Funding analysis The case for Co-production Asia has much to learn from Europe’s developed co-prod systems, and even more if the two regions work together, consultants Olsberg.SPI propose. Looper September's release of Looper (pictured) might prove to be the high water mark of a WHY[PJ\SHYRPUKVM,HZ[>LZ[JVWYVK\J[PVU Certainly China’s State Administration for 9HKPV-PST;LSL]PZPVU:(9-;HWWLHYZ to be taking an increasingly dim view of productions which appear to merely use Chinese money, and claim co-production Z[H[\Z[VIL[YLH[LKHZHKVTLZ[PJÄST^P[O minimum Chinese content. Current trends in Hollywood underline the perceived importance of the Asian market, but the studios have focused more on import efforts and some have closed their inJV\U[Y`JVWYVK\J[PVUVMÄJLZ-V_YLTHPUZ HUV[PJLHISLL_JLW[PVUOLYL-\Y[OLYTVYL one must wonder how long scraps of Asian content - like the use of Shanghai and 4HJH\PU[OLV[OLY^PZL<2MVJ\ZLKSkyfall, and which were anyway sliced by China’s JLUZVYZ^PSSZ\MÄJLMVYH\KPLUJLZPU(ZPH 4PNO[[OLYLUV[ILHIL[[LY^H`& ;Y\LJVWYVK\J[PVUTP_PUN[OLILZ[VM Asia with stories from Rest of the World, presents itself as an attractive option. Domestic production in countries like :PUNHWVYLHUK4HSH`ZPHZOV^Z\W^HYK [YLUKZ^P[ONV]LYUTLU[Z\WWVY[^OPSLÄSTZ SPRL0UKVULZPHZThe RaidWYV]PKL[OLÄYZ[ NSPTWZLZVMHM\[\YL^OLYL,\YVWLHU(ZPHU JVWYVK\J[PVUJHUWYVK\JLZPNUPÄJHU[ ÄSTZ-YVTV\YWLYZWLJ[P]L[OLX\LZ[PVU [VILHZRLKPZOV^KVLZ[OL,\YVWLHU Co-Production system work, and can this 21 The European Experience of CoProduction 6SZILYN:70YLJLU[S`HUHS`ZLK[OL ,\YVWLHU*VU]LU[PVUVU*PULTH[PJ*V WYVK\J[PVUHVULZPaLÄ[ZHSST\S[PWHY[` [YLH[`\UJV]LYPUNZPNUPÄJHU[HK]HU[HNLZ [VJVWYVK\JLKÄSTZV]LY[OVZLMYVT single countries, such as the much greater likelihood that they see theatrical release. This goes not only for the countries concerned in the production of these ÄSTZI\[HSZVIL`VUK¶^OPSLVUS` VMUH[PVUHSÄSTZZLLYLSLHZLV\[ZPKL[OLPY country of origin, for co-produced titles this NVLZ\W[V “Stick-on” co-productions are unlikely to be [OLSVUN[LYTM\[\YLMVYÄSTTHRPUNLP[OLY MYVT[OLWLYZWLJ[P]LVM[OLÄSTYLN\SH[VY` bodies or, most likely, from an audience increasingly looking for stories which speak [V[OLPYL_WLYPLUJLZ ILHKHW[LK[VIYPUN[OLILULÄ[ZVM[Y\LJV WYVK\JLKÄST[V(ZPH& ([[LUKHUJLÄN\YLZHSZVYLÅLJ[[OPZOPNOLY L_WVZ\YLHZJVWYVK\JLKÄSTZLUQV` more than twice the numbers of tickets ZVSKVUH]LYHNLJVTPUNPUH[VM[V[HS HKTPZZPVUZMVY,\YVWL^P[OUH[PVUHSÄSTZ JSVJRPUNVUS`0UHKKP[PVU[V[OPZ[OL increased volume of co-productions has led to a growth in co-operation between the production community and the various UH[PVUHSÄSTPUZ[P[\[LZ;OLYLZ\S[VM[OPZ has been the adoption of co-productions HZ[OLKLMH\S[Z[Y\J[\YLMVY,\YVWLHUÄST production, with investors appreciating the (XURSHDQ&R3URGXFWLRQV 0DMRULW\ &R3URGXFWLRQV 0LQRULW\ &R3URGXFWLRQV w w w . f i l m b i z . a s i a certainty this provides, while also creating an environment in which participating JV\U[YPLZJHUI\PSKVU[OLPYL_PZ[PUN RUV^SLKNLHUKL_WLYPLUJL ;OL,\YVWLHUL_WLYPLUJLVM[OPZZ`Z[LT Z\NNLZ[Z[OH[[OLYLHYLZPNUPÄJHU[KLJPZPVUZ ^OPJOJHUILTHKL[VLUZ\YL[OLTH_PT\T chance of success in stimulating coproductions. Creating a multiparty treaty PZVUL;OL,\YVWLHU*VU]LU[PVUVMMLYZH ZPTWSLÅL_PISLMYHTL^VYRMVYWYVK\JLYZ offering the ability for third party countries to come in to co-productions with convention members, and supporting a range of budgets from tiny to huge, allowing less developed ÄSTLJVUVTPLZ[VILULÄ[ The growth of the Convention has led to a gradual disappearance of bilateral treaties, M\Y[OLYILULÄ[[PUN[OLZTHSSLYUH[PVUZ^OPSL also offering a low-cost solution for national administrators, as ongoing costs are limited to administration. As our report stated, “the simplicity of the arrangements and the longstanding nature of the Convention drive down a production’s legal costs allowing the producer to focus on other elements such as the technical and creative.” The Co-Production Tournament ;VTH_PTPZL[OLILULÄ[ZVMJVWYVK\J[PVU SPI designs and runs an intensive, residential workshop programme we call the Co7YVK\J[PVU;V\YUHTLU[^OPJOYLKLÄULZ co-production training methods and builds producers’ abilities in the co-productions area. It is most useful where two countries ^PZO[VL_WHUK[OLPY\ZLVMJVWYVK\J[PVU treaties or conventions, yet a divide in business practices has acted until now as an obstacle. To date, the tournament has ILLU\ZLKPU[OLHYLHVMÄSTIL[^LLU[OL UK and Sweden and the UK and India, and in television involving the UK and Canada. It has proven highly successful in getting groups of producers to understand each other’s approaches to production. Initiatives which stimulate CoProduction in Europe At the domestic and regional levels, the ]HYPV\ZJVTWL[LU[H\[OVYP[PLZMVY,\YVWLHU cinema operate a series of incentives to stimulate this co-production activity. ,\YPTHNLZ»M\UKVMMLYZZ\WWVY[VM\W[V $655,000 (€500,000) for eligible coWYVK\J[PVUZ^VYRPUN\UKLY[OL,\YVWLHU Co-Production convention. In recent years, both Amour (pictured, below) and A Royal Affair have received this funding, and gone VU[VÄUKTHQVYZ\JJLZZVU[OLNSVIHSZ[HNL The fund, however, does not only support OPNOWYVÄSLÄSTZ0[HSZVM\UKZTVYL specialised pieces, animation, and documentary, ensuring a robust and varied Z\WWS`VMJVU[LU[[V[OL,\YVWLHUTHYRL[ Structured to allow for recoupment of the investment amount as a percentage of the WYVK\JLYZ»UL[YLJLPW[Z[OL,\YPTHNLZ funding is designed to allow recycling of their funding from successful projects PU[VUL^VULZ,\YPTHNLZHSZVZ\WWVY[Z KPZ[YPI\[PVUHUKL_OPIP[PVU ;OL,\YVWLHU4LKPH4\UK\ZWYVNYHTTL operates differently, providing funding for a variety of training, market access, crossover, and circulation and distribution projects, all aimed at supporting co-operation between ,\YVWLHUWYVK\JLYZHUK[OVZLPU[OL9LZ[VM the World. Though the funds provided are relatively small at $6.55 million (€5 million) per annum, the offer of a diverse range of low-level support structures has been a big hit, providing new networking connections PUNSVIHSÄSTHUKM\YUPZOPUNÄSTTHRLYZ with the skills to take their stories to a broader audience. ÄSTLJVUVTPLZYLHJOPUNV\[[V[OL^VYSKH[ large. This is particularly clear as a trend in countries like France, Canada, and Australia, ^OLYLUH[PVUHSÄSTIVKPLZOH]LWYVHJ[P]LS` L_WHUKLKPU[VHSHYNLYU\TILYVMJV\U[YPLZ [VPUJYLHZL[OLPTWHJ[VM[OLPYÄSTZLJ[VYZ Indeed, for a French producer, the Centre Nationale de la Cinematographie (CNC) has made co-producing with certain developing countries incredibly advantageous, as state funds can be leveraged to limit or eliminate the capital the French partner has to put into the project. 4LKPH4\UK\Z»LMMVY[ZÄ[PU[VVULVM[OL major trends in the current global approach to co-production, that of more developed Can this be adapted for Asia? There are already signs that co-production is starting to work between Asia and the Rest of the World.While many of these co-produced ventures have been driven by WYVK\JLYZ^P[OL_[LUZP]LL_WLYPLUJLPU[OL YLNPVU2LHU\9LL]LZ»)LPQPUNÄSTLKMan of Tai Chi suggests that Hollywood is taking the opportunities for co-production in the region ZLYPV\ZS`)\[TVZ[YLNPVUHSÄSTTHRLYZ don’t have a $25+million budget to play with, so for these individuals a framework which allows them to tell their stories, drawing on the best talent from the Rest of the World, is desirable. A similar trend is seen with some of the SLHKPUNÄSTMLZ[P]HSZTVZ[UV[PJLHIS` Rotterdam, where the Hubert Bals Fund WYV]PKLZZPNUPÄJHU[M\UKPUN[VHYLHZ like the Philippines. Other festivals are utilising their prestige and funding to open UL^VWWVY[\UP[PLZMVY(ZPHUÄSTTHRLYZ WYV]PKPUNIV[OHWSH[MVYTPU,\YVWLMVY[OL display of their products, and increasingly the funding with which to make them. The Berlinale has under Dieter Kosslik been in the forefront of this movement. Globally, co-production treaties are also becoming more platform-agnostic – though primarily this is seen by the writing of television into the treaty structure, for instance in the recent UK-Brazilian convention. Nonetheless, SPI’s research strongly suggests that in future, content will OH]L[VÄUKT\S[PWSL^H`Z[VHWWYVHJO[OL market. In countries like Thailand, where tablet computers are being handed out to school children, it’s possible that these will VMMLYHUL^TLJOHUPZTMVYL_OPIP[PVU;OL increasing penetration of smart-phones and TVIPSLPU[LYUL[^PSSHSZVSLHKÄSTTHRLYZ [VX\LZ[PVUOV^[OLPYJVU[LU[ZOV\SKILZ[ reach its audience, and whether it is best to THRLJVU[LU[PUHTVYLÅL_PISLTHUULY In the absence of formal co-production treaties, co-venturing has also become more of a trend in recent years, though as with Looper[OLX\LZ[PVUVM^OL[OLY[OPZ form of work, where one party has limited or no creative input, is truly viable remains outstanding. The potential for company-tostate co-production agreements likely has more long-term potential, with Iron Man 3 Current Trends taking the lead for Hollywood in this regard, but at this stage it is too early to tell whether P[VMMLYZHSVUN[LYTZVS\[PVU:PNUPÄJHU[S` the Chinese partner in both Looper and Iron Man 3PZ[OLZHTLJVTWHU`+4. ;OLWVZZPIPSP[`\UKV\I[LKS`L_PZ[ZMVYH co-production convention for Asia, with the most likely forum for this being an VYNHUPZH[PVUSPRL(:,(5[HRPUN[OLSLHK HUKI\PSKPUNVUP[ZL_PZ[PUNJ\S[\YHS^VYR0U VYKLY[VÄ[[OLJ\YYLU[Z[HNLVMKL]LSVWTLU[ MVY[OLÄSTZLJ[VYPU(ZPH[OPZJVU]LU[PVU ^V\SKOH]L[VILYLSH[P]LS`ÅL_PISL allowing local producers to draw on talent from around the region – including more KL]LSVWLKÄSTLJVUVTPLZSPRL:V\[O2VYLH ¶^OPSLHU`J\S[\YHS[LZ[TPNO[ILULÄ[MYVT ILPUNSVVZLY[OHU[OLJ\YYLU[,\YVWLHU model to allow for this. (UK^OLYLHZ[OL,\YVWLHUMVJ\ZPZVU[OL WYVTV[PVUVMUPJOLÄSTZ[VHSSV^HKP]LYZP[` VMÄSTTHRPUN^P[OPU,\YVWLHU(ZPHU JVU]LU[PVUTPNO[PUZ[LHKILULÄ[MYVTH focus on skills development. In order to get HOLHKVMJ\YYLU[[YLUKZZVTLÅL_PIPSP[`VU V\[W\[TH`ILYLX\PYLKHSSV^PUNWYVK\JLYZ to develop content which works for a multitude of release vectors, including tablet HWWZHZHUL_HTWSL Oscar-nominated French-German-Austrian co-production, Amour, by Michael Haneke, shows what can be achieved in the modern, co-operative era. w w w . f i l m b i z . a s i a For some countries, not least China, the focus may well stay on Hollywood, but MVYTHU`PU[OLYLNPVU[OLILULÄ[ZVM[OL simple, robust structure created for the ,\YVWLHU*VU]LU[PVU^V\SK\ZLM\SS`IL JHYYPLKV]LYWYV]PKPUN(ZPHUÄSTTHRLYZ with a framework to combine their talents with those found in other parts of the region and the world. With the right framework, it should be more than possible to project Asian stories to the rest of the world, whilst HSZVOLSWPUN[VKL]LSVW[OLÄSTJ\S[\YLVMH number of growing countries. 6SZILYN:70PZHIV\[PX\LZ[YH[LN` consultancy, specialising in the creative industries, particularly in digital media. Since we were formed in 1992 we have worked globally with governments, screen agencies, broadcasters, trade associations and private companies, advising on everything from innovative growth strategies to economic impact studies.
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