3 July 2014 CONCORD SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Happy Successful Children Learning and Growing in Harmony with their World Dear Families I would like to thank everyone for their support over this term, especially with trips and events at school. We could not provide the children with these great experiences without your help. Cheese Rolls – Thank you again to everyone who helped making the cheese rolls last Sunday. A reminder that Rooms 1 & 5 are having their reward Fish & Chip lunch tomorrow. ‘Dancing Like the Stars’ – Well done to all the Year 5/6 children involved in the ‘Dancing Like the Stars’ performance last Friday night. The performance was a big focus for the term and the children showed a lot of perseverance and selfdiscipline. Big thanks again to Swaroopa Unni, a professional Indian Dance teacher in Dunedin who taught the children the dance. Also to Bridie Brosnan for putting together the wonderful costumes. Last but not least thanks to all the whanau who came along to support the children. Activate Music Academy – Last Friday Matt, Matt and Roy from Activate Music Academy performed for the children. If your child is interested in learning an instrument, or singing, registration forms are available at the school office. Science Week/Cadbury Chocolate Carnival – These are two great weeks in the upcoming holidays to keep the children busy. Many of the activities are free and are a lot of fun. One of my boys’ favourite activities for Cadbury Week is the gnome hunt at Glenfalloch, which is a gold coin donation. Further info can be found on http://www.scifest.org.nz/2014-festival and www.chocolatecarnival.co.nz Miniball – Last Thursday the team lost against the Grants Braes Tall Blacks 13-5. The ‘Player of the Day’ was Dylan. Year 6 KVC Visit – This week we enjoyed a visit from last year’s Year 6 children, now at Kaikorai Valley College, who came to talk to this year’s Year 6 children about the school. It was great to see them all! Next term the Year 6 children will visit Kaikorai Valley College on Thursday 24th July to complete technology, science and cooking activities. Transport will be provided by KVC, with the children being picked up at 12.00pm and returned by 3.00pm. Congratulations – Congratulations to Max Ingram and Brie Dasler who graded in Taekwondo last Saturday. Max attained a Blue Tip WTF Taekwondo and Brie attained a WTF Taekwondo Red Belt. Well done to you both. Congratulations also to Talia Low and Sarah Donaldson for getting Honours in their recent Highland Dancing exams. Fantastic effort! Dates to mark on your calendar: * Friday 4th July – End of Term 2 * Monday 21st July – Term 3 begins * Thursday 24th July – Yr 6 visit to KVC I hope everyone has a nice break and that you are able to take part in some great family activities together over the holidays. Steve Turnbull Principal ABSENCES – please PHONE 488 2204 or TEXT 027 391 9985 by 9.00am with the reason your child is absent (sick etc) 2015 Year 6 Camp Fundraising – The Year 5 children are beginning their fundraising for camp next year by selling chocolates. There are at least two carry-boxes for each student to sell, at $2.50 per bar, so if you see children out selling them over the holidays, please support them. Netball – This week the team played Mornington Red, and won 8-3. The ‘Player of the Day’ was Jazmine. An appreciative audience for Matt, Matt and Roy from Activate Music Academy at last Friday’s assembly OCEANAGOLD DIGGERS CAMP – July School Holidays Ages 7-13 years, no experience necessary. Basketball Otago is proud to offer another school holiday program that will include basketball skills & other fun activities. We hope to continue the growth of basketball in our region and the Diggers camp in July is the next step in this process. So come and see if you like basketball or continue to hone your skills. Date: Mon 14th – Fri 18th July Time: 9am-1pm Cost: $110 per child ($184 for two children from same family). Daily rate $30 per child Email [email protected] for a registration form or print a form from the Basketball Otago Website or call the office on 03-456 4063 Gluten Free Cook Book The school office A Dunedin lady, who is gluten intolerant, has recently compiled a wonderful gluten free cook book (approx 90 pages) of recipes, hints and tips. She has tried many of the recipes, and tried to make sure ingredients are able to be easily sourced locally. It is a lovely spiral bound book, priced at $15.00. If you are interested please call or text Joss Ingram on 021 251 5137 or the author Paula Watt on 027 636 9835. SHARK COLOURING COMPETITION Get into the mood for sharky events happening at this year's NZ International Science Festival - enter the shark colouring competition! Entries must be in by 4th July and will be used to decorate the wharfside warehouse (Fryatt Street, Dunedin) where there will be talks by shark experts, marine displays, and a shark dissection on 13th July! There is also an opportunity to take a look around the University of Otago's Research Vessel, Polaris II. Come and join in the fun on Sunday 13th July! Winners of the shark colouring competition will receive shark goody bags. There are three age categories. Download the file for your age group and start colouring! Entries can be downloaded from our website: www.marine.ac.nz For details of Science Festival Events see: www.scifest.org.nz Entries must be posted by 4th July 2014 to: SHARK COMPETITION, NZMSC, Po Box 8, Portobello, Dunedin 9048 : t a i k o @ o ta g o. ac .nz HEALTH CORNER – Intestinal worms in children Intestinal worms (thread worms) are common among children. The most common sign is the child complaining of an “itchy bottom”, particularly at night or in the early morning. Sometimes the tiny white worms (about 1cm long) are visible in the bowel motions, but usually the parent needs to inspect the child’s anus at night to see the worms – use a torch if necessary. Community Oral Health Service 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) or 0800 ORAL HEALTH (0800 672 543) (free from cell phones). Please call us to update your contact details, change or make an appointment A note from the Southern DHB: All children in NZ aged 0-18 years are eligible for FREE dental care (excluding orthodontic and specialist treatment), as long as one parent is a NZ citizen, has a Permanent Resident Visa, a Resident Visa or a Work Visa for 2 years or more. However children whose parents are Australian citizens must have lived in NZ for 2 years or more, or be able to provide proof they will reside in NZ for 2 years or more, before they are eligible. The worms lay their eggs just outside the anus during the night, which causes the itching. This in turn can lead to disturbed sleep and daytime irritability. The best way to prevent the spread of the worms is to wash and dry hands well after going to the toilet, and before eating. Supervise your child if necessary. If you suspect your child has got intestinal worms, discuss it with your pharmacist. Effective medications are available without prescription. Do not use worming tablets intended for animals. Our public health nurse is: Suzanne Wilson – Ph 476 9878 Enrolment forms and more information available at the school office. Enrolments are still being accepted. Together We Learn and Grow
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