Panelists Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University Joan Fujimura, University of Wisconsin–Madison Duana Fullwiley, Stanford University Hon. Thelton E. Henderson, Northern District of California Denise Herd, UC Berkeley Elizabeth Joh, UC Davis Jonathan Kahn, Hamline University Harry Levine, CUNY-Queens College Bertram H. Lubin, President & CEO of Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland Alondra Nelson, Columbia University Amani Nuru-Jeter, UC Berkeley Osagie Obasogie, UC Hastings/UCSF Michael Omi, UC Berkeley Pilar Ossorio, University of Wisconsin–Madison Aaron Panofsky, UCLA Howard Pinderhughes, UCSF Dorothy Roberts, University of Pennsylvania Oliver Rollins, University of Pennsylvania Tania Simoncelli, Author, Cellist, and Assistant Director for Forensic Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Sandra Smith, UC Berkeley Julie Sze, UC Davis Alice Waters, Chez Panisse David Wellman, UC Santa Cruz Patricia Williams, Columbia University Celebrating Troy Duster A tribute to the life and work of our friend, colleague, and mentor – who has given so much to so many. August 15, 2014 9:00 am – 6:00 pm / Booth Auditorium / UC Berkeley School of Law / 2778 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA Agenda August 15, 2014 9:00 W E LC O M E AN D I NTR O D U CTI O N 1:3 0-2:3 5 PAN E L 3: TH E W O R K O F TH E S O C I O LO G I ST I N FO R E N S I C S, P O LI C I N G, AN D B E HAV I O RAL S C I E N C E M O D E R ATO R: Harry Levine, CUNY - Queens College Duana Fullwiley, Stanford University Aaron Panofsky, UCLA Osagie Obasogie, UC Hastings/UCSF Howard Pinderhughes, UCSF Oliver Rollins, University of Pennsylvania 9:15-9:4 0 O P E N I N G AD D R E SS 2:3 5-2:4 5 B R EAK Dorothy Roberts, University of Pennsylvania 9:4 0-10:4 5 PAN E L 1: S LI P P E RY S LO P E S: W H E N H EALTH D I S PAR ITI E S, P O LITI CAL I N C LUS I O N, AN D RAC IAL S C I E N C E START TO M IX M O D E R ATO R: Denise Herd, UC Berkeley 2:4 5-4:15 PAN E L 4: C O N N E CTI N G TH E D OTS: A R O U N DTAB LE O N TR OY D USTE R’S C O NTR I B UTI O N S TO TH E ACAD E MY, TH E P U B LI C, AN D TH E B E R KE LEY C O M M U N ITY M O D E R ATO R: Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University Jonathan Kahn, Hamline University Alondra Nelson, Columbia University Amani Nuru-Jeter, UC Berkeley Elizabeth Joh, UC Davis D I S C U SSANTS: Michael Omi, UC Berkeley Hon. Thelton E. Henderson, Northern District of California Bertram H. Lubin, President & CEO of Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland Tania Simoncelli, Author, Cellist, and Assistant Director for Forensic Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy 10:4 5-11:00 B R EAK Sandra Smith, UC Berkeley 11:00-11:5 0 PAN E L 2: E N GAG I N G S C I E NTI STS O N RAC E I N G E N ETI C R E S EAR C H: R E FUS I N G TO ‘WATC H TH E PARAD E FR O M TH E S I D E WALK’ David Wellman, UC Santa Cruz M O D E R ATO R: Jonathan Kahn, Hamline University Joan Fujimura, University of Wisconsin–Madison Duana Fullwiley, Stanford University Pilar Ossorio, University of Wisconsin–Madison 12:00-1:3 0 LU N C H B R EAK (See handout for a list of local restaurants) Julie Sze, UC Davis Alice Waters, Chez Panisse 4:2 0-4:4 5 C LO S I N G AD D R E SS Patricia Williams, Columbia University 4:4 5 A FE W W O R D S FR O M TR OY 5:00-6:00 R E C E PTI O N Steinhart Courtyard, UC Berkeley School of Law. A special thank you to our sponsors, whose support made this event possible. Institute for the Study of Societal Issues
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