Learning Beyond Registration - Health Education East Midlands

Professional and Personal Development
Learning Beyond
Developing people for health and healthcare
Are you…
...a registered healthcare professional
delivering NHS commissioned
...employed in a clinical facing role?
...committed to developing your
skills and your career?
If so, Learning Beyond Registration
could be just what you are looking for.
Learning Beyond Registration is a vital part of developing
competent, capable practitioners appropriately prepared
to deliver a dynamic, flexible, quality and client-focused
Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) is a funding source
for post-registration healthcare professionals (excluding
doctors and dentists). Health Education East Midlands
(HEEM) has overall responsibility for managing it,
including how funding is allocated and spent.
Funding for modules is provided by HEEM providing
that you and the module you choose to study meets
our eligibility criteria. LBR provision is a finite resource
and we need to demonstrate that we are allocating
our resources wisely, so if you apply you need to ensure
that you have the full support of your manager and
employing organisation and that the study in line with
local workforce development plans. You also need to
be able to honour the time commitment involved in
the course you have chosen.
Who can access it?
You can access LBR if you are a registered clinical employee delivering
NHS commissioned healthcare.
Access is restricted to registered staff
employed in clinical facing roles, or
where professional registration is
required to undertake their role.
The list of professional groups that
are eligible to access LBR provision
can be found in the HEEM LBR
Operational Guide, Appendix 3.
We do apply wider eligibility criteria.
These are outlined in the HEEM
LBR Operational Guide, Appendix 4.
All applications have to satisfy all
the criteria to secure access to LBR
funded provision.
LBR Funding
LBR provision is split into three areas, each being accessed via different routes.
These are set out below:
Contracted (Modular) Provision
HEEM has awarded contracts to twelve local education providers to deliver
modular LBR education to the local workforce in line with service needs.
How is this accessed?
Someone wishing to access this provision must first seek the approval of their
organisation’s LBR Lead and line manager to ensure the training meets both
individual training need(s) and service requirements. The staff member then
applies to the education provider to book a provisional place on the course.
The Education Provider will liaise with the organisation’s LBR Lead or in the case
of applicants based in Private, Voluntary or Independent Sector organisations,
the Local Workforce Team; to confirm funding. The staff member will receive
confirmation of their place from the Education Provider.
Flexible Provision
A further proportion of the funding is devolved directly to the five HEEM Local
Workforce Teams to purchase education and training that is not available within
the contract. This flexible provision is managed locally to address workforce
development and transformation needs that have been clearly identified in the
organisations’ workforce plans.
How is this accessed?
Where a service provider wishes to access Flexible LBR provision, the organisation’s
LBR Lead will refer to their Local Workforce Team for an operational process of how
to access flexible LBR provision in their locality.
Bespoke Provision
Each HEEM Local Workforce Team has been allocated a share of funding resource
to commission specific learning to support transformation. This is known as
Bespoke LBR Provision.
How is this accessed?
Where a service wishes to access Bespoke LBR provision the organisation’s LBR Lead
will make a request to their HEEM Local Workforce Team (see below for contact
details). The Local Workforce Team will liaise with other Workforce Team LBR leads
and commence work with contracted education providers to identify a supplier.
What do I do next?
To find out more about LBR provision in the East Midlands visit our website where
you will find the LBR Contracted Modules List and the HEEM LBR Operational
Guide: http://lbr.eastmidlands.nhs.uk/
Contact our Local Workforce Teams
Derbyshire [email protected]
Leicestershire and Rutland [email protected]
Lincolnshire [email protected]
Northamptonshire [email protected]
Nottinghamshire [email protected]
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH)
Bespoke LBR funding from HEEM has enabled us the flexibility to
develop innovative educational approaches to meet the fast changing
training needs of our staff and patient care priorities. Over the past year
this has funded a new programme to develop a more evidence-based
culture in nursing.
Evidence In Nursing Programme(EiN)
- Developed in partnership between NUH and
University of Nottingham School of Health Sciences
Evidence based practice (EBP) is associated with benefits in patient outcome
and satisfaction, cost-effectiveness of care and staff satisfaction. While nurses
may be aware of the importance of EBP, appraising evidence and initiating
change can be challenging in the context of everyday practice.
The EiN programme was developed following Staff Nurse Emma Popejoy’s
Florence Nightingale Travel Scholarship to the USA. She visited Magnet
Hospitals, known for excellence in nursing care, they commonly provide
direct input and support for EBP activity, which is seen as a core component
of, rather than an addition to, core nursing practice.
What did we do?
Learning from experiences observed in Magnet Hospitals, a three day EiN
course was piloted. Participants worked on patient focused priorities. Follow
up drop-in sessions provided ongoing support as staff developed and/or
initiated small-scale change projects. A showcase event in January 2014,
included posters summarising key findings and recommendations from the
EiN attendees. These were presented to a NUH Director of Nursing & Midwifery.
Core outcomes
Participants are more confident and skilled
in the implementation of EBP. 12 successful
poster presentations included projects linked
to pressure ulcer prevention, intravenous
hydration, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
(ERAS), tracheostomy care and HIV/AIDS
peer support. A number of projects are now
expanding into local research studies or
continuing practice development projects.
About HEEM
Health Education East Midlands’ goal is to develop a high
quality, safe and sustainable workforce to meet the healthcare
needs of the people of the East Midlands.
By working closely with stakeholders, we act as a regional
‘convenor’, bringing people together across NHS, social care
and the third sector to deliver the best possible services and
outcomes for patients.
HEEM covers the counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and
Rutland, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire.
Published May 2014
Health Education East Midlands
1 Mere Way,
Ruddington Fields Business Park
NG11 6JS
Tel: 0115 823 3300
Email: [email protected]
Visit: www.em.hee.nhs.uk
Follow: @EastMidsLETB