Simon's Town Community Police Forum Newsletter 6 - ... 1 of 7 Subscribe Share Past Issues T his is the Simon's Town Community Police F orum's 6th Newsletter - during the past month another Neighbourhood Watch was started, we'll touch on trauma counseling and explain when to call which City of Cape Town peace force and ask you to think about something vital! Translate View this email in your browser Volume 1, edition 6 - January 2014 To print this new sle tter, ple ase click this link to download a PDF version What's been happening? Crime wise it has been a quieter month than the period over the Festive Season! Except, of course, for the attempted robbery of a jewelery store in the Simon's Town CBD. Two of the four perpetrators were caught thanks to excellent policing! The scourge of residential house break-ins seems to have moved back to Sector 1 (see map below to see what area Sector 1 covers). Also there was a slight increase in theft out of motor vehicles! Please don't leave any valuables in your car - it is so tempting to steal them! Crimes heavily dependent on police action saw some ups and downs with an increase in confiscation of fire arms but a decrease in the number of drug arrests and driving under the influence. Does this mean that we are all doing less drinking and driving and staying away from drugs? What do you think? Good news indeed is the establishment of a Neighbourhood Watch in Murdock Valley South, where Dave de Jager was appointed at a meeting held on 30th January 2014. If you live in this area and would like to be a member of this watch, send an e-mail to [email protected] and we will forward your contact details to Dave. A new Neighbourhood Watch is on the cards for Glen Marine. If you live in that suburb, send an e-mail [email protected] to register your interest. Further in this e-mail we touch on Trauma Counseling. When you or a family member finds him/herself in the unfortunate circumstance of being a victim of crime, SAPS will offer you the services of a trauma counselor, who is attached to our local police station. There are several counselors the station can call upon and their services are free of charge. Read about their services further in this newsletter! Have a safe month! Simon's Town Community Police Forum Neighbourhood Watch News 07/02/2014 00:29 Simon's Town Community Police Forum Newsletter 6 - ... 2 of 7 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate Se ctor 1 Glen Road NHW Late afternoon on the 5th February a NHW member in Wood Way reported that her neighbour's house had been broken into by a white male, who had already stacked his loot on the lawn ready to make off with it. Neighbours were alerted by the noise of broken glass and, when they did not recognise the voice of the person who answered their concerned questions, decided that more was going on. They called the police, but saw the young man running away over the roof of the garage and speeding away in a silver Golf Polo registration CA676908. Well done to Helen and her husband for being such attentive neighbours! This is what being part of a Neighbourhood Watch is all about! Se ctor 2 Murdoch Valley North NHW This watch came out in full force earlier in January when they noticed unwelcome visitors in an unoccupied house! First calling the police and then using their e-mail list and WhatsApp, members were notified of the developing situation. The perps noticed that they had been noticed and fled the scene in their purple VW Golf, chased by the patrol van. When it crashed in Fish Hoek, two of the tree burglars were apprehended; the third fled. Unfortunately and very frustratingly, the two were released on bail by the prosecutors at the Simon's Town Magistrates Court! Dom Parker has vowed to take this up with the Senior Prosecutor at the Court. Again, well done to the MVN NHW! Ne ighbourhood Watch Coordinatores L to R: Dave de Jager (Murdock Valley South), Simon Braat (Froggy Farm) and Dom Parker (Murdock Valley North) 07/02/2014 00:29 Simon's Town Community Police Forum Newsletter 6 - ... 3 of 7 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate Who does What? Above is a photo of the City of Cape Town's peace officers, as they are called. They work in three departments, namely Traffic Services, Law Enforcement and Metro Police and each department has a specific focus. Traffic Police are dressed in blue (blue trousers and light blue shirts) with a badge depicting a gold star. They focus on traffic safety, including speeding, parking violations and blocked driveways. Law Enforcement officers also wear blue uniforms, but their badges are gold shield with the City's logo. These officers concentrate on the enforcement of City by-laws, such as nuisance complaints (barking dogs, noise) and behaviour in public places. The Copperheads Unit and the Anti-Land Invasion Unit are part of Law Enforcement. Finally, Metro Police, who wear khaki trousers and a light yellow shirt. Their logo is a gold shield market Metro Police and it has the CoCT logo too. Metro Police work closely with SAPS (who are a service all on their own) on serious criminal issues, with a strong emphasis on crime prevention. Metro Police's roadblocks are not only held to promote road safety, but they also have the authority to search a vehicle for illegal firearms and narcotics. All three the services can be called on the City's 24hr one-stop emergency number by dialing 107 from a Telkom landline or 021 480 7700. To be honest, the Simon's Town precinct residents rarely see any of these services in our area. Although Law Enforcement does an excellent job when called out to deal with nuisance or other by-law complaints, they, like all four the services, are grossly understaffed, and just do not have the manpower to serve the Far South communities adequately! NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T 07/02/2014 00:29 Simon's Town Community Police Forum Newsletter 6 - ... 4 of 7 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate Interesting, driving along the streets and road of our communities! Especially if you are looking for a specific address! Because, guess what, roughly 45% of home owners do not feel it necessary to put a visible house number on a wall, fence or post box on the street side of their home! So, here's a scenario. It's night, it's dark and you have a break-in, or some one is robbing you in your home, or an elder relative is having a heart attack. You need help, fast! You call the service you need and wait and wait and you wonder where they are. Meanwhile, they are driving up and down your road or street looking for the house number you gave them during you call. But hey, you don't have a visible house number, let alone any number, and neither do your neighbours! So, getting to your address takes longer than necessary, not because the emergency services are tardy, but because they can't find the address you gave them. Why is it you don't have a number? And what are you going to do about it? 07/02/2014 00:29 Simon's Town Community Police Forum Newsletter 6 - ... 5 of 7 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate THE VICTIM AND TRAUMA COUNSELING SERVICE WHO AR WE? Trauma Counselors are part of a national body, were founded in 1996 and attached to Police Stations across the country. This free community service is staffed by trained volunteers, who are NOT Social Workers or member of SAPS. All counselors have to adhere to a strict code of standards and ethics and their work is strictly confidential. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. In this area trauma counselors have excellent facilities and private rooms in Fish Hoek, Ocean View and Simon’s Town. Each with their own dedicated team of counselors. Their service is entirely free of charge, private and confidential. All the counselors are unpaid volunteers who have undergone extensive training in all areas of trauma. A trained counselor is available in your area every day; Appointments can be arranged either in or out of business hours; The service is not restricted to victims of crime alone. Trauma counselors are also available to help with a whole range of other difficulties you may be facing; you may be struggling to free yourself from an abusive relationship, or have witnessed something upsetting; you could be concerned about the health and safety of a child or maybe you have lost a loved one and your grief is unbearable. Trauma counselors can also refer you to various organizations who offer specialist assistance such as rehabilitation facilities, etc. where the problem is alcohol or drug related. To get in touch with your local trauma counselor, LEAVE YOUR NAME AND CONTACT DETAILS at your local police station and a counselor will phone you back as soon as possible to arrange a CONFIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT. Whatever the issue trauma counselors are here to help and listen, comfort and assist you in any way they can. The Victim’s Charter can be viewed on the web @ The next Simon's Town Community Police Forum Public Meeting will be held on Monday, 24th FEBRUARY 2014 from 18h00 to 19.45 in the Simon's Town Library Hall Alderman J-P Smith, Mayco Member for Safety and Security will be joining us to brief us on the City of Cape Town's Neighbourhood Watch Programme! Diarise it now so you won't forget! 07/02/2014 00:29 Simon's Town Community Police Forum Newsletter 6 - ... 6 of 7 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate We look forward to seeing you there! Monthly Sector Crime Sub-Forum Meetings (also known as Neighbourhood Watch Meetings) Each SAPS Sector in the Simon's Town precinct holds a monthly Sub-Forum Meeting at which the SAPS Sector Commanders reports on crime trends and where residents are encouraged to share their safety and security concerns directly with the police. Sector 1: every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 18h30 at The Bay Cafe on Glen (what was known as the Southern Right Hotel) in Glencairn - the next meeting is on Wednesday, 12th February 2014. All residents are very welcome to attend. For more information please contact Aliet Pelt on 021 7810028 Sector 2: every 1st Tuesday of the month at 17h00 in the Simon's Town Library Hall - next meeting will be on Tuesday, 4th March 2014. For more information please contact David Erickson on 021 7863384 Simon's Town CPF Contact Info Chairperson: Alie t Pe lt-Ray [email protected] (general enquiries) Vice Chair: Dav id Erickson [email protected] (vagrants and car attendants) Treasurer: Roy Burnie [email protected] (traffic and taxi violations) Compliment and Complaints: [email protected] (compliments for the SAPS Station or an individual SAPS member or complaints about the SAPS Station and an individual member can be e-mailed to this e-mail address. These compliment and complaints will be treated as strictly confidential and is received by the chairperson only) Traffic and Taxi violations: [email protected] (for any complaints about drivers of any kind of vehicle, whether private, company, public transport or taxis. Please provide date, time, locations, if possible registration number or part of the number, the kind of vehicle (if known) and the violation that took place. If you can back it up with a photo, so much the better)! Facebook Website Email Twitter You are receiving this e-mail because you are a member of one of the Neighbourhood Watches in the Simon's Town SAPS Precinct or you have agreed to receive a monthly copy of the Simon's Town CPF Newsletter! Unsubscribe <<Email Address>> from this list. Our mailing address is: 07/02/2014 00:29 Simon's Town Community Police Forum Newsletter 6 - ... 7 of 7 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate Community Police Forum Post Box 675 Simon's Town Cape Town, Western Cape 7995 South Africa Add us to your address book Copyright (C) 2014 Community Police Forum All rights reserved. Forward this email to a friend Update your profile 07/02/2014 00:29
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