t:l "-t .t' 7 lt s { - *#' n/ / Neu traditiorus & HEALTHY FI-JN, FIT IN BY KORI ECHEVFSTF, ,1!!or tu eiitot Di,z (:oto hi$ Std l U? hldb Bonftliag at BLc Sto on tlt San,.lntonio reat adventures and wonderful acdvities abor:nd in San - and to stay 6t and healthy, it's nor just what you eat but whar you do. The possibiliries seem endless, Antonio aad more than we could fit in just one article. So every will bringone or two new ways we've discovered issue we to help yor.r have fun and stay fit. This issue, discover kayaking on the San Antonio River, Stand Up Paddle Boarding at Blue Star in Southtown, and roller skiing jusr about anlwhere you can walk. S PEN D AN AFTERNOON KAYAKING ATMISSION REACH No need to drive an houroutside ofthecity toexperience nature while 6l I was born and raised righc here in San Antonio and staying cool and AND KFV]N Riua SAN ANTONIO FT,MMEI- (Photo ta Sopha Cota) Antonio fuver was apossibility. Thanks ro the Mission Reach Ecosystem Restoration and Recreation Project, anyone can kayak through the missions on the San Antooio River The San Antonio fuver Improvements Project transformed an eighthad no idea kayaking on the San mile stretch ofthe fuver into a quality woodland ecosystem to make the kalakingtrip a smooth and enioyable erperience. David Morin and Jack Michel, both 25 years old, realized hiking and biking trails would be a huge part of the Mission Reach Prolect. Mr Morin, a kayaker and outdoor enthusiast, saw a void: a river with no paddlers. He approached the citywith his pal, Mr. Michel and by Oct. 5,2013, they were in business. Their out6t, Mission Kayak at Espada Park, was born. The young entrepreneurs want to be part of the outdoor aod recreadonal renaissance happening all across San Antonio. And they want to make rhe experience accessible to everyone. "\Ve think San Anaonio is an exciting and awesome place to live and FDIBTESANANTONlO,COM 33 we want [o be parr of that growth and contribute to it," Mr Morin said. "Our goal is to get everybody river sport will help burn off rhe brunch calories too. SAIX is open Thursthrough Sunday every week. Appointments are required for SUP on the water - so we have a variety of options to suit almost any indi- days vidual need." Thursdays and Fridays but Sarurdays and Sundays are open to walk-up customers. For more in' Individual rentals are $10 per hour, but rle pair offers longer packages that include shuttle rides formation call 210-850-2210 or and more. visit SUPSATX.com. Kayaking is something anyone do! In jusr a few hours at Mission Kayak, paddlers ranged from SNOW NOT INCLUDED: can the very young, about 5, to rhe ROLLER SKI TEXAS BzuNGS OLYMPIC SPORT TO SAN more seasoned kayakers. Kids under eight can go for the ride with a parent. Mission Kayak boasts 14 sturdy kayaks, l0 for adult and four ANTONIO smaller ones. Li[e jackets are also Pl,li )D lttiu. lligbt&.{ rlut n,n.y ar oriawry,ol ptnnid,! tulltiti. (C\tu.tulr Plato) Kayaking down the San Antonio Riveris truly a majestic experience participaots enjoy scenic views ofour historic Missions and newly renovated ecosystem, better still, kayaking is a grear source ofexercise. From experience, kayaking can definitely be a work out! Ifyou kayak regularly San Antonio temperatutes may well be in the triple digirs, but one ofthe world's most popular winter sports is fourishing in the heart of the Alamo City. Locals, some ofwhich have never even seen snow, are spinning rheir wheels to enjoy all the health bene6ts ofthis new brand ofcross-country skiing. and at a faster pace, kayaking provides a great upper body and core work out. And ifyou're reallyserious about ir,you can even get agoodwork out for your legs. Founded by Philipp Dmitriev, Roller Ski TLxas was born out oflove for his favorite child-hood sport, cross-country skiing. Raised in Siberia where it wasn't such a challenge to have the righr amounr ofsnow, he was available. so ^ To learn more, visit missionkayak.com or call (210) 849-2958, compelled to find a way to overcome the obvious obstacle here in San Aatonio. THERE'S A NEW KIND OF STAND UP IN SOUTHTOWN Paddle boarders rejoicel SUP SAIX (shorr for Stand Up Paddle boarding) provides the ultimate downtown experience and opens the San Antonio fuver at least by the Blue Srar Arts Complex r.rp to recreational spordng again. The city ofSan the SUP Antonio recently gave the team irs blessingto SAIX operation in the heart ofBlue Star conduct by rhe rivers Stand up paddle boarding is much easier than it looks. It certainly bit daunting, especially for 6rst timers, but the challenge is maintaining balance for longperiods. seems a SUP SAIX manager Ruben Gonzales gave us a tour ofrhe San Antonio fuver and a lesson to ensure a smooth lirsr ride. Aftergctting familiar with the process, paddle boardingfelt as easy as riding a bicycle orjumping on a trampoline. The sport burns calories, is a great form of excrcise, and strengthens back muscles due to rowing. Legs get a grear workout too from the con- stant need to maintaining balance. Paddle boarding is a very good full body exercise thar strengthens several important areas and fun Ifyour summer schedule looks busy, Mr. Gonzales said SUP SAIX will stay open year-round, even when t€mperarures cool down during winre r. He\ er.cited to be parr ofrhe burgeoning communiry "South Town gets <iverlookedl' Mr Gonzales said. "Takiog this stroll shows thar this commr:niry in the south is somethingyou can really take part o( " Once you experience paddle boarding on rhe San Antonio River, the charm of the area will draw you back. Bring a towel and the new 34 Cdibh SAN ANTONIO AUCUST,/SEPTEMBER 2014 The fact that we have no snow spurred Mr Dmirriev to acl When he 6rst moved to San Anronio, he started to practice roller skiing in McAlister Park. The unusual skates drew questions and in[erest, so he forned a group called RollerSkiGxas.com as a resource for fellow aspiring roller Mr. Dmietrivsaidthe response to rollerskiinghas beenpositive. "Since I started introducing the public ro roller skiing the response has been nothing but extraordinary," Mr. Dmitriev explained. "Every skiers, So far, week new guests show up for the inrroducrory meet-ups and they all get a chance to experience cross country skiingwithout leaving Tlxas. I'm proud to say gives me a sense that being a pioneer of the sport in San Antonio, see more and more people of accomplishment to roller skiing." Roller Ski TLxas and Mr Dmitriev are now on a mission to help residents become acquainted with the sport. And it's easy to understand why. Roller skiing can be a solid cardio workout that's gentler on joints than runningor cycling, which is a great beneEr for those hoping to avoid stressing re-occurring injuries. It also makes the sport popular for all ages. Unlike cycling, roller skiing improves upper-body srengrh, as well as the Iegs.It burns more calories than most othercardio activities and rones the chest, upper back, arms,legs and abdominal muscles. Best ofall, roller skiingis incredibly easy to learn, "My goal is to help people get into shape by doingsomethingfun," says Dmitriev "Roller skiing is the perfect solution." Enjoy free introductory sessions at 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Al Becken Pavilion in McAlister Park. To learn more, visit rollerskitexas.com or email [email protected]. i"r
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