Transfer and Posting Guidelines for AAOs/AOs/Sr

Transfer and Posting Guidelines for AAOs/AOs/Sr.AOs
Rationale for Transfer and Posting Guidelines
Assistant Accounts Officers, Accounts Officers and Sr. Accounts Officers of O/o the
Pr.AG (A&E)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai and AG(A&E)-II, Maharashtra, Nagpur belong to
the combined cadre and have transfer liability between Mumbai and Nagpur. At the same
time, it is a fact that their families are settled either at Mumbai or at Nagpur and hence they
prefer to remain posted at Mumbai or Nagpur. While the Pr.AG being the cadre controlling
authority has to ensure that both the offices have sufficient officers to carry out their assigned
duties, care has to be taken to minimize the inconvenience resulting from transfers of officers
belonging to one station to another.
These Transfer and Posting Guidelines have been formulated keeping the above
objectives in view. These apply to Assistant Accounts Officers (hereinafter referred to as
‘AAO cadre’) and Accounts officers/Sr. Accounts Officers (hereinafter referred to as ‘AO
cadre’) of O/o the Pr.AG (A&E)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai and AG (A&E)-II, Maharashtra,
Principles of Transfer and Posting Guidelines
These Transfer and Posting Guidelines are based on the following principles.
Office requirement and administrative convenience will have precedence over the
convenience of individual officers.
Transfer or posting to a particular station cannot be claimed as a matter of right by
Mere existence of vacancies at a particular station does not entitle officers serving
outside the station to get posted to that station.
Filling up of vacancies is a
prerogative of Administration which is exercised keeping in view the overall vacancy
position in both the offices and exigencies of work.
For the purpose of counting station seniority, total continuous service outside the base
station (as AAO or AO/Sr.AO) will be considered.
If the total service of two or more officers outside the base station is equal, their panel
seniority in the cadre will be considered.
Administration will accommodate officers to their choice station subject to the
conditions mentioned in these Transfer and Posting Guidelines.
‘Base station’ concept
Every officer will have a ‘base station’(Mumbai or Nagpur as the case may be) which
is a place where he/she will generally be posted. This base station is determined as follows:
In respect of SAS passed Accounts Clerk/Accountant/Sr. Accountant/ Stenographer
promoted as AAO/AO/Sr.AO, it will be the place where he/she was posted as
Accounts Clerk/ Accountant/ Sr. Accountant/Stenographer (generally the place from
where he/she has passed his/her SAS examination.)
A base station cannot be changed for five years. After five years, an officer can make
an application to Pr.AG for a change of his/her base station. The transfer will be considered
based on his/her seniority outside the requested base station.
Initial Posting in AAO cadre.
SAS passed candidate, on his induction into AAO cadre, will be posted to his/her
base station (as defined in clause 4 above) subject to availability of a vacancy at the base
station. In case no vacancy is available, he/she will be posted to other station where a
vacancy is available. For the purpose of counting station seniority, total continuous service
outside the base station as AAO will be considered.
Subsequent Transfers in AAO cadre
Assistant Accounts Officer returning from deputation will be posted to his/her base
station subject to availability of a vacancy at the base station provided no AAO is waiting to
get posted to the base station for a longer period than him/her outside his/her base station.
Initial Postings in AO cadre
Assistant Accounts Officer, on promotion as AO will be posted to his/her base station
subject to
(a) availability of a vacancy at the base station and
(b) no other request from an AO/SAO who has been assigned the same base station and who
is presently serving outside the base station is pending.
Otherwise, he/she will be posted to a station other than his/her base station.
Subsequent Transfers in AO cadre
AAO posted on promotion as AO to a station other than his/her base station may be
posted back to his/her base station on availability of a vacancy at the base station based on
his/her outstation seniority among those waiting outside to get posted to the same base
For the purpose of counting outside the base station seniority, total number of days
served outside the base station (both as AO/SAO) will be considered.
AO/SAO returning from deputation will be posted to his/her base station subject to
availability of a vacancy at the base station provided no AO/SAO is waiting to get posted to
the base station for a longer period than him/her outside his/her base station.
Officers left with service of less than one year before their superannuation may opt
for their choice station. Administration may accommodate such officers to their choice
station subject to availability of vacancies at the choice station.
Exceptions to these Transfer and Posting Guidelines
Pr. Accountant General shall be competent authority to relax one or more provisions
of these Transfer and Posting Guidelines and make such exceptions in individual cases as
she/he may deem fit.
Effective Date of these Transfer and Posting Guidelines
These Transfer and Posting Guidelines come into effect from the date of their issue
and shall supersede all previous instructions, orders, guidelines etc., if any, issued on the