DICTIONARY CATALOGUE AND CHAIN PROCEDURE MMJob Dept. of Library Science University of Kerala, 'I'z-ivand r urn Dlscusses the modified rules of chain procedure meant for a dictionary catalogue as given in eee chapter KZD. Effect of these rules on the syndetic function of a dictionary catalogue by way of 'Ree' and 'see aleo' entries are studied. A number of examples with full chain, specific subject headings, 'see also' subject headings, and 'see' subject headings are provided. T irne is olates T irne is 01ate representing a Tim.e Facet is to be considered as significant link. It can b~ a s ough tLi nk or an unsought link. St~ict economy rnus t be adhered to in c ons ideri ng it as a s ought link. 2 Abbreviations Used Ranganathan (S R): Classified catalogue code. Ed 5. Bom.bay, Asia, 1964. Rdc Cutter (C A): Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue. Ed 4. London, Library Association, 1962. o Definition Chain Procedure can be defined in this context as a procedure to derive specific sub-ject headings, subject analytical headings, 'see' and 'see also' subject headings from. class num.bers in a s ern i rn.echanical Way by interpreting the different links in the Chain of class nurn.bers. 01 Cee KZD This chapter gives m.odified rules of chain procedure m.eant for a Dictionary Catalogue. The crux of this chapter is that the spec ific subject heading is not started fr am the last sought link of the class num.ber as usual. The class num.ber is to be divided into different parts according to the presence of common isolates, space isolates and relationship isolates. The specific subject heading starts from. it last sought link of the first part which is to be indiv idualis ed by the same par t if necessary, then by subsequent parts if any. 58 of a Dictionary Catalogue Since the Dictionary Catalogue is an alphabetical catalogue, its success depends upon the provision of reference entries 21 Ccc Success Definition of Syndetic--Rdc p23 "Svridet ic, connective, applied to that kind of dictionary catalog which binds its entries together by rne an.s of cross-references so as to for rn a whole, the reference being rn ade the rnos t c ompr ehe ns iv e subject to those of the next lower degree of c orrrprehe rrsive.nes s and f'r orn each of these to their subordinate subjects and vice versa. These crossreferences correspond to and are a good substitute 'for the a r r ang ernent in a s y st.ernat ic catalog. • 3 Subject Entries When we think of applying the principle of Chain Procedure to Dictionary Catalogue, it rnus t satisfy the concept of the syndetic aspect of the Dictionary Catalogue. 4 Errumer at lve Lists Sears List of Subject Headings or Library of Congress List of Subject Headings is prepared taking into account the syndetic aspect of the Dictionary Catalogue. 5 Syndetic entr ies of the Dictionary Cat a- l ogue , Syndetic entries correspond to reference entries. There are rn a inly two types of re- Ann Lib Sci Doc DICTIONARY CATALOGUE ference entries. They are 'see' and 'see also' subject entries. In both Sears List of subject headings and Library of Congress List of Subject Headings there is provision to prepare these reference entries. These things are effected by providing the terms 'x ' and 'xx'. The term or terms given after 'x" are to be used only for 'see' reference entries. But if a term is taken from a group of terms that come after the symbol 'xx ", it is tobe used only for a 'see also' reference entry. 6 Cross Reference subject reference entries must also adhere this general principle of Cross Reference Index Entr ie s • Example: Chain analysis Rule CccK Y Index Entries = Sociology Y3 Sociology by residence Y31 Rural Sociology Y3l: Connecting symbol Y3l:4: Social evils of rural areas in India Y3l:4: Connecting symbol Y31~4:5 Prevention of social evils of rural areas in' India Types of subject entries. Part 2 of the Chain When we derive subjects heading according to the Chain Procedure, the result must be the same as that of using enumerative list of subject heading, as far as the types of entr ies are concerned. The difference can be on the methodology, pr ocedure and mechanical operation. 8 Prevention of soc ia I evils in rural India. Y3l:4:5.44 Ccc LA2: "If each of two or more alternative terms is used as the Heading of a Book Index Entry, when the Referred--From Heading is one of these, the Directing Word should be "see also". If on the other hand, a ReferredFrom Heading is never used as the Heading of a Book Index Entry, the Directing Word should be "see". Occasions may arise when the directing term "see" has to be changed into "see also". 7 Y31:4:5: Connecting symbol Y3l:4:5.4 Prevention of social evils of rural areas in As ia Y31:4:5.44 Prevention of social evils of rural areas in India. Chain Procedure The chain procedure enunciated by Ranganathan in his book "Cl a s s if le d Catalogue Code' is notstrictly adhering to the principles generally adopted in subject entries. He also explained this pr inciple of Clta l.n Procedure in his article published in Annals of Library Science 1954,1(1), 216-21. According to the rules and illustrations given by him, there can be only one type of reference entries in a subject catalogue. They are 'see also' reference entries. But in the case of a subject catalogue prepared according to Sears list of Subject Headings or Library Congress List of Subject Headings, there will be two types of reference entries. They are 'see' and 'see also' reference entries. Subject reference entries also c orrie urtder the several category of Cross Reference Index Entries. Cross Reference Index Entries can be either 'see also' entries. The principles adopted in Vol 20 No 1-4 Mar-Dec 1973 to , Analysing the Chain by the Canon of Sought Heading-starting from the last link-we get the following Y31:4:5 .44 Y31:4:5.4 First = India, Prevention, Social evils, Rural (Sought Link) Asia, Prevention, Social evils, Rural (Unsought Link) Part Y3l:4:5. Connecting symbol (False Link) 59 JOB Y3l:4:5 Prevention, Soc ia l evils, Rural (Sought Link) Y3l:4: Connecting symbol (False link) Y3l:4 Soc ia l evils, Rural (Sought Link) Y3l: Connecting s yrnbol (False Link) Y3l Rural Sociology (Sought Link) 2. when a subject heading starts from a space isolate, it must be for a 'see' entry and not for a 'see also' entry; and 3. when a subject heading starts from an isolate that comes after a r ei a t lon sh ip isolate, it must be for a 'see' entry and not for a 'see also' entry. 93 Effect of the rules Y3l:4:5.44 Y3 Y Spec ific Subject Entry PREVENTION, SOCIAL EVILS RURAL. INDIA Auth Title Call No. By residence, Sociology (Unsought Link) = Soclology (Sought Link) Spec ific subject Heading star ting from the first part of the chain according to Cc c KZD 'See also' Subject Entries 1. SOCIAL EVILS, RURAL PREVENTION, SOCIAL EVl.i...S, RURAL, INDIA. See also subject headings according present rules of Ccc See also PREVENTION, INDIA to the 2. PREVENTION, INDIA 3. 92 Rules (Modification to Ccc KZD) 1. When a subject heading starts from a c ornrnon isolate, it must be for a 'see' entry and not for a 'see also' entry; 60 RURAL, RURAL, SOCIOLOGY SOCIAL EVILS, RURAL SOCIOLOGY Effect of the rule Ccc KZD No specific Subject Heading can statt from a cornmon isolate, or apace isolate or is 01 ate corning after a relaticnship is ola te , See also subject heading means a heading that can also occur as a. speclfic subject heading. So a heading that is used as a 'see also' heading must be the one that is likely to be used as a heading for a specific subject heading. In the above example, the heading representing the last sought link of the cha in is a space ls ola te , Specific subject entry cannot be started from a space isolate. Because of the same reason a 'see also' entry should not start from a space isolate. SOCIAL EVILS, See also INDIA, PREVENTION, SOCIAL EVILS, RURAL SOCIAL EVILS, RURAL, RURAL SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY 91 will be as follows: See also PREVENT ION. SOCIAL EVILS, RURAL, INDIA 'See' Entry will be as follows: 1. INDIA, PREVENTION, RURAL SOCIAL EVILS, See PREVENTION, INDIA 94 SOCIAL EVILS, RURAL, Other Examples Example 1 X:5.44'N-Z0s = Statistical study of tr a de in Ind ia in the year 1970. Example 2 X8 (J) .44 'N = Agr icul t ur al, economics in India in 20th century. Ann Lib Sci Doc mCTIDNARYCATALOGUE Example = Mathematics Engineers. 3 BobD Example 4 VI:19(zM)'N45 Subject Entries for N39 '" History World War II for example (Time isolate sought link) of 'See also' is considered here as an un- subject Entry ECONOMICS 1 .Eee also Specific subject Entry X:5 .44'N70 s TRADE, INDIA, STATISTICS, 1970 Auth See (Rule: T'Lrrielsolate representing a Time Facet ls a Sought Link, it :must be added only at the end of the heading irrespective of the part in which lt comes ) AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS,INDIA Subject Entries for Exa:mple 3 BObD 'See at e.o' subject Heading. Specific Subject Entry ECONOMICS MATHEMATICS biased to ENGINEERING See also TRADE, .INDIA, STATISTICS, 1970 Auth Title 'See' Subject Heading STATISTICS, INDIA, TRADE, 1970 Call No. 'See also' Subject Entry NU See TRADE, INDIA, STATISTICS, 1970 2. 'See' Subject Entry INmA, AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Call No. Title 1. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, INDIA INDIA, TRADE, 'See' Subject Entry ENGINEERING biasing MATHEMATICS 1970 See See TRADE, INDIA, STATISTICS, 1970 MATHEMATICS biased to ENGINEERING (No heading will start Isolate) Subject Entries X8(J) from a Time Subject Entries VI: 19(zM)' N45 ~ N39 for Exa:mple 2 Spec ific Subject Entry .44'N WAR, WORLD, 1939-1945 Specific Subject Entry AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, INDIA Auth Tltle Vol 20 No 1-4 Mar-Dec for Exa:mple 4 Call No. 1973 Auth Title (Time isolate representing a Sought Link) Call No. Ti:m.e Facet is 61 JOB 'See also' Subject Entr ies WORLD, Nil HISTORY - See also WAR, WORLD, 'See' Subject Entr ies 1939-1945. HISTORY (N0 see refer ence can be prepared according to Chain Procedure. But flair has to be applied by the cataloguer if there is any alternative term by which readers are likely to approach this book. Hence we get a Subject Cr oss Reference Index Entry) See also WORLD WAR II WAR, WORLD, 1939-1945. See (No heading will start from a Time isolate. V 1: 19 and V}: 1 are WlS ought links in this case) 62 WAR, WORLD, 1939-1945. Ann Lib Sci Doc
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