Depa rtment of Posts 01 the C hief Post master General, T. . Circle. C hennai 600 002 Memo o. STC/1-5(A)/20 14 dated at Chennai 600 002 the 19.11.2014 T he hief Postmaster General, Tamil Nadu Circle, C henna i has ordered the adhoc promotion to the following officers from PS Group ' B' cadre to JTS G roup ' A' cadre in the pay ba nd of Rs.15600-39100 with GP Rs.5400/- and also ordered th e following tra nsfer and posting in the interest of service, with immediate effect and until further orders. SI. o. 1. 2 Name and pre ent designation of the Officer S/Shri R. Raju, Manag r (BD & FS), 0/0 the PMG, Cen tra l Region, Tiruchira ppa lli R. Gana pathi Sw mi natha n, SPOs, Ka r ur Division Posting on transfer Remarks SSPOs, Tuticor in Division Po t restored SSPOs, Madu ra i Division Post vacant Order for restoration of th post of SSPOs, Tuticorin Di ision is issued 2. separately by the Esta blishmen t Section, Circle Office. The ad hoc promotion ordered above is purely on tempora ry basis and until 3. further or ders, and will not bestow upon them any claim for regular appointment in the cadre. Officia ting serv ices on adhoc arrangemen t so ren dered will not count for the purpose of senior ity in the grade, for eligibility for promotion to next higher grade. 4. Th e a ove promotion is also su bject to the followi ng conditions that: In case any Vigila nce I Disciplina ry case of the type referred to in the OM o. 22011/4/9 1-Estt (A) dated 14.09.92 fro m the Dept. of Personnel & Training, circulated vide D.G (Po ts), New Delhi 110 001 Me mo o. 25/19 /88-SPG dated 13.10.92 is pending again t any officer, he should not be relieved for posting, without obta ining specific orders from this office. T he officer against whom a ny punishment is cur ren t should not be promoted befo re expiry of currency of punishme nt and a re por t in this regard shou ld be su bmitted immediately. 5. Th e ad hoc arra ngement will be for a period not exceeding three (3) months or till regular ar rangement is made whichever is earlier. Also thi arrangement will be liable for ter mination without assigning any reason at any time without not i e. ........2 -2 6. On termination of this arrangement, the officers have to join the PS Grou p ' B' cadre. Th ey cannot cla im for the same post last held by him. 7. Copies of releva nt charge report shou ld be sent to all concerned in d ue course prom ptly. A copy of this memo is issued to: 1. T he Officers concerned . 2. Th e Postmast r General, Central Region, Tiruchirappalli 620 001 for kind information. T he sa id officers may be relieved immediately un der office arrangement. 3. All other Regio nal Pos tmasters General, Tamil Nadu Circle for kind information. 4. Th e General Man ager (PA&F), Chennai 600 008 for kind information. 5. T he APMG(Estt), Circle Office, Chennai 600 002 for information and imm ediate necessary action. 6. File No.ST C/1-6/2014. (S. r um uga m) Assista nt Director (Staff) for Chief Postmaster General T.N. Circle, Chennai - 600 002 044-28520390 & Fax-28521538 email: [email protected]
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