mrs. Jack Lauer, chairman of Soup, light in calories and light School and Berkeley School of Henrietta Szold Award — during oLetteri i E Orange, East calls answered since December 1, tbe Congregation Beth Shalom to sip - is a natural with a salad Secretarial Training, the banquet session, "In recogni- of Mlu BeraadeUe Marie Urass Future speakers at the M» Board of Education, at 28MM5. and dessert. Summer's happy from Woodbridge High School, 1984 to 191. tion of all he has done and is to Li. Eugene MarkowtU, soa church will Include: Dr. Arto choice here is Soup on the Rocks. Union Junior College, Cranford, Dear Louisa, doing to moboUze support for of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mark- Duba, Dean of the Westmiuts Chief Gunthner cipressed conSeveral years ago this beverage and received his bachelor of arts I am seventeen years old and I overseas medical research and owsU, i n East Walnut Street, Choir College of Princeton, S cern over the number of false was selected by tournament golf- degree from Rutgers University. have never dated a boy although to advance the health standards Plymooth, Pa., has beea o - tomber 6 and 11; and Dr. Lett alarms. He stated. The couple will reside in La-] my girl friends do. It doesn't ers because it was light bodied for all people". The award was! noanced by her father, Michael English, * misstontry m SejKen"They are a waste of man established In 19» hi memory of Urass, itt New Dover Road, ber it. low in calories and non-sweet. It fsyette, Ind., where Mr. Jenssen really bother me that I don't go power and a threat to the safety Cokmia. the founder of Hadassah. Church school sessions wfflrt has been happily sipped ever will continue his studies In bac-with boys, but the only way I can of each fireman called out needteriology at Purdue University. talk to them is if they talk to me Previous recipients include the Miss U n a graduated from be held for the remainder rffc lessly. There is an ever present ISELIN - Mrs. Kurt Samuelson since by skin divers, swimmers, late Mrs. Eleanore Roosevelt, Wtodbridie Senior Hlfi Bdwel summer. First. Every boy who has ever possibility of a real fire call presided at a meeting of the La-and other sportsmen. It's a bev MEDICAL BILL SIGNED former president Harry S, Tro hi 1M1 u d East ttroafebarg which could not be attended to as dies Auxiliary of the VFW Post erage any man can turn his hand President Johnson journeyed liked me has shied away. Girls promptly as desired if the fire 2638 last Thursday when plans to • far it's as simple as opening more than 1,006 miles to former are constantly teasing" me by sayStale College, ghe wU teach at Bible Group to ing some boy likes me. company is out on a false alarm." were discussed for an Hawaiian a can of condensed beef broth The Book of Joth*\ President Truman's home and Lutheran Church Lists School n. Ferds, tab FaH There are still openings in the Night Dance to be sponsored and pouring it over a generous I have tried different ways such U MarknnkL a gradual* ef BEUN-The Book of Jo signed the $6.5-billion Medicare amount of ice cubes in a widefire company . . . Any man, be-jointly with the post members on as looking different or just being Speakers for Sunday St, Vlaoeat's High School hi wiU be tbe subject of tta tween the ages of 21 and 35, re-Saturday, September 25. The af- mduthed "old fashioned" type bill into law. Truman championed myself but it is of no avail. a similar proposal twenty years ISELIN - Our Savior's Luthe- 1M» and United States Military Week Bible Study to b »*1 glass. siding in District 9, wanting to] fair will begin at 9 p.m. and conUncertain-Mo. ! ran Church, worshipping at School Academy, West Point, N. T.. pi Wednesday evening, T:4i \•• ago. • join may contact either Chief tinue until 1 a.m. Beef broth may also be served Answer: 18, Indiana Avenue, will be led MM, Is stationed at Fert Carsoa, at u> W i n AawnNy i £ Gunthner, at 283-1493, or George The next meeting of tbe Auxi- piping hot A long-time favorite I suspect that your trouble Is in worship Sunday by William C Cole. Salt Churci tt Berkeley Bhi Chambers, president, at 634-0605. Uaryi will be Thursday, Septem- accompaniment to cold summery that of self-conciousness. You Knudson as Uturgiet and John Pepper RW. Harry W. Schwata Chief Gunthner reminded the her 2 P* BBp. m., in the Post Hall, rare, k takes but minutes from W. Bertrand as preicber. Miss CBDOC BATE SOARS think too much of how you look or Paprika putor, who conducts the « J J 1 ipublic that if there is a fire they Route 37. to cup. Its warmth helps stem end of toflan Valerie Koyen will offer a chilthe impression you are malting. [Cut slice from n — U " » - f -™ "•-•••-• .•"•!-• requesti 'should not call the telephone! Saturday, the fire company will sootne the way for cooler foods to matoes: scoop out loose pulp land! The best way of attracting the dren's sennonette. Services are Crime in the United Stales rose study .tend"to"bSg their BibSe. p* thirteen per cent last year over operator but should dial 283-1800 demonstrate it* new aerial fire come. a t » A. M. { reserve Vi cup. Set aside. Sprinkle opposite sex la to start first by Valuable time may be saved by The Rev. Richard Gabertaon 1963-or at the" rate of five a min- and paper. V^,, at the Middlesex County A low-calorie ice unadorned by cavities with salt and peppery Ming well-groomed-that is being jailing directly. will return this week from the ute. The crime rate has increased in East Brunswick. sweetened, toppings ends off this Combine shrimp with celery. Mix lean and sweet-haviqg your hair will bs htM prk* to the •*" Bethel Bible series clinic, Madi- six times as fast as the population meal which is calculated to help mayonnaise with I % cup tomato shampooed and fixed becomingly 'since 1988. son,WJs. beginning at 7:U P-^___ ";eep the "count" down, yet pro-pulp, lemon juice, and sliced seal- neat clothes and then forgetting lion. Season with salt and pepper. ibout your looks. Then if there is vide enjoyment. COME ON DOWN Stir into shrimp mixture. Spoon a certain boy you are attracted to LUNCHEON MENU 9415 *-io into tomato shells; sprinkle with friendly but not aggressive, and TO Soup on the Rocks PrtnUd Pattern Chilpaprika. Arrange stuffed tomatoes if you know any sport or sub- dren's Sliei 1. 4, (,9416: Tomato Stuffed with Shrimp 8,10. Slu i find out • lumper 1% yards 35-lnca. Help-Yourself Salad Makings on platter of salad greens. Serve ject he is interested in, with cottage cheese and marina- all you can about it and ask him Dip; blouse l f t yards 19-inch. Marinated Green Beans ted green beans. about it Let him talk and you Lemon-lime Sherbet FIFTY CENTS In cclm (or Tomato Staffed With Shrimp MARINATED GREEN BEANS ask the questions. Oner to help weh pattern — add IS eenti 1 pound green beans, cooked him with k subject tiat be finds to I ripe, medium tomatoes (or e*ch pattern lor lit-claii FRIDAY and SATURDAYS 1 tablespoon chopped onlo| difficult arid thJt youldo well in. Salt maillnjf and special handling. Vi cup French dressing In otheij words forget about! Send to 170 Newspaper FatPepper ALL YOU CAN EAT ourself and show interest In tern DepL, t i l West 18th BU \-V\ cups shrimp fresh or can 1 tablespoon lemon juice Wt UM only I itii Bty Lous UtoAd Obuni SOTtd nth 1 >thers. New York, N. T. 10011. Send 1 teaspoon horseradish ned, cut in pieces p, U, to fat Iftitj u d tetuitliji from Mrrtmf 60f for new Fall-Winter PatLouisa TOES beans with onion. Combine % cup chopped celery Noon to Mian: tern Catalog. Coupon lnild« dressing the lemon juice and V* cup mayonnaise or salad Clam on the Half Shell Steamers • Clam Broth horseradish, pour over bean mix- You may not know it but you food for One free Fattern. dressing •rtke ture. Mix gently. Chill until ready are often wrong. 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Shrimp Special Chicken In the to serve. Makes 4 to ( servings. 1 scaUion, thinly sliced Berrad Deity Basket U Large Served Dally Jumbo Shrimp W7 Fr. Fries • WE PAY YOU HIGHEST PROFIT PEB la the mff NEWHPAPEK! Hadassah Chapters to Send 8 Delegates to Convention Shore Trip Set By CYO Group Starts Aug. 23 Couple United Saturday At Presbyterian Church Your Home and Ours False Alarms Concern Chief Printed Pattern Hawaiian Night OnVFWCalendar BOYS! Become A Young Businessman BUD'S HUT CLAM BAKE HAVE YOUR OWN ROUTE Sell The 79c 99c luncheon Special Fried Shrimp Served Dallj Large Jumbo ta U» basket wHb to. fries Choice of • Hut Open Hunt iktf • Pot Kuut Of Mt«t Loaf With M*»ht4 PuUtoci it c o h:'( Spaghetti Night Every Wed. • PJi. U AIL YOU CAN BAT Jumbo Maryland Crabs Served Every Day. 59c SUNDAY DINNER oo DoflM |S Tak«(M Me ttth Jumbo Maryland Craba THE PIANO SHOP Formerly of Terril ltd., Scutch Plains has moved to: Route 22 West Bound Lwie, WATCHUNG Don't miai an opportunity to win a LOWREY ORGAN Drawing Fiiit Saturday Alter Labor Day at U A.M. Just OQdM in and sign your IUUIIC on a card TV1. 156 - 3708 BUD'S HUT K1IV»TE PAVBU VI. « w k t, ATSNBL FttOM ME 4-W7 U1A 1(4 R«l» ro* 1M C*K» STOP! 'BEFORE YOU REMODEL YOUR KITCHEN Sbfc I HE MOST BEAUTIFUL CABINETS EVER CONSTRUCTED B.Y QUAKER MAID KITCHENS. SEE THE NEW INDESTRUCTABLE IMPERIAL FINISH. SEE THE MIRACLE CORNER, THIS IS CONSIDERED THE GREAT- fflarttrrt • TB:*Sl, PHIZES, BONUSES GIVEN FOB BUILDING UP OR STARTING YOUR OWN ROUTE! • MANY GOOD AREAS AVAILABLE FOB WELL-PAYING ROUTES IN WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP AND CARTERET! If vou are 12 yean of age or older fill la coupon below and mail today, or call CIRCULATION DEPT. ME 4-1111. EST ADyANCEMENT IN MODERN KITCHENS. SPECIALISTS IN KITCHEN WORK ONLY AT PRICES YOU CANNOT MATCH. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL OR VISIT North Jersey Publishing Go. " 20 Green Street Woodbridge, N. I Circulation Mgr. PleaM accept my application for a mwipapei rout*. I understand I must t» la jwn of age or older. KITCHEN DESIGNS 1 23 WISTFIELD AVf, CLARK FU 1-3333 Birthday (E.R.) • fJartprpt. PTPRS Thursday, August 12, PAGE ETJEVEN .areas such as the Stove and sink. A heat register nfl*n cnta tnto ipsce tvedwi tvedwi for kitchen cabinet* nt her room in the house. dors in convenience and; One thing we all agree on is rhis can be turned into an adYour way of living determines general Itvability. I lot* ol light in the kitchen. Day vantage by bulkting a dtdovf 4 I- » . i • ^ 1 what your kitchen should be like Often a new or recently rcmod-jlight and sunlight give a cheerful work counter or desk wH* knM Most of us spend a great deal, For this reason planning or re-eled kitchen, after it has been'feellng to the room? Give artificial room beneath. Th* top shaft! t » arranging it is a very personal lived in awhile, will reveal cer-;light careful attention. General IB Inches from the floor far ol our time in the kitchen. Whcnllimatter, Not every old or middle-: tain shortcomings. Don't be dislighting throughout the room ark ing vegetables or 1 we build a new home or remodel age kitchen need* ertenslv* re- couraged, even the best design- concentrated light over wort strain. About Your Home Obituaries ,ui old one. the kitchen usually has modeling. In many rases, nnc or ers of kitchens admi! this is not more money spent on it than any two small changes will work won unusual { • • • 1-OLilS TOKK - Funeral services (or U i i s Tokr. 520 Amlioy Avenue who died Tuesday at I Iris summer Imme. 87 Nejccho (Drive. Bnrk Township, will be held Imnorrow morning at 10:30 at the Creinor Funeral Home, 40 firwn Street, with burial in Clovnrlejit I'nrk Cemetery. The doconsed had retired several years ago after operating a furrier business on Amboy Avenue for Sfi years. He had resided in Woodbridge 35 years and was a member of the Master Furriers' Guild of New York City. Surviving are his widow, Ida <Toth>: a daughter, Mrs. Frank Brerka Jr., Woodbridge; two sons, Alex, Woodbridge, and Louis, Clark; eight grandchildren: and a brother, Joseph, Fairfield, Conn. \ HIHTIIDAV BOY: Anthony Deflantls, Port Reading, celebrated hi., ninth birthday at the Fourth MRS, RAE BIRD playground this week. The party Included all the children and there were refreshments AVENEL-Funeral services for , with cake. Rear row, Louis Nardlello. M iehael Coppola and Daniel Minuccl; front row, Mrs. Rae Bird, 69, 518 East Mil\ n (irace Umbardi, assistant supervisor, Anthony, in the renter and Marge Kuchtyak, snper- ton Avenue, Rahway; formerly of Am ,i«ir in charge. Avenel, who died Tuesday at Rahway Memorial Hospital, will be held Saturday morning at 11:00 at the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, Woodbridge. Burial will be at the convenience of the family. Respects may be paid at the funeral home tonight from 7 to 10 o'clock and tomorrow from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 P. M. Mrs. Bird had formerly resided for 35 years at 20 Jansen Avenue, Avenel, and had been lhrter m the Rahway address with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sulo for the last two years. She was a member of the [*. Ladits Auxiliary of Avenel Memorial Post 7164, VFW. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Ethel Palmer, Princeton; and two grandchildren. MRS. HELEN' DEGLER FORDS—The funeral of Mrs. Helen Degler, 79, who died Tuesday at home, 52 Gordon Street, will be held this afternoon at 2:00 at the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, Woodbridge. Burial will be in Cloverleaf Park Cemetery, Woodbridge. A former resident of Woodbridge for many years, Mrs. Degler had resided in Fords for the last three years. She was the widow of George Degler, and had made her home here with a daughter, Mrs, John Yarusevich. Surviving besides the daughter II., YOUR MAJESTIES: Above are Kevin McDowell, g and Holly Ann Seibert 7, both of Fourth are 10 grandchildren and eight I Avenue, Port Reading, who were elected King and Queen of tne Boynton Heights Playground this great-grandchildren. Uerk by both the children and adults who attend the programs. / * • i^^^flll,; mm^ V: .#" NOW IT CAN BE SOLD! A NEW EXTERIOR PAINT AT A SALE PRICE.. WITH AMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! THIS PUNT IS POSHVELY STAIN RESISTANT! j Former Resident Now Asst. Pastor WOOOBRJDGE - The Rev. George E. Krock, C. M, a native of Woodfaridgt and stand director at Niagara Vntvenlly far me last LOCAL NEWS seven yeawf has beer Appointed assistant pastor of tha Queen of the Miraculous Medal Church, Jackson, Mich., the Very Rev. Sylvester A. Taggard, G. M. V., provincial of the Eastern Province •••. i. bushes wash off easily tXTHIOt tUltlt VINYl IHIHD LATEX MINI in toap and water • For on exHrter wood and asbestos thlnglos, t r i m , all masonry, clapboard and primed metal • This b the ntw paint that contain* all 3 of the greatest ingredients: 1EAD • OIL • RUBBER VINYL LATEX • Can also be> used immediately after a rain • Spreads on smoothly, tafily, with a velvety finish, leaves your home looking beautiful for year* longer! • This it the now paint that defies blistering and peeling. Driti bug froti and dust froo In 30 minutes. 0 This i* tht ntw paint that contains an Invisible breathing shield to permit evaporation of moisture. m° *3» •*v •r GOOD QUALITY DRIVEWAY ! SEALER OUTSIDE WINDOW PAINTS SHADES Porch k DMk, Gni Sun • Trim. GROEN SHDUJLB STAIN H •TAIN '"••pin Can L j Protidi, riflnlihti end Mali drive I woyi horn, wtafhir •'amagt. P l a i t le Wnyl Embotixi Plain fcrttom, 21" thru 36" wtdt, CompUU with rollif, room d a r k t n t r i •Hghlly Mghw. 2 WALLPAPER Fiing* M M Singl* !•«• Roll! SILK CITY FT'S DMPIISS, AMA3NO ! 19' DRIPLESS LATEX j SAN1TAS FLAT i WALLTEX FLAT NEW VINYUATEX i 1 Good for walls i and ceilings, can ! ,f\ I bo tinted. Soap M i and water cltanOal. • "P- Gal. l BU qnutttlM. M Urnl ! pric*. Com la totu II utf niki join dui«. J ptltonu twlni d I tuned. ftRST WUr • m. StalU RoU WE HANDLE A COMPLETE LINE OF STANLEY TOOLS and PROTO TOOLS! of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentlan Fathers), i nounced. Rev. Krock has been stationed at Niagara University since 1967. He was named alumni director in 1958 after serving one year u residence director and instructor in theology. He attended St. Joseph's College, Princeton; St. Vincent's1 Seminary, Germantown, Pa.i and M a r y Immaculate Seminary, Northampton, Pa., where be completed Ms theological studies.! He was ordained in 1950 by the Most Rev. J. Carroll McCormicki then auxiliary bishop of the Phfladel phia diocese. ' ' j Prom the time of his ordination unto 1063, Rev. Krock taught b M school at Bangor, Pa. and for the next three years was a Chaptain in tht U. S. Air Force.' Ha also served as ctuutte at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Phik< delphia, before going to Niagara in 1957. WE DO NOT MAKE BUS JOBS Or 6MALLWEP0 eooo HONEST BEST BROS. 46i N. BROAD ST., ELIZABETH O^Ui DAILY TIL 9 PW. SATURDAY AY 'TIL 'TIL 6 6P.M. PM W. i « . r v . A t <l»hl l» * " " quMthwfc andthe REV. O. B. KROCK, C. M. STATE JEWELERS It Main Street, Woodbrido* to Stalt Tn*«»M) i •' 'i vltxd • • * • ; • itit Iv: FOR PROMPT HOME DEUWRY CALL CIRCULATION DEPT. ME 4-1111 .wrifj1 Independent-Leader (E.B) - Cartem 'U!!' Thursday, August 12, 1965 FIVE Carteret Team Oldtimers Break Deadlock And Eliminated In Gain Lead In Slow Pitch I CARTERKTCounty Tourney timers took Wilh only o n * - j ' - • — • * - » - * » » » « « • " « — » ' • • • - • • Sabo Sport anop™^^.;^!-..!,. rreaUon slow "pitch"), "!„"'" "* l;,v of rrst. Mik» rnlligan could, „ miH-h tn hold New Bruns-j nnd tho r.-irtoret Little Wins 1st ic Ml Stnr^ were plpminatfd, •,**-, • >"' - Speaking About Sports By Meyer over w Congratulations are in order to the Cartercl Babe Ruth All Stars who have set an amazing i-i)ni|>|P||, I'rinr record of winning four in a row in the Middlese> lmi-h New Brunswick club.: CARTERKT -Sabo's Sport Shopj lied for first place, hui ^ n in tho Midrilwx County „„ fil . s i game in the Babe back pub the |M.T, in KHln-i tourn.impnt. J R u t h UaRue, scoring a mild upset;position, trniltng by nno Onlv the .In- hofore Mikp hid oW s t Joes, 5 to 0. Glen Turner; Rame. County Freeholders Junior baseball tournament and are now headed for the finals against Pis cataway this coming Saturday afternoon at New tqivo virtnrv over striking out eleven batters nndj striking mil 17 players look an early u \ six. He averaged about nul ;i fine 'pitchine job bv Bro-1 ^^"stTlkPOUls per inning. tl^l.i'!!*. 00 ""' 11 club lo"cl11 I lowing is expected to accompany the boys. One tuv NV«- Bnmswirk's hurlcr Dennis Heffer-|MMnn_to move ahead, < | 0 ; lncnlsocf tohurl-j only' m Ii>sinB three hits sixth the lennu „,.,,. an of the leading stars for the Carteret team Is _ by Ken Free- he received poor support from his tied up. 8 to 8 as Munnunss hi man in the fith inning — turned team mates in the field. era) with one runner nn haw hurler Joe Terebetski, but it must be remembered Uike led the Mtnrk ^ilhP • lie Irit'k The score:— that he has received excellent support from his double and two ninqi^ [„, ,.' T'ir \unni'r« tenred all thr^e SABO'8 winners. ' * nuv; ii> 1'ir third Innlnn on <i walk,1 Spolizino d team mates in every game. Incidentally, the Carome sloppy field , In the »«cond game thp i ( Knight 3b teret Little League All Stars were eliminated in 0 \uto Bodv defeated the th McDonald ss „ nlace Little f^asue \hn:m, !Turner P the semi-final round last week In the Freeholders fARTF.RET ^ bumper action, 9 to is TV , o n Urban C . ners scored six runs m the fiiii,! Little Fellas tourney. n Wilhelm rt 0 "'to tike the lend ami «,„ ' n 0 Monohan lb ":?anw. Bob Elliott »,,( t1 h,,niPrl o 0 Fcrenchtak If : and single for the losm 0 Bennet 3b o "Haian collected three Ward If To many of us oldtimers, Knute Rockne repreo 0 Plsano 3b Colligan P. lb CARTERET RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Craftsman Club • National League Champs. I*ft to right • 1st row Wayne Puslllo, Phil Freeman C o 1 sents the ultimate In college football coaching The Pu«ILo A. C 'oored m 31 0 0 niGiovanni rf -very inning but the nerond to success 35 years after his last Notre Dame team (I ST. JOSEPH 0 Kacsur rf I p i n s lS-« victors- over the took the field. Digging up some old records, fl 3 0 0,Gross Missing are Richard Tenant, Guy Landstrom. I-ou Toth, Sr., Coach. Buxbaum lb :Sportsms« Club. Each MHP h^ 1 Rued cf 0 0'ciouty lb we find that, just prior to his untimely death • two homers. Ronelle awi r. ilrain Wlhraekt 3b i V C fflmtoHfV C •ihit.circuit-snuuhes for the loWr, in a plane crash, TRockne whipped his team McDermott So, 0 i 0*wHh W O T I M * M Ron Pn,||!0 I through a 19-game unbeaten streak during t Coughlin If Ol slashing out homers for the »i n .' s George cf ners, The PuMllo u WITf 1929-30. For his 13 years at the helm, the record NEW BRUNSWICK 3 credited with 22 safetle. Hefferman P chows 105 victories, only 12 losses and five ties Irvin lb Carteret Recreitlon Department I 3 WitkowBtd rf CARTERET — The Kolibas Brokaw P Sealer Softball \ Delgodolb 1 for an .897 percentage. Many present coaches Redbirds came through with Buyacherrf ,' itukfliun U «J Sitontar. Ao|' CARTERET Performing in would be extremely happy with a record Just their tenth victory m the Recrea- Comollo cf FAST PITCH LEAGIT, championship style, the amazing 18 0 0 Strickland C tion fast pitch softball league, half as good as this. 1. Kolibas Cardinals 13 _ Carteret Babe Ruth All-Stars.| shutting out the A and O No. 1Mumber sb I Kollbas Redblrds \o _ won their way into the finals in Weitzen 3b team, 4 to 0. 1 Decathlons 10 - , the Middlesex County Junior Tony Sosnowski hurled the Dalonio st 4. Holy Family 7- ' baseball tournament by defeat Clark If shutout, giving up four scattered It's been 45 years since the spitball was out5. AfcO Sweet Shop it i « The Babe Ruth AH Stars will ing Highland Park, 1 to 0, last hits to blank the A and 0. He 8. Knight* of Columbus ^ - n lawed as a legal ptlch, but the controversy still meet the Piscataway team for Sunday afternoon in an impres- CARTERET — The slow pitch had the situation under complete1 19 7. A*O Sweet Shop # 3 0 - u the Middlesex County Junior sive manner, A large crowd ac- softball team representing the lingers on. There are those, mostly frustrated Championship next Saturday or companied the team to witness Carteret V. F. W. Post under control all the way. Losing pitNEWARK, NJ. - A football SLOW the managership of Joseph Hry- cher Mike Keating was nickV mch never looks beyond the batters, who insist the spitball is thrown more Sunday. The team beat East the semi-final round. By winBrunswick on Saturday as Joening, Carteret will play Piscata- cuna defeated the Edison VFW for four hits. •jxt game, But Steve VanBuren, 1. Kolibas Oldtlmm 11 often today than at any time since 1920. The Terebetski won his third game in way for the championship in thePost in both games of a two- The score: — ' "creation Loop who guides the destinies of the 2. Cornell Estate* in S. Uttle League Mgrs 9 REDBIRDS increased use, many say, of the damp pitch has the tourney, and won on Sunday Middlesex County Junior Base- game series, t h e unbeaten CarTeam Standings Newark Bears of the Continental 4. JfcL Auto Body S Paiva rf ' Football League, is giving the brought added heat and humidity to an already against Highland Park, 1 to 0, ball tournament next weekend. teret club won the first game Nardi ss 7 : with Paul Grace hurling a fine Paul Grace was the hurling by a score of 18-14 at the Grant custom a swift boot. For the5. Pusillo A C. 8. Sportsman Club « : controversial baseball season. Testimony,, given two hitter. Two years ago thestar of the game, allowing two Avenue field and then copped Manchise 2b moment, at least Carteret Little League 7. St. Joseph Players « in private, indicates that some of the best pitch- Carteret boys reached the finals hits to the opposition and main- the second contest played in Edi-D. Kopin C The Bears will meet the Phil- I. Lou's Tavern Final Standing! 1M5 4 Lltwienski 3b son, 19 to 5. only to lose to Highland Park. adelphia Bulldogs, formerly the 9, Brown's Insurance 5 AMERICAN LEAGUE ers in baseball are throwing the illegal pitch. The team is well balanced and taining good control by striking On Saturday evening, August Woodhull cf out seven batters and walking champion Canton Bulldogs of the 1. Knights of Columbus 1(1 10. St. Joseph HNS. 3 14, the VFW Post will play the Koby If National League pitchers, particularly, are coached by Joe Terebetski, Frank only two. defunct United Football League, H. Italian American 2 -11 2. Sportsman Club 14 Kralick lb Sena and Bill Tindall. American Legion under lights Carteret's lone run was scored throwing the wet pitching, according to locker 3. U. S. Metals 13 - S in their loop lid lifter at Schools 11 Agrlco 1 -U The Carteret little League All- by Bobby Terebetski in the first at the Carteret Park field, ManajA. Sosnowski P 4. Catholic War Vets 1 0 - 8 Stadium Sunday night, Aug. IB. room and dugout gossip. ger Hrycuna said the game will Stan fell to a good New Bruns- inning. After getting on base, Bob Philadelphia interests purchased JUNIOR LEAW'F 5. Metro Glass 10 8 25 4 4 wick team on Sunday, 3 to 0, scored on John's Kindiienski's begin at 8 P. M. Refreshments 6. Frank's Dept. Store 8 — 1 0 the Canton franchise in January 1. Mets ' will be served at the American and was eliminated from fur- hit. 7. Foodtown Market 7 - 1 1 and transferred it to the City of 1 Yankees • A 4 0 # l ' Legion Post Home following the ther competition. On Saturday, J 1 2 Brotherly Love. 8. Jack Pages S. J e b Myers 2b game. The third straight annual New Jersey appear- Mike Colligan hurled a one hitter, The box score: — -13 9. C & C Fuel VanBuren can't help but by-4. AAO Sweet Shop CARTERET The VFW squad includes George VlnSko cf 1 ances of New York's two pro gridiron teams, the , beating the East Brunswick team, Korzenowski rf 1 - 1 6 pass the "next" fame because 5. Warriors 10. Godeny Chevrolet 2 0 1 Carmichael lb Goodrich and Edward Kulnis, striking out 12 straight batters every report on the Bulldop In t Sigma Delta , l 0 0 pitchers, Edward Campbell, catch" Kinch sa Jets and the Giants, promise to be the best yet. and finished with 17 wins to hisSlotwinski 3b NATIONAL LEAGUE 2 1 0 er, Danny Donovan, Chico Basi- Hart C _ 1 the last two weeks carries the tag, 1. Craftsman Club The Jets of the American Football League, sport- record. This team was consider- R. Terebetski cf BABE T Terebetski If 2 0 1 lici. Sonny Wojick, C M Dopko Sivon If - S "they a n title Contenders again."1 ed to go all the way, but was Uj 2. SynowiecW (ind half ing what has been dubbed as the pro game's beaten by a strong New Bruns Ki' Merski 2b 2 0 1 and Teddy Palumba, infielders, Harmoski "And," said fee w-NFL star, ? 3. Ideal Liquor 1. General D«nn. Or* < Gross ss 2 0 . 0 and Teddy Kaskiew, Al Oakley, Lehotsky 3b h J. V.F.W Post M14 _ 7^ "nobody can deny this. They first million dollar backfield, will be at Rutgers wick team. , . i 4. Fire Co. # 3 1 Grace P 2 0 1 Eddie ToaW, J * Hrycuna, wtch whipped everything comfortably 3, Sabo's SpbrtShop 1 • "€t:"Vlif Stadium Saturday, Aug. 21, against the Buff alb Carteret Little leagues nave Gasior lb 2 0 0 Wuy, Benny Bramowicz, Andy Potts rf 7 iii in gaming the UL title." 0 r6. Local #440 4. St. Joseph 2 0 0 Bistak and Frank Buzas, outBills, league champions. The game is being completed their games for theSumutkaC $ 1 2 ! On the basis that the VJL was In 7. Republican d u b 1965 season. K of C winners In 36 0 4 fielders. 7 - 1 1 existence much longer than the JOE MEDW1CK LE 8. A, M. T. Realty played for the College Football Hall of Fame the American league, Craftsman 17 1 4 6 - 1 0 three-year-old Atlantic Coast Foot- 1. Audrey's Lunch 9. Fire Co. # 1 building, scheduled to be built in the not too Club won the National league 0 - 1 8 ball League, many considered Itj 1 lions Club title and the Jewish War Vets, 10. Babies Furniture HIGHLAND PARK distant future on the Rutgers campus. close to major league ball The 1 Also. Democr«t» who won all of their games J n Calanton ss INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Bears, with two league champion-! 4, Keptch E S K The Giants of the National Football League, the International league. We Grover 2b 0 1. Jewish War Vets ships and there division titles, like1 $ G.B.B.A. Local tfnl congratulate all the winners, - 2 to think that the ACFL was as 8. P.B.A. Local # « - I 2. Rotary Club undergoing one of the biggest rebuilding pro- managers, coaches and all theDewess If AL Pino C - 6 3. Hebrew Men's Club Sgood. ! __ players, the new champs. To Aug. Pino-cf grams in their long history because of last - 8 4. Kaskiw Plumbing What seems to worry VanBuren the losers, we say better luck Milch rf I - 1 0 ! more than anything alae is thefour key men back 5. Gruhln Pharmacy year's dive from first to last place, again will be nert time, . . CAR'TERET J- The Carteret of Herman Dinaroli lb 7 l l ! «. Devern Ass'n, 1 !Little Little League League All All Stars Stars reached;« reached; in the New Jersey Jaycees Football Classic 11 •• -»T In the softball leagues, Koli- Vandenvint 3b 7 - 1 1 fact that the Bulldogs have their 6-1 90 pound offensive tacB* 7. Tony's Shell from Kent State U ' O e o r ^ P ^ the quarter finals of the Middle-'l_|«opp H l l H t i rid 8. Italian American against the greatly improved Philadelphia has Cardinals has a three game Goldstein P 7 -11 s«x County little Fellas ba«eball lead; but must keep winning to M,- 190 pound end and P * » mark, 4 1 4 9. F. M. C. Eagles at Princeton's Palmer Stadium Saturday, tournament by shutting out Piscastay on top. Redbinta and Defrom Xavier, Claude Watts. ^ 17 Godeny Chevrolet ended with 10. Hill Phramacy 1 7 taway, 8 to 0. August 23. Many Garden State charities will cathlons waiting to take over. 1 0zzvfi?ffNN Mike Colligan, whose sensationonly one victory all season, losing 196 pound halfback a total of 16 It games. In their final Virginia Virginia Tech Tech and Alf share in the proceeds of this game as they have Kolibas Oldtimers take over first al strikeout record has been the CARTERET — The General place in the slow pitch by beat showing, Godenyy p played a 10-W tie « . 190 ppound split-end y outstanding performance in tourDemocratic Organization won its done in the past. ing Cornell, and lead by one full, i»i i the h C F Oil, l rien ith Oil, no collage c ll o g experience with the C and and C C Fuel Fuel nament play during the past seve- fourth straight game in the seno game. Quarterbacks Joe Namath of Alabama and Foodtown Market scored a close <>uartet w e n mainstay t« « ral weeks, again came through cond half race in the Babe Ruth Mets have five straight wins in « victory over the C. W. Vets. Bulldogs when they w « f ^ in brilliant style by fanning 17 l.auue as Paul Grace pitched a Johnnie Huarte, who sparkled the All Stars the Junior League to lead one and Food<own finished with 7-tl wnueiin Canton and won 10i players — 12 straight in a rowfive-inning no-hitter against the against the Cleveland Browns at Chicago last one half game* and G. D. O. has — and giving up only one hit —Sabo Sport Shop to win by a big CARTERET-The American Lit C.W.V. had m. icompillng a 1M a one game lead over the V. F. CARTERET — The Yanks won a single by Lear in the top of thescore, 10 to 0. Friday night, and winner of the Heismann tie League champions, the Knights W team in the second half. First their third game in the Junior Trophy last year, will see plenty of service for half to be decided soon.,. Au- Recreation baseball League, with sixth inning. Grace struck out a total of 13of Columbus, finished their sea Carteret pounded five nuis batters and issued only two walks. son with a sensational record of the Jets, according to Jet Coach Weeb Eubank. drey's Lunch leads the Joe Med-a 6-1 decision over the Sigma across the plate in the"- fifth i»nHe had, no trouble hi shutting 16 wins and only two losses. In wick league by two games in theDelta team, last week. their final contest, the K of C ing and three more in the siifth out the Sabo club. The rotund mentor alao promises that Cosmo losing column. The feature of the game was aframe. Ward, Colligan and Freeshutout Frank's Department For the losers, starting pitcher lacavazzi, one of Princeton's all-time football no-hitter hurled by Bob Moore- man each got two hits tor the Store, U to 0, as Bob Kindiienski Glen Turner took the loss as man. The lone run scored by thelocals. greats, will get hte first starting assignment the G. D. O. scored five runs in turned in an easy victory. Joe losers came in the fith inning on The box score: — with the Jets against the Bills as the inside halfthe fourth and five more In theTeleposky smacked a homer for! two walks and two infield outs. the winners. fifth inning, CARTERET back, with Matt Snell, last year's AFL Rookie of Mooreman, in winning, struck Deverin ss The Sportsman d u b brought to The score: — out a total of ten batters and Shymansky 2b the year, at fullback. a close a successful campaign, walked four players. He G, D. O. Shanley 3b winning 14 games and losing four triDle to drive in one run. Lewis C Ward If Bob PutasU hurled the victory The score: — Grace P Colligan P in the final contest over Metro PRESEASON SKI BOOT SALE Gasior 3b YANKS By Alan Mover ON HIS WAY? Freertian C Glass, 14 to 1. Chiera lb Mooreman P DeGiovanni rf CARTERET — JAnother brilliant Jack Pages recorded an upset GENUINE DOUBLE SKI BOOT Korzenowski If Buxbaum lb pitching performance by Joe R. Terebetski C in the final week of competition, Spogapetz ss Rucci cf Terebetski enabled the Carteret Reddington C nosing out the U. S. Metals b; Miller rf Babe Ruth AU Stars to win their Zirpolo cf a dose 3-2 score. Glen Black Kolibas rf Barany If third game in the Middlesex Counwon over Richey Shanley in Jimenez cf Egan ss ty Junior baseball tournament, mound duel Pages have a t-i: PISCATAWAY Santiana cf 1 Chamra lb eliminating East Brunswick, 4 to record while the U. S. Metals Woodhull 2b 1, before a large crowd, in a Gasior 3b team finished with a fine 3-f Rush Morton rf game played at Highland Park. Krantz n Joe was in his usual top form Jackson [2b 1 22 10 « as he won his third game in HOME COOKED Mosley 3f tourney competition, allowing only 24 6 8 Ozyan P SABO'S five hits and striking out a total Bentewaylil cf of 12 batters. Three times he SIGMA DELTA McDonald ss Costiar If struck ou^ the entire side, He hadGreenberg cf Knight 3b Lear C LUNCH the situation under control at allCunha 3b Turner P, 3b Massy Landers P . times. Urban C 18 0 1 Monohan lb Curteret scored all four runs, Tindall C 2 MAN RAFT KIT Ferenchiak if le the fifth inning;, coming from Dotegowskl If tl A.M. TU CWmni 1Z:U *.M cf INCIUDM: Bennet cf, p. behind a 1-0 score. The rally was Coanshock Yogi Berra, w first base tui»J from 1:00 P.M. U • 1 MAN «AH McGowan lb Skrocki, R, rf marked by four hits topped by Consienzo ss coach with the r c w York Mets, Skrockl Cliwlag (MMnlgbi) J. ioiTenuwski's three-bagger. hit 358 home run! with the New Tardy 2b AUTUKNT1C York Yanked. HU career batting The box score: average was .285. 20 CARTERET 3 Korzenowski 2b, If Pitching coach Harry (The Cat) Infielder Phil Linz of the New 3 Chit-ru rf Brecheen of the Baltimore Orioles York Yankees has led four dif1 S|X)lmno rf HOME MADK 8PAGUET11 compiled a 133-92 major league 3 H. Terebetsi d ferent minor leagues in errura EUrloU. P t m PIM pitching record, FISHERMAN'S J. TerebeUki P 2 flul w CaM Saodwtdict Kindzierski 2b 2 WADiRS Ixjwer If 1 NOW PROMPT amr. VAL \*M Tin; Fire Company No. 2 wound Slotwinskl 3b Club ended its season with a 5-3up its campaign with 11-7, defeat 4S»;KVICK ON ALL Gugior lb win over the Synowieckl Funeral ing Local 440 in the final game. 3 TAKE-OUT OHDBM Home. The league champions in 171. The Ideal Liquor defeated Sumutka C 3 CAU MB HIM the Little league finished their Babies Furniture, 15-1. The losers Grots 88 3 1965 campaign with a brilliant re- suffered their 18th straight loss M ttUALITf. AI4LUNCH, DINNER™ cord of 17 wins and only one and were unable to score a single 17 4 BREAKFAST loss, John CUOMO hurled the winvictory during regular season EAIT BKCN8WICI i.r.wi la Ou Worn in the final game. IU1> fnm *M UL 4 William* 2b play. 4 Bc*out3b The A.M.1, won its final game 4 Jackson w Turner lb beating the Republican Club, OPEN HON^ IWn 9 UtV9 rJLl I Weber rf Cawy c* 94. In the final game, the Fire Bar & Restaurant raoNKiw. Segrol rf a B#«kP Company No. 1 upset the CarGrew Street, GMbbardC i teret Deli, 10 to 1. (CM. Kabwcj ( «U> etaoi shrd*vbg i I 5 Brunswick. Game time is 1 P. M. and a large fol- Carteret Babe Ruth All Stars Reach Finals In County Tourney Redbirds Blank A &0 By 4 to 0 a VFW Post fins Double Header Newark Bears In Exhibition Carteret Little league All Stars Win, 8-0, To Reach Quarter-Finals Bob Mooreman Hurls No-Hitter Hitter for GDO K-C Ends Season With 16-2 Mark Joe Terebetski Hurls 3d Win In County journey SPORTING GOODS SALE BUSINESSMEN'S and Dinners Served Dally Craftsman Club fin 17, Lose 1 r VILLAGE INN Iff „' ^ . "" UMION: [nd<.petident-Leader (B.B.) - Carteret Press Thursday, August U, 19B5 I-EGAL NOTICES v I PAOI THIR LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES "I1Prlc«1«lii« i-lthln thirty ' .V" T U> t h e ld 130) dnys aft,., PTOl>m U mort 1 op»n Ui the t,rl'ii!f tnd 0 ilp3? | » I* "" W.it*)ii Avmtlf. |00 : femth n'f 1 Snh|f.-t 0* th* aH#ji b * Mrnil Ip In l u w .11 'I" d lot In « u n m«t wllh JvMJllll Ihlrty allow** >ti« ^ 0 , MTATI •» Ml] on tin rw»r« M Pot- !0 i»| o f «l«.v" loiw i pflmlt » • No Said pror>»ru l> mnrf patrtcularly e-rrlberl «« folinTj w « n «ld* of "™ 1 »»'> * • " v' tlin ,301 day* after to U M »' «• porUM to IUC| ">f piivinMi' " ' further not Iff that H i t mlnlmuni hi .., ...... . -" " '. ^ ^ . ^ . . " l^ I"" I' 111 lc :pal Council has. tiv imii II! Of .... in pui nuiiiiiii.' \ tlpon Kri'ep'.uKr of 'he minimum PST1 ATE 1 F.I! MS ANIl ii'l pursuant to l»w, f|j«l t mhn, „ .•rtirtp. 1 oherk KNOWN AN!) IHWIONAITU) 'II k [Mycvblei t o Ihf To\ni h i p uf 1tin* l>r<Miil<f* ,1ive ile>li;nitt r i| win hid. or tilt! ulyivf minimum, bf IA1 K ()K JIEAI. h.-T L A 1 ^ '""in prlre nt which « M int.. \n the Muni'U"" Council «nii th* P*T VV(« *>!() pur.01 ir "Ilirlilf*. on t h p ilny of ' I n .wlr KNOWN 1 • Nil DEHIONA'I'KI) nn i | , e•»iil block will b« mid tngether 'Inn mfnt tliMTf>f b\ the purchsttr of U>t 24. Hl,K-k JMMM »|i|ir!>"" I uwiiKhlp v * i ' s s m p n t MAJ> Ml"i|;lp.\ 2 A ilred «h»ll bd ilfllvjird wltlllll If vltli nil other detail* pertlnr-ni MAUI ftfUiplen j. • LliS e l ) r 1 •"MHy M.W.Sff ,,,,W owne.1 I,' « u l:liill nf 1• W. Hlcx-k 51HMM H i n t 1 nni! n. nlnimum price twins 1100 (Kl' plus lilr'.v ilnys dftrr t h r »,ili- u|,n,i \\xt nf > .nlver- " ' " " • r r t l n„« to the manner Of Wr* ap . In pinmnuin o t th, T o n w i , ! , , ,,f i'htxIrniUMv ~>0 i40 r n o * ciMiifd by i m u of preparing deed unrt «rtv«r- '""'"i-nt Into t h e TnwtnMii Trenn- ' " * ' ' Ainurt 5 »nd AUI:UM 13, IWI3 haae In iccortlAtice with tfrms o l nale on file the Township Irtll fl»"•'-rthrlilitr. 10 t » hc.ri i-iiwd.y , . , r mil In \. ,. ..... •' Ih* iMlancp nf Hie i m r r h t * n t h e |ndi.| nil Of Ulf l"r>w tlKlilp Tl •|ter > har-iln and sale de*4 fat •nllin, AitDnir n . I<W a t A p M •f Wmiilhrldi(». ui be held r»»,d»v 'ilo.-H win require a down p«ymfnt " " f'slliir* of the pur.lnwr to S u b j e c t K> Ltv* fr>;irtwiiiR ternn Tld pr»ml»s. ]''"HI ) In Ilir CtMiimltUfi (TlmmhfTK i-VPlllllK. AllKIMll. 17, 19M. Ill n I" Mif id', of the hid (wwpted hv the "'"k<' I'ftymsnt In full of imri-huM ' sn le; M>-mi.rln: Municipal iiulitllmi w.,,,1- l>fi'l'l In (lie Commtltci- c i i n m - \Ii;n|.l|ial Council, In cash, I'enKlod iiv thirty IIBJS nftrr ihp « K 1 T h f p u r i ' t i i i T will |MV t r n per I l A n n i \UKVUII t n l IMS JO9FTH VA1.KWTI. j'TUlKd, N J lien. Mum.rliii Municipal Rnuclini rhci-k. or cashier's cherk pavnhlp will rMiilt In forfeluirr of itepmii (•in o l t h e iu-.,fptei| til<] in r.uli Municipal Clert 'Hie premises »hovr tlfnlKiiRtwi m i W(Kj<ll,rld«r N J. '0 the Tnwrwhlp of WoodhrltlKC tlie 3 The Township, up™ conipll-' prtlfl«t rherk. 1,1 ,-a.,htcr 1 check To be «d»ertl"»d August S. t | lb« «)lil p u m u a n t u , rwmliitloii o( 'I'll* preml*Ws ftlx,V(l deoluniteil will h»l:inoe of purrlilMi price to be pnlrt uicf by the ptirrhMer with the •aynlile t o t h e r . i w i n h i n r>t" Wood"- , n r i » , , a , i « t 15 IMS in the ma«,Ul' Mimifiimi (yin.irll adniitTd I'ltliln thirty IMl dupi after the "TIIH nl sale nhall deliver to ttie IHTd lie sold pursuant to lc«>lnUun nt rt ] h 'Aiiiiuii i , „ , ) notice of mile Klv»r. !"!, , ", " ' ' *"• •"nUt"iUaer. iMin h i^r a burKHin >nil » > iirp.i 'Tir* vtr- 1 lie MunlfiiMil Council wlonted ile 2. A arrd ihall hi. d^Uvfrrd within 11t !t ' s W n/« "•"•'I Aumisi 5 and Annum, 12 1965 Anoint 3 ami notice or .iilp ndverK\ premise* ihml he snld »\ih. »""» day, «rter Hie n l r . up,.n the TERMS \HD CXDNDrriONK OF 1 . The . r, n •V^iHipnt-l^ifcler , itnod August 5 and August 12 "••• U , „ PUBLIC 8ALI OF RIAL E8TATH ' ^ ' "! "•'' " " assessment, in i<ti* following t e r m of | In t h e I n d e p e n * " ' WiHiwii / ,>r Mfiiup 1 2r «t r.h« k ,' h he nf punhium prtc* by thirty BKWARE!: lUde you, baby rarrla.r.or they wind rayy u pm i n u s ^ any cream LEGAL NOTICES lotion you buy. PUBLIC NOTICE I* hereby given have been very pretty or beautiful in .,_ seem to have a much harder time when these compliments irtop - R*""}* ^ ^ thev are unhannv 1M< i»» . . n . . . . i i ? * i ? ! * ' * T .- is true, it is UM greatest that has ever happened in department. We will sooner a doctor is eon aU c o n c e r t . mult, for our*lv* good h.alth Z 1. A d « d nhall be delivered with3. The sale of al! of Uia premise* in thirty days after the sale, upon ln question shall be subject to th*the payment Into the Township following: -. Treasury of t h * baltnce of the pura. fel*«nf reetrtotloD* or recKxlstlng re« «.. Existing re*trl«tlon» of n w - C ! 1 M < ! P rlc «- PalUire of the purrt lt ord. If w y . ord, If *ny. ™ *"" ch««er to make payment In full of b. Th* effect, If w y . of muniTh effect. ff b. Ths If uny, of muni- purchase price by thirty ctnyi after' cipal Kminc lew* and othef appMcabl* municipal and governmental regulation*. e. The right* of tenant* under olpal tonJnc lavs aud other the Mie will iwult ln fortflture of applicable municipal m d =»; frJTSnfc o* can g go along ng with thU fatigue. The only way to fight SJffi o-uncS bftdjSnSSi.Sl MunL^.coun". ln 1 f back b ka i the th fatigue fti I to t learn l 1Ucauies and d , , ? . J ? K W t l o n ? ' " ? • " * • " » rt*i' »n '"* discretion For as far Is 1U nf face cream goes, women You must learn to avoid and to sell said .-.. of trying to find find a cream that that weary feeling before It S??!!?».t!0!l..la! **" **>* to Hit in *ald block bidder ud retard tard the tot would the de de- strike*. Vi(/ lelefill, U H EVHrara « *" iu*; n w ntt nf wrinkle*. And a i far 11* fatigue to term* and manner tfvtn to term* mtnnw of pay. 1 1 * best meditaUon tor fatgue here hat been some is is food f d and and d4 4«v Too T often f oabiU b 5f 5 his, there nude concrete over the years profa ldtold h that had great d H k Uhas ! il vent VBClt adulU arfilil from I « l t l t this IKI needJ roo! getting for It usually y g y ig an amasi&gly high tM h M no more good h g d than T£&CSM e la vuMtab- l n *»0rdMMe with t*tm* of ml« cbaat ln accenbno*, with tormt'Vt pills » to auow allow your Ifee nqtdn- <» "'». the Twrnehlp Towiwhip d«i her softening (ace creams. too many whip irllt win drtlver * U T W »al« on fth. th«Tow ny pep p p puis your p Trtll SuTdi hav. debunked tiu. iype ^ »* relax « o u s h to sleep, or to ^ , and £ women Mh dedre for their money and become io the fact that all of u i It may b . b, the slgm of af e staying A g iU t S Y / artsa 5 3 S S „ .. after- 12:00 we have, and that A. M. You still nave to get up at »;30 or 7:00 A.M. t» be oA f time at the office. You need more g g don't fight age - It torest than this, day k and, day out. that comes to all of as. be our most satisfying Emotional fatigue is a great drain on many people. It takes 1 TOU §, V B f M a«a* a^k aal ^ a . _ . _• 1 mfcA W 4 I n — • James btDbnf, »I, « « f. Rights of tlhe public and > rights, u »ny,,ln any avenues, streets, of p control over your emotions. It i important " ^ie<l m evenU and people, your talents make possible. *il! be interesting yourwlf. Many women take the business 1 kind of thinking will do more p u you young and attractive The unexpected always happens in hpmemaklng. Adapt your routine to take c a n of it. Don't wear yourself out trying S. Express BUAHCD AMERICAN cxrHst tt Smith St., Perth AfflhtJ "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" James Stewart plui la Elvis Pmley III "TICKLE ME" and mv. IMrfiArlns m. n v "TICKLE ME" Department of SUte' CettOlut* of Dlimlutlon n n 1 SAT. ft SUN. MATINEE WALTER READE. S:tt P.M. STEUINO THEATRE «M b« 7S AIR CONDITIONED «m«l. County of Mlddleaei, Bute the To » JS2SX»g£ 5, TAT of payment In m 'nljnum bids -» "It h*™ " I r o r e i, .-.vudai, of Hevued IHISDTI I A U preliminary SHERIFF'S SALS th8 of New Jersey, tali Certificate of laterloi Cetirt of Mew Jener SUPERIOR COURT of NIW « R S I t 5e.lS^! d J. b .? T «. l l l l n J m ™. "y th* Channrj Division the payment CHANCERY DIVISION MUtlM** County T (--•• h-aaia^n.. S T L W I U I I l ^ MIDDLESEX COUNTY State of the State of New Jersey, DecltM Me. r Hl-14 - .... manner of purchase in ae-of "- Hereby Certify that the said rx>«k«t No. NattontJ Bank ol "itlon did. on the 21st> day The S CARTE Elvis Presley ^ 5^2 > new intwtsUftodbobTAK, interested in your town „ _ . . and to carry on an argument, It even takes a lot of en- m ism Mtmtiiri *4 DINER8- CLUB NOW THRU TITS. 4 ft ; of this i oV to • • • — » a aa 5. 1SB ™? .««? <*»*• a. simple a habit S l ^ ^ ^ S too late. Say you JJS? ^, • t i ^ S f t BUSES W *M taxei „i*nt* . ..... „,„, or „ any „ , date to which It may and Ale, Township lien* of record• to ' - be sdjourned. sdjourned, the Municipal Council date of sale. reservM the right ln Its discretion, or all of tti* r to rejedt any one or »1I bid* urtthout' be subject sny statement of the basis ot reg jection, and to sell said portion nf rMt said lot ln » l d block ro such J*Ji* rtctlon* of recW w l c t ' 1«« r«R»r<l to termi and manner psymen In municipal aonlngsUwn and of psymen' mo In case on* or more applicbl municipal i i l minimum ii muicipa other applicable bids shall be inimum be received acceptan ot t the th minimum i i and governmental regule Upon acceptance v „ , „ H°nBv. bid, or bid above minimum, by the bid, g t * of t Counil c. Tn« right* of tmsnts under Muniipal Municipal . . . *. . . * , a w Council v-**« ^t* H and | |d \ | lthe lth t J U ^/«» payment T l i l t If V 88 , -:~ptirchMW according STt"' '. I Ihereor by the purchaser I*""/; *nny.y; d. Any stat state off facts which an to th* manner of purchnse In acf accurate surv-y ivnd lnspec- cordanc* with ttrma nf M.1* on file, ?u?i^I '"WO1*' would the Townehlp will deliver a burgsln disclose. "^ "** *. Klght* of nslghboitng own- 'nd sale deed for said premise*. ers Mid municipal, corporate DATED: August 3rd, ISM JOSEPH VALENTI, »nd public rights, If any, ln ™ ~" " CMX N« Cmttwttmt WHki 0 U e«letln» leuM, lf»ny. Rtitanrant d. Any state of fuels which »n swurat* survey and Inspection of the premises would disclose *. Rights of neighboring owners and municipal, corporate and public rliht* It any. In any brooks, streams, dltchss, drains, underground dralos. pipe* or conduits bordering or rnwstng prem TWO SMASH 11IT8 •MS In question. f. Right* of the public am Frank Sinatra private rights, If any, lr any roaa*. avenue*, street* Tr*vor Howard ISTS •ata 3™^* speotlon of the would dlaclodt Right* of neighboring own*TS and municipal, corporate and public rl.hu, If any. In any brooks, strewn, ditches, drain*, tntflfTjFrtrMnd dritttiSj pipe* or conduit* bordering! or crossinR premise* In queetlon. : Rllhtn of the public and private rlghu, lr any. In any roads, .venues, streets, alleys, lanes, or rights nf; way, bordering on or cross-} Ing th* premises In question. " • - - •••• of sale: the purchaser wifh t h e of wUe stuUl deliver to t h e —Laer s bargain anil .sale deed. The premise* shall be sold s u b .., . — *D ^,.«< « •••• -" u »uo W a b l e to the Township of Wood-, 1 Any tttvte of feet* which an accurst* survey and Inspection of th* premises -r . of thepremises Ject would dtadOBS. would disclose. «. AlfhU of neighboring owne, Rlfrht* of neighboring own- the er* and municipal, oorpor&t* ers and municipal, corporate 5, and public right*, l / any, and public righto, if u i y In any brooks, stremns. In any brooks, streams, ditches, dnliif, undemrcmnd ditches, drains, underground dnrtns, pipes or conduit* drains, pipe* or conduiul bordering or a n t i n g prem bordering or crossing premISM In question. ises In question. i f. Right* of the public and f. Bights of the public and! private rlgbtt. if any, ln any prlval* right*, i: ^ y i n ^ y toad*, avenues, street*, alro&ds avenues, streets, al ley*, lanes, or right* of wny, bordering on or crossing the pretnl*** In question. i. Additional conditions of sale: 6. Ad con*tion« of •*!« 5-aag »n accurate survey *nd In. j the following: a. Esls'lns restrictions of record. If any. b. The effect, If »ns of municipal »onlng l»wt mid other applicable municipal aud •oyernmtntal regiHattons 0. vlw tifiiw tl tenants under Subject t o the ubnioblle !>rbv whHulH , chairman; Robert Clonan, Raoul , William Lhirkcf and John »-lth h er to th* • PKCIAL p w'.r dwd oth »ppllc*bl« raunlcl The premies .hall ron »,,id *ub jnd go»»rnmental remi • lect to Ml Hum, MM m u tnd UINIHEONS-DINNRM -;-— lothfr TowiiKhiji nern of »gST»D*»NT • COCBTia The rights of tenant! undeii the d*t» of wie LOUNOK eilsMns leejiM, If »ny. | 5 The u l e of all at ihf CHIKKSK FOOD TO T * M OUf Any stat* of nets Thlcniln question shall be m d a j i h n s k e jwvinsiu In full of imrrham^dvprl ture i,f ileimnlt. 3 I'he Towniililp, upon compliance liy n w purchaser with t h e ternu of stle shall deliver to t h * purchaser a bargain Mid sal* deed. w h w U for *.urii k 1 Subject t o th« or T o m s h l p .._.. «flll pny i*nper|sal*: (Ml-Ml, Block l hid »h I 1. T h * piircluuer will pay In cent of t h e awetHfd i>i of check, ur cHilner's ovrninif. AuR\ut i7, 1945. »t II P M. _;•--'-"' >o the Towuslilp nf ' M T ) ln the Committee Chambers' Woodbrtdf!*. on th* day ol the mie. 1 Memorial MiinldiMvl Bulldlnj, Wood2. A il*ed shftll bedeflvrml vrtthin '•>rlrtK*>. N J > . iiimn m e The premises above denlMnated nshlii rreas-;KMll l l f uii (ll ,.r.ltf r NV - Petrloevlch Rf'"1?*1** Writ of kwcutlon for e ^ S5S?ffi ? hint)tf^feai — - - M t i I • I aa a . a^. a. • your personality aa well. . •• Town NOW THRU TUES. ii Frank Sinatra •JV Trevor Howard w iu 1*1 y uiiiuc n uuiv ,. ,« SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY m2! 1 * l r t u * o ' the above stated writ to m« directed ana delivered, Jerry Lewis I will eipoee to sale at pubUc v«ndu« on WEDNESDAY, THE 25th "The Family Jewels" DATOTAUGUST A.D., 1865, at the also hour of two o'clock by the then prevalln* (SWndard or Daylight "Seven Slaves Saving) Um*, ln the afternoon of th* *ald day, at the aherlffa Offl&e Against The World" In th* City of New Brunswick, N. J°f, W , 00 ?^ rttl > e , hold Tu»sd«iy. Au Actlne U^ Secretary of State ac« or the l "^ -"— - M - m i w j t * 1 ^ fVlyUlLlS^ te ALL that tract or parcel of l&nd ?<"*t ? ' » "T I » " <«"cted to d / / S S 1 11 , . S** directed to adverI.L. >/S,12,l9/ss k 129.70 WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY TKt lath OAT situate, lying and W a g ln the the fact that on Tuesday ev* Township of Wcodbrldffe, In the 1M . »;1S Municipal NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Peter Sellers Peter O'Toole then pre-nUllng (Standard or Day. of Kew Jersey :light . — designated a* Lot Memorial Municipal Munldpii Building, BuUdlS At i regular meeting of the "=™, ammonal Block No, J41-A on a mapWoodbrldge, New Jersty, and expose Municipal Council of the Township .... "Man of Sioel Vlllag* rit-and sell at public tale to th* highest of • » ' ^ " " " « ' *>i" TnaHu „... ,. I In Woodbrllge Townahlp uilton D Rapfonl Realty inc to t * m t of sale August 3, IMS, I was directed to n 1-WOODBMDCI ciovuiur ANI> ST. GEORGE AVE. BOTH BOX OFFICES NOW OPEN NIGHTLY AT 7:MP.M. SHOW AT 8; 15 TONITt THRt SATURDAY 1M - 9;15 AIM Saturday Matinee >:M James Stewart « « « t * d and attend oonnent In writing to the dlasoiution of i»W corpor«Hon ex«u«d by Ml t h . VALRfn, ? b. ffOODBMDGB. N i . m. WHATS NEW PUSSYCAT?" K_ Memorial Municipal "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" —r-eO-KATURt i; Maureen O'Hara •fr Rottaao Brani "THE BATTLE OF THE VILLA FIORITA" EXTRA COLOR CARTOONS EVERY FR1. A SAT. O 0MB« M AlWAYI f i l l O|AH1 MAY A»IA - to b* satioflKl by said sale and pursuant to lav fixed a mini- termt of sMe on file with tho — >*w ' t rm*i wt vrw nvitUPMU 4JU* Jemy" pfop«ty of .. -i( nun of Stventeen Thousand mum price at which said tiortloB Municipal Clerk open to Inspection coin School, tor eh* following: Four lundred S«»«nty-FlT« (»17,«5. of said lot In uld block will be and to be publicly redd prior to CULVER qiTY, CAL. - A man ' I or pupiii or*r — HUlton*" which map i u HIM00) D illarf more or less, plua Inter- sold together with all other! detail! sale. Portion of Lot 8, Block 563MM . rout*: who /had served in Jotiet Penitenln th* One* ot th* Olert of U d est ft (ether with th» ooet* of this' pertinent;, said minimum prlc* beln . . « . from Farkvl*w. •• I salt. ! tiary from 1933 to 1950 for the Shorccnst Oountr, New Jersey on Sepoodbrldge Township u d JB«ul(Tard **cK 1ML at Map 180. FU* Th* subscriber nalrres the right tnd advertising this sale, field lot murder of a Chicago policeman ' i to all local schools on to adjwra sa4d sal? from Um* to In nld block will require a down Take further notice th&t the rout* 1H pupils—mots or has been awarded $35,000 for sev TOOmrjR W4Ui all and dnfuUr tun* subjeot only to such ]{ payment of 10% of the bid accepted Municipal Counoll hae by resoluth* tenement*, heredkamout* and lions or restriction* upon the enteen years of wrongful impris•"• - i Municipal Council,. In .. cash, _ , lion and pursuant to law, fixed a fd check, or cashier's cheok minimum price «t which aaid poronment. Ted Marcin, now fifty- may be obtained at th* otoc* _. or or U u i w k M appertaining, and th*flilly provided by law or rule* ofpayable to Hie Township of Wood-,Won of siild lot ln said block six, said he and his wife would the. Secretary durtn* btuloea* hours. revetilon or rnmlou*, jemalnder povirt Sold mibject to condition! of bridge, the balance of purchase price will be sold together with nil other Bids will h* op*h»d and r*tMl at add remainders, rants, ltwiea and sal" to be paid wlth.n thirty (30) days'details pertinent, sale! minimum buy a business with the money. thU meeting. pronto thereof, AND AUK) all t i t BOBXRT H JAMD9OH * price being I10U.0O plus coata of preaftn the sale. Oontract For traaaportetlon route "riot*, right, title, interest, pi Sheriff. Sftld property Is more particularly paringe Mi (deed and advertlslus; this 5«w Leave Main* School urty, p m i s t o n . claim and demam KAMUEL SIBBER will run for one (1) y«ar. described as follows: W, Side of «le. i;iid lot In mid block will |;ll Certified cbtck In the amount of wtauneTer, u wen in l&w a* ItAttorney Watson Avenue 100' 8. Claire Ave-I require n down lymtnt of It)',, of «t 11:00 i . t n . on KILLED LEAVING HOSPITAL 10% ol the bid or • bid bond mint equity, of It* Mortgagor, of. In anlI.L. T/2»-S/5-U-l»/65 $5S.M nue, Woodbrldffi. 'the bid accept!" by the Municipal to th* tarn*, and every part ami MEXICO CITY - Raquel Her- accompany all Mds. Vedrnsdayi,(8«tt: 10:30 SHERIFF'" Bids art to be placed ln a sealed parcel thereof, wlttt th* appurtennandei Ortiz, 23, "was injured fa , aid loot*, and aleo, all materials, equipenvelope and . SUPERIOR roURT o r tally soon after her release from Proposal For Transportation Route m*nt, furnishings or other properNKW JERSEY ty wh»tap*y*( Installed or to be the hospital. Having been treated No. 3." CHANCERY DIVISION The Board of Education reeirvti Installed and uwd ln and about the MIDDLESEX COUNTY for three months tor a leg injury, the right to r*)«et anj, all or p u t building or buildings nowi erected! Docket No. F 211-H Miss Ortii was struck by a carof theoe bid* and to Tralv» a n j In.or hwejJter to be erected itpon the! ZULLO Plaintiff and fomialltleo in the best Inter*** of lanik herein described wilcb ar*' JOHN »LIC StRVICE C 1TMNIPMT and killed as she walked from the the Board. neceeaary to Vie complete sad com-KliJIJl DOTLE, Defendant. Writ of Execution for the Bal* of hospital. fortabl* u*e and occuixuicy of J. P. LAMB. President mortgmitd premises d&ted Snd day building or building* for the purJ. O'BRHN, Secretary ' 0 of July 1905 Carterrt Board ot KucaWon P *** ' * which they were or are w °* ec*ot*d Including ln part all By virtue of toe above stated Writ, Aiiguft 3 1965 tu m« directed and delivered. I wll Formerly fhe Sportsmans Inn h l f fliturt*, lt CJ\ 8/5-12/M T ^ W ; «ow»i». »h>«l«, tu sale n public v*ndue o s *nd all heating, lighting, ventilating, eiiiuuc WKDNtKDAV TRS let DAY Or refrHw&tlng, incJneratlim and cookRESOLUTION CARTERET PRISONER RELEASED RACE TRACK i » _ _ l * . M _^B « - • > A. m a. • • . . J J l I I . L. (Ji JDara 3nn !,, u^r^AVb, th. Ta«« Nolk-e tlmt on tba 4th d»y of Autuai. IMS, one Souln*" BoArd th.,, iuwvalliim (Suuidard or J " ft _.mount of the, , h t £ i ) l[ of Adjustment of th* Townahlp of l ^ Wuodbrldge, alter t public hsarliMi Judgment to ba BulMcd by utld of tin sold day. *t the Sheriff* Ml* 1* th* sum of Seteutmii Thoudenied the application of Two Ouys Office In the City of New Brim*. from Httrrtwn for a variance to sand Flv* Hundred Ninety (117,590. wlrk, N. J, Dollar* more oi lew. iilu* InterPrivate arecc a sign on Lote<W tllni 51 IIEOWNINU m a point on th* S3 Uiru so 1. IB, 3 ln Bkxjlu 201. Mt togetbtr with the eosta of thla luirtherly dde uf Fmemiui Street, ml*. DINING ROOM 2W-Q and 'JW-H a t U. a. N«, 9 wul ilMant easterly 2W feet from the ite Highway 440. Hopelawm, New The mbecribef I-HKIVM U I * r) easterly aide of Billing- street; Jwaey, and Slat doteriiilnutlou uf UJ adjourn *ald UAIO from taiot to mid Zoning Butvrd uf Adjustment ilan subject only tu such limita(I) Northerly 100 f**t to a point; ma twen filed U\ tho office of tions or reatTlctloiis upon t! JocmVonOoltn UIWIK ruiiulj; sulii ttu&ril nt W ' < Muiilulpal Bullderul*e ot ouch pomr i u > nmy (2\ K.L3t.prh «o iMt to a point; Oukitr .-„, Main SHwl, WwHlbVldge, New a»Uy provided by law or rules of Ihtfiux runnluK PACKAGE Jorocy. mill Is avulUiljle for lnspec- Oourt. Bold (ablaut to conditions 131 Houtlierly, 100 feet tu northerly aide of Freeman Street; of «a*. GOODS thence runnluu WIL1IAU V VRAMKH JB. • Tak* advanlag* of our "PlAY Aahaf Roman H JAMISON, (41 Along the same westerly 49 H«'j«uiry. b<junt uf AdJiuHJilwit Itn Slieriff. frrl the jilmio of " ' H O W — PAY LATER" vacation 'I\,wniilill> or WiKxlbrluso •Bon Uelng known iu lots 19 mul 30, 1 I., s/12/84 M M lUCKaON & DHB1GHTON Attorn* y*. «*!.« »M.OO monty iptclal. 'Phont q n * of m Map of FrMiiiAii IVrrtice, Wood' 1.1, 7/91-2>-S/S-ll/U •»*.1- hrl4ti* Township MlddlMen Couuty, N O I H E UF HIBl.lC SALE 411.0* n.to for «ompl«t« cMallt. Now Jereey. Block 514 D. IO WHOM IT WAV tWNCIBN: NOTICE Of PUBLIC 411.00 34.00 FacUiUei For O f cowrn, you can g«t mon»y for riie (.ppruihiiuLc amount of th* AI a n v u l u lunctllK ul Ui« Hulnnioiyt ui be aailstl«<t by aald MualdpiU Oounoll i>f tlie Towiu>3Uj> J WHOM IT MAY WEDDINGS uf WoodVrldif*, held Tu^eHlAy, AUKiitfV At a rtfuUx mucUii. of t i n ii;t la Liic t.uni of F'lv* Hundred dailir* more or 3 1962, I w u d&rtuMd to bulvctUM unlalMl Oouiicil of Um luwiiaUlp Fifty two i (NJ) Woodbrldto, iwM Tueadty, >Mi, llilemat u^oilisr with tht BANQUETS (ins fail m i l on Tueoday evonln». of Aiuiuot VI. 1969. to* Miwilctpil AUfuat ] . 1M5 1 w u dlrsoted to coati uf thla s*la usrtl M •* ttn right Oonnt-U will uiwt at » ¥ U . tdterUM the fact that on Tu«*d*y Tlie > »ubsorlb«r AU Social Attain (Q3T) lii UM Ooouaitte* yn»m- •vtutni, Auiust 17, 1M1, th* Munl- U. aitluurn saUl sale from time to il <5ouuotl will u i u t at S f. U. time nubjeut uuly to <uoh UmltaUCENU«*M b«n, U M I W I U I Wunlottwl BulldUOIIA oi rcdlrlotluiu> upoo the 9t ROOSEVBLT AVE. in t b . Build- • itrolK of turll puwer u may be U (Heart of the OM Chroma Section) | aiid eipoo* and sell »t puhllo » l o N«» SiiKlally |iru«ldwl by l » f ot ruled brtK to Hie lilghost bidder Mnxinllug tn CARTBIUT ll . i •ale uf Ouurt. Uold subject to d t l aud terms uf ml* on f * * f l t h u " > PbWl« MI-SIM nl£lptU OlvfK oiwu t o ln*v<wUou to Ul« . , . ._ blddx aui;ur<Uu|| to uf Kit. HOliHS: » - i Man., Vues. i> f h u i s . HOtUiKT M th. uu'uii ot aal* uu f i e with and to ba publicly read prior w ••1 Wed. & Krl Bhtrlff B Portion of Lot 'H, Blot It Niiuiliitpfl 01*rk uiwn to VtNt./.lA NOLAN Si 1U1MGK, 5<UMM Aui>roxliuat*ly 3d.50'i&0 on and ivmui mi tooi> IN of sale, AtWtuen. ihe Woo3brle(* j^We'veGot ''}° Vacation Money For You! Mini 1*1/1.00 s u e * »IO.M 13.00 17.00 NOV. AT BOTH CINttviAi MATINUS DAILY MMHi JM UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 1 trip •••I MENLO PARK •MADISON TW1J rd Loai FINANCE CO. j DINE IL. l/l-ll-lt-M/W «*1H De*orative COCKTAIL LOUNGE LUNCHEON k DINNER Servwl DaUy and Sunday Reservations Kl 1-7171 PIZZA Dally u d Sunday i Til Closing FUN FOR ALL AGES BOWCRAFT PLAYLAND • Miniature Gotf • Archery • Horts * Pony Riding • Tennis • Boutiny • Canoeing • Badminton • Table loonii • Snack Bar • PUnic Area • Water Cycle* RT. 22, SCOTCH PLAINS - AD 3-0675 10 DAY k* «v«yoo«, from J p. m. to doiin| lime| MS WuhltgtM Av«. r»in or ihin*.m.lpuidnihill0QOm$ CABTERET Evtry Mw^y-AH RKIO % Prw -btc.pt HoU|y« Adjoint 10 /t. m. CATERING FOR EVERY OCCASION OLYMPIC AMUSEMENT Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Carlrr Thursday. August 12, 1965 PAGE Maufaln. William A. Fogarty, Dlitrict Manager Social StenrHy AdmhUitration 91 Smith St. - SOFTBALL SCHEDULE to find nut the facts ahead of of y o u last Federal Income iax return stowing your self time. Q. Why do you always stress employment birome. Depending on yonr family situation, that | worker inquire before he other records, such as birth retire*? What special advantage certificates for your children, is there in this? proof of yonr wife'* age, and A. You stand to gain in many so on, may be required. You ways. You find out exactly what should check with yonr near- records nnd papers you will est social security office to find need t* go along with your oot Just what records yon will claim for benefits. You have more time to get them. And, Q. 1 will be fi5 in June. 1 still most Important, yon will Ret work and earn about $2400 a year. your first check on time. Vall«r $4WI Q I am self-employed and have paid self-employment tax every year. Please tell me what else I will need to get my social security benefits started. I will be 65 next December. A. You will definitely be atked lor some proof of your age. We may also nerd a copy I am married and have two small children. I could not afford to quit to get my social security payments. What good would it do for me to come sec you, A, You might find that you and your family could get some monthly checks even though you are still working. It pays The Woodbridge Township Recreation Department Baseball A Softball League schedule Thursday, August l « h thru Weonesoay, August 18th. Is as follows: ORGANIZATION FIRE PROTECTION rHURSDAY, August 12th raycees vs. Woodbridge Polic. Merrill Park ieasbey Fire Co. vs. Avenel !• re Co., Keasbey Heights 'ords Fir Co. vs. Woodbridge Teachers, Fords Jr. High »ort Reading Fire Co. vs. Gene Schreiners. Sewaren Glen Cove Hopelawn Fire Co. vs. Sanitation Department, Hopelawn Woodbridge K. of C. vs. St. Cecelia's K. of C , Avenel Par* (LIGHT SENIOR BASEBALL) FRIDAY. August 13th What? PLAYOFFS: LIGHT SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP "Dobert," chided mother, "why Mustangs vs. St. John Vianney. Fords Park SENIOR LEAGUE are you always wishing for things MONDAY, August 16th you haven't Rot?" Thelma's Bakery vs. Rydel Pontiac. Merrill Park "Why, mother," retorted the Rogues vs. Brennans ClubTOAvenel, Oak Street thoughtful lad, "What else can WEDNESDAY, August 18th wish for?" Emanons vs. Rrennans Club of Avenel, Merrii Park Slight Difference Slavery IV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATKs Onr t l m i Inwrtlon: | I . M mlnlmiim i,t (ALL ME 4 . I l l ] A competent x d - t i k t r will hHp you with iour w< • I m bt m*llcd In or hrointUt In. DEADLINE 4 t M earlier copjr » p p r « l » t r d . ' • hilt MALE HELP WANTED TOYS _, urn YOUNG MARRIED MAN To Start now eBrninE in Submarine Sandwich work selling toys i Shop. Enjoyable hop. Three week-day evenings and weekends. Apply in person. nights a \ 155 Avenel St., Avenel. 8/12 5443. Call nmvm l^Xtl-,1 A.M. and 12 noon MEN PART TIME COLLEGE STUDENTS - part time. Any 18 hours $3.10 per hour. No experience necessary. Car, Phone 4:30-6:30 p.m. 351-6035 WEEK FULL „„ OH 8/5-8/12 A number of wij> p; ers are being what a All husbands are alike, but they The charge account REAL ESTATE roman uses to keep her husbandhnve different faces so you can FOR SALK VESTMENT' rom becoming entirely too in- tell them apart. CARTERET-itive room house, already operatinc • Jax Air News, Jacksonville lependent. ,H baths. Completely remodeled with over loo Inside and outside. « Randolph p a r t s of the stanStreet. $14,500. Financing avail- styling aptitude is iW^Z able. Call Scoras Construction Co. t o d a y 381-0605 for lurlhr,-,„,„„ T n i U C U i e C l f l t l WORLDS ' FOREMOST SPECIALIST! for appointment. 264-4167. 4/Utf TnANoMloolUR COAST TO COAST WANTED TO OVERHAUL TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION WEST POINT PLEASANT TRANSMISSION TUNE-UP CHECK-UP Hospital area, near Parkway. Al- children desires IMMKI most new ranch home. Ideal for three bedroom rcntHi year around living. Oil hot water Carteret area, within w,||k • CHECK heat spacious living room, science tance to Public t rnoi. SANDS kitchen, H4 baths, three good- School and N. V ( K.|, nicniaH 1 Ouor. <omp • CHECK sued bedrooms, large airy, pan- range $150 to $ino „ INCLUDES: LM^AOf • ADJUST • ADJUST eled family room, garage, fenced Box R •ANN ItNHA«l • CIWTCHII* OIL 1 C I) yard. Early occupancy. fiS.WO. Newspaper, • CLEAN • REPLACE • SEALING LABOR FOR LEAKS firm. Write Box M-215, c/o this • ROAD FILTER GASKETS! RINGS , tEA LS HOROSCOPK RK newspaper. 7/2M TIST • CHANOE OIL ' • GASKETS • FEMALE HELP WANTED • FREE T0WBWJ ft DUON08B MRS. LYNN El TKRMH _ 1 n*T SKSV1CB BE SMART! Reader and advisor toswr t>2S>«543 Request an AVON Territory NOW! cniertlons. With this ad ,imi Become the AVON Representa you are entitled to ,, y 915 E. EUZABETH AVE., tive in your neighborhood. Get reading. Available fur parlies UNDEN, N.J. ready for Christmas! Call HI 2- gatherings. Open 9 to 9 ^ A.M. t, I M i - W M . I A.M. * • Ml.-S»l. • A.M. » 1 P.H 2482 «/« by appointment. For further formation call 382-3179 m ing Street. Rahway. AUTOMATIC & STANDARD ALL CARS CARRY THE FAMOUS MURPHY BROS. WARRANTY FREE 1963 PONTIAC 1963 CHEVROLET 1960 OLDS 4 Dr. M a n , Auto., RtH, ••WH I»WHI|, Pow.r Brul.. Impola 7 Dr. H/T, Auto., ladi* *, Htattr, ft Povnr SlMrlng _ 4 Dr. Stdan, Auto., UH, Powir Stt.rhn, $ 1 A A C Powtr I r t t t i L. l w W W 1961 DODGE 1964 PLYMOUTH 1 Or. Sedan, Auto., RIH, Paww StHring, $AAE Air Car,<litlen«d ^ W O 62 CHEVROLET '65 CHEVY 1961 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Stutian Wagon, Auto., Radio * Htattr, $A0J| P/S, P / I WWW Auto, RIH, P / i . 1961 PLYMOUTH 1964 FORD 1963 BUICK 4 Dr. W a n , Auto., M H , ExnHnit $QQC Condition fairlorn 4 Dr. Stdan, Auto,, Radio t Hut«r $ 1 E Q C ttow TirM I WWW Convirfiblt, Awro., Radio I Htatir, P/S P / I 1961 CHRYSLER 1963 VALIANT 1961 CHRYSLER 76 2 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON, GAUXIE "500" ITD, « r Wlp. r R1H, WW Tirai Fully Equipp*'. Borjinidy, with Block Top; 4,000 «rig. n i l u . N.w Co, JAMS GAIAXIE "S00" 4-Dr. Hdlp., , A..O. R»H. Poww SrMfbii . M299 '62 FORD '65 FORD QAUXI6 "300" 1-Dr. Hdtp., OALAXIE "500" CONV., V-S, A * . . , V 4 , 15* Buini, M H , Automatic, P.S, WW Tirw Pow«r S t w l n g . „ . N*w Car Gtmroidttl '1499 ,'2560 : '62 FORD '64 BUICK FAIRLANE "500" 2-Dr., Aulo.. Radio and Htatir, CONVHTIWE, V 4 . Attlo., U H , '2495 . P O W H Slxring '62 T-BIRD '64 T-BIRD f '61 CHRYSLER M799 '65 COMETS & MERCS OUR N A U U H i r IS A W I N N H Of THI MWCURV 1 » M REO fAHKT S A I H AWARD! THH M I A N * TOO CAN A L W A Y S COUNT ON THE "RID CARMT TRMTMINT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY USED CAR SPECIALS '65 MERCURY, MONTEREY MOTOR SALES Authorized Chrysler • Imperial • Plymouth Valiant • Barracuda Dealer ;- MURPHY BROS. 501 N . BROAD ST., ELIZABETH • EL 5-5600 r.», UK. Wlndowi $ 1 4 0 0 '61 FALCON 2-Ooor Stdan, $AQQ t«« '61 FALCON '1799 H u P.S. AHWAY I CAR CO. STRIKE IT RICH '1799 '61 FORD ' '63 FALCON $||QQ FAJMANf 4-0r. Sedan, Auto- • I W» n«RUH,rcw Stems '63 FORD '61 MERCURY fAlfiON WAOON BUS, U H _ _ i - COLONY PARK, 1-ton. Wagon, V-S, Ante. SMbft '63 FORD '61 RAMBLER FAIRUrffi loach Wooon, Auto., V-«, Powtr WW Tir« i s * | AQQ 4-Ow» Udan, $| I»JOT Radio and H»ol.r_ '63 FORD •6TVALIANT OALAXIE FASKACK 2-Dr. Hard* STATION WAO.,Avt«. lop, RtH, P.S., Tmr,.., RtH, P.S WW T i m '1699 '63 LINCOLN '60 CHRYSLER Wlndfor 4-Dr., Auto., IllH, M., P J . _ . CONV., Full Foww, "Exacatli Cqrl" R M I B*atHyl J32M '63 PONTIAC ORAND PRIX 1-Dr. Hardtop, RIH, Auto., P.5., B t i b r Scat*, MmtSnol '63 RAMBLER '60 DODGE CONVERTIBLE, Auto. r . R i H , P.5 $ '60 FORD •63 VOLKSW'GN '62 BUICK HDTP, V-», Auto., U H , P.S., P.B., WW *17QR '62 ^HEVY NOVA 1-Or. rkhp,, -MI* I* NO MONEY DOWN ; YOU CAN HIT REAL PAY DIRT DURING OUR t August BONANZA DAYS SALE HEFT OVER SPECIALS BRAND! COUNTRY SEDAN 51otiw» Wag., RtH, Auto. Tram., $| 'N4M Girl" ... _ STARUNER, V-8, Aulomatk, UH, Pow.t Storing, S f i A E WWW W» •59 CHEVROLET MlCROBUS, RadW and rUstw, Oray, U k . IMPALA 4-Dr. Hdlp., V-S, Auto., N.w4 _.._. Radio sod H*at*r, Power Steering _ 4-M. CHANDLER MOTORS ~~ '60 FORD M 0 4-Dr. S*dan, RtH, WW T i m '59 JEEP 4-WhHl D m . PICK-UP TRUCK, Comply* wtrh JnowHow '56 CADILLAC J-Owr HdtH , Fully Equipped IAi-1.) $1 BANK RATES Maufaiw. 8 0 0 I ELIZABETH AVL IF YOUR DRINKING has ! problem, Alcohnlirs : oojrmoui can help >nu. r.-ui BI j 1515 or write P. O. Roi 35.1 Ww bridge. rm MRS. CURTK - READBfll AND ADVICE on all problem} Vh. Open 9 to 9. No ;i; oteeaiaiy. 306 Smith St., Amboy, Mim\. 1s| FUEL OIL - 12 8c per 181/10 (mall tank. Frc« i UNTVSaiSE OIL - MR 4-677S Moving — complete service, ( piece or full bouse. Pi.mos«; fy moved. Appliances etc. Rcwl able rates. Free primates " R. C. Quiim 442^8474 EXCAVATING CONTIUC Backhoe, Dozer, Dump Truck S vice. Cellars, Sewers anHn R. Giannetti. lnc WOODBRIDGE — Carl Glick, publicity chairman of VOTE (Voters' Organized for Top Education) APPLLVNCE REP MRS - ! announced the presidents and vice frigerators. FreeaTv presidents of all non-political and Dryers, Uishw;ishcr- F!w non-religious community organiza- Stove*. Call aii>ii:m- \« tions are urged to attend a meet- U 9-5187. OA1AXIE 4-Dr. Hdtp, , U H , WW T i m — WW Tim $695 Special Meeting 1'lanndbyVOTE '61 FORD * # • « . , Club Wog'n,! Cadi* and H t a i w _ I-Oaor, RIH, '61 Comet iont IT, t o w '61 T-BIRD " '63 FALCON BIBVICtS 4 dmr; «*)-; P A I W.W.I Auto., 2-Or. Hdtp, Auto., RtH, P«w*r Itooriag, Pow«r BrakM, WW T i m _ '1750 White '61 Fod _!!l!j$WS '61Mtfcwy_$S9S Redio and H.at«r_ '63 FORD flALAXIE XI. V - « , 4 « m ; lUrBi I CfLi M s * StathB wfOi MHl **.l W.W.; l m . •OALAXIE XL PASTBACK M k . Hdtp., V-S, Auto., R t H., PS. 4-Dr. Station Wagon, Automatic !i*«rtyL '610nvrol«t_$895 |Mp*rlal M r . Hdtp., H H , P.S., Radio and Hntw '63 FORD WE'VE MOVED FROM OUR TENT TO OUR BAUTIFUL NEW SHOWROOM. STOP IN FOR A PEEK BEFORE OUR OFFICIAL OPENING BRAND NEW 4 Door tuooUn w i *796 .'1999 IMP ALA M)r. Hdtp,, V 4 , Ante., -ladio and Hiattr, WW T i m Conv.rtibl., $1046 Ai»to., RtH, P/S_ I W t W Sian* 1 Dr H/T, Auto., RtH. . — 1 4 * . , Stick Shift, M1AXIE U c x Hardtop, V-6, a-Cyl., Kodio * r W a t * . "A.1O,. «*H, PS., WW Tlrw CONV., Auto., U H , PS., P.B., WW Tir«, Ekrirtc Windows , Cenv. 4-Way h w , 63 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Stdan, Auto., R*H, Pawtr Storing, 0n.0w»r '62 FALCON '64 TORD M H , Black with Rid Interior J EIJZABETtrs Iliiiii AND CHARACTER ltF,\|)is(;J Advice on all problems of such as love, marriage ,,n,| ness. Call 54M1M I/i, .tH # 1 4 Redwood Avc. VAi<m. JI499 WW Tint '65 FORD 131 72 J1895 MONZA 1-Dr. Hdtp., I I H , IMPAIA 1-Dr. Hdrp., V-4, Auto., M H , F.S., Stowtord TmmMon 150 5 YEAR OR 50,000 MILE GUARANTEE CORONETS WINDfflflHU) BROKEN WOODBRIDGE - Edward Skotkin, S66 Noe Avenue, reported to Patrolman John Annes Monday that someone had broken the windshield on his delivery truck while It was parked to front of bis place of business, ABD, Electrical Sippiy, 787 st. feorge Avenue. A steel punch, whi* was evidently thrown througl the glass, was found Inside the vehicle. NAMED DELEGATE FORDS - Mrs. Ellen R. Dunham, 819 King George Road, a member of Grace Lutheran Church, Perth Amboy, is one of tbe 11 delegates from New Jersey who will attend the triennial convention of tbe Lutheran Church Women, the official women's auxiliary of the Lutheran Church in America, at Cleveland, Ohio August 16 through 20. NO APPLESAUCE HOFELA\VN - Mrs. Anna &alaji, 99 James Street, mportwl to Patrolmen Robert Fiaher and Albert HoUus that someone had stolen approximately two bushels "f «pple» from a tree in her back yard, sometime between midnight and t A, M., TAussday. NO MONEY DOWN established 1945 ing, Tuesday, 8:80 P. M. at U» Main library of the Free Public MJSC. FOR SALK library System,'800 Raljway Avenue. , :NYL0N CARPET - Mill HepreHntattvM of VOTE wttl rccentatlve (or Eastcni present a plan for the selection direct factory deal on G of qualified candidates for Board of Education, "Ail too often well qualified people hesitate or even refuse to volunteer their services as candidates becaust of the *»hMi«Hng nature df School Board electioni," CLOSE-OUT! 4inni-h said Mr. Glick. The plan to be discussed has jumbo steel wardrobe been succesfully used in another diculous prKes $« -iwl communttl for nearly X yearsit is no fcperiment, be also ad- r « t from factory. MoNA vised. ^ ME 4^)300. All qualified persons are urged to attend. 1 0 0 E. ST. GEORGE AVE,, LINDEN Author.,..* Dodg,.-D -Durt Rrnuull Di OKNAHENT8 STOLEN HOPELAWN - Two ornaments - piaster fatningo birds, were stolen froni m front of her hooui. Mm. Catherine Stuli, 90 Hamed Avujcme, informed Patrolman Thomas J. CriMy, Monday The bit* «• J d ' is for Printing serves In many waysbuild sates, s|«f° tlons, cut c ' ' talk printing your busiiitss. t MIDDLESEX PRESS d e p e n dent-L«uJ« (E.B.) • Carterrt Presi Thursday, August 12, 10fi5 PAGI nrriKM BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY KONDOR'S AMERICAN SERVICE Tires Tubw AccfiMriei Batteries ALL REPAIRS* Antomatle Trannmiisloni Rebuilt Rahway Ave. A a r m gt. WOODBRIDGE ME 4-J7M or VA MOM • • • • ERfDAN MtMV SCHWINN BIKES SALES - SERVICE - REPAIR Lawn Mower Service And Repair SAW FILING FOREIGN CAR 613 Ruhwar Avenue COLLISION WORK Wnodbridge Free Estimates Automotive 685 Railway Ave, WoodhrldRe Come her* for FAMOUS GULF Uibricntion Oil Change Brnke Adjustment! Accessories 24-HOUR TOWING ;0 TO YOUR FAVORITE SERVICE STATION • • • • • ME «-3fi63 • FRESn 0PM FINE FOOD At Moderate Price* For CLOSED MONDAYS YOUR CAR SENTRY 1 PARIS & SUPPLY AUTO REPAIR • MUFFLERS • TUNE-UPS • SHOCK ABSORBERS • BRAKES im St. George Ave., Avend Tel. SM-7060 Bob Mone, Prop, • Lunch • IMnnrr 680 Amboy A T * . . WOODRRIDGE (Arrou from fitew»rt's) Asphalt Paving RAHWAY SUNSHINE CENTER 1133 St. George Ave. Colonla T«L 634-9821 $89.00 SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY Adds • Sobtract* • MnltlpUe* AND DRY CLEANING Plu Drivewayi, Ye Old Colonial Equipment Inc. Parkin* Lots, <te. l t t t bring St. EUhwij 381-1131 Frw Carpet Service Etttmatet IRE SHOP 75 FLATS FIXED IRES CALL 985-1631 RECAP BARBER SHOP H8-W7 H i n ?! SERVICE Vv'ELLA BROS. BARBER SHOP • • • 4 Keodnr Repair* ColUuon Specialists" T 4 BARBERS NO WAITING PERSONAL ATTENTION U Yean in Woodbrldg* Chlldren'i Haircut* Our Specialty M2 School St., Woodbridge Pat Stlto, Prop. Kerby Pine Belt Farms Ceranlc Tile Electrical Wrlag • or P«t« • M M i U SHOP SAVE! tilea PRICES! Beauty Shop COAL SERVICE with a *» T 4 Coneja A T » . Personal FID Your Coal Bin NOW With Lehlgh Premium Anthracite ISEUN I Tel. 549-1072 Touch Nut or jOl.50 Philip's Lady Fair StOVe mm BUILT JHIH1RETORS * s AND 8EKVICI Highway. fUE8., WKU. 1HVR8DAV ONLY SPECIAL! Shampoo SET oo BUCK COAL. Today mm BROS. UNUKN, N. J. U U X NOW 486-2726 486-0059 Construction Salon 33 Attention Mr. Merchant: You Art Only Oue vt 4I,H« Header* Reading This tkvOou. Win Not Cull Today and PUw* Yuw Ad. It Cotta M Little «a )Z.M per week • MaJlrut Si. 50 U U 8t. George Ave.. ColonU Pbone: 3W-J368 IT |AYS! FURNITURE BEDDING JEWELRY rullj lomred ft OuranlMd CaU FU 1.9306 (Colonia) TABLE LAMPS SI.00 Music Instroction 1439 Irving St, RAHWAY • LOWREY ORGANS • CONN ORGANS Home Improvement • Stonn Windows & Deors license No. 3S38 WINDOW SHADES Alum. Gutters or Leaden • REMOLDING Reglaiing or Rescreening • REPAIRING A. LOVAS &SONS STORAGE RAHWAY FUR SHOP im PIANO COMPANY M( Rahway ATOM Woodbridge Awnings, Canvas or Alms. Made to Ordtr INC. IS8I Mala S t r e e t . Q Q . . R f i RAHWAY, N. j . d O O - 4 7 0 6 FUlton WSU fttVINQ ST., HJUJWAK DOKMKUS GAltAGKS EXTENSIONS • • FINISIIKU ATTICS FINISHED BASEMENTS • ALUMINUM SIDING UP TO 7 VMS. TO PAK FREE ESTIMATES M&L CONSTRUCTION PA I-H7T Sorrk* ME 4-17J8 in the Business Service Directory MIDDLESEX HOME BUILDERS • Dormers • ME 4-5446 Bourn a to », Cloi*d Uonduri IN R m m An. ME 4-IM8 Toilet* Kitchen Faucets G u Water Heaters REPAIRS and REPLACEMENTS Sewer Cleaning Photography FREE FILM For Lite With OALLARDS Developing and Printing Serriot • CAMERA REPAIR • PHOTOSTAT ft LAMINATION SERVICE • PROFESSIONAL COLOR PICTURES AT BUCK ft WHITE PRICKS • PASSPORT ft CITIZENBB& PHOTOS GALLARD'S PHOTO & STUDIO .HI Am hoy Avenue WOODBRinUF Men's Formal Wear - - Real Estate Listings TED'S TUXEDOS Gurages Extensions • Aluminum • Finished Attics • Finished • JUST SITBACK • fcxnert Repairs T. R. STEVENS Koonw and Ibwt M«U) Worh « l ST. GEORGE AVE. WOODBRIDGK on all Jewt'iry FU 8-1667 GOLDBLATTS H4 K. 1 H E R K V S T . . HAlttVAY ilr-CoofllttonJM Wknt An- B«ti Indn«tri«l bh»uit lyitam Motor Outfit ros n t n ESTUUTH MB M i t t HENRY JANSENftSON Sheet Metal Work Roofing Gutters and Leaden 588 Altai Stoat Women's Apparel Latest Fashions • DRESSES • SPORTSWEAR atm H I , 8-» lOTnmn hovm w-» d»Ujr, list Jk\t' Thur * I t i HU f lWM.CkwgwAvt.,1 Caiaaia TtJ.(U4UI Woodbridge, N. 1. Tdaphoo* KErcnr «-Utt Slipcovers Aitomotlve FREE CVTERIOR Decorating SERVICE BY ERNEST DECORATORS HOME - APARTMENT AND OFFICE Room Layout • Furniture Arrangemtnta Co|ot Coordination • Budget PUumtai Gall «r Write for Further Infanutloa CUSTOM TAILORED SUPCOVERS, DRAPERIES, A REUPHOLSTERY DONE BY EXPERTS BILL'S Golf Station WEST CARTERET Ro«Hielt Av«, A Pfkola Ter, Tel. M9-987I For Quality FU 1-5797 Cleaners & Tailors Iff lltDd Alterations Siding Slipcovers 17 Green St. UAHWAY WoodbrkUe FASHION FABRICS .Inttriur Dtninlwi" Custom-made Sllpcuvera ME 4-3836 Busementa Motorcycles Free Estimates No Money Down MOTORCYCLE ,£RVK:« PA 1-0768 - • flrldgt»U)D(i • Benelll • Parllla • I sod LET US SKIX YOUR HOUSE! U»t It With Stern& REAI/TOr ME 4-5500 WANT ADS 54 MAIN ST. WOODBRIDGE FUNCVCLES Classified A 's Bring Results Call ME 4-1111 Watch Repairs RMfllg A SliHig 8BOP AT DOME SERVICE Ted's Tailor Ship Seven Years To Pay • • Complete Inspection Work • TUNE.UPS • MUFFLERS WATCH REPAIRS ATtlWl Optn ev«. by »piH>lntMoiit • AVENEL, N. J. SMITH Plimblng aid Heating FOR HIRE Advertise Your Business ION St. Georga A n . ( R t M) North «f W«o4brid|t Woodbrldfi Opp. • Hnnklpd Bld|. (I6-MM PORTABLE HEATERS HEATING for the finest la Tuxedoi In th« and • • • KIMBALL PIANOS Instruction Tuning JARDOT Stock ft Custom Mm I L» Main St., Woodbridft (or appointment call 4M-92M sn'tCost N«v and Repairs Work PEA COAL, MM Beauty Salon UN on Furrier STATION CHAIN SAWS . VIBRATOM "Sorriw wtth a Smile" Mason • Contractor Builder Service Station 10 Main S t , Call MErcury 44449 PLUMBING - Mason Contractor 8-1790 V.'OODBRID' (Formal; wltk Chvlejr ran) NT HtmU AT*. Woodbrtdt,, *J, AB Brick, 8ton« a r t Coocret* brtegtov, N. J. Tel: JTWS7 Of KI 1-4M9 • COLD BUILDERS' HAMMEM Sewer TIBOR BERENCSI S5 MAIN ST SINCLAIR P U M P S . GENERATOR* MS King O«org«i R4., Fordi Bonded & Insured Coal &Fiel Oil DRAPERIES NICK'S Serrk* Electric II E11U Avenue VAfoj MIN ColonU Rhtl. Rahwij, N. J. (•MI it lUhwtj In) P b w i JU-etu b DISCOUNTS I nyuSummer FUR COATS nice Perusing Fl) We Specialise in Automatic Controls 40 Mary Avenue, Fords l rodOflftCoaJ U N Elizabeth Avenge Rahway * R«*Jdential Wiring Take Advantage ol Our • Batteries Efficient • Haidwan • HMOU'I Repain of AS Ktad* LOOK* GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS » BRAKES • TUNE UPS • FRONT END Mi RV'S TEXACO RVICE STATION New Job* tot t PintUlai • O s n n boon • BalloW 8uppU« a it* H. Ooorfn Arc., RaJiway ED FREY & COAL CO. • ittmUUoB Plywood Rooflnc Ibinflci MUlwerk "The Nations Neighbor" • SANDING MACHINES • POWER T 0 0 1 8 • BABY CRIM a BKIVS • GARDEN TTTJ.ERS • MOWERS • MOVING EQUIPMENT • RUG SHAMPOO • FLOOR POLISHERS HOMELITE SUMMER CLEARANCE Industrial • Commercial Ut Amboy A n . WoodbrMi* GARAGE • • • • EDWARD SWANICK QUALITY ELECTRIC J.&F. Distributors CERAMIC TILE Mosaic Rental of Eqalpmeit - Patotl ft Wallpaper Plmblig & Heating Furniture • • • »*uto Bodj Shop la A m PARK BARBER FORDS 1133 St. George Ave., Colonia TeL U W7S1, MS «-MS2 Oldest oo the Avenue Once A Try, Always A Buy! th* Complete Kuly imcrkin Fnrnltnr« Store TeL MS-19M .49 McDermott Uiber SULO BROS. • CONTRACTOR KXTERIOR U T E X ROUSE PAINT GAL. R e o o m m c a M lor CEDAR. ASBE8T01, MASONRY and CLAPBOARD SURFACES We R«at Extension Ladder* $LM PER DAY WOODBRIDGE, N . J. • FINEST QUALITY • WHITES & BROWNS • ALL SIZES Special Ratei lor Restaurant! and Institutions ROCKERS KECLINER8 DINETTES LAMPS BEDDING BALLARD'S CARPET SERVICE including llry,, UeUa WOODBRIDGE Liquor Store, Inc. FRESH FROM OUR FARMS DAILY EariyARerleaiFiriitire AIM Expert luUlUtloD Tell Your Story TV R-U14 SLIPCOVERS 574 AMBOY AVENUE And Prtaaing; TADED CARPETS IN THE HOME SHOP AT HOME SERVICE MLS Liquor Storet Profuakmal Dry CUankf OF N. J. and World Wide M o r m St. George Are., Arentl • Paints & Wallpaper Reers and Liquors RECOLORING NEW NATIONAL VANS and Imported Wines AND DRIVEWA • ttsrtrtm AGFNTS Telephone MErcnry 4-UM CLEANING 8x50 KNOWS IT'S FOR SALE! ME 4-9752 AH Work G w u t M d HET'S FREE Your BROKER tor SateT ruiton g-na ME 6-9070 E Wath * Dry Clean ? IS IT A SECRET 7 You know It's (or SALE! BUT Complete Stock of Domettte Phlleo Bendli SHpetvtrt D O N the Borer know It'i WE DELIVER! Dry Cleaning BRAND NEW! onroe & Essex Sts. 1010 St. GforKe Avemi<AVFNEL (Ntu ClOTtrlul) Diily J3« A.M. to 1:00 P.M. I:M *.M. to «:04 P.M. Woodbridge^ Diner • Bnaltfint ADDING MACHINE A-P AUTO SERVICE SALES & SERVICE Frlti Owrdlno'i RAHWAY BOOK & GIFT SHOP Why Not !,et The "7" McCnllryi Move You Real Estito LET Iwhtttrial • Residential COMPLETE LANMCAPK PLANNING GRADING * SKKDINQ • RoiotUUm Ltwm t Rddl Fresh Iggi Business Equipment PARTS •••••Halm ported Auto Cloned Wednwday All Day Wonderful FUlton M770 and « A.M, to f P.M. Diner 53 E. Cherry St. BEST SERVICE BAKERY GOODS BOOKS For Thf LAHDSCAPE CONTRACTOR MECHANIC INCLUDING SUNDAYS GIFTS M E 4.2473 IDEAL WAY MOVERS EUROPEAN TRAINED • SALADS at Their Bert Book Stores Make Albert J. SCHAEFER. Sr. (O»p White Church) 1163 Green St., Iselin O'BRIEN'S GULF SERVICE Moving & Storage REPAIRS • SODA FOUNTAIN LINCOLN KEY SHOP (»»t«r 7 PJM.) TREAT SHOPPE Landscape Contractor MM m. O«orgi A w . RAHWAY 281-8779 AdWtlflig Doesn't Cist - It Pays • V»BD QOOOi fall *»i rnw rv t • 1U1 Main 8t. See MlddlNex P n i > For Yoir Printing of All Kinds MIDDLESEX PRESS 2C GREEN ST. WOODBRIDGE ME 4-1111 WANT ACTION - ME 4-1111 USE WANT AD9 Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Cart(W Thurstiny. August 1?, 1965 PAGE SIXTEEN Joyce N.-wrockl prr fold-;i.hol,iPr, lor the most benuliful doll glass were placed into weird for- cenik. Mike Mullin. Ellen Urrutia, third place. On Thursday we hadthird in the 10-11 year old diviClaire Burns, Anthony Milfoil. Alan Zator won third prize at;had a hnhy shnw mations; result, a Weird papera scavenger hunt, the winning sion. Special Events held were a was won by Alice Hnckett and Leslie Daniels, Nancy Burls, the township checker tournament August 4. Mnm team was Julie Huglovsky, Deb- pet contest and a stuffed anil.ml the t>riw for the most original weight, A rainy we*K has ended. Laura Jordan, Steve Kelety, John nnd Clnine Burns placed second llx. bie McMahon. Darlene Master- contest, and a peanut hunt. Win- was wnn by Janet Fefor brought their I Kelety, Lois Daniels and JoAnn ners were Petty Ijanzafama, Jopeter, Eric Baker, Pat Vaccarelin the tournament. The children ters nnd hrothe MERRILL PARK iKosach. Wiffleball contest winTSto s la, John Haperbrie, and Warren ann Dnngel, Kevin Toone, Patty. Playground Directors: BUNN8 U K K I ners were: Anthony Bevonn, Greg especially enjoyed making the cop- one. Rusing. On Friday we ended the Baker, Rocky Pegano, Debbie Pe-j Joyce Lello, Mary Lee Vatontl SKMEL AVENUE 5TH DISTRICT Playground Dlrectorsi I Glodowski. Justin Glodowski, All week with a Halloween Party. terson. Denise Netta, Marty Nee,1 PlaygrMnt DirWtW: Playground Director: The children performed and Karen Wall, Ellen Herits, Arlene Mary Ann Crane, Ann Baranko Winners in the drawing contest len Woods, Paul Kenny, Glen Patrtcti Koloaeniky Mary Lee Vaienti treats were enjoyed; awards were Conitlin, Patty Baker, Pat Kelly, Mother Nature got into play this were John Kelety, Pamela Coop-•I Laurence, Charles Olson, Gary •|Stacy, and Donald Cznpllnski given for the best dressed. Arts Sharon Greenspan, and Mike This week's arts and crafts win- On Wednesday, August 4. a dog week when wild berries, rabbits, er, Barbara Friedrich, Leslie iels, Paul Kenny, Lori VanDecker, rRMt CITf AND SUBURBAN DtLIVEnv ners were Richard Selby for hisshow was held. Karen Astlin's and crafts winners for this week Miller. and poison ivy were observed by BOYNTON NO, 1 AN ESTIMATE ANYWHERE copper fold-a-holdcr, and Ann entry, Silkie, won a prize for thewere Jody Petroski, and Robert Our basketball team won their seventeen children on a hike to Gien I^awrence, Vivian Valverde, Greg Glodowski, Mike Richman, first game with Semel Park. Thomas for her foam |>uppet. deepest bark: Michael Koral's Anderson, Playground Director: the woods Thursday, She also Qnalitv Keeps Us in Bnsi ness Eric Thergesen, Scott DuesterPractice and tryouts for the jun-Tammy won for smallest Dorothy Donataccl aided in a drawing contest with diek, Linda Utham, and I<ois nior Olympics are now being hold. Walter Idmbardi's Tanya QUIGLEY PARK INMAN AVENUE |t.he poem "Happy Thought" as Daniels. Building Material) As well as tryouts For our play- Tor the largest doc: and The children on Boynton No. 1 Playground Director: Playground Director: their incentive. Happy thoughts Stuffed animal contest winners Mlllwork ground dramatic production on Peters' Bisquit won the prirtfior playground have been voting all Jamm < fltmlff Lynn Often brought happy Kathy Collins first are: RooAng August 25. Robert Czplinski, Kevin week for a king and queen. The the dog with best singing voice. inanlatlon Quigley Pork defeated Menlo On Monday _ afternoon Inman place, Darlene Shields second, Wertz. Peter Kesylia, Steve king and queen will reign until This week's main attraction was yort Moulding 1h" dog sliow held on Thursday. Park 19-fi in an intorpark softballi Avenue Park conducted a water- Cindy Cosentino third, Susan Hoo- Czplinski, Jimmy Mullin, Terri next summer when there will be Knotty Pin, ISEI.IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Hnrriware Winners were. Cinderella the ColKlt game. Rocco Kussomanno wasj m e lon party. Four wntermelons beon fourth, and Gary Uikacs Driscoll, Kathy Seickel, Jane another election. The rrnwning Playground Director: lie. Ann Thomas: Michelle the Paint the winning pitcher with relief! w e r c quickly devoured by some best imitation With foam pup- Fleming, Sharon Scally. Marie ceremony will be Monday at 2 •poodle. Teresa Joe; Basil the Pstricla Pannone help p from Jeff Ixx-kcr. Tony Rus-|f or tyy children. Gil Radford wa» pets and copper fold-n-hnlders Mir Plattecl, Susan Scally, Mary Both P. M. DOING IT YOlIRfiELFT beaple, Mary Piesciak: and honsomanno and Russ Chiecuto hit the winning watermelon-eater by project, a top hat and a cane Brown, Ellen Kenny, Mona KelI,t un advlir /ou on n m MErcury 4-012J orahlc mention to Blackie, Jackie On Monday we had a doR show ety, Don Czplinski. Paul .Srhocb, brought Kenny Sedlnk first prize romiriirtlnn. •Iteration »nd and the children proudly display- some runs for the winners. The eating seven chunky pieces of) 437 Railway Avr.. rep»lr«. for his puppet. Trying our talents Joseph PetriK'ini. Charles (lerria, watermelon. On Tuesday Inman piny. "The Princess and the Pea". ed their pets and il was hard Playground Director: Hobby Kriedrich, Melody Mcs at the abstract, pieces of st; Avenue held a doll contest. The on August 25. in this playground to pick a winner. We also had Danny Straffi, Huss Chiecuto, The public, especially parents, are ,'i winner in the checker tourna- Tony Russomanno. John Locker, ment, I/iri Quinn. who came in invited free of charge. Gary Woodruff. Debbie Edgley, Neil Ingenito. Glen Bolduc, Steve Domenick, and George Buttis. PLAYGROUND NEWS WOODBRIDGE Headquarters in Woodbridge for HALLMARK • PRESCRIPTIONS CARDS and • COSMETICS GIFT WRAPS • FILM SUPPLIES BARTON'S CANDY DEPENDABLE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE STRAWBERRY HILL Playground Director: Janice Jedrzejewiki Weekly contest winners included Kum Sarkik, Valerie Milano, J. J. Murphy and Kevin Shea in the small fry sand contest. Drawing awards went to Eva Puskas, Mary Ann Sorensen, Joseph Caiola. Charlotte Enik, Marje Csiola, an3 J&Aflll Hantferhtni: Cnartotte | Enik, JoAnn Handerhan and Robert Edmund took home certificates for the roller skating contest. Experimenting with games "Clue" seemed to rate high. After one hour Jerry Martin finally won. On Tuesday a pet show was held. Most unusual pet award went to Steven Dercole's pet ants, Charlie and Janice. Thursday': big event included a Pizza contest. Jerry Martin and Eva Puskas each took home a whole pizza for supper. Second pl&ce winners were John De Riggi and Carol ConniEzaro. Finally on Fri day eggs were flying. Winners of| this contest were Joey Mekzar and Frank Palinkas. You Ring . We Bring! NBL1X PHARMACY 91 Main Street OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, . 10 P.M. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. KHKK CUSTOMER PARKING KS REAR ENTRANCE WHERE Are You Going on Vacation IXT Year?... Wherever it i i , it will take money. Start saving for NEXT year's vacation NOW. Regular weekly deposits mount up fast. FREEMAN PLAYGROUND Playground Director: Mary Ann Scanlon Winners of the sandbox contest were: Charles and Garry Bonicker, Brian Bornemann, Janice Cascetta, Joseph Mulrooney, Joanne Perry and Gail Wojcik. Winners of the Hobby Show were: Nancy Bader, Charles Borucker, Anthony and Lisa JironowiU, John Lagok, Colleen and Maureen McNulty, Joseph Mulrooney, Thomas Perry and Bernard Scanlon. Winners of the soap and potato peeling contest were: Janice Cascetta, Denice Hill, Joseph Mulrooney, and Joanne and Thomas Perry, and Lisa and Anthony Jironowitz. COLONIA NO. 22 Playground Director: Andrea Karclch Colonia No. 22 playground had two checker tournament winners.] James Schaber placed second in 12-13 year old division, and his brother, David Sehaber, placed YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO PLUS YOUR MOST VALUABIC TODAYt^uSATj TRADING STAMPS FREE CALIFORNIA STYLE CHUCK CHICKENT SAUSACI VEAL CUTLETS SHORT RIBS HKK STEWING BEEF > 78* ROUND CUBES . 8 8 ' SPARERIBS HOLLAND POLYNESIAN HUDSON NAPKINS HOUSE DRINK 1 BREAST & LEGS READY TO COOK 3 Vi-IB. AVG. ROASTERS PORK CHOPS GROUNDALL BEEF "EF GROUND CHUCK The Greatest! BRASS BUCKET and (Eaekiail-licmnge LUNCHEON OtUj BANKING HOURS: D1U7 I A-M. t o 3 P.M.—Friday 9 A.M. t o 6 P.M.—I roe * BRANCH OFFICE * Carteret Shopping Center BANKING HOURS: D*Uy » AJU. t o t P.M.—Friday 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. and t P J « , t o 8 P.M. Member of Federal Reserve System Federal Depotlt Insurance Corporation Lot ITALIAN IMPERIAL COFFEE CHOICE LEAN FAMILY SIZE ORANGE or GRAPE G R O U N D CHOICE 11:30 t o <:M I'M DINNER Oillj 1:38 to 11:00 f.M. uid Saturd*) TU vi:Vt Snndaj Npon VU1 10 tM. , BRASS BUCKO Charcoal Steakhousc V. S. S & MAIN 8TREE1 WOODBRIDCE STRONG-EFFICIENT INSTANT COFFEE ^ 5 » l SCOTTOWILS mm WHITE TUNA 3 8 8 ' BEETS 10-98' tSfiT *r** 6MAYONNAISE -3 8 U.S. #1 POTATOES PORK nBEANS NESTLES KEEN FRUIT COCKTAIL TWO GUYS SOUD IN WATER « * A A ON ALL 1965 FORDS 1 2 5 ' 6 5 Fords Must Be Cleared Out! • GALAXIES • MUSTANGS * FALCONS • T-BIRDS * CUSTOMS * FAIRLANES • ECONOLINE VANS * PICKUP TRUCKS BIGGEST DISCOUNTS ANYWHERE!! TWO GUYS ior» TOO GUYS 4*O MOTT'S PRODUCE DEPT. TWO GUYS ASS'T FLAVORS A SIZE FROZEN FOOD DIPT. 10 . 47 GREEN BEANS TOMATOES HOMEGROWN THRIF-T-PAC FRENCH & REG. CUT 10 99 LEMONADE""" ORANGE JUICE C t PEACHES 12 99 V f c lSUNK XKT CALIF. 1ST ORANGES I 35 I *» 1 4 FRESH CRISP PASCAL WHITf or DAIRY DEPT. TRAY PAK OM-W. OR MOM SWEET JUICY FREESTONE Reservation. ME 4-9148 SUMMER CA I C CLEARANCEJALC CUBE STEAK CHUCK FILLET 3 £28 TOMATO SOUP LEAN Ib SHOULDER STEAK CHICKEN STEAK LONDON BROIL (SHI > 4£»89< 4S98 Mb. IN HEAVY SYRUP-TWO GUYS T&ttl lEatfr BRootti "Our 42nd Year of Uninterrupted Service TO Our Community" if MAIN OFFICE * 30 Cooke Avenue, Carteret CROSS RIB ROAST . 78 POT ROAST .58 BONELESS Join Our VACATION CLUB CARTERET BANK AND TRUST CO. FOOD BUYS \ ROUND You can open a CARTERET BANK & TRUST VACATION CLUB in the weekly amounts of $1, $2, $3, $5 or $10. And there's no charge for opening or dosing your account. Come in and start yours today—next year you'U be so glad you did! - L U M B E R CO. 10 * 4 9 * U.S. # 1 YELLOW WEEKLY ( J E H U SPECIAL ONIONS 3 .29' APPETIZING DEPT. WATERPROOF TOTE BAG Ass't colors. COArYP. VALUE 2.00 Reg. 68 ( 29 C with a loo purchase ot S2 or more. AMERICAN CHEESE COOKED SALAMI BOLOGNA m A .0 9 SALADS YOUR CHOICE ib. 4 V Route 9 - WOODBRIDGE *-*>« ~* MARGARINE - BUJI BONNET ^ 2 5 ' TWO GUTS..TRADINO STAMP ONE BOOK SPECjAl. ma » GORHAM" STEGORCRAFT FLATWARE ib. ALL WHITE MEAT-FRESHLY SLICED CHICKEN ROLL CO* DOWCFMSH STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN HttSH-POTATO. COU SLAW, MACRON) # | J ^ SEASONAL DEPT. 1m. MIX & MATCH SALE! THOPICANA OR SO-PC, SWncEFOt 8 . ^ LIST 27.95 REG. 16 67 12 Book. * cD JEWELRY^ Route 18, EAST BRUNSWICK DAILY9;30 A M Til 10P.M.-SUNDAY'» ; j0 A M . TIL 6 P.M. Et tu UuHl I J U U I U U M . Nut re thru irt., * u | . Mtt Presented Fairly, Clearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures Now Jorsoy, Thursday, August 19, 19G5 Artists Chosen Summer At Home: Voungs^rsh^aid^ BY Jaycces as Exhibit Judge MMKIIKT - Profesionnl art-1 Iviinctli llari, Charles Hillcrj i |i,in:nd Deitz have been ob,.,,1 ,-• .linlces for the Carteret .,.. outdoor Art Exhibit to he , ., Pi 12 ;it Jaycee Park ir i , • ri.m Norman HI f i n a l l y CARTKKKT—Even in warm weather, youngsters' thoughts turn away from the backyard or playground. With assistance and encouragement, they frequently orpuniw fund-raising backyard carnivals, pel shows and similar affairs. Parents, usually pleased whenever their offsprings' energy is channelled lo n worthwhile cause, often agree to turn over the ynrd for one or nmic days at a lime if not to help. tn I he judges ten days tx> • :„ ,lmu However, hecnusi • .„ M-h calibre of the judges. , , iiccided to make ,,.iit , , curlier miri-("i| \ in lo the ••,. !•(• men are comjM'U'nl in.il artists themselves of forth Amhoy, is (t by agents In New ..-.( HolUwood and current. •i exhibition in the Cori vry m New York. Mr. ' MHurhen, (caches art . ' i Statement on (hiin Suspension | "Once before Mrs. Hila acted rnshlv. in a way that was also hnrd to understand. After hearing ihe overwhelming evidence on the board's decision to fire the Hi?h School Principal, B.O. Thomas, year, she continued to sun•wt and vote for the retention of 'Hiomj's. N w she has violated 'he Hwrd's confidence with Countv Snnerintendent Robert 'hunt's office." Mnddow stnNl. Me remimled Mrs. Hila (hat the Hoard conference with Blunt was cnnlkhnlinl and the Board memhers were asked not to discuss ilte suii'cet pubielv, 1!••creation Department. t v i l z . of Carteret, whn i the Carterol Library > m June, also (cache:. V i.•!•>. to be annnunred II!! he awnrded for first •••I third prizes in oil , :• <nlor categories; ama\ • professional artists will {•' separately with prizes • liibbons will also be ahiding honorable men by the judges and i.indstrom will bo on J section set aside as ' .-s Corner." Some of :mgs will be avaibhle • •••••<', but will not be « n - ' ^ !..;• judging. < hit is open too all proud amateur artists whn • n i mon and Middlesex' : \pplications may .•.I iiDin Jaycee Chairman ••• I mdstrom, 72 l l n p m a n • "t. or Jaycee-ette Chair.j '•'• Siindy Ingrassia. IOR : 1 ' Carteret. i'vent of rain, the • ![X>ned to Sept, CUM Im l FttrVmoli " " ' '' ' Maura He declared that. "Mrs. Hila's interrelation of the conference is incomplete, has been distorted out of context, and is in no way consistent with her own actions IaRose 73 Daniel Strett held a backyard carnival recently jin moving for the suspension." comprised "of 1-uis Glovueky and Kenneth and Janice LaRott. | Maddow concluded - bv stating Billy and Lynne Vezwwi, Barbara Haney and that, While the decisions of a • Board member are often times — (difficult, I believe that in all instances only the educational welifare of the system should dictate a truly conscientious Bodtd mem! ber's actions. Publicity-Peeking should1 not." 2;C«rteret Aiding Mrs. Drugos Joins Young Longer flours At In New Postal \Qamour Set at Party library Sought By Perking Avenue, Car" " Cartes State "A. SUxK'an'nbtinceH Cartcr«t Post Office jpy wiB 1x asked 'to fnke part in the Postal EJficicncy Plan an-j by Postmaster General' j.fnhn A. Gronouski. j p l a n in :• ':. l T - Fire tests will be " T h e PosLi1 E{(k^ --l • P M ( . I l .U. .e • .dudes comprehensive programs V ^ l " improving postal serVice and stilute Sets Fbe-Day Tcsts|| S a b 0 S;lid "It is our way "* of Itelping Presi dent Johnson fulfill his pledge to : -ling for two weeks, provide more effective and ecowill be destroyed at- nomical government services." '"i«ut tests. With one In Washington, Postmaster Gen"I two steel wings in- eral John A, Gronouski termed 1 <vperiments will de- the plan's twin objectives of econ-! ability tO;omy and service betterment "a ' ; matter of highest priority" and 1 ! |:1 West Carteret. the called for total involvment of all 1 *•;> erected to test con-'employees through the Post Of' ^i;er building materials Oce suggestion program. '"•'•I'lricated structure*, j Semi-annual reports 'will be Banick said. made to the President. Mr GroCenter August M, 2S/ gether socially. »• J Beauliclaa Helen flrugos rf Carteret (left), teenage starlet Sarah Lane and Dojta Hollowaf, associate producer of "I saw What You Did!" mrt recently a t a cocktail party that preceded the screening of tie new Universal-International film In New York. Earlier this summer, the attractive Mrs. Drugos did hop aboard an aslro-jet te visit her 6' 4" son, Al, who is a member of the U.S. military forces stationed in Germany, and their continental reunion was made doubly enjoyable when young Drougos' CO. granted him extended leave to permit the Carteret mother and son to tour Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France together. ' .V v .. , . . . . (he interior awftfrnrtWIj. ot tifjk library wilding, fi\e Libraty Board has; - The borough Is awarded'.'a contract to Frederick : f CARTERET • h refinancing- proGilbert Contractors. The worn out ' * ' • * :nd crai-lfed sections of the side-, i, ' , ,. , ... ,, , -,.,, walk around the library will be . B o ™ " * Au f (llto ' Jo , 1 l n J ' Clk°, and •eplaeed. In addiUoq. three storm i' n a . e ^ t 0 , h e f " doors frill be installed in the !i- c °"'! e l 1 l a s t n^} , w r o t e : rary shortly. Sections of the roof ^ « u a r c P' l o b a l v « w a " re s ori] will also be repaired. '7 * y -™u m u s ] • . . ently finance the bond antieipa mm , a wall separating the r e f . l , ; erenci.room and the main reading i"° t e s M " f Wlil b e t w o b c a i l s e ih room will be removed. Thi S l f ^ 'operation break through" wiMolymake access to the reference room! . 'If 1'L'<<llires a 8 r e a t d e a l of eafier; in case of an emergency it time to get the brochure ready CARTERKT — Councilman John Brechka, of the Carteret will permit an addition of a fewfor printing and.distribution, the shelves-for books, and fin-, notice of bond sale prepared and Hecreation Department, announced that the sixth in the series extra ally it will 'give that feeling of I approved by( t h e bonding atof concerts-in-the-park will be held on Sunday, August 22nd. " jtornuys, publication of said notice, Music will be played by "Andy and His Dynamic Four" from spaciousness. Library Director George v ! j s a l e yf bonds - .an(l , f i " a l 'y * e ' 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.. at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Park on Hodowanec said that for the great- printing and srgning of the bonds, nouski siiid, and realized savings Carteret Ave. er comfort of the people of the I recommend that you give early The Recreation Department is considering having a talent will be reverted to the Treasury community, evqry effort is made consideration to retaining a fiscal Finishes or applied to improving postal contest in the near future as one of the concerts-in the-park. to have the library open 40 hours agent, fhis will be open to adults, teen-agers, and young childrtn. per week. If.successful, Ihe Car- "The important thing to rememProgram service. A local committee will be or- Anyone interested in participating in this contest, may call eret Free Public Library will be ber is that the bonds should be - Richard J. San-ganized to fulfill the two purposes Mrs. Lucas. closer to meet the A L A's mini- sold on or before October 15| 1965: mum requirements of being open so that the notes maturing ctjn be Prive,. .Car.. of the pton: 1. Reduce costs; 2. ! between 45-60 hours per week. •'""ii 104 recent highjlmprove services. i paid from the proceeds of'said :III ' " M who received | ( | o a s generated by individual! It is hoped, that it will be pos-sale." ' ."'m Union Junior;employees will be taken up by sible to make this library a cul""' (1 - ror successfully* th,.- cum mjttee. Accepted' ideas tural center for tlhs. community. Local Man Injured 1 With this in rairnl,, tl)S library will (] •;^ourweek College' wil! bo p.,SSK| u n lo Washington lr J n ,..._. In Freak Accident '' '" for possihle application on a na- The New Jersey. Civil Strvice attempt to conduct a monthly 1 v |i _ „ „de. . ,tion.il „ movie series. An educational or WOODBRIDGE-Frank Mikp», • ' i Program was level Employees whose Commission this week ruled valid ne the recent high ideas are adopted nation-wide wHl (he promotion of 10 members of; WOODBRIDGE-A public meet recreational film will be shown 168 Burns Lane, an employee of| 1 c ar toret Police Department. ing on Chapter 51, Tax Laws o! once a month (fee of charge. This the Micle. Tracking Company, was taste of college be (jiven national awards. orientation into'pnstpiasietr General will person-'y'i,,,^, patrolmen had1 challenged 1960 will be held Monday, 7:3 will enable the people of the com- injured yesterday morning when P.M. ,at the Woodbridge Junlo munity to see a film which is he attennted to lower the ramp and pro-: ally [oversee the programs. the promotions. High Bchool, Barron Avenue. '''•view of the basic Pdstmaster Lester A. Sabo will generally not available in the on the rear portion of a dump Thejmeeting is open to all busi '•"•- KnKlish compo-'be vhairnwp i r n p of the l*al com- Adrienne Herbst, named Little nessraen, industrialists, proves movie theatres and, it is hoped it truck at the Mt. Lebanon p Miss Carterel! and, her famjly :' will stimulate reading in that, or tcry, Iselin. Mlving - mitlee to implement PEP. Mikos' finger wasj caught in ' were.• honored this vieek at a d|n- sionals and the general pujilic a related area. " Ml whati the high ncr meeting of the'Jaycees held Since it is of impprtance to a! ll( chain ami the tip was cut off. "ie in lho.se areas. initial ideas about groups in the community, th< al the City Line Social Club. Wooabridge Area Chamber of Amboy General Hospital by wi'l besjin i<or St. tyisiibeth's .... Joseph's Parochial tchool Commerce Government Affairs new library building are being ex-iitselin First Aid Squad. s |n the fall at CAKTKKET - The vari .Tis opened its High Street [office Committee, Fred Adams, chair- — man is sponsoring the event as a Ip answer questions about tne new ...„ of St. '•"f ••-Kotnnn Catholic Church will Ii m-hool season. Office h,ours are public service to the area In addition to Woodbridge Township, [ u |i'-nic on Sunday, August from 9 A.M to 11:30 A.M. and un Ihr church grounds, com- from 1 P.M to 4 P.M. except invitations have been extended to mayors, Chambers of Commerce, in" win!,' at 'I V. M. A variety weekends. r» and their members and the sen (if Ilium- cooked Hungarian public ol surrounding com•' Rev ' Orion C .', foods will be served and there The altar boys of St, Elizabeth's munities. im n-stor of th'i will til' Kiimcs far the children. Church are collectings paper under '» Church, an- Music for dciiicimt will be lur the direction of the nuns. Bundles Featured speakers will be Nor' -it IV f»;:tfl \ V. "Ladds" by the popular of papers may be \fik at the con-nian Tanzman, Stutu AssemblyI:"\ ^">ust 22. orchestrat t A n u e man from Middlesex County and Avenue vent garage, CCarteret member of the Governor's Tax "•r Hill be the and Kmerson Street. Study ivlor 'n-"itor of TAKKS SPACE COURSE > u y (Jommittee and sub-commit Park Concert Aug. 22 News In Review i Chapter 51 Session Set •(•• •"•"inn will CAUTEHKT Lawrence Hijisch, At a meeting this week, the teei and Gerald I). Hall. Director 54 Marion Street, a student i t the siunem «t u « | <» » ".•"•"T, \ . , • , of peplrtment uf Government and C.rtei-et High School is among trustees ot the Carteret free pubinomic Research, New Jersey • . . <for - - tuition-free lie library established new work- Stjte Chamber of Commerce and those selected PRICE TEN CENTS Republican Council Railroads Through Two Bond Measures ('AHTEFtKT — Ixx-al Bnaul of c:ilinn memher Harold M.id tlmv tnday publicly asked his fel low niemliei' Mrs. Julia Hila she has reversed her reciMii"i"nfl-itinn lo the Hoard to ^is^•lermleml'iil Kflwin QIIMI." I" st "ed ">lrs. Miln I Miit I he Hoard adopt the 1 'nil I'rNnluli'tn. received my I ,'it'i ti'p unanimous siipol r'le Hoard. Now she is " ni'Mic s'.-i'eincnts that are • •(•i- pinch rail nf order." M iillipv declared. "Mrs. Hi1 I'S •MII iire Intnllv untruo. The fads .ire that the Board did hold ill c<uif?rence on Ihe Kua» BiKf. 'only H.,i,f..,.,i . n i \ nrttnns fni1 H'scuwon, did the !!i>ard act in simnort of Mrs. llil.'i's nmtion." ".n'ipnl Building for the : 7 „ tni CUM Mill '" <• I nrlffn, N. J. EDITORIAL the anprnniotc viewing Maddow Hits I he children often anticipate the fun as much (is the profits which is probably good training for the future volunteers mi which foundations and diseases-research groups will one div depend. One such group of children explained it the DIIUT (|-,V -IS they held a carnival at the home of Janice l-aliow 71 Ihniel Street, for the benefit, of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America, Inc. • Laudstrom we planned 11 Freedom to Serve One of the truly great freedoms that made this nation jgtronpjs oee you don't hear mwh^tKHrt, ITS the "freedom to servr In a community, according to the national Newspaper Public Information Committee which has sent the following statement to The Carteret Press: From the hard pioneer days to the present, fo;ee people have developed a tradition of helping one another on a voluntary basis. They like the warmth that comes from being personally involved instead of sitting back and saying, "Let the government do it. I pay my taxes." Just as the school house is the symbol of America's tradition of a free public education for all and the courthouse the symbol of the right to a fair trial for all, so the newspaper office, either the smallest country town or the largest metropolitan city, is the symbol of this "freedom to serve." A stranger going into- any community in the nation will find all newspaper editors and publishers alike on one major respect. They all take tremendous pride in their communities. Pick up any newspayer in America, any day of the week, and somewhere in that paper you'll find an editorial, a column, a feature story, a picture or a news story plugging for something for the town or city. Or plugging for the young people, or the old people or the neglected or forgotten. ] Public service by newspapers is now an institution in America. ! There's nothing else like it in the whole world because nowhere eLse do they practice daily and wpekly their role of community public service. In most nationsnewspwers are political party voices; or concern themsewes only with news and • Opinion; or have become the slaves of government. They don't feel responsibility to serve their readers and the communities in which their readers live. Can you imagine an American community without a newspaper to run pictures, editorials and news stories about the United Fund Drive, or the Boy Scout campaign, or the Heart Fund? Or a community without a newspaper to urge you to get out and vote or that shames you into cleaning up your property? Take a new look at your own local newspaper and see how much space it devotes day in ahd day out, week in and week out, to making your town a better place in which to live. You may not agree w^th all of the things the paper want done, but you'll have to agree that the paper is not sitting back and waiting for "George to do it." When a newspaper does win an award for community public service, the real beneficiary is the community and the people who live there. That's the way it should be. That's the way this "freedom to serve" works-in America, Mayor's Veto Is Shunted CARTEUET - The Republics majority on the Borough Council last night, disregarded the R«publican Mayor Andrew Banick and the Democratic minority and voted to override the mayor'* vote on the two sewer bond ordinances for a total of $105,000. Voting to override the veto were Councilmen Charles Boncelet, Charles Bohanek, Joseph Brechka and Nicholas Del Vacchio. Mayor Banick had suggested that more studies be made to include other areas affected. "It ii amazing that we are in th« plumbing business." Mayor Banick commented, "Between 66 and 70 laterals have been cleaned by borough employes." The mayor said he wanted a complete report to determine the necessity of the project. Then he added: "It is about time that we stooped this lateral cleaning business by borough workers. Someone might get hurt." The project was loudly blasted by Councilmen Thomas Deverin and John Hutnick and applauded by the audience. Deverin said the current pro|It w ~ will not solve anything. "Wo need more study by •• KM* W<w **p d 'ances." He questioned the legality of the ordinances because he said t h y were not published in the local papers as required by law. At the height of the discussien, Councilman Deverin told Councilman Boncelet: "You are the. most unpopular and the moat disliked councilman. Thank God you won't be here next year." Deverin said he did not object to fixing the sewers, but said It should be done by someone who knows. "Bnjng in an engineer and let him outline the project and I will vote for it." Deverin charged Boncelet with twisting the truth and CouncHman Hutnick told Boncelet he was a "hypocrite." Hutnick said he would fee to ^ conditions corrected, but wanted to see it done properly. He said the Republicans "messed up the entire sewer program." REPUBLICAN VIEW Boncelet said there is only one program and this was the best one. He said people need relief What Carteret needs is more industry, more and any delay would onlyl intax ratables, but less fire snorkels and less bond crease the cost. Bohanek said the Council is trying to correct aj bad issues. The taxpayers are just being loaded up with a condition and tnought the TV pro$105,000 sew,er bond issue. Mayor Andrew Ban- cram was the best. Councilman ick hinted that the "snorkel" plan and inciden- Brechka said people are seeking relief and Del Vacchio aim tals could stretch to another $100,000. Can the thought it was the best for the taxpayers afford a new bond issue? people. Fire Capt. ^red Gombos of Fire Co. 1 sensibly The council received two bids says that Carteret needs other fire .equipment for the TV sewage plan prior to more than snorkels. It needs a ladder truck the adoption of Hie ordinances. Deverin and Hutnick contended first. • j Carteret taxpayers are well overloaded now. that the bids should be returned Instead of finding new ways to spend money, the unopened, because they had not Council should try to devise ways and means to acted .on the s e w * ordinances. The motion was defeated by the lighten the burden of the taxpayer. Republican quartet Well Is Running Score I Magyar Club Democrats Born Hull Rrawl Plans Picnic WOOUHKIDGE - The Hungarian-Americun Citizens Club will Kilil its annual picnic, Suuday liiwniiiiiH at 1 p.m. at the club '.'rounds, !)5 Port Reading Avenue, Keiii'.Nlunents will tw available IIKI a soccer flame will be includHutnlck and Deverin called eil on the agenda. Mu.sic will be the recent Ranick-Bonwlet wovided by the Caravan Orches- Brawl at Borourt Hall. "it(s! la. graceful, disgusting, and ile.lames Palli, chairman, k as-| plortihlr," sisli'd liy Mrs. Mary Adams, re"BRAWLING OVER BOSire.-iliinrnts chairman, and many SISM by the Republicans has iin'inlii'is of the club. only served to further blacken the Borough's Image." BIKE GONE ipaeei ing conditions for the library per- iilsu a member of the Governor's summer astronomy und courses, now being given at the sonnel. The hoard established a Tax Study Committee. 37',ii hour work week and a new The meeting is designed to help ".< Post'Here Newark Museum. hourly wage for three senior everyone who attends tu under"'•'•HiThe Re>. Wilstand the Persoiuil Property Tax library assistants. provision of the law better and 'personal action thai may be taken to clarify and alleviate any inFor Good Conduct Service Station ,„ . Church, l''imi)S--James Walker, 40, 64 ltT|lv equities that may exist. At the CAHTEKKT - A'i/c Andrew Ituriiliain Avenue, reported to Pae September U. Dealer meeting there will bo time for a i rolj nan Frank J. Jova Tuesday } u Ross has served T. LehvUky, MID of Mrs. Ann CAHTKHfl CAHTKHflT - Tidewqter Oil presentation of the law as it was that someone had stolen his neph, '"-''"I of the congraga- Sabo, 57 Uuost'vet Avenue, Car- Company loduy announced that written and a question period for ew's liicytle from in front of his | w ywn-s since coming ter*!, was iiwankd the Air Louis G. White, Sr., Dealer at thethe benefit of those in the audi11011 It'. Farce Good t'miduet Medal for Flying A Station.at Roosevelt and ence. Lutheran ii. bis demonstration of employ- Arthur Ave'. Carteret, graduated GOP PICNIC SUNDAY ^ o n , the next, ment behavior, efficiency, and from the eunipany's Retail Busi- awarded at the conclusion of a 1'KOrilY: J»»i-iili Urtilika uu Iff I, putt Utasurei- of the Curteret Jjytees. Andrew J, Hila, CAltTBRET -^ The Hegttiar Rell s Management Course eonduct- four-week training program that Pf»*ld»jit o* tin- rirst Aid squml and riiuiiias l.dwlor, past president uf Hie Jaycees, yr«i>eiiUug <t publican Club will hold a family 'eHev. Rou will l Mr. d Mre. Airaun UlioUy is presently ed at its training center in Phil- covered all phases of retailing as tmphy to Mr. tlila ihowing the dates ami amounts of Uieir douatiubs for the yast three year* la the picnic beginning at 1 P M SunM it applies to the service tuition assigned to the Will C<inu<iimt- •ulelphia, Pu. Carteret First Aid Sttuad. \KaM£ Beach d a y „, ( ^ y j ^ j j ^ bui eatlon Hquudrun, i'Mn "'li'jiI, A.- F.B., Alaska. Dealer White received a diploma CARTERKT - "BRAWLINO OVER BOSS1SM has caused the Borough fit Carteret the loss nf ToHHpns of dollars In tax ratable*." This was Mb! today In n statement released bv l)f<imcrattc ConnHlmen. John Hutn)ek and Thomas Deverln. REPORT ON FINES CARTERET - The Munlclpnl Court colled^ a total of $7,065.39 in fines during the month of Juty. "•'•""•' '•••«'•"•••'•• 1 ••—« WELFARE RBPOHT CARTERET - The welfare fe> puitment spent $3,063.36 durujg the month of July, according t § its modthry Mptti Independent-Leader (fi.B.) - Cartoict Thursday. August, I I 19B5 per fold-a-holders third prize atj hf| d a baby show on Bur *»'|the township checker tournament August 4. Many of third place. On Thursday we had Daniels. Nancy •i scavenger hunl. the winning Jordan, Steve Kelcty, John nnd Claire Burns placed second brought their younpi loam was Julie Hugtoviky. Deb- pel coniesi aim « »"»™ »•••••••»»••«= i»— • Kelcty, Kelcty, Lois Daniels and JoAnn in the tournamenl. The children tors and brothers to si hie McMahon. D.irlene Master- contest, and a peanut hunt. Win-was won by Janet Fefnr. Kosach. Wiffleball contest winMF.RRU.I, PARK especially enjoyed making the cop- one. ners werc: Anthon peter. Eric Baker, Pat Vaccarel- ners were Petty Lanzafama, Joy Bevonn, Greg Playground Directors: PattyBUNN8 IJtKK l.i, John Haperbne, and Warren ann Dangel, Kevin K i Toone, T PU ti Glcxlcrwski Al Joyce Ull«. Mary Ut Val«nU loiodowski, Justin Glodowski, Al" Playground Directors: Rusing. On Friday we ended the Baker, Rocky Pegano, Debbie PeWoods, Paul Kenny, Glen SEMEL AVENUE terson, Denise Netta, Marty Nee, week with a lWloween Party. Mary Ann Crane, Ann Baranko j Winners in the drawing STH DISTRICT Charles Olson, Garyj Karen Wall, Ellen Herrts, Arlene The children performed and ftajrgrwnd Director: Mother Nature got into play this Playgnori VH*#*: 1 treats were enjoyed; awards were Conklin, Patty Baker, Pat Kelly, week when wild berrtes, rabbits, Pitricta Kolodewky MMJ U e Valrnti FRK* CIXT AND RIIBUHBAN DELIVRRv given for the best dressed. Arts Sharon Greenspan, and Mike and poison ivy were observed by iels. Paul Kenny. Lori VanDccker, \S ESTIMATE ANYWHERE BOYNTON NO. 1 This week's arts and crafts win- on Wednesday. August 4. a dog nnd crafts winners for this week Miller. seventeen children on a hike to Glen liiwrence, Vivian Valverde. ners were Richard Selby for his s how was held. Karen Astlin's were Jody Petrnskl, and Robert Our basketball team won their Playground Director: Greg Glodowski. Mike Richman. Qnalitv Keepn Us in Rusineft*. ,# the woods Thursday. She also copper fold-a-hoMcr, and Ann en try silkie, won a prize for the Anderson. first game with Semel Park. aided in a drawing contest with Eric Thergesen, Scott DuctterThomas tor her foam puppet, deepest bark: Michael Korals • Building Material* * the poem "Happy Thought" as dick, Linda I^tham, and Utin Practice *nfl tryouts for the juiKTammy won for smallest nog: PARK The children on Boynton No. 1 INMAN AVENUE Wallboard • Mlllwork thttr incentive. Happy thoughts Daniels. nior Olympics are now being held.j Walter Lombardi's Tanya won winners playground have been voting all animal Flooring Playgrouwl Director: • Roofing Playground Director: ownu m « ,\9 well as tryouts for our play- for the largest doc: and .lean brought happy Kathy Collins first | Pl ji are: Robert Ciplinski, Kevin IWCCR ,„,. „ » . . , ^~ - . , n . James (oonlff • Lynn Often ground dramatic production on Peters' Bisqult won the prize for place, Darlene Shields second. fl H n g quee Wertz. Peter Kesylia, .Stcvel en will reign king a n d q u c Knotty • August 25. the dog with best singing voice. ill ign Quigley Park defeated Menlo! on Monday afternoon Inman Cindy Coscntino third, Susan Hoo- Crolinski. Jimmy Mullin, Tern ^ s u m m e r when there will w • Kitchen • Hnrriwarr This week's main attraction was ^ n fourth, and Gary lAikacs Park 19-fi in an intcrpark softballl Avenue Park conducted a waterDriscoll. Kathy Seickcl. Jane a n o t h c r election. The crowning Cabinet* • Paint thr th" dog show held on Thursday. Kussomanno was melon party. Four watermelons i best Imitation With foam pup[ N J U N H ) R m ( ; H SCHOOL'£ R Fleming. Sharon Seally. Mane ( . e iemony will be Monday at i ame ers w rella the C Winners were Cinderella Colif .'.,.. * „:.?.,,.,. orith relief ™ ™ l;,vl rfevniuml bv some t Playground nlrrelnT Director: ithe winning pitcher with relief w e re quickly devoured by some pets and copper fold-a-hnlders ' Platleel, Susan Seally, Mary r W h | R M. Jie, Ann Thomas; Michelle the 'help from Jeff larker. Tony Rus-jforty children. Gil Radford wa»| project, a top hat ami a Patricia Pannonr Brown Ellen Kenny, Monn Kcl-•poodle. Teresa Joe; Basil the irtnifilnn tlterilton 437 Rahway Avr., Wo«<)h A ^ u , somanno nnd Russ Chiecuto hit the winning watermelon-eater by [brought Kenny Sedlak first L J Ron Ciplinski, Paul Sclmeb.j ,/)NGHnX beagle, Mary Piesciak: and honMl)nda wc had d< "" eating seven chunky pieces of; ° " * 'i ? , some runs for the winners. The for his puppet. Trying our talents! 1 C C orable mention to Blackie, .lackie " « | f t ? t t S ^ ^am was composed of: watermelon. On Tuesday Inmim at ttR abstract, pieces of stained Nevins. Future events include ai ;in<ld th 'he ^ and JK Utfker, Uk Avenue held a doll contest. The * w ™ ™™j R o c c o Russomanno. JeK We also naa „, R u s g c h i e e u t O Joyce1 Urrutla, PAGE SIXTEEN PLAYGROUND NEWS W00DBRID6E S | f t ? t t S ^ ^am was compose The STRAWBERRY HILL Playground Director: Janice Jednejewski Weekly contest winners included Kum Sarkik, Valerie Milano.l .1 J Murphy and Kevin Shea in the small fry sand contest. Drawing awards went to Eva Puskas, Mary Ann Sorensen, Joseph Caiola Charlotte Enik, Marie Csiola, and JoAnn Handwhiw. Charlotte Enik, JoAnn Handerhan and Robiert Edmund took home certificates for the roller skating contest. Experimenting with games "Clue" , seemed to rate high. After one 'hour Jerry Martin finally won. On Tuesday a pet show was j held. Most unusual pet award went to Steven Dercole's pet ants, Charlie and Janice. Thursday's big event included a Pizza contest. Jerry Martin and Eva Puskas each took home a whole pizza for supper. Second place winners were John De Riggi and Carol Conniizaro. Finally on Friday eggs were flying. Winners of I this contest were Joey MeJczar and Frank Palinkas DEPENDABLE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE tuBLIX PHARMACY OPEN DAILY « AM. - II P M. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS I AM. - 1 PJtf. FREK CUSTOMER PARKING A l RKAR ENTRANCE Are You Going on Vacation NEXT Year?... Wherever it is, it will take money. Start saving for NEXT year's vacation NOW. Regular weekly deposits mount up fast. FREEMAN PLAYGROUND Playground Director: Mary Ann Scanlon Winners of the sandbox contest were: Charles and Garry Boniek,er, Brian Bornemann, Janice jCascetta, Joseph Mulrooney, Joanne Perry and Gail Wojcik. Win ners of the Hobby Show were: Nancy Bader, Charles Bonicker Anthony and Lisa Jironowitz John Lagok, Colleen and Mau reen McNulty, Joseph Mulrooney Thomas Perry and Bernard Scan ion. Winners of the soap and potato peeling contest were: Janice Cascetta, Denice Hill, Joseph Mulrooney, and Joanne and; Thomas Perry, and Lisa and An-; || thony Jironowitz. COLONIA NO. 22 Playground Director: Andrea Karclch Colonia No. 22 playground had two checker tournament winners. James Schaber placed second in 12-13 year old division, and his brother, David Schaber, placed YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO CROSSRIB ROAST 78 POT ROAST 58 CALIFORNIA STYLE CHUCK CHICKENS^ BREAST & LEGS £EYGLE for FRYING OR BROILING > S I T . . L READYT0C00K3Vi.LB.AVG. ROASTERS HIP-CUTS PORK CHOPS ib. SAUSAGE ^ VEAL CUTLETS SHORT RIBS - S - ^ STEWING BEEF 88' SPARERIBS 6 ROUND CUBES HOLLAND POLYNESIAN HUDSON STEAK SALE! HOUSE ORANGE or GRAPE NAPKINS FAMILY SIZE BONELESS GROUND ALL BEEF BEEF GROUND CHUCK ,b LEAN (ttocktail-liaungr LUWCHEON | Olllj * BRANCH OFFICE * Carteret Shopping Center I BANKING HOURS: r S A « . to « PJH^-Fridiiy 9 A.M. to 4 PJW. and I P.M. to I P.M. Member of Federal lUscrse System Federal tcpoaltj Insurance Corporation SHOULDER STEAK CHICKEN STEAK LONDON BROIL (SHM CUBE STEAK CHUCK FILLET IMPERIAL COFFEE CHOICE Ib.con 'b Wb. GROUND SS? r 69 I" TOMATO SOUP LEANlb The Greatest! BRASS BUCKET and BANKING HOURS: Dtilj t AM. to i P.M -Fri«Uy f A.M. to « P.M.—Free P«rktn| Lot ITALIAN CAMP L ^ OftHIWI -.naiYi %tti Eaier IRnnm "Our 42nd Year of Uninterrupted Service TO Our Community" * MAIN OFFICE * 30 Cooke Ayenue, Carteret Ib. BONELESS Join Our VACATION CLUB CARTERET BANK AND TRUST CO. BUYS PLUS YOUR MOST VALUABIH TRADING STAMPS FREE ROUND You can open a CARTERET BANK & TRUST VACATION CLUB in the weekly amounts of $1. # , $3, $5 or $10. And there'* no charge for opening or closing your account. Come in and start yours today—next year you'll be so glad you did! PU.P- ^ r : \ FOOD ment. 1-ori Quinn. who came i n , G a r y Woodruff, Debbie „ . Neil Ingenito, Glen Bolduc, Steve Domenick. and George BuUis. Headquarters in Woodbridge for • PRESCRIPTIONS • HALLMARK CARDS and • COSMETICS GIFT WRAPS • FILM SUPPLIES BARTON'S CANDY S£. a Z:> 11:10 co 1:00 I'M DINNER Charcoal Steakhouse ( ] . $ . « & MAIN 8TREE1 W000BRIDGE Reservatfon: ME 4-9118 SUMMER C A I C CLEARANCE O A L C ON ALL 1965 FORDS 1 2 5 ' 6 5 Fords Must Be Cleared O u t ! • GALAXIES * MUSTANGS * FALCONS • T-B1RDS • CUSTOMS * FAIRLANES • EGONOLINE VANS A PICKUP TRUCKS BIGGEST DISCOUNTS ANYWHERE!! m* STRONG-EFFICIENT 3^88' EJ5.w8 B 10a98 c m f\Q( 5^88 CATSUP ( TWO GUYS MAYONNAISE ASS'T FLAVORS m g^g^ NESTLE'S KEEN 4 ? 9 9 U.S.#1 POTATOES 4 ASS'T FLAVORS A SIZE FROZEN FOOD DEPT. Dlilj !;]« to tl:W f.M. FlllUf and Satudai til LZ:U Suadaj Noon Til) 10 P.M BRASS BUCKET LUMBER CO. 10.47 HOMEGROWN GREEN BEANS TOMATOES THRIF-T-PAC FRENCH & REG. CUT 10 99 PORK'n BEANS DAIRY DEPT. ORANGE JUICE TRAYPAK 0f14B. TROPICANAOR DORIC-FRESH SWEET JUICr FREESTONE PEACHES LEMONADE 8S. 4 . CELERY FRESH CRISP PASCAL TIP TOP 12 99'ORANGES WEEKLY ( J D 3 J SPECIAL ONIONS 10 49 BLUE BONNET 3.29 TWO GUYS..TRADING STAMP ONE BOOK SPECIAL, YOUR BOOK mmm WORTH WITjM APPETIZING DEPT. WATERPROOF Ass't colors. COMP. VALUE 2.00 29' MIX & MATCH SALE! AMERICAN CHEESE with a too purchase ol $2 or more. SEASONAL DEPT. M COOKED SALAMI BOLOGNA Reg. 68 ( 59 ( MARGARINE U.S. # 1 YELLOW TOTE BAG IU-OO ALL WHITE MEAT-FRESHLY SLICED CHICKEN ROLL GORHAM" STEGORCRAFT STAINLESS STEtt A RO< ib. FLATWARE v7 g g* -. O 9 KITCHEN WISH- POTATO, COU SLAW, MACRON! 4 * TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF iO-PC. JMVtCI KM S 2 KAUTWl PATHW* ( *~" LIST 27.95 WGtB ~ f t SALADS YOUR CHOICE ib. Z V Route 9 - WOODBRIDGE Route 18, EAST BRUNSWICK w^NDAILY9:30 A M TIL TO P.M. - SUNDAY* 9:30 A.M. TIL 6 P.M. Vt reiuv* th« rlihl tu limit iiuanlillH. Nut ttton. Prk,. «ll«:tif« tbiu **t., Aa|. 14tk
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