Simon Scholars Celebrates Class of 2014

Christine Welch, 714-573-0899 x. 225
[email protected]
Local High School Students Honored for Overcoming Adversity; Celebrate Journey to Attend
Prestigious Universities across the Nation
ATLANTA—(June 3, 2014)—A group of Atlanta teenagers, who have suffered extremely difficult
circumstances in their young lives, recently gathered for the Simon Scholars Annual Awards Banquet—
celebrating the beginning of a journey toward realizing their American Dream of higher education. The
Simon Scholars Program, which provides scholarship assistance to capable and qualified students faced
with challenging life situations, honored 15 graduating seniors from the Dekalb County School District in
front of their families, peers, and education and business leaders. The ceremony and banquet took place
at the Emory Hotel and Conference Center on May 28.
“We are proud to honor the high school class of 2014 Simon Scholars, who under the care and
guidance of our organization, will continue to take steps in overcoming adversity, pursuing a college
education and ultimately achieving the greatness they were destined for,” said Dr. Catherine Turk,
Simon Scholars Atlanta Chapter program coordinator. “Simon Scholars from Chamblee Charter School
and Southwest DeKalb High School came from a variety of backgrounds and challenges—which included
being homeless for a period of time, coming from financially struggling households, leaving
impoverished third-world countries, taking care of ailing parents, and suffering from debilitating
illnesses. Despite their challenges, these students have gone above and beyond their life situations to
exhibit a drive for success, and they truly embody what a Simon Scholar should be.”
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Class of 2014 Simon Scholars from Chamblee Charter High School include: Navila Akther, Mohd
Hasan, Lizaremi Luna-Sousa, Noor-E-Alam Marshall, Oluwatunmise Olowojoba, Gabrielle Pointer and
Jennifer Tran. Southwest DeKalb High School Simon Scholars include: Nekhena Campbell, Lenora Ealy,
Stephen Fitch, Aria Gabriel, Chelsea Jackson, Demba Kah; Zoe Macfoy and Terence Navalta; and Ravon
Notable Simon Scholars Honored
The banquet’s theme, “Coming of Age as a Simon Scholar: Embracing the Past, Enjoying the
Present, Envisioning the Future,” was emphasized in each speech as students remembered the heartbreaking challenges that brought them to the program; shared their academic and personal growth as a
result of being in the program; and focused on the college and career opportunities that were ahead of
The ceremony presented Chamblee Charter High School student Oluwatunmise Olowojoba with
the Simon Scholar-of-the-Year award, for her continual support of her peers and active involvement in
various program events and achievements, including becoming a published poet last summer. Simon
Scholar Demba Kah delivered a moving speech about being homeless, having to leave his mother in
another country, and taking public transportation to school each morning at 4:30 a.m. and returning
home late in the night—all while taking 11 Advanced Placement classes.
In addition, Lizaremi Luna-Sousa, valedictorian of Chamblee Charter High School, was honored
for her commitment to taking 12 Advanced Placement classes and graduating with a 4.1 GPA. LunaSousa and her fellow Simon Scholars will attend top-ranked universities, ranging from Cornell University
to Georgia Institute Technology, Emory University and Vanderbilt University. The Simon Scholars were
recognized for earning GPAs of 3.8 and above while taking an average of five to 12 Advanced Placement
classes, participating in multiple extra-curricular activities, and holding top leadership positions in their
schools and communities.
Scholarship recipients are selected during their sophomore year in high school and begin the
Simon Scholars Program during the summer before their junior year, and it extends through their
college education. Each recipient receives $30,000 in financial support, programs and services. Eight
students are selected each year in each high school. The Atlanta Chapter of Simon Scholars represents
an esteemed group of students considered to be elite among their schools’ student body and faculty.
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About Simon Scholars
Understanding that it takes much more than money to change a life, entrepreneur Ronald M.
Simon founded the Program in 2003 to change the lives of students who face the most challenging life
and economic circumstances. Through the Simon Scholars Program, students are provided with practical
life skills training, academic tools, leadership development, college readiness instruction, and funding
assistance to succeed in college and life.
Last year, the Simon Scholars celebrated a “Decade of Success,” its 10-year milestone of guiding
students from adversity to accomplishment. Since originating, more than $25 million in scholarships
have been invested, and more than 850 students have entered and/or completed the program. The
Program’s college graduation success ratio is outstanding. Of the students who enter a four year college,
90 percent will graduate; statistics which outpace the national average considering these students come
from the most disadvantaged, troubling and challenging circumstances. Simon Scholars operates in 16
high schools throughout the U.S. including Atlanta, Ga.; Washington, D.C.; Santa Fe and Albuquerque,
N.M.; and Southern California. For additional information, visit