ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 10 NEW ACCOMMODATION UNITS, 10 NEW LUXURY CAMPING SITES, A NEW ACCESS ROAD, UPGRADING OF SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE AND A LANDING STRIP AT NOSSOB CAMP, A LUXURY CAMP SITE AT GHARAGAB AS WELL AS A LUXURY CAMP SITE AT GRAIG LOCKHARDT (MATA MATA) IN THE KGALAGADI TRANSFRONTIER PARK, NORTHERN-CAPE PROVINCE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS (DEA) REFERENCE NUMBER: 12/12/20/2446/1 ADDENDUM TO THE FINAL BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR PUBLIC REVIEW MARCH 2014 Prepared on behalf of: SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL PARKS (SANParks) P.O. Box 787 Pretoria 0001 Phone Fax : (012) 426 5126 : (012) 426 5446 For review and approval by: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS (DEA) Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 Tel: Fax: 012 310 3911 012 322 2662 MARCH 2014 A Report Compiled by: DELRON CONSULTING CC P.O. Box 177 Woodlands 0072 Tel: Fax: Email: 012 991 5399 086 588 4242 [email protected] Director – P De Lange BL (UP) Pr LArch SA Phone: +27 12 991 5399 Fax: +27 86 588 4242 Mobile: +27 82 571 5396 Email: [email protected] 881 Old Farm Road Old Farm Office Park Building E First Floor Faerie Glen X8 Pretoria P.O. Box 177 Woodlands 0072 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL PARKS (SANParks) DEA REFERENCE NO: 12/12/20/2446/1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 10 NEW ACCOMMODATION UNITS, 10 NEW LUXURY CAMPING SITES, A NEW ACCESS ROAD, UPGRADING OF SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE AND A LANDING STRIP AT NOSSOB CAMP, A LUXURY CAMP SITE AT GHARAGAB AS WELL AS A LUXURY CAMP SITE AT GRAIG LOCKHARDT (MATA MATA) IN THE KGALAGADI TRANSFRONTIER PARK, NORTHERN-CAPE PROVINCE ADDENDUM TO THE FINAL BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR PUBLIC REVIEW MARCH 2014 1. INTRODUCTION South African National Parks (SANParks) is proposing to expand the Nossob Rest Camp by constructing 10 new accommodation units, 10 new luxury camping sites and associated infrastructure as well as to re-align Nossob Rest Camp’s access road, construct a new landing strip at Nossob Rest Camp, construct 3 new luxury 4x4 camp sites at Gharagab and to construct 10 new luxury camp sites at Graig Lockhardt within the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. In terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations published in terms of Section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, Act No. 107 of 1998), authorisation is required from the National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) as the competent authority, for the aforesaid proposed development within the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. In terms of Sections 24 and 24D of NEMA, as read with the EIA Regulations of GN R543 - R546, a Basic Assessment process is required to be undertaken for the proposed projects. The project has been registered with the DEA, as the competent authority, under application reference number 12/12/20/2446/1. A Final Basic Assessment Report: October 2012, (FBAR) was submitted to the DEA on 25 October 2012, and was subsequently rejected by the DEA on 8 March 2013. The DEA has requested additional information and clarification regarding the projects (contained in this addendum) and be made available to all stakeholders for a 21 day review period. Thereafter, the addendum report will be submitted to DEA for their consideration. The 21 day public review period is from … March 2014 to …March 2014. Please submit all comments by … March 2014 via fax, e-mail or in writing to Delron Consulting cc. 2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS The letter of rejection received from the DEA dated 8 March 2013 is attached in Appendix A for reference. The following is the additional information as requested: 2.1 The project description indicates that domestic solid waste will be removed daily and disposed of at the Nossob and Mata Solid Waste Disposal facility. Please provide the Department with details on the waste license as well as the water use license for this facility. Copies of the licenses must be submitted. The capacity and airspace available in these facilities must also be presented to the Department. 2.2 The BAR dated October 2012 did not provide layout maps for the proposed developments at the three (3) sites. Please provide the Department with layout maps which include alternative layouts and alignments of listed activities. The positions of the proposed reed beds as preferred alternative for waste water treatment must also be indicated Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 2 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 on these maps. The layout maps must comply with the requirements of Section A, point 6 of the BAR template (page 21 of the BAR dated October 2012). 2.3 More detail is required regarding the proposed reed bed waste water filtration system. This detail includes, but is not limited to: • Size of the reed bed • Capacity • Depth • Plants to be used • Receiving environment for the treated effluent • Position of the outlet 2.4 The Park Zoning Plan (Figure 1) submitted as the sensitivity map is insufficient. The sensitivity maps must focus on the site where the listed activities are to be implemented. The scale of the map submitted does not provide sufficient detail for informed decision making. The sensitivity map must also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Section A, point 7 of the BAR template (page 21 of the BAR dated October 2012). 2.5 Please provide proof that the application for water use authorisation has been submitted to the Department of Water Affairs. 2.6 The South African Heritage Resources Agency has been omitted as a key stakeholder. Please include SAHRA as a registered I&AP and solicit comments from them on the BAR dated October 2012. 2.7 The list of members of the Park Forum (page 62 of BAR dated October 2012) does not include the affiliation of the relevant I&AP. Please provide clarity on the affiliation of each forum member. 2.8 Appendix E does not indicate that representatives from the governments of Botswana have been consulted. Since Kgalagadi is a Transfrontier Park, and the location of the proposed sites are close to the borders of these two countries, it is necessary to engage with the management authorities of the park in Botswana. Please provide proof that these authorities have been consulted. 2.9 Appendix E2 only provides proof of written notification of a few key stakeholders. Please provide proof that all members of the Park Forum also received written notification. 2.10 The BAR dated October 2012 does not contain any proof of consultation with the Khomani San and Traditional Committee. Proof and the outcome of this consultation process must be submitted to the Department. 2.11 The public participation process (PPP) highlighted the need for further study on the availability of water for the proposed developments. In order to make an informed decision, the Department requires a water balance for each of the water resources to be used for the new development. Since these water resources are currently used for the existing tourism facilities, these water balances must include all the water used for the existing and proposed developments as well as the water holes for the animals. The sustainability of the use of these water resources must also be addressed. 2.12 The PPP also highlighted problems with the existing sewage system (soak away) which at times appears to be unable to handle the processing of sewage. Please provide clarity on the capacity of the proposed sewage treatment (reed beds) to handle peak time volumes. Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 3 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 3. LIST OF RESPONDENTS 3.1 South African National Parks (SANParks) 3.2 Delron Consulting cc 4. LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: DEA Letter (Dated 8 March 2013) Appendix B: Twee-Rivieren (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z1/P326), Nossob (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z2/P323) and Mata-Mata’s (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z3/P322) Waste Permits Appendix C: Layout Maps Appendix D: Reed Bed Waste Water Treatment Facility Appendix E: Zoning / Sensitivity Maps Appendix F: Proof of Water Use Authorisation Application: Department of Water Affairs Letter, Reference: 25000944 Appendix G: List of Park Forum Members including the Affiliation of the Relevant Member Appendix H: Minutes of the Joint Management Board meeting held on 16 February 2012 at Molopo Lodge Appendix I: Proof of Consultation with the Khomani San and Traditional Committee. Appendix J: Exploration Drilling for Groundwater Supply to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Heyns Verster, 2012. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5.1 The project description indicates that domestic solid waste will be removed daily and disposed of at the Nossob and Mata Solid Waste Disposal facility. Please provide the Department with details on the waste license as well as the water use license for this facility. Copies of the licenses must be submitted. The capacity and airspace available in these facilities must also be presented to the Department. Refer to Appendix B for copies of Twee-Rivieren (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z1/P326), Nossob (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z2/P323) and Mata-Mata’s (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z3/P322) waste permits as issued by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 4 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 5.2 The BAR dated October 2012 did not provide layout maps for the proposed developments at the three (3) sites. Please provide the Department with layout maps which include alternative layouts and alignments of listed activities. The positions of the proposed reed beds as preferred alternative for waste water treatment must also be indicated on these maps. The layout maps must comply with the requirements of Section A, point 6 of the BAR template (page 21 of the BAR dated October 2012). Refer to Appendix C: Layout Maps 5.3 More detail is required regarding the proposed reed bed waste water filtration system. This detail includes, but is not limited to: • Size of the reed bed • Capacity • Depth • Plants to be used • Receiving environment for the treated effluent • Position of the outlet Refer to Appendix D for detailed information regarding the proposed Reed Bed Waste Water Treatment Facility as prepared by SANParks Technical Services. 5.4 The Park Zoning Plan (Figure 1) submitted as the sensitivity map is insufficient. The sensitivity maps must focus on the site where the listed activities are to be implemented. The scale of the map submitted does not provide sufficient detail for informed decision making. The sensitivity map must also comply with the requirements as stipulated in Section A, point 7 of the BAR template (page 21 of the BAR dated October 2012). The primary objective of a park zoning plan is to establish a coherent spatial framework in and around a park to guide and co-ordinate conservation, tourism and visitor experience initiatives. A zoning plan plays an important role in minimising conflicts between different users of a park by separating potentially conflicting activities such as game viewing and day-visitor picnic areas whilst ensuring that activities which do not conflict with the park’s values and objectives (especially the conservation of the protected area’s natural systems and its biodiversity) can continue in appropriate areas. The zoning of Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park was based on an analysis and mapping of the sensitivity and value of a park’s biophysical, heritage and scenic resources; an assessment of the regional context; and an assessment of the park’s current and planned infrastructure and tourist routes / products; all interpreted in the context of park objectives. The Zoning Plan define what activities can occur in which locations both to protect the environment and to separate potentially conflicting activities. Zoning exists in the KTP to protect plants, animals and habitats and heritage sensitive areas. The level of protection increases from the High Density Tourism Orientated Zone up to the most restrictive, No Visitor Access Conservation Orientated Zone. Each zone has different rules for the activities that are allowed and activities that are prohibited. Zones also place restrictions on how some activities are conducted. There are 6 different types of zones that apply to the entire KTP. The major zones are: Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 5 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 • Conservation Orientated Zone No Visitor Access Very Low Density Low Density • Tourism Orientated Zone Medium Density Moderate Density High Density According to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Joint Zoning Plan the proposed developments are situated within the following zones: 1. 2. 3. Proposed developments at Nossob camp Proposed 10 new luxury camp sites at Graig Lockhardt Proposed 3 new luxury 4x4 camp sites at Gharagab : Moderate Density Motorised Zone : Moderate Density Motorised Zone : Medium Density Zone The table below indicates the percentage area of the park covered by each one, as well as the percentage of the highly environmentally sensitive and valuable areas that are in each zone. Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park Conservation Orientated Zone Tourism Zone Orientated No Visitor Access Very Low Density Low Density Medium Density Moderate Density High Density Zoned as a percentage of park area Percentage of the highly sensitive areas that are in each zone 70.2 0.5 14.1 15.0 0.1 0.1 51.2 1.8 28.6 18.2 0.2 0.0 According to the Zone Sensitivity Map, all proposed developments are located within zoning areas with Low Environmental Sensitivity Values. SANParks Scientific Services as well as site visits confirmed that there are no highly environmentally sensitive and/or valuable areas within these proposed development areas and site specific maps will also only indicated Low Environmental Sensitivity. Refer to Appendix E: Zoning / Sensitivity Maps 5.5 Please provide proof that the application for water use authorisation has been submitted to the Department of Water Affairs. Refer to Appendix F: Department of Water Affairs Letter, Reference: 25000944 5.6 The South African Heritage Resources Agency has been omitted as a key stakeholder. Please include SAHRA as a registered I&AP and solicit comments from them on the BAR dated October 2012. Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 6 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 There are no palaeo-environmental and/or archaeological deposits in the proposed development areas. This Addendum Report as well as the FBAR dated October 2012 will be submitted to SAHRA for comment opportunity. 5.7 The list of members of the Park Forum (page 62 of BAR dated October 2012) does not include the affiliation of the relevant I&AP. Please provide clarity on the affiliation of each forum member. Refer to Appendix G: List of Park Forum Members including the affiliation of the relevant member. 5.8 Appendix E does not indicate that representatives from the governments of Botswana have been consulted. Since Kgalagadi is a Transfrontier Park, and the location of the proposed sites are close to the borders of these two countries, it is necessary to engage with the management authorities of the park in Botswana. Please provide proof that these authorities have been consulted. Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is administered at a strategic level by a Joint Management Board (JMB) comprising delegates from Botswana’s and South Africa’s park authorities. A Tourism Development Plan as an integral part of the Park Management Plan was developed by V&L Landscape Architects in 2006. This Tourism Development Plan was adopted by the Joint Management Board (JMB) in 2007, thereby accepting and approved of the following suggested accommodation developments: • • • • The award of five new lodge concessions in the Botswanan component. Room and campsite numbers at Mata Mata Rest Camp be increased in light of the border opening with Namibia (additional 14 beds; campsites not specified in the report). Room and campsite numbers at Nossob Rest Camp be increased following creation of a new circulation route and increasing volumes from the Mabuasehube area, and Development of a new wilderness camps at Eland and Kameelsleep. The proposed developments as describe in the Basic Assessment Report as well as the currently under construction high value / low volume (up-market) accommodation facilities awarded to concessions by the Botswana Department of Wildlife and National Parks are part of the aforementioned suggested accommodation upgrades and new developments in terms of the approved Tourism Development Plan. 5.9 Appendix E2 only provides proof of written notification of a few key stakeholders. Please provide proof that all members of the Park Forum also received written notification. Park Forum Members were informed of the proposed developments within the KTP through a Joint Management Board meeting. Refer to Appendix H: Minutes of the Joint Management Board meeting held on 16 February 2012 at Molopo Lodge. 5.10 The BAR dated October 2012 does not contain any proof of consultation with the Khomani San and Traditional Committee. Proof and the outcome of this consultation process must be submitted to the Department. Refer to Appendix I: Proof of Consultation with the Khomani San and Traditional Committee. Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 7 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 • • • The Khomani San Park and Traditional Committee was notified of the EIA application and process on 19 March 2012. A Draft BAR was distributed to the Khomani San Park and Traditional Committee on 13 July 2012 for comment opportunity (Luce Steenkamp, on behalf of the Park Committee at Barbara Raats [[email protected]]. A Final BAR was distributed to the Khomani San Park and Traditional Committee on 25 October 2012 for comment opportunity (Luce Steenkamp, on behalf of the Park Committee at Barbara Raats [[email protected]]. On 3 April 2013 Me. Phillipa Holden (Khomani San Park and Traditional Committee) confirmed that the EAP followed due process. Refer to Appendix I. 5.11 The public participation process (PPP) highlighted the need for further study on the availability of water for the proposed developments. In order to make an informed decision, the Department requires a water balance for each of the water resources to be used for the new development. Since these water resources are currently used for the existing tourism facilities, these water balances must include all the water used for the existing and proposed developments as well as the water holes for the animals. The sustainability of the use of these water resources must also be addressed. Refer to Appendix J: Exploration Drilling for Groundwater Supply to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Heyns Verster, 2012. 11. Final Recommendations Nossob has two sources namely Kwang and Kortpad. Two boreholes at Kwang, G45174 and G47506 can be pumped at 0.2 and 0.23 l/s respectively for 24 hours per day. A total of 37m³ per day. G45376, G45701 and G45702 can be pumped at 0.16, 0.11 and 0.05l/s for 24 hours per day. A total of 27.6m³ per day. From both sources a combined volume of 64.6m³ a day is available, while the demand in peak times is 22m³. The current quality of groundwater from the Kwang source is not suitable for human consumption. While tourist can make use of bottled water, it is not possible for the staff. It is therefore recommended that the boreholes at Kortpad be equipped with and be used at the recommended yields. The camp has large storage capacity and water can be stored for peak times. Additional interchangeably supply can be provided by the Nossob source. Mixing of the water at a ratio of 3:2 (Kortpad:Nossob) will provide more water of acceptable quality. This will relieve pressure on both sources and ensure sustainable long term provision. Monitoring of water quality at G45174 during 2003 showed that if the pump is of for 2 days only that there was an improvement of as much as 40 mS/m in the quality of the water for the first few hours after pumping has restarted. The possibility exists that if the source is less utilised, together with possible addition, water quality will improve. History at Kwang has proven that this source cannot on its own supply sustainable water to Nossob. In order to ensure sustainable supply to Nossob, the Kortpad source must also be utilised and properly managed. 12. In Summary During two drilling programs a total of 10 boreholes were drilled in an attempt to find appropriate sources for water supply to Nossob camp. Five exploration wells were also drilled in the same area for Mr. E van Wyk during the first drilling program. A total of 15 holes were drilled between Nossob and Kwang. Six boreholes are fitted as production wells and pumping tests were performed. Although the combined yield of all 6 boreholes is only 0.74l/s for a 24 hour Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 8 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 pump period, these sources can provide for the needs of the camp in the long term provided it is utilised correctly. Results of the drilling proved the scarcity of groundwater in the region and confirmed the need for proper management. The current water use requirement at peak times for Nossob rest camp is 22m³ per day. The predicted water use (worst case scenario) for the proposed new developments (10 tourist accommodation units and 10 new camping sites is 11,6 m³/day. As indicated in the Exploration Drilling for Groundwater report (Heyns Verster, 2012) two sources for water supply are available for Nossob, namely Kwang en Kortpad. Two boreholes at Kwang, G45174 and G47506 can provide 0.2 and 0.23 l/s respectively per 24 hours, a total of 37m³ per day. Boreholes G45376, G45701 and G45702 at Kortpad can produce 0.4, 0.3 and 0.2 l/s per 24 hours, a total of 74m³ per day. These sources have therefore a total sustainable supply of approx. 74m³ per day. Given the estimated need of 33.6m³ per day, there is sufficient supply for the current and proposed new uses, leaving a spare capacity of 40m³ per day for the rest camp. 5.12 The PPP also highlighted problems with the existing sewage system (soak away) which at times appears to be unable to handle the processing of sewage. Please provide clarity on the capacity of the proposed sewage treatment (reed beds) to handle peak time volumes. Refer to Appendix D which provides details regarding the proposed Reed Bed Waste Water Treatment Facility. The proposed Reed Bed Waste Water Treatment Facility is to have a treatment capacity of 40m³/day (14 600m³/year). The calculated flow for the currently envisaged staff and tourists at the Nossob Rest Camp is 30m³/day. The larger design volume is to accommodate for peak flows and future camp enlargement. 6. SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS Stakeholders registered on the project database are invited to comment on this Addendum to the Final Basic Assessment Report which has been made available for public review and comment from … March 2014 to … March 2014. Please submit your comments to Pieter De Lange of Delron Consulting CC P.O. Box Address: P.O. Box 177 Woodlands 0072 Contact Details: Tel: (012) 991 5399 Fax: 086 588 4242 E-mail: [email protected] The due date for comments is … April 2014. Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 9 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX A: DEA LETTER (DATED 3 MARCH 2013) Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 10 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX B: TWEE-RIVIEREN (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z1/P326), NOSSOB (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z2/P323) AND MATA-MATA’S (16/2/7/D421/D2/Z3/P322) WASTE PERMITS Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 11 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX C: LAYOUT PLANS Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 12 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX D: REED BED WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 13 1 Sewage Treatment at Nossob Rest Camp in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (Reed Bed Waste Water Treatment Facility) Scope of Works and Description of Units: Description: To effectively dispose of the expected wastewater volumes from the existing and proposed new living quarters and operational area it is proposed that a new reed bed wastewater treatment facility be established. The position of the reed bed system will be on the existing aircraft landing strip close to Nossob Rest Camp (Refer Annexure C & D). A new landing strip will be constructed leaving this ground barren. Said facility is to have a treatment capacity of 40m3 /day (14 600m³ /year). The calculated flow for the currently envisaged staff and tourists at the Nossob Rest Camp is 30m3 /day. The larger design volume is to accommodate for peak flows and future camp enlargement. The proposed Nossob Rest Camp wastewater treatment facility comprises the following units: Inlet works at each septic tank – manual removal of grit. Flow measurement Exiting and new septic tanks, close to the units, will be used as Anaerobic Reactors at various locations where sewage is collected from different units. Pump Chambers – Serves to collect the septic tank effluent and pump it to the Flush Chamber. Flush Chamber – Septic tank effluent are discharge to the plant (Reed Bed) Constructed Wetlands – horizontal flow reed bed of 400m² and 600mm deep. Evaporation pond Total area of the above units to be fenced off securely. For the sake of clarity, each of the above units is described in detail as follows: Inlet works: The inlet works comprises a pipe outlet structure where the rising main or gravity fed pipes from the different units end. The pipes join into a manifold from where a single 160mm diameter pipe connects directly to a grit removal chamber. Flow measurement: Directly downstream of the screening and degritting unit an electromagnetic flow meter is to be installed. The flow meter should be specified to handle raw sewage and have a duty rating of IP68. All flow data and totaliser readings are to be logged on a paperless data recorder in order to maintain a record as prescribed by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Flow meter and data recorder should be supplied together. Anaerobic Reactors (Septic Tanks): These units will comprise of a number of concrete septic tanks with different dimensions that will be calculated according to the different sewage run-off. These structures will be partly submerged to enable desludging of the solids chamber by means of hydrostatic pressure. The purpose of this unit is to firstly trap any solid materials passing through the screen and secondly to act as an anaerobic digester to facilitate removal of at least 60% of the raw sewage chemical oxygen demand. 2 Pump Chamber: The pump chamber is a concrete chamber succeeding the septic tank. The septic tank effluent is collected in this chamber and pumped to the flush chamber as sited at the reed beds. Flush Chamber: The flush chamber is typically a concrete chamber equipped with a siphon type flushing valve. When the septic tank effluent reaches a predetermined level, the siphon is primed and flushes the full chamber volume to the reed beds downstream. Constructed Wetlands: Wetlands are defined as a contained land area which is saturated by water for various periods of time. Typically constructed wetlands are basins filled with a growth medium such as soil, sand or gravel which has an impervious layer that retains the water and prevents contamination of the natural ground below. Wetlands are provided with distinct plant communities such as reeds, sedges, bulrushes, etc. Constructed wetlands are designed and built to emulate the natural functions of wetlands. Constructed wetlands have distinct advantages over other means of treating wastewater in that they are not dependant on external energy or chemical inputs and require very little maintenance. Their lifespan can reach anything up to 80 years and in addition they are scenically attractive and provide a habitat for a wide variety of plants, birds, reptiles and invertebrates. They generally provide an effluent better or similar to that of a conventional treatment system and are especially suited to fluctuating flows. Constructed wetlands can be constructed with unskilled labour and are devoid of high tech equipment and therefore can be considered a low maintenance option. The water purification function of wetlands is dependant on four principle components: the vegetation, the water column, substrate and the associated microbial populations. The function of the vegetation is to provide additional environments for the microbial populations. The stems of the plants and the falling leaves in the water column obstruct flow and facilitate sedimentation and increase surface area. Therefore the choice of vegetation is critical as most terrestrial plants cannot survive in waterlogged soils due to the depletion of oxygen which is normally associated with flooding. Aquatic plants have specialized structures which enable them to conduct atmospheric gases such as oxygen down into their roots. The oxygen is exuded out of their root hairs forming an aerobic rhizosphere around every root hair while the rest of the surface volume remains anaerobic. Within the rhizosphere large populations of common aerobic and anaerobic bacteria thrive and aid the biological breakdown of the organic compounds found in wastewater. Wetland vegetation only take up a fraction of the available nutrients found in the wastewater, their primary role being to increase the amount of aerobic environment for the microbial populations found in the water column and below the water/substrate interface. Suspended solids in the wastewater are aerobically composted in the above substrate layer of straw and plant debris formed by the dead leaves and stems. By this means, constructed wetlands are able to remove organic compounds (measured as Chemical Oxygen Demand), suspended solids and nitrogen. The removal of phosphorous is possible through adsorption by the substrate. The selection of substrate is however important to remove this element. 3 The Horizontal Flow System will be used and the wastewater flows horizontally through the substrate below the surface. The horizontal flow reed beds are utilized as a secondary treatment and at least two or more such beds are required in series. Pretreatment is essential to prevent clogging of the substrate surface and also the distribution piping. Horizontal Flow Reed beds shall be used in Nossob: For Nossob Rest Camp 2 horizontal flow reed beds units with dimensions of 10m x 40m x 0.6m are to be constructed. The beds will be built submerged and will be fully lined with a HDPE lining (Refer Annexure A & B). Typically the substrate depth will be 600mm deep with the surrounding embankment at least another 400mm higher. The surface of the substrate should be perfectly level with no slope while the floor of the basin should have at least 1% slope to facilitate flow towards the outlet. The substrate for this type of reed bed comprises of gravelly sand typically 5mm to 8mm in diameter to facilitate subsurface flow. The inlet of the horizontal flow reed bed comprises a wire cage gabion filled with large stones for the full width of the basin. A distribution manifold is positioned on top of the stone gabion and designed so that equal distribution of the water takes place over the full width of the basin. The water flows easily to below the surface of the substrate and the level of the water in the substrate is controlled by a weir or riser pipe at the downstream end of the basin. Similarly, the downstream collection system comprises a slotted pipe installed in a wire mesh gabion. Typically the water level would be controlled to be no higher than 400mm above the floor level of the basin. The surface of the substrate is then planted with vegetation at a density of 3 to 5 plants per square meter. The vegetation selected for this reed bed is Phragmites australis.The horizontal flow reed beds are operated in series and receive flow continuously. Evaporation pond: Provision is made for storage of 90 days effluent from the treatment facility. The evaporation pond will act as a maturation pond and in addition assist evaporation as it is shallow and large in surface area. This pond has dimensions of 50m x 50m x 1.5m giving a total volume of 3750m3. The pond will be lined with an HDPE membrane. In addition to the above, it is envisaged that water from this pond will be utilized for the future irrigation of gardens in Nossob. 4 Annexure A Typical section through a Horizontal Flow Reed Bed 5 Annexure B Typical photograph of a lined pond: 6 Annexure C Site Plan 7 Annexure D Reed Bed Detail Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX E: ZONING / SENSITIVITY MAPS Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 14 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX F: PROOF OF WATER USE AUTHORISATION APPLICATION: DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS LETTER, REFERENCE: 25000944 Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 15 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX G: LIST OF PARK FORUM MEMBERS INCLUDING THE AFFILIATION OF THE RELEVANT MEMBER Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 16 Park Forum Members - Contact list Organisation Name Position E-mail Boesmanland Kantoor Community Farmers Union (Mier Boere Unie) Barbara Raats Pieter Smith Khomani San Member of Management [email protected] Department of Environment and Nature Conservation Emelda Tshishiku-Diyi Biodiversity Officer Production Emelda Tshishiku-Diyi Grade C [[email protected]] Nature Conservator: Inspection Services (Siyanda District) Office Number Fax Number 082 376 5572 Tel. (054) 331 1138 Fax: 054 331 1155 Cell Number Address 074 839 1623 Cell: 082 376 5572 or 073 554 0979 Fax (054) 331 1155 / 086 577 6277 / 079 898 6586 P. O. Box 62 Askham 8814 P.O. Box 61 Mier 8811 Emelda Tshishiku-Diyi Biodiversity Officer Production Grade C Department of Environment and Nature Conservation PO Box 231 Upington 8800 Tel. (054) 3322885 Fax: 0865776277 Email: [email protected] Department of Environment and Nature Conservation: Gerrit Matthys Nature Conservator: [email protected] : (054) 3322885 / 0543384800 Department of Labour DWPN Botswana Ruben Festus B. Mokara (waarnemende Parkhoof) Mnr. Jomo Bontshetse (nuwe Parkhoof) Coenraad van Rooi Park Manager (Botswana) Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park [email protected] (Tshabong Office) 00267 654 0280Fax 00267 6540 221 082 908 2425 OO267 6530075 Immigration - Twee Rivieren Willem Mouton Twee Rivieren Botswana Immigration Officer Home [email protected] Affairs- Twee Rivieren Immigration Officer Home Affairs- Twee Rivieren Main Member [email protected] Station Commander at SAPD Witdraai Station Commander at SAPD Witdraai Mayor of Mier / burgermeester [email protected] 054 651 0914 054 561 0916 054 511 0001 072 313 5081 054 511 0001 082 351 1834 Cell: 082 447 1613 Posbus 45 Askham 8814 Private Bag X5926 Upington 8800 054 511 0001 054 511 0001 073 906 2222 Private Bag X5926 Upington 8800 072 441 6860 054 531 0928 073 458 1702 P.O. Box 178 Mier 8811 071 158 8513 054 561 0093 Kalahari Rooiduin Forum Sekondant SAPD (South African Police Service) Witdraai Retha Stadler SAPD (South African Police Service) Witdraai Secondant Adjudant de Koker Siyanda District Municipality Mev Magrieta Emma Eiman Mier Municipaliteit South African Police Service Twee Rivieren Patrick Farao Kaptein S.J. Jacobs Mier Raadslid Station Commander at Twee Rivieren Border Post South African Police Service Twee Rivieren Secondant SANParks SANParks S.J. Jacobs Twee Rivieren Port of Entry People & Conservation [email protected] Park Manager (SA) Kgalagadi steven.smit Transfrontier Park Steven Smit PO Box 231 Upington 8800 Cnr River & Mark Str Umbra Building Tel: 054 332 2885/054 338 4800 Fax 0543311155 Twee Rivieren Port of Entry 054 531 0019 / 054 561 0093 054 561 2000 054 561 2000 P/Sak X5885 Upington 054 561 0912 Private Bag X5890 Uppington 8800 054 561 0094 Private Bag X5890 Uppington 8800 Private Bag X5890 Upington 8800 Private Bag X5890 Upington 8800 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX H: MINUTES OF THE JOINT MANAGEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD ON 16 FEBRUARY 2012 AT MOLOPO LODGE Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 17 Notule vir gesamentlike bestuursraad vergadering gehou op 16 Februarie 2012 te Molopo Lodge om 10:00 Minutes of the joint management board meeting held on 16february 2012 at Molopo lodge at 10:00 1. OPENING EN VERWELKOMING/ OPENING AND WELCOME Mnr. Wandrag verwelkom almal in die vergadering en noem dat die Voorsitter van die GBR vir Mev. Coetzee skriftelik afgevaardig het om in die vergadering as voorsitter waar te neem. Mr. Wandrag welcomed everyone and mentioned that the Chairman of the JMB delegated in writing Me. Coetzee to chair the meeting on his behalf. Opening met gebed / Opening with Prayer Me. Sensie Mondzinger 2. TEENWOORDIG/ ATTENDANCE Teenwoordig /Present Naam/Name Instansie/ Organization Luce Steenkamp Wilhelmina Mondzinger Jan Pietersen Dion Noubitsen Jan v/d Westhuizen Phillipa Holden van Zyl Georg Wandrag Lizandé Kellerman David Grossman Dupel Erasmus Abraham de Klerk Sophia Coetzee Khomani San Khomani San Kontak nommer/ Contact number 0766139095 0740353268 Khomani San Khomani San Khomani San K S Tegniese adviseur Implementering beampte WNNR KS Tegniese adviseur SANParks !Xaus Lodge Mier Munisipaliteit 0847131816 0738468136 0783888066 0837745374 0827793410 0825099880 0832666244 0824609246 054 561 0900 0838716808 15 6.4. Toerisme ontwikkeling binne in die park/ Tourism development inside the Park: Mnr. Erasmus noem, tot kennis name van die GBR, dat daar nou nuwe ontwikkeling binne die park en spesifiek in Nossob Kamp is. Die ontwikkeling is meestal in die kamp en die vliegveld word ook verskuif. Mnr. Erasmus noem dis binne die sonering en bestuursplan van die park. Mev. Holden van Zyl wil weet hoekom die vliegveld dan verskuif moet word. Mnr. Erasmus noem dis vir praktiese sowel as vir veiligheidsredes. Die ou vliegveld is ook nie heeltemal reg vir die heersende windrigting nie. Mev. Holden van Zyl noem dat dit nie aanvaarbaar is dat die Khomani San wat simboliese grondeienaars in daardie deel van die park, en park forum lede is, nie skriftelik in kennis gestel was van die proses nie. Mnr. Erasmus sê dis was ’n oorsig deur die konsultante wat die proses dryf. Mr. Erasmus told the JMB for information purposes that new developments are taking place in the park and especially in Nossob Camp. The new development is mainly in the camp itself and the landing strip will also be moved. The development is in line with the zoning and management plan of the park. Mrs. Holden van Zyl want to know why the landing strip need to be moved. Mr. Erasmus says it for practical and safety purposes. The current strip is also not properly aligned with the main wind directions. Mrs. Holden van Zyl said that it is not acceptable that the Khomani San who are symbolic landowners in that part of the park and park forum members has not been informed in writing about the process. Mr. Erasmus SAID it was an oversight by the consultants driving the process. Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX I: PROOF OF CONSULTATION WITH THE KHOMANI SAN AND TRADITIONAL COMMITTEE Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 18 Pieter De Lange From: Sent: To: Subject: Pieter De Lange <[email protected]> 06 March 2014 11:16 AM 'Pieter De Lange'; [email protected] FW: outstanding matters Pieter De Lange BL (UP) Pr LArch SA Delron Consulting CC Phone: Fax: Mobile: E-mail: +27 12 991 5399 +27 86 588 4242 +27 82 571 5396 [email protected] From: Phillipa Holden [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 03 April 2013 10:53 AM To: 'Pieter De Lange'; 'Steven Smith' Cc: 'Henriette Ferreira'; [email protected]; 'David Grossman' Subject: RE: outstanding matters Thanks Pieter, we understand that you followed due process. We will follow up on the matter from our side and revert as/if required. Best, Phillipa From: Pieter De Lange [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 02 April 2013 04:02 PM To: 'Phillipa Holden'; 'Steven Smith' Cc: 'Henriette Ferreira'; [email protected]; 'David Grossman'; 'Peter Mokomele' Subject: RE: outstanding matters Dear Phillipa, We can provide you with “ Read Receipts” - this receipts verifies that a message has been displayed on the recipient’s computer. The Department requested that SANParks must submit additional information before a decision can be made. DEA has requested the following - “Proof of consultation with the Khomani San and Traditional Committee. Proof and the outcome of this consultation process must be submitted to the Department.” SANParks to provide us with proof of consultation with the Khomani San and Traditional Committee to be included in the amended report. 1 Kind Regards, Pieter De Lange BL (UP) Pr LArch SA Delron Consulting CC Phone: Fax: Mobile: E-mail: +27 12 991 5399 +27 86 588 4242 +27 82 571 5396 [email protected] From: Phillipa Holden [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 02 April 2013 03:34 PM To: 'Pieter De Lange'; 'Steven Smith' Cc: 'Henriette Ferreira'; [email protected]; 'David Grossman'; 'Peter Mokomele' Subject: RE: outstanding matters Thanks for this Pieter. Unfortunately it seems these documents were not received – or that is my understanding of the situation. Please respond to my last query though. Further, we will assess the documentation and revert with comments as/if needed. Best, Phillipa From: Pieter De Lange [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 02 April 2013 12:51 PM To: 'Phillipa Holden'; 'Steven Smith' Cc: 'Henriette Ferreira'; [email protected]; 'David Grossman'; 'Peter Mokomele' Subject: RE: outstanding matters Dear Me. Phillipa Holden, Correct, please note the following: • • • The Khomani San Park and Traditional Committee was notified of the EIA application and process on 19 March 2012, A Draft BAR was distributed to the Khomani San Park and Traditional Committee on 13 July 2012 for comment opportunity (Luce Steenkamp, on behalf of the Park Committee at Barbara Raats [[email protected]]; A Final BAR was distributed to the Khomani San Park and Traditional Committee on 25 October 2012 for comment opportunity (Luce Steenkamp, on behalf of the Park Committee at Barbara Raats [[email protected]]; For any enquiries related to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards, Pieter De Lange BL (UP) Pr LArch SA 2 Delron Consulting CC Phone: Fax: Mobile: E-mail: +27 12 991 5399 +27 86 588 4242 +27 82 571 5396 [email protected] From: Phillipa Holden [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 28 March 2013 03:18 PM To: 'Pieter De Lange'; 'Steven Smith' Cc: 'Henriette Ferreira'; [email protected]; 'David Grossman'; 'Peter Mokomele' Subject: RE: outstanding matters Dear Pieter Thanks very much for sending all the documentation. We will revert with comments once we have had a chance to look at it all. I would like to clarify though, is it not your responsibility as the EAP to ensure that all I&APs receive and are given a chance to comment on the documentation prior to its submission to DEA ? Other than the letter mentioned below and to which Luce responded, recording the fact that the Khomani San are key stakeholders and symbolic landowners in the KTP, no further correspondence on or documentation relating to the matter were received . So far I understand, it is the EAPs responsibility to ensure that the I&APs are appropriately engaged in the process, invited to a site visit if needed, invited to voice their concerns if any, comment on the draft BAR/EMPr prior to their submission to DEA, etc ? Please also clarify what has been agreed with SANParks in respect of your statement “On receipt of the abovementioned additional information from SANParks, Delron Consulting will prepare an amended BAR to be submitted to DEA for further processing of the application.” ? Best, Phillipa From: Pieter De Lange [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 28 March 2013 11:34 AM To: 'Phillipa Holden'; 'Steven Smith' Cc: 'Henriette Ferreira'; [email protected]; 'David Grossman'; 'Peter Mokomele' Subject: RE: outstanding matters Good day Me. Phillipa Holden, REF: 12/12/20/2446/1: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FINAL BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 10 NEW ACCOMMODATION UNITS, 10 NEW LUXURY CAMPING SITES, A NEW ACCESS ROAD, UPGRADING OF SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE AND A LANDING STRIP AT NOSSOB CAMP, A LUXURY CAMP SITE AT 3 GHARAGAB AS WELL AS A LUXURY CAMP SITE AT GRAIG LOCKHARDT (MATA MATA) IN THE KGALAGADI TRANSFRONTIER PARK, NORTHERN-CAPE PROVINCE DEA Ref: NEAS Ref: 12/12/20/2446/1 DEAT/EIA/0000532/2011 Apologies for delay in replying. Was on leave last 2 weeks. Kindly find enclosed herewith the Final Basic Assessment Report (BAR) as requested. Please note that the Khomani San Park & Traditional Committee (letter dated 19 March 2012 - Luce Steenkamp, on behalf of the Park Committee) was registered as an I&AP. In the BAR it was also recommended that SANParks Management must engage with the Khomani San Park & Traditional Committee to ensure that proposed development sites will not impact on any heritage sites. The BAR was submitted to the National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) for review during October 2012. This review brought to light issues that need attention and clarification by SANParks before an informed decision regarding the application can be made. The Department therefore, in terms of sub-regulation 24(1)(b) of the EIA Regulations, 2010 (GN R.543) rejected the BAR on 8 March 2012. The Department requested that SANParks must submit additional information before a decision can be made. DEA has requested the following: “Proof of consultation with the Khomani San and Traditional Committee. Proof and the outcome of this consultation process must be submitted to the Department.” On receipt of the above-mentioned additional information from SANParks, Delron Consulting will prepare an amended BAR to be submitted to DEA for further processing of the application. Please note that in terms of the EIA Regulations registered interested and affected parties are entitled to comment, in writing, on all written submissions, including basic assessment reports amended and resubmitted in terms of regulation 24(4). At this stage we cannot predict when the amended BAR will be completed, but be assure, that the amended BAR will be distributed to I&APs for comment opportunity before re-submission to DEA. I trust you find the above in order. Kind Regards. Pieter De Lange BL (UP) Pr LArch SA Delron Consulting CC Phone: Fax: Mobile: E-mail: +27 12 991 5399 +27 86 588 4242 +27 82 571 5396 [email protected] 4 From: Phillipa Holden [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 March 2013 11:49 AM To: 'Steven Smith'; [email protected] Cc: 'Henriette Ferreira'; [email protected]; 'David Grossman'; 'Peter Mokomele' Subject: RE: outstanding matters Hi Steven I have not heard back from Pieter as of yet. Please also confirm when we might expect to receive the other information requested. Thanks, Phillipa From: Steven Smith [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 18 March 2013 12:33 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Henriette Ferreira; [email protected]; David Grossman; Peter Mokomele; Phillipa Holden Subject: RE: outstanding matters Pieter hi, Please find attached request from Phillipa. Regards Steven S Smith Park Manager: Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park SA South African National Parks (SANParks) Tel:+27 (0) 54 561 2003 Mobile:+ 27 (0) 82 905 4658 Fax: 054 5612005 E-mail:[email protected] Private Bag X 5890, Upington, 8800 Web address: www.sanparks.org From: Phillipa Holden [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 12:00 PM To: Steven Smith 5 Cc: Henriette Ferreira; [email protected]; 'David Grossman'; 'Peter Mokomele' Subject: outstanding matters Hi Steven I hope all is well with you ? There are one or two issues outstanding or that we would like to request further information on. Further to the last year’s JMB meeting where it became clear that due process was not followed with respect to the EIA for Nossob, as previously requested, please send all relevant documentation to the Bushman Council office with a copy to myself, including the BAR report, appendices, EMPr and the environmental authorisation. As previously noted, the Khomani San are not only a neighbour (heritage park/farms) but also symbolic land owners of much of the rest of the park and as such, consultation with the San throughout the process should have been deemed essential. To make matters worse there have unfortunately been incidents previously where development has taken place on heritage sites and where the Khomani San have been ignored or not duly consulted in the planning and EIA processes. I would also like to request a full recon from your accounts department of funds that have been paid to the respective parties since !Xaus Lodge became operational and a written explanation of what the current problem is with respect to making such payments – or has this been sorted out? Please could we also be provided with a full statement (2002 to date) of what funds have been paid with respect to Section 44 of the Settlement Agreement, and what funds are available for the secretariat function that the Bushman Council office is currently providing. We look forward to receiving head office’s response to the Business Plan for the Heritage Park that was tabled at the beginning of last year. Please send this immediately it is available. Thank you for your time and assistance Best, Phillipa *************************************** Phillipa Holden Van Zyl PO Box 651324 Benmore 2010 RSA Tel: 0114601166 Cell: 0837745374 Fax: 0862456484 *************************************** -This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by Pinpoint Securemail, and is believed to be clean. South African National Parks 643 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, South Africa Disclaimer: 1) Confidentiality: This email, sent from [email protected] to [email protected] on Mon Mar 18 12:47:46 2013 , is confidential and may contain privileged or copyright information. You may not present this message to another party without consent from the sender If you are not [email protected] please notify [email protected] and delete this email, and you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. 2) Liability: This email is not a binding agreement and does not conclude an agreement without the express confirmation by the sender's superior or a director of the Company. 3) Viruses: The Company does not certify that this email is free of viruses or defects. 4) Requested: The Company does not consent to 6 its employees sending un-asked for emails which contravene the law. In the event that you feel this email is such, please notify the Company in order for the appropriate corrective action to be taken. 5) Advice: Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Any actions taken on the basis of this email are at the reader's own risk. 6) Other: The sender of this email is expressly required not make any defamatory statements. Any such communication is contrary to company policy and outside the scope of the employment of the individual concerned. The company will not accept any liability in respect of such communication, and the employee responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising. -This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by Pinpoint Securemail, and is believed to be clean. -This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by Pinpoint Securemail, and is believed to be clean. 7 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park DEA Reference No: 12/12/20/2446/1 APPENDIX J: EXPLORATION DRILLING FOR GROUNDWATER SUPPLY TO THE KGALAGADI TRANSFRONTIER PARK, HEYNS VERSTER, 2012. Delron Consulting_Mar 2014/0465/KTP Page 19 DEPARTEMENT VAN WATERWESE EN BOSBOU DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS AND FORESTRY LEFAPHA LA MERERO YA METSI LE JALO YA DIKGWA NORTHERN CAPE REGION Direktoraat Geohidrologie P/Sak X5912, Upington, 8800 TEGNIESE VERSLAG GH EKSPLORASIE BOORWERK VIR GRONDWATER VOORSIENING AAN DIE KGALAGADI OORGRENS PARK. HEYNS VERSTER 2012 SAMEVATTING Water voorsiening aan die Nossob kamp in die Kgalagadi Oorgrens Park word bemoeilik deur die skaarste, of afwesigheid, van bruikbare grondwater. Gekoppel hieraan ook die beskadiging van beskikbare bronne deur versouting a.g.v. oorbenutting. Samevallend met ‘n uitgebreide eksplorasie boor program in die Park vanaf Junie 1997 tot Augustus 1999, is geofisiese werk onderneem en addisionele boorgate geboor in ‘n poging om die probleem te verlig met die ontwikkeling van ‘n tweede bron. Een boorgat is by die bestaande bron by Kwang toegerus en drie boorgate op ‘n nuwe terrein. Tesame is die twee bronne in staat om met oordeelkundige benutting volhoubaar aan die kamp se behoeftes te voorsien. Een boorgat is by Mata Mata geboor maar was onsusesvol. Een boorgat is by Twee Rivieren geboor en kan 36m3 per dag lewer. Water voorsiening vir Nossob het egter vanaf 1997 slegs vanuit die boorgat by die oorspronklike bron, Kwang, plaasgevind en het as gevolg van die volgehoue onttrekking weereens versout. Vanaf Augustus 2002 tot Februarie 2003 is ‘n tweede boor program geloods. Tydens die program is drie boorgate in die onmiddelike omgewing van Nossob geboor en vyf by Kwang. Twee van die boorgate by Kwang is as produksie boorgate toegerus en pomptoetse uitgevoer.Deur twee boorgate by Kwang en drie boorgate by die nuwe terrein te benut kan ‘n volume van 64.6m3 per dag gelwer word terwyl die kamp se behoeftes ‘n maksimum van 22m3 bereik in spits tye. Volume gesproke is daar dus genoeg water beskikbaar om in meer as die behoefte te voorsien indien al die boorgate benut word. Die gehalte van grondwater by die Kwang bron het egter al so verswak dat dit nie meer geskik is vir menslike gebruik nie. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat beide bronne benut word en die water vermeng word. Deeglike bron bestuur word ook vereis. ‘n Suksesvolle boorgat is ook by Grootkolk geboor. Die boorgate is gedurende Oktober 2012 weer deur die Departement Waterwese getoets en dieselfde aanbevole lewerings is vir dieselfde boorgate verkry. 1 INHOUD BLADSY 1 AGTERGROND 1 2 LIGGING 2 3 TOPOGRAFIE EN PLANTEGROEI 2 4 KLIMAAT 2 5 GEOLOGIE 2 5.1 KAROO SUPERGROEP 5.2 KALAHARI GROEP 5.2.1 WESSELS FORMASIE 5.2.2 BUDIN FORMASIE 5.2.3 EDEN FORMASIE 5.2.4 GORDONIA FORMASIE 6 GEOHIDROLOGIE VAN DIE AREA 3 7 BESTAANDE WATERVOORSIENING 4 8 BENADERING 4 9 GEOFISIESE WERK 4 9.1 VELDWERK 9.2 RESULTATE 9.2.1 MAGNETIES 9.2.2 GRAVITASIE 10 BOORWERK EN POMPTOETSE 5 10.1 EERSTE PROGRAM 5 10.1.1 BOORWERK NOSSOB WATER VOORSIENING TWEE RIVIEREN WATER VOORSIENING MATA MATA WATER VOORSIENING 10.1.2 BOORGAT ONTWIKKELING EN POMPTOETS RESULTATE 10.1.3 AANBEVELINGS GEMAAK 10.1.4 WATERGEHALTE 10.2 TWEEDE PROGRAM 10 10.2.1 INLEIDING 10.2.2 BOORWERK 10.2.3 BOORGAT ONTWIKKELING EN POMPTOETS RESULTATE 10.2.4 AANBEVELINGS GEMAAK 11 FINALE AANBEVELINGS 14 12 OPSOMMING 15 13 VERWYSINGS 16 2 1. AGTERGROND ’n Studie van die geohidrologie in die, destydse Kalahari Gemsbok Nasionale Park, is vanaf Desember 1982 tot Julie 1983 deur E van Wyk onderneem (GH 3499) Ten einde ’n beter begrip van sommige geohidrologiese aspekte te verkry, is ‘n uitgebreide eksplorasie boor program vanaf Junie 1997 tot Februarie 1999 in die park onderneem. Volgens ’n ooreenkoms aangegaan met die Nasionale Parke Raad, is boorwerk en pomptoetse ook onderneem in ’n poging om ’n alternatiewe grondwaterbron te ontwikkel vir water voorsiening aan Nossob kamp asook ‘n addisionele boorgat vir bykomende water voorsiening aan Twee Rivieren en Mata Mata onderskeidelik. Probleme is op daardie tydstip ondervind met watervoorsiening aan Nossob kamp aangesien die bron besig was om te versout as gevolg van oorbenutting. ’n Probleem wat reeds met verskeie boorgate op die terrein ondervind was. Die boor- en pomptoets werk is samevallend met die ekplorasie program gedoen. Een boorgat is op die terrein van die bestaande bron by Kwang geboor en toegerus. Op ’n nuwe terrein ± 3,5 km suid van Kwang, is vyf boorgate geboor waarvan drie as produksie boorgate toegerus is. Die terrein word vir die doel van die verslag “Kortpad” genoem na aanleiding van ’n paadjie wat hier afdraai en oor die duine deur Botswana gaan om weer by Kwang windpomp by die pad aan te sluit. Een boorgat is by Haagner, ±1,5 km suid-oos van Nossob geboor. Die boorgat wat oorspronklik water aan Nossob gelewer het, was na bewering op die terrein geboor. Die Kortpad boorgatveld suid van Kwang is om verskeie redes nooit in gebruik geneem nie en die nuwe boorgat by Kwang is sedert einde 1997 as enigste bron benut. Soos verwag kon word het die boorgat ook teen 2002 tekens van versouting begin toon as gevolg van oorbenutting. Die Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou is weer genader om bystand met boorwerk te verleen. ’n Tweede boor program is onderneem vanaf Augustus 2002 tot Februarie 2003. Drie boorgate is in die onmiddelike omgewing van Nossob kamp, en ‘n verdere vyf boorgate by Kwang geboor. Twee boorgate is by Kwang toegerus as produksie boorgate. Op versoek van die Parke Raad is ‘n boorgat vir watervoorsiening ook by Grootkolk geboor. Die verslag handel net oor die boorwerk vir watervoorsiening, met die klem op Nossob, en sluit nie die res van die eksplorasie program, wat deur E van Wyk hanteer is, in nie. 2. LIGGING Nossob kamp is geleë op die westelike oewer van die Nossob rivier, wat die grens tussen Suid Afrika en Botswana vorm, en ongeveer 160 km noord van die Park ingang by Twee Rivieren (Figuur 1) 3. TOPOGRAFIE EN PLANTEGROEI Die Nossob rivier is ’n 300 – 700m wye kronkelende vallei ,± 5m laer as die kalkreet terras of sand banke wat dit begrens. Die rivier kan beskou word as ’n fossiel dreinering aangesien daar slegs gedeeltelike vloei vir ongeveer vyf keer in die afgelope honderd jaar rapporteer is. Vloei is van noord na suid met ’n gradiënt van slegs ± 1: 500. Die kamp is op ’n hoogte van 964 m bo seevlak geleë. ’n Uitgestrekte vlakte bedek met 15-20m hoë sand duine beslaan die area oos en wes van die rivier. Bome en struike is meestal langs die rivier loop gekonsentreer met akasia spesies in die meerderheid. Die duine is bedek met ’n verskeidenheid spesies van woestyn grasse. 4. KLIMAAT Nossob area ontvang gemiddeld 200-250 mm reën per jaar met die meeste neerslae vanaf Januarie tot April. Uiterste temperatuur verskille kenmerk die gebied. Die gemiddelde somer temperature wissel tussen 18 en 33ºC en winter temperature tussen 1 en 19ºC. Verdamping kan 3 m per jaar oorskry. 3 5. GEOLOGIE 5.1 Karoo Super Groep Skalie van die Prins Albert Formasie onderlê die sedimente van die Kalahari Groep in die Nossob area. Doleriet plate is ook in meeste van die dieper boorgate in die area getref. As gevolg van die swak gehalte grondwater geassosieer met Karoo sedimente in die omgewing, is boor dieptes, behalwe vir die gate by die kamp, beperk tot die Kalahari Groep. 5.2 Die Kalahari Groep Die dikte van Kalahari lae wissel en die hele opeenvolging is nie oral teenwoordig nie. 5.2.1 Wessels Formasie Gruise van die Wessels Formasie, wat die basale laag van die Kalahari Groep uitmaak en bodem-vul van die dieper palaeo riviere verteenwoordig, is nie in enige van die boorgate aangetref nie. 5.2.2 Budin Formasie Die opeenvolgende Budin Formasie bestaande uit klei en merrel is ook nie in enige van die boorgate aangetref nie. 5.2.3 Eden Formasie Die formasie is saamgestel uit groen, swak gekonsolideerde sandsteen, kleierige grint en rooi tot bruin kleierige sandsteen met ’n prominente kalkreet bedekking. Die Formasie is in al die boorgate aangetref. 5.2.4 Gordonia Formasie Sand duine, wat die hele Kalahari bedek, verteenwoordig die Gordonia Formasie. Boorwerk vir die projekte is tot die rivier bedding en Kwang pan beperk waar die Formasie afwesig is. 6. GEOHIDROLOGIE VAN DIE AREA Grondwater kan in beide die Karoo en Kalahari gesteentes aangetref word. Die voorkoms van grondwater in Kalahari gesteentes is afhanklik van die afsettings dikte van die gesteentes en watervlak diepte. Die watervlakke van boorgate by Kwang is gemiddeld 58.6m onder grondvlak terwyl dit by Nossob gemiddeld 51m is. Dit verteenwoordig 916 en 911m bo seevlak onderskeidelik. Die geringe daling suidwaarts, asook die teenwoordigheid van ’n vlak doleriet plaat, vlakker as 40m, by Cubitje Quap ± 13 km noord van Nossob, maak dit onwaarskynlik dat enige noemenswaardige grondwater vloei suidwaarts plaasvind in die area. Volgens van wyk (GH 3499) is die die grondwater vloei in die gebied weswaarts na die duine gebied. Die gehalte van grondwater geassosieër met Karoo gesteentes is swak en word gekenmerk deur die teenwoordigheid van hoë konsentrasies opgeloste soute. Beter gehalte grondwater kan in die Kalahari sedimente verwag word. Waterversadigingsdikte, indien teenwoordig in Kalahari gesteentes in die omgewing, is egter oor die algemeen te gering om grondwater ekonomies uit die akwifeer te kan onttrek. By Kwang is die waterversadigingsdikte in die Kalahari lae ± 14m en by Nossob slegs 5-6m. Vermenging met grondwater van die onderliggende Karoo gesteentes lei tot die verswakking van gehalte. ‘n Verhoging in die elektriese konduktiwiteit kan in die grondwater waargeneem word sodra die kontak met onderliggende Karoo gesteentes genader word en kan ‘n duidelike gelaagde karakter t.o.v. konsentrasie van opgeloste soute in die grondwater waargeneem word. Die gelaagdheid is nie 4 oral teenwoordig nie en is die oorgang van vars na na sout water op sommige plekke, soos bv. by Nossob kamp, skielik en dramaties. Aanvulling van die enkele “lense” vars grondwater in Kalahari gesteentes wat in die Nossob rivier voorkom is waarskynlik gering en meestal beperk tot die uiters seldsame voorkoms van vloei, of gedeeltelike vloei in die rivier. Na die uitsonderlike reëns gedurende die 2000-2001 seisoen is daar egter, alhoewel die rivier by Kwang nie gevloei het nie, ‘n verlaging van 40 mS/m in die elektriese konduktiwiteit in die grondwater vanuit die Kwang boorgat waargeneem. Die verlaging kan moontlik dui op die aanvulling van vars reënwater en was binne een maand na die reëns waarneembaar. Sodanige effek deur, wat waarskynlik beperkte aanvulling kan wees, plaas egter ‘n vraagteken op die omvang van die bron. Boorgat lewerings in Karoo- sowel as Kalahari gesteentes is deurgaans laag en gewoonlik < 0,4 l/s. 7. BESTAANDE WATERVOORSIENING Water vir Nossob kamp is verkry vanaf ‘n boorgat by Kwang en gepomp oor ‘n afstand van ± 26 km. (Figuur 2) Die boorgat kon nie deurgaans, veral tydens piek aanvraag tye, aan die vraag voorsien nie, wat aanry van addisionele water met ‘n tenkwa soms genoodsaak het. Water is aangery oor ‘n afstand van ± 150km. Verskeie boorgate, wat almal met tyd versout of toegeval het, is in die verlede by Kwang geboor en benut. Konstante benutting van net een boorgat op ‘n slag het gelei tot oorbenutting wat die indringing van onderliggende soutwater tot gevolg gehad het. 8. BENADERING Aangesien verskeie boorgate op dieselfde terrein by Kwang reeds deur oorbenutting versout het, kon die moontlikheid dat die akwifeer reeds permanente skade opgedoen het nie uitgesluit word nie. Om die rede, en om die druk van konstante benutting te verlig, is besluit om ‘n poging aan te wend om ‘n addisionele bron op te spoor. Die swak gehalte grondwater geassosieer met Karoo gesteentes in die gebied, noodsaak die opsporing van grondwater in Kalahari gesteentes. Die beste voorkomste van grondwater in Kalahari sedimente in die gebied word assosieer met palaeo dreinerings in die voor-Kalahari vloer, wat dik afsetting van Kalahari sedimente tot gevolg gehad het. Die gravitasie metode word beskou as die beste geofisiese metode om areas met dik Kalahari bedekking op te spoor en daar is op die metode besluit. Aangesien dit bekend is dat doleriet plate in die omgewing voorkom, is besluit om die magnetiese metode ook aan te wend. As onmiddelike, en moontlike kort termyn oplossing, is ‘n verdere boorgat by Kwang geboor terwyl geofisiese werk gedoen is om ‘n moontlike tweede terrein te identifiseer. 9. GEOFISIESE WERK 9.1 Veldwerk Geofisiese stasies op 20m interval is in die rivier bedding uitgelê vanaf ± 1 km oos van Haagner tot ± 1 km. noord van Kwang. ‘n Afstand van sowat 32 km. (Figuur 2) Stasies is uitgelê tussen die bakens wat die Internasionale grens tussen die R.S.A en Botswana uitmaak vanaf baken 159 tot by baken 201. Die stasies is nivilleer met ‘n Sokkia outomatiese nivilleerder en hoogte bo seevlak is ingebind vanaf ‘n foto hoogtepunt by ‘n trigonometriese baken van die Hoof Direktoraat Opmeting en Kartering. Lesings is op ‘n 20m interval met ‘n Geotron totale veld proton magnetometer geneem vir die lengte van die travers. Geohidrologie personeel van Pretoria Hoofkantoor het ‘n gravitasie opname op 100m interval uitgevoer. 9.2 Resultate 5 9.2.1 Magnetiese metode Die magnetiese lesings het, waarskynlik agv. die teenwoordigheid van doleriet plate van wisselende dikte en dieptes, groot wisseling getoon en geen definitiewe afleidings kon gemaak word nie. (Figuur 3) Een pertinente anomalie kan regoor Nossob kamp, vanaf baken 162 tot by baken 164, waargeneem word. Die anomalie stem ooreen met ‘n gravitasie anomalie (laag) en is die enigste duidelike korrelasie tussen die resultate van die twee metodes. Omdat geen definitiewe afleidings van die magnetiese waardes gemaak kon word nie, is geen boorwerk in opvolg van die magnetiese resultate gedoen nie. 9.2.2 Gravitasie metode Die resultate toon drie areas met laer gravitasie waardes, met moontlike dieper voor-Kalahari vloer, aan. (Figuur 3) A) By baken 163 regoor Nossob kamp. B) Tussen baken 183 tot baken 188 met die gunstigste posisie in die omgewing van baken 185. C) Vanaf baken 197 tot baken 200 binne die pan by Kwang. Die bestaande boorgatveld is by baken 200 geleë. Die gravitasie metode is beskou as die geskikste metode om gunstige boor terreine aan te wys en is besluit om opvolg boorwerk na aanleiding van die resultate uit te voer. Tydens die eerste boor program het beskikbare inligting daarop gedui dat verskeie boorgate in die verlede in die onmiddelike omgewing van Nossob kamp slegs sout water opgeler het. Om die rede is besluit om die anomalie by die kamp vir eers te ignoreer en te konsentreer op die anomalie by baken 185 waar geen boorwerk voorheen gedoen is nie. Daarna sou moontlike addisionele boorgate by Kwang oorweeg word. 10. BOORWERK EN POMPTOETSE 10.1 Eerste program 10.1.1 Boorwerk Nossob water voorsiening Boorgate vir moontlike voorsiening aan Nossob kamp is by drie verskillende terreine geboor. (Figuur 2) Kwang Hangende die resultate van die geofisiese werk, is die eerste boorgat, G45174, op die bestaande terrein by Kwang ongeveer 70m suid-oos van die bestaande boorgat geboor. Die boorgat is afwisselend met konvensionele lugdruk- en dubbelbuis metode geboor tot op ‘n diepte van 72.5m met resultate as volg: G45174 Diepte m 3 15 72.5 Geologie Vaal kleierige slik (panvloer bedekking) Wit grofkorrelrige sand met rolsteen lae (rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) 6 Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.03 l/s 129 Die boorgat is vervolgens geruim tot ‘n deursnee van 250mm en toegerus met 250mm staal voering tot ‘n diepte van 15.3m. Daarna is 160mm PVC voering ingeplaas tot finale diepte. Die PVC voering is voorsien van ‘n 1m slikbak met bodemprop en 0,5mm Soloflo “screen” vanaf 66,9m tot 71,5m. ‘n Gruispak bestaande uit 6 – 12mm gebreekte gruis is om die voering ingeplaas tot ±5m bokant watervlak en die gat verder opgevul met boorsel. Watervlak na afhandeling was 58,67m onder bekhoogte. Die boorgat is met Sulfaamsuur behandel en vir ± 4 ure sporadies met druk lug agiteer. Daarna het ± 16 ure ontwikkeling met druk lug gevolg. Na ontwikkeling was die finale blaaslewering 0,12 l/s. Haagner G45371 is by Haagner naby ‘n ou toegegooide boorgat geboor. Die ou boorgat het skynbaar oorspronklik aan die behoeftes van die kamp voorsien maar die rede hoekom dit in onbruik geraak het is nie duidelik nie. Die boorgat is tot ‘n diepte van 72m geboor met resultate as volg: G45371 Diepte m 2 56 66 67 72 Geologie Kalkreet Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Blaas Lewering EG mS/m <0.01 l/s <0.1 l/s 0.15 l/s 0.03 l/s 510 830 1020 1020 Die boorgat is afgehandel met ‘n deursnee van 165mm en toegerus met 3m x 165mm staal voering. Op die tabel kan gesien word dat die water vanaf die eerste intersepsie reeds te sout was vir menslike gebruik en dat die sout konsentrasie vinnig toeneem in diepte. Die resultate dui moontlik daarop die varswater bron wat oorspronklik benut is uitgeput was, waarop die boorgat in onbruik verval het. Die watervlak na afhandeling was 51.35 onder bekhoogte. Kortpad Vyf boorgate is op die terrein geboor (Figuur4) Om moontlike verandering in gehalte van grondwater met diepte te kan moniteer is die dubbelbuis boor metode so ver moontlik gebruik en ruimwerk agterna met konvensionele lugdruk gedoen. Die hoë klei inhoud van die Kalahari sandstene het dubbelbuis boor werk egter bemoeilik en kon alle gate nie tot finale diepte met die metode geboor word nie. Resultate was as volg: G45376: Diepte m 2 28 61 68 72 G45379 Diepte m 3 9 Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en spoelgruis (rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en spoelgruis (rivier afsetting) 7 Blaas Lewering EG mS/m <0.01 l/s 0.1 l/s 0.1 l/s 116 177 177 Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 68 G45380 Diepte m 2 9 72 G45701 Diepte m 2 18 72.5 75 G45702 Diepte m 3 13 72 Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) <0.01 l/s Geologie Blaas Lewering Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en spoelgruis (rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en spoelgruis (rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Swart-pers skalie (Karoo afsetting) Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en spoelgruis (rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) EG mS/m <0.01 l/s Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.36 l/s 270 0.36 270 Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.25 l/s 290 Die sandsteen in boorgate G45379 en G45380 is gekenmerk deur baie hoë klei inhoud en het die boorgate feitlik geen water gelewer nie. G45379 is as observasie boorgat toegerus met 18m X 250mm staal voering en 68m X 165mm staal voering wat perforeer is vanaf 56m – 68m. Die watervlak na afhandeling was 54.15m onder bekhoogte. In boorgat G45380 is 18 m X 165mm staal voering gelaat wat nie herwin kon word nie. Die watervlak na afhandeling was 56.0m onder bekhoogte. Boorgate G45376, G45701 en G45702 is geruim tot 250mm deursnee en as produksie boorgate toegerus as volg: G45376: 0 – 18m = 250mm staal voering 0 – 63m = 160mm PVC 63 - 71m = 0.25mm Soloflo “screen” 71 – 72m = 160mm PVC slikbak met bodemprop. 55 –72m = gruispak 6 – 12 mm gebreekte klip. Watervlak na afhandeling was 54.52m onder bekhoogte G45701 8 0 – 18m =250mm staal voering 0 – 64.5m = 160mm PVC 64.5 – 70.5m = 0.5mm Soloflo “screen” 70.5 – 71.5m = 160mm PVC slikbak met bodemprop. 71.5 – 75m = Beton vulling met 0.5m bentoniet bolaag 50 – 72m = gruispak 6 – 12 mm gebreekte klip. Watervlak na afhandeling was 54.5m onder bekhoogte G45702 0 – 15m = 250mm staal voering 0 – 65m = 160mm PVC 65 – 69.5 = 0.5mm Soloflo “screen” 69.5 – 71.5m = 160mm PVC slikbak met bodemprop. 50 – 72m = gruispak 6 – 12 mm gebreekte klip. Watervlak na afhandeling was 53.2m onder bekhoogte Twee Rivieren water voorsiening Een boorgat, G45709, is by Twee Rivieren geboor. G45709 Diepte m 1 36 42 44 46 47 Geologie Vaal, kleierige slik (oppv. alluvium) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.3 l/s 0.36 0.66 0.7 0.77 144 149 163 180 200 Uit bostaande tabel kan gesien word hoe die elektriese geleiding verhoog met diepte en is die boorgat gestaak op 47m diepte om te verhoed dat soutwater binne gedring word. Die boorgat is as volg toegerus: 0 –1m = 165mm staal voering 0 –41.5m = 160mm PVC 41.5 – 46m = 0.5mm Soloflo “screen” 46 – 47m = 160mm PVC slikbak met bodem deksel Watervlak na afhandeling was 29.07m onder bekhoogte Mata Mata water voorsiening Een boorgat, G45703 is by Mata Mata geboor. G45703 Diepte m 2 84 Geologie Blaas Lewering EG mS/m Vaal, kleierige slik (oppv. alluvium) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Die boorgat het slegs loperige klei opgelewer en kon daar nie, selfs met ure se ontwikkeling, daarin geslaag word om skoon water te lewer nie. Die boorgat is dus as droog beskou maar het wel na 10 dae ‘n watervlak van 57.8m onder bekhoogte gehad. 10.1.2 Boorgat ontwikkeling en pomptoets resultate G45174 (Kwang) 9 In ‘n poging om die boorgat verder te ontwikkel is dit herhaaldelik is oor ‘n tydperk van drie dae teen ‘n hoë tempo leeg gepomp en toegelaat om te herstel. ‘n Merkbare verbetering in die oorspronklike blaas lewering van 0.12 l/s is waargeneem en kon ‘n onmiddelike lewering van 0.4 l/s verkry word. Nadat geen fyn sedimente meer in die water bespeur kon word nie, is traptoetse en ‘n konstante lewerings toets teen 0.3 l/s vir 10 ure op die boorgat uitgevoer. Aangesien dit dringend nodig was om die boorgat in gebruik te neem is die pomptoets nie met ‘n spesifieke metode ontleed nie. Na aanleiding van die boorgat gedrag tyens die 10 uur toets is ‘n aanbeveling van 0.2 l/s vir 24 uur pomp periode aanbeveel na afhandeling van die toets en is die boorgat onmiddelik toegerus en in gebruik geneem. G45376 (Kortpad) Ontwikkeling is deur die ontwikkelings eenheid van die Boorafdeling onderneem. Die boorgat is met lug “jetting”, water “jetting” en “airlift” metodes ontwikkel totdat geen sedimente meer in die water waarneembaar was nie. Daarna is traptoetse en ‘n 10 uur konstante toets uitgevoer. Die resultate is deur Mnr. F Fourie evalueer met die FC metode. Veilige lewerings van 0.17 l/s en 0.40 l/s vir 24 uur/dag en 10 uur/dag onderskeidelik word aangetoon. (Bylaag 1) G45701 (Kortpad) Ontwikkeling is deur die ontwikkelings eenheid van die Boorafdeling onderneem. Die boorgat is met lug “jetting”, water “jetting” en “airlift” metodes ontwikkel totdat geen sedimente meer in die water waarneembaar was nie. Daarna is traptoetse en ‘n 10 uur konstante toets uitgevoer. Die resultate is deur Mnr. F Fourie evalueer met die FC metode. Veilige lewerings van 0.17 l/s en 0.40 l/s vir 24 uur/dag en 10 uur/dag onderskeidelik word aangetoon. (Bylaag 2) G45702 (Kortpad) Ontwikkeling is deur die ontwikkelings eenheid van die Boorafdeling onderneem. Die boorgat is met lug “jetting”, water “jetting” en “airlift” metodes ontwikkel totdat geen sedimente meer in die water waarneembaar was nie. Daarna is traptoetse en ‘n 10 uur konstante toets uitgevoer. Die resultate is deur Mnr. F Fourie evalueer met die FC metode. Veilige lewerings van 0.08 l/s en 0.20 l/s vir 24 uur/dag en 10 uur/dag onderskeidelik word aangetoon. (Bylaag 3) G45709 (Twee Rivieren) Ontwikkeling is deur die ontwikkelings eenheid van die Boorafdeling onderneem. Die boorgat is met lug “jetting”, water “jetting” en “airlift” metodes ontwikkel totdat geen sedimente meer in die water waarneembaar was nie. Daarna is traptoetse en ‘n 10 uur konstante toets uitgevoer. Die resultate is deur Mnr. F Fourie evalueer met die FC metode. Veilige lewerings van 0.30 l/s en 0.70 l/s vir 24 uur/dag en 10 uur/dag onderskeidelik word aangetoon. (Bylaag 4) 10.1.3 Aanbevelings gemaak Aanbevelings rakende pomp tempo en ure soos gerig aan die Parkhoof is aangeheg. (Bylaag 5) Daar dien op gelet te word dat die aanbevelings baie konserwatief gedoen is om oorbenutting te voorkom. Pomp dieptes by die Kortpad boorgate is aanbeveel op 66m alhoewel dit op 70m installeer kan word. Dit is gedoen om te verseker dat die watervlakke nie tot op boorgat diepte afgetrek word indien aanbevole pomp tempo oorskry word nie. Die boorgate is tot by die sout kontak geboor en aftrekking tot op die kontak kan opkoning van die soutwater tot gevolg hê. Mnr. Fourie het ‘n verdere beperking op die pomp tempo geplaas om dieselfde rede. Dit is duidelik dat ‘n groot mate van versigtigheid aan die dag gelê is met die aanbevelings. Die geskiedenis van oorbenutting by Kwang noodsaak dat omsigtigheid aan die dag gelê moet word. Soos in die aanbeveling gemeld word, kon die pomp tempo heroorweeg word nadat die bron gedrag vir ‘n tyd moniteer is. 10.1.4 Watergehalte Resultate van chemiese ontledings van die grondwater uit die bronne by Twee Rivieren, Kortpad en Kwang is aan Dr. Phillip Kempster van die Instituut vir Water Gehalte Studies gestuur vir kommentaar. Die kommentaar is aangeheg.(Bylaag 6). Die eerste gedeelte van die kommentaar handel oor ‘n ander onderwerp maar word ingesluit vir die interessanrheids waarde. 10 In die kommentaar verwys “a. Twee Rivieren samples” na water uit bestaande boorgate. “b. New additional borehole G45709” na die boorgat geboor tydens die eerste program. “c. Nossob old source” na die boorgat wat vervang moes word met huidige boorwerk “New source” verwys na G45174 wat tydens die program geboor is. “d. G45701 and G45702” verwys na die nuwe boorgate by Kortpad. Uit die kommentaar is dit duidelik dat die gehalte van grondwater uit al die bronne nie in die ideale klas val nie. Dit kan egter ook gesien word dat die grondwater uit die nuwe boorgate in al drie gevalle slegs geringe kanse op newe effekte sal hê, hoofsaaklik met lewenslange gebruik. Die gehalte van die grondwater uit bestaande boorgate by beide Twee Rivieren en Nossob, wat ongetwyfeld oorbenut is en vermenging van die onderliggende sout water ondergaan het, is egter swak. Die feit beklemtoon weereens die belangrikheid om boorgate volgens die aanbevole pomp tempo te benut en om die gedrag van die bronne te moniteer. 10.2 Tweede boor program 10.2.1 Inleiding Na afhandeling van die eerste program boorwerk by Kortpad is verdere boorwerk by Kwang oorweeg maar die Parkhoof het aangedui dat daar nie fondse beskikbaar was vir verdere boorwerk daar nie. In 2002 is aangedui dat Nossob weereens gebuk gaan onder ‘n water krisis en dat die Park oor fondse beskik vir verdere boorwerk. Die Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou is weer genader en is die tweede boor program onderneem. Uit geprekke met amptenare van die Park het die volgende aan die lig gekom: Die boorgate by Kortpad is nooit toegerus en in gebruik geneem nie. Blykbaar agv. ‘n tekort aan fondse en probleme net die omgewings impak studie wat gedoen moes word. Die boorgat by Kwang het sedert 1997 aan die behoefte van die kamp voorsien. Uitbreiding en verbeterings aan die kamp het groter water vereistes teweeg gebring om aan die bouwerk te voorsien. Om aan die vraag te voorsien is die pomp tempo verhoog en het die boorgat binne enkele dae versout. In teenstelling met oorspronklike inligting dat geen vars gronwater in die verlede by Nossob kamp gekry kon word nie, is ‘n boorgat wat as “lekkerwater” op die kaart aangedui word, uitgewys reg voor die kamp se hek. Die boorgat het oënskynlik oorspronklik vars water gelewer maar geen verdere inligting is bekend nie. Die posisie stem ooreen met die magnetiese en gravitasie anomalie by baken 163 (Figuur3) wat tydens die eerste program oor die hoof gesien is. Daar is besluit om die terrein eerste te ondersoek. 10.2.2 Boorwerk Nossob water voorsiening Nossob Die Symetrix metode,waartydens voering gelyktydig ingeplaas word met boor werk, is gebruik om deur die boonste los sedimente te boor tot op watervlak. Drie boorgate is op die terrein geboor. (Figuur 5) G47501 Diepte m 5 10 68 Geologie Blaas Lewering Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe wit sand en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) 11 <0.01 l/s EG mS/m 102 Afwisselende lae pers tot swart skalie en wit sandsteen (Karoo sedimente) Nat boormonsters is verkry vanaf 61m. Op 63m is ‘n klein bietjie modder water verkry maar lewering en EG kon nie bepaal word nie. Die Karoo vloer is op 68m getref en is die boorgat tot ‘n diepte van 102m geboor in ‘n poging om die oorsaak van die anomalieë vas te stel. Die boorgat is toegegooi. Die relatief vlak intersepsie van Karoo gesteentes in al drie boorgate dui aan dat die gravitasie en magnetiese anomalieë te wyte is aan ‘n voor-Karoo struktuur. Moontlik ‘n trog in die voorKaroo vloer. G47502 Diepte m 5 10 65 102 Geologie Blaas Lewering EG mS/m Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe wit sand en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Afwisselende lae pers tot swart skalie en wit sandsteen (Karoo sedimente) Nat boormonsters is verkry vanaf 56m. Op 99m is ‘n klein bietjie modder water verkry maar lewering en EG kon nie bepaal word nie. Die Karoo vloer is op 65m getref en is die boorgat tot ‘n diepte van 102m geboor. Op versoek is die boorgat oop gelaat en is 10m X 250mm staal voering en 36m X 200m staal voering in die gat gelaat. 1 Maand na afhandeling is die watervlak gemeet as 53m onder bekhoogte. G47503 Diepte m 1 15 69 Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe wit sand en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.07 l/s 350 Bietjie water is getref vanaf 58m en is die boorgat op 69m gestaak voor die Karoo kontak bereik is om binnedring van soutwater te verhoed. Op versoek is gepoog om die boorgat te ruim maar die voering kon nie herwin word nie. 14m X 250mm staal voering is in die gat gelaat. Kwang Vyf verdere boorgate is op die terrein geboor op dieselfde metode as by Nossob. (Figuur 6) G47504 Diepte m 3 10 66 72 Geologie Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.16 l/s 0.25 l/s 414 465 Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe sand, klei en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) 12 74 75 G47505 Diepte m 1 23 66 68 72 G47506 Diepte m 1 28 66 68 72 G47507 Diepte m 1 14 68 72 G47508 Diepte m 1 6 66 72 Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Blou-swart skalie (Karoo sedimente) 0.4 l/s 695 Geologie Blaas Lewering EG mS/m Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe sand, klei en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe sand, klei en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe sand, klei en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Geologie Vaal, kleierige, mica-ryke slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe sand, klei en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) 0.1 l/s 0.2 l/s 0.2 l/s 560 560 Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.07 l/s 0.5 l/s 0.4 l/s 480 560 560 Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.2 l/s 770 Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.07 l/s 700 Die voering in boorgat G47504 het op ‘n diepte van 18m afgebreek nadat die voering tot op 54m ingeboor is. Indien die 18m herwin sou word sou die boorgat toeval en is dit liewer in die boorgat gelaat.54m X 190mm Odex voering is dus in die boorgat gelaat aangesien dit as observasie boorgat gebruik kan word. Die watervlak na afhandeling was 58.6m onder bekhoogte. Die EG lesings aangetoon is soos geneem deur die boorman tydens boorwerk. Dit het later geblyk dat die EG meter foutief was. Tydens pomptoetse is lesings met 2 ander verskillende meters geneem en is die EG van water uit boorgate G47505 en G47506 gemeet as 390 mS/m en 370mS/m. Dit stem ooreen met die gehalte van G46174 op daardie tydstip. G47505 en G47506 is as produksie boorgate toegerus as volg: G47505 0 –4m = 300mm Staal voering 0 –64m =160mm PVC 13 64 – 70m = 160mm PVC fabrieks perforeerde voering 70 71m = 160mm PVC slikbak met bodemprop 50 – 71m = gruispak 6 – 12 mm gebreekte klip Watervlak na afhandeling was 58.68m onder bekhoogte G47506 0 –4m = 300mm Staal voering 0 – 64m = 160mm PVC 64 – 70m = 160mm PVC fabrieks perforeerde voering 70 – 71m =160mm PVC slikbak met bodemprop 50 – 71m = gruispak 6 – 12 mm gebreekte klip Watervlak na afhandeling was 58.68m onder bekhoogte G47507 Die boorgat is toegegooi G47508 Die boorgat is toegegooi Grootkolk water voorsiening Een boorgat, G47509, is hier geboor. Die boorgat vervang ‘n wild suiping boorgat wat gebruik word om die nuwe tent kamp by Grootkolk van water te voorsien. G47509 Diepte m 4 12 74 94 96 108 Geologie Vaal, kleierige slik (oppv. alluvium) Growwe sand, klei en spoelgruis (Rivier afsetting) Ongekonsolideerde, kleierige sand en swak gekonsolideerde, kleierige sandsteen (Kalahari sedimente) Doleriet Wit sandsteen (Karoo sedimente) Doleriet Blaas Lewering EG mS/m 0.25 l/s 150 G47509 het gedeeltelik toegeval tot op 102m en is as volg toegerus: 0 –13m = 200mm Staal voering 0 –95m = 140mm PVC 95 – 102m = 140mm PVC slikbak. 10.2.3 Boorgat ontwikkeling en pomptoets resultate Beide G47505 en G47506 is deur die ontwikkelings eenheid van die Boor Afdeling ontwikkel d.m.v. lug “jetting” en “airlift” metodes totdat geen fyn sedimente in die water waargeneem kon word nie. Tydens traptoetse op G47506 het dit duidelik geword dat die boorgat verder ontwikkel en is trap toetse gestaak. Die boorgat is herhaaldelik teen hoë lewering leeg gepomp en weer laat herstel waarna pomptoetse hervat is. Beide boorgate is vir 10 ure konstant gepomp en die resultate deur Mnr. Fourie van die Kimberley Streek kantoor evalueer met die FC metode. G47505 ‘n Veilige lewering van 0.08 l/s vir ‘n 24 uur/dag en 0.12 l/s vir 10 uur/dag pomp periode word aangedui. 7 m3/dag kan uit die boorgat onttrek word. (Bylaag 7) G47506 ‘n Veilige lewering van 0.23 l/s vir ‘n 24 uur/dag en 0.36 l/s vir 10 uur/dag pomp periode word aangedui. 20 m3/dag kan uit die boorgat onttrek word. (Bylaag 8) 10.2.4 Aanbevelings gemaak 14 Weereens was die ingebruikneming van ‘n addisionele boorgat vir Nossob dringend nodig en is die volgende aanbevelings telefonies aan Mnr. Kruger, Tegniese Bestuurder by die Park, gegee onmiddelik na pomptoetse evalueer is. Dat die nuwe boorgat, G47506, ook toegerus word en tesame met die ou boorgat, G45174, benut word en dat die aanbevole lewerings nie oorskry moet word nie. Die twee boorgate kan gesamentlik 37m3 per dag lewer. Die behoefte vir die kamp is aangedui as ‘n maksimum van 22m3 per dag in spits tye vir kort periodes van die jaar met ± 8m3 per dag in stil tye. Wat volume betref kan die twee boorgate aan die behoefte voorsien. Die kamp beskik ook oor groot opgaar vermoë van ± 120m3. As gevolg van die relatiewe hoë soutgehalte van die water sal dit nie geskik wees vir drink doeleindes nie. 11. FINALE AANBEVELINGS Nossob beskik oor twee bronne nl. Kwang en Kortpad. Twee boorgate by Kwang, G45174 en G47506 kan teen 0.2 en 0.23 l/s onderskeidelik vir 24 uur per dag gepomp word. ‘n Totaal van 37m3 per dag. G45376, G45701 en G45702 kan onderskeidelik teen 0.16, 0.11 en 0.05 l/s vir 24 uur per dag gepomp word. ‘n Totaal van 27.6m3 per dag. Uit beide bronne is dus gesamentlik 64.6m3 per dag beskikbaar terwyl die behoefte in piek tye 22m3 is. Die huidige gehalte van grondwater uit die Kwang bron is egter nie geskik vir menslike gebruik nie. Terwyl toeriste van gebottelde water gebruik maak, is dit nie moontlik vir die personeel nie. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat die boorgate by kortpad toegerus en benut word teen lewerings soos aanbeveel. Die kamp beskik oor groot opgaar vermoë en water kan dus opgegaar word vir piek tye. Die Nossob bron kan dan afwisselend aanvullend gebruik word. Vermenging van die water teen ‘n verhouding van 3:2 (Kortpad:Nossob) kan nog water van aanvaarbare gehalte lewer. Dit sal die druk op beide bronne verlig en volhoubare voorsiening oor die lang termyn verseker. Waarneming van water gehalte by G45174 gedurende 2003 het getoon dat indien die pomp vir slegs 2 dae staan, is daar ‘n verbetering van soveel as 40mS/m in die gehalte van die water vir die eerste aantal ure nadat weer begin pomp is. Die moontlikheid bestaan dat, indien die bron minder benut word, tesame met moontlike aanvulling, kan die gehalte weer tot ‘n mate verbeter. Die geskiedenis by Kwang het bewys, en dit kan nie oorbeklemtoon word nie, die bron kan nie alleen volhoubaar aan die behoefte voorsien nie. Om in die lang termyn aan die kamp se behoeftes te voorsien is dit noodsaaklik dat die ander bron ook benut word en dat bron bestuur toegepas moet word. 12. OPSOMMING Tydens twee boor programme is daar altesaam 10 boorgate geboor in ‘n poging om geskikte bronne te vind vir grondwater voorsiening aan Nossob kamp. Tydens die eerste boor program is daar ook 5 eksplorasie boorgate in dieselfde omgewing geboor vir Mnr. E van Wyk. Daar is dus altesaam 15 boorgate vanaf Nossob tot Kwang geboor. 6 Boorgate is toegerus as produksie boorgate en pomptoetse uitgevoer. Alhoewel die gesamentlike lewering van al 6 boorgate vir ‘n 24 uur pomp periode slegs 0.74 l/s is, kan die bronne oor die lang termyn aan die behoefte van die kamp voorsien indien korrek benut. Die resultate van die boorwerk bewys die skaarste aan grondwater in die omgewing en beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid van deeglike bestuur. 15
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