Summer Term Newsletter 2014 Diary Dates The Headteacher’s Report Dear Parents and Carers, As we approach the end of this academic year, I have been humbled and delighted in equal measure at the achievements of our students, and the commitment of the staff who have brought out the very best of their talents. Overleaf you will see a range of the events and ac vi es that students have par cipated in, with many successes in local, na onal and inter‐ na onal events. Our PE Faculty are delighted that we have been named as Borough Champions in a range of sports, and our DebateMate achieved a fantas c result, ge ng to the na onal Finals, and only narrowly missing out on the final debate at the House of Lords! Interna onally, our new Head Girl, Anna Mariya is off to America this summer on a scholarship to see what the top universi es over there have to offer, and the students did a wonder‐ ful job raising money for Great Ormand Street Hospital and Water Aid as part of their fundraising endeavours. In other news, we are delighted to let you know that Mr Walsh and his wife celebrated the birth of their son, Charlie. We are also saying goodbye to a number of staff who have worked relessly to teach your children. I’d like to take this opportunity of thanking them all for their hard work and commitment and to wish them every success in their future professional and personal lives. Last Day of Summer Term Friday July 18th 12 Midday Return to School Thursday 4th September 2014 Year 7 School starts at 9 am Years 8‐10 School starts 10.10 am It only remains for me to wish you all a safe and res ul summer holiday, and to also thank you for your on‐going support and engagement with us. School starts 11 am Satellite School School starts at 1pm Year 12 (new) Ms E.A. Horrigan Headteacher Year 11 New Year 12 Induc on 6.00 pm ‐7.00pm Friday 5th Sept 2014 Year 13 12.00pm—1.00pm Timetable collec on Please visit our new & improved web site Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 Monday 8th Sept School starts 8.10 am Normal metable 16/07/2014 Page 2 ANNA-MARIYA VISITS ‘IVY LEAGUE’ SCHOOLS IN AMERICA Anna‐Mariya is headed Stateside, she is part of an exclusive group of talent‐ ed pupils from the UK ge ng a taste of US college life. She was chosen from a cohort of 2,000 applicants for a place on the programme run by educa on founda‐ on the Su on Trust administered by the Fulbright Commission which has been promo ng UK‐US Educa onal links for decades. Anna‐Mariya said “I am incredibly excited to be flying out to Boston to spend the week in MIT, Yale and Har‐ vard. It’s a once in a life me opportunity which hasn’t quite sunk in yet.” “The honour of being chosen to be part of the programme from such a huge applicant pool is surreal.” To secure her place Anna‐Mariya had to make a video presenta on and perform well on a selec on course in April. CONGRATULATIONS ! “It is a fantas c opportunity for Anna‐Mariya. I am sure she will enjoy the experience of discovering what life at a US university is like.” Mr Jefferies, Head of Sixth Form. Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 3 HILLINGDON BOOK OF THE YEAR 2014 “We had a brilliant day at the Winston Churchill Hall, Ruislip, taking part in the Hillingdon Book of the Year 2014 ceremony. Our group was made up of Neha Chand, Dipali Gosai, Lore a Nahar, Arauna Porter, Priyanka Virdi and myself, Amneet Nandra. Ms Hellier, Ms Vohra and our Librarian Ann Mullaney, accompanied us to the venue to support us. When we presented our piece, we performed with confidence and passion. ‘Wild Boy’ by Rob Lloyd Jones was our chosen book because it was so heart‐touching and adventurous. The performances from the other schools were splendid and they all deserved to win. We didn’t win but we were the only school to be given a special commenda on. In any compe on, it doesn’t ma er where you come, just as long as you have fun and we did!” Amneet Nandra Year 7 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 4 TELLING THE TALE This term, our students were treated to a series of story telling workshops as part of a pilot storytelling project run by Linda Turner, Head of Crea ve Learning, Mousetrap Theatre Projects. Telling the Tale introduces young people to the world of storytelling, whilst empowering them to create and tell their own stories. It helps students to develop confidence in their own voice, under the guidance of one of London’s most outstanding professional storytellers. Tuup worked with Harlington students over a period of weeks, encouraging them to par cipate in the story telling sessions. He is a charisma c character, with a wicked sense of humour who fired up the students imagina on. Originally a performance poet, Tuup became a professional storyteller in 1981 working with Ben Haggarty and Daisy Keable to form the West London Storytelling Unit which became interna onally acclaimed as the Crick Crack Club. The workshops covered what a storyteller is, the components of stories, research and playing with stories, improvisa on, edi ng, sharing and performing stories. Tuup helped even the most mid of our students to find their voice and explore the world of the imagina on. During the project the students will be invited to see a piece of theatre which has storytelling at its heart. Teachers will select the play from a shortlist provided by Mousetrap. Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 5 HIDDEN STARS The Silver Arts Award Drama Candidates : Muzna Tanveer , Scarlet Blaise Eldridge, Jogesh Malhotra, Robyn Newton. West Antics: Ra’Eesa Mahomed Tanchomi Limbu Gunjan Chopra Priya Dhaliwal Ace of Spades: Micah Lewis Reeman Shakeeb Amman Dammani The models participating in the catwalk were: Aina Ahmed Muzna Tanveer Robyn Newton Daniella Afonso Adam Sheikh Scarlet-Blaise Eldridge Imaan Pahul Natasha Maria Joodhistee Alice Hennessey Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 6 MARKET GARDEN PROJECT DHL presented a cheque for £9,999 sponsoring the Market Garden project, a joint venture between DHL, Groundwork, General Mills and Harlington School. A pergola, bright blue shed, a set of colour‐ ful planters, gardening equipment and plenty of plants were ready for eager hands to start work on April 30th 2014. The garden will provide opportuni es for students to fulfil their poten al and enable them to become successful individuals, in an environment separate to the classroom. A garden club is also planned so students will learn about healthy ea ng, where their food comes from and how it is grown. “Children will be given the chance to become crea ve and reflec ve learners, as well as gain a good understanding of responsibility and team work.” Ms J Callen, PSC Manager Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 7 YEAR 8 STEM CHALLENGE All students in Year 8 enjoyed the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathema cs Challenge in the Main Hall. Mr Philip Lennard, a professional engineer, provided our Year 8’s with a colourful box of components and challenged them to design and build a miniature working crane and a Trebuchet. They worked in teams, assembling rods, connectors, clips, gears, tyres, hubs and string, drawing rough sketches and discussing everything! Mr Lennard spoke about the huge developments in science, design and engineering over the years. On display was an old TV valve, copper cable and an ancient Morse code tapper so the students could see the advances for their selves. Ms M Gibbons “It was fun… I loved making the crane.” “The best bit was working as a team. “Our Trebuchet worked really well, it actually went up and down.” Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 8 HARLINGTON STUDENTS JOIN THE DEBATE ON CHILD POVERTY IN PARLIAMENT Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 9 YOUTH FOR CHANGE AWARD NOMINEE John McDonnell MP was so impressed by the Debate Team when visi ng Harlington recently he nominated two members for the Youth for Change Award sponsored by parliamentary MP’s. John said he thoroughly enjoyed the passionate debate with our students and was par cularly impressed with both Ahmed Yusuf and Meher Ul‐Nisa during his visit. The Youth for Change event takes place on 19th July at the Department for Interna onal Development. The criteria for the MP’s nomina ons is that they have demonstrated interest in girls’ rights and/or demonstrated leadership in their schools, colleges or communi es. Prep School The Prep School has been successful in helping 26‐30 students improve their grades. The students are nominated by staff and there has been an impressive 90% a endance rate for this a er school facility. Sandeep Kaur 11M2 was one student who benefited and he shares his views below. “Would you like good grades in your GCSE’s, for instance A*‐C? Prep School was an amazing success for me because it’s so different from class. Prep School is excellent for revising and preparing yourself for exams but no one is going to teach you, you are going to have to teach yourself. You will have all the equipment you need. There is coloured paper, A3 paper, colouring pens, laptops and revision guides. That’s almost everything you are going to need to get those fantas c grades. However, ‘do more than Is required’. What is the difference between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile. Think about this again and again… now that you all have the opportunity to succeed don’t let it go. If only this had happened earlier, by now I would have achieved A*‐C in my GCSE’s. If you are willing to learn no one can help you. But if you are determined to learn no once can stop you. Educa on is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. In prep school everything is organised, there is peace and quiet. Because that’s what helps your mind to think. Thank you Mrs Osekita for organising this wonderful way of learning. “ Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 10 FORM 10B1 REWARDS TRIP TO MERCEDES WORLD Mr McGovern arranged for 26 students from his form group 10B1 to visit Mercedes World as a reward for mee ng their target grades. The students thought the staff were very informa ve and the exhibi on cars amazing. All the Harlington students had a 20 minute session driving a Mercedes under the guidance of the Driving school instructors. A great incen ve for more hard work next year. Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 11 9Y3 FILM REVIEW COMPETITION WINNER Je suis allée au cinéma pour voir un film, qui s’appelle “Woman in Black”. C’était spectaculaire et intéressant mais c’était triste. Le début est très complexe. La vede e du film est Daniel Radcliffe. C’était complexe et les effets speciaux sont superbs. Je recommende le film. By Nichelle Josiah Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 12 NEW DESIGNERS EXHIBITION Seventeen students in Year 10 and 12 accompanied Mr Fatania, Ms Ricke s and Mr Mburu to the New Designers Exhibi on held at the Business Design Centre in London. Students and teachers viewed the very best in UK graduate design, talked directly to college tutors and graduates and experienced a refreshing view of award winning artefacts in the following design disciplines. Furniture and product design (including spa al design and industrial design) Visual communica ons (including graphic design and illustra on) Mo on arts and theatre design “The product design trip to the Business Design Centre was fun yet educa onal. I had a chance to study work by many new designers from all over the country. The exhibi on gave us ideas and filled us with inspira on a er seeing the crea ons in architectural models, mul media and furniture. What I found most fascina ng was Peter Iveson’s ‘Study Bright’ which was an alterna ve, low running cost light’ lamp, to allow students to be able to study for the cost of just one tea candle each evening. By harnessing this heat energy, ‘Study Bright’ can power three very bright LEDs. I also looked into the woodwork products i.e. tables and chairs, as it allowed me to do further research for my A2 product design course.” Aminour Rouf, AS Product Design student “I enjoyed the trip and the products were really interes ng.” Saida Nazir 10B1 “I was very impressed. I have seen some great designers and ideas that will help me with my project. It was a great trip!” Layyda Emberto 10M3 “I really loved this trip especially the exhibi on on product design. It will be really helpful in my work. I learnt about woods and join ng techniques for products.” Natasha Joodhistee 10M2 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 13 SPORTS LEADERS TRI GOLF EVENT Harlington Sports Leaders volunteered for the Level 3 Tri Golf Event at Crystal Palace this term. Leading golf sta ons for compe ng primary schools. Thirty three boroughs were compe ng at this event. SIXTH FORM LEAVERS BBQ Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 14 ICT TRIP TO THE O2 - TELEFONICA “I really enjoyed the day! It was a great experience as we got to work with people from other schools we had never met before. I hope to have another opportunity to go to this event again.” Ayeda Shahid “I enjoyed the day because it gave me the opportunity to enhance my skills. I par cularly liked pitching our ideas to the industry experts and working within a team.” Aina Ahmed “The trip was absolutely magical and fantas c. I worked with some amazing people who were nice, friendly and very co‐opera ve. “ Janhvi Bhourlay “The trip to the 02 Centre enabled us to incorporate new ideas as a team. I also made lots of friends. The event enabled me to showcase my skills and represent my school. Overall it was a great learning opportunity that enabled us to get a taste of what our future could be in a professional business environment. Jyo Singh Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 15 HARLINGTON SPORTING SUCCESS 2013—2014 Year 8 Borough Basketball Champions Year 9 Borough Basketball Champions Year 10 Borough Basketball Champions Year 7 Borough Football Champions Year 7 Boys 3rd at Borough Athle cs Year 7 Sports Hall Athle cs 4th in the Borough Year 7 Rounder’s team 2nd in the Borough Tournament Year 9 Rounder’s team 2nd in the Borough League Year 7 Cricket Semi Finalists to be played on Wednesday the 16th of July Year 9 Cricket Semi Finalists to be played on Thursday the 17th of July Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 16 HARLINGTON SPORTING SUCCESS 2013—2014 Year 7 Rounder’s Team Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 17 YEAR 7 CHAMPION Year 9 Rounder’s Team FOOTBALL TEAM 2014 Hussein Ali Chadeem Josiah Arian Nabolli Abdi Sheikh‐Ahmed Joe Weight Zohaib Sheikh Rohit Bhatoa Bradley Mar n Harry Acu Abdullah Sarzour Lewis Burksfield Dakir Aden Yassin Aden Hamza Mursal Liam Travers Samir Nageye Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 18 SPORTS DAY 2014 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 19 SPORTS DAY 2014 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 20 ACHIEVEMENT EVENING 2014 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 21 ART EXHIBITION 2014 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 22 SIXTH FORM FUTURES DAY 2014 The Sixth Form had a busy Futures Day this term. They were offered workshops run by experienced external professionals and were involved in role play, discussion groups and prac cal exercises. The workshops covered were: 1. Choosing a university courses: Billy Picard 2. Applying for appren ceships: Oliver Wood, Redwood Educa onal and Skills; Tim Maloney, Uxbridge College. 3. UCAS log‐in: Charles Jefferies, Head of Sixth Form 4. Personal Statements: Ore Oyeleke, Surprise Concierge 5. Applying for a job ‐ Wri ng a CV: Mica Lloyd, Rare Recruitment. 6. Volunteering abroad for gap years: Ruth Taylor, Impact Interna onal. Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 23 SIXTH FORM INTERVIEW SKILLS WORKSHOP Our Careers Advisor, Mrs Sagoo, ran a 2 hour session on interview skills for our Sixth Formers this term. She covered the do’s and don’ts of all three interview stages before, during and a er. The group enjoyed ac ng out an example of a bad and good interview role play. They also watched a video on good and bad interviews produced by BT. The group work was very interac ve and the feedback was posi ve. “I learnt that only 7% of what someone actually says impacts on your interview.” Ravneet Syan “I enjoyed the role play and group work ac vi es.” Degan Ismail “I found it useful because I haven’t been to an interview yet.” Raushan Malik “I learnt how to approach the interviewer” Abdulahi Nuur SIXTH FORM MENTOR TRAINING & CV WORKSHOP Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 24 YEAR 11 PROM 2014 From shirt and tails to shirt signing ! Year 11 celebrate in style. Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 25 YEAR 11 LEAVERS’ ASSEMBLY Harlington 2014 Leavers Hoodie Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 26 HILLINGDON LOCAL HEROES 2014 Shenaz Mahomed won a Super Heroes award at the Gaze e’s ceremony in Uxbridge College this term. Shenaz was nominated by the school for her outstanding contribu on to sport in school and the community. “Shenaz has gone beyond the call of duty for both her pupils and the wider community. She organised the first ‘Harlympics’ for children in the Learning Support Centre, runs an inclusive wheel‐ chair basketball team and trains pupils for community volunteer work. Her ac vi es also included a school Sports Relief event which raised £450.” Shenaz Mahomed “I’m just grateful to work with such incredible colleagues at Harlington and around the borough. This makes it easier for me to mo vate and engage more students in physical ac vity. The Award ceremony was lovely and I met some phenomenal people. My team of sports leaders have such bright futures ahead of them, they give up their me to a end my school Leadership Academy and help to run sports compe ons around the borough. They’re Amazing! The best thing about my occupa on is that I give others opportuni es who in turn provide opportuni es for even more individuals.” “A few words from the judges… “Once again, we have been lucky enough to help judge the amazing Local heroes Awards. Over the year we have seen volunteers go from zero to hero in the space of a short me. Their dedicated efforts have had a remarkable impact that has been recognised by their community. Once again we are celebra ng the staggering efforts of our wonderful local volunteers. What would Hillingdon do without them?” The Mayor of Hillingdon (2013‐2014) Council Allan Kauffman “Every year Local Heroes highlights the work of people quietly doing amazing things across the borough and, so o en, not expec ng any reward or recogni on. The compe on gives them a chance to see themselves through the eyes of others as the champions they really are.” Principal of Uxbridge College, Laraine Smith OBE Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 27 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 28 H L R A Harlington library was shortlisted for a pres gious accolade for their building design. Mackenzie Wheeler Architects & Designers, were contracted by the council to come up with the design for Harlington Library and was shortlisted for the Best Educa onal Building in the London Regional Local Authority Building Control (LABC) Building Excellence Awards 2014. Councillor Douglas Mills, Cabinet Member for Community, Commerce and Regenera on, said: "It is a great achievement to be shortlisted for these awards and reinforces the fact that our libraries investment programme is one to be proud of. We are the only council in the country to have rebuilt or refurbished all of its libraries, and have extended opening hours too." Kate Nolan, Associate at Mackenzie Wheeler Architects & Designers, added: "We have been lucky enough to work alongside Hillingdon Council on the refurbishment of all seventeen of their libraries and there has been real pride from all par es involved in each project, from the construc on teams on site and the library staff, to the end users and local residents. Feedback has so far been very posi ve and extremely encouraging. We're very excited that these projects have been shortlisted for the LABC Awards." For more informa on about the borough's libraries visit Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 29 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014 Page 30 Summer Term Newsletter 2013 -2014 16/07/2014
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