ARAB TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014 LOCAL 3 ‘KOC aims to raise awareness of developments in travel industry’ Kuwait Oil Company opens 9th travel & tourism exhibition By Saif AlAzemi Arab Times Staff Lulwa Al Shamlan acknowledges the audience applause, and (inset), Lulwa in action. Lulwa Al Shamlan performs in Carnegie Hall Lulwa is a well-known performer in Kuwait and at the age of twelve has already achieved a significant repertoire as a pianist. This includes numerous competitions and performances in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Azerbaijan, and most recently New York. She consistently represents herself to a high standard by placing in first or second place in concerts both inside and outside of Kuwait. She currently attends Wells Music School in the UK as a music specialist in piano. This has allowed her to continue branching out in new directions and to strive towards greater goals. This enabled her to participate in the American International Competition of Romantic Music. Out of the hundreds of competitors she won second place and performed in the winners’ concert in Carnegie Hall in New York this past March. This is regarded as a great highlight for any performer’s career no matter their age. It is truly an experience to be able to share the same stage where Frank Sinatra performed during his early career as well as countless other world-renowned artists. This success is a big moment for Lulwa, Kuwait, and LOYAC who continued nurturing her talent since she was 9 years old, and made it possible to continue developing Lulwa’s talent and musical growth. Lulwa is sponsored by Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity, who always sponsor LOYAC’s talents. Program to begin with hoisting of National Flag Bangladesh Embassy to observe Historic Mujib Nagar Day April 17 KUWAIT CITY, April 16: Bangladesh Embassy along with the Bangladesh community in Kuwait is going to observe the Historic Mujib Rahman Nagar Day 2014 with due enthusiasm and fervor at the Chancery on April 17, 2014. On this day in 1971 the government of Bangladesh was formed where the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was declared as the First President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The initiative was taken to run the interim government and to carry out the Liberation War in a more organized way, to run the administration and to diplomatically and legally negotiate for financial recognition for the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. The program of the day will begin at 8:30 am with hoisting of the National Flag at full mast by HE the Ambassador Major General Mohammad Ashab Uddin, ndc, psc in presence of the Embassy officials, Commander and officials of the Bangladesh Military Contingent (BMC) to Kuwait, officials of Bangladesh Biman and members of Bangladesh community. The other events of the day will begin at 4:40 pm at the Multi-purpose Hall of the Chancery. The program will include the recitation from the Holy Quran, Dua and Munajat, Observance of Silence, Reading out of Messages of Hon’ble President of the Republic of Bangladesh, Hon’ble Prime Minister and Foreign Hon’ble Minister of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, discussion on the significance of the day, documentary film show, and speech of the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Kuwait. The program will be attended by Bangladesh community from all walks of lives including community leaders, professionals, freedom fighters, leaders of cultural and social organizations and so on. The discussion meeting will highlight the significance of the Historic Mujib Nagar Day in the context or Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971. The Mujib Nagar government was formed with the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Rahman as the president of the Republic to lead the Liberation War in a more organized and systematic way. Due to formation of the government the Liberation War got anormous pace which hastened the victory of Bangladesh on Dec 16, 1971. News in Brief Congratulations sent: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a congratulatory cable on Wednesday to Queen Margrethe II of Denmark on her country’s National Day. His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah also sent similar cables to Queen Margrethe. (KUNA) ❑ ❑ ❑ GCC, EU discuss int’l issues: Head of GCC Mission in Brussels Ambassador Amal Al-Hamad of Kuwait discussed latest developments in negotiations between P5+1 with Iran over its nuclear programme with Deputy Secretary General of the EU foreign service, EEAS, Helga Schmid. According to a press release sent by the Embassy of Kuwait in Brussels, the two officials also discussed how to boost cooperation between the EU and the GCC and exchanged views on regional and international developments. The meeting was also attended by GCC ambassadors to Belgium. (KUNA) KUWAIT CITY, April 16: Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) unveiled its ninth travel and tourism exhibition for two days on the floors of the KOC tent in Al-Ahmadi and under the patronage of Ismail Abdulla the Deputy CEO of Corporate Services. More than 50 companies from the tourism industry are participating in the exhibition and an estimated of 1,500 visitors attended the event on its first day, according to Hamza Al-Muzaini from the Community Services team at KOC. Participating travel companies handed offers and queries to the visitors that are both KOC employees and from the public. Mesaed Al-Sehali Chief Admin Officer of Community Services Team at KOC talked to Arab Times about the exhibition. “The exhibition is organized for the benefit of KOC employees and families.” Al-Sehali said. Al-Sehali added that participating travel companies are offering special and custom-made packages formulated to visitors of the exhibition and on the spot. The exhibition offers valuable prizes that varied from travel tickets to hotel accommodations for the attendees. Furthermore, Al-Sehali explained that KOC aims with this collaboration with travel compa- Photo by Anwar Daifallah The exhibition is being inaugurated. nies from all over the world to benefit its employees through special rates and offers secured to them, and additionally, to increasing cooperation with travel companies to get better rates for group missions abroad that are organized by KOC. Al-Sehali noted, “This is the first time the exhibition opens its doors to the public for as it used to be exclusive for KOC employees,” Al-Sehali explained,” KOC tries by this move to expand the benefit sought by the exhibition to include the community as a whole.” He added that KOC aims to raise awareness of the developments in the travel industry around the world and to inform the public of the special offers by travel compa- nies. Ali El-Husseini the General Manager of Ritz Travel and Tourism highlighted the improvements of the exhibition in term of size compared to last year’s version. “This time it is more efficient, and it’s a lot bigger and its very impressive for us and our organization and it has been an annual thing for us and it will be for years to come,” said AlHusseini. Khaled Al-Awadi an employee of KOC and a visitor of the exhibition expressed his appreciation to the efforts Kuwait Oil Company is putting to serve the employees and the community. “This exhibition helps the employees of KOC to get better promotions and deals and it isn’t exclusively in the benefit of the employees but also benefits the businesses participating in the event,” Al-Awadi said. Al-Awadi added, “KOC made sure that the community as whole gets to benefit from the exhibtion.” Al-Awadi explained, “KOC is not only helping the employees but its making sure to involve the community and this is what is expected from KOC.” Al-Sehali concluded that the travel and tourism exhibition has been annual event for nine years that flourished and expanded since its first version and KOC has been always open to hear from its employees and the community to make any improvements in all levels and aspects.
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