Examples of some of the most cited publications by our Faculty Quick Links: Google Scholar citation page ResearchGate profiles 中國期刊全文數據庫 Number of citations* 18310 1330 1066 477 467 353 Authour(s) (Names in bold are FH Faculty) MA Halliday, CM Matthiessen S Eggins, D Slade MAK Halliday, CMIM Matthiessen, X Yang CMIM Matthiessen C Matthiessen, SA Thompson DD Qian Article Title Journal/ Book Title Construing experience through meaning: A language-based approach to cognition Lexicogrammatical cartography: English systems The structure of discourse and 'subordination' Investigating the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic reading performance: An assessment perspective An introduction to functional grammar Analysing casual conversation Computational Linguistics International Language Science Clause Combining in Grammar and Discourse Language learning 321 285 204 171 151 130 128 123 119 110 109 104 103 101 93 92 83 82 80 75 75 71 68 68 68 66 64 64 DD Qian 朱志瑜 C Matthiessen, JA Bateman CR Huang, KJ Chen, LP Chang, HL Hsu W Cheng, M Warren W Cheng, M Warren DD Qian, M Schedl Mann, William C.; Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M. KJ Chen, C Luo, M Chang, F Chen, C Chen, C Huang, ZM Gao Dingxu Shi Keh-jiann Chen, Chu-Ren Huang, Li-Ping Chang, Hui-Li Hsu W Cheng, C Greaves, M Warren A Caffarel, JR Martin, CMIM Matthiessen S Thornbury, D Slade WC Mann, CM Matthiessen, SA Thompson CR Huang, RY Chang, HP Lee C Matthiessen, MAK Halliday W Cheng, M Warren M Kalantzis, B Cope, D Slade 蒋严 朱志瑜 DD Qian W Cheng, M Warren W Cheng, M Warren, Xu Xun-Feng W Cheng 王斌华, 刘辉 CR Huang, K Ahrens Shoushan Li, Rui Xia, Chengqing Zong, Chu-Ren Huang Assessing the roles of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension 類型與策略:功能主義的翻譯類型學 64 62 61 61 61 60 59 56 56 56 55 55 55 54 54 53 52 石定栩; 朱志瑜 C Matthiessen CMIM Matthiessen Li Lan CR Huang, FY Chen, KJ Chen C Matthiessen, K Teruya, M Lam Shoushan Li, Chu-Ren Huang, Guodong Zhou, Sophia Yat Mei Lee CR Huang C Matthiessen Dingxu Shi 蒋严,潘海华 Chu-Ren Huang, Keh-Jiann Chen, Li-Li Chang Chu-Ren Huang, Keh-jiann Chen, Li-li Chang DG Butt, A Lukin, CMIM Matthiessen 蒋严 J Bateman, C Mattiessen, K Nanri, L Zeng Piek Vossen, Eneko Agirre, Nicoletta Calzolari, Christiane Fellbaum, Shu-kai Hsieh, Chu-Ren Huang, Hitoshi Isahara, Kyoko Kanzaki, Andrea Marchetti, Monica Monachini, Federico Neri, Remo Raffaelli, German Rigau, Maurizio Tesconi, Joop VanGent 英語對香港書面漢語句法的影響──語言接觸引起的語言變化 Theme as an enabling resource in ideational 'knowledge'construction The environments of translation Email: a challenge to Standard English? Sinica Treebank: Design Criteria, Annotation Guidelines, and On-line Interface Key terms in systemic functional linguistics Employing personal/impersonal views in supervised and semi-supervised sentiment classification Mandarin Chinese NP" de": a comparative study of current grammatical theories Frequency profiles of some basic grammatical systems: an interim report The nature of Chinese emphatic sentences Introduction to Formal Semantics 形式语义学引论 Segmentation standard for Chinese natural language processing Segmentation Standard for Chinese Natural Language Processing Grammar–The First Covert Operation of War 语用推理与 “都” 的句法/语义特征 The re-use of linguistic resources across languages in multilingual generation components KYOTO: a System for Mining, Structuring and Distributing Knowledge across Languages and Cultures. 52 52 51 K Ahrens, SF Chung, CR Huang Dingxu Shi C Huang Conceptual Metaphors: Ontology-based representation and corpora driven Mapping Principles Issues on Chinese passive Mandarin Chinese and the lexical mapping theory: a study of the interaction of morphology and argument changing Proceedings of the ACL 2003 workshop on Lexicon and figurative language-Volume 14 Journal of Chinese Linguistics Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 48 48 47 47 46 46 44 44 43 43 口译 理论·技巧·实践 The Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics: From Semantics to Argument Structure. TAPs 翻译过程研究二十年: 回顾与展望 英語與香港書面漢語 The system of TRANSITIVITY: an exploratory study of text-based profiles A systemic functional grammar of Japanese Descriptive motifs and generalizations 中文句結構樹資料庫的構建(Sinica Treebank) Lexico (grammatical) choice in text generation Wiktionary and NLP: Improving synonymy networks 武汉大学出版社 42 王斌华 CR Huang, MCLMCT Ahrens, Kathleen, Li-li Chang, Keh-jiann Chen 李德超 石定栩; 朱志瑜 CMIM Matthiessen K Teruya CMIM Matthiessen 陳鳳儀, 蔡碧芳, 陳克健, 黃居仁 C Matthiessen Emmanuel Navarro, Franck Sajous, Bruno Gaume, Laurent Prévot, Hsieh ShuKai, Kuo Tzu-Yi, Pierre Magistry, Huang Chu-Ren C Matthiessen, R Kasper Representation Issues in Systemic Functional Grammar and Systemic Grammar and Functional Unification Grammar. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MARINA DEL REY INFORMATION SCIENCES INST 42 41 41 40 40 朱志瑜 R Hasan, CMIM Matthiessen, J Webster S Gahl, Y Yao, K Johnson M Warren Dingxu Shi 紐馬克的翻譯類型學 外國語(上海外國語大學學報) Continuing Discourse on Language: a functional perspective Journal of Memory and Language 66 (4), 789-806 Features of naturalness in conversation Natural Language & Linguistic Theory The Introduction of Sinica Corpus Having second thoughts: student perceptions before and after a peer assessment exercise Making a difference: Using peers to assess individual students' contributions to a group project Evaluation of an in-depth vocabulary knowledge measure for assessing reading performance Sinica treebank: Design criteria, representational issues and implementation Topic and topic-comment constructions in Mandarin Chinese SINICA CORPUS : Design Methodology for Balanced Corpora From n-gram to skipgram to concgram Rhetorical structure theory and text analysis Sinica BOW (Bilingual Ontological Wordnet): Integration of Bilingual WordNet and SUMO. Systemic functional grammar: a first step into the theory Peer assessment of language proficiency 论语用推理的逻辑属性——形式语用学初探 翻譯研究:規定、描寫、倫理 ESL vocabulary acquisition: Contextualization and decontextualization Peer and teacher assessment of the oral and written tasks of a group project The language learner as language researcher: Putting corpus linguistics on the timetable 大学英语学习者学习需求调查及其启示 Individuals, kinds and events: classifier coercion of nouns A framework of feature selection methods for text categorization Why reduce? Phonological neighborhood density and phonetic reduction in spontaneous speech The nature of Chinese wh-questions Canadian Modern Language Review 中國翻譯 Text Generation and Systemic-Functional Linguistics: Experiences from English and Japanese (Communication in Artificial Intelligence) Proceedings of ROCLING VIII, 81-89 Studies in Higher Education Teaching in Higher Education Language Testing Nigel: A Systemic Grammar for Text Generation Abeillé (Abeillé, 2003) Language Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 11), 167-176 International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Language typology: A functional perspective Conversation: From description to pedagogy UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MARINA DEL REY INFORMATION SCIENCES INST LREC New developments in systemic linguistics Language Testing Minority languages and dominant culture: Issues of education, assessment and social equity 外国语: 上海外国语大学学报 (3), 18-19 中國翻譯 Canadian Modern Language Review Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education System Intercultural conversation Language Sciences 25 (4), 353-373 Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP: Volume 2-Volume 2 外國語(上海外國語大學學報) Thematic Development of English Texts Exploring translation and multilingual text production: Beyond content 3, 41 English Today 16 (04), 23-29 Bloomsbury Publishing Proceedings of the 48th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica Equinox Books, 103-142 Journal of East Asian Linguistics Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe 中国社会科学出版社 Proceedings of the 16th conference on Computational linguistics-Volume 2 International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Proecessing Discourse & Society 现代外语, 11+ 10+ 12-24 LREC 中国翻译26 (1), 29-34 外语教学与研究 Functions of Language 6 (1), 1-51 New York 2 Language Typology: A functional perspective 中文計算語言學期刊/ Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 4 (2), 87-104 Natural Language Generation in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on The People's Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources Examples of some of the most cited publications by our Faculty Quick Links: Google Scholar citation page ResearchGate profiles 中國期刊全文數據庫 Number of citations* 40 38 37 36 36 36 35 34 34 33 32 32 31 31 30 Authour(s) (Names in bold are FH Faculty) DD Qian Article Title Journal/ Book Title Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge: Assessing its role in adults' reading comprehension in English as a second language Doctoral Dissertation M Macken, D Slade Chu-Ren Huang, Nicoletta Calzolari, Aldo Gangemi, Alessandro Lenci, Alessandro Oltramari, Laurent Prévot Mie-Chih Tsai, Chu-Ren Huang, Ahrens Kathleen, Chen, Keh-Jiann Chu-ren Huang, Fu-Wen Lin MAK Halliday, CMIM Matthiessen W Cheng, C Greaves, M Warren Assessment: A foundation for effective learning in the school context Ontology and the Lexicon: A Natural Language Processing Perspective The Powers of Literacy. A genre approach to teaching writing, 203-30 Cambridge University Press (Publisher) Towards a Representation of Verbal Semantics: An Approach Based on Near-Synonyms Composite event structure and complex predicates: a template-based approach to argument selection Working Papers on Chinese Verbal Semantics. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Formal Linguistics Society of Midamerica Halliday's introduction to functional grammar DD Qian (authour) Paul Bogaards、Batia Laufer-Dvorkin (eds.) Dingxu Shi CMIM Matthiessen W Cheng, M Warren Shoushan Li, Sophia Yat Mei Lee, Ying Chen, Chu-Ren Huang, Guodong Zhou Li Lan, Nai-Sum Wong Second language lexical inferencing: Preferences, perceptions, and practices 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 C Matthiessen, JR Martin Tokunaga Takenobu, Nicoletta Calzolari, Chu-Ren Huang, Laurent Prevot, Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Monica Monachini, Xia YingJu, Shirai Kiyoaki, Thatsanee Charoenporn, Claudia Soria, Yu Hao 李德超 D Slade, H Scheeres, M Manidis, R Iedema, R Dunston, J Stein-Parbury, C Matthiessen, M Herke, J McGregor 石定栩; 朱志瑜; 王燦龍 W Cheng, C Greaves, JMH Sinclair, M Warren CMIM Matthiessen, C Nesbitt Chu-Ren Huang, Keh-Jiann Chen, Mei-Chih Tsai, Li-li Chang CMIM Matthiessen 李德超, 王克非 Chu-Ren Huang, Adam Kilgarriff, Yiching Wu, Chih-Ming Chiu, Simon Smith, Pavel Rychly, Ming-Hong Bai, Keh-Jiann Chen Chu-Ren Huang, Kathleen Ahrens J Ke, YAO Yao Ying Chen, S Yat Mei Lee, Chu-Ren Huang Chu-ren Huang, Shu-Kai Hsieh, Jia-Fei Hong, Yun-Zhu Chen, I Su, Yong-Xiang Chen, ShengWei Huang W Cheng, M Warren CMIM Matthiessen Adam Kilgarriff, Chu-Ren Huang, Pavel Rychlý, Simon Smith, David Tugwell Y JIANG 王斌华 M Warren C Matthiessen CMIM Matthiessen Chu-Ren Huang, Keh-Jiann Chen W Cheng, M Warren CR Huang, EIJ Tseng, DBS Tsai, B Murphy L Chang, KJ Chen, CR Huang Kathleen Ahrens, Siaw-Fong Chung, Chu-Ren Huang Li-li Chang, Keh-Jiann Chen, Chu-Ren Huang Chu-Ren Huang, Louis Mangione Chu-Ren Huang, Petr Šimon, Shu-Kai Hsieh, Laurent Prévot 24 23 23 23 22 22 22 21 21 黃居仁, 安可思, 陳克健 K Ahrens, L Chang, K Chen, CR Huang Li Lan W Cheng, M Warren C Matthiessen Dingxu Shi C Matthiessen CR Huang C Huang 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 28 28 28 28 26 Sources: 1. Harzing, A.W. (2007) Publish or Perish 2. Google Scholar citation page * 3. 中國期刊全文數據庫 CNKI * 4. ResearchGate profiles The creation of a prosodically transcribed intercultural corpus: The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (prosodic) Tense in English seen through systemic-functional theory Inexplicitness: What is it and should we be teaching it? Sentiment classification and polarity shifting Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and protein kinase C are required for the inhibition of caspase activity by epidermal growth factor A response to Huddleston's review of Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar Infrastructure for standardization of Asian language resources Vocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, Acquisition, and Testing The nature of topic comment constructions and topic chains Meaning and form: Systemic functional interpretations, 431-498 Applied Linguistics Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 635-643 FEBS letters Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 5, 5-74 Proceedings of the COLING/ACL on Main conference poster sessions TAPs 翻译研究的前景与局限 Emergency communication: the discursive challenges facing emergency clinicians and patients in hospital emergency departments 香港書面漢語中的英語句法遷移 Uncovering the extent of the phraseological tendency: Towards a systematic analysis of concgrams On the idea of theory-neutral descriptions What can near synonyms tell us? Language on language: The grammar of semiosis 平行文本比较模式与旅游文本的英译 [J] Chinese Sketch Engine and the extraction of grammatical collocations 外语教学与研究 Discourse & Communication 2 (3), 271-298 Time Passing is Motion Analysing Language Development from a Network Approach Polyuhk: A robust information extraction system for web personal names 中文词汇网络: 跨语言知识处理基础架构的设计理念与实践 Chinese wordnet: design, implementation, and application of an infrastructure for cross-lingual knowledge processing Facilitating a description of intercultural conversations: the Hong Kong Corpus of Conversational English Meaning potential emerging from acts of meaning Chinese word sketches On the Logical Nature of Pragmatic Inference——Towards a Formal Theory of Pragmatics [J] “口译能力” 评估和 “译员能力” 评估——口译的客观评估模式初探 so what have YOU been WORKing on Recently The object of study in cognitive science in relation to its construal and enactment in language Systemic grammar in computation: the Nigel case A Chinese corpus for linguistic research Indirectness, inexplicitness and vagueness made clearer Cross-lingual portability of semantic relations: Bootstrapping Chinese WordNet with English WordNet relations Alternation across semantic fields: A study of Mandarin verbs of emotion From lexical semantics to conceptual metaphors: Mapping principle verification with wordnet and sumo A lexical-semantic analysis of Mandarin Chinese verbs: Representation and methodology A reanalysis of de: Adjuncts and subordinate clauses Rethinking Chinese word segmentation: tokenization, character classification, or wordbreak identification Language and Linguistics, 491-519 Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 15 (1), 70-99 2nd Web People Search Evaluation Workshop (WePS 2009), 18th WWW Conference Journal of Chinese information processing, 14-23 A data-driven approach to the mental lexicon: Two studies on Chinese corpus linguistics Meaning representation and meaning instantiation for Chinese nominals The growing prosperity of on-line dictionaries The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English: language learning through language description Ideas and new directions Chinese Pidgin English: Its origin and linguistic features Notes on the organization of the environment of a text generation grammar Certainty in functional uncertainty Subcategorized topics in Mandarin Chinese 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 151-180 Computational linguistics and Chinese language processing 3 (1), 45-60 English today 21 (03), 16-21 Rethinking language pedagogy from a corpus perspective Continuum companion to systemic functional linguistics, 12-58 Journal of Chinese linguistics Natural Language Generation, 253-278 Journal of Chinese Linguistics 20 (2), 247-287 CLTA Annual Meeting, Nov, 17-19 外語教學與研究 Applied Linguistics 30 (2), 236-252 Functional descriptions: theory in practice 121, 39-85 中文計算語言學期刊 Social Semiotics 1 (2), 69-111 中国翻译 30 (4), 54-58 Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Journal Language Learning 59 (s1), 206-229 ASIALEX 2005: Words in Asian Cultural Context Journal of Foreign Languages 3 外語界, 44-50 Compiling a specialised corpus of spoken business English. Cultural Dynamics 6 (1), 187-242 Proceedings of the first conference on European chapter of the Association . Proceedings of the 14th conference on Computational linguistics-Volume 4, 1214-1217 Pragmatics 13 (3) International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 61-80 Recent Advancement in Chinese Lexical Semantics: Proceedings of 5th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-5), Singapore: COLIPS, 99-106 Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 1-18 Proceedings of the Fourth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 80-91 Proceedings of the 45th annual meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) on interactive poster and demonstration sessions, 69-72
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