E d u c a ti o n i s t he A p p r e n ti ce s h i p o f L i fe
Several KMS students have been honored for their hard work and dedication in making KMS a great place.
These students have been chosen as “Student of the Week”: Sydney Hayter, Chase Fleece, Justin Freshcorn, Makalah Griffith, Logan Levan, Chelsie Clark, Mariah Moore, Nick Molk, Mackenzie Howard,
Rocco Longbrake, Jadon Miller, Faith Boggs, Aiden Winfield, Imanol Romero, Kaleb Reed, Adrianna
Wright, Devon Weaks. Additionally; Libby Kearns, Alexis Grubbs, Grace Rall, Bryce Ellis, Landon Rush,
Abigail Hartshorn, Randi Jo Clements, Cameron Miller, Preston Oates, Brittany Archer have been selected
as “Student of the Month” for setting a good example for their peers. Thank you for being leaders at KMS!
The fifth National Junior Honor Society induction took place on October 13 in a candlelight ceremony in the KMS auditorium.
Special guests, Dale Oates, the first president of
NJHS, and Kolt Buchenroth, the third president,
attended the ceremony. The 2014-15 new inductees
are as follows: Bailie Clark, Allison Cummins,
Carah Deardorff, Kaitlyn Dodge, Abigail Gerding,
Alexis Grubbs, Robert Halsey, Sydney Hayter,
Brice Heckathorn, Elizabeth Heintz, Riley Hershberger, Hannah Holland, Allison Howard, Loralei
Hurt, Trey Jefferies, Jacob Jolliff, Libby Kearns,
Ethan Manns, Delaney Miller, Abigail Oberlitner,
Emily Pistorova, Payton Preston, Grace Rall, Mason
Rhoades, Kaylee Ritter, Peyton Roby, Miranda
Rowe, Landon Rush, Steven Spencer, Julius Tapia, Garrett Thomas, Aubrey Thrush and Keeley Wright.
National Junior Honor Society sponsored its first ever Halloween dance. Students brought in canned goods for the upcoming
WBL food drive competition as part of their admission to the dance. Thanks to all who participated; this will give KMS a head
start. A costume contest was also held at the dance and the following winners were
awarded large candy bars: Prettiest- Brittany Archer, Scariest- Keeley Wright, FunniestMichael Crawford, Most Original- Joe Schwartz. Proceeds from the dance will be donated
to a charity in our community to be decided by NJHS members at their next meeting.
NJHS members have already begun service work in the community. Many worked at the
opening session of the Lake of Lights setup. NJHS members may help during every weekend in November. Thanks to parents who aid in the transportation of students. Many opportunities exist for students to earn hours during the holiday season. Some of our NJHS
“elves” will work during holiday hours at the Lake of Lights. Be sure to visit this holiday
season with your families to see the NJHS display. NJHS will receive a portion of the car
entry fees to the lake which will be used for more community support.
NJHS will also be sponsoring its annual Cake Raffle during the choir concert. Members donate their holiday cakes which bring
smiles to the young and old alike. Profits from the raffle are used to buy toys for local children.
Kenton Elementary School will be hosting ALICE Training for parents with Sergeant Holbrook on Thursday, November 13 at
11:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. All are welcome! This is a great opportunity to see first-hand what ALICE is about and to get your
questions answered.
Please check your students’ cafeteria account balances on a weekly basis. Several students have high balances. Remember, you are
able to add money to the account from the convenience of your home!
November 12 & 13 Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 14 No School (PK-8)
November 19 Two Hour Delay
November 22 Robotic Competition @ KES
November 24 & 25 8th grade Job Shadowing
November 26-28 No School
December 16 Choir & Band Concert 7 PM
December 17 Two Hour Delay
A new student action team called, The Upstanders, has been established at KMS. Students who are part of this team will promote
social responsibility. They believe in standing up for what is right and doing what they can to encourage respect and kindness.
Team members for the 2014/2015 school year are: Kiara Baker, Peyton Roby, Kaylee Ritter, Ethan Manns, Olivia Trombley, Winter Kies, Adrianna Wright, Kelsey Bolen, Shelby Camper, Kaitlyn Dodge, Haley Hunt, Emaleigh Haimerl, Rocco Longbrake,
Alivia Purtee, Clark Zickafoose, Marki Burchiel, Juliana Delapaz, Destiny Morales, Keeley
Wright, Alec Keller, David Heilman (President), Emily Pistorova (Vice President) and Chase
Fleece (Secretary).
Students and staff celebrated Red Ribbon Week, October 27-31, which is one of the longest
running alcohol and drug prevention awareness campaigns in the nation. The theme of the
week was, Above the Influence. The Upstanders chose this theme to incorporate all negative
influences including bullying. There were many contests throughout the week with the following winners: Mykaela Schriber, Above the Influence art contest; Mrs. Long and Mrs. Crum’s
activity groups, door decorating contest; Mrs. Kuhlman and Ms. Bullock, best staff participation. Congratulations!
KMS will be hosting teams from central and western Ohio for our first annual VEX robotics competition. We will have 25-30
teams competing to see who can earn the most points with their robots in the ring. Doors will open at 8:30am with inspection starting at that time. The competition will begin at 10am. There will be concessions offered by our PTO and admission is FREE. Come
and see what robotics is all about by watching teams earn points moving game pieces around the rink with their clawbots. Go
Wildcat Engineers!!!
Team members include: Julius Tapia, Elizabeth Heintz, Garrett Thomas, Carter Kauble, Brice Heckathorn, Jacob Jolliff, Ethan
Nickles, Rocco Longbrake, Skyler Slusher, Brittany Fry, Emily Pistorova, Catherine Lawrence, Chelsie
Clark, Brittany Archer, Mary Rosebrook, Kelsey Flowers, Brady Cameron, Abigail Hartshorn, Lea Tidd,
Josette McCurry, Hannah Holland, Abby Oberlitner, Logen Drumm and Tyler Elsasser. Advisors are Tiffany
Crum and Amy Long.
At the first competition in October at Tri-Rivers Career Center in Marion, one 7th grade team placed 3rd and
another team came in 8th while an 8th grade team made the quarter finals. It was a fantastic showing for our
first competition of the year. Excellent job KMS!!!
Mr. Miller’s Language Arts classes have been reading The Outsiders. They started by discussing the parts of a plot and how characters and setting are created, then moved into writing narratives and finished the book by having a mock trial where Johnny was
charged with pre-meditated murder. The students in the class volunteered to be attorneys, legal assistants and characters and had to
cite text evidence as well as make inferences to prove innocence or guilt. They are planning to watch the movie and discuss the
differences between the movie and the book. The next unit will be all about “Survival” and students will work a lot on supporting
their arguments by using a writing process called “Four-Square”.
Mrs. Long reminds all 7th grade students that they will be participating in the KMS Science Fair on
Monday, February 2. All students are required to be at KMS from 6 to 7 pm that night to share their
project with the public. Students are getting excited as they begin to think about what their Science
Fair project will look like. They are creating a question, choosing their project ideas and thinking
about how they will test their hypothesis this month. Please put this night on your calendar so you can
attend to see all the fantastic projects the students have created!
In Mrs. Kuhlman's math class, students have been working with percents. They are calculating total cost for sales tax, sale price
for discount rate and percent error. They worked in stations and had a lot of hands-on activities! Students were given opportunities
to be "in charge" of a station. It was really neat to see some of our students take on those roles. They did a great job!
Lastly, don't forget about Camp Willson on May 13-15. The cost of the trip is approximately $110 for those not riding horses and
$120 for those that choose to ride horses. Please encourage your child to go on this trip, as many great memories are made on this
trip every year!
The Dental Center of Northwest Ohio, 1800 N. Blanchard St., Findlay, Ohio is offering free dental care on February 6, 2015 for
children 18 and under. Services offered are: cleanings, exams, x-rays, diagnosis and treatment, root canals, fillings, extractions,
stainless steel crowns, space maintainers. There is a registration form that must be completed and returned to the above address by
JANUARY 23, 2015. If you have any questions, please call 419-422-7664.