COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 333 Broadalbin Street SW, P.O. Box 490 Albany OR 97321 Ph: 541-917-7550 Fax: 541-917-7598 NOTICE OF DECISION GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF NOTICE: December 5, 2014 DATE OF DECISION: December 3, 2014 FILE: ZC-01-14 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Quasi-Judicial Zoning Map Amendment (Type IV-Q) to change two parcels from Industrial Park (IP) to Light Industrial (LI) to accommodate a new casting metals foundry. REVIEW BODIES: Planning Commission and City Council PROPERTY OWNER: Pacific Cast Technologies Inc.; 150 Queen Avenue SW; Albany, OR 97322 APPLICANT: Chris Turner, ATI Cast Products; 150 Queen Avenue SW; Albany, OR 97322; 541-936-0316; [email protected] ENGINEER: Jeff Schott, PE; Pillar Consulting Group, Inc.; 835 NW 23rd Street; Corvallis, OR 97330; 541-993-2480; [email protected] ADDRESS/LOCATION: 2435 and 2445 Ferry Street SW MAP/TAX LOT: Linn County Assessor’s Map No. 11S-3W-18BA; Tax Lots 1102 & 1106 On December 3, 2014, the Albany City Council adopted Ordinance No. 5846 to amend the Albany Comprehensive Plan Map and the Albany Zoning Map as described above. A copy of Ordinance No. 5846 is available on request. The supporting documentation relied upon by the City in making this decision is available for review at the Community Development Department, City Hall, 333 Broadalbin Street SW, on the second floor. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, please contact Project Planner David Martineau at 541-917-7550. The City’s decision may be appealed to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Per ORS 197.830 a notice of intent to appeal the plan and/or zoning map amendments shall be filed with LUBA no later than 21 days after notice of the decision is mailed or otherwise submitted to parties entitled to notice. Signature on File__________ Mayor Notice of Decision/ZC-01-14, Page 1 INFORMATION FOR THE APPLICANT FILE: ZC-01-14 Please read through the following requirements. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive; we have tried to compile requirements that relate to your specific type of development. These requirements are not conditions of the land use decision. They are Albany Municipal Code or Albany Development Code regulations or administrative policies of the Planning, Engineering, Fire, and/or Building Departments that you must meet as part of the development process. BUILDING DIVISION PERMITS 1. Individual Building Permits are required to be obtained from the Building Division for each building prior to the construction of that building. Several of the permits for each building may be combined such as Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Parking Lot permits. Separate applications are required for electrical, fire hydrant/fire water supply lines, fire sprinklers, fire alarms, and signs. 2. An underground fire line connection to a City line requires an additional “Site Improvement” Permit from Public Works for the water connection. 3. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) Permits required to be obtained from Public Works. CODES 4. The current codes are: a. 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) based on the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) b. 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code (OEESC), (COMcheck energy Forms) c. 2014 Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code (OMSC) based on the 2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC) and 2012 International Fuel Gas Code d. 2011 Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC) based on the 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code e. 2014 Oregon Fire Code (OFC) based on the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) f. 2011 (NEC) the National Electrical Code g. 2013 NFPA 13, 13R and 13D as appropriate for fire sprinklers h. NFPA 14 for standpipes. i. NFPA 24 for private fire service mains j. 2013 NFPA 72 for alarms. DESIGN 5. Buildings are to be designed for wind loads determined per Chapters 26 to 30 of ASCE 7 (2010) and 2014 OSSC 1609 using Figures 1609A, B, or C for the Ultimate Design Wind Speeds for the appropriate Risk Category determined from OSSC Table 1604.5. Snow loads shall be determined by Chapter 7 of the ASCE 7 (2010) and the December 2007 Snow Load Analysis for Oregon. Design roof snow to be not less than 20 psf. 6. The building will be required to have all drawings and calculations to be produced by an architect or engineer that is registered in Oregon. ENERGY 7. The buildings shall meet the requirements of the 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code (OEESC), for exterior envelope, lighting and mechanical and ventilation systems. 8. COMcheck work sheets will be required at plan review. Than COMcheck program can be downloaded at VENTILATION 9. Buildings shall be provided with either natural ventilation per 2014 OSSC 1203.4 or mechanical ventilation per 2014 OMSC Chapter 4. Using OMSC and the 2014 OEESC, provide ventilation Notice of Decision/ZC-01-14, Page 2 calculations to determine outside air requirements as per OMSC 403 and Equations 4-1 through 4-8. COMcheck forms will be required. OCCUPANCY 10. The proposed building could be a mixed occupancy consisting of Group B for office, F-1 for manufacturing, potentially F-2 for foundry, S-1 for storage, and various H occupancies depending on separations and level of hazard. 11. Each portion of a building shall be individually classified per occupancy. Where a building contains more than one occupancy group, the building or portion shall comply with the applicable provisions of OSSC 508.2 for accessory occupancies, 508.3 for non-separated occupancies, or 508.4 for separated occupancies. 12. Accessory occupancies OSSC 508.2 • Accessory occupancies are ancillary to the main occupancy of the building or portion. • Aggregate accessory does not occupy more than 10% of the building area of the story I which they are located and shall not exceed the tabular values in Table 503 (without) building area increases per 506. • Individually classified per OSSC 508.2.2 and 302.1. • Allowable building area and height is based on the allowable building area and height for the main occupancy per OSSC 503.1. • No separation is required between accessory occupancies and the main occupancy. OSSC 508.2.4 • All H-occupancies are required to be separated from all other occupancies per OSSC 508.3.3 FIRE SEPARATIONS 13. Fire resistance rating of the building shall be as per OSSC Section 704 and Tables 601 and 602 with opening protection as per OSSC 705.8.1 through 705.8.6 and Table 705.8. Parapet walls are required as per OSSC 705.11. Generally fire resistive walls are required when the walls are less than 10’ to the property line or an assumed property line between two buildings on the same property. New buildings will not be allowed to be constructed over existing property lines. ALLOWABLE AREA 14. Buildings with Occupancy Groups B, F, M, or S are allowed unlimited area if they are protected with NFPA 13 systems and are surrounded by public ways or yards of not less than 60' yards all sides. OSSC 507.3 and 507.4 UNLIMITED AREA GROUP H2, H3, OR H4 OCCUPANCIES OSSC 507.8 15. Permitted in unlimited area buildings containing F and S occupancies per OSSC 507.3 and 4. 16. The aggregate floor area of the Group H occupancy located at the perimeter of the unlimited area building shall not exceed 10% of the area of the building nor the area limitations for the Group H occupancy as specified in Table 503 as modified by 506.2 based upon the % of the perimeter of each Group H floor area that fronts a street or other unoccupied space. 17. The aggregate floor area of Group H not located at the perimeter of the building shall not exceed 25% of the area limitations for the Group H as specified in Table 503. 18. Group H shall be separated from each other and from the rest of the unlimited area building per Table 508.4. 19. The Group H occupancy shall not be located more than one story above grade plane unless permitted by the allowable height in stories and feet per Table 503 based on the type of construction of the unlimited area building. Notice of Decision/ZC-01-14, Page 3 ACCESSIBILITY-OSSC Chapter 11 and ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009 20. All portions of the new building must be accessible to the disabled. OSSC 1101.2 Sites, buildings, structures, facilities, elements and spaces, temporary or permanent, shall be accessible to persons with physical disabilities. OSSC 1103.1 21. Where more than one building is located on a site, at least one accessible route shall be provided between accessible buildings and accessible site facilities. OSSC 1104.2. 22. Employee Work Area - All or any portion of a space used only by employees and only for work. Corridors, toilet rooms, kitchenettes and break rooms are not employee work areas. Definitions OSSC 1102. 23. Spaces and elements within employee work areas shall only be required to comply with 907., 1007, and 1104.3.1 and shall be designed and constructed so individuals with disabilities can approach, enter, and exit the work area. Work stations that are less than 300 square feet in area and are elevated 7" or more above the ground or finish floor where the elevation is essential to the function of the space are exempt from all requirements. OSSC 1103.2.3 24. Accessible parking must be designed, striped, and signed as per OSSC 1106.7, OSSC Chapter 11 figures 2 through 6 and Figure 10, and ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 502 except for Section 502.1 and 502.4.2, which have been replaced. 25. Elevators are required per ORS 447.247 and OSSC 1104.4 and Exceptions 1-10. DRAINAGE 26. Provide a complete drainage plan for all hard surface drainage areas. FIRE SPRINKLERS 27. A NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required for all buildings with unlimited areas, all H occupancies, and all F-1 or S-1 occupancies with fire areas exceeding 12,000 square feet. OSSC Chapter 9 28. Indoor rooms or areas in which hazardous materials are dispensed or used shall be protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system designed to not less than Ordinary Hazard Group 2 with a minimum design area of 3,000 square feet. OFC 5005.1.8 FIRE ALARMS 29. A manual fire alarm that activates the occupant notification system is required in the F-1 occupancy where the F occupancy is two or more stories in height and the F occupancy has 500 or more occupants above or below the lowest level of exit discharge. OSSC 907.2.4 30. An automatic fire detection system is required where there is a manufacturing of organic coatings or has highly toxic gases (OFC 6004.2.2.9), organic peroxides per (OFC 6204.1.5) and oxidizers per (OFC 6304.1.6). 31. OFC 5004.9 requires a manual alarm system to be installed in buildings, rooms, or areas used for storage of hazardous materials. The alarm initiating devices shall be installed outside of each interior exit or exit access door of the storage building, room or area. The activation of an emergency alarm shall sound a local alarm to alert occupants of an emergency situation involving hazardous materials. HIGH PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 32. All high-piled storage must comply with OFC Chapter 32 and depending on the commodity classification, storage arrangements, and heights, the building may require fire sprinklers, a detection system, smoke and heat removal, draft curtains, and additional doors etc. per OFC Table 3206.2. 33. Storage is considered high-piled storage when the combustible material is in closely packed piles, pallets, in racks or on shelves where the top of the storage is greater than 12' in height. Items such as Group A Notice of Decision/ZC-01-14, Page 4 plastic, flammable liquids, idle pallets, and similar commodities where the top of the storage is greater than 6' in height is also considered high piled storage. OFC 202 Definitions COMBUSTIBLE/FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 34. A non-hazardous occupancy/building is allowed to contain up to the exempt amounts of combustible/flammable liquids and hazardous materials listed in OSSC Table 307.1(1) and (2) and OFC Table 5003.1.1(1) and (2). Provide the Building Division with a complete list of all combustible and flammable liquids and hazardous materials. Provide details of storage and MSDS for each hazardous material or liquid. ENGINEERING The City of Albany’s infrastructure records, drawings, and other documents have been gathered over many decades, using differing standards for quality control, documentation, and verification. All information provided represents the current information we have in a readily available format. While the information we provide is generally believed to be accurate, occasionally this information proves to be incorrect, and thus we do not warrant its accuracy. Prior to making any property purchases or other investments based, in full or in part, upon the information provided, we specifically advise that you independently field verify the information contained within our records. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES No specific comments from Industrial Pretreatment at this time. Questions can be directed to Bruce Gaskey, City of Albany Industrial Pretreatment, (541) 497-6222. Notice of Decision/ZC-01-14, Page 5
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