Lesson 35 解答例 1. How many grandchildren are there? Grandparents?(孫は何人いますか、祖父母は何人いますか) There are four grandchildren. There are two grandparents. 2. Who is Simon’s uncle(Simon のおじはだれですか) His uncle is Peter. 3. How many brothers does Karen have?(Karen の兄弟は何人ですか) She has one brother. 4. Which children is the second youngest?(二番目に若い子は誰ですか) It is Simon. 5. Who is Karen’s sister-in-law? (Karen の義理の姉は誰ですか) She is Sally. 6. How many cousins does Janet have?(Janet は何人いとこがいますか) She has two cousins. 7. How many years older is Peter than his wife(Peter は奥さんより何歳年上ですか) He is three years older than his wife. 8. Who is Tomas’s nephew?(Tomas の甥はだれですか) She is Andy. 9. What is the relationship between Jorge and Mary(Jorge と Mary の関係は何ですか) They are a couple. 10. Who is the Simon’s eldest cousin?(Simon の最も年上のいとこは誰ですか) Janet is the oldest cousin of Simon. 11. How many people are there in the family? (家族は何人いますか) I have five members in my family. 12. How many brothers and sisters do you have? What do they do? Do you live with them? (何人兄弟がいま すか。どんな仕事をしていますか。一緒に住んでいますか) I have one brother. He is a policeman. I don’t live with him. 13. Were you ever punished? If yes, why? How? (今まで怒られたことがありますか。そうなら何故ですか。ど のようにですか) I have never been punished before. 14. Tell about your family’s hobbies?(あなたの両親は何をしてますか) My father’s hobby is fishing. My sister’s hobby is shopping. 15. Who do you speak to the most in your family?(家族で誰と一番話しますか) I speak to my sister the most. 16. Who is the tallest in your family? How tall is that person? (家族で一番背が高いのは誰ですか。どのくら い高いですか) My brother is the tallest in my family. He is 180cm. 17. Who is the laziest in your family? (一番家族で怠け者は誰ですか) I am the laziest in my family. 18. Do you have a family pet? If yes, how takes care of it.(家族にペットはいますか。誰が世話をしてますか) We have one dog. I take care of it. 19. When did you and your family last go on a vacation? Where did you go? How long was the vacation? (あ なたと家族は、最後にいつバケーションにいきましたか。どこにいきましたか。どのくらい続きましたか) It was 10 years ago. We went to Tokyo. It was for three days. 20. How often do you and your family spend time together?(あなたは家族とどのくらい時間をともにします か) We spend time together once a week.
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