developing a high quality workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Northamptonshire Workforce Team (Northamptonshire) supporting the Northamptonshire LETC What did we do in 2013/14? The Northamptonshire Local Education & Training Council Priorities 2013/14/15 Priority 1. 2. 3. Description Healthcare Support Worker Role Development Assistant Practitioner Role & Foundation Degree Development Pre Degree Work Experience Pilot Apprenticeship expansion: number, area (particularly clinical), framework Primary Care Workforce CCGs & Area Team Primary Care strategies: workforce element National Minimum Dataset: Northamptonshire part of national pilot Practice Learning: expanding opportunities in general practice General Practice Nurse Postgrad Certificate: successful uptake Primary Care Sub Group: focus medical, dental, wider PC workforce Supporting expansion of education and training in general practice Medical Workforce transformation Medical Workforce Sub Group established, strategy in development LETC Workforce Transformation Event on 03/03/14 Physician Associate: supporting role development with NGH; exploring opportunities for wider spread Supported HEEM: redistribution of posts, increase GP training posts 4. Frail Elderly 5. Transformation to 7 Day Services 6. Urgent Care Dementia Awareness Training: Tier 1 across all healthcare settings Nursing for Older people: KGH Academy of Geratology Excellence FALLS Positive: supporting TUON in continued roll out across settings Quality Care Home Training: across 28 Nursing Homes, NHFT, NGH Skills Programme: for care home staff in oral, nutrition and hydration Workforce impact analysis: workforce development and supply requirements Promoting Northamptonshire … 7. a county in which to live, work & learn Workforce development programme within A&E Departments at KGH and NGH supported by HEEM investment. Supporting development of Advanced Practitioners ENACT: funding healthcare drama performance in Northants schools Careers Events: promoting NHS at 20 events, with 70 health ambassadors Supporting unemployed: working with Northants employers via the Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership 1 of 6 developing a high quality workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Northamptonshire Workforce Team (Northamptonshire) supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Priority 1 Healthcare Support Worker Role Development Aim Achievement Supporting HEEM Pre Degree Work Experience Pilot Project Eight pre degree HCAs at NGH and KGH successfully completed work experience and continued onto the Mar14 Nurse degree programme at The University of Northampton (TUON). A second cohort got underway toward commencement of degree programme in Sep14. Feedback to date: very positive experience for all concerned (National and Local evaluation reports to due Autumn 2014). Assistant Practitioner Role Development The fifth cohort of 16 Trainee Assistant Practitioners (APs) commenced their foundation degree in Health & Social Care at the University of Northampton in March 2014. Funding was allocated to Northamptonshire Trusts to support Year 1 of the Foundation Degree at TUON. Qualified and trainee APs are across a variety of healthcare areas in NGH, KGH, NHFT and St Andrew’s Healthcare; from acute adult nursing, child health and in the community. The Sep11 (x 10) cohort successfully qualified as APs and are the second wave of qualified APs working within KGH and NGH. A third evaluation of the development of the AP role was carried out focusing on the qualified AP; the report (including evaluation of the 2014 AP Conference) due September 2014. Strategic planning of AP development: review of current education framework to a modular approach to improve flexibility and provide CPD opportunities – partnership working with TUON, employers and Workforce Team. Training qualified APs as mentors. Standardising training and core competence Priority 2 Aim Transformation in primary care Supporting national/regional development group working with organisations in readiness to implement the Care Certificate Provided education funding to St Andrew’s Healthcare via the flexible Wider Workforce Development funding to enable development of staff (Bs1-4) receive training in foundation skills and physical healthcare. Primary Care Workforce Achievement The Northamptonshire Workforce Team commenced support for the workforce element of the Northants CCGs’ Primary Care Strategy and the Primary Care Strategy being developed by the Hertfordshire and South Midlands Area Team. Developing relationships with Thames Valley and East of England LETBs has resulted in understanding of good practice, commonality, shared working, etc, that will enhance activities towards primary care workforce transformation. GP specialist and generalist role development: planning underway. Aug14 2 of 6 developing a high quality workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Northamptonshire Workforce Team (Northamptonshire) supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Understanding the workforce Northamptonshire was part of the National pilot for the primary care minimum dataset (due to replace the GP Census). With the Workforce Team Analyst contributing to the dataset design. It is due to be mandated by September 2014 and aims to improve availability of general practice workforce data. The Northamptonshire Local Education and Training Council (LETC) has a Primary Care Sub Group which is chaired by a GP and therefore a member of the LETC. The sub group also comprises representation from the Local Medical Committee and Head of Nursing from the CCGs. Initially the focus had been on general medical services, and was extended to consider local Dental and the wider Primary Care workforce. Going forward the sub group will aim to ensure alignment between education investment and the Northamptonshire Primary Care Strategy linked to the Healthier Northamptonshire transformation programme. Developed links with the local professional networks which encompass the other areas of primary care. Strengthened relationships resulted in greater contribution to the Northamptonshire Workforce Plan in both number of practices contributing and the quality of the data provided. Northamptonshire and The University of Northampton have been working collaboratively to increase practice learning opportunities in general practice for student nurses. This has resulted in a number of practices expressing an interest in providing placements with one Practice having 3 student nurse placements. Commenced development of placement opportunities at the GP and Urgent Care Centre in Corby, and other areas across the Northamptonshire localities. GP Practice Engagement Priority 3 Student Nurse Placement event took place on 28 January 2014 in partnership with TUON. HEEM commissions the General Practice Nurse BSc course run by De Montfort University for nurses new to general practice has been very well received by Northamptonshire practices with 13 undertaking the certificate - Northamptonshire has been the second highest uptake across the East Midlands. Inclusion of general practice into education funding allocations and widening access to Learning Beyond Registration education portfolio. This has resulted in funding dementia awareness training, and practice nurse skills, plus increasing access to the LBR portfolio to other general practice staff. Expansion of apprenticeships in general practice: January 2014 to raise the profile of apprenticeship opportunities in general practice – resulting in increased awareness and potential to develop clinical apprenticeship framework. Medical Workforce Transformation Aim Achievement Expand recruitment into medical training posts Supported HEEM: redistribution of medical training posts, gathering medical workforce data, increase GP training posts. Northamptonshire LETC Medical Workforce Sub Group established with representation from HEEM, GPs, Local Medical Committee and medical directors, directors of medical education, directors of nursing from across the County’s healthcare provider and commissioning organisations. Identify and develop medical & nonmedical solutions Workforce Transformation Event on 3 March 2014: future medical workforce requirements considered as part of overarching workforce planning process. Supporting the development of the Physician Associate roles and further expansion of Advanced Practitioner roles. Continued support and provision of funding for non-medical prescribing education, CPD and annual conference. Aug14 3 of 6 developing a high quality workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Northamptonshire Workforce Team (Northamptonshire) supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Priority 4 Aim Developing skills/ competences for people caring for the frail elderly Improving quality of care for the frail elderly Provision of End of Life Care Education Frail Elderly Achievement Dementia Awareness Training: ensuring good quality Tier 1 dementia training is available in all healthcare settings. Plus focused on expansion of training within primary care. Contribution to HEE Project: postgraduate nurse training: older people with complex needs. Commenced support re education for the ongoing development at KGH – of a multi-professional Academy of Geratology Excellence. Supported expansion of FALLS Positive project (TUON) increasing delivery of training across primary and secondary health and social care settings. Commenced development of a Northamptonshire education programme across health and social care to deliver High Quality Care for the Elderly – HEEM provision of £137,000 funding allocation. HEEM provided funding to support education on ‘Sustaining Care Home Quality’, which was rolled out across Northamptonshire at 28 Nursing Homes, 20 Staff Nurses at NHFT and to Falls Champions at NGH. Reported measures from 9 nursing homes that received training show that post training, there has been a: • 13% reduction in all falls incidents, with a 50% reduction in falls incidents referred to hospitals • 35% reduction in urinary tract infections • 47% reduction in referrals to emergency departments; and • 12% reduction in GP callouts Continued to support the roll out of the skills programme of training across five different care settings focusing on promotion or oral health, nutrition/hydration for people with dementia and compassionate care. Working in partnership with the Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership Board. The Practice Educator Team at Cynthia Spencer Hospice had over 2,200 learners access their courses during 2013/14 – including Essence of Good End of Life Care, Foundations to Gold Standards Framework, etc. Delegates were from a range of disciplines: District Nursing, Practice Nursing, Ambulance, Acute Nursing and Care Home staff. This training has proven to be very successful with reduced admissions into secondary care from Care Homes. Funding provided by HEEM and supported by the Northants Workforce Team. Northamptonshire has agreed an approach to Advance Care Planning with a booklet that is available in Libraries, Pharmacies and other public places. Kettering General Hospital and Northampton General Hospital have signed up to the national Transformation EOLC in Acute Hospitals programme – thereby implementing enablers to realise patient choice for place of care and place of death. Priority 5 Aim Workforce impact both in & outside of hospital Aug14 Transformation to 7 Day Services Achievement Commenced support of national development. Workforce Transformation Event on 3 March 2014: impact on future workforce considered as part of overarching workforce planning process. 4 of 6 developing a high quality workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Northamptonshire Workforce Team (Northamptonshire) supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Priority 6 Urgent Care Aim Achievement Education in Emergency Departments Workforce development programme within Accident & Emergency Departments at KGH and NGH supported by HEEM investment. Priority 7 Promoting Northamptonshire … a county in which to learn, work and live Aim Raise awareness by: • providing a flavour of the 350+ jobs available within the NHS • highlighting the need for medical workforce within Northamptonshire • demonstrating healthcare careers • promoting Northants healthcare employers to future students/trainees • growing our own workforce • providing exceptional work experiences • retaining our students and trainees Achievement Enact: professional performances to Yr9 students: highly visual and dramatic snapshot of jobs/careers within NHS. Delivered at schools where the demographic identifies students to be less aspirational, and that the school had not previously seen the performances. The Northamptonshire Workforce Team coordinated NHS representation at 20 careers events during 2013/14, supported by 25 NHS representatives. 73 NHS representatives/Health Ambassadors volunteered to attend these careers events. Workshops and demonstrations were given on a wide range of subjects from employability skills to medical professions: Occupational Therapy at the High Achievers Event Pathology, Biomedical Science at the World of Work Day Business Development at the Enterprise Day Working with other Northamptonshire employers via the Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership to: widen participation to employment into the NHS support long term unemployed back into employment support less advantaged into employment provision of work experience within healthcare organisations Cross function activity The Northamptonshire Workforce Plan Values Based Behaviour Framework Project Aug14 Successful collaboration with numerous Northamptonshire stakeholders: commissioning and provider organisations, primary care, professional leads, Adult & Child Social Care, St Andrew’s Healthcare, Public Health, The University of Northampton, voluntary sector and other private sector organisations. NHS The Workforce Team continued to develop excellent relationships with service commissioners and programme leads at NHS Nene & Corby CCGs, Northamptonshire Public Health, Northamptonshire County Council Adult and Child Social Care and Skills for Care to ascertain future strategy direction. New relationships with Healthwatch and voluntary sector organisations such as Age UK and the local Alzheimer’s Society have been developed. Supported NGH to develop a framework to be used within recruitment and appraisal processes with the aim of improving staff engagement and patient experience. 5 of 6 developing a high quality workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Northamptonshire Workforce Team (Northamptonshire) supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Calderdale Framework training Northamptonshire Mandatory Training Passport Project Aug14 Investment was made in the Calderdale Framework (CF); a tool designed to facilitate a skill-mixed workforce leading to new ways of working and competency based training Northamptonshire had access to the CF Facilitators course and an extensive library of competences for nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy staff. Four members of staff across Northamptonshire attended the facilitator training; two members of HR at KGH, a community physiotherapist at NGH and the Workforce Planning & Development Manager at the HEEM Northamptonshire Workforce Team. Implementation of the CF was underway, areas being established and further awareness training to be carried out later in 2014. Lead the Project across the County to explore the feasibility of implementing a mandatory Training Passport and identify commonality across organisations mapped against the national Core Skills Framework developed by Skills for Health. Northamptonshire Mandatory Training A scoping report was produced and it was agreed that it would be taken forward by a self managed network across the Northamptonshire Trusts. 6 of 6
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