Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine Kelvedon News *TTVFt2VBSUFSMZ News and events from your Parish Council Welcome to your Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine Your Parish Council is pleased to present Issue Two of the Parish magazine to you and your family. This is not an ad-mag and contains a mixture of articles about our community and the things and organisations that work within the community to make Kelvedon such a brilliant place to live, work and play. In August we have, as a community, (through various means) commemorated the start of World War One and your evacuation instructions issued by the Parish Council in March 1914 are enclosed. The routes indicated are still easily recognisable!! Contents Letter from the Chairman Commemoration of World War One Council Contacts Youth Forum Your Local Councillor Heritage Society What’s On in Kelvedon? Financial Support Kelvedon Churches Have Your Say Kelvedon Community Association Leisure/Sport 4 8 10 12 16 18 23 25 26 27 29 30 The Girl Guide Movement is celebrating its centenary this year and we are pleased to include an article about the six groups of Guides, Brownies and Rainbows that operate within Kelvedon and Feering. The accompanying photographs show the wide range of activities that the girls enjoy- facilitated by active and dedicated local leaders. PLEASE SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES A big thank you goes out to all the local businesses that have advertised and supported the Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine. Please support local businesses and mention the Kelvedon Parish Magazine when responding to advertisers To advertise please call Mary on tel: 01843 295371 Published by Community Ad Web Ltd 01843 834160 email [email protected] web The views expressed in any published content are solely those of the contributors. The Publishers and Kelvedon Parish Council accept no responsibility for the accuracy of any information contained in the publication. The contents of this magazine including images may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, downloaded or displayed in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Kelvedon Parish Council and/or Community Ad Web Ltd. Unless otherwise specified, the authors of the literary and artistic works in the pages in this magazine have asserted their moral right pursuant to Section 77 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of those works. The Publishers reserve the right not to publish a submission or part of a submission that they consider defamatory or otherwise inappropriate for publication. 2 The Parish Council was awarded the Best Kept Village award for 2014 by the Rural Community Council for Essex (RCCE) in July and this testifies to the hard work undertaken by the Parish Council in keeping the village neat, tidy and provided with community resources, supported by other community organisations such as Kelvedon in Bloom. This is the third time that we have won this prestigious award and reflects the effort that goes into keeping community resources in good order. The Parish Council would also like to thank all of those residents who assist in this process by clearing up after their own dogs and who will take the time to pick up any stray pieces of litter that they come across. Equally important is the reporting of problems to the Parish Office so that we can deal with any issues as they arise – please ring 01376-570285. Peter Studd Parish Clerk and Editor This magazine has been produced at no cost to the Parish Council. Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 3 The Chairman Letter from the Chairman ;])#)Ǝ& &;$]&$Ǝ;&;Ǝ Ǝ(Ǝ#;$Ǝ';t$,;[ I very much hope you enjoyed the first edition? Please feel free to provide your feedback on the magazine generally, or on articles that appear in it, to the Clerk via the Parish Council office. I understand that some of you did not initially receive your copy of the first edition. I apologise if that was the case. It appears that there were some logistical issues around deliveries, which I hope and believe have now been resolved. Enquiries at some homes revealed that they thought the magazine was yet another ad-mag and that they had by mistake binned the magazine. If a friend or neighbour says that they have not received this edition please get them to contact the Parish Office as reserve stocks are now held there. Some 40 residents attended the public meeting held in June at the Institute to hear from Nick Alston, Police and Crime Commissioner, and from Chief Inspector Richard Melton, Commander for the Braintree District. A number of you were able to put your concerns and questions directly to Nick and Richard and I hope that you found that helpful. I came away from the meeting feeling that communication is still a real issue (not just here, but more generally). The Police are seemingly legally unable to share any sort of detailed information with bodies other than Neighbourhood Watch. I find that frustrating and I’m sure you do too. Lack of timely reliable information tends to feed the rumour mill and cause unnecessary concern. The example quoted at the meeting was when the police helicopter was launched and the rumour soon started that they were looking for armed robbers. Subsequent enquiries established that they were, in fact, looking for a stolen quad bike – a crime for sure, but not in the same league as armed robbery. The meeting also highlighted a mismatch around reported crime information. The Parish Council had been advised of 12 actual or attempted burglaries in London Road. The police had actually recorded only 1 actual burglary and 1 attempted burglary – some 3 months apart. Both numbers could well be correct. It is quite possible (likely even) that perhaps a noise outside or an odd footprint in a garden could well have been an attempted burglary. The point is, that unless suspicions are actually reported to the police, they won’t be recorded and the true crime picture will be distorted and there will continue to be debates about whether various figures are myths or reality. In the previous edition, I noted that Graham Dossett had resigned from the Parish Council due to moving away from the area. I am pleased to report that Rob Lancashire CLEAN IT OR CLEAR IT C.F. Electrical B R I N G YOU R P LAST I C BAC K TO LI F E ! House rewires Extra sockets Lights Smoke alarms etc UPVC CLEANING GUTTERING MAINTENANCE Steve McClure 51 New Road, Tiptree Essex C05 0HN T:01621 819593 M:07973 354540 [email protected] HOUSE CLEARANCE We also clear sheds, garages, barns, gardens, and much more... All bygones considered for purchase T: 07841383156 0 [email protected] Waste carriage licence no: CB/HE5338AW 4 A detached period public house in the centre of the village of Feering. WINDOW CLEANING *$0(652205(67$85$175($5*$5'(1 )52173$7,2$03/(2))52$'3$5.,1* Enjoy a wide selection of real ales and Ǝ'&$&;ƎƎ in a warm and relaxed atmosphere. The Street, Feering, Colchester, Essex CO5 9QQ 01376 570375 Tel: 01255 813657 Mobile: 07720 094731 For a friendly, reliable service, call Chris today! g oodburnin mporary W te n o C & l es a Tradition Stoves & Accessori & Multifuel me... Shelley’s Celebration Cakes house anhinog stove r u o y e k a M d bur with a woo ur Visit o new m oo showr 01621 850561 Call and book your free no obligation igatio iga tion n surv ssurvey urvey urv ey now No job too small Free estimates No obligation specialize in late bookings and short notice cakes ;MXLEQFEWIHGSQTER])WXEFPMWLIH XQ e: [email protected] [[[WLIPPI]WGEOIWGSQ Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 5 t5SFFTBOETISVCTQSVOFE BOETIBQFE t'SVJUUSFFTQSVOFE BOETQSBZFE t5SFFTSFNPWFEBOEBMM SPPUTEFTUSPZFE t$POJGFSUSFFTBTQFDJBMJUZ t'FODFToMBXOTSFMBJEo ELMTREE GARDEN SERVICES CPSEFSToSPUBWBUJOHo BMMSVCCJTIDMFBSFE 1VCMJD-JBCJMJUZ*OTVSBODF Telephone now for a free quote and expert advice 01621 892530 / 07885 460528 has now joined the Council. I am sure he will prove to be a valuable asset to the Council going forward. The work on the Recreation Ground is now complete and the skate park is up and running. I hope that this will prove to be a welcome facility and that the new path will make the area more accessible to all. Speaking of the Recreation Ground, I can say that, despite the poor weather, the Community Festival at the end of June was an undoubted success and I would like to pay tribute to the Festival Committee and a team of very hard working volunteers who made it all happen. Looking ahead to the autumn, the Council will be starting its budgeting planning process. In recent times, we have had to react to issues within a short time frame. What we really want to do is to look ahead to the slightly longer term and identify projects that we might wish to undertake, cost them out and set priorities – all of which will help our planning and budgeting processes. The Council would very much welcome ideas from residents as to possible projects, so please contact the Clerk if you have any ideas. Please bear in mind, however, that projects cost money and it ,BBE?E=HHUPDA4KNH@O>AOP"OP=PACAJ?U won’t always be possible to fund them from ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRÀQG *=NGAPEJC grants, so the cost will fall back on the taxpayer (you and I). Please also be aware RXWPRUHDERXWRXU that the Parish Council is limited as to the DZDUGZLQQLQJVHUYLFHV sorts of things it can do. Various issues &BUKQSKQH@HEGAPKBEJ@KQP fall within the remit of others – Braintree FDOO01376 505260IRU District Council, Essex County Council,IKNA=>KQPKQN=S=N@ the DIUHHQRREOLJDWLRQ North East Essex Parking Partnership, the 4EJJEJCOANRE?AO?=HH Highways Agency and so on. So we can’t PDUNHWLQJDSSUDLVDO guarantee that everyone’s wishes will BKN=BNAAJK be fulfilled now or within the immediate K>HEC=PEKJI=NGAPEJC=LLN=EO=H 4EPDKBBE?AOEJKRANHK?=PEKJOSKNH@SE@ASA :LWKRIÀFHVLQRYHUORFDWLRQVZRUOGZLGH future. But we do welcome ideas – ZHFRPELQHWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOPDUNHWZLWK KI>EJAPDAEJPANJ=PEKJ=HI=NGAPSEPDPDAHK?=H it’s your/our village. 4EPDKBBE?AOEJKRANHK?=PEKJOSKNH@SE@ASA ,BBE?E=HHUPDA4KNH@O>AOP"OP=PACAJ?U 2IÀFLDOO\WKH:RUOG·V%HVW ,BBE?E=HHUPDA4KNH@O>AOP"OP=PACAJ?U *=NGAPEJC *=NGAPEJC (VWDWH$JHQF\0DUNHWLQJ &BUKQSKQH@HEGAPKBEJ@KQP &BUKQSKQH@HEGAPKBEJ@KQP IKNA=>KQPKQN=S=N@ IKNA=>KQPKQN=S=N@ 4EJJEJCOANRE?AO?=HH 4EJJEJCOANRE?AO?=HH BKN=BNAAJK BKN=BNAAJK K>HEC=PEKJI=NGAPEJC=LLN=EO=H K>HEC=PEKJI=NGAPEJC=LLN=EO=H WKHORFDOH[SHUWLVHRIFDUHIXOO\VHOHFWHG ATLANPEOAKB?=NABQHHUOAHA?PA@EJ@ALAJ@AJPLNKLANPU 4EPDKBBE?AOEJKRANHK?=PEKJOSKNH@SE@ASA KI>EJAPDAEJPANJ=PEKJ=HI=NGAPSEPDPDAHK?=H Cllr. Craig Martin LQGHSHQGHQWSURSHUW\SURIHVVLRQDOV LNKBAOOEKJ=HO6KQSEHH>AJABEPBNKIKQNQJEMQA>HAJ@ ATLANPEOAKB?=NABQHHUOAHA?PA@EJ@ALAJ@AJPLNKLANPU Chairman, Kelvedon Parish Council KI>EJAPDAEJPANJ=PEKJ=HI=NGAPSEPDPDAHK?=H <RXZLOOEHQHÀWIURPRXUXQLTXHEOHQGRI ATLANPEOAKB?=NABQHHUOAHA?PA@EJ@ALAJ@AJPLNKLANPU KBEJPAHHECAJP=J@?NA=PERAI=NGAPEJC?KQLHA@SEPD= LNKBAOOEKJ=HO6KQSEHH>AJABEPBNKIKQNQJEMQA>HAJ@ LQWHOOLJHQWDQGFUHDWLYHPDUNHWLQJFRXSOHG LNKBAOOEKJ=HO6KQSEHH>AJABEPBNKIKQNQJEMQA>HAJ@ RANULNKBAOOEKJ=H=LLNK=?DPKPDAO=HAKBNAOE@AJPE=H KBEJPAHHECAJP=J@?NA=PERAI=NGAPEJC?KQLHA@SEPD= KBEJPAHHECAJP=J@?NA=PERAI=NGAPEJC?KQLHA@SEPD= ZLWKDYHU\SURIHVVLRQDODSSURDFKWRWKH LNKLANPEAO RANULNKBAOOEKJ=H=LLNK=?DPKPDAO=HAKBNAOE@AJPE=H RANULNKBAOOEKJ=H=LLNK=?DPKPDAO=HAKBNAOE@AJPE=H VDOHRIUHVLGHQWLDOSURSHUWLHV LNKLANPEAO LNKLANPEAO #ERAUA=NO #ERAUA=NO #ERAUA=NO #ERAOP=NO #ERAOP=NO #ERAOP=NO #ERA=S=N@O#ERA=S=N@O )LYH\HDUV)LYHVWDUV)LYHDZDUGV #ERA=S=N@O 6 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 7 Commemoration of the start of e World War On This item is being written a few days after the centenary of the formal declaration of war on the 4th of August 1914 and EHIRUHWKHFHQWHQDU\RIWKHÀUVWHQJDJHPHQWRI%ULWLVK7URRSV with German forces around Mons on the 21st August 1914. However the Parish Council and the village hav have been far from idle: So far we have had: $WKHGLVWULEXW $WKHGLVWULEXWLRQRISRSS\ seeds to each household by Cou the Parish Council earlier in the year and the resultant SRVWLQJRQ)DFHERRNRI SRVWLQJRQ) SKRWRJUDSKVE\UHVLGHQWV SKRWRJUDSK RIWKHSRSSLHVWKDWKDYH RIWKHSRSSL JURZQDVDUHVXOW7KDQN JURZQDVD you, for your you involvement/ DFWLYLW\LQWKLVSURMHFW DFWLYLW\LQ %7KHSXEOLFDWLRQRID %7KHSXE ERRNOHWE\WKH.HOYHGRQ ERRNOHWE DQG)HHULQJPXVHXP DQG)HHU detailing the service history of the 374 men from the two villages who went we to war, some of o whom did retu not return. This was written writte by one of the &RXQFLOORUV1LFN &RXQ (]UDDQGSXEOLFDWLRQ (]UD was facilitated in SDUWE\IXQGLQJ SDUW SURYLGHGE\WKH SURY Parish Pari Council. DRJ Services Ltd :LWKDFRPSUHKHQVLYHÁHHWRIYHKLFOHVDQGIXOO\ WUDLQHGGULYHUV *UDKDPV LVDQDPH\RXFDQWUXVW NIC EIC approved Electrical Contractors All Electrical work undertaken & guaranteed Being a family run business we pride ourselves on our four main attributes: 3URIHVVLRQDOLVP3XQFWXDOLW\ )OH[LELOLW\$IIRUGDELOLW\ We aim to provide the best consistent service to every one of our clients and we are able to provide practical solutions to everyday problems. )OHHWRIYHKLFOHVIURPFDUVWRVHDWFRDFKHV $OOYHKLFOHVHTXLSSHGZLWKVHDWEHOWV $OOGULYHUVKDYHH[WHQGHG&5%FKHFNV Free quotes Testing & Inspection bloomingirls Bouquets, Wedding & Sympathy ÁRZHUVGHOLYHUHGORFDOO\ Blooming Girls Ltd, 26 High Street Earls Colne, Colchester, Essex CO6 2PA 01787 221936 / 07881 922368 5HVWDVVXUHGWKDW\RXUMRXUQH\ZLOOEHVDIHDQGSOHDVDQW 6WDWLRQ5G.HOYHGRQ&ROFKHVWHU(VVH[&213 HPDLOLQIR#JUDKDPVFRDFKHVFRP 7HO ZZZJUDKDPVFRDFKHVFRP FKDQQHOOHGSHUVRQDORUIDPLO\ WKRXJKWVLQWRDSSUHFLDWLQJWKH contributions made by our ancestors to the most costly war that has ever occurred. D) The Parish Council as always, was at the fore front of activities HYHQLQDQGRQWKHRSSRVLWH SDJHLVDIDFVLPLOHRIWKH(YDFXDWLRQ ,QVWUXFWLRQVSUHSDUHGE\WKLV Parish Council in March 1914. Some months before the recently advertised national evacuation SODQZKLFKZRXOGKDYHPRYHGDOO residents of Essex to Oxfordshire had an invasion occurred- we on the other hand would have made RXUZD\WR)HOVWHDG (7KHUHHUHFWLRQE\WKH.HOYHGRQ DQG)HHULQJ+HULWDJH6RFLHW\RIWKH Hunt Memorial- dedicated to the PHPRU\RI&DSWDLQ):+XQWRIWKH WK%HQJDO/DQFHUV)DQHV+RUVH LQ)HHULQJ Church C) The T service at St serv Mary’s on the Ma evening of 4/8/14 ev ZKLFKSHUKDSV ZK 8 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 9 Contacts Council Contacts Kelvedon Parish Council Council Offices: The Old Fire Station, 102 High Street, Kelvedon, Essex CO5 9AA The Parish Office is normally open every Monday from 8am to 4pm and on Wednesday and Thursday from 8am to midday Phone: 01376 570285 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook page: Kelvedon Parish Council TO ADVERTISE please call Mary on tel no: 01843 295371 Old Orchard Barn, Lane, Gt. Braxted Your localLea electrician, Black Will outside catering Where there’s a ‘Will’ there’s a way! providing a professional service at economical prices Call Ben today for a free quote T: 01621 928315 M: 07715 729450 35 years’ catering experience Weddings, Funerals, Corporate Entertaining, All types of outside catering, outside bar etc. For all your catering needs: equipment, servicing, hire, installation, venue and vehicle hire... Tel: 07850 372669 / 01206 626282 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Old Orchard Barn, Lea Lane, Gt. Braxted EAT IN, TAKE AWAY, OR DELIVERED! Kelvedon Sandwich Bar & Cafe Opening times Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 3pm Sat: 8.30am - 3pm Sun: Closed Delivery service available! Mon-Wed: 10am - 3pm Thu & Fri: 9am - 3pm 10 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 11 Youth Forum Girl Guiding in Kelvedon & Feering This year the Rainbows unit has visited the zoo with 2,000 others, attended a Teddy Bear’s Concert, held a tea dance, cooked on fires, searched for the Easter bunny, learnt about bees, been pond dipping, painted, glued, played and sung to their hearts content. Girlguiding Witham East District has 6 units within the villages of Kelvedon and Feering which give opportunities to girls in Rainbow (aged 5 to 7), Brownie (aged 7-10) and Guide (aged 10+) units. These are all led and supported by our enthusiastic volunteers. The four Brownies units have had a VERY busy time celebrating the Big Brownie Birthday with Essex North East County and Witham Division events. Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. We build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations. We give them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good. We give them a space to have fun. Between then they have helped “takeover” Skegness Butlins for a weekend in January, held a 100th Birthday party, have been 12 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 13 on a “Star Quest”, making and doing in the Past, Present and Future, they got stuck into a wide range of outdoor activities at Mersea Outdoors Centre and in July they attended a concert in Colchester just for Brownies! Some have enjoyed sleep overs and Pack Holidays, tobogganing, swimming, handicraft, campfires, learnt first aid, held penny fairs and talent shows to raise money for others, not to mention the craft and games you would expect. All this and a pantomime and District Sleepover before the end of the year! Our Guides have enjoyed a fun filled year too with a camp at “Wellies and Wristbands” a festival just for Guiding, trips to the Milton Keynes Snow Dome and Colchester roller skating. They have learnt first aid, baked cakes in tins over a fire, attended activity afternoons as well as craft and games. There are additional activities for the girls aged over 14 too! It isn’t just the girls who benefit – the Leaders love it too! We learn new skills (many of them from or with the girls), meet new people and make things happen for the girls in our care. One of our lovely ladies recently represented Girlguiding Essex North East at the Queen’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. It’s not all glamorous but we have a supportive team with whom to share our experiences and laughter. 14 Volunteering is a fantastic way to make a difference whether as a Leader or as an occasional helper. Maybe you have a skill to share? Margaret and Christopher taught the Rainbows ballroom dancing, Sally taught some girls handbell ringing and Jim audits the accounts once a year. If you would like to know more please contact our County Office on 01376 570464 If your daughter is interested in joining one of our units please register your interest at Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 15 Your Local Councillor Meet the Councillor Terry Dixon has lived in Kelvedon with his wife and latterly two teenage children, for the last nineteen years. After retiring early from his position as Architectural Manager in a large multi-national oil company due to serious illness he found retirement boring and since his partial recovery he has been a Play Scheme Leader at the Easterford Pre-School. Terry is an active member of the St Mary’s Primary Academy PTFA, following a period as Chair of Governors and as a Governor responsible for both Education and “Looked After” Children. The latter position encouraged his family to then become Foster Carers. Terry joined the Parish Council in 2002 and currently has responsibilities as the Chair of Planning, lead Councillor on Recreation Matters and is a member of the Finance and Personnel Committees. Terry was a founder member of the Kelvedon Youth Forum and together with his wife Louise and others holds monthly discos for the youth of Kelvedon at the Labour Club in the High Street, normally on the second Friday of each month (except in August). Details of these happenings are on the Parish Council Facebook page and posters that are put up around the village. Any young people wanting to become involved should contact Terry on 01376-572393. ACCOUNTANTS • Accounts Preparation AND • Tax Returns • Bookkeeping TAX ADVISORS We cut both men’s and boy’s hair via a walk-in service. For ladies and girl’s, appointments are needed, although sometimes a walk in service is available. • VAT If you have any accountancy or taxation matters that you would • Payroll Services like to discuss please call us to arrange a free initial consultation. 90 High Street • Kelvedon • CO5 9AA Tel: 01376 Tel: 01376 570171 570171 Fax: 01376 572200 Fax: [email protected] 01376 572200 E-mail: 80 Newland Street, Witham, Essex CM8 1AH Email: [email protected] Tel: 01376 503779 Opening Times: Monday 9am - 7pm Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm Wednesday 9am - 1pm Thursday 9am - 7pm Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 8am - 3pm In his “spare time” along with other Councillors from Tiptree, Messing cum Inworth and Coggeshall and with members of the Kelvedon and Feering Heritage Group Terry has recently set up a pressure group called the A12VTAG with the intention of trying to do something about the continuing traffic congestion within this and neighbouring villages. (A12TVAG = A12 Villages Traffic Action Group). Terry also represents the Parish Council when meeting with the police to look at recent crime patterns and concerns through the Joint Action Group. He also works with the Greenfields Housing Association as an Area Representative to ensure that their residents get and retain decent housing and that any concerns are resolved at an early stage. Based in Feering since 2009 Terry can always be contacted on tjkdixon@btinternet or within sensible hours on 07952 185771. You may also come across him as he walks around the village – the large grey greyhound being a little bit of a giveaway. 16 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 17 Heritage by making a pre-emptive bulldozer attack upon our little Victorian station, unlawfully razing it to the ground. KELVEDON AND FEERING In 2003 the Preservation Society became Kelvedon and Feering Heritage Society. Heritage Society On the 28th March, 1968, a public meeting in St Mary’s Hall, Kelvedon inaugurated the Preservation Society of the two villages, which was born out of the conviction that “something must be done to arrest the wanton destruction of our old buildings, and to resist their replacement by shoddy or inappropriate monstrosities.” An attendance of about 200 people demonstrated their support. The demolitions that then threatened are recorded in The Bulletins of the time, as are the subsequent battles fought by the Society, right through to the present day. There were indeed many successes and conversely, sometimes our best has not prevailed, particularly when the opposition did not fight by the Queensbury Rules. So it was, a little after midnight on the 15th April, 1989 when British Rail contributed to Essex Heritage Year In recent years, the Society’s vigilance has been tested by issues of rather broader scope – gravel extraction, waste disposal, flooding, the proposed route for the A120 and, still topical and unresolved after over 30 years, the inadequacy of the local accesses to the A12. In an attempt to finally resolve this particular issue, the Society has called upon local parish councils to join with them in setting up a group called A12VTAG (A12 Villages Traffic Action Group). The Society also set up The Community Group with other similar groups in the surrounding area, CPRE, James Abbott and Braintree District Council to fight the then proposed Waste Incinerator being built at Rivenhall. This was taken to a Public Enquiry where The Community Group and Braintree District Council only narrowly lost this particular battle and planning for the incinerator was granted. The Packhorse Bridge Society was set up by the Society to rebuild the original bridge between Kelvedon and Feering, the remains of which were about to fall into the river. The bridge has now been restored and the island is a nature reserve for the use of local residents. The Society is still the lead body. The Hunt Memorial is the Society’s latest project. Originally erected on the greensward adjacent to Glebe Gardens, Feering to the memory of Captain F.W. Hunt of the 19th SWC NFU MUTUAL BESPOKE STEPHEN WHITING CONTRACTS HOME INSURANCE QRenovation QRefurbishment QKitchens QBathrooms rooms QTiling QExternal Cladding QMore specialist work undertaken QWet WEDDING FLOWER SPECIALIST using our trusted specialist contractors Tel: 01376 563111 | Email: [email protected] T: 01621 894904 M: 07889 895433 9a Colchester Road, Great Totham, Maldon, Essex CM9 8BZ For all the jobs around your home, garden & business C O U R S E S A N D W O R K S H O P S AVA I L A B L E Witham Cleaning Services If it has to be cleaned, we can do it! Domestic window cleaning Carpet cleaning Janitorial supplies IT equipment cleaning (keyboards etc) Gutter cleaning Patio cleaning [email protected] s T: 01621 815151 M: 07917 147756 18 Offices Shops Factories TAKING CARE OF THE FINER DETAILS Take a closer look at NFU Mutual Bespoke – tailored home insurance rated 5 Star by independent financial research company Defaqto. Designed for those with higher value homes and contents worth over £100,000 including fine art and collections our expert team work closely with you to tailor cover that meets your specific requirements. We are dedicated to providing you with a great service and peace of mind, every step of the way. To find out more and to arrange a meeting with one of our expert team, please contact us on 01787 223 903or email [email protected]. NFU Mutual Branch, Atlas Works, Foundry Lane, Earls Colne, Colchester CO6 2TE. For a personal family service call today! 0800 118 2818 (24 hrs) Agent of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited. Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 19 Bengal Lancers (Fane’s Horse) it was, until the 1960’s used as a War Memorial by Feering residents, when the then local vicar thought it unsafe and had it taken down. The remains of the original memorial were discovered by the Society whilst doing research for one of their Summer Walks. The Society had the remaining slabs taken up and stored safely until they could raise the money to re-install them as part of a new memorial. By the time you read this, the new memorial should be in place on the site of the original memorial and a dedication service is being planned for later this year. The Society is grateful to Hunnaballs of Witham/Janet C. Davies, the Community Initiatives Fund and local businesses who have supported this restoration. The Society arranges talks four times a year which are free to members and a Summer Event. The majority of our activities are also open to non-members, when a small charge is made. This year’s Summer Event is taking place in September in Feering. Commencing with a cream tea, Roger Pitt will give a talk about John Constable the artist and his time in the village, when he produced a number of paintings and sketches. There will then be the opportunity to take a walk around Feering to look at those views as they are today. We are very lucky that the majority are very visible despite it being 200 years later. The voice of the Society is The Bulletin – free to members – this quarterly booklet contains articles on topics relating primarily to local history or items of current interest. Our website is also increasingly a route to the Society for people around the world researching their family history. These enquiries often generate interesting scenarios and constantly prove to us that whilst we do collectively know much about the two villages, we also know so very little. To join Kelvedon and Feering Heritage Society you don’t have to live in an old house, be born locally, or be an expert on historic or building matters. You don’t even have to attend any meetings – but it is nice when you do and you miss out on so much if you don’t. You simply need an interest in things local. Each year the Society holds a Photographic Competition in memory of Tony Bonner who was a local farmer. From these photographs, the Society produces a calendar and we thought you might like to see a couple of this year’s entries as part of this article. The 2015 calendar will be on sale locally later in the year. 20 Winning entry of the Heritage Society photographic competition. If you would like to know more about the Society, how to join, details of future talks, information about our Summer Event on Constable in Feering and how to get tickets, then have a look on the website – or call in to Kelvedon Clocks in the High Street and speak to Chris Papworth who is the Society’s Chairman. Alternatively, you can phone Anne Townley on 01376 527112. Ȉ Family business Ȉ Established in 2005 Ȉ Over 35 years experience Ƥ for security solutions Don’t be nervous... WE CAN ALARM YOU Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Intruder Alarms Closed Circuit TV Door Entry Systems Fire Alarm Systems Access Control Systems Installation & Maintenance Services Undertaken Freephone: 0800 4587703 Telephone: 01376 340834 [email protected] +++ Residential care within a homely environment for those with or without dementia Helping you make the right choices Call us anytime or visit our website Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 21 PUT YOUR MOVE IN SAFE HANDS J JBA L td . ACE Bookkeeping and Accountancy Services REMOVALS Helpful, Friendly & Reliable Service T: 01376 562415 M: 07765 336064 LTHPS!PUMV'QQIHJV\R^^^QQIHJV\R BOOKKEEPING PAYROLL BUREAU PAYE & VAT SELF ASSESSMENTS FULL KNOWLEDGE OF SAGE SUB CONTRACTORS WELCOME SPECIALISTS IN SMALL TO MEDIUM BUSINESSES SOLE TRADERS OR LIMITED COMPANIES Realistic and competitive prices 20 years experience Full and part moves No job too small All areas Any distance Short notice DELIVERY SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE Contact Paul on 01621 810913 or 07774 241572 Plumbing, Painting & Maintenance Solutions of Witham SUPPLIED INSTALLED AUTOMATED REPAIRED We have the solution to all your needs FREE SURVEY & QUOTATIO N Fencing Ȉ Plumbing Ȉ Painting & decorating Plastering Ȉ Guttering Ȉ Electrics Ȉ Flooring Kitchens & bathrooms fully installed [email protected] 3 good reasons... AIRPORT TRANSFERS for choosing BFCC Gatwick – Heathrow – Stansted City – Luton – Norwich & all major train stations PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE [email protected] T: 07903 818813 22 The Parish Council are very keen to establish this new section in the magazine, so if you have an event please let us have your copy and contact details. The next planned or expected publication date is early December 2014, so if you have an event between say 10/12/14 and 31/3/15 please let us know and we will advertise it for you. [email protected] D AY A N D N I G H T in All copy to come to the Clerk, Kelvedon Parish Council by e-mail at T: 01376 785328 M: 07851 255887 Check out our website for more information n o s ' t a Wh Kelvedon? 1 2 3 or to Kelvedon Parish Council at The Old Fire Station, 102 High Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AA. Quality range of doors from leading manufacturers First Class service for all budgets and tastes Unrivalled, knowledgeable and friendly personal service BFCC supply and install garage doors in and around the Essex and Suffolk regions, located in Thorpe-le-Soken within the heart of the beautiful Essex countryside. We offer a free of charge survey and quotation service so why not give us a call today or pop into our local showroom where you can view a variety of operational doors in various styles. Call: 01255 863815 email: [email protected] The Garage Door Showroom Tendring Road Thorpe-le-Soken Essex CO16 0AA Please put material through the letter box in the black door or ring 01376 570285 to discuss. Thanks in advance and we look forward to hearing from you. Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 23 Financial Support MAKERS OF QUALITY KITCHENS, LUXURY BEDROOMS & FINE ENGLISH FURNITURE from a different Source Our stunning new range of Clarke & Clarke fabrics are now available to view. Where do you go for financial support when perhaps a bank does not appeal to you and the pay day lenders look to be charging extortionate interest rates? Perhaps a Credit Union might be an answer?? Bespoke & Freestanding Furniture Bedroom & Study Installations Sliding Wardrobes High Quality Workmanship Everything is made to measure, by hand in our dedicated workroom in the heart of Tiptree. n Rd Statio Rd el ap Ch ll Hi 01206 242 001 | 07867 977 274 y or ct Fa Enquiries welcome - contact us today Tiptree TESCO Rd Unit 2a, Century Mews 100 Church Rd Tiptree, CO5 0AB ch ur Ch To view the latest collections, arrange a free estimate or talk to a member of our experienced team, come and visit us at: Tel: 01621 815422 PILGRIM BUILDERS LIMITED Listed Building Specialists ;ERXXSKIXXSXLIFSXXSQSJEPP]SYV Want to get to the bottom of all your aches and Pains, Or are you in need of some EGLIWERHTEMRWSVEVI]SYMRRIIHSJWSQI80' 'SQIXS)ZIVKVIIR'PMRMGW PHYSIOTHERAPY x & OSTEOPATHY x Contact Kevin Pilgrim &EGORIGOTEMR x .SMRXQYWGPITVSFPIQW x 4SWXYVI x 7TSVXWMRNYVMIW x 7GMEXMGE x x 6ILEFMPMXEXMSR ʹ 4MPEXIWx %GYTYRGXYVI &94%%<% SXLIVTVMZEXI [email protected] Established over 4 generations x x x 7TSVXWQEWWEKI x 7[IHMWLQEWWEKI x MASSAGE THERAPIES 6I¾I\SPSK] -RHMERLIEH 7XVIWWXLIVET] Call now to book or to speak to a team member [[[IZIVKVIIRGPMRMGWGSQ 24 Excellent quality flowers at affordable prices %PWSEZEMPEFPIEX)ZIVKVIIRGPMRMGW¯4MPEXIW =SKE 3TIRHE]WE[IIOMRGPYHMRKIZIRMRKWERH7EXYVHE]W 'EVTEVOMRKSRWMXI Credit Unions operate on a savings and loan basis. They encourage members to save on a regular basis but offer the support/opportunity to borrow up to a multiple of the saved amount, subject to review and agreement from the Union’s Credit Committee. Credit Unions also try to help their members in such areas as financial planning, budgeting and money management. Credit Unions have become increasingly aware in recent years of the extent of hidden financial hardship that remains hidden behind the lace curtains in rural communities. 4 Colchester Road, Great Totham, Maldon, Essex, CM9 8BZ Many people still do not have access to banks or legitimate credit providers and this can lead them into debt with loan sharks or pay day lenders or into a hand to mouth existence of robbing Peter to pay Paul and this makes stable financial planning very difficult! Extensive puppet based advertising on the television has been said to have been taken up by children, who when refused an item by a parent suggest that the parent borrow from this source- with the child helpfully providing the phone number!! A Google search will reveal that there are a number of Credit Unions in Essex some local and some a little further away. Most seem to offer a range of services- from savings schemes, Christmas Clubs, tmas as C Clu lubs,, to bill payment paym ymentt ym accounts and Oil Payment schemes. Pay ayme ay ment nt sch chem emes es.. es Each Credit Union is a separate body and ea each ch seems to garner ner support supp ppor pp ort from different sourc sources rces es examples being ng an M. M.P, P, a City Council, a Boro Borough roug ugh Council, a large local ge loc ocal al housing association atio ion n and/or Barclayss Ba Bank. Bank nk.. nk They are regulated ated ed b byy the Financial Conduct Authority uctt Au Auth thority but each individual needs idua ual bo ua body dy n nee eeds ds to be checked outt before befo be fore re you aging g with them. tthe hem. he m. consider engaging They are unlikely ely to bee an answer for everyone ryon onee but on they may be an option opt ption pt n to consider. The Credit Unions onss ar are al also so active in promoting positive otin ing positi in tive ve savings ssav avin ings gs culture cultu ture re in local schools School Saver Schemes. ls with wit ith Scho hool SSav aver SSch chem emes. Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 25 Kelvedon Churches 2 #$;! C3, $5-67 8 9:ort... ...when you need it most St Mary Immaculate and the Holy Archangels Have your say... Church Street, Kelvedon Priest: Mgr Gordon Read Address: The Prestbury, Church Street, Kelvedon Kelvedon United Reformed Church 89 High Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AE Revd: Ken Thom Email: [email protected] Website: Point of contact: Ernie Finch [email protected] Services: Sundays 10.30 am The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin Church Street, Kelvedon Priest in Charge: Revd Simon Garwood Address: The Vicarage, Church Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AL Tel: 01376-573701 Email: [email protected] Website: Services: Sundays 8.00 am Holy Communion (said) 10.30 am Sung Eucharist Weekdays: See notices in church 26 Tel: 01376-570348 Email: [email protected] Website: Mass times: 213a High Street Kelvedon 01376 573627 Sundays 11.00 am Saturdays 10.30 – 11.00 am Sacrament of Reconciliation/Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction Tuesdays 7.30 – 8.30 pm Eucharistic Adoration Weekdays: See newsletter We’$ &'()e 24 ,-s a 0y NTS Kelvedon Parish Council has made grants to two of our three local churches in the last year. Nordic Timber Supplies For all your fencing, roof & wood supply needs contact us for competitive prices FREE QUOTES FREE PARKING FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION FREE DELIVERY FREE SURVEYS ESTABLISHED SINCE 1996 DECKING FENCE PANELS FENCING MATERIALS GARAGE TIMBER HARDWOOD TIMBER MERCHANTS Unit 1, Bulldog Works, Boars Tye Rd, Silver End, Witham, Essex, CM8 3QE omes Council welc sh ri a P n o d Kelve for ents received m m co d n a letters ith atters to do w m n o n o ti ca publi s and l, its activitie ci n u o C sh ri the Pa edon. arish of Kelv P e th f o se o th to: Please write cil, ri a sh Coun Kelvedon P Station, The Old Fire don, reet, Kelve 102 High St fo@kelved Or email: in don ence Kelve correspond ll a rk a m Please e right to l reserves th f The counci e content o and edit th the to g moderate in accord ce n e d n o sp any corre e ay inst ad ived, we m ce re ce n e correspond Tel: 01376 584902 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 27 KCA TELL YOUR COMMUNITY about news, events, clubs or societies E-mail: [email protected] Suppliers of all window dressings Including Plantation Shutters Write to Kelvedon Council Offices: The Old Fire Station,102 High Street, Kelvedon, Essex CO5 9AA TO ADVERTISE A Luxaflex authorised dealer tel:01206 384555 Mobile:07976 025726 [email protected] please call Mary on tel no: 01843 292348 Kelvedon Community Association (KCA) at the heart ( Kelvedon Community Association was founded as a charity within the village to support more facilities for the village and its surrounding area. The event which triggered the establishment of the body was the opportunity presented by the acquisition, by the Parish Council, of the land behind the Institute and the Conservative Club. The land became available when Kelvedon House had a change of use and the land was considered to be excess to requirements under the new regime. The Association undertook the daunting task of financing nancing a feasibility study to see if a new village hall could be built ffort at on the site. A number of grants and a determined effort fund-raising resulted in architectural plans being drawn rawn up and various exciting schemes being considered. The association was unsuccessful in its attempt to gain a grant to build a new hall and associated car park, but ut contributed a lot of effort towards the project to build uild the Parish Council car park behind the Conservativee Club. ission The Association then tried to obtain Planning Permission for a revised hall project adjacent to the car park as plans had already been progressed and a relatively small additional cost could have resulted in a fully planned ed scheme. This was again unsuccessful. The Institute has now taken on the lead in trying to plan and fund an n extension of the Institute which is ongoing. The Association is now picking up other projects around the village which are relevant to the welfare re and well-being of the community. The first of these se is that in conjunction with the Parish Council the association is now taking on the running of the Christmas Lights and applying some funds to the modernisation of the lights to make them more sustainable stainable and environmentally friendly. Over the past year the he association has helped fund a small number of projects being developed by organisations which are at the core of village life. It is to be hoped that more funds and effort will be directed at other worthwhile projects within the village. To this end the association has a series of fund-raising events planned and will continue to work behind the scenes to improve our lovely village. 28 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 29 Leisure/Sport 01787 221870 07788 536526 [email protected] OP K EN 7 DAYS A WEE Traditional farm produce from a real farm… dy for Get rea as! m t Chris nge including a wide selection ree-ra e of free-range meat, poultry F & Gees urkeys T and seasonal game; fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables; freshly baked breads; British and European cheeses; jams, honey and preserves; local wines, beers and ciders…and much more! 01376 562500 [email protected] Last season’s winning team Herons Farm, Colne Road, Coggeshall CO6 1TQ Sunday Morning Football with Social Club, Kelvedon F.C After a morning’s kick about down the park one wintery Sunday in 1965 a few local lads contemplated being a bit more competitive and talked about joining a league. As the lads were talking about this in Kelvedons Labour Club, the then steward, Graham Murdy, overheard the conversation and informed them that a Sunday Football League had just started that season in Colchester and he would call a meeting to see if there was interest in starting a team. As Sunday football was a new thing in this area, it wasn’t a sure thing that there would be a positive response, but in the end over 20 potential players turned up. At that time you only needed 11 players and there were no substitutes then. It wasn’t just the local lads who turned up, but other club members who were playing for other local teams in Tiptree, Coggeshall and Boxted. Graham Murdy was elected Chairman and 30 Bobby Thomson the Secretary. Application was made to join the Colchester League for the 1965/1966 season and Kelvedon Labour Club F.C were accepted straight into the First Division, although the league had expanded to two divisions. Bobby had to resign after one season and Dave Ambrose took over the secretary’s job in October 1967-temporarily until the end of the season (but it must have been a long season as he’s still doing it! In 1972 another local team based at the |railway tavern joined us to make a reserve side and we continued in the Colchester League until 1975. By that time the price of petrol was going through the roof (over £1 per gallon) and as we were having to travel as far as Clacton, and nearly into Sudbury, it was decided to economise and to join the more local (as we thought) Braintree League. We then found out we were having to play in Ridgewell or Dunmow – a false economy then. The football was very productive though. In the first season the 1st XI did the treble, winning Division 1, The Division 1 Cup and the league Challenge Cup and the 2ndXI were runners up in Division3. There followed a very successful period for the 1st team being Premier Division runners-up for four successive seasons from 1977 to 1980, winning the Premier Division Cup once and being runner-up twice, winning the WUHHWRSservices We carry out all forms of tree surgery and tree maintenance, including: ȏ7UHHIHOOLQJ ȏ5HGXFWLRQV ȏ3ROODUGLQJ ȏ7KLQQLQJ ȏ&URZQFOHDQLQJ ȏ+HGJHWULPPLQJ ȏ/RJVIRUVDOH Our primary concerns are safety; the health of your trees and leaving your garden as clean and tidy as we found it! :HDUHIXOO\LQVXUHGDQG137&TXDOLȴHG ZZZWUHHWRSVHUYLFHVQHW Challenge Cup a further three times and runners-up twice. The 2nd XI also had their moments winning the reserve trophy once and being losing finalists twice. During this period the team had a couple of name changes. A short amalgamation with the Sunday team from Feering realised Easterford F.C in 1985 and after that dissolved in 1991 we changed the name to our current name of S.C Kelvedon F.C. For the 1996/96 season the Club was overhauled and dropped the reserve team to create a much leaner and younger side and re-joined the Colchester Sunday league in Division 6, which they duly won with ease. This was the first of five successive promotions leading them to the promised land- the Premier Division. In this period and amalgamation with Witham Sovereign F.C to form a reserve team meant that they were also on their travels and reached Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 31 Division 1, which they won in 2005/06 but couldn’t be promoted to the premier League as the 1st XI were already there. The 2nd XI also won the Reserve Team Cup twice and were runners up three times. Not to be outdone the 1st XI won the Ruby Cup in 2010 and then in 2011 the Holy Grail – the Premier Division Championship – going the whole season without losing a match. The only blemish was two draws against the team who were runners up. After another season the team decided to go out on a high and disband, but the Club was still affiliated to the Essex County Football Association so that they could play friendly matches as they still had some veterans and youngsters who still wanted a kick about. A phone call from the Braintree Sunday league was received stating that a team had dropped out of their league and would we like to replace them? The players jumped at the chance and we started out in Division 3 finishing third from bottom. With basically the same team we started the 2013/14 season in a pessimistic mood but things perked up and by adding a couple more players during the season we surprised ourselves by winning the league. Even more surprising, we also won the cup (photo attached) to do the double. Next season (2014/15) will be difficult as we have been promoted to a higher division and also some of our more senior players have retired leaving us short of numbers. If you are interested in playing the beautiful game on a Sunday morning and you think that you could improve our team please contact our manager: Will Mills on 07860-398283 or our Secretary: Dave Ambrose (still a long season) on 07833-624399 who will pass your details on to Will. WE BUY YOUR SCRAP MOT FAILURE ANY VEHICLE Based in Wakes Colne near Colchester, Bodyworks Chiropractic Clinic provides the effective McTimoney approach to healing. The gentle nature of the McTimoney method makes it suitable for people of all ages. Chiropractic treatment is simply a method of adjusting the bones of your body to improve skeletal alignment. In doing so, it helps your ULY]V\ZZ`Z[LT^VYRTVYLLMÄJPLU[S`YLSPL]LZ pain and discomfort and increases mobility. It's proven to be effective in treating the following conditions: )HJRULJRHUKZOV\SKLYWHPU 7HPUKPZJVTMVY[HUKZ[PMMULZZPUQVPU[Z 4PNYHPUL 4\ZJSLHJOLZ ATF ELV Environment Agency Approved Pool table, darts and two £250.00 jackpot fruit machines. Family friendly environment. Light lunch menu available all day. Beer terrace and fully licensed bar. To All Makes & Models Annual membership just £5.00 Stepfield Snooker Club The Surridge Centre, 2 Stepfield, Witham, Essex CM8 3TH (Freebournes Industrial Estate) 01376 517915 Email: [email protected] « MOT Class 4/7 « Repairs « Servicing « Welding « 4 x 4 Specialists « Diagnostics British & American Classics bought, sold, repaired & restored :WVY[ZPUQ\YPLZ (Y[OYP[PJWHPU We also do a large variety of massages including the popular ‘Lavashells’ and ‘Thai Herbal’, 9LÅL_VSVN`@VNH7PSH[LZ;OHP*OP*OP2\UN Telephone: 01787 222 435 -HJZPTPSL!,THPS!LUX\PYPLZ'IVK`^VYRZJOPYVWYHJ[PJJV\R Unit 17, Wakes Hall Business Centre, Colchester Road, Wakes Colne CO6 2DY Call: 01376 515 116 Automotive Servives Unit 6 Powers Hall Farm, Powers Hall Road Witham, Essex CM8 1LU 10% Discount when you show this advert on purchase *T&C apply 32 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 9(18( '(6,*1(5 33 National Helplines Age UK t0800 169 6565 Sexual Assault t0808 802 9999 Alcoholics Anonymous t0845 769 7555 Samaritans t08457 90 90 90 Alzheimer’s Research UK t0300 111 5555 Sexual Health t0845 122 8690 Cruse Bereavement Care t0844 477 9400 / 0845 6030024 Smokers Quit Line t0800 169 0 169 Deafblind UK t01733 358 100 Sue Ryder (Dementia Helpline) t01952 913113 Debt Line t08000 919 991 / 08000 914 525 Victim Support t0845 30 30 900 Disabled Living Foundation t0300 999 0004 / 020 7289 6111 Domestic Violence t0808 2000 247 Gamcare t020 7801 7000 Men's Advice Line t0808 801 0327 Mind Infoline t020 8519 2122 NHS Direct t020 7599 4200 Parentline t0808 800 2222 Helplines for young people Childline (NSPCC) 0800 1111 Help and advice 0808 800 5000 Talk to Frank 0300 123 6600 Kidscape (Anti-bullying) 08451 205 204 Runaway Helpline 116 000 TELL YOUR COMMUNITY about news, events, clubs or societies E-mail: [email protected] Write to Kelvedon Council Offices: The Old Fire Station,102 High Street, Kelvedon, Essex CO5 9AA 34 Kelvedon Parish Council Magazine 35 TRANSFORM YOUR CONSERVATORY INTO A ROOM YOU CAN USE ALL YEAR ROUND if your conservatory is too hot in summer & too cold in winter.. In just a few days we will transform your old conservatory into a beautiful living space... ...we’ve got the solution ...and here’s how we do it, first of all we remove the roof, we will then construct & install the lightweight aluminium frame, next we add the high performance insulated roof before the interior is finished to your specification. a Guardian™ Roof will give you the conservatory you’ve always wanted - cosy and warm throughout winter - nice and cool in the summer months. It’s an opportunity to turn your conservatory into an extension for a fraction of the cost and with the minimum fuss – in fact, it’s the perfect solution. The Guardian™ Roof system works perfectly on new build conservatories or by replacing the polycarbonate/glass roof on your existing conservatory. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE ON 01206 572553 OR 01621 810707 Or you can visit us at Stanway Showroom: 8 Chapel Rd, Stanway, Colchester, CO3 0PU Tiptree Showroom: 2 Station Rd, Tiptree, CO5 0AD tel: 01206 572553 tel: 01621 810707 LABC Registered (minimise building control checks & approval process)
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