Uteette’Su te Teach Us to Pray Schroeder / Potts Teach us to pray, Lord, teach us to pray. How Great Is Our God Tomlin | Cash | Reeves How great is our God Make us more faithful with each passing day. Sing with me, how great is our God Teach us to pray, Lord, teach us to pray. And all will see how great, how great is our God There in your presence, Lord, we want to stay. PRELUDE PRAISE TIME (see Chorus page) e St WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS UMW MISSION RECOGNITION PINS JG t LucDee &JuKu k © BLS Ministries Name above all names, worthy of all praise My heart will sing, how great is our God © 2004 worshi ptogether.c om songs Jesus Name Abov e All Names Hearn, N Jesus, name above all names, Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord, Emmanuel, God is with us, Blessed Redeemer, Living Word. © 1974, 1978 Scripture In Song Jesus Messiah Tomlin | Carson | Reeves | Cash Jesus Messiah, Name above all names Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The Rescue for sinners, The Ransom from heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all Kum Ba Yah Young, Carlton Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah. Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah. Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah. Oh Lord, kum ba yah. © United M ethodist Publishing Hous e Make Me A Servant Willard, Kell y Make me a servant, humble and meek. Lord, let me lift up those who are weak; And may the prayer of my heart always be. Make me a servant. Make me a servant. Make me a servant today. Not my brother, not my sister, but it’s me O Lord Standing in the need of prayer. (repeat) (chorus) Not my father, not my mother, . . . © 1989 United M ethodist Publishing Hous e CHILDREN’S CHAT “Arky, Arky” song K’P e RECEPTION of TITHES and OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Sweet Hour of Prayer” *DOXOLOGY & PRESENTATION of GIFTS LueG ffit *SHARING TIME HYMN # 454 Open My Eyes, That I May See PRAYER (vs. 1, 3) BbbeAe © 1982 Maranatha! Music SPECIAL MUSIC © 2008 Vamos Publishi ng | worshiptogether.com s ongs Standing in the Need of Prayer Smith, William It’s me (it’s me) it’s me, O Lord, Standing in the need of prayer. (repeat) CALL to PRAISE “Great is the Lord” *OPENING HYMN # 92 For the Beauty of the Earth (vs. 1, 2, 4, 6) MESSAGE CCLI # 489431 “The Lord is in This Place” “In<=acy and Unity” Psal= 62:1-2, 5-8 e’Eebe JuSt. *CLOSING HYMN # 526 What a Friend We Have in Jesus *BENEDICTION & POSTLUDE LuAK0 *Congrega<on Please Stand Please Remember to Pray W Joan Ryalls Dawn Vandegrift Kenneth Druley Janis & Dwight Hanson Frank Moitis Larry Davis David Evans Joe Foster Joe Bonanno Nora Mae S mith Kathy Yousse Janet Outerbridge Sam Teitsma Fred Breitwieser Bea Wildauer Marilyn Dittmer Mary Jo Dick Mary Stone John Everitt Jackie Metz Gavin McKnight Dan Sukel Ronny Wanner Deborah Knight Rev. Ronald Onders Eleanor Montano Olivia Theis Lowell Collins Homer Revis Peggy Mitrushi Marilyn McKenna Stan Cooper Betty Booth Lynne Deto Ken & Lisa Hartung Meredith Gould Rich Ritchie Bobbie Allen Bob Mantell William Luebke Louise Griffiths Arlene Decker If Rose Hancock Michael Rodgers Frank Welsh Shirley Mankhe Bill Dohl Byron/Joann Carpenter Peter Warhurst George DeArk Joe & Myrna Gop Bob Spalin Kathy Hees Brooke Noser Dee Robson Connor Gaunt Carl Herren Bob Johnson Luke Schmidt Debbie Albert Evelyn Soley Henry & Joan Philips Virginia Endriss Dick & Joan Bigelow Betty Stalnaker Gene & Pat Hunt Kay Snider Phyllis Tucker John Ptacek Bob Neveu Jim &Catherine MacKay Susan Wonnell Lee & Lois Zimmerman Richard & Janie Palmer Bob Erwin James Wooldridge Marcia Wooddell Lorraine York Nina D’Amico David Bryant th at , is a ny way wa y to pray t d igh Go e r th h “T ca te wi ’s o comm uni ul s t so u e ws th t llo u a t a ri tual b no is r ye p fo r p ra rela tionshi sp on se to a .” er inhe rent re th g Fa with a lo vin Evans To wnsen d n ee — Coll IN THE SERVICE Chris Anderson Dallas D. Bergl, II David Bruce John A. Campanale Jr. David Colucci Daniel Cutting Ashley Ehasz Maddie Wright Farris J. D. Frank Zachory Goldberg Randall Hinkle Paul Jordan Philip Martin Alisha Milligan Anthony Morley II Andrew Olson Danny Parks Alan Peacock Patrick Penney Joseph Perry Chris Peters Jessica (Ruehr) Powell Nicholas Reider Michael Rodgers Mike Ruehr Sean Ruehr Betsy Scott Mark Scott Jason Toole Travis Toole Alex Welsh David Zachary Wilson Mary Ann Whitescarver Frank Gallo Mary Lou Payne Sunday 5/11 WORSHIP First Time Guests Paul Martin Ruby Curry In Extended Care: Joan Bigelow - Consolate, Pt. Charlotte George DeArk - Banyan House Ann Flanagan - Sunset Lake LaVina Fox - S.L.C. of Sarasota Betty Fuller - Sunset Lake Village Dolores Glass - Sunset Lake Paul Lindholm - Sunset Lake Tommi Matthews - Gardens of N.P. Henry Philips - Hospice at home Kitty Pugh - Lexington Manor Buck Zeigler - Harbor Inn This Week’s Missionary: Pat & Melenda Edmiston, Wycliffe Pray that the four languages that Pat will be working with in Papua New Guinea will complete the check of all the books of Scripture which they are eager to distribute to their people. Prayer Chain - Call Judy Kurinsky, 496-8046 or [email protected] you or some one you know is ill or in the hospital, call the church office, 493-7504. We won’t know if you don’t tell us. Co=e and =ee t Pastor Larry & Regina in the Libra ry i==ediate ly following the 10:45 Worship Service. Prayer Time Monday 5/12 Let’s get togethe r for weekly fun, fellowship, and golf! For =ore infor=a<on, call Allen Meringer at 451-0964. Sanctuary Prayer Meeting Parlor 9:00am 9:15am Bible Classes for All Ages Contemporary Worship MH & FLC Memorial Hall 10:30am 10:45am Bible Classes for All Ages Traditional Worship MH & FLC Sanctuary NO 5:00pm Disciple III Club Whatever MH Room 24 Family Life Center 1:00pm Prayer 101 MH Room 23 NO 6:00pm Taekwon-do Classes SAFE Support Group MH Room 23 Finance Team MH Room 25 7:30pm AA 12-Step Meeting Memorial Hall 8:30am Men’s Emmaus Group MH Room 23 9:00am 9:30am Staff Meeting Quilting for Missions MH Conference Family Life Center 10:00am 10:00am Jonathan Group Shawls of Prayer Group Parlor MH Room 24 10:30am Scholarship Team MH Room 22 6:00pm UMM Dinner Memorial Hall Wednesday 8:15am 5/14 9:30am Bread & Coffee Time Memorial Hall Library Team Library MPR 5:00pm 6:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study Dinner Memorial Hall Memorial Hall 6:45pm 6:45pm Adult Choir Rehearsal HangOut & Exploration Station Choir Room Family Life Center 6:45pm 6:45pm Love & Marriage w/Kids Love Letters from John MH Room 24 MH Room 23 7:00am 9:30am Men’s Bible Study Breakfast Day Care Chapel MH Room 23 Choir Room NO Taekwon-do Classes 7:00pm UMW Priscilla Circle Family Life Center Tuesday 5/13 Deadline to sub=it ar<cles for the June edi<on is Tues day, May 13. Please send your ar<cles to Michele@cu=c.info Thursday Gof Early Riser Worship 8:45am 7:00pm Every Sunday =orning at 8:45a= in the Parlor & at 10:15a= in the Sanctuary. All are welco=e to join us. Pathways ewseer 8:00am Thursday 5/15 Friday 5/16 Saturday 5/17 7:30am Lawn & Garden Crew Grounds 10:30am 12noon Soul Searchers Group AL-ANON Parlor MH Room 24-25 7:00pm Day Care Graduation Memorial Hall 7:00pm AA Men’s & Ladies’ Groups MH Rooms 22-25 No Scheduled Activities MONDAY TUESDAY Sun, May 18 SAFE Ministry Mondays at 6:00p= Senior Singes Minges Support & Addic<on Fa=ily Educa<on: join us in MH Roo= 23 for educa<onal dis cussion, support, inspira<on, and good fe llows hip in a strictly conGde n<al seHng. Childcare is available upon reIuest. For infor=a<on, visit www.cu=c.info/ SAFE, e=ail SAFE@cu=c.info, or call Jewell Meringer at 941-451-0972. Lunch & Feowship Monday, May 19, noon-3p= (A Chris<an Social Group) United Methodist Men’s Dinner & Program Tuesday, May 13 at 6:00p= Meet in Me=orial Hall for dinner togethe r followe d by a progra= by our very own Pastor Jerry. Ladies a re invited to a Lend. Please s ign up on Sunday =ornings at the Welco=e Center, dinne r is $6, payable at the door. Service of Heaing Sunday, May 18 at 6:30p= Join us in the Sanctuary; co=e to worship our God who heals; co=e to learn about His healing fro= Scripture; co=e to witness His love and healing power; and co=e to be healed by Hi=! S E N IO R P A S T OR Rev . Jerry V an Dy ke n A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rev . La rry D . P o tts A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R B ob H al ey TR E A S U R ER Jo Ell en Wh ip pl e Y OU T H MIN IS TR Y Jeff D un n-R ank in M arci a S ch ab erg CH IL DR E N’ S M IN IS T R Y S usa n P en ce M U S IC M IN IS TR Y Cher yl S mi th / Bo bby W hip pl e Caro le S au l Meet in Me=orial Hall, Gle nn PeLy will prepare lunch, $5 pe r pe rson, payable at the door. Join us for the inspiring true story, “The Mighty Macs”. It’s the story of history =ade when Coach Cathy Rush a rrives at an all girls Catholic College and leads the= to victory against all odds. RESERVATIOS ARE REQUIRED Call Pat Lysher at 484-4380 (aOer 9:30a=) before Friday, May 16. Women’s Summer Lunch Tuesday, May 20 at noon Co=e and join us this su==e r for lunch at the Jaca randa Country Club on the third Tuesday of each =onth. Have a nice lunch, =eet so=e new friends, and ge t reacIuainted with so=e old ones. No rese rva<ons needed. ew 8-week Sma Group: “Being Transformed” 5:00-5:50p= Wednesdays Group will read and discuss the book The Jesus Creed: Loving God and Loving Others, by Scot McKnight. Through stories of real people in Biblical <=es and today, eQplore how to add to your own life story as a followe r of Jesus. Dates: June 4, 11, 25; July 2, 9, 16, 23; Aug 6. Li=ited to 12 pe ople. Book price is $12; scholarships a re available. If interes ted, e=ail Marcia Schabe rg at =arcia@cu=c.info. S E CR E T A R Y M ich ele M orl ey DIS C IPL E S H IP & L A Y M IN IS T R Y Nan cy K in ney CH IL D D E V E L O P M E NT C EN T E R A ni ta B urton S ON G L E AD E R C har D ier in ger GR E E T E R S 8:00 a m B arb Sc ho en fe ld er 10 :4 5a m A CO L Y T E S E m ily Wi lli a ms & Ab by Us her Scripture Reading Psam 62:1-2, 5-8 1 For Jeduthun, the choi r director: A psal= of David. I wait Iuietly before God, for =y salva<on co=es fro= Hi=. 2 He alone is =y rock and =y salva<on, =y fortress where I will never be shaken. . . 5 I wait Iuietl y before God, for =y hope is in Hi=. 6 He alone is =y rock and =y sal va<on, =y fortress where I will not be shaken. 7 My salva<on and =y honor co=e fro= God alone. He is =y refuge, a rock where no ene=y can reach =e. 8 O =y people, trust in Hi= at all <=es. Pour out your hea rt to Hi=, for God is our refuge. Are Presented by: For Juli St. Clair, in honor and thanksgiving for your service to CUMC fro= your students and friends; In honor of KiLy Losh Pugh: her children rise up and call her blessed— Proverbs 31:28. She is stre ngth, she is beauty, she is love . . . No fa=ily could be luckier than ours because we have you. Love you Mo=, Gra=, Great Gra=, Grea t-Great Gra=, always have, always will. Happy Mother’s Day! STEPHE MIISTRY: Have you ever felt the nee d to have so=eone to talk to? It's a basic hu=an need for people to have caring co==unica<on with other pe ople. And yet, all too oOen, at the <=e we really nee d this co==unica<on the re's no one we can turn to. So=e<=es it's easie r to discuss persona l situa<ons with a "stranger" than with your close friends. Stephen Ministe rs are traine d to listen, keep a conGdence, be non-judg=ental and be the re for you when you need so=eone to talk to. To =eet privately with a Stephen Minister call a Stephen Leader, Judy Obregon 445-5682, Don Paull, 941-539-0702 , Juli Stl Clair 416-2171 or ask any Stephen Minis ter with a blue na=e badge. We eQtend our deepes t Chris<an sy=pathy to the fa=ily and friends of Gladys Lohnes, cards can be send to her daughte r, Merilee Venturi, 2965 Heeney Road, Stockbridge, MI 49285; and to Wayne & Paula Grubb in the death of his brothe r-in-law, Frank S=ith, who passed on 4/30/2014 in San Angelo,TX. Services we re held 5/1/2014 in San Antonio. We join togethe r in an eQpression of love at this <=e. OFFERINGS for May 4, 2014 General Fund Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund Children’s Home Year to Date Offerings: General Fund Offerings Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund (3/1/13-2/28/14) Children’s Home & Ranch (2014) Week 18 23,256 944 1,732 555 1,278 417,251 13,329 26,064 11,439 19,588 5,855 General Fund / Mortgage / Thru the Roof: Weekly Av erage Budget (ytd) 25,598 Weekly Offering 25,932 Weekly Av erage Offering (ytd) 25,369 Income (Apr) Expenses (Apr) 103,229 94,603 Y TD Income (4/30/14) Y TD Expenses (4/30/14) 430,712 368,049 MORTG AGE RESERVE FUND 3/31/14 LOAN BALANCE 220,641 175,030 4/30/14 217,166 ATTEND ANCE: 8:00 Worship 100 9:15 Worship 112 10:45 Worship 410 Children’s Church 21 Total Worship 643 Total Worship Sunday School (last year) 583 Club Whatev er Salty Service 45 Join us for CUMC’s A ‘Shower’ Shower for Center of Hope Me=orial Weekend Picnic at the Beach Sunday, May 25th The Shower Traile r is al=os t Gnis hed and now needs to be stocked. We are seeking dona<ons of towels, wash cloths, toothbrushes, co=bs, disposable razors, and s=all sa=ple sizes of sha=poo, shaving crea=, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, etc. Please bring your dona<ons to the church office. Re=e=be r that this project will nee d ongoing funding and support. Church Office Summer Hours May through September For the su==er =onths, the church office will be open Monday —Thursday, 8:00a=—4:30p= and on Friday, 8:00a=—12noon. LIBRARY CORER Slogan of the Week: Re=e=ber Mo= with a great book. The Kingdom of Heaven is Like . . . A brand new book by our own Pastor La rry and Dr. Cha rles Willia=s (our evangelist of 2004) is now in our library. The book eQplores the parables of Jesus on the Kingdo= of Heaven found in MaLhew chapter 13 of the Holy Word. You’ll get so=e tasty food for thought as you walk thru this briskly wriLen co==entary. Be sure to read this book. You’ll be blessed. Reve ebteAut 5:00 to Sunset, Dinne r at 5:30 At the Manasota Beach Pavilion (Rt. 776, right on Manasota Beach Rd, and right on Manasota Key Rd.) Bring your beach chairs and a side dish to share ! Sponsored by Fa=ily Life and Y outh. Coor Conversa>on I once worked for a builde r in Venice Golf and Country Club who hired a na<onally known designe r to help with his =odel ho=e’s color selec<ons. The kitchen ended up being purple. While it was done with class and style, the fact is tha t it was purple ! So=e visitors loved the color and others were appalled by it but everyone was e=o<onally i=pacted by the purple. This =odel was one of the best selling ho=e designs. It helped =odel ho=e sales because the color was re=arkable. By re=arkable, I =ean everybody re=arked about it. Our own T rustees are working on reGning, conGr=ing, and co=ple<ng the color selec<on for the re=odel proje ct. This project includes the Fa=ily Life Center, the Sanctua ry, and the Breezeway structures. In an eYort to gain input fro= the congrega<on, a few alterna<ve colors have been suggested and sa=ples applied to the walls. These colors are painte d on the north face of the FLC and on both sides of the te=porary entrance ra=p to the Sanctua ry. The Trustees are asking for your re=arks in an eYort to dis cern your preferences. Please speak with a Trustee, drop a note by the office, or send an e=ail with your input. The Trustees will need to =ake the Gnal decision by the third week of May to avoid schedule delays. Your hu=ble se rvant in Christ, Pastor Bob FLORIDA AUAL COFERECE SERVICE OF RETIREMET for PASTOR JERRY & CAROL The Service of Re<re=ent for Pastor Je rry and Carol will take place at 1:30 P.M. on Friday, June 13 in the EQhibit Hall of the Lakeland Cente r, 701 West Li=e Street in Lakeland, FL. The bes t way to get the re is to take I-75 to Ta=pa and then get on I -4 headed east. EQit I -4 at EQit 31, Kathleen Road. Go right and in about 2 or 3 =iles Kathlee n Road beco=es Sikes Blvd. and the Lakeland Cente r is on your right.
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