Eco-friendly energy savers KCC KCC INSIDE Product | Economically feasible & Eco-friendly, KCC’s Anti-fouling Paint has it all! KCC LIFE Trend Reading | The Era of Electric Cars Is Coming 2014. November vol.261 11 The view of KCK where it produces various types of coating and paint products including coatings for containers, marine coatings and automotive coatings CONTENTS 2014 November Vol. 261 KCC Inside Paint 04 Product Anti-fouling Economically feasible & Eco-friendly KCC’s Anti-fouling Paint has it all! 08 Customer Interview “KCC’s Marine Coatings Quality and Performance are already the World’s Best!” 10 KCC Field Report KCC Natural Resources, Securely Supplying High Quality Raw-materials 14 Our Outstanding Technology “Ecosil Superb” Eco-friendly Waterborne Coatings for Containers 18 Exhibition ReportⅠ HomeCC Interior Enjoyed Huge Popularity in Yeongnam Area 20 Exhibition ReportⅡKCC Green Product Display at International Clean Air Tech & Green Environment Exhibition 22 Knowledge Sharing Effective Purchasing Management, Key to Raising Profits 24 KCC TodayThe “Plasma” Circle of Yeoju Plant Improves Coated Glass Productivity 26 KCC FocusCompetitiveness of the Company Depends on Ownership Spirit 28 Let’s go Egis 2014 - 2015 KBL KCC Professional Basketball With KCC as a Proud Title Sponsor! KCC Life Cover Story KCK produces various types of coating and paint products including coatings for containers, marine coatings and automotive coatings. Located in China, KCK plays a key role of entering into the Chinese market. 32 Trend Reading The Era of Electric Cars Is Coming 34 Bravo My Family In Loving Memory of my Dad, Forever in my Heart 36 Books & Life Brains Prefer Familiar Emotions to Positive One Recommended Books for November 40 Culture & Life If You Are in Love Rudolf, the Musical KCC News 42 KCC News 46 Mail Box 47 Poem of the Month KCC Monthly House Organ No. 261 Date of issue November 3, 2014 Registration Number Seoul La -468 Date Published November 5, 1993 Publisher Mong-Ik Chung Editor Mong-Ik Chung Publicated General Affairs Department (SAPYUNG-DAERO 344 SEOUCHO-GU, SEOUL, KOREA) Edited and Produced by KCC General Affairs Department (02-3480-5880, 5235), Dream Friend (02-2273-4253) Printed by Clover KCC Reporters Daejuk Plant Arum Song | Daegu Branch Giheon Jang | Daejeon Branch Juhyun Lim | Munmak Plant Hankuk Keum | Busan Branch Hyojin Kwon | SeJong Plant Youngsin Park | Yeoju Plant Sungsoo Lim | Ulsan Plant Jaehyun Park | Asan Plant Hanghyun Cho | Yeocheon Plant Byungju Bong | Incheon Branch Chanhyeok Park | Eonyang Plant Yoonsung Jung | Jeonju Plant Minsu Kim, Hoseung Lee | Jeonju Branch Jeongkyu Kang | CRI (Central Research Institute) Hoojung Lee | KCC E&C Yunjo Kim | KAC Youngju Kim | KCC Mineral Resources Donghoon Lee | KUMGANG LEISURE Sanghak Lee KCC INSIDE Product Anti-fouling Paint By Kap-Joong Kang Coating System Design Team 2014 NOVEMBER 04 05 Economically feasible & Eco-friendly KCC’s Anti-fouling Paint has it all! The History of Anti-fouling Paint ships and vessels. This causes stronger frictional five years. Anti-fouling paint applied to ship hulls prevents certain marine organisms from sticking or fouling the ship’s hull surface thereby increasing the ship’s speed. Speed reduction affects economic feasibility to a larger than anticipated extent. For this reason, the marine industry is interested in anti-fouling paint and its ability to improve overall performance. Moreover, as ecofriendliness gains traction and importance, KCC’s anti-fouling paint is also gaining much popularity for being both economical and eco-friendly. resistance with sea water and leads to a geometrical TBT refers to an antifouling agent. Once it makes contact increase in fuel consumption. Anti-fouling paint was with sea water, it wears itself down gradually and thus also s p e c i f i c a l l y d eve l o p e d to h e l p p r eve n t t h i s detaches or loosens the unwanted marine organisms. phenomenon from occurring. However, TBT is extremely poisonous and doesn’t dissolve The history of anti-fouling paint can be traced back to in sea water meaning that it accumulates and creates a prehistoric times. From 5 to 6BC, ship builders waxed, problem of its own by harming the fragile marine ecosystem tarred or applied asphalt on Pekinia and Carthage in the process. vessel surfaces. From 3 to 4BC, workers even applied Also, the effects of TBT have been shown to slow the copper, lead, arsenic and sulfur mixed with oil onto ship growth rate and proper physiological development of fish hulls. This shows the variety of attempts to increase and other sea creatures. ship speed. Due to this downside, the International Maritime Organization A in 1990 marked an important day in the history of anti- variety of marine organisms that live a mutually fouling paint. The application of this paint prevented sea beneficial symbiotic life, build up on the hull of creatures from sticking to and polluting ships for up to - established with the purpose of integrating international KCC’s anti-fouling paint is applied to the German ship named LAVINIA OLDENDORFF. The Release of SPC Anti-fouling Paint sea travel routes, regulations, safety and harbor facilities - Self-Polishing Copolymer Tributyl Tin (SPC TBT) released strictly prohibited the use of TBT back in 2003. Anti-fouling paints are applied to the hulls of ships that make contact with seawater. 2014 NOVEMBER 06 07 Effects that Anti-fouling Paints have on Ship’s Fuel Consumption with only a 1% in fuel consumption reduction with the 10 years ago, the marine industry was interested in a average lifespan of most ships is 30 years, the total cost better solution to move large quantities of freight via ocean savings are tremendous over the long-run. use of effective anti-fouling paints. Considering the routes to speed up delivery times. More recently, the marine industry’s interest in cost reductions has been KCC Releases Silyl Anti-fouling Paints Reflecting this fast changing global increasing due to exorbitant oil prices. A ship’s fuel After the prohibition on TBT usage, new paints without trend, KCC is focusing on research expenses generally accounts for 60 to70% of all TBT were released. This new generation of paints has and development in order to develop associated operating costs. been subdivided into Metallic SPC and Silyl SPC anti- more economical and eco-friendlier Therefore, a tiny saving of merely 1% in fuel consumption fouling paints. The main difference between them lies in anti-fouling paints. can lead to much-improved company cash flows, price the degree of surface roughness. Silyl anti-fouling paints competitiveness and higher profits. For example, in the offer a much smoother surface than its metallic case of a VLCC, fuel consumption can go as high as 100 counterpart, which obviously leads to a lower frictional tons daily that would be worth about $60,000. This resistance. KCC used the benefits of this and subsequently equates to annual cost savings of about $15,330,000 released EgisPacific, EgisPacific(P) and EgisArrow in succession. EgisPacific offers excellent fuel reduction benefits and KCC’s inspectors are measuring the thickness of a marine coating film. has received much praise from shipping companies and ship management companies upon its release. Conversely but just as important, EgisPacific(P) took center stage as excellent performance in terms of anti- Various ships have been treated with KCC’s marine coatings. fouling even if ships travel in slow steaming. Nowadays, reduction of frictional resistance possible. Hydrophilicity many ships experience severe operational changes and generally refers to the reduction in frictional resistance Development of Eco-friendly Paints for Ecofriendly Ships conditions such as slow steaming and long-term docking by making water flow smoother over a surface. Hence, The world’s paint industry is working hard and is busy interval due to the economic recession and ever rising oil ship builders apply hydrophilic substances to the ship’s developing eco-friendly paints. prices. To combat these conditions and get the ships hull. Reflecting this trend, KCC boasts with its already back in service, EgisPacific(P) was developed offering However, the problem is that these substances degrade outstanding anti-fouling functions even when a ship’s and break up as time passes, which makes it difficult to running speed slows down or operating rate decrease. maintain a smooth, uniform hydrophilicity. Yet, EgisArrow Furthermore, KCC also developed and released EgisPacific(M) has two hydrophilic functional groups that make it possible optimized for the shop’s repair process. It is more economical to maintain the uniform hydrophilicity of the surface even stringent in the future and competition among paint than other products and offers the numerous advantages of after an extended period of use. Thanks to this, it is companies will intensify. Reflecting this fast changing Silyl anti-fouling paints concurrently. EgisArrow maintains expected that EgisArrow will further improve an already global trend, KCC is focusing on research and smooth a surface even after time passes. The product impressive fuel saving effect by another 5 to 6% compared development in order to develop more economical and contains hydrophilic copolymer, which makes additional to existing Silyl SPC products available to the market. Cu-free product technology. KCC is also developing “Biocide-free” products containing no inorganic and organic anti-fouling materials. The marine coatings industry environment of today is rapidly changing. International regulations will become more eco-friendlier anti-fouling paints. KCC INSIDE Customer Interview 2014 NOVEMBER 08 09 Golden Union “KCC’s Marine Coatings Quality and Performance are already the World’s Best!” Shipping companies pay very close attention when selecting marine coatings. The reason being, once paint is applied to ships, it lasts for a long time. Michail Kokkinos, Golden Union’s Site Manager also took time and consideration prior to making his final decision to use KCC’s marine coatings. We visited Golden Union and met with Mr. Kokkinos to hear more about his reasons for selecting KCC products and his impression after using them. I heard that KCC’s marine coatings are ecofriendly and also economical. Actually, I could first-hand witness how KCC coating products bring out an excellent appearance and good adhesion compared to other well-known brand products. Mr. Gyoung-Min Noh from KCC Honam Supervision Team (left) and Mr. Kokkinos having a conversation. KCC Marine Coatings Exhibit Consistent Performance M ichail Kokkinos, a Site Manager from Top Quality Products & Top Quality Inspectors Golden Union (Greek shipping company) Hope to See KCC Strive for Trend Leading High-Quality Product Development has been a ship expert for 37 years in the ship Mr. Kokkinos especially emphasized that coatings on construction and maintenance field. Until now, Mr. external hull and water ballast tank were in particularly Kokkinos played part in ship-related work in all good condition. the company’s HQ once he completes his duties “I can judge marine coating quality by checking the overseeing the current ship building project. He said coating condition of external hull and water ballast tank that if he was ever to take control of ship building work which problems come up easily before casting the again in the future, he would surely recommend using vessels off into the ocean. Considering this, KCC’s KCC’s marine coating products without hesitation. over the world including the Republic of Korea, Holland, Singapore and Poland. He even worked in Hungnam and Nampo in North Korea and took responsibility for import and export duties. His Mr. Kokkinos said that he would be back in Greece at marine coating products have the best quality.” relationship with KCC started as he began to work “The biggest recent issue in the ship building market In addition to this, Mr. Kokkinos highly praised KCC revolves around the economic recession. Although it is for Hyundai Heavy Industries(Gunsan Shipyard) as a inspectors. believed that the economic crisis has been settled to a Site Manager tasked with the responsibility of “I heard that KCC’s marine coatings are eco-friendly and large extent, and that ship construction volume is on controlling the entire process for three ships this also economical. Actually, I could first-hand witness how the up again, the ship building and marine industries KCC coating products bring out an excellent appearance are still struggling with capital. However, I expect that and good adhesion compared to other well-known brand new building and repair ships will increase in order to products. More importantly, the most impressive aspect substitute the older and outdated ships and meet was KCC’s inspectors. They not only carry out their stringent environmental standards. duties faithfully but work with a true sense of ownership I believe that KCC will become the largest beneficiary and responsibility. In particular, it was good to see that by continuously developing and upgrading eco-friendly they respond and handle numerous customer and fuel-saving coatings and paints.” year. “I was concerned at first as this was my first time dealing with KCC’s marine coating products. However, I trusted the head office’s decision and closely observed KCC paints. In the end, I was very satisfied to learn that KCC’s paint products Michail Kokkinos, Golden Union’s Site Manager showed better quality and performance compared to other global brands.” requirements with a sense of urgency. I believe that this According to him, Golden Union dealt exclusively with Japan and Holland’s marine coating products in the past. kind of human resource is certainly what makes KCC so This is why he was skeptical at first, but now he is very satisfied with KCC’s marine coating products. competitive.” KCC INSIDE KCC Field Report 2014 NOVEMBER 10 11 KCC Natural Resources, Securely Supplying High Quality Raw-materials The company legally changed its name from Korea Silica to KCC Mineral Resources in an attempt to broaden A considerable number of KCC products are constructed using minerals such as silica stone. In particular, glass comprises two thirds of silica making it very important for KCC Mineral Resources to secure it. As such, KCC Mineral Resources offers a stable supply of high quality raw materials contributing greatly to maintaining KCC’s high quality production. branding and corporate image to include resource development as a whole. KCC Mineral Resources, the Foundation of Raw Material Development I n the mid-1980s when KCC started out in the glass business, the very first order of business was to secure a stable source of silica. Back then, KCC had no Korean silica supplier so the company had to rely on very costly foreign resources. In response, KCC went looking for a mine that KCC could autonomously develop. Taking time and hard effort, KCC secured a mine located in Gapyeong-gun, in the Gyeonggi-do Province. Starting with the new Gapyeong branch, KCC’s resource development business stabilized since it established Korea Silica on 12 December 1990. KCC also established the Yeongwol mine in Yeongwol, Gangwon-do Province 5 years later in 1995 where it mines dolomites, making it KCC Korea’s first company to develop resources on its own. On 1 August 2011, the company legally changed its name from Korea Silica to KCC Mineral Resources in an attempt to broaden branding and corporate image to include resource development as a whole. This will greatly assist with international competitive advantage by also developing resources in Silica stones being moved by conveyer belt Silica processed into sizes ranging from 0.1mm~0.6mm are transferred to the top via conveyer belt. Then, they are gradually sprinkled onto the ground level. demand internationally. 2014 NOVEMBER 12 13 From Mining to Silica Production, KCC Mineral Resources Batch-Processing dewatering equipment, dryer and cooler to be dried and The site of KCC Mineral Resources was very busy During the last process, high intensity roll magnetic because it was going through the crushing head and mill separator removes iron and impurities from the particles. extensions as a means to increase production capacity After all these process, the final silica product is ready and to 850 thousand tons, up from 500 thousand tons. simply needs the final touches to be ready for use in clear In order to get a grasp a mill, also known as the core of glass, color glass, glass wool and even grouting material the mining facility, you need to understand the whole for thermal insulation. ultimately become the final silica raw material. process to see the big picture. 12mm in crushing head. After Mill-1 processing followed Safe and Eco-friendly Development Receive Favorable Comments from Local Residents by the first classifier, Mill-2 and screen process, the Knowing the importance of nature, KCC Mineral second classifier and the third classifier, the end-result is Resources does all it can practically to protect the silica the size of about 0.1mm and particles smaller natural environment. than 0.6mm. Next, the raw material goes through KCC Mineral Resources undergoes restoration by Mined silica is processed into particles no bigger than KCC Mineral Resources reuses water that was initially used during other production processes by refining the water with a thickener. nut pine and forsythia. Its neat mining method was also Supporting KCC by Maximizing the Import Substitution Effect outstanding. It applied the Glory hole mining method The demand for construction materials in Korea at instead of open pit mining making the mine appear present, including glass, is ever-increasing. The cleaner and more organized. The Glory hole mining dilemma lies in securing sufficient resources and is method is shaped by a 190m vertical tunnel and joined tough due to the lack of high quality silica production with a 266m horizontal tunnel in the shape of an L. technology in Korea. Once mined silica stones are transferred into the Therefore, most construction material companies rely vertical tunnel at the mountaintop, they are then on foreign resources. However, KCC produces plate transferred by conveyer belt via the horizontal tunnel glass thanks to its stable supply of high quality raw towards the outside. KCC Mineral Resources also materials from KCC Mineral Resources. Plus, some of boasts one of the best safety level ratings. The the KCC produced plate glasses are used by KAC to Gapyeong Mine has already achieved non injury record manufacture automotive glass, which has led to X 5 (an accumulated 624,000 hours + 300 days) and vertical systemization. now the entire staff contingency are putting in great After all, KCC is able to consistently supply building effort to achieve the feat of non injury record X 6. materials to its customers thanks to KCC Mineral This meaningful record was made possible thanks to Resources. the Field Safety Patrol System in which all employees Let’s all give KCC Mineral Resources a big hand for take weekly turns to patrol the area and ensure the devoting its energy in developing KCC’s raw material safety of operations. development. leveling slopes after mining and planting wisteria, oak, 1 1Silica stacked in the vertical tunnel moves through the horizontal tunnel on a conveyer belt to the crushing head. 2 Silica is one of the raw materials used to produce glass and glass wool. 2 KCC INSIDE Our Outstanding Technology 2014 NOVEMBER 14 15 “Ecosil Superb” Eco-friendly Waterborne Coatings for Containers Environmental friendliness is one of the hottest issues today and this issue has also affected coatings for containers, more specifically shipping containers. The Ecosil Superb Series is garnering a lot of market attention since it succeeded in reducing volatile organic by-product emissions by up to 85%. Let’s have a look at the development of Ecosil Superb Series. The Ecosil Superb series is expected to satisfy the requirements of the environment-friendly market by reducing volatile organic by-product emissions by up to 85% without significant material property degradation compared to solvent borne paints. Containers, Pivotal in the Marine Logistics Industry C urrently, around 30 million 1) TEU containers are in service in the logistics industry worldwide. Coatings for containers prevent them from rusting and maintain their original appearance over a long period of time. Generally, experts apply Zinc-rich primer to prevent rust, Epoxy middle coat that functions as a barrier and an acrylic top coat with excellent weather resistance of containers. Once the applications of the coatings are complete, the containers are dispatched all over the world to play its pivotal role in the logistics industry. Ecosil Superb, Eco-friendly Coating for Containers The container manufacturing industry has recently called for a much required reduction in the emission of volatile organic by-products. To cope with such changes in environmental policy, container manufacturers and owners are exerting consistent efforts in applying eco-friendly coatings. The Ecosil Superb series is expected to satisfy the requirements of the environment-friendly market by reducing volatile organic by-product emissions by up to 85% without significant material property degradation compared to solvent borne paints. Developing Coatings using Organic and Inorganic Convergence Technologies The Ecosil Superb series with both organic and inorganic technologies categorizes into three types including Zinc-rich primer with anti-corrosive properties, Epoxy middle coat and organicinorganic hybrid acrylic emulsion top coat. Each product has different features. The Ecosil Superb Zinc Primer WZ3300 offers a superior container corrosion resistant function. It has a dual-purpose use. It can function as a shop primer 1)Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) : TEU refers to the unit of cargo capacity of containers. A 1TEU equates to a 20 foot long container while a 40 foot long container can be abbreviated as 2TEU. *1TEU (Length 6.096m/20ft, Width 2.438m/8ft, Height 2.62m/8.6ft) Containers are in service in the logistics industry worldwide. 2014 NOVEMBER 16 17 The Specifications of Waterborne Coatings for Containers The test result of anti-corrosion performance External Specifications 3coat 2coat Top coat 40~50㎛ Middle coat 40㎛ Primer 20㎛ Top coat 45~50㎛ Middle coat 45~50㎛ Shop primer 10㎛ Shop primer 10㎛ Internal Specifications 2coat 1coat Top coat 40~50㎛ Primer 20㎛ Shop primer 10㎛ Top coat 50~60㎛ Shop primer 10㎛ <Ecosil Superb Series> <Competitor product> The anti-corrosion performance test was carried out in replicated ocean conditions for 1,000 hours. The result showed that Ecosil Superb series has an excellent anti-corrosion performance for steel plates and alternatively as a zinc primer for Superb exhibits excellent stability for thinning compared to main coating lines. other brands, thanks to its easy application on various When used as a shop primer, it offers excellent welding production lines under various conditions. organic and inorganic technologies. The successful During the early testing stages, workers had to paint 20 workability and expedited drying time while maintaining Ecosil Superb Primer WP3400 and Topcoat WT3600 convergence of organic and inorganic technologies has foot containers with 10-minute breaks in between to solvent borne zinc primer’s material properties. were developed to help protect steel plates utilizing a led to stronger molecule coherence, thereby enhancing compensate for slow drying times. However, a lot of Plus, considering the Zinc coat’s thin film characteristics barrier effect to endure physical impacts. its tolerance to UV and improving its anti-pollution efforts led to the development of optimum coating and (10~20㎛), experts were forced to dilute it a great deal Exterior top coat was developed exhibiting excellent performance. line conditions. The downtime i.e. ultimately reduced to with water, resulting in much sediment volume, thereby material properties to help overcome the existing making it quite inconvenient to work with. However, Ecosil limitations of organic resins through the convergence of Ecosil Superb Series Products Applications Remarks a mere 3 ½ minutes. At this speed, about 200 TEU Efforts toward applying Waterborne Coating for Containers containers can be coated in 12 hours. The Ecosil Superb Series is the result of numerous tests, on small and large scales, for the best Leading the Waterborne of Coatings for Containers Shop primer Waterborne zinc-rich primer containing 80% of zinc application of waterborne coating for containers. Container manufacturers are rapidly improving the The company’s vast expertise and experience helped it waterborne coating conditions that can maintain the Zinc-rich primer For both pretreatment and main priming develop customer optimized and tailored coating current production line’s productivity of three million products. However, developing new products is never TEU containers annually in preparation for newly Ecosil Superb Primer WP3400 Exterior middle coat Waterborne epoxy anti-corrosive coating easy. In this case, a waterborne coating happens to be expected environmental regulations. Ecosil Superb Topcoat WT3500 Exterior top coat Organic-inorganic hybrid waterborne, highly weather durable top coat subject to a very complicated drying process and At this time, the Ecosil Superb series with upgraded conditions unlike solvent borne coatings, which further coating system technology will become one of the Waterborne epoxy anti-corrosive coating complicates the application process on containers for world’s leading products. Ecosil Superb Zinc Primer WZ3300 Ecosil Superb Topcoat WT3600 Interior top coat which it was optimized for solvent borne coatings. KCC INSIDE Exhibition ReportⅠ 2014 NOVEMBER 18 19 HomeCC Interior Enjoyed Huge Popularity in Yeongnam Area KCC joined the 2014 Kyunghyang Housing Fair in Busan and Daegu as a main sponsor, showcasing the largest pavilion in scale. The fair was held in Busan on September 25 and in Daegu on October 2. KCC displayed space based interior design packages featuring built-in home appliances in its HomeCC interior pavilion and received enthusiastic responses. HomeCC Interior Craze in Yeongnam Area T with grown-up children; and Trendy Modern,” which he 2014 Kyunghyang Housing Fair kicked off in reflects the lifestyle of active and fashionable young Ilsan in February, followed by in Gwangju, Jeolla people in their 20s or 30s. Province and this time in Busan and Daeju, Yeongnam The HomeCC interior pavilion also showcased built-in Area. The last fair took place from September 25 to 28 at home appliances, garnering a lot of attention from Bexco in Busan, and from October 2 to 5 at Exco in visitors. Built-in home appliances befitting each lifestyle- Daegu. As a main sponsor, KCC had the largest pavilion based design, greatly flattered the interior designs by all meticulously manufactured by Samsung Electronics. receive professional help by qualified KCC staff and ever since the first fair in Ilsan. boosting efficiency and making better use of normally Visitors expressed satisfaction, saying they were able to free price estimates. The Kyunghyang Housing Fair received considerable limited space. Built-in consumer appliances such as air- check out materials and built-in home appliances in the On top of that, visitors could get a firsthand experience attention from the construction industry as well as the conditioners, dishwashers and air filtration systems were model house like showroom, as it gave a real-life living of doors, wallpaper, blinds and tiles in a separate space feel. sample showroom. general public as it presented pretty much everything In the 2014 Kyunghyang Housing Fair held in Busan and Daegu, KCC employees offered interior consulting services, giving more customer satisfaction. about housing, from the recent trends in the construction HomeCC interior pavilion in Busan, Daegu and other Higher Customer Satisfaction with Consultation Services Provided by KCC Employees cities in Yeongnam Area was even better received as new For those who wanted to get interior design consulting apartments were being sold rapidly in new towns, and after browsing the pavilion, KCC offered consulting the demand for re-development was increasing in the old services and transparent price estimates on the spot. downtown areas in the province. They said that the KCC staff themselves provided kind industry to construction materials. In particular, KCC’s consulting services, enhancing trust. In particular, Rising Interest towards Interior Packages visitors were able to check out interior designs and The HomeCC interior pavilion was a model house like price estimates as the items in the showroom were showroom featuring HomeCC’s three recommendations of clearly priced for greater customer convenience. lifestyle-based interior designs. They include what has been As can be seen, the HomeCC interior pavilion received branded as “Soft Balance,” which reflects the lifestyle of keen attention from visitors as a one-stop service married couples in their 30s or 40s with elementary aged school kids; “Organic Nature” for middle-aged parents Visitors received transparent automatic price estimates after browsing interior designs. where they could check out lifestyle-based interior design packages that reflected recent trends and also Classy built-in home appliances coupled with interior designs suggested by HomeCC interior, enjoyed a lot of attention from customers along with KCC interior design packages. KCC INSIDE Exhibition ReportⅡ 2014 NOVEMBER 20 21 1 By Seong-Hun Jung Environment Management Team 2 KCC Green Product Display at International Clean Air Tech & Green Environment Exhibition The 2014 International Clean Air Tech & Green Environment Exhibition was held for three days at the COEX Mall in Samseong-dong, Seoul from 14 to 16 October. At the fair, KCC showcased its environmentally friendly products certified with the Healthy Building Material Mark (HB), also introducing its eco-friendly technology being promoted to achieve zero harmful substances and zero percent energy loss. 1SUPRO Multimel Gold was the top ranked HB Mark product on display at the fair 2 Formaldehyde-free Glass Wool Nature KCC Eco-Friendly Products Enjoyed Enthusiastic Reception application of the product onto buildings. Among other companies, KCC enjoyed an enthusiastic governmental officials and departments, others from the response from visitors with its showcasing of SUPRO education sector e.g. schools, pre-schools and daycare Multimel Gold that attained the top HB Mark ranking, and centers also visited the fair, accounting for more than 10% Glass Wool Nature, which is still the most eco-friendly of all visitors. There is thus a high expectation that their insulating material of all available glass wool products in growing interest in green construction materials will lead Korea and abroad. to the increased sales volumes in the near future. KCC will SUPRO Multimel Gold - an alkyd resin waterborne paint - strive to maintain a positive image and create positive is a highly functional eco-friendly paint that can be applied effects as an eco-friendly company by promoting its green to various surfaces such as concrete, gypsum board, iron products in the domestic market. A whopping 40,000 people visited the fair. In addition to and wood as well as wallpaper. This product can also easily be applied on existing painted surfaces, so users The 2014 International Clean Air Tech & Green Environment Exhibition showcased the diverse environmentally friendly technologies and products from multiple fields can simply repaint over the old layer without fuss. Eco-friendly Technology and Products all at Once! popularity among consumers, participated in the fair in mold and minimize bacterial contamination. the indoor environment fair section, displaying new Meanwhile, Glass Wool Nature that is entirely free from air organizer, the Korea Air Cleaning Association, is products such as air cleaning filters, deodorizers, oxygen harmful substances such as formaldehyde is the most an institute that conducts research into generators and ventilation systems. eco-friendly insulation material to date. In particular, the management regulations related to indoor air quality in One of air purifying companies showcased a high-tech binder used to make this product is naturally organic. This public places and is tasked with the formulation and smoking booth with excellent deodorizing effects in the binder is surprisingly made up of 100% edible carbohydrates revision of standardized rules as a certification agency. Clean Room pavilion, garnering significant visitor i.e. ingredients that humans can ingest. Once introduced, this Some of Korea’s major electronics companies as well as interest. Also, the fair had the Promotion Pavilion where binder hardens. Since no harmful substances are used in the many other manufacturers of air purifiers, humidifiers twenty-three companies, including KCC, exhibited their manufacturing of Glass Wool Nature, people do not have to and dehumidifiers that have recently been gaining products certified with the HB Mark. worry about the release of harmful materials during the F In addition, this product has been designed to prevent A lot of visitors showed a keen interest in KCC’s green products KCC INSIDE Knowledge Sharing By Young-Min Kim Purchasing Department 1 2014 NOVEMBER 22 23 Effective Purchasing Management, Key to Raising Profits Companies are competing more fiercely than ever before. Because of this, the purchasing cost of raw materials has become as important as managerial performance. With the same sales volume, a better thought out purchasing strategy can greatly increase profits. Traditional Model Strategic Sourcing & Relationship Management Strategic Sourcing General Purchasing Activities Single Transaction Maximizing Profits with Optimum Purchasing Strategies New Model Category Management Tactical Purchasing Activities Single Transaction CEO, served as CPO and was tasked with generalizing the entire purchasing field. to procure raw materials, facilities and sub materials to ompanies are testing various sales strategies in an He successfully implemented policies and realized passively support production. However, now that the Strengthening Corporate Competitiveness through Purchasing Management Improvement attempt to increase profits. However, this is easier companywide cost reductions thereby increasing profits meaning has evolved towards the concept of strategic Recently, many companies including KCC are carrying said than done. They are naturally expending valuable thanks to his purchasing strategy changes. This success purchasing, the emphasis is placed on strengthening the forward purchasing management improvement and time and effort in establishing such optimum purchasing story has taught us a lot about strategic purchasing. company’s supply chain competitiveness. these directions can be summarized as follows: strategies as the means to secure profits to match the The most basic yet imperative aspect of management’s efficiency of sales activities. The purchasing process has purchasing role is the timely supply of products or services always been part of commercial business. with precision so that companies can effectively carry out A – 5.0% Raw materials cost savings could yield a + 25% Profits increase However, the main reason why purchasing management production and sales activity and avoid downtime. The Institute of Supply Management (ISM) theory 2.Carry out integrated management on purchasing is receiving special attention at this particular time is In short, purchasing within a company refers to an activity in explains the level of contribution that purchasing activity standards information for a stronger global network attributable to the fact that competitiveness has become which the company purchases materials in predetermined has on company profit. Let’s suppose that when a 3.Establish systematic purchasing processes and an even more important than ever before. Companies quantities taking into account factors such as quality, cost company reaches sales to the value of 100M, the started focusing on lowering purchasing costs, which led and delivery from contracted vendors. The main role of company spends 90M comprising 50M of raw materials to purchasing emerging as a key factor in cost savings, purchasing can be seen as procurement in support of purchasing cost and 40M related to other costs, their and conversely an increase in profits. production and sales activities. However, the meaning of bottom line profit equates to 10M. purchasing has developed to incorporate relationship Any amount saved from raw material purchasing cost Relationship based Strategic Purchasing to Enhance Supply Chain Competitiveness centered purchasing aimed at developing relationships with remains as surplus and this ultimately becomes external supply markets and cooperation with related company profit. For instance, - 5.0% (2.5 M) of reduced Tim Cook, prior to becoming Apple Incorporated’s current departments. The traditional meaning of purchasing was raw material purchasing cost directly leads to an increase Of course, in order to successfully achieve purchasing in existing profit and ultimately results in 12.5M profits if innovations, we need to strengthen relationships with we used the example above. SCM related departments as well as co-operate with However, should the company aim to generate 12.5M in each other organically. profit without reducing raw material costs, it needs to Therefore, it is time for KCC’s own due diligence and to raise sales to 125M. In other words, saving – 5.0% of evaluate and reorganize if necessary, its purchasing purchasing costs raises profit by 25% in its entirety, which related implementation strategies and SCM in general. has the same effect of raising sales volume by 25%. Let’s look forward to KCC leading innovation. C ※ Optimum Purchasing Terms Value = Quality ↑ Cost ↓ + Delivery ↓ It may look very simple but all three elements are double-sided thereby increasing complexity at the same time. Therefore, much time and effort is needed to pursue ideal value 1.Enhance bargaining power through strengthening the supply base that contributes to cost savings effective system to secure purchasing visibility. 4.Pursue maximizing bargaining power and cost savings through global integrated purchasing 5. Secure long-term profit estimations by maximizing synergy through strengthening SCM related departments KCC INSIDE KCC Today 2014 NOVEMBER 24 25 The “Plasma” Circle of Yeoju Plant Improves Coated Glass Productivity Prior to the Improvements Following the Improvements The red sign shows the section where the coated-layer flaked from the facility After installation of the mesh on the facilities, flaking reduced. The red sign shows the mesh as a specialized material. KCC is spearheading quality management by actively encouraging and supporting employees to present suggestions towards quality and productivity enhancements. As part of these efforts, KCC held contests with quality circles throughout all of its worksites for a month starting September, ahead of the important contests to follow in November. On 25 September, we visited Yeoju plant that initiated the contest to include all the worksites, and interviewed the Plasma quality circle that ultimately won first place. “Plasma”, the best Circle of Yeoju Plant O n 25 September, there was a serious debate at the Yeoju plant Auditorium on how to improve product quality and productivity. Just before the Coated glass is made through “Sputtering” that is one of facilities, a coated-layer forms on the mesh, thereby scheduled contests in November, local contests were many metalizing methods. Sputtering is a process whereby decreasing the problem of the flaking issue. held at all of KCC’s worksites. Yeoju plant was first to a glass surface is coated with metal or metallic oxides initiate the contest. Six teams participated. Teams from inside a vacuum chamber. Product Yield and Productivity Increases the Furnace Section, Annealing section, Cutting Section, Once coated, regular glass is transformed into functional Thanks to their enthusiastic efforts, the Plasma circle Machinery Part and Electrical Engineering Part all glass with insulation and blocking functions. decreased contamination with the attached coated- presented their ideas. We could feel the excitement and layers inside of the vacuum chamber. They succeeded in a three-fold effectiveness enhancement of the facilities suggestions in depth. The honor of winning first prize Preventing the Coated-layer Flaking by Using Special Mesh went to the Plasma circle comprised of employees from During the process of sputtering, metal sometimes attaches to maintain the facilities, the whole production process the Coated Glass Manufacturing Department. Their topic to other sections or parts inside the chamber. When in has increased correspondingly. was related to point-defects reduction by solving the operation, the attached metal detaches and disconnects This was only achieved after experiencing numerous flaking problem. due to heat and this process is better known as flaking. trials and errors, and it is especially valuable since it When the flaked materials make contact with the surface of would not have been possible without all the team the glass, it results in point-defection. members’ joint work with a single goal to aim for, leading To solve this problem, the Plasma circle put their heads to the best quality. together and rigorously researched all relevant The Plasma circle will participate in a lot of activities documents and patents. In the end, they succeeded in including the November contest, and are also planning enthusiasm in the air. Team members debated their Low-E glass, the Primary Contributing Factor to Saving Energy Low-E glass - manufactured at the coating-line at Yeoju plant - is a complex-functional glass. It insulates solar The Plasma circle members from the Yeoju Plant, (from left) Woo-Sup Kang, Woong-Gyu Lee, Eun-Soo Lee, Joon-Young Park (First row, starting at the left), Gwang-Wook Kim, YongTae Lee and Suk-Hyun Jung by improving its usability. With cost and time reductions energy, thereby saving energy inside buildings. On one and Transport recently announced “Energy efficiency coming up with an acceptable solution to the situation by to further enhance productivity provision through various side, it consists of coated and layered metals, giving it improvement strategies in buildings”, and now they are attaching mesh throughout the inner layer of the programs. We eagerly anticipate their next remarkable the capability to block solar energy and increase focusing their sights and attention on energy saving as chamber. This specific mesh is constructed using brainwave to improve coated-glass quality and insulation efficiency. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure well as coated glass. specialized materials and once attached to the surface of productivity. KCC INSIDE KCC Focus By Kang-Hee Lee Director / PM Windows_Glass (Sealant) 2014 NOVEMBER 26 27 Competitiveness of the Company Depends on Ownership Spirit The company motto “Own your position” is giving us our guideline. A company’s capability comes from the power of organization, and that power highly relies on the efforts and attitudes of each member in it. Thus only when all members are armed with an ownership spirit, can the company build its organizational strength as well as competitiveness. KCC employees should all own their positions and carry out their responsibilities fully to further strengthen the company’s competitiveness. We should pave our own way. When all employees are equipped with the spirit of ownership, we can promise the brighter future for KCC. Company’s Capability Comes from the Attitudes of its Employees W ith customers’ standards soaring higher than ever, the quality of products has heightened accordingly. While competing over cost of products, companies now have no choice but to follow the flow of their competitors and the market. should try our best to improve the situation. Given this condition, what decides the competitiveness of products is if the products are of But most importantly, each employee must own their positions and try their best while aiming a high enough quality to meet the requirements of the market and overwhelm the for the best result. Owning a position means possessing professionalism, independence and competitors. responsibility about work. If all employees possess these attitudes, plus continuously strive to However, how can we be competitive when all products in the market are of similar quality? Of improve their abilities, the company will naturally have the capability to compete in the course, we could do so by exceeding our competitors with small difference of quality or cost market. This capability will be a great help to our company KCC. thereby having a bigger market-share. But a more effective way to do so would be by having Lastly, we must keep in mind, that once we have reached a conclusion or solution through “The Organizational Power”, the driving force to insure our company’s competitiveness. The discussions and meetings, we should take action on it. We cannot just stop after coming up organizational power is equal to Strategies, Marketing, Service and Sales. The capability of a with a solution, but it should be carried out actively in detail. company comes from goal-oriented organizational power, and this power consists of the efforts and attitudes of each employee. In modern times, companies, especially leading Capability of Each Employee Counts companies in the market, value company culture and strengthening the capability of As the size of organization gets bigger, more focus is placed on the system operation, not employees. on the capability of each employee. However, the whole system, or the capability of the organization, is composed of each member’s professionalism and capability. Solution needs to be followed by Vigorous Carry-out Thus, the effectiveness of the system highly depends on how professional and capable the The Plate glass business of KCC has now been almost completely settled. As for the employees are. Employees can acquire professionalism only when they perform their work coating-glass business, continuous growth is expected but the competition with other with ownership and responsibility. companies will become fiercer. To hold a dominant position and lead the coating-glass In sports, each player has his or her own position and all positions are equally important. market, there are a few matters that KCC needs to develop. Each player does his or her best to form a team with great teamwork. First of all, KCC should come up with business strategies that are based on SCM (Supply This team then works together to win the game and the audience goes wild. Chain Management) and make them applicable to all areas including R&D, manufacturing, The company motto “Own your position” is giving us our guideline. We should pave our own technology, and sales. Then, we should periodically check if those areas are closely way. When all employees are equipped with the spirit of ownership, we can promise the connected and horizontally communicated to produce optimal performance. And if not, we brighter future for KCC. KCC INSIDE Let’s go Egis 2014 - 2015 KBL KCC Professional Basketball With KCC as a Proud Title Sponsor! The 2014 - 2015 Korean Basketball League (KBL) supported by KCC as the proud title sponsor kicked off the big sixmonth season opener with the first game that was played on October 11. Following the 2005 - 2006 and 2009 2010 seasons, this is KCC’s third time supporting KBL as the title sponsor. It is expected that KCC will contribute to the development of Korean pro basketball whilst also taking the opportunity to promote the company as well as its superb line of products. 2014 NOVEMBER 28 29 The Opening of KCC Sponsored 2014 - 2015 Pro Basketball Season O the season and game. n October 11, the 2014 - 2015 KCC sponsored pro basketball season successfully got into full swing Rule Revisions for Dynamic Games at Jeonju Indoor Stadium with the first game of the There are some newly introduced rules for the 2014 - season being KCC Egis vs. Dongbu Promy. The stadium 2015 KBL KCC League this year. was packed with a plethora of eagerly anticipating fans Until now, Korean pro basketball used to apply NBA and spectators and a full press corps. Mr. Youn-Joo Lee, rules. However, from this year on, KBL revised the rules KCC’s Head Director from Sales Headquarters made the and decided to instead apply the International Basketball opening address and is quoted as saying, “I am very Association’s (FIBA) official rules as the standard to foster delighted for KCC to be the title sponsor for the 2014 - stronger international competitiveness. Among the new 2015 pro basketball season. I hope you all enjoy the rules, revised shot clock stands out considerably. entire season along with KCC Egis.” When a player is awarded a rebound, he is given only As the title sponsor, KCC is allowed privileged rights to 14 seconds of shot clock instead of the previous 24 post its brand advertisements in ten stadiums across the seconds, thus speeding the game up drastically. country. KCC will also carry out various joint promotional Plus, from now on, only the team captain will be activities with KBL to further develop pro basketball allowed to lodge a protest against any referee’s wherever it can. decision whereas the team’s head coach was able to At the opening ceremony, the fans were treated with a do so in the past. performance by the talented singer Maya while the Previously, players could signal for a time-out but from rhythmic gymnast Ms. Yeon-Jae Son - who won a gold this season, only head coaches can make the call for a medal at the recent Asian Games held for the first time time-out during what is called dead ball i.e. a period 1 2 1 Mr. Hyung-Gil Choi, general manager declared the opening of the KCC Egis 2014 - 2015 season. Players threw the first pitch of the KCC Egis 2014 - 2015 Season on October 11. in Korea – threw the first pitch to signal the opening of 2 Gymnast Yeon-Jae Son threw the first pitch of the game. 2014 NOVEMBER 30 31 the correct final call or decision. For the V6 of KCC Egis! “2014 - 2015 KCC Pro Basketball” Title Sponsor Signing Ceremony Grand Event KCC Egis is the strongest team that has already achieved V5 for the first time in KBL history. Since the1997 - 1998 season, KCC Egis has won the season title in 1998 - 1999, 2003 - 2004, 2008 - 2009, Player Seung-Jin Ha gave energy to the game. when the ball is not playable. The rationale behind this is to prevent players from protecting ball possession by using the time-out system when they were close to turning over possession. The video review rules also underwent some scrutiny and in 2010 - 2011 season achieving V5. The signing ceremony of “2014 - 2015 In particular, athlete Seung-Jin Ha’s comeback after KCC Pro Basketball Title Sponsor” was being discharged from compulsory military service and held on October 6. newly scouted Tae-Sul Kim are two of the reasons why KCC’s Head Director from Sales Headquarters, experts predict KCC Egis to take the silverware back Mr. Youn-Joo Lee signed a contract alongside home for another year at the conclusion of the season. KBL Commissioner Young-Ki Kim. Seung-Jin Ha is a prolific center and considered a key Mr. Lee said, “I am very pleased for KCC player in two of KCC’s grand final victories and one semi- to be the proud title sponsor of the 2014 final. Tae-Sul Kim, considered as one of the most - 2015 pro basketball season. I hope this competitive point guards, is expected to strengthen their support will be of much help to the game even more. development of Korean pro basketball.” Add to this, the master of basketball head coach Hur- In reply, Mr. Kim said, “On behalf of KBL, Jae, the best defender Myong-Ho Shin, Hyo-Beom Kim, one of the best three-point shooting big men, and little I greatly thank KCC for its generous Mr.Youn-Joo Lee, KCC’s Head Director from Sales Headquarters (left) and KBL Commissioner Mr.Young-Ki Kim contribution to the Korean sport industry’s and revision. KBL now allows head coaches to call for bomber Kyung-Sang Park, you can understand why all video review only once within two minutes at the end of the pundits predict KCC Egis will be the likely winner of with KCC for the development of pro basketball through fair game progress.” A KBL Media day event after the 4th period. Referees can also call for video review this season. Let’s all hope KCC Egis remains victorious the title sponsor signing ceremony saw the participation of ten teams and their major players along with a in the event of an ambivalent situation to help ensure and unbeaten! large contingent of journalists and other media coverage. development. KBL will work hard together The head coach of KCC Egis, Mr. Hur-Jae, expressed his opinion that Seung-Jin Ha’s comeback and 1 2 3 the drafting of Ji-Hoo Kim’s strengthened the team’s balance in every position. We will meet your expectations in a calm and methodical way.” 1 2 1 KCC Egis’s head coach Hur- Jae strengthened his season’s resolution at the KBL Media Day event. 2 Player Seung-Jin Ha declared war by stating that he was starving for basketball during his military service. 1 Player Tae-Sul Kim who recently joined KCC Egis for this season drew numerous fans’ attention. 2 Player Yeong-Sang Park scored a great deal of points with his speedy attacks. 3 Basketball fans cheered for KCC Egis as hard as they could. KCC LIFE Trend Reading 2014 NOVEMBER 32 33 The Era of Electric Cars Is Coming Popular Electric Car Models The most popular model of electric car models, the choice of which was expanded to six this year turns out An electric car is a car that uses a direct current motor and a storage battery as power source. The benefits include no exhaust fumes and less noise, but it also comes with disadvantages in that its storage battery is considered too heavy, and it is not suitable or capable of long distance traveling, which severely hinders its popularization. However, nowadays such obstacles are being removed one after another, ushering in an exciting era of electric cars. to be Kia’s Soul EV. According to the Ministry of Environment, the Soul EV took up the largest share of the recently completed government electric car supply project on Jeju Island accounting for 38%, followed by Renault Samsung’s SM3 Z.E. (31%). Also, the Soul EV turns out to be the most popular in other cities including Changwon and Gwangju. Government-Supported Electric Car Supply Project result, it is expected that the electric car market in Korea Then, how much does the Soul EV cost? As of July 2014, n electric car is a green car that does not emit carbon will be vitalized in the near future. it costs around 42.5 million won. Considering the dioxide at all. It is garnering a lot of attention with its In addition, drastically increased government subsidies are government subsidy of 24 million won, its cost is low energy cost, only 10-20% compared to that of contributing to the electric car boom we are witnessing. comparable to that of a gasoline i.e. conventional car. cost about 4 to 5 million won. Considering the extra cost conventional cars, an excellent acceleration capacity on The government offers subsidies ranging from 18 million The same is true for the Renault Samsung’s SM3 Z.E. such as electric work and installation fees, it would par with conventional cars and its low or no-noise feature. won to 24 million won when customers buy electric cars in The two models have similar performance. With one increase a customer’s costs by 7 to 8 million won. One As of this year, six types of electric cars are being produced the 10 cities selected as leading electric car cities in Korea battery charge, they can travel up to 140 km depending silver lining though is the fact that the government plans in Korea as opposed to only three models in the past. In such as Seoul and Jeju. The government also subsidizes on the conditions, and their maximum speed is to further subsidize this cost by the end of this year. addition, they have better mileage now, and their chargers and their installation, totaling a maximum of approximately 140 km/h. It takes about 1 hour for rapid exorbitant prices are going down, albeit gradually. As a about 7 million won. charging and 4 hours when slow charging is used. A By 2020, 1 million electric cars will be supplied Still, there are other issues to resolve before the Charging Stations Need to Be Increased Across the Nation popularization of electric cars can truly succeed. First, Thanks to government subsidies, electric car prices travel distance in mileage. Currently, a single charge have decreased, but unfortunately the available and cannot take you from Seoul to Daejeon, and it takes a lot accessible charging stations are insufficient at best. of time to recharge. Secondly, battery lifespan should be Currently, Korea has a total of 180 charging stations extended. Battery performance drastically decreases and 2,000 individual chargers installed, but they are after 1,000 charges, and buying a new one is yet concentrated in Seoul and on Jeju. Therefore, the best another financial burden as it costs about 7 million won. way at present to charge an electric car is to equip ones However, an era of electric cars is highly likely to come home or domicile with a charging facility. Without such a about sooner rather than later. facility, one would face a massive electric bill due to The government’s goal to supply 1 million electric cars Korea’s progressive rates scheme for home electricity by 2020 is a good indication. If this goal is realized, car consumption. industries will find a new growth engine, thereby Chargers are sold separately, and slow-speed chargers contributing to economic revitalization. they should improve the charging time as well as the KCC LIFE Bravo My Family 2014 NOVEMBER 34 35 To be a Proud Son In Loving Memory of my Dad, Forever in my Heart Gwangan-li Beach was still hot with the blazing sun up in the sky even though it was already early October. Despite the scorching sun, many families and couples were enjoying their time off on the beach. Among them were Jun-Hyun Seong, a staff member from the PCM Sales Department and his mother. J un-Hyun Seong started at KCC this year, and he is still a newbie staff member. However, he has worked very hard and greatly improved his working skills in a short period, and now he oversees technical sales of industrial and powder paints in the Yeongnam area. Mr. Seong said that he is grateful to have become a working member of the KCC family after only 6 months since his serving in the ROTC ended. His father passed away while he was fulfilling his mandatory military service, and he felt more burdened than ever before. The wonderful opportunity to work at KCC was one of the many reasons to be thankful of. It seemed that this kind of positive and healthy mindset might have been the driving force of his life, helping him to learn and improve. “I’ve always wanted to show my dad what a confident and proud son I have become. That is why I signed up for the KCC photo shoot. It has been only been less than 2 years since he passed away so I still can’t believe it. I’m certain that he would be really proud of me if he were alive today. I would like to thank my company once maternal affection for her son. again for offering me this excellent opportunity. “It is quite reassuring to know that I have a son who is I see it as a way to create a lasting memory of how I always around like a good friend. He has taken care of would have proven myself to my dearest dad.” matters by himself ever since he was a child. I was never in a position to send him for private tutoring Jun-Hyun Seong and his mother Hyun-mi Jeon, having a good time at Gwangan-li Beach Intimate Mother and Son, like Friends and a Couple lessons, and yet he always got good scores in school. I When Jun-Hyun and his mother Hyun-mi Jeon were really appreciate that. What’s more, he has found a strolling on the white sandy beach, they could oddly fine job without struggling much and that has given me have been mistaken for a couple. Hyun-mi has such a a great deal of peace and I am so relieved. Now I just soft and kind baby face. They walked and seemed want him to stay healthy. Oh! These days he is into extremely close to each other. They said that they often studying and further improving his Russian, which he go shopping or go see a movie together. Mr. Seong majored in. Similarly, I hope he will remain the person made a witty remark by saying that it was because he he is now and continues to do his best in everything.” didn’t have a girlfriend. In actual fact, it is due to his We hope that they are blessed and can maintain their utmost respect and how highly he thinks of his mother. intimate relationship, so that even other people might While being interviewed, Hyun-mi couldn’t hide her get jealous. Hold on tight to those beautiful smiles! KCC LIFE Books & Life By Jin-Young Moon Mokpo Special Sales Section 2014 NOVEMBER 36 37 Brains Prefer Familiar Emotions to Positive Ones How can we live more pleasant lives? The author says, “Our emotions are a kind of habit that we develop.” In his psychiatric opinion, he states that he has seen a lot of cases through his patients where emotions became habits. Now let’s listen to what he has to say by sharing his psychiatric treatment expertise. The author thus advises people to make a habit of and seek out the kind of pleasure related to serotonin for everyday happiness. “Your Emotion is Your Habit,” against. He also strongly advises people to avoid fight- amounts of pleasure. I couldn’t agree more with him. I like competitive sports, excessive exercise, and myself also relieve stress with smaller or fewer radical irregular sleeping hours and variable eating habits. The actions like going for a nature walk while thinking reason being is that our brains is still naturally of a positive thoughts and feeling thankful for the good primitive age and therefore tends to respond most people around me. Many people might have felt the sensitively to competitive and unexpected situations. same thing when walking, an activity that could He says people should find alternative ways to calm increase serotonin secretion. their central nervous systems instead. People might feel that there is nothing new or special about the author’s advice. However, negative thinking Let’s Handle Serious Stress with Trivial Pleasure and repetitive negative thoughts linked with intense Pleasure comprises two neurotransmitters (brain feelings all but prove his advice is not boring or chemicals in layman’s terms) called dopamine linked useless. For example, he makes a good point stating, society as a whole is mired in a habitual emotions of to intensity and serotonin linked to gentleness. “The habit of seeking intense feelings requires the stress and tension, so those who engage in competitive Excessive levels of dopamine may result in feelings of constant search for action.” That is why celebrities that hat many foreigners are super excited upon behavior during the day, enjoy unhealthy entertainment unrest, outrage and depression by triggering strong have experienced an extreme sense of pleasure on first travelling in Korea and experiencing at night.” He adds that, “Ironically, what Koreans tend reactions by the central nervous system. The author stage, are more likely to suffer from panic disorders or Korea’s night culture? Indeed, how Koreans spend to do in order to relieve stress at night could in fact thus advises people to make a habit of and seek out depression when they lose popularity. their nighttime is quite a unique Korean characteristic, have the opposite of the desired effect and increase the kind of pleasure related to serotonin for everyday As the book title implies, we should take care of our unheard of in many other countries. However, doctor stress levels.” happiness. In other words, he says, bigger stress and emotions and prevent the habit of seeking unhealthy Yong-Cheol Park is gravely concerned, saying, “Korean Night culture is not the only thing that he warns stressors should be countered with less or smaller feelings and instead find pleasure in small things. Written by Yong-Cheol Park The Irony of Activities Intended to Relieve Stress Ending up Causing Stress W KCC LIFE Books & Life 2014 NOVEMBER 38 39 Recommended Books for November The Zero Marginal Cost Society Missing Person (French: Rue des Boutiques Obscures) By Jeremy Rifkin / Translated by Jin-Hwan Ahn By Patrick Modiano / Translated by Hwa-Yeong Kim The world-renowned futurist Jeremey Rifkin, who predicted the eclipse of capitalism in two of his “Missing Person” is a major work from Patrick Modiano, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature books, “The End of Work” and “The Age of Access,” has published a new book entitled “The Zero 2014. Among other living French novelists, he is recognized for his outstanding contributions to Marginal Cost Society.” His prediction proved to be true as the eclipse of capitalism emerged as a literary value. With Modiano’s distinctive, mysterious and dreamy language, this Prix Goncourt real problem. Under these circumstances, what values and systems are required for humans to winning novel depicts the solitary and beautiful journey of Guy Roland, a retired detective who survive in this new society? He goes on to offer solutions to these questions later in the book. wanders into dark streets to regain lost memories. By following Guy Roland’s adventure in his Furthermore, he attempts to lead us to a new society that he calls the “Collaborative Commons.” attempt to regain his lost memories, this novel deals with the universal theme of finding one’s lost identity. Furthermore, the novel teaches us more about the tragic modern history that France experienced during World War II. Why did I learn how to sell first? The Hemingway Hoax By Toki Daisuke / Translated by Yun-Su Kim By Joe Haldeman / Translated by Sang-Hun Kim This book reveals the secrets of a shy man, the author, and how he managed to become the “The Hemingway Hoax” is a science fiction novel based on the true story about Ernest president of Goldman Sachs. He started his career as a low-level salesman but worked his way Hemingway’s first wife losing one of his manuscripts. The novel starts with young Hemingway, up to become the president of one of the financial companies leading international financial who had just begun receiving attention as a writer, asking his wife Hadley to join him in markets. In this book, he introduces an “absolute conversation technique,” which he developed Switzerland. She hurriedly packed her bags and headed to Switzerland, but ended up losing a out of desperation in order to survive the fiercely competitive sales world. He claims this bag that contained his manuscript in a train while she stepped away for a minute. Hemingway technique has been the driving force in propelling himself to the top job at Goldman Sachs while was frustrated, but soon after he grew to become one of the world’s most famous writers upon simultaneously being the, “weapon of professional businessmen.” The book introduces reception publishing his first book. The manuscript, which is still missing, is one of the greatest mysteries techniques to build trust with customers, conversation techniques to gain approval from your among English literary scholars. bosses and other techniques available for various business settings at any time. Walter Benjamin’s Study Method Secret Garden By Yong-Seon Kwon By Johanna Basford Walter Benjamin regarded the entire process of life as a process of learning. He learned by “Secret Garden” is best described as an anti-stress coloring book. In other words, i.e. layman’s standing up against the wrongs during his time, and the problems associated with a knowledge terms, this book is a coloring book that can help adults relieve stress. Enjoying enthusiastic society. What is the study method of asking endless questions and resisting the world about? The responses and reviews far and wide from England, the US, France, Spain and Italy, “Secret book Walter Benjamin’s Study Method traces possible questions that an intellectual named Garden” has finally been published in Korea, making it the fourteenth country. Through this book, Walter Benjamin might have had and explores in what ways he might have found answers. This the young artist Johanna Basford gained recognition for her unique style. Prepared in book also explores the meaning of studying to him and how he learned. collaboration with a world-class brand, this book mesmerizes readers with its sophisticated and For questions like, “Are schools the only places for us to learn anything?” and “Do we always classic beauty that is spread from page to page throughout. With black-and-white illustrations need maps to travel in and around unfamiliar places?” This book attempts to provide answers by hand-drawn by the author herself, adults, who were previously glued to the Internet and smart emulating Benjamin’s way of thinking, methodology and experiments. phones, will be able to refresh themselves through concentration and relaxation. KCC LIFE Culture & Life 2014 NOVEMBER 40 41 If You Are in Love Rudolf, the Musical Plays, movies and musicals based on true stories tend to receive a lot of attention from people because the stories are so much more dramatic than ordinary fiction. The musical Rudolf falls in this category. In addition, the main storyline of this musical - the tragic love between a prince from the highest class and a beautiful girl from a poor family – sounds familiar but is actually interesting enough to garner plenty of interest from various audiences. the audiences. Hyeon-ju Choi, Bo-gyeong Kim and Si-ha lot of lovey-dovey lines and situations contained in it. Ahn who will depict Mary Vetsera have all won a lot of That makes it a perfect performance to watch for awards and enjoy popularity in the musical world couples because they could identify with the main though they are less well known to the general public. characters. On the other hand, however, singles might Since this musical is basically a love story, there are a want to avoid watching this musical unfortunately. KCC Colleague Appreciation Review Eun-Chul Song / Lami Film Department The Mayerling Incident that Shook Europe E A Lovely Memory with My Wife courage and plotted to bring about a revolution but it mperor Franz Josef I of Austria, who reigned over was to no avail. He ended up walking away to a lodge Europe in the late 19th century, attempted to located at Mayerling with Mary, and before long, they strengthen the authority of the declining monarchy. His were found dead. This incident shook the whole of son, Rudolf, however, dreamt of a country where Europe, and the investigation finished concluding that everyone was free and treated as equals. Unfortunately they jointly committed suicide. The incident, however, other hand, was not that interested in it. However, over there remained a difference between the father and the left a lot of questions unanswered. Rudolf often said the last 6 years since getting married in 2008, she has son and they could hardly find a compromise. The only that his father might kill him, and there supposedly hardly had a chance to enjoy culture and arts, so I have person who cared and understood Rudolf’s frustration were marks and signs over his body that may have was Mary Vetsera, whom he fatefully falls head over indicated some sort of resistance or defense wounds. heels in love with. Encouraged by Mary, he built up the That is why the suspicion that they might have been It offered a chance to go and see the musical Rudolf. I murdered exists. It is hard to know what exactly the applied without hesitation and as luck would have it, Along with the performance itself, I was really impressed truth is, but one thing is certain, that this Mayerling fortunately won the tickets. I called my wife right away and by the attitude of the audience. I did not see a single she was extremely surprised when I asked her out on a person who took used a cellphone during the extended date out of the blue. Indeed, it has been a long time since running time of 3 hours. Thanks to that, I was able to be we last went on a date. I felt sorry for her. fully immersed in this performance. Also, my wife looked We finally watched the musical Rudolf. The name says it very happy and bright. Perhaps it was because she The most important elements in musicals are actors’ all; it was a story about Rudolf, a prince of the Austro- enjoyed this great performance. It has been a while since great singing and acting. Without these, audiences can Hungarian Empire. He dreamed of a radical revolution I saw her so full of joy and her face so radiant. hardly experience the immersion they desire and when the Habsburgs, whom were once magnificent, were I was also pleased and relieved to know that I spent and in a state of rapid decline. He even wrote editorials in celebrated the most meaningful month of the year, newspapers under the penname of Julius Felix. The October, in fine style thanks to my company. I made up incident, the motif of this musical, is truly dramatic. Great Performance from the Main Cast Members deserve. That is why it is important to cast actors whom audiences are already in love with. Fortunately, Tae- because both my wedding anniversary and my wife’s birthday fall occur during this period. Before we tied the knot, my wife enjoyed culture and arts while I on the always wanted to give her a chance to experience a great performance. I recently spotted an event on my company’s groupware. reality, however, was not in his favor. Meanwhile, he my mind to go watch more performances in the future gyeong Lim returned to the musical Rudolf. He had fatefully fell in love with Mary Vetsera, who truly along with my wife. Once again, I would like to express my previously been casted for both its premiere and rerun in understood him. Tragically, their love ended with their gratitude to the company for giving me this great chance. 2012, and gave a great performance with his explosive combined deaths as they at one time or another said, singing, sophisticated and absorbing acting. On top of that, popular actor, Jae-uk Ahn, and singer Tim, who has Tae-gyeong Lim is singing, “The step of tomorrow,” in a scene from Rudolf while giving a speech and dreaming of a new world. The month of October personally means a lot to me been quite popular thanks to his talent, will be on stage as well. The decision of which one to see is totally up to “Finishing all together at once would be better than dying Information little by little every day.” Their tragic love was so Period: ~ January 4, 2015 sensational at that time that it turned Europe upside Location: D-Cube Art Center, Seoul down and inside out. 2014 NOVEMBER 42 43 NEWS Strengthening the Green Remodeling Business with Green Card Eco-money Points 2014. 11 Only companies designated by the national government Environmental Certification, can protect consumers’ are allowed to go ahead with construction replacement health as well as the environment. in the green remodeling business and at the time of KCC will actively participate in diverse events organized printing, only two companies other than KCC can link by government offices or environmental organizations with the Green Card out of a staggering 201 companies. to promote its green building materials and continuously Thus, it is an honor and a privilege to have been chosen. develop eco-friendly technologies and products to KCC has all kinds of technologies regarding windows, spearhead the efforts to protect consumers’ health as doors, glass, wall insulation and solar-energy systems well as the environment. Ji-Hyun Seong / PR & AD Team with the capacity to save energy and reduce usage. Plus, it is already in possession of renewable-energy By participating in the fair, KCC showcased its leading technologies that could transform buildings into self- eco-friendly building materials “KCC SUP”, which earned sustainable energy production units. “Environmental Certification”; “KCC SUPRO” an eco- The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Land KCC will not only contribute to the vitalization of the friendly water paint and heat-insulating “KCC Windows concluded an agreement named “Green Card – Green green remodeling business but also play a big role in our and Doors” in the fair’s main pavilion of “Eco-Interior Remodeling Business Tie-up,” designated as one of nation’s reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and Design Booth”. Designed by the Ministry of Environment their key energy-saving policies. With this, KCC will be in enhanced energy-savings. and The Korea Environmental Industry and Technology a position to offer financial support to building owners Ji-Hyun Seong / PR & AD Team Munmak Plant Releases its First KCC Glass Wool Nature Institute, the Eco-Interior Design Project was launched to promote and support the supply of green materials purchasing KCC windows and doors. to interior designing sites. Environmental Certification Environment put into effect back in July 2011, customers KCC Participates in “ECO-EXPO KOREA 2014” who purchase window products labeled and certification KCC participated in the ECO-EXPO KOREA 2014 and friendliness has improved, serving as a standard of as eco-friendly, e.g. KCC windows, are eligible to earn eco- displayed its eco-friendly paints, insulating materials, eco-friendly materials. The level of phthalate plasticizer Last month, Munmak Plant released its first KCC Glass money points and use it as real cash. flooring materials as well as its doors and windows. contained in KCC’s flooring material “KCC SUP” is way Wool Nature product (environment-friendly insulation KCC has gained recognition for its eco-friendly building The 10th ECO-EXPO KOREA 2014 that began on the lower than the maximum allowed level, so the product material). KCC’s Glass Wool Nature is one of, if not the materials and construction ability in the green model 21st of October exhibited diverse eco-friendly and energy is not at all harmful to humans. Also, KCC’s major eco- most environmentally friendly Glass Wool products as it remodeling business and subsequently endeavored saving technologies and products for green construction, friendly paint “KCC SUPRO” uses a resin that lacks heavy is produced using an organic binder made from corn for in enhancing the energy-efficiency of residential offering some 50,000 visitors a chance to learn all about metals, which further increases its eco-friendliness. the first time ever in Korea. environments in partnership with the government. eco-construction. In addition, most KCC product line, which acquired Surprisingly, Glass Wool Nature is made up of 100% Through the Green Card System that the Ministry of (Environment Mark) is given to products whose eco- 2014 NOVEMBER 44 45 NEWS 2014. 11 Eonyang Plant Organizes TPM Circle Development Competition Notice KCC Holds the Trend Pulse: 2015/16 CMF Seminar KCC is scheduled to hold KCC Trend Pulse: 2015/16 diverse living standards and higher consumer standards, CMF Seminar at the Ritz-Carlton in Seoul, bringing about consumption is increasingly driven by consumers’ emotional 150 marketing and design managers from relevant needs as opposed to functionality. Therefore, CMF is industries such as automobiles, heavy machines and home emerging as the key to developing products. Meanwhile, the appliances. The seminar will introduce inspiration and CMF upcoming Trend Pulse Seminar will also display diverse KCC (Color, Material and Finishing) trends related to industrial products such as car paints, plastic paints and VCM(Vinyl design. Under the theme “Radical”, the seminar will consist Coated Metal) film. They will also offer free lunch to every of three topics “Super Simple”, “Unexpected Experience” participant. In February, KCC held a Design Trend Seminar to and “Regain Foretime”, and predict original and diverse CMF promote KCC’s unique design concepts. Last September 30, Eonyang Plant organized the 2014 design trends in the future that will make the world shinier edible carbohydrates. Also, Glass Wool Nature doesn’t TPM Circle Development Competition with the aim of and brighter. CMF, which stands for color, material and Trend Pulse: 2015/16 CMF Seminar produce formaldehyde when applied to actual buildings, sharing each circle’s best practice and development finishing, is a term used to refer to which color, materials and Period: November 4 Venue: The Ritz-CarltonSeoul Hotel Grand Ball Room as is the case with some other products. cases as well as to carry out mutual benchmarking It is expected that this product will gain much market tests. Eleven circles participated in this fiercely contested popularity because it is not only eco-friendly but exhibits competition. improved performance and workability. The glorious winner for this competition ended up being Starting with the first release of Glass Wool Nature circle Gaemi under guidance of Mr. Dae-Hyun Park from named Clean Mat, employees from Munmak Plants the MW Production Team. Their victorious theme was, committed to a firm resolution to ensure the early “Productivity Increase and the Prevention of Irregularities completion of the Glass Wool Nature line-up while aimed at Line #3’s Facility Improvement.” applying eco-friendly binders to all Glass Wool products. The KCC Eonyang Plant TPM Circle always endeavors to Hankuk Keum / Munmak Plant The Largest Cosmetics Ingredient Exhibition “In Cosmetics Asia” own up to this high standard. finishing methods are used in designing. With increasingly Jin-Woo Lee / KCC Eonyang Plant TPM Office KCC will participate in, In-Cosmetics Asia, in Bangkok, benefits of silicon products used to make cosmetics. Such Thailand from November 4 to 6. This is an expo which efforts will help KCC promote an image that it is offering focuses on cosmetic ingredients. It is the largest exhibition products that are both high quality and safe. of the cosmetics industry and has been serving as a Exhibitions of cosmetics ingredients will also be held in chance for cosmetic manufacturers and experts to get China and Spain, and KCC will take part in these fairs diverse information on relevant technologies and to see to raise the recognition and market share of its silicon the trends in the world cosmetic market. KCC is planning products. to showcase diverse silicon products for cosmetics in collaboration with the British silicon product manufacturer Basildon that KCC had taken over in 2011. KCC will provide visitors with chances to test products and explain the In Cosmetics Asia 2014 Period: November 4 ~ 6 (For three days) Venue: Bangkok, Thailand BITEC Mail Box Poem of the Month Bulletin Board Letters from Readers In KCC House Organ Newsroom we are always waiting for your valuable opinions. Feel free to send us letters or E-mails to [email protected]! ●Yoon-Kyung Kim / Eonyang Plant Technology Section At the Eonyang Plant, many little princesses celebrated their first birthday during October and November. October 2nd was the birthday of Seo-Ha Park, Mr. JongGeun Park’s little girl. The 5th was Yeni Choi, Mr. JongSoo Choi’s little girl. The 11th was Min-Seo Ha, Mrs. Yoon-Kyung Kim’s little girl and November 1st was Yuna-Cho, Mrs. Yoon-Kyung Choi’s little girl’s b-day. Please congratulate them! ●Tae-Sik Kim / Daejuk_Utility Section Three months have passed since Mr. Seok-Hyeon Jang from the Process Development Department at our Daejuk Plant - 2 joined us as an intern. Recently, he became a regular employee. I wish to congratulate all of the interns including Mr. Jang who became regular employees. Please pass a long your congratulations. ●Seong-Mo Koo / Jeonju OEM-Automotive Coating Department October 13th was the birthday of Ms. Dahee Mo from OEM-Automotive Coating Department. Ms. Kim, Please accept my belated birthday wishes. I am sorry I was not able to congratulate you earlier. Please carry on with your good work as the manager of our team. ●Sung-Soo Lim / Yeoju Administration Department Yeoju Plant’s soccer team placed first in the 10th soccer match. Congratulations and I wish continued success for the team! The Falling of the Leaves Please send Congratulation messages or any kind of News that you would like to share. Send us your message to [email protected] We also welcome photos of your memory! * Gift Vouchers will be sent to you :) ●On-Jung Lee / Market Insight Department I was very impressed to read the column that dealt with KCC’s ownership spirit. It gave me a chance to think of KCC’s company motto and I was able to strengthen my workplace attitude. I look forward to continuously read valuable news. ●Geon-Oh Lim / Daegu Branch From time to time I see congratulatory wedding messages in our house journal. It would be nice to have a column where employees can show their wedding pictures so that colleagues who couldn’t attend their wedding could experience it through the house journal. ●Seung-Yeon Hwang / Ulsan-Paint Sales Department I usually read the Product and Our Outstanding Technology column. Since KCC deals with so many products and items, it is hard to have knowledge about all of them. But by reading these columns I learn a lot about our products and items. I hope to continue to gain much more valuable information in the future. ● Kyeong-Mi Heo / Suncheon Branch Office Maintenance Division I am a fan of the KCC house journal. I’d like to suggest adding news from outside of the company. Social issues and news regardless of the area would offer employees knowledge and common information. William Butler Yeats (1865~1939) AUTUMN is over the long leaves that love us, And over the mice in the barley sheaves; Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us, And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves. The hour of the waning of love has beset us, And weary and worn are our sad souls now; Let us part, ere the season of passion forget us, With a kiss and a tear on thy drooping brow.
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