No.10 - JUNE 2014 HUMAN RESOURCES Performing To Expectations BAB EZZOUAR New Territory, New Challenges Projacs International Newsletter PROJACS PALESTINE Transferring Knowledge THE LARGETS MIDDLE EAST BASED PROJECT & CONSURTION FIRM IRUðYHFRQVHFXWLYH\HDUV BAHRAIN | KUWAIT | SAUDI ARABIA | BAHRAIN | UAE | QATAR | IRAQ | JORDAN | LEBANON | EGYPT | PALESTINE SYRIA | OMAN | PAKISTAN | MOROCCO | LIBYA | USA | CANADA ZZZSURMDFVFRP 2 June 2014 Message from the CEO This is a special year in Projacs' history as we celebrate our 30th anniversary. We began our journey in October 1984 and, as a company, we have seen many changes: 1. >LOH]LL_WHUKLKV\YVWLYH[PVUZ[VJV]LY[OL4PKKSL,HZ[HUKIL`VUK^P[OVɉJLZ and 650 full-time professional engineers and managers. 2. >L OH]L ILJVTL (YHI JSPLU[Z» ÄYZ[ JOVPJL MVY WYVMLZZPVUHS WYVQLJ[ HUK JVUZ[Y\J[PVU management services, managing hundreds of projects, with a total construction value of nearly $30 billion. 3. >LOH]LLUQV`LK[OLKPZ[PUJ[PVUV]LY[OLWHZ[Ä]L`LHYZVMILPUNHTVUN[OLSLHKPUN construction managers, according to ENR's ranking of Top International Construction 4HUHNLTLU[7YVNYHT4HUHNLTLU[ÄYTZ 4. >L OH]L Z\WWVY[LK PUOV\ZL Z[HɈ KL]LSVWTLU[ HUK [YHPUPUN [OYV\NO [OL 7YVQHJZ (JHKLT` (Z H YLZ\S[ ^L OH]L HU PUJYLHZLK U\TILY VM JLY[PÄLK LUNPULLYZ PU WYVQLJ[ THUHNLTLU[HUKV[OLYYLSH[LKÄLSKZPUJS\KPUN747(=:-4L[J 5. 7YVQHJZOHZYLJLP]LKP[Z0:6JLY[PÄJH[LZ HUK^OPJOHYLHYLÅLJ[PVU of the company's commitment to quality, the environment and systems. It is equally important to note what has not changed at Projacs – the foundation of growth: 1. We have always been committed to providing our clients with outstanding professional services. 2. We have always kept our promise to live by our core values: Leadership by Example, Integrity and Teamwork. 3. We have built a brand, which has become synonymous with quality, success and leadership. 4. We continue to foster strategic alliances and create joint ventures with reputed PU[LYUH[PVUHSWYVMLZZPVUHSÄYTZ 5. >L\WOVSKV\YJVTTP[TLU[[VL[OPJHSHUKYLZWVUZPISL*VYWVYH[L:VJPHS9LZWVUZPIPSP[` *:9 PUP[PH[P]LZ ^OLYLI` 7YVQHJZ \UKLY[HRLZ HU VISPNH[PVU [V SVJHS JVTT\UP[PLZ HUK society at large. Looking ahead, we are focused on implementing a balanced growth strategy, while continuing to build on the strength of our brand. Luay Khoury, President & CEO June 2014 3 7961(*:7( 7 3,:;05, Transferring Knowledge 8 ;/,+,:0.54(5(.,9 No Day Is Typical 16 &RPPXQLTXÒ Issue 10 | June 2014 PUBLISHER | Rimal Publications EDITOR "I was impressed by the way the top management values its employees and considers them the company assets." Gerald Butt DEPUTY T EDITOR -HKPH:OH^^H EDITORIAL ADVISOR Leonard Harrow PHOTOGRAPHY PHY EDITOR DESIGN MANAGER -HSHR:OH^^H Wissam Itani Rimal Publications Ltd. P.O. Box 57017, Limassol 3311, Cyprus BAB EZZOUAR New Territory, New Challenges 44 Tel. +357 25580029 T ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES [email protected] *VTT\UPX\tPZ[OLVѝJPHS7YVQHJZ0U[LYUH[PVUHSUL^ZSL[[LY 9LWYVK\J[PVU^P[OV\[WLYTPZZPVUPZZ[YPJ[S`WYVOPIP[LK -VYM\Y[OLYKL[HPSZWSLHZLJVU[HJ[JVTT\UPX\L'WYVQHJZJVT or visit Projacs International at 4 June 2014 "...our hand-picked team has become one of the best performing ones in Projacs." CONTENTS 4,::(.,-964;/,*,6 3 @V\UN(UK;HSLU[LK:[HɈ;V;OL-VYL The Projacs 7HSLZ[PUL6ɉJL opened in 2013 ^P[OQ\Z[[^VZ[HɈ 7961(*:(;(.3(5*, 6 7YVWLSSPUN-VY^HYK!5L^7YVQLJ[/PNOSPNO[Z 7961(*:(;3(9., 8 Projacs Palestine: Transferring Knowledge 15 (SSPHUJLZ1=Z!7YVQHJZ/H[JO*VTWSPTLU[PUN6UL(UV[OLY 16 The Design Manager: No Day Is Typical 19 Human Resources: Performing To Expectations 22 7YVQHJZ:H\KP(YHIPH!7VZP[P]L(UK7YVMLZZPVUHS 30 The Operations Manager: Top-Rate Management, Healthy Atmosphere 32 0UMVYTH[PVU;LJOUVSVN`!0TWYV]PUN:RPSSZ 34 ;OL:`Z[LT(UHS`Z[!3LH]PUN;OL*VTMVY[AVUL)LOPUK -,(;<9,7961,*;: 37 4\ZHUHKH:JOVVSZ7YVNYHT!-VJ\ZLK)\[-SL_PISL 41 2\^HP[-\UK1VYKHU7YVQLJ[!<UPX\L0U+P]LYZP[` 44 BAB Ezzouar: New Territory, New Challenges 46=05.>0;/;/,;04,: 50 79640:!º7HWLYSLZZ»7YVQHJZ0U7YVZWLJ[ :;(-53 7YVQHJZ:[HɈ:[H[PZ[PJHS*OHY[Z 54 Projacs Talk June 2014 5 PROJACS AT A GLANCE PROPELLING FORWARD Project Highlights Alfareeda %XUMXPDQ&HQWHU JEDDAH, KSA DUBAI, UAE 3VJH[LK PU +HOIHU UVY[O VM 1LKKHO [OL Located in Bur Dubai, the refurbishment of the residential component consists of 2,086 villas Burjumena Center will re-classify the premises ^P[O Ä]L KPɈLYLU[ WYV[V[`WL KLZPNUZ ,HJO as a prime mall and strategically positioning it neighborhood includes mosques, shops, health to cater to upper-scale retailers. The main scope care unit and open green areas. The project aims at integrating the old and new Burjuman has 2 local primary schools each for boys and in terms of aesthtic, utility and infrastructure; girls, 1 complex school each for boys and girls, ^OPJO ^PSS PUJS\KL HYJOP[LJ[\YHS TVKPÄJH[PVUZ and kindergarten. The sporting center include structural reinforcement, interior design and family/women and men sports club. Town center MEP upgrades. An additional structure on the consists of main shopping mall, health center, upper level will include an 8 screen movie theater ÄYLZ[H[PVUHUKWVZ[VɉJL among other aminities. ,Z[HISPZOLKPU PU2\^HP[7YVQHJZ International is the SHYNLZ[7HU(YHI WYVQLJ[THUHNLTLU[ ÄYT^P[OV]LY -(1$1&LW\ 1RUWK6RXN'HSDUWPHQW6WRUH VѝJLZHJYVZZ[OL AL KHOBAR, SAUDI ARABIA BEIRUT, LEBANON (MYPJH(ZPH,\YVWL Located in Al Khobar, north of the Dhahran Located in the heart of Beirut, the Department HUK5VY[O(TLYPJH HPYWVY[ RT MYVT [OL :H\KP (YHIPHU JVHZ[ :[VYL KLZPNULK I` AHOH /HKPK (YJOP[LJ[Z and more than 600 the development is based on a 47,000 m2 plot is a landmark project showcasing a unique WYVMLZZPVUHSZ[Hќ area. JENAN City has a total built-up area of architectural language. It will appeal to a wide VќLYPUNJ\Z[VTPaLK approximately 320,000m² comprising of a hotel ZLY]PJL HWHY[TLU[Z VɉJLZ H ZOVWWPUN THSS YHUNL VM JVUZ\TLYZ I` VɈLYPUN S\_\Y` IYHUKZ ZLY]PJLZ[VJSPLU[Z ^VYSK^PKL vertical compound, Middle East, North amenities. residential units and its HɈVYKHISL YL[HPS HUK YLZ[H\YHU[Z 7YVQLJ[ 4HUHNLTLU[ :LY]PJLZ HYL WYV]PKLK I` 5,: including Design, Management. 6 June 2014 Construction, and Cost JUNOOT RESORT SALALAH, OMAN Projacs Oman signed lately the Design and Tender desalination plants and photo voltaic cells. 4HUHNLTLU[ 7OHZL VM 1\UVV[ 9LZVY[ ,JV -YPLUKS` 9LZVY[ The project construction technique is unique (sand bags 7YVQLJ[PU:HSHSHO6THU JVUZ[Y\J[PVUHUK^LHU[PJPWH[LJVUZ[Y\J[PVU[VJVTTLUJL Junoot Resort is a unique Eco friendly development that by early 2015. feature two luxury resorts, chalets for sale, a town center HUKZ[HɈHJJVTTVKH[PVU;OLYLZVY[PZVWLYH[LKI`(TTHU developers and United Kuwaiti Real Estate Development *VTWHU` <9* 2\^HP[ [OL WYVQLJ[ ^PSS KLWLUK VU renewable energy in its operation by mean sod wind farms, $%&+HDG4XDUWHUV 0DVV&LW\'HYHORSPHQW3URMHFW AMMAN, JORDAN ERBIL, IRAQ ;OL (YHI )HURPUN *VYWVYH[PVU ()* )HUR HPTZ [V In North Eastern Iraq in the vibrant and dynamic city of Erbil, expand its current premises by proposing a new, modern, capital of Kurdistan, Mass Group Holding and Trillium Group environmentally friendly and iconic building in the adjacent HYL ^VYRPUN [VNL[OLY [V KL]LSVW H THNUPÄJLU[ YLZPKLU[PHS land to the current existing premises in Amman - Jordan. and commercial complex on a one million sqm land with ;OL HU[PJPWH[LK I\PSKPUN VM .YVZZ (YLH ZXT ^PSS beautiful landscaped surroundings. The complex is located a landmark in the city of Amman. Along with the new [V4HZPM:HSHO\SKPUUL^OPJOPZJSVZL[V[OLHPYWVY[ÄUHUJPHS Headquarters Building a complete and comprehensive center, entertainment spots and commercial centers. A rehabilitation is to take place at the existing building (Gross spread mixture of new detached villas and semi detached HYLH ZXT [OH[ ^HZ I\PS[ PU town houses numbering over 1,750 will rise to beautify this YLÅLJ[[OLYLHSPTHNLHUKZ[H[\YLVM[OL)HURHUKILJVTLZ ^P[O H JVUULJ[PVU VU:OVYZO:[YLL[7PYTHTH[[OLZ[HY[VM[OLOPNO^H`SLHKPUN bridge is to link both existing and proposed buildings. community’s skyline. The villas vary in size from 300 sqm to ABC assigned Projacs International to provide Project 900 sqm. Included in this new development are restaurants, Management and Construction Management services for cafes, two malls, schools, a hospital and eventually 30 high the new Headquarters Development. rise towers will be built to overlook the city of Erbil. Projacs International commenced with its services in March Projacs International hired by Trillium group to provide PM 2014. It is anticipated that whole project program will extend support services to their team at the site. The construction up to 3 years, with design to be completed within the second ^VYR JVTTLUJLK PU -LI HUK P[ PZ LU]PZHNLK [V quarter of 2015. JVTWSL[L [OL [OL ÄYZ[ WOHZL VM ]PSSHZ 5VZ PU 8 VM 2015. However, the overall project completion will be extended up to 3 years. June 2014 7 Palestine: Transferring Knowledge 8 June 2014 7YVQHJZ»SVUNOPZ[VY`PU7YVQLJ[4HUHNLTLU[:LY]PJLZ is built upon years of experience, knowledge and skill, and the company’s “biggest success in Palestine today is quite simply the transfer of knowledge,” according to Nasser Kanaan. This transfer process “to the Palestinian people today, and in the years to come, is crucial for the overall success of the branch.” June 2014 9 5HZZLY 2HUHHU :LUPVY =PJL 7YLZPKLU[ VM )HOYHPU [OL ,HZ[LYU7YV]PUJLVM:H\KP(YHIPHHUK7HSLZ[PULPZJVU]PUJLK that passing on know-how will help “in the development of [OL [LJOUPJHS Z[HɈ VU [OL NYV\UK HUK ^PSS LUHISL [OLT [V H\[VUVTV\ZS` Y\U [OL WYVQLJ[Z PU 7HSLZ[PUL PU HU LɈLJ[P]L manner, meeting international industry standards. By arming the people with the knowledge, we are moderately contributing to the development of what we hope to soon be H:[H[LVM7HSLZ[PUL¹ Palestine presents huge challenges for the Projacs team. -PYZ[ HUK MVYLTVZ[ ZH`Z 5HZZLY PZ ¸[OL J\YYLU[ PUZ[HIPSP[` which places obstacles in the way of the country’s growth, prosperity and development. The constant uncertainty of overall living conditions as well as the foreseen and \UMVYLZLLU YPZRZ THRL P[ L_[YLTLS` KPɉJ\S[ [V OH]L H standard set of programs, timelines and budgets to carry out our normal course of business.” Even the simplest and most basic operations like bringing in construction material from outside the country Above:/opposite Palestinaian Museum Right: Nasser Kanaan :Y=PJL7YLZPKLU[ Bahrain, the Eastern Province VM:H\KP(YHIPHHUK7HSLZ[PUL 10 June 2014 ” are complicated and face huge delays because of the need for security clearance. Added to this, Nasser continues, is “the lack of ease in mobility because of security roadblocks all over the territory.” (UV[OLYJOHSSLUNLPZÄUKPUNSVJHSWYVMLZZPVUHSJVU[YHJ[VYZ to carry out projects to international industry standards. This is primarily due to the lack of large ventures carried out in the West Bank, aside from a few infrastructure projects being funded by donor countries. There is also a problem, Nasser JVU[PU\LZ¸ÄUKPUNSVJHS[HSLU[^P[O[OLULJLZZHY`ZRPSSZZL[Z to run the projects in Palestine due to the emigration of the local brainpower and the lack of local experience.” ;OLJVUZ[HU[\UJLY[HPU[` ;OL JVUZ[HU[ \UJLY[HPU[` VMV]LYHSSSP]PUNJVUKP[PVUZ HZ^LSSHZ[OLMVYLZLLUHUK unforeseen risks make it L_[YLTLS`KPѝJ\S[[VOH]LH standard set of programs, [PTLSPULZHUKI\KNL[Z[V JHYY`V\[V\YUVYTHSJV\YZL VMI\ZPULZZ June 2014 11 ENCOURAGING TALENT SVJH[LKPU(S,YZHS*LU[LYPU(S)PYLO9HTHSSHO Projacs is playing a leading role in encouraging young The total built up area is 30,783 square meters, and talented Palestinians to remain, sponsoring the consisting of four basements, a podium of four ÅVVYZHUKÅVVYZ University of Birzeit’s Engineering Career Day. During this, Nasser explains, “we undertake a variety of activities like Palestinian Museum, to be located next to interviewing eligible top candidates for work opportunities the Birzeit University Campus with a site of H[ 7YVQHJZ IV[O PU [OL 7HSLZ[PUL VɉJL HUK V\Y KPɈLYLU[ approximately 40,000 square meters. The VɉJLZHIYVHKHUKNP]PUNSLJ[\YLZPU-HJPSP[`4HUHNLTLU[ Museum will contain indoor and outdoor HZH^H`[VPU[YVK\JL[OLZ[\KLU[Z[VUL^HJHKLTPJÄLSKZ¹ exhibition areas with all the supporting Projacs is also “ready and willing to reach out to all the ZLY]PJLZ Z\JO HZ HKTPUPZ[YH[PVU VɉJLZ JHMt engineering establishments and associations in Palestine to seating areas, storage zone, educational lend them any assistance that they might require for their functions, and car parking area. It aims to be PTWYV]LTLU[ HUK NYV^[O -VY L_HTWSL ^L THUKH[LK H a leading, innovative forum for creating and local NGO to review the design of the Palestinian Museum communicating knowledge about Palestinian to ensure it is within the standards needed to obtain the society, history and culture. 3,,+JLY[PÄJH[PVUTHRPUNP[[OLÄYZ[WYVQLJ[[VNHPUZ\JOHU accreditation in the country.” ;OL 7YVQHJZ 7HSLZ[PUL 6ɉJL VWLULK PU ^P[O Q\Z[ [^V Z[HɈ ;OH[ U\TILY OHZ UV^ [YPWSLK ;OL As for Projacs’ operations in Palestine, Nasser highlights the 7HSLZ[PULVWLYH[PVUPZKPɈLYLU[MYVTHSSV[OLYZ¶SHYNLS` following: ILJH\ZL VM [OL KPɉJ\S[PLZ VM NL[[PUN WLYTPZZPVU MVY non-Palestinians to live and work there. As a result, 12 (4 8H[[HU -V\UKH[PVU! *\S[\YHS *LU[YL HUK 5HZZLY L_WSHPUZ ¸^L THUHNL [OL 7HSLZ[PUL VɉJL 7HSLZ[PUL 6ɉJLZ 3VJH[LK PU 9HTHSSHO [OL UL^ [OYV\NO V\Y VɉJLZ PU )HOYHPU 2OVIHY 1VYKHU HUK building will be constructed on a 5,886 square meter Kuwait. This remoteness spurred us to try and identify WSV[ PU (S;PYLO 9HTHSSHO HUK ^PSS JVU[HPU VɉJLZ KPɈLYLU[HUK\UJVU]LU[PVUHS^H`ZVMJVTT\UPJH[PVU and supporting space facilities for the General ;OPZ ^HZ HJOPL]LK ]PH [OL KPɈLYLU[ H]HPSHISL ZVJPHS 4HUHNLTLU[ [OL 8H[[HU *LU[YL MVY ,K\JH[PVUHS UL[^VYRPUNHWWSPJH[PVUZSPRL-HJLIVVR>OH[Z(WWHUK Research and Development, the Culture and Arts :R`WL^OPJO^LJHUUV^\ZLH[HU`[PTL^P[OV\[HU` 7YVNYHTTL YLZPKLUJLZ Z[HɈ N`TUHZP\T SPIYHY` interruption on a daily basis, to advise and guide our art gallery, multipurpose hall, and a book café. team in Palestine.” Proposed new headquarter for Bank of Palestine, June 2014 º9,(7>/(;@6<:6>» the more they work hard, the more the doors of opportunities 5HZZLYZH`ZOLOHZUVKPɉJ\S[`TV[P]H[PUNOPZZ[HɈ!¸7YVQHJZ for self-development and advancement will open up for is my family, and as with any family member, I try my best to them.” JVTT\UPJH[L^P[O[OLZ[HɈ^VYRPUN^P[OTL[V\UKLYZ[HUK Nasser adds that Projacs is one of the “few Arab their overall wellbeing and to identify their needs, both on companies that follow an incentive scheme generously a professional and personal level. The message that I keep WHPKV\[VUHUHUU\HSIHZPZ(O\NLWVY[PVUVM[OLWYVÄ[ZVM reiterating to the employees that work under my direct the company are liberally distributed amongst the diligent Z\WLY]PZPVUPZIHZPJHSS`!º@V\YLHW^OH[`V\ZV^»"HUK[OH[ and hardworking employees; this incentive policy is a wise Above/opposite: Palestinian Museum Right top: ,THK:OHHY7YVQLJ[4HUHNLY ;HTHYH:UVIHY7YVQLJ[4HUHNLY Right: 9HTHSSHOVɉJLJVYL[LHT MYVTYPNO[!>PZZHT(S:O\HPIP ,THK:OHHY/HUHKP2HUHHU & Louay Nashashibi June 2014 13 ” (O\NLWVY[PVUVM[OLWYVÄ[ZVM[OLJVTWHU`HYLSPILYHSS` KPZ[YPI\[LKHTVUNZ[[OLKPSPNLU[HUKOHYK^VYRPUN employees." strategic decision that was inaugurated by the management of the company as a means to build a work environment based on equality and trust.” While much of Nasser’s focus is on Palestine, his residence is in Bahrain. He is married with two sons: Khalid, the eldest, is graduating this year from Purdue University PU [OL <: ^OPSL 3\H` ^PSS NYHK\H[L UL_[ `LHY MYVT )VZ[VU University. As a role model, Nasser points to astronaut Neil Armstrong. Why? Because he was “a superlative human being who showed extraordinary levels of dedication, bravery and loyalty, as well as a thirst for knowledge.” Nasser shares that same thirst and has made it his mission to make sure that the knowledge he and Projacs have acquired over many years is transferred to the young Palestinians living under KPɉJ\S[JVUKP[PVUZVU[OL>LZ[)HUR Right: Bank of Palestine Ramallah 14 June 2014 ALLIANCES & JOINT VENTURES: HATCH PROJACS/ HATCH Complementing One Another Projacs signed an agreement with Canada’s Hatch engineering, project and construction THUHNLTLU[ZLY]PJLZJVTWHU`PU6J[VILY[VW\YZ\L7YVQLJ[4HUHNLTLU[:LY]PJLZ MVY:H\KPZ[H[LLULYN`NPHU[:H\KP(YHTJVVUHWV[LU[PHSQVPU[]LU[\YLIHZPZ The key element of success in the Projacs/Hatch alliance, according to Ihab Abbas, 6WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLY,HZ[LYU9LNPVUVM:H\KP(YHIPH¸PZ[OLMHJ[[OH[IV[OJVTWHUPLZ in the alliance complement the services of one another. Projacs provides support in 7YVQLJ[*VU[YVS:`Z[LTZHUK7YVQLJ[4HUHNLTLU[HUKPU[YVK\JLZHUL^THYRL[HUKH THQVY*SPLU[[V/H[JO¶PL[OL2PUNKVTVM:H\KP(YHIPHHUK:H\KP(YHTJV(YHTJVOHZ ILLUHYLJ\YYPUN*SPLU[[V7YVQHJZPU[LYTZVM;YHPUPUN:LY]PJLZHUK7YVQLJ[4HUHNLTLU[ ; while Hatch complements Projacs’ services in terms of Oil & Gas technical experience/ technology and EPCM experience.” Based in Mississauga, Ontario, Hatch, in its own words, is “an employee-owned, T\S[PKPZJPWSPUHY`WYVMLZZPVUHSZLY]PJLZÄYT[OH[KLSP]LYZHJVTWYLOLUZP]LHYYH`VM[LJOUPJHS and strategic services, including consulting, information technology, engineering, process development, and project and construction management to the Mining, Metallurgical, Energy, and Infrastructure sectors.” Ihab Abbas Operations Manager ,HZ[LYU9LNPVU:H\KP(YHIPH -\Y[OLYTVYL/H[JOOHZ¸ZLY]LKJSPLU[ZMVYV]LY`LHYZHUKOHZWYVQLJ[L_WLYPLUJL PUTVYL[OHUJV\U[YPLZHYV\UK[OL^VYSK>P[OV]LYWLVWSLPUV]LYVɉJLZ [OLÄYTOHZTVYL[OHUIUPUWYVQLJ[ZJ\YYLU[S`\UKLYTHUHNLTLU[¹ Thus far, Ihab says, “Projacs/Hatch have been invited twice to pre-qualify and bid MVY 6PS .HZ 7YVQLJ[ 4HUHNLTLU[ :LY]PJLZ PU :H\KP (YHIPH )\[ ULP[OLY VWWVY[\UP[` materialized due to reasons beyond the control of both organizations. However, Projacs/ /H[JOHYLZ[PSSW\YZ\PUNQVPU[S`JVU[HJ[Z^P[OPU:H\KP(YHTJV¹ Ihab, a graduate in Engineering from the American University of Beirut, joined Projacs PU(WYPSHZHU(ZZPZ[HU[7YVQLJ[4HUHNLYPU[OL+\IHPVɉJL June 2014 15 THE DESIGN MANAGER 1R'D\ ,V7\SLFDO 6\ZHTH(IIHZJHUYLLSVɈZVTLVM[OLTHPUHJ[P]P[PLZ[OH[ might occur during an average working week as Design Manager, Projacs Kuwait – communicating with his project team or consultants and contractors, or holding Progress Meetings with the latter or with Clients. But, Ousama says, the exciting and stimulating aspect of his work is the fact that “there is hardly a typical day in my job at Projacs. Oussama Abbas One day may be mostly spent in meetings and other days Design Manager in writing or replying to correspondence, or reviewing and Kuwait drafting reports and contractual documents.” /H]PUN ZLJ\YLK HU 4: PU *VUZ[Y\J[PVU 4HUHNLTLU[ 0UMVYTH[PVU ;LJOUVSVN` MYVT *VSVYHKV :[H[L <UP]LYZP[` PU [OL <: 6\ZHTH YLJLP]LK H )( PU (YJOP[LJ[\YL MYVT [OL (TLYPJHU <UP]LYZP[` PU )LPY\[ (<) ¶ X\HSPÄJH[PVUZ [OH[ might have been tailor-made to lead him eventually towards a career at Projacs. After completing his studies Ousama worked for six `LHYZH[HUHYJOP[LJ[\YHSWYHJ[PJLPU[OL<:/L[OLUILNHU looking for an opportunity to change his career into project management, having come close to completing a Master’s degree in Construction Management. He heard about 7YVQHJZ [OYV\NO WLYZVUHS JVU[HJ[Z H[ [OL ÄYT OPZ IYV[OLY 0OHI [VKH` 6WLYH[PVUZ 4HUHNLY ,HZ[LYU 9LNPVU VM :H\KP (YHIPHHUK1POHK<Z[HJ\YYLU[S`:LUPVY=PJL7YLZPKLU[(YLH Manager Lebanon – and Ousama’s former teacher at the (<))V[O[VSKOPT[OH[7YVQHJZ»<(,VɉJL¶H[[OH[[PTL 2006 – was looking to hire engineers. Ousama’s Projacs career was about to begin. “I was hired by Jihad Usta in July 2006 to join the UAE VɉJLHZH+LZPNU4HUHNLY¹6\ZHTHYLJHSSZ¸0[[VVRTLH few months to adjust my approach from being a Consultant Architect, whose main focus is to design a fully integrated project according to the Client’s needs, into a Design 16 June 2014 Manager.” The Design Manager’s role, by contrast, is “to make sure all consultants are working according to their contractual obligations in order to meet the intended design quality, submission deadlines and project budget. Therefore, my previous experience allowed me to properly monitor the design consultant's work throughout the design stages and until the award of the contractor.” 796-,::065(3(5+-90,5+3@ Arriving at a new job in a new company was not, however, a [YH\TH[PJL_WLYPLUJL¸:PUJL[OLÄYZ[KH`0QVPULK7YVQHJZ¹ Ousama says, “I have seen it as a professional and friendly environment. I was impressed by the way the top management values its employees and considers them the company assets.” Over the subsequent eight years, “I’ve TL[THU`7YVQHJZJVSSLHN\LZPUKPɈLYLU[YLNPVUZHUKMV\UK them all very friendly and helpful in many ways. I think that Projacs employees know that they are an integral part of the Projacs fabric, which enhances the sense of loyalty.” Much as no day is typical for a Projects Manager like Ousama, so the challenges may vary from hour to hour. But in general, Ousama says, the challenges include: managing ” 7YVQHJZLTWSV`LLZRUV^[OH[[OL`HYLHU PU[LNYHSWHY[VM[OL7YVQHJZMHIYPJ scope changes that are usually generated by the Client, last phase of tender document, with construction expected which have an impact on the project time and budget; to start in July 2014. The main building has a central atrium dealing with extended project durations beyond his control; overlooked at all levels, which is meant to be the heart of the HUK^VYRPUN^P[O\UX\HSPÄLKJVUZ\S[HU[ZVYJVU[YHJ[VYZ[OH[ building. The external facade is a combination of a curtain may have been appointed by the Client without taking into ^HSSHS\TPUP\TJSHKKPUNHUKZ[VULÄUPZONP]PUN[OLI\PSKPUN consideration Projacs’ recommendation. a contemporary corporate image. ;OL:HSTP`H7HYR)V\SL]HYK^PSSILHSHUKTHYRWYVQLJ[ 2<>(0;7961,*;: in Kuwait occupying 357,000 square meters. It is a BOT -VY 6\ZHTH `LHYZ VM Z[\K` HUK OHUKZVU L_WLYPLUJL HYL WYVQLJ[ [OH[ ^PSS [HYNL[ MHTPSPLZ I` VɈLYPUN LU[LY[HPUTLU[ being brought to bear on two major projects in Kuwait: he HJ[P]P[PLZ YHUNPUN MYVT V\[KVVY WHYRZ ZWVY[Z ÄLSKZ H PZ THUHNPUN ,8<(;, 5L^ /LHKX\HY[LYZ +LZPNU :[HNL" YLZ[H\YHU[ ]PSSHNL Z\YYV\UKPUN HU HY[PÄJPHS SHRL HUK H HUK[OL)V\SL]HYK7YVQLJ[*VUZ[Y\J[PVU:[HNL¶HZPKLMYVT commercial mall. The project construction “started in 2008, special assignments on other projects as required. but was suspended for a time before being started. Now we ,8<(;, 5L^ /LHKX\HY[LYZ ^HZ VYPNPUHSS` KLZPNULK PU are about to start the testing/commissioning period. Our role 2007 by Gulf Consult and was tendered for construction. was originally Project Management, and was extended to The contractor, Ousama says, “wasn’t awarded and the cover the Tenant Coordination phase. Our team is reviewing Client decided to update the design in terms of internal all tenants’ designs and making sure they comply with the departments planning Tenant Design Manual. The project is expected to open later to satisfy company growth and new requirements, in addition to complying with the new regulations issued by the Ministry of Electricity and Water 4,>PU¹ ;OPZWYVQLJ[PZ[HYNL[PUN3,,+JLY[PÄJH[PVUHUKPZPU[OL this year.” To overcome the impression that the disruption to [OL JVUZ[Y\J[PVU WYVNYHT TLHU[ [OH[ [OL ^VYR ^HZ VɈ schedule, Ousama “met with all the tenants and informed June 2014 17 Previous: :HSTP`H7HYR)V\SL]HYK2\^HP[ Above: ,8<(; ( ,5L^/8 Kuwait them that the work was progressing in the right direction, Z[HɈVM2\^HP[VɉJL0HTOVUVYLK[VILHWHY[VM[OL2\^HP[ which was supported by thorough follow-up meetings team.” and correspondence. In addition to that, I also asked the Married with two daughters (Rania, aged eight and Maya tenants to work on their design submissions for our review Ä]L^OVHYLOHWWPS`ZL[[SLKPU2\^HP[6\ZHTH^V\SK[OPUR and approval.” Projacs management provided a technical twice before moving countries again. On the other hand, support team for this purpose. During the review “I guided OL ILSPL]LZ [OH[ ¸ILULÄ[Z JHU JVTL ^P[O YLSVJH[PVU SPRL THU` [LUHU[Z H^H` MYVT WVVY Ä[V\[ JVU[YHJ[VYZ HUK ^PKLUPUN`V\YRUV^SLKNLHIV\[HZWLJPÄJTHYRL[PUJYLHZPUN HK]PZLK [OLT PUZ[LHK [V \ZL OPNOS` X\HSPÄLK JVU[YHJ[VYZ your network of people, proving yourself, and progressing in and consultants whom I recommended, based on my your career. Working in UAE was a very good experience experience, in order to add to the value of the project once and I wouldn’t mind repeating it. I think the market there can completed.” VɈLYHSV[VMVWWVY[\UP[PLZMVY7YVQHJZ¹ ),5,-0;:-9649,36*(;065 [OH[ 6\ZHTH ^V\SK ÄUK P[ OHYK [V [\YU KV^U! ¸0 ^V\SK IL 6\ZHTH»Z [YHUZMLY MYVT [OL <(, VɉJL [V 2\^HP[ ^HZ PU[LYLZ[LK[V^VYRPU[OL<:PM[OLYL^HZL]LYHJOHUJLVM linked partly to the economic slowdown in the region of the VWLUPUNH7YVQHJZVɉJL[OLYL0[PZHIPNTHYRL[HUK0OH]L past years. Projacs, he says, “has reacted to the declining worked there for many years.” However, there is one opening, if it ever appeared, economic situation by shifting some of its employees into If Ousama was ever asked whether he thought he would the busiest markets. I believe it is the right approach to PUKLLKL]LU[\HSS`YL[\YU[V[OL:[H[LZOLTPNO[^LSSYLZWVUK avoid losing the valuable employees that the company has ^P[OOPZMH]VYP[LX\V[L!º)LSPL]L`V\JHUHUK`V\»YLOHSM^H` invested training in. I was asked to relocate myself, and it there’. But the success of the other half of his journey might ^HZHJOHSSLUNL[VQVPUHUL^VɉJL)\[THU`VWWVY[\UP[PLZ depend on Ousama persuading his family to leave their have arisen, and many rewards, such as meeting and working with the knowledgeable and highly experienced 18 June 2014 happy life in Kuwait. HUMAN RESOURCES UNIT 7YVQHJZ» /9 KLWHY[TLU[ PZ YLZWVUZPISL UV[ Q\Z[ MVY Z[HɈ recruiting, organizing, planning and training, but also for ensuring that they “perform to expectations”, according to Performing ;V,_WLJ[H[PVUZ (IIHZ0IYHOPT-ZZHP=PJL7YLZPKLU[/9-PUHUJL Abbas is not shy in stressing the vital role played by his HR team: “We have to manage the company’s most LɈLJ[P]L HZZL[ P[Z O\THU YLZV\YJL ;OL /9 KLWHY[TLU[ has the task of ensuring that the company has the best HUK TVZ[ LɈLJ[P]L ^VYRMVYJL [OH[ [OL THYRL[ OHZ [V VɈLY We enable the organization to achieve its objectives by taking initiatives and providing guidance and support on all matters relating to its employees.” The HR department’s role is also to implement strategies and policies relating to the THUHNLTLU[VMPUKP]PK\HSZHUKWYL]LU[JVUÅPJ[ZPU[OL^VYR place. June 2014 19 (IIHZ-ZZHP =PJL7YLZPKLU[/9-PUHUJL YLX\PYLTLU[YLX\LZ[Z[V[OL*OPLM6WLYH[PUN6ɉJLY While each territory has its own HR department, they HSS JVVYKPUH[L ^P[O HUK MVSSV^ [OL =PJL 7YLZPKLU[ /9 PU *66 HUK =PJL 7YLZPKLU[ /\THU 9LZV\YJLZ =7 [OL *VYWVYH[L VɉJL PU 2\^HP[ ;OH[ VɉJL JVUZPZ[Z VM TLTILYZVMZ[HɈ(IIHZ^OVQVPULK7YVQHJZPUKYH^Z /9 2. IV[O [V OPZ /9 HUK -PUHUJL YVSLZ ¸>P[O [OL JVU[PU\PUN JVTWHU`NYV^[O¹OLZH`Z¸0OH]LWHY[PJPWH[LKPUÄUHUJPHS throughout Projacs. 3. 4. WYVJLZZLZ MVY ÄUHUJPHS Z[H[LTLU[Z TVKLYU TL[OVKZ VM ÄZJHSWSHUUPUNHUKI\KNL[WYLWHYH[PVUYLWVY[PUNJVUJLW[Z established and maintained good working relationships :\NNLZ[LK JHUKPKH[LZ ^PSS IL MVY^HYKLK [V requesting AM and COO for interviewing and /L OHZ HSZV ¸HZZPZ[LK [OL =PJL 7YLZPKLU[Z HUK (YLH them to meet their deadlines. Through hard working I have -PS[LYLK *=Z ^PSS YLJLP]L H WYLSPTPUHY` L]HS\H[PVU WOVULPU[LY]PL^MYVT*96=7/9 5. and preferred business practices.” 4HUHNLYZVUÄUHUJPHSHUKWVSPJ`TH[[LYZHUK^VYRLK^P[O =7/9 ^PSS PUP[PH[L [OL *= ZLHYJO [OYV\NO [OL *VYWVYH[L9LJY\P[TLU[6ɉJLY*96HUK3VJHS/9 and strategic planning, business expansion and startup planning. I have a good knowledge of the preparation *66^PSSHWWYV]L[OLWVZP[PVUJVUÄYT[OLI\KNL[ PUMVYT=7/9[VPUP[PH[LH*=ZLHYJOJLU[YHSS`HUK on years of experience to handle a range of duties related selection 6UJLHJHUKPKH[LPZPKLU[PÄLKI`(4! 1. ^P[O Z[HɈ HUK OH]L KL]LSVWLK H OPNOS` ZRPSSLK HJJV\U[PUN A Request-to-Hire must be submitted to COO indicating proposed position, grade and salary. A HUKÄUHUJPHSTHUHNLTLU[[LHT[VHJOPL]L[OLLZ[HISPZOLK JVW`VM[OLZHTLT\Z[ILZLU[[V=7/9 objective.” 2. 9,*9<0;05.796*,:: 3. 6UJL HWWYV]LK I` *66 =7/9 ^PSS PUMVYT (4 6WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLY64HUKSVJHS/9 0U [LYTZ VM YLJY\P[PUN UL^ Z[HɈ (IIHZ ZH`Z [OL WYVJLZZ 4. 5. 20 ;OL (YLH 4HUHNLY (4 Z\ITP[Z JVTIPULK Z[HɈ June 2014 0U JHZL VM UVUHJJLW[HUJL =7/9 ^PSS PZZ\L [OL refusal note to AM, OM and local HR. normally follows the following course: 1. 3VJHS/9^PSSPZZ\LQVIVɈLYZPNULKI`(4 An employment agreement must be issued by SVJHS /9 \ZPUN 7YVQHJZ Z[HUKHYK MVYTH[ HUK ZLU[ ” to employee maximum by the end of the probation period. 6. Three copies must be signed by the Employee and ZLU[[V=7/9[VYL]PL^HUKWYLZLU[[V*,6 7. 6UJLZPNULKI`*,6=7/9^PSSZLUKVULJVW`[V LTWSV`LLVULJVW`[VSVJHS/9LTWSV`LLÄSLHUK one copy to be kept at Corporate HR. )\[L]LU^OLUHUL^TLTILYVMZ[HɈOHZILLU^LSJVTLK ^VYRVUNHPUPUN[OL [Y\Z[VM[OLZ[HќMYVT day one." on board, the HR department’s role continues. “As a support unit,” Abbas explains, “we have the responsibility VMZ\WWVY[PUN[OLZ[HɈPUL]LY`PZZ\L[OL`TH`PUX\PYLHIV\[ 0 KVU»[ [OPUR ^L OH]L WYVISLTZ HUK PZZ\LZ ^P[O Z[HɈ HZ SVUN HZ ^L YLHSPaL V\Y YVSL HUK \UKLYZ[HUK [OL JVYL Z[HɈ needs. Problems arise from misunderstandings and solving these needs a lot of practice, deep breaths and self-control. Most important of all we must always remember that we are Z\WWVY[Z[HɈ¹ Azza Ahmed Gomaa Asst. Manager - HR Egypt .(05;9<:; >OH[Z[PT\SH[LZ(IIHZPUOPZQVIPZ[OH[L]LY`KH`PZKPɈLYLU[! “I am always expecting new challenges to face and handle. What’s very important in overcoming them is the continuous backing and respect from the senior management.” 0TWVY[HU[ [VV PZ [OL Z\WWVY[ VM /9 Z[HɈ [OLTZLS]LZ Ellaine Omar Newcomers to the department, Abbas says, are advised to /9(KTPU6ɉJLY “always ask questions and don’t jump to conclusions” and Kuwait ¸^VYRVUNHPUPUN[OL[Y\Z[VM[OLZ[HɈMYVTKH`VUL¹ (IIHZ ÄYTS` ILSPL]LZ [OH[ 7YVQHJZ VɈLYZ ^VYRWSHJL conditions that distinguish it from other companies. “We do UV[ OPYL [V ÄYL¹ OL ZH`Z ¸>L OH]L H MYPLUKS` LU]PYVUTLU[ in the company, a unique culture; and we have 30 years of L_WLYPLUJL PU [OL YLNPVU 6\Y Z[HɈ HYL V\Y THPU HZZL[ HUK Iyad Alsabbagh we always invest in them.” In order to invest in them further, Accountant Abbas believes, Projacs should “update the salary scale and :`YPH NYHKPUNZ`Z[LTHUKVɈLYUL^ILULÄ[Z[VZ[HɈ¹ As for his own career, Abbas says “many achievements need to be completed in the coming months and years. We HYL Z[PSS NYV^PUN ^P[O TVYL Z[HɈ [V OHUKSL TVYL SVJH[PVUZ opening, more joint ventures and strategic partners, and so on. I hope in the coming months to complete the new enhanced budget and reporting system for all territories.” Abbas is married with three daughters (Rawan aged 14, 9LLTHUK9HLUH/LSPRLZ[VYLSH_I`SPZ[LUPUN[VT\ZPJ 4HYPL:HSPI` Executive Asst. - HR & Admin. Lebanon or working on his stamp and coin collections. The last book he read was Michael Mandelbaum’s The Frugal Superpower: America’s Global Leadership in a Cash-Strapped Era. This explains how America has had to learn to live and operate ^P[OPUKLÄULKÄUHUJPHSIV\UKHYPLZ¶ZVTL[OPUN[OH[H=PJL 7YLZPKLU[/9-PUHUJLRUV^ZVUS`[VV^LSS Rowaida Al Amoush Executive Asst. - Admin. & Logistics Jordan June 2014 21 PROJACS SAUDI ARABIA Positive And Professional 22 June 2014 ;OLZ[HɈPU7YVQHJZ»:H\KP(YHIPHVɉJLPU9P`HKOHYL¸]LY` positive and professional in their approach and work with [LHTZWPYP[¹HJJVYKPUN[V;HYLR(OTLK=PJL7YLZPKLU[ (YLH4HUHNLY*LU[YHSHUK>LZ[LYU9LNPVUZ¸;OL VɉJLPZ]LY`MYPLUKS`HUK^LLUQV`HMHTPS`LU]PYVUTLU[ 4VYLV]LY0JHUJSHPT[OH[^LOH]LHÅH[VYNHUPaH[PVU^P[O UVIHYYPLYZ[VHU`Z[HɈH[HU`SL]LS¹ June 2014 23 ;OL Z[VY` VM 7YVQHJZ PU :H\KP (YHIPH PZ VUL VM ZLUZH[PVUHS NYV^[O >OLU [OL VɉJL ^HZ ZL[ \W PU +LJLTILY P[ ^HZ Z[HɈLK I` Q\Z[ [OYLL WLVWSL ;VKH` UV ML^LY [OHU personnel work there. In those early days, Tarek says, “we OHKVUS`VULVɉJLPU2\^HP[;OLWHY[ULYZKLJPKLK[VVWLU HUV[OLYVULPU[OL2PUNKVTVM:H\KP(YHIPH74*4ZLY]PJLZ were new to that promising and potential market. Our aim from the start was to become the regional leader in the 4PKKSL,HZ[¶[OLJSPLU[»ZÄYZ[JOVPJLPUWYVQLJ[THUHNLTLU[ and construction management, in an environment where our Z[HɈHYL]HS\LKHUKJOHSSLUNLK¹ ;HYLRQVPULK7YVQHJZPU HZH:LUPVY(YJOP[LJ[VU[OL King Abdullah Military City project in al-Hasa. “Coming as I did from a contractor background was, in technical terms, a really good advantage for me in my new career in PM/ CM,” he recalls. “Today, I oversee all projects in Riyadh and Jeddah from a management perspective, as well as looking HM[LY[OL[LJOUPJHSHUKÄUHUJPHSHɈHPYZVMV\YVWLYH[PVUZHUK ensuring the implementation of policies and procedures set Tarek Ahmed by the Corporate Management.” =PJL7YLZPKLU[ Over the years, Projacs has been involved in some of the 24 June 2014 & Area Manager *LU[YHS>LZ[LY2:( (S-HYLLKH Residential Compound ” key construction projects in the Kingdom. The King Abdullah Military City was completed in 2003, the company has since been awarded the contract for Phase 2 development. The `LHYZH^[OLJVTWSL[PVUVM[OL*LU[YPH:OVWWPUN4HSS in Olaya, Riyadh, comprising a total built-up area of 56,700 square meters. Two years later the Headquarters of King (IK\SHaPa/PZ*VTWHUPVUZ-V\UKH[PVUMVY[OL.PM[LK^HZ inaugurated. Projects underway today include: the Ministry of ,K\JH[PVU /LHKX\HY[LYZ ^P[O Ä]LÅVVY I\PSKPUNZ ZJOLK\SLKMVYJVTWSL[PVUPU4HYJO"[OL4HQKV\S;V^LY ^P[OSL]LSZHUKHOLPNO[VMTL[LYZ4HYJO"(S -HYLLKH9LZPKLU[PHS*VTWV\UKPUJS\KPUN]PSSHZ^P[O Ä]LKPɈLYLU[WYV[V[`WLKLZPNUZ[OYLL-YPKH`TVZX\LZ"[^V local mosques, local shops, and a local health care unit in LHJOULPNOIVYOVVK+LJLTILY"HUK[OL/PS[VU9P`HKO /V[LS^P[OYVVTZHUKHWHY[TLU[YVVTZ4H` >OPSL I\ZPULZZ PU :H\KP (YHIPH PZ [OYP]PUN ;HYLR ZH`Z [OLYLHYLKPɉJ\S[PLZ[VILMHJLKMYVT[PTL[V[PTL!¸>LOH]L several challenges, mainly with issues to do with local labor SH^ZHUKZ[HɈYL[LU[PVUHZ[OL:H\KPTHYRL[PZNYV^PUN;OL >LOH]LZL]LYHS JOHSSLUNLZTHPUS`^P[O PZZ\LZ[VKV^P[OSVJHSSHIVY SH^ZHUKZ[HќYL[LU[PVUHZ [OL:H\KPTHYRL[PZNYV^PUN ;OLUL^SHIVYSH^PZH JOHSSLUNLHZ^LSSHZV\Y JVTTP[TLU[[V:H\KPPaH[PVU ^OPJO^LILSPL]L^PSSILULÄ[ V\YI\ZPULZZHZ^LSSHZ[OL :H\KPLJVUVT`PUJYLH[PUN HZ\Z[HPUHISLTHYRL[ June 2014 25 ” "Our aim from the Z[HY[^HZ[VILJVTL the regional leader in the Middle East – the JSPLU[»ZÄYZ[JOVPJLPU WYVQLJ[THUHNLTLU[ HUKJVUZ[Y\J[PVU management, in an LU]PYVUTLU[^OLYLV\Y Z[HќHYL]HS\LKHUK JOHSSLUNLK Left: Majdoul Tower Opposite: 2:(:[HɈ4LTILYZ new labor law is a challenge, as well as our commitment [V :H\KPPaH[PVU ^OPJO ^L ILSPL]L ^PSS ILULÄ[ V\Y I\ZPULZZ HZ ^LSS HZ [OL :H\KP LJVUVT` PU JYLH[PUN H Z\Z[HPUHISL market.” The credit for overcoming these challenges, Tarek says, is in large part attributable to the performance and JVTTP[TLU[VMOPZZ[HɈ¸^OVHYLV\YTVZ[]HS\LKHZZL[¹ But while the employees in Riyadh, as elsewhere in the region, feel they are part of the wider Projacs family, there is VUL\UPX\LMLH[\YLVM[OL:H\KPVWLYH[PVU!¸>LHYL[OLVUS` VɉJL^P[OUVMLTHSLLTWSV`LLZK\L[V[OLJ\S[\YLPU:H\KP (YHIPH¹ (ZRLK OV^ OL THPU[HPULK OPZ Z[HɈ»Z TV[P]H[PVU SL]LSZ ;HYLR YLWSPLK! ¸-PYZ[ [OLYL HYL [OL ÄUHUJPHS HZWLJ[Z such as bonuses and raises. But equally important are the social gatherings and ongoing football matches we have for Z[HɈMYVT[PTL[V[PTL¹ 26 Junee 2014 Jun 2 014 ” ^LOH]LHÅH[ VYNHUPaH[PVU^P[OUV IHYYPLYZ[VHU`Z[HќH[ HU`SL]LS June 2014 27 ” IL[[LYJVTT\UPJH[PVUIL[^LLUZ[HќHUKIL[^LLU KPќLYLU[[LYYP[VYPLZHZ^LSSHZZ[HUKHYKPaH[PVUVM WYVJLK\YLZ 28 June 2014 Keeping his team in touch with Projacs across the region has become easier over the years because of ¸IL[[LYJVTT\UPJH[PVUIL[^LLUZ[HɈHUKIL[^LLUKPɈLYLU[ territories, as well as standardization of procedures. The Above: Ministry of Education Headquarters PU[YVK\J[PVUVM79640:OHZTHKLV\Y^VYRHSV[LHZPLYHZ OHZ [OL PTWSLTLU[H[PVU VM 0:6 *LY[PÄJH[PVU¹ 0U [LYTZ VM possible improvements that might be made, Tarek believes the company should “reintroduce the annual retreat and Below: Hilton Riyadh Hotel OH]LTVYLMVJ\ZVUZ[HɈ[YHPUPUN¹ Tarek has worked for Projacs in Egypt and the UAE HZ ^LSS HZ :H\KP (YHIPH HUK ^V\SK UV[ VIQLJ[ [V [HRPUN \W challenges elsewhere, if required. “I am interested in working in any area as per company needs and instruction,” he says. ¸4`YLJVYKPU[OLJVTWHU`ZOV^ZT`ÅL_PIPSP[`¹ /PZ WLYZVUHS WO`ZPJHS ÅL_PIPSP[` PZ HZ PTWVY[HU[ [V ;HYLR HZ ÅL_PIPSP[` H[ [OL ^VYRWSHJL! OL NVLZ [V [OL N`T L]LY` TVYUPUN H[ ILMVYL OLHKPUN [V [OL VɉJL >P[O [OYLL JOPSKYLUHNLKMYVT[VHUKHVUL`LHYVSKNYHUKZVU not to mention the 136 Projacs employees in his care, he JLY[HPUS`ULLKZ[VRLLWÄ[¶PUVYKLY[VZL[HUL_HTWSL[VHSS of being positive and professional. June 2014 29 THE OPERATIONS MANAGER Top-Rate 0DQDJHPHQW +HDOWK\$WPRVSKHUH Jamil Yaseen, Operations Manager Projacs Bahrain, has had seven years to observe the company from the inside and to JVTWHYLP[[VJVTWL[P[VYZPU[OLWYVQLJ[THUHNLTLU[ÄLSK His conclusion is that Projacs stands out from other companies because “our senior management are very OPNOS` X\HSPÄLK HUK ^L HYL HSS ^VYRPUN PU H OLHS[O` atmosphere. Projacs also provides an integrated range of professional services that covers the various phases from Project Initiation to Project Closing. We provide both Project Jamil Yaseen 4HUHNLTLU[HUK=HS\L,UNPULLYPUN:LY]PJLZ¹ Operations Manager Bahrain (M[LY NYHK\H[PUN MYVT *HPYV <UP]LYZP[` ^P[O H ):J PU Civil Engineering in 1981, Jamil worked for a number of companies before his path and that of Projacs crossed. He joined as a Project Manager in 2006 and later obtained an ^P[O V\Y Z[HɈ [V PTWYV]L [OL ZLY]PJLZ ^L WYV]PKL [V V\Y MBA in Project Management and Construction Management Clients in term of cost and time. And, of course, to ensure MYVT3`KVU<UP]LYZP[`PU[OL<UP[LK:[H[LZ that their primary objectives are met.” Many potential obstacles stand in the way of achieving 79646;065796:7,*;: these aims. But Jamil is undaunted. “The most challenging :[HY[PUN V\[ H[ 7YVQHJZ 1HTPS ^HZ Z[Y\JR PTTLKPH[LS` I` HZWLJ[VMT`QVI¹OLZH`Z¸PZ[VKLSP]LYHSS[OLZLKPɈLYLU[ the friendly atmosphere: “It is a very positive environment services in a timely and professional manner. Dealing with where you can perform your duties in a professional manner. and managing issues that are the subject of contractual >OH[»Z TVYL `V\Y LɈVY[Z HYL HWWYLJPH[LK I` `V\Y :LUPVY disputes also represent a challenge.” Management. Take my case: I started out with the position At present, Jamil is engaged on three projects: Al Baraka of Project Manager, and thanks to hard work I became Banking Group Headquarters in Bahrain; Zallaq Resort 6WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLYÄ]L`LHYZSH[LY¹ :VÄ[LS/V[LS)HOYHPU"HUK1LUHU*P[`7YVQLJ[H[(S2OVIHYPU Jamil’s main task in his current job is to “focus on the PTWYV]LTLU[ VM [OL LɉJPLUJ` VM [OL VWLYH[PVUHS [HZRZ I` 30 [OL,HZ[LYU7YV]PUJLVM:H\KP(YHIPH;OLZL[OYLL]LU[\YLZ OH]LPU]VS]LK1HTPS¸KLHSPUN^P[OHYHUNLVMKPɈLYLU[[`WLZ providing guidelines and monitoring the high level of the of professional personnel and clients. It’s a case of working services provided.” On a day-to-day basis this entails out priorities and seeking to maintain the satisfaction of all “handling and resolving issues as they come up, working of them.” June 2014 In his Projacs career thus far, Jamil has found greatest satisfaction from his involvement in the $40 million Ain Adhari National Park project in Bahrain. This ambitious venture, completed in 2009, involved no fewer than 15 contract agreements during the service period. :/(905.@,(9:6-,?7,90,5*, -VY `V\UN TLU HUK ^VTLU SVVRPUN MVY H JHYLLY PU WYVQLJ[ management, Jamil has no hesitation in recommending 7YVQHJZ¶SHYNLS`ILJH\ZLP[VɈLYZ[OVZLWYLWHYLK[V^VYR[V their utmost an opportunity to learn from experienced teams in the company. Jamil himself says his personal motivation is based on a desire “to keep on educating myself and to pass on to others the lessons I have learned in my years of experience in the Project Management Industry.” There is no question but that Jamil is steeped in the construction environment. He lists his personal interests as ¸YLHKPUNPU[OLÄLSKVM[OLLUNPULLYPUNPUK\Z[Y`¹HUK[OLTVZ[ recent book was a study on the repairing and strengthening VM I\PSKPUNZ» Z[Y\J[\YHS LSLTLU[Z :JHYJLS` ^OH[ VUL TPNO[ describe as light relief from work. :V^OH[RLLWZ1HTPSTHYYPLK^P[O[^VKH\NO[LYZHNLK HUKHUKHZVUZVJVTTP[[LK[VOPZJHYLLYV]LYHSS these years? “My role model,” he says, “is my grandfather, who built himself up independently when he emigrated from Palestine in 1948.” The son of a man who fought to create his own X\HSPÄJH[PVUZ 1HTPS JSLHYS` ZLLZ P[ HZ OPZ K\[` UV^ [V pass on what the experience he has acquired to the next generation. Below: (S)HYHRH)HURPUN.YV\W/8 Bahrain ” 0Z[HY[LKV\[^P[O[OL WVZP[PVUVM7YVQLJ[ Manager, and thanks [VOHYK^VYR0ILJHTL 6WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLYÄ]L years later." INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT ,PSURYLQJ 6NLOOV Yasser Khreis Head of IT Unit - Kuwait ( JHYLLY ^P[O 7YVQHJZ VɈLY NYLH[ VWWVY[\UP[PLZ [V PTWYV]L 8. International. “Projacs is a very good place for any Providing day-to-day advice to users on data structures and terminology skills, according to Yasser Khreis, Head of IT Unit, Projacs 9. Providing assistance in testing new equipment and systems newcomers who like to improve themselves and want to be up-to-date with the latest in the IT, engineering, and 10. Checking systems in order to optimize the THUHNLTLU[ÄLSKZ-VYTL[OLLUQV`HISLWHY[VM[OLQVIPZ performance and to initiate recovery action after all to do with skills improvement. Every day there are lots of system failures. tasks that help me upgrade my management and technical experience.” (NYHK\H[LMYVT[OL-HJ\S[`VM:JPLUJLH[[OL3LIHULZL @HZZLY OHZ Ä]L KLKPJH[LK TLTILYZ VM Z[HɈ PU OPZ JVYL team, plus teams around the region. In every country, University, Yasser heard about Projacs from a friend and [OLYLPZVULKLKPJH[LK0;Z[HɈTLTILYVYHU0;V\[ZV\YJLK joined the company in 2000 as IT Manager Kuwait. In company: 2009 he moved up to his current position. On his arrival at 7YVQHJZ OL PTTLKPH[LS` PKLU[PÄLK MV\Y WVZP[P]L HZWLJ[Z VM the work environment: there is a strong team spirit; hard [VZ[HɈ Z\WLY]PZPUNV\YVɉJLZPU3LIHUVU:`YPH4VYVJJV Egypt and Palestine. work is recognized; there is an emphasis on training and KL]LSVWTLU["HUKZLUPVYTHUHNLTLU[VɈLYZ[YVUNZ\WWVY[ Lama Habash: IT Manager for Projacs Jordan, 9HZOH4V\ZZH!:LUPVY0;(KTPUPZ[YH[VYMVY7YVQHJZ Kuwait, assisting Yasser and following up on IT issues with the outsourced IT companies for other ;,*/50*(3:<7769; The main role of the IT Department, Yasser says, “is to WYV]PKL[LJOUPJHSZ\WWVY[[VHSS7YVQHJZZ[HɈPUHSSIYHUJOLZ Projacs branches. and sites.” He lists the support areas as follows: 4VOHTTLK :HLLK! 0; (KTPUPZ[YH[VY MVY 7YVQHJZ :H\KP Alaa Almarzook: IT Administrator for Projacs Bahrain. 1. Workstations, servers and end-user support 2. Networking/communications support 3. :LJ\YP[`HUKYLSH[LKHJ[P]P[PLZ 4. Policies, procedures, licenses and functionalities least keeping up with new technology and the pressure 5. Administrating applications in LAN N,W WAN, Cloud :\WLY]PZPUNH\KP[PUN HSS 0; W\YJOHZLZ OHYK^HYL MYVT THUHNLTLU[ HUK Z[HɈ [V PTWSLTLU[ P[ ¸)\[ [OL YLHS 6. ZVM[^HYL 7. 32 (ZOPM2\UP`PS!0;(KTPUPZ[YH[VYMVY7YVQHJZ8H[HY Providing training in systems use and access June 2014 Yasser says his job presents several challenges, not challenge is deciding which of these new technologies will work to the best interest of advancing the organization and PM[OL`HYLJVTWSPHU[^P[O7YVQHJZ:[HUKHYK7YVJLK\YLHUK ” [OLYLHSJOHSSLUNLPZKLJPKPUN^OPJOVM [OLZLUL^[LJOUVSVNPLZ^PSS^VYR[V[OLILZ[ PU[LYLZ[VMHK]HUJPUN[OLVYNHUPaH[PVUHUK PM[OL`HYLJVTWSPHU[^P[O7YVQHJZ:[HUKHYK 7YVJLK\YLHUK7VSPJPLZ Ashif Kuniyil IT Administrator 8H[HY Policies.” With the advances of Cloud opportunities, for example, there are security and risk considerations to be taken into account. *30,5;:(;0:-(*;065 In Yasser’s view Projacs would do well “to improve the Rasha Moussa IT infrastructure in our projects and consider that the :Y0;(KTPUPZ[YH[VY implementation of a Project Management Information Kuwait :`Z[LT740:PZHT\Z[PUVYKLY[VTHUHNLHKTPUPZ[LYHUK Z\WLY]PZL HSS [OL PZZ\LZ JVYYLZWVUKLUJL 9-0Z L[J LSH[LK to our projects and this will enable our Project Managers/ Contract Managers/Administration Managers/ Managers/Engineers/ Document Controllers etc to follow up these issues and take the necessary preventive corrective actions. This will impact positively on client satisfaction, which is the basis of our success.” 4VOHTTLK:HLLK IT Administrator 2:( Yasser’s life philosophy can be summed in one word: improvement. He is continuing studies in the Informatics ÄLSK^P[O[OL]PL^[V[HRPUNH7O+X\HSPÄJH[PVU¸-YVTT` point of view,” he says, “motivation is all about improvement. This is always my goal and target. Accordingly on a daily basis I am seeking to acquire the knowledge and experience PUKPɈLYLU[ÄLSKZPUVYKLY[VILPUSPUL^P[OHUK[HSR[OLZHTL language as those in other areas of the company.” Lama Habas IT Manager Jordan Yasser has been living in Kuwait since 1993. He feels settled there, with a wife and three children (Raghdad aged /HKP HUK @HYH MV\Y /L LUQV`Z ^HSRPUN HUK WSH`PUN football. His positive outlook and his belief in improvement, in both his personal and professional life, is encapsulated in his favorite motto: “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Alaa Almarzooq IT Administrator Bahrain June 2014 33 THE SYSTEM ANALYST /HDYLQJ7KH &RPIRUW=RQH %HKLQG One of the most important challenges facing Omar Rayan, PU OPZ YVSLZ HZ :`Z[LTZ (UHS`Z[ 74*: HUK 0; *VYWVYH[L Coordinator at Projacs Academy, is “getting people out of their comfort zone when it comes to new technologies and proving that cloud solutions and a few tweaks in the way [OPUNZ ^VYR JHU THRL H O\NL KPɈLYLUJL PU JVSSHIVYH[PVU time management and therefore revenue generation.” Cloud computing, Omar explains, “is the current iteration of the internet which somewhat eliminates the need of having software installed locally. Instead it’s replaced by VUSPULZVS\[PVUZRUV^UHZº:VM[^HYLHZHZLY]PJL»:HH:[OH[ needs minimal hardware. It can be used on a wide range of KL]PJLZLZWLJPHSS`ZTHY[WOVULZHUK[HISL[ZHUKPZOHZZSL MYLL^OLUP[JVTLZ[V\WKH[LZVɈLYPUNZHUKZLJ\YP[`¹ ;9(5:0;065;6;/,*36<+ >OLU 6THU QVPULK 7YVQHJZ PU [OL 74*: KLWHY[TLU[ in August 2013, he says, “the transition to the cloud had already begun. When Mr. Nael Al-Ashy and I were appointed [VÄUKUL^KL]LSVWTLU[VW[PVUZMVY74*:^LKPKV\YILZ[ [V ÄUK 0; ]LUKVYZ \ZPUN TVKLYU [LJOUVSVN` ^P[O H NVVK reputation and a good portfolio of customers, capable of delivering a well-made end product.” The main challenges were “convincing the management VM [OL ILULÄ[Z VM OH]PUN H Z`Z[LT I\PS[ VU VWLUZV\YJL [LJOUVSVNPLZ JVU]PUJPUN V\Y JSPLU[Z [OH[ :HH: PZ [OL UL^ evolution that replaces software installed locally.” There was also a need to convince “management and some 0; WLYZVUULS VM [OL ILULÄ[Z VM OH]PUN H JVTWYLOLUZP]L cloud email and collaboration solution rather than the one available now.” As far as Projacs Academy is concerned, “the biggest challenge was proving the importance of social media and online advertising as the ideal method nowadays to expand brand recognition among potential customers, instead of Omar Rayan :`Z[LT(UHS`PZ[ Bahrain 34 June 2014 traditional methods of advertising, including email.” ;OL IPN X\LZ[PVU PZ ^OL[OLY [OL JSV\K ZVS\[PVU VɈLYZ ” JVU]PUJPUN[OLTHUHNLTLU[VM[OLILULÄ[ZVM OH]PUNHZ`Z[LTI\PS[VUVWLUZV\YJL[LJOUVSVNPLZ JVU]PUJPUNV\YJSPLU[Z[OH[:HH:PZ[OLUL^L]VS\[PVU [OH[YLWSHJLZZVM[^HYLPUZ[HSSLKSVJHSS` equal or greater security capabilities than those provided YLJVNUP[PVUHUKJVVYKPUH[PUN^P[O4Y(SP:OH^^HHUK4Y by the data center. Omar is equivocal in his response. 1VZLSP[V -PN\LYVH PU [OL KL]LSVWTLU[ WYVJLZZ VM [OL UL^ ¸,HJO ZVS\[PVU OHZ P[Z ILULÄ[Z HUK KYH^IHJRZ¹ OL ZH`Z content management system. “Having a local server has always been the safe solution Omar, who is 24 years old and single, admits “a passion for companies seeking full control over their data. Yet not for technology and gadgets, podcasts, photography and all companies can keep up with the high costs of frequent being active outdoors.” He exudes both energy and a hardware, software and security layer upgrades if they want determination to get to the top – motivated his mother Mrs. a data center that runs perfectly. At some point they will be Lina Abdulkhaleq. “Over the years,” he says, “she was a a bit behind if they don’t keep up with the rapid technology great inspiration who made me aim to succeed in the updates.” world of business, build better connections, and become a :36>(5+:;,([email protected],:: walking success story in business and IT.” In Omar’s view, cloud solutions from renowned vendors No surprise, then, to hear that Omar has just been PL.VVNSL4PJYVZVM[:HSLZMVYJL9HJR:WHJLHUKV[OLYZ reading Think and Grow Rich, by Greg Habstritt. No surprise have gone a long way in terms of data integrity, uptime and either to learn that he has crafted his own motto – one that service availability, and security. But crucially if a company he would like all Projacs employees to adopt: “The best way is to opt for a cloud solution to reduce IT costs, it should to get out of your comfort zone is to never have one in the also follow the Projacs example by doing its research well ÄYZ[WSHJL before choosing a vendor. The bigger the vendor, the more this vendor invested on having reliable and secure data centers.” Adopting this prudent approach, Omar says, “Projacs is moving slowly but steadily in order to ensure that the end results will perform perfectly as planned.” -VY6THYL]LY`KH`PZHSLHYUPUNVWWVY[\UP[`!¸4`[`WPJHS ^VYRKH`PU]VS]LZÄUKPUNV\[TVYLHIV\[OV^74*:^VYRZ and gaining more experience, as well as coordinating with 4Y 5HLS (S(ZO` PU WYLWHYPUN PTWYV]LTLU[Z [V [OL 74*: Z`Z[LT HUK HUHS`ZPUN WYVWVZHSZ MYVT KPɈLYLU[ ZVM[^HYL vendors regarding enhancement. My day-to-day work HSZV PU]VS]LZ OLSWPUN 4Y (S(ZO` PU THYRL[PUN 74*: HUK presenting it as a strong management solution in existing and upcoming projects.” Omar’s role in the Projacs Academy involves beta-testing the mobile application, research on e-learning solutions , research on best social media practices to expand brand June 2014 35 MUSANADA SCHOOLS PROGRAM Focused But Flexible ;OLTPSSPVU4\ZHUHKH:JOVVSZ7YVNYHT7OHZLPU(I\+OHIPHUK(S(PU YLWYLZLU[Z7YVQHJZ»ÄYZ[L_WLYPLUJLVM^VYRPUNMVY[OL<(,NV]LYUTLU[(ZOYHM (S.HYM ,_LJ\[P]L =PJL 7YLZPKLU[+LW\[` *,6 ZH`Z [OL JVTWHU` PZ MHJLK ^P[O “with a very professional yet demanding client, and we have had to be focused, I\[Z\ɉJPLU[S`ÅL_PISL^P[OHOPNOZLUZLVMWYVISLTZVS]PUNJHWHIPSP[PLZ¹ >PUUPUN [OL 7YVQLJ[ 4HUHNLTLU[ JVU[YHJ[ MVY [OL :JOVVSZ 7YVNYHT ^HZ H great achievement for Projacs, Ashraf says. Musanada is “the most important client in UAE, if not in the Gulf region in general. They manage all UAE NV]LYUTLU[HSWYVQLJ[Z:VILPUNVU[OLPYSPZ[PZHYLTHYRHISLHJOPL]LTLU[HUKH goal that we were trying to achieve for the past few years.” Being selected by Musanada was all the more remarkable because of the recent restructuring of Projacs’ operations in the UAE and the perceptions this created. As Ashraf explains, “Projacs Abu Dhabi was re-activated in March 2013 HM[LYHSTVZ[Ä]L`LHYZVM\ZVWLYH[PUN\UKLY8708\KYH7YVQHJZ0U[LYUH[PVUHS HQVPU[JVTWHU`V^ULKI`IV[O8\KYH/VSKPUNHUK7YVQHJZ0U[LYUH[PVUHS¹(ZH result, “we faced lots of challenges in the negotiations stage before the project was awarded. Most of the challenges were about the client’s perception that 7YVQHJZ(I\+OHIPKPKU»[L_PZ[HUK[OH[^LSHJRLKHZ\ɉJPLU[U\TILYVM[YHPULK HUKJHWHISLZ[HɈ[VWLYMVYT[OL^VYR¹ Ashraf AlGarf ,_LJ\[P]L=7 & Deputy CEO 36 June 2014 <9)(5,=63<;065796.9(4 Projacs Abu Dhabi won the contract in July 2013 and turned to a pool of resources in neighboring countries to establish the project team – deploying more than 25 professional personnel in fewer than four weeks. The task now is to see the project completed by its target date of December 2014. ;OLZJOVVSZWYVQLJ[PZWHY[VM[OL(I\+OHIP<YIHU:[Y\J[\YL-YHTL^VYR7SHU drawn up by the Urban Planning Council to optimize the city's development through a 25-year program of urban evolution. In doing so, it is laying the foundations for a socially cohesive and economically sustainable community. The Abu Dhabi Education *V\UJPS(+,*PUP[PH[LKHWYVNYHTJVTWYPZPUN[OLJVUZ[Y\J[PVUVMLPNO[ZJOVVSZ^P[O Z[H[LVM[OLHY[MHJPSP[PLZPUKPɈLYLU[HYLHZVM(I\+OHIPHUK(S(PU The buildings are of two levels and are located in built-up areas. In addition to JSHZZYVVTZZWHJLZPUJS\KLVɉJLZOHSSZN`TUHZP\TZJHML[LYPHZ[VPSL[ZHUKV[OLY facilities, in addition to outdoor spaces, playgrounds, landscaping, roads and parking. The schools are being fully furnished, with specialty items for laboratories, classrooms, WSH`PUNHYLHZVɉJLZH\KP[VYP\TZJHML[LYPHZHUKYLJLW[PVUZ;OLI\PSKPUNZ»KLZPNU incorporated green building guidelines and are intended to achieve 2 Pearls Estidama rating. Having been with Projacs since April 1998, Ashraf has worked on many types of WYVQLJ[)\[[OPZVULPZKPɈLYLU[OLZH`Z¸ILJH\ZLWYPVYP[PLZJOHUNL;O\Z^LOH]L [VIL]LY`ÅL_PISL[VKLHS^P[O[OPZL]LY`KH`)LPUNHNV]LYUTLU[WYVQLJ[^LOH]L[V KLHS^P[OTHU`PTWVY[HU[HNLUJPLZHUKKLWHY[TLU[Z,]LY`VULOHZHKPɈLYLU[]PL^ HUK^LOH]L[VWSLHZL[OLTHSS:VJVTT\UPJH[PVUZRPSSZHYLHIZVS\[LS`]P[HS¹ (ZOYHM»Z ÄYZ[ YVSL H[ 7YVQHJZ ^HZ HZ H NLULYHS Z\WLYPU[LUKLU[ VU H 2\^HP[ 7L[YVSL\T *VTWHU` WYVQLJ[ PU 2\^HP[ >P[OPU H ML^ `LHYZ OL OHK ILJVTL =PJL President and Area Manager Kuwait and Iraq. In his current position, Ashraf oversees HSS7YVQHJZVWLYH[PVUZPU[OLKPɈLYLU[VɉJLZ!¸0MVJ\ZVUJSPLU[Z»YLSH[PVUZHUKI\ZPULZZ KL]LSVWTLU[ HUK 0 ^VYR VU ÄUHUJPHS [HYNL[Z [OH[ HYL WYLZL[ I` [OL )VHYK I` [OL beginning of every year.” REWARDING WORK 4VYLZWLJPÄJHSS`OPZK\[PLZPUJS\KLZOHYPUN^P[O[OL*,6HUKV[OLY)VHYKTLTILYZ planning, work expansions, internal policies and procedures, in addition to studying new markets, and new areas of concern. He must also prepare, present and implement the company’s annual budget, business and operation plans and expenditures, and monitor development and investment opportunities in the Gulf area and North Africa. “I feel proud of being part of the senior management of Projacs,” Ashraf says. “I ÄUKP[YL^HYKPUN[VILL_WVZLK[V[OLILZ[WYVMLZZPVUHSZ^VYRPUNPUV\YÄLSKPU[OL whole region, working with a very friendly and supportive CEO and Chairman.” Ashraf is always on the look-out for new opportunities for Projacs: “I’m currently V]LY]PL^PUN7YVQHJZ»VWLYH[PVUZPUHSSV\YVɉJLZ,HJOJV\U[Y`OHZP[ZJOHSSLUNLZHUK opportunities. However, if the question is where else I’m interested in expanding our operations, I would say India, Turkey and Iran.” With Projacs’ operations widening in scope across the region and beyond, travel constitutes a large part of Ashraf’s life. Indeed, asked where he was currently residing, OLYLWSPLK!¸0U[OLWSHUL¹:VÄUKPUNVWWVY[\UP[PLZ[VZWLUK[PTL^P[OOPZ^PMLHUK three children requires the same key skills that he brings to his professional life: focus HUKÅL_PIPSP[` June 2014 37 2QHRIWKHOHDGLQJ3URMHFWDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW 7UDLQLQJ'HYHORSPHQWDQG6HUYLFH3URYLGHUV 2))(5,1*29(5&2856(6 ,1 025( 7+$1&,7,(6 $5281' 7+(:25/' PROJACS ACADEMY WORKS WITH AN EXTENSIVE NETWORK OF 352)(66,21$/6 $1' 25*$1,=$7,216 ZZZSURMDFVDFDGHP\FRP <2c2<>(0;c:(<+0(9()0(c)(/9(05c<(,c8(;(9c09(8c64(5c:@90(c;<92,@c169+(5 3,)(565c,.@7;c4696**6c4(3(@:0(c30)@(cc-9(5*,c<:(c*(5(+(c5,>A,(3(5+ 38 June 2014 OUR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES &$7(5729$5,2866(&7256$1'63(&,$/7,(6 ÷LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT SKILLS ÷PROJECT MANAGEMENT ÷CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ÷STRUCTURES & CONCRETE ÷MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ÷DESIGN MANAGEMENT ÷VALUE ENGINEERING ÷COST ESTIMATING AND CONTROL ÷PLANNING & SCHEDULING ÷CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ÷CLAIM MANAGEMENT AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION ÷OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT ÷HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ÷BANKING & FINANCE ÷25*$1,=$7,21$/'(9(/230(17 ÷ISO & QUALITY MANAGEMENT ÷MARKETING & SALES MANAGEMENT ÷PURCHASING & LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT ÷REAL ESTATE & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ÷ENVIRONMENTAL & SECURITY ISSUES ÷PETROCHEMICALS ÷OIL & GAS ÷PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ÷FACILITI F ES MANAGEMENT 120 PALL MALL, LONDON SW1Y 5EA UK 7(/,1)2#352-$&6$&$'(0<&20 June 2014 39 40 KUWAIT FUND JORDAN PROJECT Unique In Diversity (JVU[YHJ[[VMVSSV^\WHUKHKTPUPZ[LY[OLÄUHUJPUNVMWYVQLJ[ZPU1VYKHUM\UKLK I`[OL2\^HP[-\UKMVY(YHI,JVUVTPJ+L]LSVWTLU[PZ¸\UPX\LPU[OLU\TILY and diversity of the development projects to be covered in our scope,” according [V)HZLS(IK\SSH[PM(ZZPZ[HU[=76WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLY1VYKHU Projacs won the contract in August 2013 and completion in due in August this year. The Kuwait Government Grant totals $1.25bn, at a rate of $250mn WH`HISL HUU\HSS` MVY Ä]L `LHYZ HUK YLWYLZLU[Z H X\HY[LY VM [OL .** .YHU[ [V Jordan. Basel, who is in charge of directing and managing the Jordan venture, says the project is unique because “there are hundreds of projects in the range VMML^[OV\ZHUKZKVSSHYZ7YVK\J[P]P[`,UOHUJLTLU[[V[LUZVMTPSSPVUZVMKVSSHYZ 0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL7YVQLJ[Z[VILTVUP[VYLK;OLYLHYLHSZVU\TLYV\ZKVJ\TLU[Z[V ILYL]PL^LKHUKJVTTLU[LKVUZ\JOHZ*VU[YHJ[Z9-7Z7YVWVZHSZL]HS\H[PVU and withdrawal requests in a short period of time.” ;OL 2\^HP[ -\UK HSZV YLSPLZ VU 7YVQHJZ MVY HK]PJL ¸VU ^OL[OLY ZVTL particular projects are to be included in the development program and whether a certain deviation from the stipulations of the Grant Agreement signed between the governments of Kuwait and Jordan is acceptable.” The projects are grouped in nine Government Development Programs: Municipalities & Basel Abdullatif, (ZZPZ[HU[=7 Operations Manager, Jordan June 2014 41 7YV]PUJLZ +L]LSVWTLU[" ; ;YHUZWVY[ :LJ[VY +L]LSVWTLU[" 0TWV]LYPZOLK -HTPSPLZ /V\ZPUN" :\WWVY[ VM /LHS[O :LJ[VY" :\WWVY[VM,K\JH[PVU:LJ[VY":\WWVY[VM>H[LY0YYPNH[PVU :LJ[VY":\WWVY[VM5H[\YHS9LZV\YJLZ:LJ[VY">PUK7V^LY Generation Project; and Liquid natural Gas Port Project. 7YVQHJZ» YVSL PU 2\^HP[ -\UK»Z 1VYKHU WYVQLJ[ JHU IL summarized as follows: Regular visits to development projects locations, inspection of project documentation, follow up and check payment processes to ensure accounts transparency and follow up on the projects advancements. Review and commenting on the abidance of each local authority concerned with any of the WYVQLJ[Z ÄUHUJLK MYVT [OL WYVJLLKZ VM [OL processing of the withdrawal requests and accelerate due Grant to proper accounting book-keeping, and payments. To resolve this challenge, we have conducted transparent management and to the conformity in several meetings with the concerned from the Kuwait the preparation of withdrawal applications with the -\UK HUK [OL 1VYKHUPHU 4PUPZ[YPLZ HUK WYVWVZLK JLY[HPU -\UK»Z N\PKLSPULZ HUK ^P[O [OL Z[PW\SH[PVUZ VM [OL procedures that are currently being reviewed by both corresponding Grant Agreement. parties.” :\WLY]PZPVU HUK [YHPUPUN VM [^V UVTPUH[LK 2\^HP[ -\UK LTWSV`LLZ [V IL H[[HJOLK JVUZLJ\[P]LS` [V Basel joined Projacs in October 1998 and over the years has accumulated experience in many areas of Project 7YVQHJZ [LHT PU 1VYKHU HZ *V\U[LYWHY[ Z[HɈ MVY H Management. This and what he describes as his “personal duration of about six months each. dedication and problem solving approach, have helped in :@5*/9650A05.796*,+<9,: Not surprisingly, Basel says, administering such a range of projects can throw up complications that need sorting out: “The main challenge we are facing is the need to synchronize the accounting and administrative procedures practiced by the various Jordanian Ministries and Authorities performing [OL 7YVQLJ[Z HUK [OVZL VM [OL 2\^HP[ -\UK [V LUZ\YL MHZ[ facing such challenges and, hopefully, with the invaluable support of the brilliant Project team, will lead to the successful completion of the Project.” ;OPZ ]LU[\YL THRL UV TPZ[HRL PZ ]LY` KPɈLYLU[ MYVT most that Projacs take on. “All my previous projects were ZPUNSL PUP[PH[LK HUK ÄUHUJLK I` [OL WYP]H[L ZLJ[VY¹ )HZLS explains. “In most of my previous projects, I was responsible Pervious page: Productivity Enhauncement Project 1 at Ain El-Basha Area Above: Productivity Enhauncement Project 2 at Ain El-Basha Area Left: 9HQLI.PYSZ:JOVVS4HPU[LUHUJL Opposite: 9HQLI)V`Z:JOVVS4HPU[LUHUJL 42 June 2014 ” for managing the project throughout the various phases from inception to completion. In this project Projacs’ role is more related to auditing work done by others – various Governmental Ministries and Authorities.” :<7769;05.;/,7669 The particular focus of the projects being undertaken in Jordan is another aspect of the contract that appeals to Basel. “Being a part of a process aiming at supporting the people living below poverty line is a great source of personal satisfaction. I am greatly inspired by the strong women, often uneducated; we occasionally meet during our visits to impoverished areas in Jordanian provinces while inspecting ZVTL WYVK\J[P]P[` LUOHUJLTLU[ WYVQLJ[Z ÄUHUJLK I` [OL [OLTPYHJSLZ[OL` ^LYLHISL[VJYLH[L ^OLUNP]LU[OLJOHUJL [VZ[HY[ZTHSSWYVQLJ[Z to support their often ]LY`SHYNLMHTPSPLZ 2\^HP[.YHU[-VY[OLÄYZ[[PTLPUT`SPML0NL[HJOHUJL[V talk to those women and learn about the miracles they were previous experience. This is the recipe for success at able to create when given the chance to start small projects Projacs.” to support their often very large families.” Basel, who is single, lives in Amman where he is very 0ULZZLUJL[OL2\^HP[-\UKJVU[YHJ[ILHYZV\[)HZLS»Z happy. He enjoys reading history and archaeology books, philosophy that one should always be on the look-out as well as “working out on a daily basis and practicing Yoga, for new challenges outside one’s comfort zone. It can be my favourite stress management technique.” summarized in his advice to newcomers to Projacs: “Work His skill at managing stress is likely to be tested to the full hard, learn more, be smart, get involved and be willing to as he tries to keep tabs with the huge range and diversity of accept assignments even if not fully compatible with your [OLWYVQLJ[ZILPUN\UKLY^H`JV\Y[LZ`VM[OL2\^HP[-\UK June 2014 43 %$%(==28$5 44 June 2014 New Territory, New Challenges -VY [OL 8H[HYSLK 7YVQHJZ 7YVQLJ[ 4HUHNLTLU[ [LHT NL[[PUN [V NYPWZ ^P[O H ]LU[\YL in Algeria, a new market for the company, has presented a challenge – in fact several challenges. 7YVQLJ[Z +PYLJ[VY 6ZHTH -HOT` ZH`Z [OH[ ¸MVY H UL^ [LYYP[VY` Z\JO HZ (SNLYPH P[ was not easy to set up and operate immediately as our Client needed. Nevertheless we OH]LYLSVJH[LKZ\P[HISLZ[HɈMYVT7YVQHJZPU5VY[O(MYPJHHUKHJX\PYLKUL^(SNLYPHUHUK L_WH[YPH[L Z[HɈ ^OV ^VYRLK PU (SNLYPH ILMVYL¹ >P[OPU H ML^ ^LLRZ ¸V\Y OHUKWPJRLK team has become one of the best performing ones in Projacs.” :LSLJ[PUN[OL[LHT^HZVUL[OPUN<UKLYZ[HUKPUN[OL^H`I\ZPULZZPZKVULPU(SNLYPH was another. “Getting to know the Algerian market and dealing with its unique legal and logistic conditions was a further challenge,” Osama says. “This was overcome by JVTIPUPUN [OL L_WLY[PZL VM L_WLYPLUJLK 7YVQHJZ Z[HɈ ^P[O [OL SVJHS RUV^SLKNL VM [OLPY new Algerian colleagues.” June 2014 45 :,5:,6--(403@ 6ZHTHZ[YLZZLZ[OH[¸LɈLJ[P]LJVSSHIVYH[PVUHTVUN[OL Teamwork is key to the success of the Algeria venture, the project team and continuing support from Projacs’ corporate structure of which is unusually complicated. The project is leadership are essential factors to guarantee successful ILPUN KPYLJ[ MYVT 8H[HY ^OLYL [OL *SPLU[ PZ IHZLK )\[ [OL delivery of this complex project. Our team is performing an Consultants are headquartered in Turkey, and the Contractors active role and has beautifully blended with the enormous OHPS MYVT H U\TILY VM KPɈLYLU[ WSHJLZ 6ZHTH HKTP[Z [OH[ number of players on the project.” aside from all the other challenges, “communications is This latter aspect of the Algiers project makes it stand out always the major one. My concern has always been to secure from others on which Osama has worked: “Cultural diversity HU LɉJPLU[ HUK JVTMVY[HISL ^VYRPUN LU]PYVUTLU[ [OH[ ^PSS PZ[OLTHQVYKPɈLYLUJL6UJL^OLU0]PZP[LK[OLWYVQLJ[0^HZ enable our team to concentrate on their assignments. In told that Jordanians and Lebanese were inspecting the site [OLZLMHYVɈSHUKZ[OLZLUZLVMMHTPS`^LOH]LJYLH[LKPZ[OL with the Algerians, along with the Turkish Consultants. Many best guarantee for team success.” languages are being spoken in the project, but that doesn’t Osama says that Projacs was approached by the Client to take over the on-going BAB Ezzouar project in Algeria HɈLJ[ [OL \UKLYZ[HUKPUN ^L»]L Z\JJLLKLK PU JYLH[PUN amongst the team.” PU -LIY\HY` ILJH\ZL [OL MVYTLY ¸]HS\LK [OL ZLY]PJLZ Projacs was providing, such as management of their World ; ;YHKL*LU[LY ; ;V^LYPU8H[HY¹ The $500 million Bab Ezzouar Mixed Use Complex, as the project is formally described, is a vast development near Algier Airport that is scheduled for completion in mid2016. It is simply the largest mixed-use development to be undertaken by a private investor in Algeria, covering a total built-up area of approximately 280,985 square meters on a plot of 40,398 square meters. The venture comprises: a 5-star Marriott Hotel with 222 keys; four high-class executive serviced apartment buildings with 354 apartments; a Marriott Courtyard in three buildings with 495 apartments; a Marriott Residence Inn in two buildings ^P[OYVVTZ"[^VVɉJLISVJRZ^P[OHWWYV_PTH[LS` square meters of rentable area; a shopping centre with 19,000 square meters of net lettable retail area; and a 2,000-squaremeter food court. The project is built on three basements with an enclosed area containing 2,300 car parking spaces. 46 June 2014 6ZHTH-HOT` Project Director 7YVQHJZ8H[HY ” 4`JVUJLYUOHZHS^H`ZILLU[VZLJ\YLHULѝJPLU[ HUKJVTMVY[HISL^VYRPUNLU]PYVUTLU[[OH[^PSSLUHISL V\Y[LHT[VJVUJLU[YH[LVU[OLPYHZZPNUTLU[Z0U [OLZLMHYVќSHUKZ[OLZLUZLVMMHTPS`^LOH]L JYLH[LKPZ[OLILZ[N\HYHU[LLMVY[LHTZ\JJLZZ <508<,:63<;065: templates and try to impose them in every project with very Projacs’ success worldwide, Osama continues, “is built little attention to the real needs of the Clients.” HYV\UK[OL^VYKºZVS\[PVUZ»¹(ZP[»ZJSLHYMVYHSS[VZLLPU[OL -YVT6ZHTH»ZWLYZVUHSWVPU[VM]PL^[HRPUN7YVQHJZPU[V Algeria experience, “we have always succeeded in creating new territories in Algeria “has made me very proud. It is the LɈLJ[P]LZVS\[PVUZ[OH[HYL\UPX\LMVYLHJOPUKP]PK\HSWYVQLJ[ least I could do to contribute to the success and growth of ;OLYL OHZU»[ ILLU HU` ºJVW`HUKWHZ[» ZVS\[PVU ;OH[»Z the company.” what sets us apart from our competitors, who rely on their Osama, who is married with a 16-year-old daughter, joined June 2014 47 48 June 2014 Bab Ezzouar Project Team -YVT3LM[[! -HPZHS(IK,SHaPa(IK,SOSLLT6ZHTH-HUOT` /PZOHT,STHZY`-H[TH6\RRHSHUK-LSSH6\STP ” Projacs in October 2006, armed with a BA A in Engineering from (SL_HUKYPH<UP]LYZP[`HUKH+PWSVTHVM/PNOLY:[\KPLZMYVT Cairo University. He became aware of Projacs’ operations in Egypt, and when a vacancy occurred he applied and was Z\JJLZZM\S PU ILPUN OPYLK YLSVJH[PUN [V 8H[HY ¶ ^OPJO OL remembers as being “more like being re-united with a family than moving into a new organization.” Today, managing a number of mixed-use and commercial TVYLSPRLILPUNYL\UP[LK ^P[OHMHTPS`[OHUTV]PUNPU[V HUL^VYNHUPaH[PVU WYVQLJ[Z ^P[OPU 8H[HY HZ ^LSS HZ (SNLYPH 6ZHTH ZH`Z OL usually gets involved “in the initiation stage, building project teams and managing the project until construction is started -VY H THU ^OV ILSPL]LZ PU HKHW[PUN HUK PUUV]H[PUN [V ¶ W\[[PUN P[ VU [OL YPNO[ [YHJR¹ :\JJLZZM\S HZ 7YVQHJZ OHZ KLHS^P[OUL^JOHSSLUNLZP[PZUVZ\YWYPZL[VÄUK[OH[6ZHTH been, Osama acknowledges that there is always room for WVPU[Z[V:[L]L1VIZHZOPZPUZWPYH[PVUTVKLS!¸/LOHZILLU improvement. His advice to Projacs corporate management: creative and has been a very successful businessman at the HKK[YHPUPUNPUUL^ÄLSKZL_JOHUNLZ[HɈIL[^LLU[LYYP[VYPLZ same time.” Just the combination Projacs needs, one could and establish scholarships for management-related academic say, to overcome the challenges in the new Algeria project. studies. June 2014 49 MOVING WITH THE TIMES: PROMIS ã3DSHUOHVVâ3URMDFV ,Q3URVSHFW (SP:OH^^H (ZZ[=PJL7YLZPKLU[40: Corporate Communications 7YVQHJZ» 79640: Z`Z[LT PZ L_WHUKPUN HUK WYV]PUN [V IL H raised and exploring the best way forward in implementing success across the company, with wholesale improvements all the upgrades without completely departing from existing PU ^VYRWSHJL LɉJPLUJ` PU [\UL ^P[O century business ^VYRÅV^ZHUKZ`Z[LTWYVJLZZLZ st WYHJ[PJLZ(JJVYKPUN[V(SP:OH^^H(ZZPZ[HU[=PJL7YLZPKLU[ ¸6\Y HPT HZ [OL 79640: [LHT¹ (SP HKKZ ¸^HZ [V 40: *VYWVYH[L *VTT\UPJH[PVUZ [OL KLKPJH[PVU VM [OL provide the users with the tools they need on the system, 79640:[LHTHUKZLUPVYTHUHNLTLU[HUK[OL^PSSPUNULZZ while maintaining a user-friendly and dynamic platform, and of the users have combined to “transform Projacs into more L_WSVYPUN[OLTVZ[JVZ[LɈLJ[P]LKL]LSVWTLU[VW[PVUZ^P[O VMHºWHWLYSLZZ»^VYRLU]PYVUTLU[¹ Baracci, the Canadian-based solutions company. I have to :[YLHTSPUPUN UL^ Z`Z[LTZ [V YLHJO [OPZ WVPU[ HUK thank my colleagues for their professionalism and dedication moving away from a world dominated by bits of paper, has in helping us enhance the system, which has reduced the presented challenges. One of the initial problems developing challenges of the Phase II development.” HUKKLWSV`PUN[OL79640:Z`Z[LTJVTWHU`^PKL(SPZH`Z :V ^OLYL KVLZ ^OLYL KVLZ 79640: Z[HUK [VKH`& involved “changing or transitioning traditional work processes According to Ali, “each core unit or department has submitted onto an online platform. We experienced both cultural and P[ZYLX\PYLTLU[ZHUKMLLKIHJRVU\[PSPaPUN[OLÄYZ[]LYZPVUVM technical issues throughout the years.” [OLZ`Z[LT4VZ[^LYLZH[PZÄLK^P[O[OLPYL_PZ[PUNTVK\SLZ :PUJLP[ZVɉJPHSSH\UJOPU[OL7YVQHJZ4HUHNLTLU[ on the system, with minor tweaks and changes.” 0UMVYTH[PVU :`Z[LT 79640: OHZ NYLH[S` LUOHUJLK [OL 50 WYVK\J[P]P[` JVUULJ[P]P[` HUK LɉJPLUJ` VM HSS 7YVQHJZ 65:*/,+<3,(5+:<**,::-<3 WLYZVUULS ;OL JVYL M\UJ[PVUZ VM 79640: HYL UV^ PU WSHJL Ali points out that there are some new features to be included and the system is being utilized fully across the company’s PU 79640: HM[LY [OL ]HSPKH[PVU HUK [LZ[PUN VM [OL 7OHZL 00 YLNPVUHSVɉJLZ¶HWHY[VML]LY`KH`SPML;OL79640:[LHT developments – a process that “has been on schedule and PZ SLK I` (SP HUK 1VZLSP[V -PN\LYVH :LUPVY 74*: ,UNPULLY successful”. These developments include: Executive Report HUK79640:JVVYKPUH[VY<WKH[LZHUKÄ_LZHYLJHYYPLKV\[ .LULYH[VYMVY[OL*VYWVYH[LVɉJLHUHK]HUJLKSLH]LZLJ[PVU regularly, and technical support is available to all users. \UKLY/9^OLYL\ZLYZJHU\[PSPaLLPNO[KPɈLYLU[SLH]L[`WLZ Due to the rapid growth of the company, the existing PL ZPJR SLH]L TH[LYUP[` SLH]L L[J JVUULJ[PUN LTWSV`LL Z`Z[LTJHUUV[JVWL^P[OPUJYLHZPUNKLTHUKZ:V79640: HYJOP]LK YLJVYKZ \UKLY H ZPUNSL WYVÄSL V[OLY JVTWSL_ /9 is now in its second phase. Undertaking this has meant JHSJ\SH[PVUZ HUK MVYT\SHZ HUK THU` V[OLY TVK\SL ZWLJPÄJ “identifying certain enhancements through workshops, TVKPÄJH[PVUZHUK\WNYHKLZ meetings and surveys conducted with core department “The most evident features that will be noticed instantly heads and select users.” Then came the task of consolidating by most users,” Ali says, “include a personal calendar, [OLÄUKPUNZHZZLZZPUNHUKHUHS`ZPUN[OLWYPVYP[`VMHSSPZZ\LZ incorporating local public holidays from the company June 2014 calendar on employee timesheets, upgraded reporting tools, from California to the Middle East, I assumed, would have platform dynamic facelift, web part customization with drag- OHK X\P[L H Z[YVUN ºJ\S[\YL ZOVJR» LɈLJ[ I\[ S\JRPS` P[ ^HZ HUKKYVW LɈLJ[Z VU [OL \ZLY»Z KHZOIVHYK >L OH]L HSZV Projacs’ welcoming family-oriented environment that made added other useful webpats, including task management, the process quite smooth.” pending timesheet approvals and submissions.” After spending several months working closely with Mr 6UJL[OLUL^]LYZPVUVM79640:PZ[LZ[LKHUK]HSPKH[LK 3\H` 2OV\Y` HUK [OL )HOYHPU VɉJL [LHT (SP JVU[PU\LZ I`[OLWYVQLJ[[LHTP[^PSSNVSP]LHUK[OL79640:\UP[^PSS “I became more in-tune with the company as a whole. publish a training tutorial that will walk users through the new ,]LU[\HSS` 0 ^VYRLK JSVZLS` ^P[O [OL JVYWVYH[L VɉJL HUK upgrades and features on the system. several core team members from various departments to After receiving a Bachelor Degree in Environmental Design coordinate and help establish to blueprints for developing & Urban Planning from the University of Massachusetts at HU VUSPUL Z`Z[LT [OH[ ^L RUV^ [VKH` HZ 79640: 0U Amherst, Ali worked for Bechtel in California for a number of 0^HZHWWVPU[LKHZHU(ZZPZ[HU[=PJL7YLZPKLU[MVY40:HUK years before deciding to move back to the Middle East. Ali *VYWVYH[L *VTT\UPJH[PVUZ ^OLYL HSVUN ^P[O [OL 79640: recalls that he was “hired by Projacs International in Bahrain team, we deployed the system company-wide and provided in 2004 as a business development coordinator. The transition Z[HɈ[YHPUPUN¹ ” 6\YHPTHZ[OL79640:[LHT^HZ[V WYV]PKL[OL\ZLYZ^P[O[OL[VVSZ[OL` ULLKVU[OLZ`Z[LT^OPSLTHPU[HPUPUNH \ZLYMYPLUKS`HUKK`UHTPJWSH[MVYT ” 79640:PZUV^JVUZPKLYLKHZWHY[ VML]LY`KH`SPMLMVYL]LY`TLTILYVM [OL7YVQHJZMHTPS` 1VZLSP[V-PN\LYVH :Y74*:,UNPULLY 79640:*VVYKPUH[VY ,?;,5+,+:<7769;:@:;,4 ;OL JVYL 79640: [LHT PZ JLU[YHSPaLK HUK JVUZPZ[Z VM (SP and Joselito. However, Ali says, “we have also established WHAT TO EXPECT HU L_[LUKLK Z\WWVY[ UL[^VYR HJYVZZ V\Y YLNPVUHS VɉJLZ I` HZZPNUPUN ºZ\WLY \ZLYZ» ( Z\WLY \ZLY PZ WYLWHYLK ^P[O the comprehensive training to provide general local system IN PHASE II ? Z\WWVY[HUKPU[YVK\J[VY`[YHPUPUN[VUL^\ZLYZHUKZ[HɈ(SS system users and super users always have a direct open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σ SURðOHKLVWRU\DUFKLYHVHWF (QKDQFHGUHSRUWLQJWRROV (QKDQFHGDGPLQLVWUDWLYHIXQFWLRQV 7LPHVKHHWLQWHJUDWLRQZLWKRτFHFDOHQGDU 6\VWHP QRWLðFDWLRQV ZLWK DQ DGGHG IHDWXUH FDOOHG,&6òZKLFKZLOOVHQGFDOHQGDUUHTXHVWV WRVPDUWSKRQHVDQGKDQGKHOGGHYLFHV &XVWRPL]DEOHGDVKERDUGZHESDUWV 7DVNV PDQDJHPHQW IRU HPSOR\HH VXSHUYLVRUV DQGPDQDJHUV 7UDYHODJHQGDV\QFKURQL]DWLRQ (QKDQFHGUHSRUWLQJDQGQRWLðFDWLRQV\VWHPV 8SGDWHG JUDSKV WR +70/ ZKLFK ZLOO GLVSOD\ JUDSKLFVRQVPDUWSKRQHVDQGKDQGKHOGGHYLFHV $QGPXFKPRUH JOHUULS [V [OL JVYL 79640: [LHT MVY V]LYHSS Z\WWVY[ HUK training.” After a decade with Projacs, Ali knows the company well and points to the elements that have brought it success: “Its great reputation and excellent services. Loyal employees. Prestigious clients.” Young men and women considering a career with Projacs should be aware that the company “across [OL IVHYK HUK PU LHJO KLWHY[TLU[ UV[ Q\Z[ PU 79640: appreciates hard work, and friendly and respectful attitudes. One must truly believe in one’s work, the company’s vision HUKP[ZTV[P]H[LKLɈVY[Z[VJVU[PU\LP[ZNYV^[O¹ In addition to hard work, Ali advocates “injecting an LSLTLU[ VM M\U HUK YLJYLH[PVU PU LHJO VɉJL ,]LU H ZPTWSL dining space would do for a start. This will strengthen the ties between all members, professionally and socially.” When he’s not at Projacs, Ali likes to involve himself in ¸JYLH[P]LWYVQLJ[Z¹HUKILSP]LZPUÄUKPUNHÅHZOVMPUZWPYH[PVU in everyday life." The last book he read was 52 Projects, by J. Yamaguchi. One can be sure that this was a digital version of the book – on the assumption that Ali’s vision of a paperless OL LU]PYVUTLU[L_[LUKZMHYIL`VUK[OLVɉJLZVM7YVQHJZ 6WDijVWDWLVWLFV GROWTH CATEGORIES (TECHNICAL, SUPPORT, T&D) NATIONALITIES June 2014 53 PROJACS TA L K 3HPSH-@LOPH Project Manager - Business Development 5,:(I\+OHIP<(, LEARNING DAY TO DAY Laila Yehia, Project Manager/Business Development, Abu Dhabi joined Projacs in August 2007 and over the subsequent ZL]LU `LHYZ ZOL OHZ HWWYLJPH[LK [OL ILULÄ[Z VM H JHYLLY in this particular company. The experience, she says, has been one of “working in a friendly and highly professional environment – one that encourages the day-to-day learning process.” 3HPSH^HZH[[YHJ[LK[V7YVQHJZPU[OLÄYZ[WSHJLILJH\ZL she had heard that it was “a pioneer in the provision of Project Management services in the Middle East. I got to RUV^ HIV\[ [OL JVTWHU` MYVT [OL ÄYZ[ KH` [OH[ 0 ILNHU SVVRPUNMVYHZWLJPHSPaH[PVUPU[OLTHUHNLTLU[ÄLSK¹ Once in the job, she learned quickly that Projacs’ success ” 0NV[[VRUV^HIV\[[OL JVTWHU`MYVT[OLÄYZ[ KH`[OH[0ILNHUSVVRPUN MVYHZWLJPHSPaH[PVUPU[OL THUHNLTLU[ÄLSK was based on professionalism at all levels to guarantee that projects are completed to meet the highest industry was the motivating force in her life – being “the one person standards. Ensuring that this is the case motivates Laila ^OVZHJYPÄJLKL]LY`[OPUNMVY[OL^LSSILPUNVMOLYMHTPS`¹ every single day. “The most important thing for me,” she As far as inspiration for her life as a whole, Laila turns to says, “is ensuring client satisfaction and seeing the project I music. And the one musician and composer in history she am working on evolving all the way from a design on paper would love to have met is Mozart who, she says, “was a to a fully operational building.” genius musician who sparked a revolution in the world of While Laila accepts that her successful career has been music.” Listening to music, Laila sometimes daydreams based on the principle of day-to-day learning and the honing about new places in the world she might like to visit. High of professional skills, she pays tribute to her family who laid on the list is Brazil and in particular “the Amazon as being a the foundations for her working life. Her mother, in particular, 54 June 2014 land of natural wonders and exotic environment.” TA L K INTERVIEW NEWS COMMUNITY TA L K I N G NEW DISCAUSSION UPDATES O F F I C E CONNECT POSITIVE NEWS CULTURE CONNECT QUESTIONS IDEAS COMMUNICATE POSITIVE IDEAS NEWS POSITIVE ASKING SPEAKING TA L K I N G COMMUNICATE DIALOGUE ANSWER DIALOGUE WORDS CHARACTER POSITIVE CHARACTER COLLEAGUES Hiba Baaj Executive Assistant Bahrain HR MANAGEMENT IS HIBA’S GOAL /PIH )HHQ HU ,_LJ\[P]L :LJYL[HY` H[ 7YVQHJZ )HOYHPU OHZ part one day as HR Manager – but she is realistic enough to one ultimate professional goal: to be promoted to the role realize that promotion comes only to who have proven their of HR Manager. worth: “The experience gained throughout my career is by Projacs came into Hiba’s life when a friend suggested far the most rewarding element in my job with Projacs.” she apply for the post of Document Controller for the Porta But when it comes to Hiba the private individual, rather 9LLM WYVQLJ[ PU )HOYHPU :OL QVPULK [OL JVTWHU` PU than the Projacs professional, there are two sources of and pays tribute to the help and advice she received from Mr. 5HZZLY 2HUHHU :LUPVY =PJL 7YLZPKLU[ HUK (YLHL 4HUHNLY )HOYHPU,HZ[LYU9LNPVUVM:H\KP(YHIPH¸7YVMLZZPVUHSS`¹ she says, “he has been my mentor who has contributed PUZWPYH[PVUIV[OVM[OLTMLTHSL-PYZ[S`[OLYLPZOLYTV[OLY “On a personal level,” Hiba has no hesitation in saying, “the TVZ[PUÅ\LU[PHSWLYZVUPUT`SPMLPZT`TV[OLY:OLOHZYHPZLK [OYLLJOPSKYLUI`OLYZLSM:OL^HZHS^H`Z[OLYLMVY\Z¹ a great deal in developing my skills and knowledge about The second inspiration comes from someone who lived Project Management, Construction Management and other way back in the 16th century. Hiba says she would love to related domains.” OH]LTL[[OLSLNHS^PMLVM[OL6[[VTHU*HSPWOHUK:\S[HU There is no hiding Hiba’s enthusiasm and energy, qualities [OH[ZL[OLYVU[OLYPNO[WH[OLHJOTVYUPUN:OLKLZJYPILZ OLYTHPUTV[P]H[PVUZHZ¸MYLLKVTHUKM\SÄSTLU[>HRPUN\W every day for a new day is a challenge for a better future and just being grateful that I and my family are in good health. A J\WVMJVɈLLHUKHNVVKIYLHRMHZ[^V\SKILUPJL[VV¹ At the workplace, Hiba’s focus is on further success :\SLPTHU [OL 4HNUPÄJLU[ 0U /PIH»Z ]PL^ / YYLT :\S[HU was “one of the most beautiful, smart and powerful women PU 6[[VTHU OPZ[VY` HUK H WYVTPULU[ ÄN\YL K\YPUN [OL LYH RUV^U HZ [OL :\S[HUH[L VM >VTLU :OL HJOPL]LK WV^LY HUK PUÅ\LUJLK [OL WVSP[PJZ VM [OL 6[[VTHU ,TWPYL [OYV\NO OLYO\ZIHUKHUKWSH`LKHUHJ[P]LYVSLPUZ[H[LHɈHPYZVM[OL Empire.” for Projacs. “Professionally,” she says, “I would certainly With inspiration and passion from such a dynamic hope for Projacs to secure more mega-projects across the woman, the HR Department in Projacs Bahrain had better region and expand to potential markets, where and when CULTURE PROFESSIONAL ILVU[OLPY[VLZ^OLU/PIHÄUHSS`HYYP]LZ[OLYL appropriate.” In this scenario, Hiba is determined to play a June 2014 55 Manama Kuwait Doha Dubai Abu Dhabi Riyadh Jeddah Al Khobar Erbil Baghdad Amman Beirut Damascus Cairo Casablanca Islamabad Tripoli Ramallah Toronto New Hampshire, USA
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