ARC HITE CTURAL A0.1 C over She et, Location / Key Plan, Drawing Index A1.0 C ode Summary - Appendix "B" A1.1 Life Safety Plan, Restroom & Door Clearances A2.0 First Floor Plan, Schedules, Wall Types, Interior Elevations A2.1 C eiling Plan EXISTING BUILDING SITE - Wake County Gis Pin #1739089570 - no alteration on exterior of building or site EXISTING BUILDING - allowable area calculations on sheet A1.0 are based upon this area. PROPOSED TENANT SPACE - (shown cross hatched) Suite 114 - Proposed tenant space for new Nail Salon 1 A0.1 o lls Fa ad Ro Existing Parking Location/Key Plan Scale : N.T.S. W ie ef ak ld C s ro sin g . Dr OWNER/TENANT: Nail Salon C O NTRA C TOR: Marlin Design + Build ARC HITE CT: John L. Harvey Architecture + Design, Inc. Hillsborough, N C 27278 MEP E N GINE ERIN G: Maple Engineering, Raleigh, N C 27605 A r c h it e c t u r e + D e si g n , In c . w w w . h a r v e y a r c hit e c t ur e . c o m 3/1 7/2 0 1 4 N a il S a l o n North w Ne se eu fN j o h n l. h a r v e y 2 1 2 8 O l d F o r e s t D riv e H ills b o r o u g h , N C 2 7 2 7 8 o ffi c e : (9 1 9) 8 8 3 - 1 9 6 6 c e ll: ( 9 1 9) 3 2 3 - 1 4 7 3 e m a il: i nf o @ h a rv e y a r c h it e c t u r e . c o m P e r m it S e t N e w U pfit - W a k e fi e l d C r o s sin g S uit e 1 1 4 1 3 6 0 0 N e w F a lls of N e u s e R d R a l e i g h , N orth C a rolin a 2 7 6 1 4 DRAWIN G INDEX N e w U p-f i t f o r S u i t e 1 1 4 © JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. expressly reserves its common law copyright & other property rights in these plans. These plans are not to be reduced, changed or copied in any form or matter whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the expressed written permission & consent of JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. N a il S a l o n R e v isi o n s No. / Description / Date T hi s s h e e t is f o r m a tt e d fo r a 2 4" x 3 6" p ri n t . If t hi s p ri n t d o e s n o t m e a s ur e t h a t r e f e r t o t h e g r a p hi c s c a l e . S h e e t Titl e : C o v e r S h e e t, K e y Pl a n , D r a win g In d e x D at e: M arc h 1 7, 2 0 1 4 Proje c t: 13017 S h e e t N u m b e r: A 0.1 OC CU P AN CY NO . ( B) B LDG AR EA PER S TOR Y ( C) % O PEN (D ) % S PA CE SPRIN K LER IN CR EAS E IN CR EAS E TAB LE 503 5 AREA ( AC TU AL ) 1 OR U NLIM ITED (EXCEPT 1 AND 2- FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES) (Reproduce the following data on the building plans sheet 1 or 2.) THIS SECTION FOR ADDITIONS, NEW AND CHANGE OF USE (E ) A LLOW AB LE FLO OR A REA 2 RA TIO O F AC TU AL /A LLO WA BLE ( F) M AX IM U M BU ILD IN G 4 SEP A RA TION RA TIN G REQ UIR ED ARE A 3 - B 14,486 23,000 - 300% 69,000 .21 69,000 N/A - B 1,267 23,000 - 300% 69,000 .02 69,000 N/A Allowable openings per Table 704.8 No Limit Fire separation distance is greater than 30’ WALL LEGENDS THIS SECTION REQUI RE D FOR ALL PROJE CTS CH ECK IF THE FOLL OWING ARE PRESENT AND IND ICATE BY A WALL LEGEND ON ALL PLAN S Name of Project: __Nail Salon ____________________________________________________ Address: Wakefield Crossing, 13600 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh, North Carolina Suite #:___114 ____ Owner or Authorized Agent: __ Britt Spivey Phone: (919)796 - 6405 Email: __ [email protected] ____________________ Fax: ______________________________ Owned By: State Code Enforcement Jurisdiction: City/County Name of Jurisdiction: Privately City/County City County Fire Partitions 708 Smoke Barriers 709 1 City of Raleigh 2 PROJECT SUMMARY: The space is currently unfinished and has never had a tenant occupy the space. The new tenant would be up-fitting the space to accommodate a new nail salon space. All interior finishes will be new. 3 Building Description: Existing 1 story shell space, steel studs framed exterior CMU walls and slab on grade – no change in building shell or structure Fire Walls 705 Fire Barriers 706 Shaft Enclosure 707 Type of Construction INCREASE FOR SPRIN KLERS SHOWN ON PLANS Type _IIB Buildin g Height in Feet Buildin g Height in Stories FIRM Architectural JLH Architectu re + Desig n, Inc. John Harvey Civil __N/A______________ ____________ Electrical Maple Engineering, PLLC Zack T omlin Fire Alarm __N/A______________ ____________ Plumbing Maple Engineering, PLLC Zack T omlin Mechanical Maple Engineering, PLLC Zack T omlin Sprinkler-Standpipe N/A_____________ ____________ Structural __N/A______________ ____________ Retaining Walls >5' High __N/A_______ ____________ Other __N/A______________ ____________ Building Code: # TELEPHONE # E- MAIL 9918 (919) 883-1966 [email protected] ____________ (____)_______ ______________ 037509 (919) 341-4247 [email protected] ____________ (____)_______ ______________ 037509 (919) 341-4247 [email protected] 037509 (919) 341-4247 [email protected] ____________ (____)_______ ______________ ____________ (____)_______ ______________ ____________ (____)_______ ______________ ____________ (____)_______ ______________ Type _IIB_ 2009 North Carolina State Building Code (NCSBC) 2006 North Carolina State Building Code (NCSBC) 2009 NC Rehab 2006 NC Rehab 2009 Chapter 34 (Attach Summary) 2006 Chapter 34 (Attach Summary) H + 20 ft = _75_ ft H = 20 ft Table 503 S = _3__ _ S + 1 = _4___ S=1 Table 503 New Building: New Building Shell Building FLOOR, ROOM AND/ OR SPACE D ESIGNATION Addition Alteration to Shell Existing Building: EXISTING ( SQ FT ) NEW ( SQ FT) S UB-T OTAL 14,486 Building 1,267 Tenant 0 14,486 Building 1,267Tenant (1,267 Tenant) 0 (1,267 Tenant) DESIGNATION Non-Separated Mixed Occupancy (508.3.2) Separated Mixed Occupancy (508.3.3) Act ual Area of Occupancy A Allowable Area of Occupancy A + Actual Area of Occupancy B All owable Area of Occupancy B < 1… ALLOWABLE AREA AND HEIGHT CAL CULATIONS THIS SECTION FO R NE W, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE, AND I NTE RI OR COMPLETIO NS E XTERIOR W ALL North South East West Total 407 414 421 ACTUAL L ENGTH OPEN L ENGTH P WI DTH OF P UBLIC WAY OR OPEN S PACE F W INCRE ASE FRONTAGE __________________% SPRI NKLERS _____________0_____________% FRO M PREVIOUS PERMIT FRONTAGE INCREASE FORMULA ALOWAB LE AREA F ORMULA If = 100( F – 0.25) W P 30 408 415 32’ 60’ VAN SPACES WI TH 8' ACCESS AISLE TOTAL # ACCESSIBLE Energy Cost Budget _______________________________ _______________________________ Interior design conditions Winter dry bulb Summer dry bulb Relative humidity _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Building heating load Building cooling load Mechanical Spacing Conditioning System Unitary ______________________________ Description of unit ______________________________ Heating efficiency ______________________________ Cooling efficiency ______________________________ Heat output of unit ______________________________ Cooling output of unit ______________________________ Boiler __________________________________________ Total boiler output. If oversized, state reason ___________________________ Chiller __________________________________________ Total chiller capacity. If oversized, state reason _________________________ List equipment efficiencies Equipment schedules with motors (mechanical systems) Motor horsepower _______________________________ Number of phases _______________________________ Minimum efficiency _______________________________ Motor type _____________________________________ # of poles _____________________________________ PROVID ED NO CHANGE IN EXISTING PARKING (Describe special approvals from local jurisdictions, County or State Department of Health, NC Department of Insurance, International Code Council, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BUI LDING FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (F EET ) RATING R EQ 'D * PR OV ID ED ( W/__ __ HR * R ED U CT ION ) DETAIL # AND SHEET # 1 AREA PE R OCCUPANT (c) NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS EGRESS WI DTH PER OCCUPANT (TABLE 1005.1) REQUIRED WIDTH (SECTION 1005.1) STAIR LEVEL STA IR LEVEL - 0.2 - 2.4 100 12 DESIGN # F OR DESIGN # RATED PENETRATION FOR RATED JOINTS _ Occupant Load Factor _ _ __ Occupant Load ___ WATERCLOSETS URINALS FEMAL E FEMAL E - 1 Unisex - 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 NUMBER OF TOTAL WATE R NU MBE R OF TOT AL BUIL DING DRAINS FIX TURE UN IT LOAD SERVICE SIZE WATER SERVICES FIXTURE UNIT LO AD BUILD ING DRAIN SIZE 1 Structure Conforms to "Conventional Light Frame Provisio ns of 2308 __Yes, continue __No, Go to Line 9 2 Roof Live Load = PSF 3 Flo or Live Load = PSF 0 N/C EXISTING 0 N/C EXISTING West 30 0 N/C EXISTING 4 Ground Snow Load (Pg) = PSF 30 South Interior Bearing Walls Nonbearing walls Exterior 0 N/C EXISTING 5 Basic Wind Speed, 3 sec. Gust = MPH 0 N/C EXISTING 6 Seismic Site Class = 0 N/C Seismic Design Category = Go to L in e 44 North 30 7 8 EXISTING 9 Live Loads Area East 30 0 N/C EXISTING 10 Flo or Live Load (indicate area) = PSF 30 0 N/C EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING N/C EXISTING N/C EXISTING 11 Flo or Live Load (indicate area) = PSF 12 Flo or Live Load (indicate area) = PSF 13 Live Load Reduction used in Design 14 Roof Live Load = 15 Roof Snow Load Data 16 Flat-Roof Snow Load (Pf) = 17 Snow Exposure Factor (Ce) = 18 Snow Importance Factor (Is) = 19 Thermal Factor (Ct) = 20 Wind Design Data Floor Ceiling Assembly 0 N/C EXISTING Columns Supporting Floors 0 N/C EXISTING 21 Basic Wind Speed, 3 sec. Gust = 22 Wind Impor tance Factor (Iw) = 23 Wind Expo sure 24 Internal Pressure Coefficient Walls below grade (each assembly) Description of assembly ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ U-Value of total assembly __________________________ R-Value of insulation ____________________________ Yes Floors over unconditioned sp ace (each assembly) Description of assembly ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ U-Value of total assembly __________________________ R-Value of insulation ____________________________ Floors slab on grade (each assembly) Description of assembly ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ U-Value of total assembly __________________________ R-Value of insulation ____________________________ Horizontal/Vertical requirement ___________________ Slab heated ___________ PSF PSF ELECTRICAL SUMMARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT Performance Energy Cost Budget KIPS (Pro vid e soils report if Site Class is not "D") Equipment sched ules with motors (not used for me chanical systems) Motor horsepower ______________________________ Number of phases ______________________________ Minimum efficiency ____________________________ Motor type ____________________________________ No. of poles ___________________________________ EXISTING 28 Earthquake Design Data EXISTING 29 Seismic Important Factor (Ie) = EXISTING 30 Occupancy Category EXISTING 31 EXISTING 32 MPH (If multiple exposures are used indicate directions) Mapped Sp ectral Response Acceleration Ss Mapped Sp ectral Response Acceleration S1 33 Site Class 34 Spectral Response Coefficient, Sds = 35 Spectral Response Coefficient, Sd1 = 36 Seismic Design Category = 37 Building (Structural) System 38 Basic Seismic Force Resisting System 39 Seismic Response Coefficient (Cs) = 40 Response Modification Facto r, R = Electrical ____House panel ____Service laterals to meter centers/panels located on buildings ____Demise wall and ceilings only ____Conduit, duct, raceway in slab ____Power and lighting circuits to “J” Box ____Install light fixtures ____Install __Heat/Ac __ Elevator __Generator __Parking lot lighting ____Install complete system Other___See MEP Plans_______________________________________________________________________________ Please provide full information on any alternate methods and means incorporated into the design of this project. Provide specific details and incorporate into plan submittal any supporting documents or agreement letters. Special Inspections Chapter 17 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTE D ON ALL PROJECTS THAT FALL WITHIN BUILDING CATEGORIES AND/OR CONTAIN ELEMENTS SUBJECT TO SPECIAL INSPECTIO NS AS PRESCRIBED BY REVISED SECTION 1704. To schedule a required pre-constr uction meeting with the City of Raleigh, please call Steve Luxton at (919) 516-2183 or Willis Stancil at (919) 516-2187. The main line number for the Development Services Customer Service Center is (919) 516-2495. List whom will inspect the required special inspections: Fabricator of load bearing components Soil tests Concrete, caissons, piles, piers, pre-cast Post tension concrete Modular construction Steel and connections, welds, bolts, anchor s Smoke control Seismic, wind d esigns, Quality Assurance Retaining walls Prescriptive KIPS EXISTING N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/A N/C 1 HR ______________________________________________________________________________________ THIS SE CTION REQUIRED FOR ALL PROJ ECTS T HAT INCLUDE ELECTRICAL DE SIG N (If elements are no t designed by the registered design pr ofessional) EXISTING N/C Building __X_Install slab _X_partial __complete ____Install demising walls __X_Install interior partitioning _X_partial __complete __X_Install Ceilings ____White box (additional interior completion permits are required for Certificate of Occupancy and power) Other_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Method of Compliance: Components and Cladding Loads = N/C 0 Plumbing ____No work ____Install water service and sewer ____Install building drain __and __or water distribution main __with __without branches ____Install complete plumbing system Other__See MEP Plans________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Sprinkler __X_Install complete sprinkler system No Wind Base Shear, Wyx 0 Columns Supporting Roof Shell Variable Form Required for all Shell, Alteration to Shell and Interior Completion Permits Check each applicable line to match scope of work. Edit as necessary to provide clear detail of installation. Reproduce on Cover Sheet Mechanical ____No work __X_Equipment set __with __without power ____Trunk line installed __with __without outlets ____Gas Line ____ Install complete operational system Other___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Fire spray tests Wind Base Shear, Wx Roof Ceiling Assembly UL#U419 NOTES 27 EXISTING EXISTING 0 0 0 26 N/C EXISTING A CCESSIBLE 0 0 Walls adjacent to unconditioned space (each a ssembly) Description of assembly ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ U-Value of total assembly __________________________ R-Value of insulation ___________________________ Openings (windows or doors with glazing) U-Value of assembly _____________________ Low-e required, if applicable _______________ Door R-Values________________________________________________ 25 0 EXISTING Energy Cost Budget Lighting Schedule Lamp type required in fixture ___________________________ Number of lamps in fixture _____________________________ Ballast type used in the fixture ___________________________ Number of ballasts in fixture ____________________________ Total wattage per fixture ________________________________ Total interior wattage specified vs. allowed _________________ Total exterior wattage specified vs. allowed _________________ Roof construction, including supporting beams and joists ** Shafts – Exit Enclosures 0 Shafts – Other (describe) 0 Shafts – Other (describe) 0 Corridor Separation 0 Occupancy Separation 0 Party/Fire Wall Separation 0 Incidental Use Separation 0 Dwelling/Sleeping unit Separation Smoke Barrier Separation 0 Tenant Separation 0 * Indicate section number permitting reduction ** Indicated if using Table 601 Note C exception DRINKING FOUNTA INS REGU LAR 0 Performance Roof/ceiling Assembly (each assembly) Description of assembly ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ U-Value of total assembly __________________________ R-Value of insulation ________________________ Skylights in each a ssembly U-Value of skylight __________ Total square footage of skylights in each assembly ____________ Structural Design Loads 30 N/C SHOW ERS/ TUBS LAVATORIE S MAL E 1 Unisex Method of Compliance: Prescripti ve Exterior W alls (each assembly) Description of assembly ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ U-Value of total assembly __________________________ R-Value of insulation ________________________ Openings (windows or doors with glazing) U-Value of assembly _____________________ Shading coefficient ______________________ Projection factor ________________________ Low-e required, if applicable _______________ Door R-Values________________________________________________ Exit Quantity THIS SECTION REQ UI RE D FOR ALL PROJECTS 30 N/C Exit Width _ _ PLUMBING FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS East 0 36” __ North 0 LEVEL See Table 1004.1.1 to determine whether net or gross area is applicable. 2 Minimum stairway width (Section 1009.1); min. corridor width (Section 1017.2); min. door width (Section 1008.1.1) 3 Minimum width of exit passageway (Section 1021.2) 4 The loss of 1 means of egr ess shall not reduce the available capacity to less than 50 percent of the total required (Section 1005.1) 5 Assembly occupancies (Section 1025) Area - SF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS: The following data shall be considered minimum and any specia l attribute required to meet the energy code shall also be provided. Ea ch Designer shall furnish the required portions of the project information for the plan data sheet. If energy cost budget method, state the annual energy cost budget vs. a llowable annual energy cost budget. THERMAL ENVELOPE STA IR See sheet A 1.1 for more information on square footage per occupancy DESIGN # 0 (a b) x c 12 Total Required Total Provided FOR RATED ASSEMBLY 0 ACTUAL WIDTH SHOWN ON PLANS 1 Bearing walls Exterior 30 South Interior Non Bearing Walls Structural frame, including columns, girders, trusses Floor construction, including supporting beams and joists. List construction type. 2,3,4,5 THIS SE CTI ON FOR ASSE MBLY USE AREA(S) Life Safety Plan Sheet #, if Provided A1.1 - no change to the existing building shell ELEMENT ENERGY SUMMARY THIS S ECTION FOR NEW, ADDITIONS CHANGE OF USE, AND INTERIOR COMPLETION EXIT WIDTH (in) (a b) Total # of Occupants 12 406 413 420 46’ (b) MAL E 405 412 419 300’ 1,267 BUSINESS OCCUPANCY 404 411 418 2 1 TOTAL___ West 403 410 417 D ISTANCE SHOWN ON PLANS ASSEMBLY OCCUPANCY INFORMATION THIS SECTION REQUIRED FOR ALL PROJECTS 402 409 416 ACTUAL DISTANCE BETWEEN EXIT DO ORS ARE A SQ. FT. OCC UPANTS No Yes Separation: _____________________________ Exception: ___________________________________________________ REQ UIRED DISTANCE SH OWN ON P LANS (a) Space Description __ FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS Mi xed Occupancy: ACTUAL TRAVEL TR AVEL DISTANCE (TABLE 1015.1) THIS SECTION REQ UI RE D FOR ALL PROJECTS USE G ROUP AND/OR SPACE Original Occupancy: _ B - Vacant _____________ Primary Occupancies: Assembly: A-1 A-2 A-3 A -4 A-5 Business Educational Factory-Industrial: F-1 F-2 High-Hazard: H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 Insti tutional: I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 1 2 3 4 5 I-3 USE CONDITION : Mercantile Residential: R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 S-1 S-2 High-piled Storage: S-1 SPECIAL CONDITION : Repair Garage (406.6) S-2 SPECIAL CONDITION -- Parking Garage: Open (406.3) Enclosed (406.4) Utility and Miscellaneous Other Uses: B Accessory Uses (Indicate Percentages): _ _NA__________________________________________ Incidental Uses: _ NA ____________________________________________________________ ARRANGEMENT MEANS OF 1,3 EG RESS (SECTION 1015.2) ALLOWABLE P LANS 1 Area of Project Tenant/Alteration/Renovation: ____ Tenant Space 1,267 s.f._____________ Area of Construction: ______1,267 s.f.____________________________________________________ OCCUPANCY INFORMATION REGULAR WI TH 5' SPECIAL APPROVALS TR AVEL DISTANCE SH OWN ON SEE SHEET A1.1 Proposed Occupancy: _ B – Business – Office Space __________ Special Occupancies: 2 BUILDING DATA THIS SECTION REQUIRED FOR ALL PROJECTS I-A I-B II-A II-B III-A III-B IV-HT V-A V-B Mixed construction: No Yes Types _____________________________ Sprinklers: No Yes NFPA 13 NFPA 13R Partially Sprinklered Special Suppression Standpipes: No Yes Class: I II III Wet Dry Fire District: No Yes (Appendix D) Flood Hazard _1__ Story Building Height: _20_ Feet Basement: No Yes Mezzanine: No Yes High Rise: No Yes Life Safety Plan Sheet # (if provided): __A1.1_______________ T OTAL Note: Zoning Review May Be Required for Change of Use or Occupancy # OF ACCE SSI BL E SPACE S PROVIDE D PROVI DED Performance Thermal zone Winter dry bulb Summer dry bulb C orridor dead ends (Secti on 1017.3) Single exit s (Secti on 1015.1; Sect ion 1019.2) Mezzanine 2nd Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor Renovation Interior Completion Tenant Alteration Reconstruction Repair Alteration to Shell Change of Use Tenant Space Change of Occupancy T OTAL # OF PARKING SPACE S REQUIRED ACCESS AISLE OCCUPANT LOAD AND EXIT WIDTH Construction Type: Ground Floor Accessibility Compliance Form (when applicable) ACCESSIBLE PARKING LOT OR PARKING ARE A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MINIMUM NUMBER O F EXITS REQUIRED FIRST FLOOR 2 FLOO R Basement First Time Interior Completion TONS, downward KIPS KIPS 3 Gross Building Area: 1995 Existing Building Code Volume 9 Method of Compliance: Prescriptive EXIT REQUIREMENTS Table 601 H = _55_ ft LI CE NSE 2012 North Carolina State Building Code (NCSBC) THIS SECTION REQUIRED FOR ALL PROJECTS THAT INCLUDE MECHANICAL DESIGN THIS SECTION REQUI RE D FOR ALL PROJE CTS 1 NAME MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, SERVICE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT PSF PSF NUMBER AND ARRANGEMENT OF EXITS CODE REFERENCE LEAD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Jo hn Harvey DES IGNER No No No No No SEE SHEET A1.1 ALLOWABLE HEIGHT ALL OWABLE HEI GHT (T ABLE 503) KIPS KIPS TOTAL Group A motion picture (507.10 ); Malls (507.11); and H-2 aircraft paint hangers (50 7.8). Maximum Building Area = total number of stories in the building x E but not greater than 3 x E. The maximum area of parkin g garages must co mply with 406.3.5. The maximum area of air traffic control towers must co mply with 412.1.2. 4 MO ST RESTRICTIVE USE (GROUP ) Presumptive Soil Bearing Pressure = Bearing Pressure per Soils Report De ep Foundation Type De ep Foundation Allowable Loads Uplift Lateral THIS SECTION REQUI RE D FOR ALL PROJE CTS Emergency Lighting: Exit Signs: Fire Alarm: Smoke Detection Systems: Panic Hardware: Code Compliance Sum mary: Up-fit to be B occupancy Alternative Means of Compliance Request: Analysis Procedure Used = Seismic Base Shear, Sx Seismic Base Shear, Sy Soil Data 45 46 47 48 49 50 LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM RE QUIREMENTS Open space area increases from Section 506.2 are computed thus: a. Perimeter which fronts a public way or open space having 20 feet minimum width = ft (F) b. Total Building Perimeter = __ ft (P) c. Ratio (F/P) = _____ (F/P) d. W = Minimum width of pub lic way = __30’___ ft (W ) e. Percent of frontage increase I f = 100 [ F/P - 0.25] x W/30 = ___ __ (%) The sprinkler increase per Section 506.3 is as follows: a. Multistory buildin g Is = 200 percent b. Single story building Is = 300 percent Unlimited area applicable under conditions of Sections Group B, F, M, S, A-4 (507.1, 507.2, 507.3, 507.4, 507.7); G roup A motion picture (507.10); Malls (507.11); and H-2 aircraft paint hangers (507.8). 5 Scope of Work: Tenant will finish the vacant space to include space for new restroom, waxing rooms, and pedicure & manicure stations. New walls, ceiling, casework, light fixtures, restroom, and mechanical systems will be installed. Smoke Partitions 710 MECHANICAL SUMMARY 41 42 43 44 Masonry Wood Alternate Methods EFIS Other (describe) Other (describe) Owner or agent___________________________________________________________ P e r m it S e t j o h n l. h a r v e y A r c h it e c t u r e + D e si g n , In c . 2 1 2 8 O l d F o r e s t D riv e H ills b o r o u g h , N C 2 7 2 7 8 o ffi c e : (9 1 9) 8 8 3 - 1 9 6 6 c e ll: ( 9 1 9) 3 2 3 - 1 4 7 3 e m a il: i nf o @ h a rv e y a r c h it e c t u r e . c o m w w w . h a r v e y a r c hit e c t ur e . c o m 3/1 7/2 0 1 4 N a il S a l o n ( A) STO RY N e w U pfit - W a k e fi e l d C r o s sin g S uit e 1 1 4 1 3 6 0 0 N e w F a lls of N e u s e R d R a l e i g h , N orth C a rolin a 2 7 6 1 4 PERCENTAGE OF WALL OPENING CALCULATIONS BOTH BUILDING AND TENANT MUST BE INDICATED ON CHART BEL OW © JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. expressly reserves its common law copyright & other property rights in these plans. These plans are not to be reduced, changed or copied in any form or matter whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the expressed written permission & consent of JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. CITY OF RALEIGH BUILDING CODE SUMMARY FOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTS NC 2012 BUILDING CODE R e v isi o n s No. / Description / Date T hi s s h e e t is f o r m a tt e d fo r a 2 4" x 3 6" p ri n t . If t hi s p ri n t d o e s n o t m e a s ur e t h a t r e f e r t o t h e g r a p hi c s c a l e . S h e e t Titl e : A p p e n d ix B D at e: M arc h 1 7, 2 0 1 4 Proje c t: 13017 S h e e t N u m b e r: A 1.0 Life Safety Plan Scale : 1/4" = 1'-0" Passage G r a p hic S c ale 0 1' 2' Restrm 4' 8' 12' Office Waxing Waxing Accessibility Restroom Clearances Scale : 1/4" = 1'-0" Pedicure Area Front Approach, Pull Side Front Approach, Push Side Hinge Approach, Pull Side Hinge Approach, Pull Side Manicure Area Hinge Approach, Push Side Latch Approach, Pull Side Reception MAIN EXIT Latch Approach, Push Side Maneuvering Clearances at Manual Swing Doors 3 A1.1 Accessible Door Clearances Scale : 1/4" = 1'-0" Existing Sidewalk w w w . h a r v e y a r c hit e c t ur e . c o m 3/1 7/2 0 1 4 N a il S a l o n 2 A1.1 A r c h it e c t u r e + D e si g n , In c . P e r m it S e t N e w U pfit - W a k e fi e l d C r o s sin g S uit e 1 1 4 1 3 6 0 0 N e w F a lls of N e u s e R d R a l e i g h , N orth C a rolin a 2 7 6 1 4 1 A1.1 © JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. expressly reserves its common law copyright & other property rights in these plans. These plans are not to be reduced, changed or copied in any form or matter whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the expressed written permission & consent of JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. Existing Sidewalk j o h n l. h a r v e y 2 1 2 8 O l d F o r e s t D riv e H ills b o r o u g h , N C 2 7 2 7 8 o ffi c e : (9 1 9) 8 8 3 - 1 9 6 6 c e ll: ( 9 1 9) 3 2 3 - 1 4 7 3 e m a il: i nf o @ h a rv e y a r c h it e c t u r e . c o m R e v isi o n s No. / Description / Date T hi s s h e e t is f o r m a tt e d fo r a 2 4" x 3 6" p ri n t . If t hi s p ri n t d o e s n o t m e a s ur e t h a t r e f e r t o t h e g r a p hi c s c a l e . S h e e t Titl e : Lif e S a f e ty Pl a n D at e: M arc h 1 7, 2 0 1 4 Proje c t: 13017 S h e e t N u m b e r: A 1.1 Scale : 1/4" = 1'-0" 1267 s.f. (gross - based on field measurements) Passage G r a p hic S c ale 0 1' 2' Restrm 4' 8' 12' Office Waxing Waxing decorative light fixture Pedicure Area 12' ceiling height with indirect lighting decorative light fixture arched bulkhead arched bulkhead Manicure Area Reception Existing Sidewalk w w w . h a r v e y a r c hit e c t ur e . c o m 3/1 7/2 0 1 4 N a il S a l o n First Floor A r c h it e c t u r e + D e si g n , In c . P e r m it S e t N e w U pfit - W a k e fi e l d C r o s sin g S uit e 1 1 4 1 3 6 0 0 N e w F a lls of N e u s e R d R a l e i g h , N orth C a rolin a 2 7 6 1 4 First Floor Plan © JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. expressly reserves its common law copyright & other property rights in these plans. These plans are not to be reduced, changed or copied in any form or matter whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the expressed written permission & consent of JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. 1 A2.0 decorative ledge Scale : 1/4" = 1'-0" indirect light cove Interior Elevation - Restroom Existing Sidewalk C indirect light cove 2 A2.0 B decorative ledge A j o h n l. h a r v e y 2 1 2 8 O l d F o r e s t D riv e H ills b o r o u g h , N C 2 7 2 7 8 o ffi c e : (9 1 9) 8 8 3 - 1 9 6 6 c e ll: ( 9 1 9) 3 2 3 - 1 4 7 3 e m a il: i nf o @ h a rv e y a r c h it e c t u r e . c o m R e v isi o n s No. / Description / Date T hi s s h e e t is f o r m a tt e d fo r a 2 4" x 3 6" p ri n t . If t hi s p ri n t d o e s n o t m e a s ur e t h a t r e f e r t o t h e g r a p hi c s c a l e . S h e e t Titl e : F irst F lo or Pl a n D at e: M arc h 1 7, 2 0 1 4 Proje c t: 13017 S h e e t N u m b e r: A 2.0 Scale : 1/4" = 1'-0" G r a p hic S c ale 1' 2' 4' 8' 12' w w w . h a r v e y a r c hit e c t ur e . c o m 3/1 7/2 0 1 4 N a il S a l o n 0 A r c h it e c t u r e + D e si g n , In c . P e r m it S e t N e w U pfit - W a k e fi e l d C r o s sin g S uit e 1 1 4 1 3 6 0 0 N e w F a lls of N e u s e R d R a l e i g h , N orth C a rolin a 2 7 6 1 4 Ceiling Plan © JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. expressly reserves its common law copyright & other property rights in these plans. These plans are not to be reduced, changed or copied in any form or matter whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the expressed written permission & consent of JLH Architecture + Design, Inc. 1 A2.1 j o h n l. h a r v e y 2 1 2 8 O l d F o r e s t D riv e H ills b o r o u g h , N C 2 7 2 7 8 o ffi c e : (9 1 9) 8 8 3 - 1 9 6 6 c e ll: ( 9 1 9) 3 2 3 - 1 4 7 3 e m a il: i nf o @ h a rv e y a r c h it e c t u r e . c o m R e v isi o n s No. / Description / Date T hi s s h e e t is f o r m a tt e d fo r a 2 4" x 3 6" p ri n t . If t hi s p ri n t d o e s n o t m e a s ur e t h a t r e f e r t o t h e g r a p hi c s c a l e . S h e e t Titl e : C e ilin g Pl a n D at e: M arc h 1 7, 2 0 1 4 Proje c t: 13017 S h e e t N u m b e r: A 2.1
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